FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1315 lines
31 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "interface.h"
#include "imysqlwrapper.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "filesystem_helpers.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "jpeglib/jpeglib.h"
static char gamename[ 32 ] = "ep2";
extern IFileSystem *g_pFullFileSystem;
struct Image_t
byte *data;
int w, h;
bool ReadBitmapRGB( const byte *raw, size_t rawlen, Image_t *image )
assert( image );
CUtlBuffer buf;
buf.Put( raw, rawlen );
// int i;
int cbBmpBits;
byte *pb;
// Read file header
buf.Get( &bmfh, sizeof( bmfh ) );
// Read info header
buf.Get( &bmih, sizeof( bmih ) );
// Bogus info header check
if (!(bmih.biSize == sizeof( bmih ) && bmih.biPlanes == 1))
return false;
// Bogus bit depth? Only 8-bit supported.
if (bmih.biBitCount != 24)
return false;
// Bogus compression? Only non-compressed supported.
if (bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB )
return false;
image->w = bmih.biWidth;
image->h = bmih.biHeight;
// Read bitmap bits (remainder of file)
cbBmpBits = bmfh.bfSize - buf.TellGet();
assert( cbBmpBits == ( image->w * image->h * 3 ) );
int cbTotalbytes = cbBmpBits;
pb = new byte[ cbBmpBits ];
if (pb == 0)
return false;
buf.Get( pb, cbBmpBits );
byte *start = pb;
image->data = new byte[ cbTotalbytes ];
int bitrueWidth = (bmih.biWidth + 3) & ~3;
byte *dst = image->data;
int x, y;
for ( y = 0; y < image->h; ++y )
int rowstart = 3 * ( image->h - 1 - y ) * bitrueWidth;
byte *row = &start[ rowstart ];
for ( x = 0; x < image->w; ++x )
#if defined( USE_GRAYSCALE )
int val = row[ 0 ] + row[ 1 ] + row[ 2 ];
val /= 3;
*dst++ = val;
*dst++ = val;
*dst++ = val;
row += 3;
*dst++ = *row++;
*dst++ = *row++;
*dst++ = *row++;
delete[] start;
return true;
void ParseBugs( CUtlDict< CUtlVector< Vector > *, int >& list, char const *filename )
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "rb" );
size_t size = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( fh );
char *buffer = new char[ size + 1 ];
g_pFullFileSystem->Read( buffer, size, fh );
buffer[ size ] = 0;
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh );
char *data = buffer;
while ( 1 )
// Now parse out the data
// First find level:
char *p = strstr( data, "level: " );
if ( !p )
char mapname[ 512 ];
char *i = p + 8;
char *o = mapname;
while ( *i && *i != ' ' && *i != '\r' && *i != '\n' )
*o++ = *i++;
*o = 0;
data += 8;
// Now find the position
p = strstr( data, "setpos " );
if ( !p )
char position[ 512 ];
i = p + 7;
o = position;
while ( *i && *i != ';' )
*o++ = *i++;
*o = 0;
data += 7;
Vector pos;
if ( 3 == sscanf( position, "%f %f %f", &pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z ) )
int idx = list.Find( mapname );
if ( idx == list.InvalidIndex() )
idx = list.Insert( mapname, new CUtlVector< Vector > );
CUtlVector< Vector > *db = list[ idx ];
db->AddToTail( pos );
// printf( "map: %s pos %s\n", mapname, position );
delete[] buffer;
bool WriteBitmap( char const *filename, Image_t *image )
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "wb" );
return false;
int w = image->w;
int h = image->h;
int imageSize = image->w * image->h * 3;
// file header
hdr.bfType = 0x4d42; // 'BM'
hdr.bfSize = (DWORD) ( sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + imageSize );
hdr.bfReserved1 = 0;
hdr.bfReserved2 = 0;
hdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD) ( sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) );
g_pFullFileSystem->Write( (LPVOID)&hdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), fh );
// bitmap header
bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bi.biWidth = image->w;
bi.biHeight = image->h;
bi.biPlanes = 1;
bi.biBitCount = 24;
bi.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bi.biSizeImage = 0; //vid.rowbytes * vid.height;
bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
bi.biClrUsed = 0;
bi.biClrImportant = 0;
g_pFullFileSystem->Write( (LPVOID)&bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), fh );
// bitmap bits
byte *hp = new byte[ imageSize ];
Q_memcpy( hp, image->data, imageSize );
byte b;
int i;
// Invert vertically for BMP format
for ( i = 0; i < h / 2; i++ )
byte *top = hp + i * w * 3;
byte *bottom = hp + (h - i - 1) * w * 3;
for (int j = 0; j < w * 3; j++)
b = *top;
*top = *bottom;
*bottom = b;
g_pFullFileSystem->Write( (LPVOID)hp, imageSize, fh );
delete[] hp;
// clean up
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh );
return true;
// Purpose: Expanded data destination object for CUtlBuffer output
struct JPEGDestinationManager_t
struct jpeg_destination_mgr pub; // public fields
CUtlBuffer *pBuffer; // target/final buffer
byte *buffer; // start of temp buffer
// choose an efficiently bufferaable size
#define OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE 4096
// Purpose: Initialize destination --- called by jpeg_start_compress
// before any data is actually written.
