FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

291 lines
8.8 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( GAMEMOVEMENT_H )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "igamemovement.h"
#include "cmodel.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#define CTEXTURESMAX 512 // max number of textures loaded
#define CBTEXTURENAMEMAX 13 // only load first n chars of name
#define GAMEMOVEMENT_DUCK_TIME 1000.0f // ms
#define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_TIME 510.0f // ms approx - based on the 21 unit height jump
#define GAMEMOVEMENT_JUMP_HEIGHT 21.0f // units
struct surfacedata_t;
class CBasePlayer;
class CGameMovement : public IGameMovement
CGameMovement( void );
virtual ~CGameMovement( void );
virtual void ProcessMovement( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CMoveData *pMove );
virtual void StartTrackPredictionErrors( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void FinishTrackPredictionErrors( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual void DiffPrint( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const *fmt, ... );
virtual Vector GetPlayerMins( bool ducked ) const;
virtual Vector GetPlayerMaxs( bool ducked ) const;
virtual Vector GetPlayerViewOffset( bool ducked ) const;
// For sanity checking getting stuck on CMoveData::SetAbsOrigin
virtual void TracePlayerBBox( const Vector& start, const Vector& end, unsigned int fMask, int collisionGroup, trace_t& pm );
// allows derived classes to exclude entities from trace
virtual void TryTouchGround( const Vector& start, const Vector& end, const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs, unsigned int fMask, int collisionGroup, trace_t& pm );
#define BRUSH_ONLY true
virtual unsigned int PlayerSolidMask( bool brushOnly = false ); ///< returns the solid mask for the given player, so bots can have a more-restrictive set
CBasePlayer *player;
CMoveData *GetMoveData() { return mv; }
// Input/Output for this movement
CMoveData *mv;
int m_nOldWaterLevel;
float m_flWaterEntryTime;
int m_nOnLadder;
Vector m_vecForward;
Vector m_vecRight;
Vector m_vecUp;
// Does most of the player movement logic.
// Returns with origin, angles, and velocity modified in place.
// were contacted during the move.
virtual void PlayerMove( void );
// Set ground data, etc.
void FinishMove( void );
virtual float CalcRoll( const QAngle &angles, const Vector &velocity, float rollangle, float rollspeed );
virtual void DecayPunchAngle( void );
virtual void CheckWaterJump(void );
virtual void WaterMove( void );
void WaterJump( void );
// Handles both ground friction and water friction
void Friction( void );
virtual void AirAccelerate( Vector& wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel );
virtual void AirMove( void );
virtual float GetAirSpeedCap( void ) { return 30.f; }
virtual bool CanAccelerate();
virtual void Accelerate( Vector& wishdir, float wishspeed, float accel);
// Only used by players. Moves along the ground when player is a MOVETYPE_WALK.
virtual void WalkMove( void );
// Try to keep a walking player on the ground when running down slopes etc
void StayOnGround( void );
virtual void FullWalkMove();
// allow overridden versions to respond to jumping
virtual void OnJump( float fImpulse ) {}
virtual void OnLand( float fVelocity ) {}
// Implement this if you want to know when the player collides during OnPlayerMove
virtual void OnTryPlayerMoveCollision( trace_t &tr ) {}
virtual Vector GetPlayerMins( void ) const; // uses local player
virtual Vector GetPlayerMaxs( void ) const; // uses local player
typedef enum
} IntervalType_t;
virtual int GetCheckInterval( IntervalType_t type );
// Useful for things that happen periodically. This lets things happen on the specified interval, but
// spaces the events onto different frames for different players so they don't all hit their spikes
// simultaneously.
bool CheckInterval( IntervalType_t type );
// Decompoosed gravity
void StartGravity( void );
void FinishGravity( void );
// Apply normal ( undecomposed ) gravity
void AddGravity( void );
// Handle movement in noclip mode.
void FullNoClipMove( float factor, float maxacceleration );
// Returns true if he started a jump (ie: should he play the jump animation)?
virtual bool CheckJumpButton( void ); // Overridden by each game.
