FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1156 lines
30 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Core Movie Maker UI API
#include "toolutils/basetoolsystem.h"
#include "toolframework/ienginetool.h"
#include "vgui/IPanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Panel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h"
#include "vgui/Cursor.h"
#include "vgui/iinput.h"
#include "vgui/ivgui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "toolui.h"
#include "toolutils/toolmenubar.h"
#include "vgui/ilocalize.h"
#include "toolutils/enginetools_int.h"
#include "toolutils/vgui_tools.h"
#include "icvar.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/savedocumentquery.h"
#include "vgui_controls/perforcefilelistframe.h"
#include "toolutils/miniviewport.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterial.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "toolutils/BaseStatusBar.h"
#include "movieobjects/movieobjects.h"
#include "vgui_controls/KeyBoardEditorDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/KeyBindingHelpDialog.h"
#include "dmserializers/idmserializers.h"
#include "tier2/renderutils.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
extern IMaterialSystem *MaterialSystem();
class CGlobalFlexController : public IGlobalFlexController
virtual int FindGlobalFlexController( const char *name )
return clienttools->FindGlobalFlexcontroller( name );
virtual const char *GetGlobalFlexControllerName( int idx )
return clienttools->GetGlobalFlexControllerName( idx );
static CGlobalFlexController g_GlobalFlexController;
extern IGlobalFlexController *g_pGlobalFlexController;
// Singleton interfaces
IServerTools *servertools = NULL;
IClientTools *clienttools = NULL;
// External functions
void RegisterTool( IToolSystem *tool );
// Base tool system constructor
CBaseToolSystem::CBaseToolSystem( const char *pToolName /*="CBaseToolSystem"*/ ) :
BaseClass( NULL, pToolName ),
m_pBackground( 0 ),
m_pLogo( 0 )
RegisterTool( this );
SetAutoDelete( false );
m_bGameInputEnabled = false;
m_bFullscreenMode = false;
m_bIsActive = false;
m_bFullscreenToolModeEnabled = false;
m_MostRecentlyFocused = NULL;
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
input()->RegisterKeyCodeUnhandledListener( GetVPanel() );
m_pFileOpenStateMachine = new vgui::FileOpenStateMachine( this, this );
m_pFileOpenStateMachine->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
void CBaseToolSystem::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)
SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
// Called at the end of engine startup (after client .dll and server .dll have been loaded)
bool CBaseToolSystem::Init( )
// Read shared localization info
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "resource/dmecontrols_%language%.txt" );
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "resource/toolshared_%language%.txt" );
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/vgui_%language%.txt" );
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "Resource/platform_%language%.txt" );
g_pVGuiLocalize->AddFile( "resource/boxrocket_%language%.txt" );
// Create the tool workspace
SetParent( VGui_GetToolRootPanel() );
// Deal with scheme
vgui::HScheme hToolScheme = GetToolScheme();
if ( hToolScheme != 0 )
SetScheme( hToolScheme );
m_KeyBindingsHandle = Panel::CreateKeyBindingsContext( GetBindingsContextFile(), "GAME" );
SetKeyBindingsContext( m_KeyBindingsHandle );
const char *pszBackground = GetBackgroundTextureName();
if ( pszBackground )
m_pBackground = materials->FindMaterial( GetBackgroundTextureName() , TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI );
const char *pszLogo = GetLogoTextureName();
if ( pszLogo )
m_pLogo = materials->FindMaterial( GetLogoTextureName(), TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI );
// Make the tool workspace the size of the screen
int w, h;
surface()->GetScreenSize( w, h );
SetBounds( 0, 0, w, h );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );
SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
SetPaintEnabled( false );
SetCursor( vgui::dc_none );
SetVisible( false );
// Create the tool UI
m_pToolUI = new CToolUI( this, "ToolUI", this );
// Create the mini viewport
m_hMiniViewport = CreateMiniViewport( GetClientArea() );
Assert( m_hMiniViewport.Get() );
return true;
void CBaseToolSystem::ShowMiniViewport( bool state )
if ( !m_hMiniViewport.Get() )
m_hMiniViewport->SetVisible( state );
void CBaseToolSystem::SetMiniViewportBounds( int x, int y, int width, int height )
if ( m_hMiniViewport )
m_hMiniViewport->SetBounds( x, y, width, height );
void CBaseToolSystem::SetMiniViewportText( const char *pText )
if ( m_hMiniViewport )
m_hMiniViewport->SetOverlayText( pText );
void CBaseToolSystem::GetMiniViewportEngineBounds( int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height )
if ( m_hMiniViewport )
m_hMiniViewport->GetEngineBounds( x, y, width, height );
vgui::Panel *CBaseToolSystem::GetMiniViewport( void )
return m_hMiniViewport;
// Shut down
void CBaseToolSystem::Shutdown()
if ( m_pBackground )
if ( m_pLogo )
if ( m_hMiniViewport.Get() )
delete m_hMiniViewport.Get();
// Make sure anything "marked for deletion"
// actually gets deleted before this dll goes away
// Can the tool quit?