METHODDEF(void) init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t *) cinfo->dest;
// Allocate the output buffer --- it will be released when done with image
dest->buffer = (byte *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(byte));
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
// Purpose: Empty the output buffer --- called whenever buffer fills up.
// Input : boolean -
METHODDEF(boolean) empty_output_buffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t * ) cinfo->dest;
CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;
// Add some data
buf->Put( dest->buffer, OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE );
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
return TRUE;
// Purpose: Terminate destination --- called by jpeg_finish_compress
// after all data has been written. Usually needs to flush buffer.
// NB: *not* called by jpeg_abort or jpeg_destroy; surrounding
// application must deal with any cleanup that should happen even
// for error exit.
METHODDEF(void) term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = (JPEGDestinationManager_t *) cinfo->dest;
size_t datacount = OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE - dest->pub.free_in_buffer;
CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;
/* Write any data remaining in the buffer */
if (datacount > 0)
buf->Put( dest->buffer, datacount );
// Purpose: Set up functions for writing data to a CUtlBuffer instead of FILE *
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_UtlBuffer_dest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, CUtlBuffer *pBuffer )
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest;
/* The destination object is made permanent so that multiple JPEG images
* can be written to the same file without re-executing jpeg_stdio_dest.
* This makes it dangerous to use this manager and a different destination
* manager serially with the same JPEG object, because their private object
* sizes may be different. Caveat programmer.
if (cinfo->dest == NULL) { /* first time for this JPEG object? */
cinfo->dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t * ) cinfo->dest;
dest->pub.init_destination = init_destination;
dest->pub.empty_output_buffer = empty_output_buffer;
dest->pub.term_destination = term_destination;
dest->pBuffer = pBuffer;
bool ImageToJPEGBuffer( Image_t *image, CUtlBuffer& buf, int quality )
#if !defined( _X360 )
// Validate quality level
quality = clamp( quality, 1, 100 );
int imagew = image->w;
int imageh = image->h;
// Allocate space for bits
uint8 *pImage = new uint8[ imagew * 3 * imageh];
if ( !pImage )
Msg( "Unable to allocate %i bytes for image\n", imagew * 3 * imageh );
return false;
// Get Bits from the material system
// ReadScreenPixels( 0, 0, GetModeWidth(), GetModeHeight(), pImage, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 );
// Copy data in
for ( int y = 0; y < imageh; ++y )
byte *row = (byte *)&pImage[ y * imagew * 3 ];
const byte *pSrc = (const byte *)&image->data[ y * imagew * 3 ];
for ( int x = 0; x < imagew; ++x )
// BGR to RGB
row[ 0 ] = pSrc[ 2 ];
row[ 1 ] = pSrc[ 1 ];
row[ 2 ] = pSrc[ 0 ];
pSrc += 3;
row += 3;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; // pointer to JSAMPLE row[s]
int row_stride; // physical row width in image buffer
// stderr handler
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
// compression data structure
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
row_stride = imagew * 3; // JSAMPLEs per row in image_buffer
// point at stderr
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
// create compressor
// Hook CUtlBuffer to compression
jpeg_UtlBuffer_dest(&cinfo, &buf );
// image width and height, in pixels
cinfo.image_width = imagew;