// Dead player flying through air., e.g.
virtual void FullTossMove( void );
// Player is a Observer chasing another player
void FullObserverMove( void );
// Handle movement when in MOVETYPE_LADDER mode.
virtual void FullLadderMove();
// The basic solid body movement clip that slides along multiple planes
virtual int TryPlayerMove( Vector *pFirstDest=NULL, trace_t *pFirstTrace=NULL );
virtual bool LadderMove( void );
virtual bool OnLadder( trace_t &trace );
virtual float LadderDistance( void ) const { return 2.0f; } ///< Returns the distance a player can be from a ladder and still attach to it
virtual unsigned int LadderMask( void ) const { return MASK_PLAYERSOLID; }
virtual float ClimbSpeed( void ) const { return MAX_CLIMB_SPEED; }
virtual float LadderLateralMultiplier( void ) const { return 1.0f; }
// See if the player has a bogus velocity value.
void CheckVelocity( void );
// Does not change the entities velocity at all
void PushEntity( Vector& push, trace_t *pTrace );
// Slide off of the impacting object
// returns the blocked flags:
// 0x01 == floor
// 0x02 == step / wall
int ClipVelocity( Vector& in, Vector& normal, Vector& out, float overbounce );
// If pmove.origin is in a solid position,
// try nudging slightly on all axis to
// allow for the cut precision of the net coordinates
virtual int CheckStuck( void );
// Check if the point is in water.
// Sets refWaterLevel and refWaterType appropriately.
// If in water, applies current to baseVelocity, and returns true.
virtual bool CheckWater( void );
// Determine if player is in water, on ground, etc.
virtual void CategorizePosition( void );
virtual void CheckParameters( void );
virtual void ReduceTimers( void );
virtual void CheckFalling( void );
virtual void PlayerRoughLandingEffects( float fvol );
void PlayerWaterSounds( void );
void ResetGetPointContentsCache();
int GetPointContentsCached( const Vector &point, int slot );
// Ducking
virtual void Duck( void );
virtual void HandleDuckingSpeedCrop();
virtual void FinishUnDuck( void );
virtual void FinishDuck( void );
virtual bool CanUnduck();
void UpdateDuckJumpEyeOffset( void );
bool CanUnDuckJump( trace_t &trace );
void StartUnDuckJump( void );
void FinishUnDuckJump( trace_t &trace );
void SetDuckedEyeOffset( float duckFraction );
void FixPlayerCrouchStuck( bool moveup );
float SplineFraction( float value, float scale );
void CategorizeGroundSurface( trace_t &pm );
bool InWater( void );
// Commander view movement
void IsometricMove( void );
// Traces the player bbox as it is swept from start to end
virtual CBaseHandle TestPlayerPosition( const Vector& pos, int collisionGroup, trace_t& pm );
// Checks to see if we should actually jump
void PlaySwimSound();
bool IsDead( void ) const;
// Figures out how the constraint should slow us down
float ComputeConstraintSpeedFactor( void );
virtual void SetGroundEntity( trace_t *pm );
virtual void StepMove( Vector &vecDestination, trace_t &trace );
// when we step on ground that's too steep, search to see if there's any ground nearby that isn't too steep
void TryTouchGroundInQuadrants( const Vector& start, const Vector& end, unsigned int fMask, int collisionGroup, trace_t& pm );
// Performs the collision resolution for fliers.
void PerformFlyCollisionResolution( trace_t &pm, Vector &move );
virtual bool GameHasLadders() const;
// eyes, waist, feet points (since they are all deterministic
// Cache used to remove redundant calls to GetPointContents().
int m_CachedGetPointContents[ MAX_PLAYERS ][ MAX_PC_CACHE_SLOTS ];
Vector m_CachedGetPointContentsPoint[ MAX_PLAYERS ][ MAX_PC_CACHE_SLOTS ];
Vector m_vecProximityMins; // Used to be globals in sv_user.cpp.
Vector m_vecProximityMaxs;
float m_fFrameTime;
int m_iSpeedCropped;
float m_flStuckCheckTime[MAX_PLAYERS+1][2]; // Last time we did a full test
// special function for teleport-with-duck for episodic
void ForceDuck( void );