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2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

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// nav_merge.cpp
// Save/merge for partial nav meshes
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "nav_mesh.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
void CNavArea::SaveToSelectedSet( KeyValues *areaKey ) const
const char *placeName = TheNavMesh->PlaceToName( GetPlace() );
areaKey->SetString( "Place", (placeName)?placeName:"" );
areaKey->SetInt( "Attributes", GetAttributes() );
void CNavArea::RestoreFromSelectedSet( KeyValues *areaKey )
SetPlace( TheNavMesh->NameToPlace( areaKey->GetString( "Place" ) ) );
SetAttributes( areaKey->GetInt( "Attributes" ) );
class BuildSelectedSet
BuildSelectedSet( KeyValues *kv )
m_kv = kv;
m_areaCount = 0;
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area )
CFmtStrN<32> name( "%d", area->GetID() );
KeyValues *areaKey = m_kv->FindKey( name.Access(), true );
if ( areaKey )
WriteCorner( area, areaKey, NORTH_WEST, "NorthWest" );
WriteCorner( area, areaKey, NORTH_EAST, "NorthEast" );
WriteCorner( area, areaKey, SOUTH_WEST, "SouthWest" );
WriteCorner( area, areaKey, SOUTH_EAST, "SouthEast" );
WriteConnections( area, areaKey, NORTH, "North" );
WriteConnections( area, areaKey, SOUTH, "South" );
WriteConnections( area, areaKey, EAST, "East" );
WriteConnections( area, areaKey, WEST, "West" );
area->SaveToSelectedSet( areaKey );
return true;
int Count( void ) const
return m_areaCount;
void WriteCorner( CNavArea *area, KeyValues *areaKey, NavCornerType corner, const char *cornerName )
KeyValues *cornerKey = areaKey->FindKey( cornerName, true );
if ( cornerKey )
Vector pos = area->GetCorner( corner );
cornerKey->SetFloat( "x", pos.x );
cornerKey->SetFloat( "y", pos.y );
cornerKey->SetFloat( "z", pos.z );
void WriteConnections( CNavArea *area, KeyValues *areaKey, NavDirType dir, const char *dirName )
KeyValues *dirKey = areaKey->FindKey( dirName, true );
if ( dirKey )
for ( int i=0; i<area->GetAdjacentCount( dir ); ++i )
CNavArea *other = area->GetAdjacentArea( dir, i );
if ( other && TheNavMesh->IsInSelectedSet( other ) )
CFmtStrN<32> name( "%d", i );
dirKey->SetInt( name.Access(), other->GetID() );
int m_areaCount;
KeyValues *m_kv;
void CNavMesh::CommandNavSaveSelected( const CCommand &args )
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "Selected Nav Areas" );
data->SetInt( "version", 1 );
BuildSelectedSet setBuilder( data );
TheNavMesh->ForAllSelectedAreas( setBuilder );
if ( !setBuilder.Count() )
Msg( "Not saving empty selected set to disk.\n" );
char fname[32];
char path[MAX_PATH];
if ( args.ArgC() == 2 )
V_FileBase( args[0], fname, sizeof( fname ) );
V_strncpy( fname, STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ), sizeof( fname ) );
int i;
for ( i=0; i<1000; ++i )
V_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "maps/%s_selected_%4.4d.txt", fname, i );
if ( !filesystem->FileExists( path ) )
if ( i == 1000 )
Msg( "Unable to find a filename to save the selected set to disk.\n" );
if ( !data->SaveToFile( filesystem, path ) )
Msg( "Unable to save the selected set to disk.\n" );
Msg( "Selected set saved to %s. Use 'nav_merge_mesh %s_selected_%4.4d' to merge it into another mesh.\n", path, fname, i );
CON_COMMAND_F( nav_save_selected, "Writes the selected set to disk for merging into another mesh via nav_merge_mesh.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )
TheNavMesh->CommandNavSaveSelected( args );
Vector ReadCorner( KeyValues *areaKey, const char *cornerName )
Vector pos( vec3_origin );
KeyValues *cornerKey = areaKey->FindKey( cornerName, false );
if ( cornerKey )
pos.x = cornerKey->GetFloat( "x" );
pos.y = cornerKey->GetFloat( "y" );
pos.z = cornerKey->GetFloat( "z" );
return pos;
void ReconnectMergedArea( CUtlDict< CNavArea *, int > &newAreas, KeyValues *areaKey, NavDirType dir, const char *dirName )
int index = newAreas.Find( areaKey->GetName() );
if ( index == newAreas.InvalidIndex() )
Assert( false );
CNavArea *area = newAreas[index];
KeyValues *dirKey = areaKey->FindKey( dirName, true );
if ( dirKey )
KeyValues *connection = dirKey->GetFirstValue();
while ( connection )
const char *otherID = connection->GetString();
int otherIndex = newAreas.Find( otherID );
Assert( otherIndex != newAreas.InvalidIndex() );
if ( otherIndex != newAreas.InvalidIndex() )
CNavArea *other = newAreas[otherIndex];
area->ConnectTo( other, dir ); // only a 1-way connection. the other area will connect back to us.