cinfo.image_height = imageh;
// RGB is 3 componnent
cinfo.input_components = 3;
// # of color components per pixel
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
// Apply settings
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE );
// Start compressor
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
// Write scanlines
while ( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
row_pointer[ 0 ] = &pImage[ cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride ];
jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
// Finalize image
// Cleanup
delete[] pImage;
// not supporting
Assert( 0 );
return true;
bool WriteJPeg( char const *filename, Image_t *image )
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( filename, "wb" );
return false;
CUtlBuffer buf;
ImageToJPEGBuffer( image, buf, 90 );
g_pFullFileSystem->Write( buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), fh );
// clean up
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh );
return true;
#include <string>
void v_escape_string (std::string& s)
if ( !s.size() )
for ( unsigned int i = 0;i<s.size();i++ )
switch (s[i])
case '\0': /* Must be escaped for "mysql" */
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"0",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\n': /* Must be escaped for logs */
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"n",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\r':
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"r",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\\':
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"\\",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\"':
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"\"",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\'': /* Better safe than sorry */
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"\'",1); i++;//lint !e534
case '\032': /* This gives problems on Win32 */
s[i] = '\\';
s.insert(i+1,"Z",1); i++;//lint !e534
void HSLToRGB( Color &out, float *hsl )
float sat[3],ctmp[3];
out[ 3 ] = 255;
while (hsl[ 0 ] < 0)
hsl[ 0 ] += 360;
while (hsl[ 0 ] > 360)
hsl[ 0 ] -= 360;
if (hsl[ 0 ] < 120)
sat[ 0 ] = (120 - hsl[ 0 ]) / 60.0;
sat[ 1 ] = hsl[ 0 ] / 60.0;
sat[ 2 ] = 0;
else if (hsl[ 0 ] < 240)
sat[ 0 ] = 0;
sat[ 1 ] = (240 - hsl[ 0 ]) / 60.0;
sat[ 2 ] = (hsl[ 0 ] - 120) / 60.0;
} else
sat[ 0 ] = (hsl[ 0 ] - 240) / 60.0;
sat[ 1 ] = 0;
sat[ 2 ] = (360 - hsl[ 0 ]) / 60.0;
sat[ 0 ] = min(sat[ 0 ],1.f);
sat[ 1 ] = min(sat[ 1 ],1.f);
sat[ 2 ] = min(sat[ 2 ],1.f);
ctmp[ 0 ] = 2 * hsl[ 1 ] * sat[ 0 ] + (1 - hsl[ 1 ]);
ctmp[ 1 ] = 2 * hsl[ 1 ] * sat[ 1 ] + (1 - hsl[ 1 ]);
ctmp[ 2 ] = 2 * hsl[ 1 ] * sat[ 2 ] + (1 - hsl[ 1 ]);
if (hsl[ 2 ] < 0.5)
out[ 0 ] = 255.0f * hsl[ 2 ] * ctmp[ 0 ];
out[ 1 ] = 255.0f * hsl[ 2 ] * ctmp[ 1 ];
out[ 2 ] = 255.0f * hsl[ 2 ] * ctmp[ 2 ];
out[ 0 ] = 255.0f * ( (1 - hsl[ 2 ]) * ctmp[ 0 ] + 2 * hsl[ 2 ] - 1 );
out[ 1 ] = 255.0f * ( (1 - hsl[ 2 ]) * ctmp[ 1 ] + 2 * hsl[ 2 ] - 1 );
out[ 2 ] = 255.0f * ( (1 - hsl[ 2 ]) * ctmp[ 2 ] + 2 * hsl[ 2 ] - 1 );
inline void DrawColoredRect( Image_t *image, int x, int y, int w, int h, const Color &rgb, float flAlpha )
flAlpha = clamp( flAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f );
float flOneMinusAlpha = 1.0f - flAlpha;
for ( int xx = x; xx < x + w; ++xx )
if ( xx < 0 || xx >= image->w )
for ( int yy = y; yy < y + h; ++yy )
if ( yy < 0 || yy >= image->h )
int offset = yy * image->w * 3 + xx * 3;
byte *dst = &image->data[ offset ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i )
dst[ i ] = (byte)( flOneMinusAlpha * dst[ i ] + flAlpha * rgb[ i ] );
void BuildAggregateStats( IMySQL *mysql, char const *pszMapName, char const *whereClause )
char q[ 2048 ];
// Got it!!!
