FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1034 lines
31 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import p4helpers
import sys
import os
import shutil
import pickle
import zipfile
import zlib
import datetime
import subprocess
import getopt
import glob
import struct
import wx
# Set program defaults.
g_ChangelistInfoFilename = '__CHANGELISTINFO__'
g_ZipFilename = ''
g_bAutoRevert = False
g_bBinsOnly = False
g_Changelist = []
g_bShowUI = False
g_bPickleAllChanges = False
g_bVerbose = True
g_IncludeGlobPatterns = []
g_ExcludeGlobPatterns = []
g_ChangelistComment = ''
g_DefaultFilename = None
g_bCreateDiff = False
g_DiffDir = ''
g_SettingsFilename = 'vcodepickle.cfg'
g_Settings = {}
g_UISaveDirKey = 'uisavedir'
# These are used with -changetree if the user wants to restore the changelist to
# a different tree than it originally came from.
g_FromTree = None
g_ToTree = None
g_QueuedWarnings = []
# Pickle data for various file versions supported by vcodepickle.
class CV2Data:
changelistComment = None
class CV3Data:
relativeToDepotFileMap = None
def ShowUsage():
print "vcodepickle.py [options] <--backup [options] or --restore or --diff or --empty> [--file filename] [--changelist <changelist> | --bins]"
print ""
print "-q/--quiet sshhhhhh."
print "-b/--backup pickle local changes to file"
print "-r/--restore apply pickled edits to client"
print "--empty create a valid, but empty, pickle, used by buildbot"
print "-d/--diff produce a diff of the changes in a vcodepickled zipfile"
print "-f/--file filename pickle file - optional for backup, required for restore"
print "-c/--changelist <#|all> in backup mode, pickle specified changelist(s)"
print " in restore mode, reapply changes to the specified changelist"
print " defaults to 'default'"
print " --prompt if using --backup, this asks where to backup (and makes suggestions)"
print " if using --restore, this brings up a file open dialog"
print ""
print "backup options:"
print ""
print " --bins pickle binaries from the auto-checkout changelist"
print " --revert in backup mode, revert open files after pickling"
print " -e/--exclude <globpat> a glob pattern of files to exclude from pickling"
print " -i/--include <globpat> a glob pattern of files to include in the code pickle"
print ""
print "restore options:"
print ""
print " --changetree <src> <dst> allows you to restore to a Perforce tree different from the original one"
print ""
print "diff options:"
print ""
print " --diffdir <directory> specify where the diff files will go"
print ""
print 'ex: vcodepickle.py --backup --changelist all --exclude "bin/*"'
print ' creates a zip file of all files not matching "bin/*" in all changelists'
print ""
print "ex: vcodepickle.py --restore --file vcodepickle_2009_01_20.zip -c 342421"
print " restore from the specified file into changelist 342421"
print ""
print "ex: vcodepickle.py --diff --file VCP_2009-03-26__17h-01m-25s.zip"
print " creates a diff of the pickled changes in the specified file"
sys.exit( 1 )
def DefaultPickleDirName( username ):
return '\\\\fileserver\\user\\' + username + '\\vcodepickles'
def DefaultPickleDiffName( username ):
return '\\\\fileserver\\user\\' + username + '\\vcodepicklediff'
def CreateChangelist( comment ):
po = subprocess.Popen( 'p4 change -i', shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
po.stdin.write( 'Change: new\n\nDescription:\n\t' + comment.replace('\n','\n\t') + '\n\n' )
theOutput = po.stdout.readline()
ret = po.wait()
if ret == 0:
return int( theOutput.split( ' ' )[1] )
print "Creating a changelist failed."