bool CBaseToolSystem::CanQuit()
return true;
// Client, server init + shutdown
bool CBaseToolSystem::ServerInit( CreateInterfaceFn serverFactory )
servertools = ( IServerTools * )serverFactory( VSERVERTOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !servertools )
Error( "CBaseToolSystem::PostInit: Unable to get '%s' interface from game .dll\n", VSERVERTOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION );
return true;
bool CBaseToolSystem::ClientInit( CreateInterfaceFn clientFactory )
clienttools = ( IClientTools * )clientFactory( VCLIENTTOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !clienttools )
Error( "CBaseToolSystem::PostInit: Unable to get '%s' interface from client .dll\n", VCLIENTTOOLS_INTERFACE_VERSION );
g_pGlobalFlexController = &g_GlobalFlexController; // don't set this until clienttools is connected
return true;
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerShutdown()
servertools = NULL;
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientShutdown()
clienttools = NULL;
// Level init, shutdown for server
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerLevelInitPreEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerLevelInitPostEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerLevelShutdownPreEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerLevelShutdownPostEntity()
// Think methods
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerFrameUpdatePreEntityThink()
void CBaseToolSystem::Think( bool finalTick )
// run vgui animations
vgui::GetAnimationController()->UpdateAnimations( enginetools->Time() );
void CBaseToolSystem::PostMessage( HTOOLHANDLE hEntity, KeyValues *message )
if ( !Q_stricmp( message->GetName(), "ReleaseLayoffTexture" ) )
if ( m_hMiniViewport.Get() )
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerFrameUpdatePostEntityThink()
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerPreClientUpdate()
void CBaseToolSystem::ServerPreSetupVisibility()
const char* CBaseToolSystem::GetEntityData( const char *pActualEntityData )
return pActualEntityData;
// Level init, shutdown for client
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientLevelInitPreEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientLevelInitPostEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientLevelShutdownPreEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientLevelShutdownPostEntity()
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientPreRender()
void CBaseToolSystem::ClientPostRender()
// Tool activation/deactivation
void CBaseToolSystem::OnToolActivate()
m_bIsActive = true;
UpdateUIVisibility( );
// FIXME: Note that this is necessary because IsGameInputEnabled depends on m_bIsActive at the moment
input()->SetModalSubTree( VGui_GetToolRootPanel(), GetVPanel(), IsGameInputEnabled() );
input()->SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages( !IsGameInputEnabled() );
void CBaseToolSystem::OnToolDeactivate()
m_bIsActive = false;
UpdateUIVisibility( );
// FIXME: Note that this is necessary because IsGameInputEnabled depends on m_bIsActive at the moment
// Let tool override key events (ie ESC and ~)
bool CBaseToolSystem::TrapKey( ButtonCode_t key, bool down )
// Don't hook keyboard if not topmost
if ( !m_bIsActive )
return false; // didn't trap, continue processing
// If in fullscreen toolMode, don't let ECSAPE bring up the game menu
if ( !m_bGameInputEnabled && m_bFullscreenMode && ( key == KEY_ESCAPE ) )
return true; // trapping this key, stop processing
if ( down )
SetMode( m_bGameInputEnabled, !m_bFullscreenMode );
return true; // trapping this key, stop processing