std::string mapname;
mapname = pszMapName;
v_escape_string( mapname );
// Now read all the locations from the sql server
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select Sum(Count), Avg(Count), Avg(Seconds)/60.0, Avg(Deaths) from %s_maps where MapName = \'%s\' %s and Seconds < 15000;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
int retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() && mysql->NextRow() )
int SumCount = mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 0 );
if ( SumCount == 0 )
Msg( "No data for %s\n", mapname.c_str() );
float AverageCount = Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 1 ) );
float AvgTime = Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 2 ) );
float AvgDeaths = Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 3 ) );
Msg( "Sessions %d, average sessions %.2f avg time %.2f (minutes) avgdeaths %.2f\n",
AvgDeaths );
Msg( "No data for %s\n", mapname.c_str() );
// Now show entity stats
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select Entity, Sum(BodyCount), avg(BodyCount), Sum(KilledPlayer), avg(KilledPlayer) from %s_entities where mapname = \'%s\' %s group by Entity;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
Msg( " Entities\n\n" );
Msg( " %32s %10s %10s %15s %10s\n",
"Entity", "Killed", "Avg", "KilledPlayer", "Avg" );
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() )
while ( mysql->NextRow() )
Msg( " %32s %10d %10.2f %15d %10.2f\n",
mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 0 ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 1 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 2 ) ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 3 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 4 ) ) );
// Now show weapon stats
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select Weapon, Sum(Shots), avg(Shots), sum(Hits), avg(Hits), Sum(Damage), Avg(Damage) from %s_weapons where Damage < 100000 and mapname = \'%s\' %s group by Weapon;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
Msg( " Weapons\n" );
Msg( " %32s %10s %10s %15s %10s %15s %10s\n",
"Weapon", "Shots", "Avg", "Hits", "Avg", "Damage", "Avg" );
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() )
while ( mysql->NextRow() )
Msg( " %32s %10d %10.2f %15d %10.2f %15d %10.2f\n",
mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 0 ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 1 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 2 ) ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 3 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 4 ) ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 5 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 6 ) ));
// Now show weapon stats
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select count(*)/count(distinct(userid) ) from %s_saves where mapname = \'%s\' %s;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
Msg( " Saves\n" );
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() )
while ( mysql->NextRow() )
const char *colVal = mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 0 );
float flVal = 0.0f;
if ( colVal )
flVal = Q_atof( colVal );
Msg( " Average Saves per user: %.2f\n", flVal );
Msg( " Counters\n" );
static char *counters[] =
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select Sum(CRATESSMASHED), Avg(CRATESSMASHED),"\
"Sum(LOADS), Avg(LOADS),"\
"Sum(SAVES), Avg(SAVES),"\
"from %s_counters where mapname = \'%s\' %s;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
int i = 0;
Msg( " %32s %20s %20s\n", "Counter", "Total", "Average" );
#define INCHES_TO_MILES ( 1.0 / ( 5280.0 * 12.0 ) )
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() )
while ( mysql->NextRow() )
while ( counters[ i ] != NULL )
int idx = 2 * i;
char const *raw1 = mysql->GetColumnValue_String( idx );
char const *raw2 = mysql->GetColumnValue_String( idx + 1 );
// Msg( "%s raw %s\n%s\n", counters[ i ], raw1, raw2 );