print theOutput
sys.exit( 1 )
def GetChangelistComment( nChangelist ):
po = subprocess.Popen( 'p4 change -o ' + nChangelist, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
lines = po.stdout.readlines()
ret = po.wait()
if ret != 0:
print "Couldn't get changelist description for change " + nChangelist
sys.exit( 1 )
comment = ''
bFound = False
for line in lines:
if bFound == True:
if line[0] == '\t':
comment += line[1:]
if line[:12] == 'Description:':
bFound = True
return comment
def chomp( str ):
while 1:
str2 = str.lstrip( '\n' ).lstrip( '\r' ).rstrip( '\n' ).rstrip( '\r' )
if len( str2 ) == len( str ):
return str
str = str2
def AddQueuedWarning( s ):
global g_QueuedWarnings
g_QueuedWarnings.append( s )
def PrintQueuedWarnings():
global g_QueuedWarnings
if len( g_QueuedWarnings ) > 0:
print "\n\n===== WARNINGS =====\n"
nWarning = 1
for warning in g_QueuedWarnings:
print "%d:\n%s\n" % (nWarning, warning)
nWarning += 1
def DoesFileExistInPerforce( filename ):
x = p4helpers.ReadPerforceOutput( 'p4 -G fstat ' + filename )
return (x[1][0]['code'] != 'error')
# The settings file is just a bunch of key/value pairs on different lines separated by =
def LoadSettingsFile( filename ):
ret = {}
f = open( filename, 'rt' )
except IOError:
return {}
for line in f.readlines():
line = chomp( line )
parts = line.split( '=' )
if len( parts ) > 0:
ret[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return ret;
def SaveSettingsFile( filename, thedict ):
f = open( filename, 'wt' )
for (k,v) in thedict.items():
f.write( '%s=%s\n' % (k, v) )
def SetZipFilename( filename ):
global g_ZipFilename
g_ZipFilename = filename
if g_ZipFilename[-4:].lower() != '.zip':
g_ZipFilename += '.zip'
def GetReadableChangelistComment( str ):
alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
# Strip out all lists of repeating nonalphabetic characters
tempstr = ''
prevchar = ''
for i in range(0,len(str)):
testchar = str[i:i+1]
if testchar != prevchar or alphabet.find(testchar) != -1:
tempstr += testchar
prevchar = testchar
str = tempstr
str = str[:100]
outstr = ''
validchars = alphabet + alphabet.upper() + '0123456789_'
prevchar = ''
for i in range(0,len(str)):
testchar = str[i:i+1]
if validchars.find( testchar ) == -1:
if prevchar != '-':
outstr += '-'
outstr += testchar
prevchar = outstr[-1:]
return outstr
def ShowUIForFilename():
global g_Settings
global g_SettingsFilename
global g_ZipFilename
global g_DefaultFilename
# Get the directory to save to.
username = os.environ['username']
defaultdirname = DefaultPickleDirName(username)
if not g_Settings.has_key( g_UISaveDirKey ):
g_Settings[g_UISaveDirKey] = defaultdirname
if g_Settings[g_UISaveDirKey] == 'default':
theinput = raw_input( '\nDirectory\n=========\n(Leave blank for "%s")\n> ' % ( defaultdirname ) )
theinput = raw_input( '\nDirectory\n=========\n(Leave blank for "%s")\n(Type "default" for "%s"\n--> ' % ( g_Settings[g_UISaveDirKey], defaultdirname ) )
if theinput == '':
theDirName = g_Settings[g_UISaveDirKey]
g_Settings[g_UISaveDirKey] = theinput
theDirName = theinput
if theDirName.lower() == 'default':
theDirName = defaultdirname
# Make sure it exists.. create it if necessary.
if os.access( theDirName, os.F_OK ) != True:
theinput = raw_input( "Directory %s doesn't exist. Create? (Y/n) " % theDirName )
if theinput == '' or theinput.lower() == 'y':
os.makedirs( theDirName )
print "Exiting."
sys.exit( 1 )
# Get the filename to save to.
theinput = raw_input( '\nFilename\n========\n(Leave blank for "%s")\n> ' % ( g_DefaultFilename ) )
if theinput == '':
theZipFilename = g_DefaultFilename
theZipFilename = theinput
# Construct the actual zip filename we'll use.
SetZipFilename( os.path.join( theDirName, theZipFilename ) )
# Check if it already exists.
if os.access( g_ZipFilename, os.F_OK ) == True:
theinput = raw_input( "%s already exists. Overwrite? (y/N)" % g_ZipFilename )
if theinput == '' or theinput.lower() == 'n':
print "Exiting."
