FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

568 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "map_shared.h"
#include "fgdlib/fgdlib.h"
#include "manifest.h"
#include "windows.h"
// Purpose: default constructor
CManifestMap::CManifestMap( void )
m_RelativeMapFileName[ 0 ] = 0;
m_bTopLevelMap = false;
// Purpose: default constructor
CManifest::CManifest( void )
m_InstancePath[ 0 ] = 0;
m_bIsCordoning = false;
m_CordoningMapEnt = NULL;
// Purpose: this function will parse through the known keys for the manifest map entry
// Input : szKey - the key name
// szValue - the value
// pManifestMap - the manifest map this belongs to
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t - result of the parsing
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadManifestMapKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CManifestMap *pManifestMap )
if ( !stricmp( szKey, "Name" ) )
// pManifestMap->m_FriendlyName = szValue;
else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "File" ) )
strcpy( pManifestMap->m_RelativeMapFileName, szValue );
else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "IsPrimary" ) )
// pManifestMap->m_bPrimaryMap = ( atoi( szValue ) == 1 );
else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "IsProtected" ) )
// pManifestMap->m_bCanBeModified = ( atoi( szValue ) != 1 );
else if ( !stricmp( szKey, "TopLevel" ) )
pManifestMap->m_bTopLevelMap = ( atoi( szValue ) == 1 );
return ChunkFile_Ok;
// Purpose: this function is responsible for setting up the manifest map about to be read in
// Input : pFile - the chunk file being read
// pDoc - the owning manifest document
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t - result of the parsing
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadManifestVMFCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, CManifest *pManifest )
CManifestMap *pManifestMap = new CManifestMap();
pManifest->m_Maps.AddToTail( pManifestMap );
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk( ( KeyHandler_t )LoadManifestMapKeyCallback, pManifestMap );
return( eResult );
// Purpose: this function will load the VMF chunk
// Input : pFile - the chunk file being read
// pDoc - the owning manifest document
// Output : ChunkFileResult_t - result of the parsing
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadManifestMapsCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, CManifest *pManifest )
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "VMF", ( ChunkHandler_t )LoadManifestVMFCallback, pManifest );
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;
eResult = pFile->ReadChunk();
return( eResult );
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonBoxCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, Cordon_t *pCordon )
// Add a box to this cordon.
BoundBox &box = pCordon->m_Boxes.Tail();
// Fill it in with the data from the VMF.
return pFile->ReadChunk( (KeyHandler_t)LoadCordonBoxKeyCallback, (void *)&box );
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonBoxKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, BoundBox *pBox )
if (!stricmp(szKey, "mins"))
CChunkFile::ReadKeyValuePoint(szValue, pBox->bmins);
else if (!stricmp(szKey, "maxs"))
CChunkFile::ReadKeyValuePoint(szValue, pBox->bmaxs);
return ChunkFile_Ok;
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, Cordon_t *pCordon )
if (!stricmp(szKey, "name"))
pCordon->m_szName.Set( szValue );
// Whether this particular cordon volume is active.
else if (!stricmp(szKey, "active"))
CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueBool(szValue, pCordon->m_bActive);
return ChunkFile_Ok;
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, CManifest *pManifest )
// Add a new cordon which will be filled in by the key callback
Cordon_t &cordon = pManifest->m_Cordons.Tail();
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "box", (ChunkHandler_t)CManifest::LoadCordonBoxCallback, (void *)&cordon );
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk( (KeyHandler_t)LoadCordonKeyCallback, (void *)&cordon );
// Parses keys that are applicable to all cordons in the map.
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonsKeyCallback( const char *szKey, const char *szValue, CManifest *pManifest )
// Whether the cordoning system is enabled or disabled.
if ( !stricmp( szKey, "active" ) )
CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueBool( szValue, pManifest->m_bIsCordoning );
return ChunkFile_Ok;
// Parses the VMF chunk that pertains to all the cordons in the map:
// cordons
// {
// "active" "true"
// cordon
// {
// "active" "true"
// "box"
// {
// "mins" "-1024, -1024, -1024"
// "maxs" "1024, 1024, 1024"
// }
// ...may be more boxes...
// }
// ...may be more cordons...