uint64 sum = _atoi64( raw1 );
double avg = Q_atof( raw2 );
if ( Q_stristr( counters[ i ], "DISTANCE_" ) )
Msg( " %32s %20.2f %20.2f [miles]\n",
counters[ i ],
(double)sum * INCHES_TO_MILES,
Msg( " %32s %20I64u %20.2f\n",
counters[ i ],
avg );
Msg( "-----------------------------------------------------------\n" );
// Now show generic stats
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select StatName, Sum(Count), avg(Count), sum(Value), avg(Value) from %s_generic where mapname = \'%s\' %s group by StatName;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereClause );
retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
Msg( "Query %s failed\n", q );
Msg( " Generic\n" );
Msg( " %32s %10s %10s %15s %10s\n",
"Name", "Count", "Avg", "Value", "Avg" );
if ( mysql->SeekToFirstRow() )
while ( mysql->NextRow() )
Msg( " %32s %10d %10.2f %15d %10.2f\n",
mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 0 ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 1 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 2 ) ),
mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 3 ),
Q_atof( mysql->GetColumnValue_String( 4 ) ) );
#define EP2_DEATHS_VERSION "1.1"
void printusage( int argc, char * argv[] )
Msg( "%s:\n"\
" Version = " EP2_DEATHS_VERSION "\n"\
" Date [ " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ " ]\n"\
" Copyright Valve 2007. All rights reserved.\n"\
" -game [ep2 | tf] { which game }\n"\
" -bugs bugtestfile { special bug file culled from PVCSTracker report }\n"\
" -imagedir imagedir { directory for mapinfo.res and image .bmps }\n"\
" -deaths { build death images }\n"\
" -scale imagescalefactor (default 1.0)\n"\
" -h sqldbhost\n"\
" -u sqluser\n"\
" -p sqlpw\n"\
" -db sqldb\n"\
" -stress count { run stress testing for image creation }\n"\
" -where 'additional where clause'\n"\
" -stats { spew per level stats for entities, weapons, etc. }\n", argv[ 0 ] );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i;
char bugfile[ 512 ] = { 0 };
char pathname[ 512 ] = { 0 };
char whereclause[ 1024 ] = { 0 };
float flScale = 1.0f;
char const *host = "";
char const *user = "";
char const *pw = "";
char const *db = "";
bool bBugSpots = false;
bool bBuildImages = false;
bool bBuildStats = false;
bool bStressTest = false;
int stresstestcount = 1000;
for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i )
if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-bugs"))
bBugSpots = true;
Q_strncpy( bugfile, argv[i+1], sizeof( bugfile ) );
Msg( " parsing bugs from '%s'\n", bugfile );
else if ( !stricmp( argv[ i ], "-game" ))
Q_strncpy( gamename, argv[i+1], sizeof( gamename ) );
Msg( " death maps for game '%s'\n", gamename );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-deaths"))
bBuildImages = true;
Msg( " generating death images\n" );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-imagedir"))
Q_strncpy( pathname, argv[i+1], sizeof( pathname ) );
Msg( " image dir '%s'\n", pathname );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-where"))
Q_snprintf( whereclause, sizeof( whereclause ), " and %s", argv[i+1] );
Msg( " using custom where clause '%s'\n", argv[i+1] );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-h"))
host = argv[ i + 1 ];
Msg( " mysql host '%s'\n", host );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-u"))
user = argv[ i + 1 ];
Msg( " mysql user '%s'\n", user );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-p"))
pw = argv[ i + 1 ];
// Msg( " mysql pw '%s'\n", pw );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-db"))
db = argv[ i + 1 ];
Msg( " mysql db '%s'\n", db );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-scale"))
flScale = max( 0.01f, Q_atof ( argv[ i + 1 ] ) );
Msg( " image scale '%g'\n", flScale );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-stats"))
bBuildStats = true;
Msg( " generating per level stats\n" );
else if (!stricmp(argv[i],"-stress"))
bStressTest = true;
stresstestcount = Q_atoi( argv[ i + 1 ] );