# Save the settings back out.
SaveSettingsFile( g_SettingsFilename, g_Settings )
class VCodePickle:
theZipFile = None
filesDeleted = {}
filesAdded = {}
filesEdited = {}
changelistComment = ''
relativeToDepotFileMap = {} # Maps src\engine\cl_main.cpp to //valvegames/main/src/engine/cl_main.cpp (obviously //valvegames/main/src changes based on the root)
def Load( self, zipFilename ):
self.theZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile( zipFilename, 'r', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
# Load the added and deleted lists.
changelistinfo = self.theZipFile.read( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + '.TXT' )
(self.filesDeleted, self.filesAdded, self.filesEdited) = pickle.loads( changelistinfo )
self.changelistComment = 'vcodepickle: ' + os.path.basename(g_ZipFilename)
# Load version2 data.
ci2 = pickle.loads( self.theZipFile.read( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v2.TXT' ) )
self.changelistComment = ci2.changelistComment
except KeyError:
# Load version3 data
ci3 = pickle.loads( self.theZipFile.read( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v3.TXT' ) )
self.relativeToDepotFileMap = ci3.relativeToDepotFileMap
except KeyError:
# Given a 'zip' instance, copy data from the 'name' to the
# 'out' stream.
def explode( out, zip, name ):
zinfo = zip.getinfo(name)
stringFileHeader = "PK\003\004" # magic number for file header
structFileHeader = "<4s2B4HlLL2H" # 12 items, file header record, 30 bytes
filepos = zip.fp.tell()
zip.fp.seek(zinfo.header_offset, 0)
# Skip the file header:
fheader = zip.fp.read(30)
if fheader[0:4] != stringFileHeader:
raise zipfile.BadZipfile, "Bad magic number for file header"
fheader = struct.unpack(structFileHeader, fheader)
fname = zip.fp.read(fheader[_FH_FILENAME_LENGTH])
if fname != zinfo.orig_filename:
raise zipfile.BadZipfile, 'File name in directory "%s" and header "%s" differ.' % ( zinfo.orig_filename, fname)
if zinfo.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_STORED:
decoder = None
elif zinfo.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED:
if not zlib:
raise RuntimeError, "De-compression requires the (missing) zlib module"
decoder = zlib.decompressobj(-zlib.MAX_WBITS)
raise zipfile.BadZipfile,"Unsupported compression method %d for file %s" % (zinfo.compress_type, name)
size = zinfo.compress_size
while 1:
data = zip.fp.read(min(size, 8192))
if not data:
size -= len(data)
if decoder:
data = decoder.decompress(data)
if decoder:
zip.fp.seek(filepos, 0)
def WriteFileFromZip( theZipFile, srcFilename, sDestFilename ):
# thebytes = theZipFile.read( srcFilename )
f = open( sDestFilename, 'wb')
os.makedirs( os.path.dirname( sDestFilename ) )
f = open( sDestFilename, 'wb' )
explode( f, theZipFile, srcFilename );
# f.write( thebytes )
def PerforceToZipFilename( sP4Filename ):
if sP4Filename[0] != '/' or sP4Filename[1] != '/':
print "PerforceToZipFilename: invalid filename (%s)" % (sP4Filename)
return sP4Filename[2:]
def CheckFilesOpenedForEdit( thePickle, theDict ):
ret = []
for k in theDict.keys():
sDepotFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
if p4helpers.GetClientFileAction( sDepotFilename ) != 'none':
ret.append( sDepotFilename )
return ret
def HandleNewTree( thePickle ):
global g_FromTree, g_ToTree
if g_FromTree == None:
print "-changetree is translating these files:\n"
for k in thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap.keys():
sFromFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
if sFromFilename[:len(g_FromTree)].lower() == g_FromTree.lower():
sToFilename = g_ToTree + sFromFilename[len(g_FromTree):]
print sFromFilename + "\n\t-> " + sToFilename + "\n"
thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k] = sToFilename
print "Used -changetree [%s] [%s], but file %s does not come from the source tree." % (g_FromTree, g_ToTree, sFilename)
sys.exit( 1 )