// }
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadCordonsCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, CManifest *pManifest )
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "cordon", (ChunkHandler_t)CManifest::LoadCordonCallback, pManifest );
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pFile->ReadChunk( (KeyHandler_t)LoadCordonsKeyCallback, pManifest );
extern ChunkFileResult_t LoadSolidCallback(CChunkFile *pFile, LoadEntity_t *pLoadEntity);
ChunkFileResult_t CManifest::LoadManifestCordoningPrefsCallback( CChunkFile *pFile, CManifest *pDoc )
pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt = &g_MainMap->entities[g_MainMap->num_entities];
memset( pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt, 0, sizeof( *pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt ) );
pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt->firstbrush = g_MainMap->nummapbrushes;
pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt->numbrushes = 0;
LoadEntity_t LoadEntity;
LoadEntity.pEntity = pDoc->m_CordoningMapEnt;
// No default flags/contents
LoadEntity.nBaseFlags = 0;
LoadEntity.nBaseContents = 0;
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "cordons", ( ChunkHandler_t )CManifest::LoadCordonsCallback, pDoc );
Handlers.AddHandler("solid", (ChunkHandler_t)::LoadSolidCallback, &LoadEntity);
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;
eResult = pFile->ReadChunk();
return( eResult );
// Purpose: this function will create a new entity pair
// Input : pKey - the key of the pair
// pValue - the value of the pair
// Output : returns a newly created epair structure
epair_t *CManifest::CreateEPair( char *pKey, char *pValue )
epair_t *pEPair = new epair_t;
pEPair->key = new char[ strlen( pKey ) + 1 ];
pEPair->value = new char[ strlen( pValue ) + 1 ];
strcpy( pEPair->key, pKey );
strcpy( pEPair->value, pValue );
return pEPair;
// Purpose: this function will load in all of the submaps belonging to this manifest,
// except for the top level map, which is loaded separately.
// Input : pMapFile - the top level map that was previously loaded
// pszFileName - the absolute file name of the top level map file
// Output : returns true if all submaps were loaded
bool CManifest::LoadSubMaps( CMapFile *pMapFile, const char *pszFileName )
entity_t *InstanceEntity;
epair_t *pEPair;
InstanceEntity = &pMapFile->entities[ pMapFile->num_entities ];
memset( InstanceEntity, 0, sizeof( *InstanceEntity ) );
InstanceEntity->origin.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
pEPair = CreateEPair( "classname", "worldspawn" );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
for( int i = 0; i < m_Maps.Count(); i++ )
// if ( m_Maps[ i ]->m_bTopLevelMap == false )
char FileName[ MAX_PATH ];
sprintf( FileName, "%s%s", m_InstancePath, m_Maps[ i ]->m_RelativeMapFileName );
InstanceEntity = &pMapFile->entities[ pMapFile->num_entities ];
memset( InstanceEntity, 0, sizeof( *InstanceEntity ) );
InstanceEntity->origin.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
pEPair = CreateEPair( "angles", "0 0 0" );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
char temp[ 128 ];
sprintf( temp, "%d", GameData::NAME_FIXUP_NONE );
pEPair = CreateEPair( "fixup_style", temp );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
pEPair = CreateEPair( "classname", "func_instance" );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
pEPair = CreateEPair( "file", m_Maps[ i ]->m_RelativeMapFileName );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
if ( m_Maps[ i ]->m_bTopLevelMap == true )
pEPair = CreateEPair( "toplevel", "1" );
pEPair->next = InstanceEntity->epairs;
InstanceEntity->epairs = pEPair;
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
bool CManifest::LoadVMFManifestUserPrefs( const char *pszFileName )
char UserName[ MAX_PATH ], FileName[ MAX_PATH ], UserPrefsFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
DWORD UserNameSize;
UserNameSize = sizeof( UserName );
if ( GetUserName( UserName, &UserNameSize ) == 0 )
strcpy( UserPrefsFileName, "default" );
sprintf( UserPrefsFileName, "\\%s.vmm_prefs", UserName );
V_StripExtension( pszFileName, FileName, sizeof( FileName ) );
strcat( FileName, UserPrefsFileName );
FILE *fp = fopen( FileName, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
return false;
CChunkFile File;
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = File.Open( FileName, ChunkFile_Read );
if ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok )
// Set up handlers for the subchunks that we are interested in.