Msg( " performing stress testing count = %d\n", stresstestcount );
if ( i != argc )
printusage( argc, argv );
return -1;
if ( !pathname[ 0 ] )
printusage( argc, argv );
return -1;
CUtlDict< CUtlVector< Vector > *, int > raw;
char fn[ 512 ];
Q_snprintf( fn, sizeof( fn ), "%s/mapinfo.res", pathname );
Q_FixSlashes( fn );
Q_strlower( fn );
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "mapinfo.res" );
if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, fn, NULL ) )
Msg( "Unable to load mapinfo.res file from image directory [%s]\n",
pathname );
exit( -1 );
CSysModule *sql = NULL;
CreateInterfaceFn factory = NULL;
IMySQL *mysql = NULL;
bool bSqlOkay = false;
if ( !bBugSpots )
sql = Sys_LoadModule( "mysql_wrapper" );
if ( sql )
factory = Sys_GetFactory( sql );
if ( factory )
mysql = ( IMySQL * )factory( MYSQL_WRAPPER_VERSION_NAME, NULL );
if ( mysql )
if ( mysql->InitMySQL( db, host, user, pw ) )
bSqlOkay = true;
Msg( "Successfully connected to database %s on host %s, user %s\n", db, host, user );
Msg( "mysql->InitMySQL( %s, %s, %s, [password]) failed\n", db, host, user );
Msg( "Unable to get MYSQL_WRAPPER_VERSION_NAME(%s) from mysql_wrapper\n", MYSQL_WRAPPER_VERSION_NAME );
Msg( "Sys_GetFactory on mysql_wrapper failed\n" );
Msg( "Sys_LoadModule( mysql_wrapper ) failed\n" );
ParseBugs( raw, bugfile );
// Build lookup
int numgrades = 200;
float flGradesMinusOne = (float)( numgrades - 1 );
Color *colors = new Color[ numgrades ];
float *fastSquareRoot = new float[ numgrades ];
for ( int iGrades = 0; iGrades < numgrades; ++iGrades )
float flValue = (float)iGrades / flGradesMinusOne;
float hsl[ 3 ];
hsl[ 0 ] = 240.0f - ( 1.0f - flValue ) * 240.0f;
hsl[ 1 ] = 1.0f;
hsl[ 2 ] = 0.5f;
HSLToRGB( colors[iGrades], hsl );
fastSquareRoot[iGrades] = sqrt( flValue );
Color black( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
for ( KeyValues *map = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); map; map = map->GetNextKey() )
char const *pszMapName = map->GetName();
Msg( "Processing %s\n", pszMapName );
if ( bBuildImages )
char imagefile[ 512 ];
Q_snprintf( imagefile, sizeof( imagefile ), "%s/%s.bmp", pathname, pszMapName );
Q_FixSlashes( imagefile );
Q_strlower( imagefile );
char outfile[ 512 ];
Q_snprintf( outfile, sizeof( outfile ), "%s/%s_deaths.jpg", pathname, pszMapName );
Q_FixSlashes( outfile );
Q_strlower( outfile );
// Do the processing
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( imagefile, "rb" );
int pos_x = map->GetInt( "x", 0 );
int pos_y = map->GetInt( "y", 0 );
float scale = map->GetFloat( "scale", 1.0f );
int size = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( fh );
byte *buf = new byte[ size + 1 ];
g_pFullFileSystem->Read( buf, size, fh );
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fh );
buf[ size ] = 0;
// Now parse into image
Image_t image = { 0 };
if ( ReadBitmapRGB( buf, size, &image ) )
float flMaxValue = 0.0f;
float flRadius = flScale * 256.0f / scale;
int nRadius = ( int )( flRadius );
//float flRadius = 2.0f;
//int nRadius = 2;
float flRadiusSqr = flRadius * flRadius;
CUtlVector< POINT > vecDeaths;
if ( bBugSpots )
int idx = raw.Find( pszMapName );
if ( idx != raw.InvalidIndex() )
CUtlVector< Vector > *pvDB = raw[ idx ];
for ( int iVec= 0; iVec < pvDB->Count(); ++iVec )
int x = (int)pvDB->Element( iVec )[ 0 ];
int y = (int)pvDB->Element( iVec )[ 1 ];
// int z = mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 2 );
float pixx = (float)( x - pos_x );
float pixy = (float)( y - pos_y );
pixx /= scale;
pixy /= -scale;
POINT death;
death.x = pixx;
death.y = pixy;
vecDeaths.AddToTail( death );
if ( bStressTest )
for ( int iTest = 0 ; iTest < stresstestcount; ++iTest )
POINT death;
death.x = RandomInt( 0, image.w - 1 );
death.y = RandomInt( 0, image.h - 1 );
byte *rgb = &image.data[ 3 * death.y * image.w + 3 * death.x ];
if ( rgb[ 0 ] || rgb[ 1 ] || rgb[ 2 ] )
} while ( true );
vecDeaths.AddToTail( death );
char q[ 512 ];
// Got it!!!