if ( input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ) )
SetMode( !m_bGameInputEnabled, m_bFullscreenMode );
return true; // trapping this key, stop processing
// If in IFM mode, let ~ switch to gameMode and toggle console
if ( !IsGameInputEnabled() && ( key == '~' || key == '`' ) )
SetMode( true, m_bFullscreenMode );
return false; // didn't trap, continue processing
return false; // didn't trap, continue processing
// Shows, hides the tool ui (menu, client area, status bar)
void CBaseToolSystem::SetToolUIVisible( bool bVisible )
if ( bVisible != m_pToolUI->IsVisible() )
m_pToolUI->SetVisible( bVisible );
// Computes whether vgui is visible or not
void CBaseToolSystem::UpdateUIVisibility()
bool bIsVisible = m_bIsActive && ( !IsGameInputEnabled() || !m_bFullscreenMode );
ShowUI( bIsVisible );
// Changes game input + fullscreen modes
void CBaseToolSystem::EnableFullscreenToolMode( bool bEnable )
m_bFullscreenToolModeEnabled = bEnable;
// Changed whether camera is forced to be tool camera
void CBaseToolSystem::ToggleForceToolCamera()
// Changes game input + fullscreen modes
void CBaseToolSystem::SetMode( bool bGameInputEnabled, bool bFullscreen )
Assert( m_bIsActive );
if ( !m_bFullscreenToolModeEnabled )
if ( !bGameInputEnabled )
bFullscreen = false;
if ( ( m_bFullscreenMode == bFullscreen ) && ( m_bGameInputEnabled == bGameInputEnabled ) )
bool bOldGameInputEnabled = m_bGameInputEnabled;
m_bFullscreenMode = bFullscreen;
m_bGameInputEnabled = bGameInputEnabled;
if ( bOldGameInputEnabled != m_bGameInputEnabled )
Warning( "Input is now being sent to the %s\n", m_bGameInputEnabled ? "Game" : "Tools" );
// The subtree starts at the tool system root panel. If game input is enabled then
// the subtree should not receive or process input messages, otherwise it should
Assert( input()->GetModalSubTree() );
if ( input()->GetModalSubTree() )
input()->SetModalSubTreeReceiveMessages( !m_bGameInputEnabled );
if ( m_pToolUI )
OnModeChanged( );
// Keybinding
void CBaseToolSystem::LoadKeyBindings()
ReloadKeyBindings( m_KeyBindingsHandle );
void CBaseToolSystem::ShowKeyBindingsEditor( Panel *panel, KeyBindingContextHandle_t handle )
if ( !m_hKeyBindingsEditor.Get() )
// Show the editor
m_hKeyBindingsEditor = new CKeyBoardEditorDialog( GetClientArea(), panel, handle );
void CBaseToolSystem::ShowKeyBindingsHelp( Panel *panel, KeyBindingContextHandle_t handle, vgui::KeyCode boundKey, int modifiers )
if ( m_hKeyBindingsHelp.Get() )
m_hKeyBindingsHelp = new CKeyBindingHelpDialog( GetClientArea(), panel, handle, boundKey, modifiers );
vgui::KeyBindingContextHandle_t CBaseToolSystem::GetKeyBindingsHandle()
return m_KeyBindingsHandle;
void CBaseToolSystem::OnEditKeyBindings()
Panel *tool = GetMostRecentlyFocusedTool();
if ( tool )
ShowKeyBindingsEditor( tool, tool->GetKeyBindingsContext() );
void CBaseToolSystem::OnKeyBindingHelp()
Panel *tool = GetMostRecentlyFocusedTool();
if ( tool )
CUtlVector< BoundKey_t * > list;
LookupBoundKeys( "keybindinghelp", list );
if ( list.Count() > 0 )
ShowKeyBindingsHelp( tool, tool->GetKeyBindingsContext(), (KeyCode)list[ 0 ]->keycode, list[ 0 ]->modifiers );
// Registers tool window
void CBaseToolSystem::RegisterToolWindow( vgui::PHandle hPanel )
int i = m_Tools.AddToTail( hPanel );
m_Tools[i]->SetKeyBindingsContext( m_KeyBindingsHandle );
void CBaseToolSystem::UnregisterAllToolWindows()
m_MostRecentlyFocused = NULL;
Panel *CBaseToolSystem::GetMostRecentlyFocusedTool()
VPANEL focus = input()->GetFocus();
int c = m_Tools.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
Panel *p = m_Tools[ i ].Get();