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "cordoning", ( ChunkHandler_t )CManifest::LoadManifestCordoningPrefsCallback, this );
// Handlers.SetErrorHandler( ( ChunkErrorHandler_t )CMapDoc::HandleLoadError, this);
while( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok )
eResult = File.ReadChunk();
if ( eResult == ChunkFile_EOF )
eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;
if ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok )
// no pref message for now
// GetMainWnd()->MessageBox( File.GetErrorText( eResult ), "Error loading manifest!", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
return true;
// Purpose: Loads a .VMM file.
// Input : pszFileName - Full path of the map file to load.
bool CManifest::LoadVMFManifest( const char *pszFileName )
V_StripExtension( pszFileName, m_InstancePath, sizeof( m_InstancePath ) );
strcat( m_InstancePath, "\\" );
CChunkFile File;
ChunkFileResult_t eResult = File.Open( pszFileName, ChunkFile_Read );
if ( eResult != ChunkFile_Ok )
g_MapError.ReportError( File.GetErrorText( eResult ) );
return false;
CChunkHandlerMap Handlers;
Handlers.AddHandler( "Maps", ( ChunkHandler_t )LoadManifestMapsCallback, this );
while (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)
eResult = File.ReadChunk();
if (eResult == ChunkFile_EOF)
eResult = ChunkFile_Ok;
if ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok )
int index = g_Maps.AddToTail( new CMapFile() );
g_LoadingMap = g_Maps[ index ];
if ( g_MainMap == NULL )
g_MainMap = g_LoadingMap;
LoadSubMaps( g_LoadingMap, pszFileName );
LoadVMFManifestUserPrefs( pszFileName );
return ( eResult == ChunkFile_Ok );
// Purpose:
// Input :
// Output :
void CManifest::CordonWorld( )
if ( m_bIsCordoning == false )
for ( int i = 0; i < g_MainMap->num_entities; i++ )
if ( i == 0 )
{ // for world spawn, we look at brushes
for( int nBrushNum = 0; nBrushNum < g_MainMap->entities[ i ].numbrushes; nBrushNum++ )
int nIndex = g_MainMap->entities[ i ].firstbrush + nBrushNum;
bool bRemove = true;
for( int nCordon = 0; nCordon < m_Cordons.Count(); nCordon++ )
if ( m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_bActive == false )
for( int nBox = 0; nBox < m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_Boxes.Count(); nBox++ )
if ( m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_Boxes[ nBox ].IsIntersectingBox( g_MainMap->mapbrushes[ nIndex ].mins, g_MainMap->mapbrushes[ nIndex ].maxs ) == true )
bRemove = false;
if ( bRemove == false )
if ( bRemove )
int nSize = ( g_MainMap->entities[ i ].numbrushes - nBrushNum - 1 ) * sizeof( g_MainMap->mapbrushes[ 0 ] );
memmove( &g_MainMap->mapbrushes[ nIndex ], &g_MainMap->mapbrushes[ nIndex + 1 ], nSize );
g_MainMap->entities[ i ].numbrushes--;
else if ( &g_MainMap->entities[ i ] != m_CordoningMapEnt )
{ // for all other entities, even if they include brushes, we look at origin
if ( g_MainMap->entities[ i ].numbrushes == 0 && g_MainMap->entities[ i ].epairs == NULL )
bool bRemove = true;
for( int nCordon = 0; nCordon < m_Cordons.Count(); nCordon++ )
if ( m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_bActive == false )
for( int nBox = 0; nBox < m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_Boxes.Count(); nBox++ )
if ( m_Cordons[ nCordon ].m_Boxes[ nBox ].ContainsPoint( g_MainMap->entities[ i ].origin ) == true )
bRemove = false;
if ( bRemove == false )
if ( bRemove )
g_MainMap->entities[ i ].numbrushes = 0;
g_MainMap->entities[ i ].epairs = NULL;
if ( m_CordoningMapEnt )
g_MainMap->MoveBrushesToWorldGeneral( m_CordoningMapEnt );
m_CordoningMapEnt->numbrushes = 0;
m_CordoningMapEnt->epairs = NULL;