connection = connection->GetNextValue();
void CNavMesh::CommandNavMergeMesh( const CCommand &args )
if ( args.ArgC() != 2 )
Msg( "Usage: nav_merge_mesh filename\n" );
char fname[64];
char path[MAX_PATH];
V_FileBase( args[1], fname, sizeof( fname ) );
V_snprintf( path, sizeof( path ), "maps/%s.txt", fname );
KeyValues *data = new KeyValues( "Nav Selected Set" );
if ( !data->LoadFromFile( filesystem, path ) )
Msg( "Unable to load %s.\n", path );
// Loaded the data - plug it into the existing mesh!
// First add the areas, and put them in the correct places. We can save off the new area ID
// at the same time.
CUtlDict< CNavArea *, int > newAreas;
CUtlVector< CNavArea * > areaVector;
KeyValues *areaKey = data->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( areaKey )
Vector northWest = ReadCorner( areaKey, "NorthWest" );
Vector northEast = ReadCorner( areaKey, "NorthEast" );
Vector southWest = ReadCorner( areaKey, "SouthWest" );
Vector southEast = ReadCorner( areaKey, "SouthEast" );
CNavArea *newArea = TheNavMesh->CreateArea();
if (newArea == NULL)
Warning( "nav_merge_mesh: Out of memory\n" );
newArea->Build( northWest, northEast, southEast, southWest );
TheNavAreas.AddToTail( newArea );
TheNavMesh->AddNavArea( newArea );
areaVector.AddToTail( newArea );
// save the new ID for connections
int index = newAreas.Find( areaKey->GetName() );
Assert( index == newAreas.InvalidIndex() );
if ( index == newAreas.InvalidIndex() )
newAreas.Insert( areaKey->GetName(), newArea );
// Restore additional data
newArea->RestoreFromSelectedSet( areaKey );
areaKey = areaKey->GetNextKey();
// Go back and reconnect the new areas to each other
areaKey = data->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( areaKey )
ReconnectMergedArea( newAreas, areaKey, NORTH, "North" );
ReconnectMergedArea( newAreas, areaKey, SOUTH, "South" );
ReconnectMergedArea( newAreas, areaKey, EAST, "East" );
ReconnectMergedArea( newAreas, areaKey, WEST, "West" );
areaKey = areaKey->GetNextKey();
// Connect selected areas with pre-existing areas
StitchAreaSet( &areaVector );
int NavMeshMergeAutocomplete( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] )
char *commandName = "nav_merge_mesh";
int numMatches = 0;
partial += Q_strlen( commandName ) + 1;
int partialLength = Q_strlen( partial );
FileFindHandle_t findHandle;
char txtFilenameNoExtension[ MAX_PATH ];
const char *txtFilename = filesystem->FindFirstEx( "maps/*_selected_*.txt", "MOD", &findHandle );
while ( txtFilename )
Q_FileBase( txtFilename, txtFilenameNoExtension, sizeof( txtFilenameNoExtension ) );
if ( !Q_strnicmp( txtFilenameNoExtension, partial, partialLength ) && V_stristr( txtFilenameNoExtension, "_selected_" ) )
// Add the place name to the autocomplete array
Q_snprintf( commands[ numMatches++ ], COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH, "%s %s", commandName, txtFilenameNoExtension );
// Make sure we don't try to return too many place names
return numMatches;
txtFilename = filesystem->FindNext( findHandle );
filesystem->FindClose( findHandle );
return numMatches;
CON_COMMAND_F_COMPLETION( nav_merge_mesh, "Merges a saved selected set into the current mesh.", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT, NavMeshMergeAutocomplete )
if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() )
TheNavMesh->CommandNavMergeMesh( args );