if ( !p )
// Not a visible tool
if ( !p->GetParent() )
bool hasFocus = p->HasFocus();
bool focusOnChild = focus && ipanel()->HasParent(focus, p->GetVPanel());
if ( !hasFocus && !focusOnChild )
return p;
return m_MostRecentlyFocused.Get();
void CBaseToolSystem::PostMessageToActiveTool( KeyValues *pKeyValues, float flDelay )
Panel *pMostRecent = GetMostRecentlyFocusedTool();
if ( pMostRecent )
Panel::PostMessage( pMostRecent->GetVPanel(), pKeyValues, flDelay );
void CBaseToolSystem::PostMessageToActiveTool( const char *msg, float flDelay )
Panel *pMostRecent = GetMostRecentlyFocusedTool();
if ( pMostRecent )
Panel::PostMessage( pMostRecent->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( msg ), flDelay );
void CBaseToolSystem::PostMessageToAllTools( KeyValues *message )
int nCount = enginetools->GetToolCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
IToolSystem *pToolSystem = const_cast<IToolSystem*>( enginetools->GetToolSystem( i ) );
pToolSystem->PostMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, message );
void CBaseToolSystem::OnThink()
VPANEL focus = input()->GetFocus();
int c = m_Tools.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
Panel *p = m_Tools[ i ].Get();
if ( !p )
// Not a visible tool
if ( !p->GetParent() )
bool hasFocus = p->HasFocus();
bool focusOnChild = focus && ipanel()->HasParent(focus, p->GetVPanel());
if ( !hasFocus && !focusOnChild )
m_MostRecentlyFocused = p;
// Let tool override viewport for engine
void CBaseToolSystem::AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height )
if ( !m_hMiniViewport.Get() )
bool enabled;
int vpx, vpy, vpw, vph;
m_hMiniViewport->GetViewport( enabled, vpx, vpy, vpw, vph );
if ( !enabled )
x = vpx;
y = vpy;
width = vpw;
height = vph;
// Let tool override view/camera
bool CBaseToolSystem::SetupEngineView( Vector &origin, QAngle &angles, float &fov )
return false;
// Let tool override microphone
bool CBaseToolSystem::SetupAudioState( AudioState_t &audioState )
return false;
// Should the game be allowed to render the view?
bool CBaseToolSystem::ShouldGameRenderView()
// Render through mini viewport unless in fullscreen mode
if ( !IsVisible() )
return true;
if ( !m_hMiniViewport.Get() )
return true;
if ( !m_hMiniViewport->IsVisible() )
return true;
// Route through mini viewport
return false;
bool CBaseToolSystem::IsThirdPersonCamera()
return false;
bool CBaseToolSystem::IsToolRecording()
return false;
IMaterialProxy *CBaseToolSystem::LookupProxy( const char *proxyName )
return NULL;
bool CBaseToolSystem::GetSoundSpatialization( int iUserData, int guid, SpatializationInfo_t& info )
// Always hearable (no changes)
return true;
void CBaseToolSystem::HostRunFrameBegin()
void CBaseToolSystem::HostRunFrameEnd()
void CBaseToolSystem::RenderFrameBegin()
// If we can't see the engine window, do nothing
if ( !IsVisible() || !IsActiveTool() )
if ( !m_hMiniViewport.Get() || !m_hMiniViewport->IsVisible() )
void CBaseToolSystem::RenderFrameEnd()
void CBaseToolSystem::VGui_PreRender( int paintMode )
void CBaseToolSystem::VGui_PostRender( int paintMode )
void CBaseToolSystem::VGui_PreSimulate()
if ( !m_bIsActive )
// only show the gameUI when in gameMode
vgui::VPANEL gameui = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_GAMEUIDLL );
if ( gameui != 0 )
bool wantsToBeSeen = IsGameInputEnabled() && (enginetools->IsGamePaused() || !enginetools->IsInGame() || enginetools->IsConsoleVisible());
vgui::ipanel()->SetVisible(gameui, wantsToBeSeen);
// if there's no map loaded and we're in fullscreen toolMode, switch to gameMode
// otherwise there's nothing to see or do...