# Translate the revision number to a changelist number for edited files.
newEdited = {}
for k in thePickle.filesEdited.keys():
thePickle.filesEdited[k] = "head"
sDepotFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
if DoesFileExistInPerforce( sDepotFilename ):
newEdited[k] = thePickle.filesEdited[k]
AddQueuedWarning( "%s was edited in the old tree, but doesn't exist in the new tree. This was treated as an add instead." % sDepotFilename )
thePickle.filesAdded[k] = thePickle.filesEdited[k]
thePickle.filesEdited = newEdited
print "\n"
def PromptForOpenZipFilename( sClientRoot, promptDir ):
if not sys.modules.has_key( "wx" ):
print >>sys.stderr, "Couldn't load wx, no UI available."
sys.exit( 1 )
temp_app = wx.PySimpleApp()
dialog = wx.FileDialog ( None, style = wx.OPEN )
dialog.SetMessage( "Select code pickle" );
dialog.SetWildcard( "VCodePickle Zips (*.zip)|*.zip|All Files (*.*)|*.*" );
if dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
print 'Selected: %s\n' % (dialog.GetPath())
return dialog.GetPath()
print 'Cancelled.'
return None
def DoRestore( sClientRoot, sZipFilename ):
global g_bBinsOnly
thePickle = VCodePickle()
thePickle.Load( sZipFilename )
# First make sure they don't have any files open for edit that we want to mess with.
print "Checking the code pickle...\n"
openedForEdit = CheckFilesOpenedForEdit( thePickle, thePickle.filesAdded ) + CheckFilesOpenedForEdit( thePickle, thePickle.filesEdited )
if len( openedForEdit ) > 0 and g_bBinsOnly==False:
print "You have one or more files open locally that are in the vcodepickle you are trying to restore:\n"
for f in openedForEdit:
print "\t" + f
print "\nPlease revert the specified file(s) and retry the vcodepickle command you were doing."
changelistNum = None
if ( g_bBinsOnly == False ):
changelistNum = CreateChangelist( thePickle.changelistComment )
changelistNum = 'default'
HandleNewTree( thePickle )
if g_bVerbose: print "Adding %d files..." % len( thePickle.filesAdded )
for k in thePickle.filesAdded.keys():
sDepotFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
if DoesFileExistInPerforce( sDepotFilename ):
sLocalClientFilename = p4helpers.GetClientFileInfo( sDepotFilename )[0]
AddQueuedWarning( "%s was added in the code pickle, but already exists in Perforce. We'll treat it as an edit." % sLocalClientFilename );
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 sync %s' % (sDepotFilename) )
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 edit -c %s %s' % (changelistNum, sDepotFilename) )
WriteFileFromZip( thePickle.theZipFile, k.replace('\\','/'), sLocalClientFilename )
# Note: We do the "p4 add" first because we don't yet know the local filename for this depot filename,
# and there's no way to get it if the file doesn't already exist.
# Perforce will let you do a "p4 add" on a file that doesn't exist in your local tree yet, then you can
# do a "p4 fstat" (p4helpers.GetClientFileInfo) on it to find its local filename.
sCmd = 'p4 add -c %s %s' % (changelistNum, sDepotFilename)
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( sCmd )
# Get the local filename and copy from the zip file to that.
sLocalClientFilename = p4helpers.GetClientFileInfo( sDepotFilename )
if sLocalClientFilename == None:
AddQueuedWarning( "Unable to add %s. It probably isn't in your client spec." % sDepotFilename )
sLocalClientFilename = sLocalClientFilename[0]
WriteFileFromZip( thePickle.theZipFile, k.replace('\\','/'), sLocalClientFilename )
if g_bVerbose: print "\t" + k
if g_bVerbose: print "Deleting %d files..." % len( thePickle.filesDeleted )
for k in thePickle.filesDeleted.keys():
sDepotFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 delete -c %s %s ' % (changelistNum, sDepotFilename) )
if g_bVerbose: print "\t" + k
if g_bVerbose: print "Editing %d files..." % len( thePickle.filesEdited )
for k in thePickle.filesEdited.keys():
revisionNumber = thePickle.filesEdited[k]
sDepotFilename = thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[k]
sLocalClientFilename = p4helpers.GetClientFileInfo( sDepotFilename )[0]
# the zipfiles like forward slashes
internalfilename = k.replace('\\','/')