std::string mapname;
mapname = pszMapName;
v_escape_string( mapname );
// Now read all the locations from the sql server
Q_snprintf( q, sizeof( q ), "select x, y from %s_deaths where MapName = \'%s\' %s;", gamename, mapname.c_str(), whereclause );
int retcode = mysql->Execute( q );
if ( retcode != 0 )
printf( "Query %s failed\n", q );
return -1;
bool bMoreData = mysql->SeekToFirstRow();
while ( bMoreData && mysql->NextRow() )
int x = mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 0 );
int y = mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 1 );
// int z = mysql->GetColumnValue_Int( 2 );
float pixx = (float)( x - pos_x );
float pixy = (float)( y - pos_y );
pixx /= scale;
pixy /= -scale;
POINT death;
death.x = pixx;
death.y = pixy;
vecDeaths.AddToTail( death );
float *info = new float[ image.h * image.w ];
Q_memset( info, 0, image.h * image.w * sizeof( float ) );
float ooRadiusSqr = 1.0f / flRadiusSqr;
int nSide = nRadius * 2 + 1;
float *contribution = new float[ nSide * nSide ];
Q_memset( contribution, 0, nSide * nSide * sizeof( float ) );
for ( int s = 0; s < nSide; ++s )
for ( int t = 0; t < nSide; ++t )
int dx = s - nRadius;
int dy = t - nRadius;
float dSqr = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if ( dSqr < flRadiusSqr )
contribution[ t * nSide + s ] = 1.0f - ( dSqr * ooRadiusSqr );
float st = Plat_FloatTime();
int c = vecDeaths.Count();
for ( int iDeath = 0; iDeath < c; ++iDeath )
POINT &v = vecDeaths[iDeath];
int xpos = v.x;
int ypos = v.y;
for ( int y = max( 0, ypos - nRadius ); y <= min( ypos + nRadius, image.h - 1 ); ++y )
for ( int x = max( 0, xpos - nRadius ); x <= xpos + nRadius; ++x )
if ( x >= image.w )
float *slot = &info[ y * image.w + x ];
int dx = x - xpos + nRadius;
int dy = y - ypos + nRadius;
// Figure out contrubution
flScale = contribution[ dy * nSide + dx ];
if ( flScale <= 0.0f )
*slot += flScale;
if ( *slot > flMaxValue )
flMaxValue = *slot;
if ( flMaxValue >0.0f )
float flOneOverMax = 1.0f / flMaxValue;
for ( int y = 0; y < image.h; ++y )
float *slot = &info[ y * image.w ];
for ( int x = 0; x < image.w; ++x, ++slot )
float flValue = *slot * flOneOverMax;
int colorIndex = clamp( (int)( flValue * flGradesMinusOne + 0.5f ), 0, numgrades - 1 );
const Color &col = colors[ colorIndex ];
DrawColoredRect( &image, x, y, 1, 1, black, flValue * flValue );
float sqroot = fastSquareRoot[ colorIndex ];
if ( sqroot != 0.0f )
sqroot = max( sqroot, 0.33f );
DrawColoredRect( &image, x, y, 1, 1, col, sqroot );
float et = Plat_FloatTime();
double msec = 1000.0 * ( et - st );
double msecperdeath = 0.0;
if ( vecDeaths.Count() > 0 )
msecperdeath = 1000.0 * msec / (double)vecDeaths.Count();
if ( bStressTest )
Msg( "Processing took %f msec %f msec per thousand deaths [%d deaths]\n", msec, msecperdeath, vecDeaths.Count() );
delete[] contribution;
delete[] info;
// Now write the image back out
WriteJPeg( outfile, &image );
delete[] image.data;
if ( bStressTest )
if ( bBuildStats )
BuildAggregateStats( mysql, pszMapName, whereclause );
delete[] fastSquareRoot;
delete[] colors;
if ( bSqlOkay )
if ( mysql )
mysql = NULL;
if ( sql )
Sys_UnloadModule( sql );
sql = NULL;
return 0;