if ( !IsGameInputEnabled() && !IsVisible() && !enginetools->IsInGame() )
SetMode( true, m_bFullscreenMode );
void CBaseToolSystem::VGui_PostSimulate()
const char *CBaseToolSystem::MapName() const
return enginetools->GetCurrentMap();
// Shows or hides the UI
bool CBaseToolSystem::ShowUI( bool bVisible )
bool bPrevVisible = IsVisible();
if ( bPrevVisible == bVisible )
return bPrevVisible;
SetMouseInputEnabled( bVisible );
SetVisible( bVisible );
// Hide loading image if using bx movie UI
// A bit of a hack because it more or less tunnels through to the client .dll, but the moviemaker assumes
// single player anyway...
if ( bVisible )
ConVar *pCv = ( ConVar * )cvar->FindVar( "cl_showpausedimage" );
if ( pCv )
pCv->SetValue( 0 );
return bPrevVisible;
// Gets the action target to sent to panels so that the tool system's OnCommand is called
vgui::Panel *CBaseToolSystem::GetActionTarget()
return this;
// Derived classes implement this to create a custom menubar
vgui::MenuBar *CBaseToolSystem::CreateMenuBar(CBaseToolSystem *pParent )
return new vgui::MenuBar( pParent, "ToolMenuBar" );
// Purpose: Derived classes implement this to create a custom status bar, or return NULL for no status bar
vgui::Panel *CBaseToolSystem::CreateStatusBar( vgui::Panel *pParent )
return new CBaseStatusBar( this, "Status Bar" );
// Gets at the action menu
vgui::Menu *CBaseToolSystem::GetActionMenu()
return m_hActionMenu;
// Returns the client area
vgui::Panel* CBaseToolSystem::GetClientArea()
return m_pToolUI->GetClientArea();
// Pops up the action menu
void CBaseToolSystem::OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code )
if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT )
BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code );
// Creates the action menu
void CBaseToolSystem::InitActionMenu()
// Let the tool system create the action menu
m_hActionMenu = CreateActionMenu( this );
if ( m_hActionMenu.Get() )
// Destroy action menu
void CBaseToolSystem::ShutdownActionMenu()
if ( m_hActionMenu.Get() )
m_hActionMenu = NULL;
void CBaseToolSystem::UpdateMenu( vgui::Menu *menu )
// Nothing
// Positions the action menu when it's time to pop it up
void CBaseToolSystem::PositionActionMenu()
// get cursor position, this is local to this text edit window
int cursorX, cursorY;
input()->GetCursorPos(cursorX, cursorY);
// relayout the menu immediately so that we know it's size
// Get the menu size
int menuWide, menuTall;
m_hActionMenu->GetSize( menuWide, menuTall );
// work out where the cursor is and therefore the best place to put the menu
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
if (wide - menuWide > cursorX)
// menu hanging right
if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
// menu hanging down
m_hActionMenu->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY);
// menu hanging up
m_hActionMenu->SetPos(cursorX, cursorY - menuTall);
// menu hanging left
if (tall - menuTall > cursorY)
// menu hanging down
m_hActionMenu->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY);
// menu hanging up
m_hActionMenu->SetPos(cursorX - menuWide, cursorY - menuTall);
// Handles the clear recent files message
void CBaseToolSystem::OnClearRecent()
m_RecentFiles.SaveToRegistry( GetRegistryName() );
// Called by the file open state machine
void CBaseToolSystem::OnFileStateMachineFinished( KeyValues *pKeyValues )
KeyValues *pContext = pKeyValues->GetFirstTrueSubKey();
bool bWroteFile = pKeyValues->GetInt( "wroteFile", 0 ) != 0;