# Sync to the revision they had it at, edit, copy the file over, and sync to the latest so Perforce forces a resolve.
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 sync %s#%s' % (sDepotFilename, revisionNumber) )
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 edit -c %s %s' % (changelistNum, sDepotFilename) )
WriteFileFromZip( thePickle.theZipFile, internalfilename, sLocalClientFilename )
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 sync %s' % sDepotFilename )
if g_bVerbose: print "\t%s#%s" % (k, revisionNumber)
if g_FromTree != None:
print "\n"
print " WARNING!!!!! -changetree edited the HEAD revision of the files in new tree."
print " So if they have been edited since you checked them out for your"
print " code pickle, then you must MANUALLY merge those changes into the new version."
def SetupBinChangelists():
global g_Changelist
clientInfo = p4helpers.GetClientInfo()
pendingChanges = p4helpers.GetPendingChanges( clientInfo[ 'Client' ] )
for changeList in pendingChanges:
if ( changeList[ 'desc' ].find( 'Visual Studio Auto Checkout' ) <> -1 ):
g_Changelist.append( changeList[ 'change' ] )
def AutoFillChangelistArray():
global g_bBinsOnly
global g_RunMode
global g_bPickleAllChanges
global g_Changelist
if ( g_bBinsOnly and g_RunMode == RUNMODE_BACKUP ):
elif g_bPickleAllChanges:
clientInfo = p4helpers.GetClientInfo()
pendingChanges = p4helpers.GetPendingChanges( clientInfo[ 'Client' ] )
for changeList in pendingChanges:
g_Changelist.append( changeList['change'] )
g_Changelist.append( 'default' )
elif len( g_Changelist ) == 0 and g_RunMode == RUNMODE_BACKUP:
g_Changelist.append( 'default' )
def CheckFileExcludedByPatterns( sFilename ):
global g_IncludeGlobPatterns
global g_ExcludeGlobPatterns
bInclude = ( len( g_IncludeGlobPatterns ) == 0 ) # include by default
for includePattern in g_IncludeGlobPatterns:
if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch( sFilename, includePattern ):
bInclude = True
if not bInclude:
if g_bVerbose: print "skipping %s, doesn't match any include pattern" % sFilename
return True
for excludePattern in g_ExcludeGlobPatterns:
if glob.fnmatch.fnmatch( sFilename, excludePattern ):
if g_bVerbose: print "skipping %s matches exclude pattern %s" % ( sFilename, excludePattern )
return True
return False
def DoBackup( sClientRoot, sZipFilename, bAutoRevert ):
global g_Changelist
global g_ChangelistInfoFilename
global g_ChangelistComment
filesDeleted = {}
filesAdded = {}
filesEdited = {}
# Filter out all the files that aren't of the changelist we want.
openedFiles = p4helpers.ReadPerforceOutput( 'p4 -G opened' )[1]
changelistfiles = [x for x in openedFiles if ( x['change'] in g_Changelist ) ]
# Ok, there's something to do. Open the zip file.
theZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile( sZipFilename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
relativeToDepotFileMap = {}
for openedFile in changelistfiles:
# Get the local client filename.
depotFile = openedFile['depotFile'] # (//valvegames/main/src/etc....)
x = p4helpers.GetClientFileInfo( depotFile )
localFilename = x[0]
sFriendlyName = localFilename[ len(sClientRoot)+1: ] # ONLY for printing messages
# Get the filename in the zipfile. We're just going to use the depot filename and make it palatable to the zipfile.
# You could easily restore the depot filename from this filename, but for now we're just looking it up in relativeToDepotFileMap on the receiving end.
sFilenameInZip = PerforceToZipFilename( depotFile )
# Check include and exclude patterns and skip this file if necessary.
if CheckFileExcludedByPatterns( sFilenameInZip ):
relativeToDepotFileMap[sFilenameInZip] = depotFile
# Don't do anything if it's a delete.
action = x[2]
bCopy = True
if action == 'delete':
filesDeleted[sFilenameInZip] = 1
bCopy = False
print "%s (DELETE)" % (sFriendlyName)
if os.access( localFilename, os.F_OK ) == True:
theZipFile.write( localFilename, sFilenameInZip )
print "\n**\n** WARNING: File '%s' is in the changelist but not on disk. It will not be in the zipfile.\n**\n" % sFriendlyName
if action == 'add':
filesAdded[sFilenameInZip] = 1
print "%s (ADD)" % (sFriendlyName)
filesEdited[sFilenameInZip] = openedFile['rev']
print "%s#%s" % (sFriendlyName, openedFile['rev'])
# Revert the file..
if bAutoRevert == True:
p4helpers.CheckPerforceReturn( 'p4 revert ' + localFilename )
# Save the metadata about add/delete/edit and file revisions.
data = pickle.dumps( [filesDeleted, filesAdded, filesEdited] )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + '.TXT', data )
# Save v2 data.
ci2 = CV2Data()
ci2.changelistComment = g_ChangelistComment
data = pickle.dumps( ci2 )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v2.TXT', data )
# Save v3 data.
ci3 = CV3Data()
ci3.relativeToDepotFileMap = relativeToDepotFileMap
data = pickle.dumps( ci3 )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v3.TXT', data )
# Write a human-readable changelist file.
theZipFile.writestr( 'ReadableChangelist.txt', g_ChangelistComment )
def DoEmptyPickle( sZipFilename ):
global g_ChangelistComment
filesDeleted = {}
filesAdded = {}
filesEdited = {}
relativeToDepotFileMap = {}
# Ok, there's something to do. Open the zip file.
theZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile( sZipFilename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
# Save the metadata about add/delete/edit and file revisions.
data = pickle.dumps( [filesDeleted, filesAdded, filesEdited] )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + '.TXT', data )
# Save v2 data.
ci2 = CV2Data()
ci2.changelistComment = g_ChangelistComment
data = pickle.dumps( ci2 )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v2.TXT', data )
# Save v3 data.
ci3 = CV3Data()
ci3.relativeToDepotFileMap = relativeToDepotFileMap
data = pickle.dumps( ci3 )
theZipFile.writestr( g_ChangelistInfoFilename + 'v3.TXT', data )
# Write a human-readable changelist file.
theZipFile.writestr( 'ReadableChangelist.txt', g_ChangelistComment )
def DoDiff( sZipFilename, sDiffDir ):
# Load the zipfile.
thePickle = VCodePickle()
thePickle.Load( sZipFilename )
sTempFilesDir = os.path.join( sDiffDir, "tempfiles" )
# Get rid of the old directory.
if os.access( sDiffDir, os.F_OK ) == True:
theinput = raw_input( "Warning: This will clear out %s. Proceed (y/N)? " % sDiffDir )
if theinput == '' or theinput.lower() == 'n':
print "Exiting."
sys.exit( 0 )
# Delete all the files.
# This method is lame but if we use unlink() on a network path, you won't be able to delete them
# next time around or even from that command line. You can delete them from an explorer window, but
# not from the command prompt anymore. Strange.
os.system( 'rd /s /q "%s"' % sDiffDir )
# Create the directories.
os.makedirs( sTempFilesDir )
# Dump out the changelist description.
f = open( os.path.join( sDiffDir, "changelist.txt" ), 'wt' )
f.write( thePickle.changelistComment )
# Dump out all the files.
for sFilename in thePickle.filesEdited.keys():