vgui::FileOpenStateMachine::CompletionState_t state = (vgui::FileOpenStateMachine::CompletionState_t)pKeyValues->GetInt( "completionState", vgui::FileOpenStateMachine::IN_PROGRESS );
const char *pFileType = pKeyValues->GetString( "fileType" );
OnFileOperationCompleted( pFileType, bWroteFile, state, pContext );
// Show the File browser dialog
void CBaseToolSystem::OpenFile( const char *pOpenFileType, const char *pSaveFileName, const char *pSaveFileType, int nFlags, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues )
m_pFileOpenStateMachine->OpenFile( pOpenFileType, pContextKeyValues, pSaveFileName, pSaveFileType, nFlags );
void CBaseToolSystem::OpenFile( const char *pOpenFileName, const char *pOpenFileType, const char *pSaveFileName, const char *pSaveFileType, int nFlags, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues )
m_pFileOpenStateMachine->OpenFile( pOpenFileName, pOpenFileType, pContextKeyValues, pSaveFileName, pSaveFileType, nFlags );
// Used to save a specified file, and deal with all the lovely dialogs
void CBaseToolSystem::SaveFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pFileType, int nFlags, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues )
m_pFileOpenStateMachine->SaveFile( pContextKeyValues, pFileName, pFileType, nFlags );
// Paints the background
void CBaseToolSystem::PaintBackground()
int w, h;
GetSize( w, h );
int x, y;
GetPos( x, y );
LocalToScreen( x, y );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
if ( m_pBackground )
int texWide = m_pBackground->GetMappingWidth();
int texTall = m_pBackground->GetMappingHeight();
float maxu = (float)w / (float)texWide;
float maxv = (float)h / (float)texTall;
RenderQuad( m_pBackground, x, y, w, h, surface()->GetZPos(), 0.0f, 0.0f, maxu, maxv, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
bool hasDoc = HasDocument();
if ( m_pLogo )
int texWide = m_pLogo->GetMappingWidth();
float logoAspectRatio = 0.442;
if ( hasDoc )
int logoW = texWide / 2;
int logoH = logoW * logoAspectRatio;
x = w - logoW - 15;
y = h - logoH - 30;
w = logoW;
h = logoH;
int logoW = texWide;
int logoH = logoW * logoAspectRatio;
x = ( w - logoW ) / 2;
y = ( h - logoH ) / 2;
w = logoW;
h = logoH;
int alpha = hasDoc ? 0 : 255;
RenderQuad( m_pLogo, x, y, w, h, surface()->GetZPos(), 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Color( 255, 255, 255, alpha ) );
const char *CBaseToolSystem::GetBackgroundTextureName()
return "vgui/tools/ifm/ifm_background";
bool CBaseToolSystem::HasDocument()
return false;
CMiniViewport *CBaseToolSystem::CreateMiniViewport( vgui::Panel *parent )
int w, h;
surface()->GetScreenSize( w, h );
CMiniViewport *vp = new CMiniViewport( parent, "MiniViewport" );
Assert( vp );
vp->SetVisible( true );
int menuBarHeight = 28;
int titleBarHeight = 22;
int offset = 4;
vp->SetBounds( ( 2 * w / 3 ) - offset, menuBarHeight + offset, w / 3, h / 3 + titleBarHeight);
return vp;
void CBaseToolSystem::ComputeMenuBarTitle( char *buf, size_t buflen )
Q_snprintf( buf, buflen, ": %s [ %s - Switch Mode ] [ %s - Full Screen ]", IsGameInputEnabled() ? "Game Mode" : "Tool Mode", TOGGLE_INPUT_KEY_NAME, TOGGLE_WINDOWED_KEY_NAME );
void CBaseToolSystem::OnUnhandledMouseClick( int code )
if ( (MouseCode)code == MOUSE_LEFT )
// If tool ui is visible and we're running game in a window
// and they click on the ifm it'll be unhandled, but in this case
// we'll switch back to the IFM mode
if ( !IsFullscreen() && IsGameInputEnabled() )
SetMode( false, m_bFullscreenMode );