# The zipfile utils like forward slashes.
sInternalFilename = sFilename.replace('\\','/')
# Write the file to tempfiles\basefilename
sEditedFilename = os.path.join( sTempFilesDir, os.path.basename( sInternalFilename ) )
WriteFileFromZip( thePickle.theZipFile, sInternalFilename, sEditedFilename )
# Have Perforce write out the prior version.
nFileRevision = int( thePickle.filesEdited[sFilename] )
sPriorFilename = os.path.join( sTempFilesDir, os.path.basename( sInternalFilename ) ) + '.prev'
p4helpers.ReadPerforceOutput( 'p4 -G print -o %s %s#%d' % (sPriorFilename, thePickle.relativeToDepotFileMap[sFilename], nFileRevision) )
# Write out a batch file with the diff command.
sBatchFilename = os.path.join( sDiffDir, sInternalFilename.replace( '/', '-' ) ) + '.bat'
fp = open( sBatchFilename, 'wt' )
sPercent = '%'
fp.write( """
@echo off
""" )
fp.write( "set sPriorFilename=%s\n" % sPriorFilename )
fp.write( "set sEditedFilename=%s\n" % sEditedFilename )
fp.write( """
rem // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
rem // First, check if a P4DIFF environment variable exists.
rem // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
set diffProg=%P4DIFF%
if "%diffprog%" == "" (
goto CheckRegistry
"%diffProg%" %sPriorFilename% %sEditedFilename%
goto End
rem // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
rem // No P4DIFF? Ok, check for what P4Win has setup as its diff program.
rem // The nasty for command there basically runs the reg command, does away with stderr output, pipes the output
rem // to FINDSTR to strip out everything but the second line which contains the result we want. Then it takes the relevant
rem // part of the end of that line, which is what we care about.
rem // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
for /F "tokens=2* delims=REG_SZ" %%a in ('reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Perforce\P4win\Options /v DiffApp 2^>nul ^| FINDSTR DiffApp') do set initialValue=%%a
if "%initialValue%" == "" (
set diffProg=p4diff.exe
) else (
for /F "tokens=*" %%s in ("%initialValue%") do set diffProg=%%s
goto DoDiff
""" )
# Now the batch file references the diff program. Just add the arguments we care about.
print "Wrote %s" % sBatchFilename
# Open up that directory.
os.system( 'start %s' % sDiffDir )
def main():
global g_bVerbose
global g_RunMode
global g_ZipFilename
global g_bAutoRevert
global g_bBinsOnly
global g_bPickleAllChanges
global g_Changelist
global g_IncludeGlobPatterns
global g_ExcludeGlobPatterns
global g_ChangelistInfoFilename
global g_ChangelistComment
global g_DiffDir
global g_bShowUI
global g_DefaultFilename
global g_bCreateDiff
# Parse out the command line.
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "bdrf:c:ri:e:?q",
[ "prompt", "diff", "diffdir=", "backup", "restore", "file=", "bins", "changelist=", "revert", "include=", "exclude=", "quiet", "help", "empty" ] )
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
print ""
print "Argument error: ", e
print ""
bPrompt = False
for o, a in opts:
if o in ( "-?", "--help" ):
if o in ( "-q", "--quiet" ):
g_bVerbose = False
if o in ( "--prompt" ):
bPrompt = True
if o in ( "-b", "--backup" ):
assert( g_RunMode == RUNMODE_NONE )
if o in ( "-r", "--restore" ):
assert( g_RunMode == RUNMODE_NONE )
if o in ( "-e", "--empty" ):
assert( g_RunMode == RUNMODE_NONE )
if o in ( "-d", "--diff" ):
g_bCreateDiff = True
if o.lower() == "--diffdir" :
g_DiffDir = a
if o in ( "-f", "--file" ):
g_ZipFilename = a
if g_ZipFilename[-4:].lower() != '.zip':
g_ZipFilename += '.zip'
if o in ( "-c", "--changelist" ):
if a in ( 'all', '*' ):
g_bPickleAllChanges = True
g_Changelist.append( a )
if o.lower() == "--bins":
g_bBinsOnly = True
if o in ( "--revert" ):
g_bAutoRevert = True
if o in ( "-i", "--include" ):
g_IncludeGlobPatterns.append( a )
if o in ( "-e", "--exclude" ):
g_ExcludeGlobPatterns.append( a )
if g_RunMode == RUNMODE_NONE and not g_bCreateDiff:
sys.exit( 1 )
if ( g_RunMode == RUNMODE_RESTORE or g_RunMode == RUNMODE_EMPTY ) and len( g_ZipFilename ) == 0 and not bPrompt:
print >>sys.stderr, "\n*** file parameter is required in restore/empty mode ***\n\n\n"
sys.exit( 1 )
if len(g_Changelist) and g_bBinsOnly and g_RunMode == RUNMODE_BACKUP:
print >>sys.stderr, "\n*** -c and --bins are mutally exclusive ***\n\n\n"
sys.exit( 1 )
if ( len( g_IncludeGlobPatterns ) or len( g_ExcludeGlobPatterns ) ) and g_RunMode != RUNMODE_BACKUP:
print >>sys.stderr, "\n*** -i/-e apply only in backup mode ***\n\n\n"
g_Settings = LoadSettingsFile( g_SettingsFilename )
# Auto-fill g_Changelist if necessary.
if g_RunMode == RUNMODE_BACKUP:
# Get the string for the changelist.
sDate = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d__%Hh-%Mm-%Ss")
if g_Changelist[0] == 'default':
g_ChangelistComment = 'vcodepickle: ' + os.path.basename(g_ZipFilename)
g_DefaultFilename = 'VCP_' + sDate + '.zip'
g_ChangelistComment = GetChangelistComment( g_Changelist[0] )
partOfChangelistComment = GetReadableChangelistComment( g_ChangelistComment )
g_DefaultFilename = 'VCP_' + partOfChangelistComment + '_' + sDate + '.zip'
# Generate a default zip filename if they didn't specify one.
# Either we'll use a mixture of the current date and their changelist text
# and if it was launched from a Perforce tool (used the -ui) parameter,
# we'll let them specify where to save it (and default to \\fileserver\user\username\[the date and the changelist comment])
if bPrompt == True:
# Non-ui mode. Just use what they entered on the command line or use the default if they didn't enter anything.
if len( g_ZipFilename ) == 0:
SetZipFilename( g_DefaultFilename )
g_ClientInfo = p4helpers.GetClientInfo()
# Get the root directory without a trailing slash.
g_ClientRoot = g_ClientInfo['Root']
if g_ClientRoot[-1:] == '\\' or g_ClientRoot[-1:] == '/':
g_ClientRoot = g_ClientRoot[:-1]
if g_bVerbose:
print "\n---- vcodepickle ----"
print "zipfile : " + g_ZipFilename
print "p4 client root : " + g_ClientRoot
if g_bAutoRevert == True:
print "-revert specified"
print "-----------------------"
print ""
if g_RunMode == RUNMODE_BACKUP:
DoBackup( g_ClientRoot, g_ZipFilename, g_bAutoRevert )
if g_RunMode == RUNMODE_EMPTY:
DoEmptyPickle( g_ZipFilename )
elif g_RunMode == RUNMODE_RESTORE:
if bPrompt:
username = os.environ['username']
g_ZipFilename = PromptForOpenZipFilename( g_ClientRoot, DefaultPickleDirName(username) )
if g_ZipFilename != None:
DoRestore( g_ClientRoot, g_ZipFilename )
DoRestore( g_ClientRoot, g_ZipFilename )
if g_bCreateDiff:
print "\n\nPreparing diff...\n"
username = os.environ['username']
if g_DiffDir == '':
g_DiffDir = DefaultPickleDiffName(username)
if bPrompt and ( g_RunMode != RUNMODE_BACKUP ): # If RUNMODE_BACKUP, then g_ZipFilename is already set to a valid thing.
g_ZipFilename = PromptForOpenZipFilename( g_ClientRoot, DefaultPickleDirName(username) )
if g_ZipFilename != None:
DoDiff( g_ZipFilename, g_DiffDir )
DoDiff( g_ZipFilename, g_DiffDir )
if __name__ == '__main__':