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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Shared object based on a CBaseRecord subclass
#include "stdafx.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
namespace GCSDK
#ifdef GC
// Purpose: Returns true if the object needs to be saved to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddToDatabase( CRecordBase *pRecordBase )
if( pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo()->BHasIdentity() )
CSQLAccess sqlAccess;
return sqlAccess.BYieldingInsertWithIdentity( pRecordBase );
return false;
// Purpose: Returns true if the object needs to be saved to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess, CRecordBase *pRecordBase )
Assert( !pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo()->BHasIdentity() );
return sqlAccess.BYieldingInsertRecord( pRecordBase );
// Purpose: Reads the object from the database via its primary key. Initialize
// the primary key fields before you call this.
bool CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingReadFromDatabase( CRecordBase *pRecordBase )
CSQLAccess sqlAccess;
CColumnSet csPK( pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() );
CColumnSet csReadFields( pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() );
csReadFields.MakeInverse( csPK );
if( k_EResultOK != sqlAccess.YieldingReadRecordWithWhereColumns( pRecordBase, csReadFields, csPK ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Writes the non-PK fields on the object to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess, CRecordBase *pRecordBase, const CColumnSet & csDatabaseDirty )
CColumnSet csPK( pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() );
if( !sqlAccess.BYieldingUpdateRecord( *pRecordBase, csPK, csDatabaseDirty ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Adds the primary key for this object to the network message
bool CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess, CRecordBase *pRecordBase )
CColumnSet csPK( pRecordBase->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() );
if( !sqlAccess.BYieldingDeleteRecords( *pRecordBase, csPK ) )
return false;
return true;
#endif // GC
// Purpose: Dumps diagnostic information about the shared object
void CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::Dump( const CRecordBase *pRecordBase )
CFmtStr1024 sOutput;
const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo = pRecordBase->GetPRecordInfo();
for( uint32 unColumn = 0; unColumn < (uint32)pRecordInfo->GetNumColumns(); unColumn++ )
if( unColumn > 0 )
sOutput += ", ";
sOutput += pRecordInfo->GetColumnInfo( unColumn ).GetName();
sOutput += "=";
char pchFieldData[128];
pRecordBase->RenderField( unColumn, sizeof(pchFieldData), pchFieldData );
sOutput += pchFieldData;
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\t\t%s\n", sOutput.Access() );
#ifdef GC
// Purpose: Returns true if the object needs to be saved to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BYieldingAddToDatabase()
if( GetPObject()->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo()->BHasIdentity() )
return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddToDatabase( GetPObject() );
return CSharedObject::BYieldingAddToDatabase();
// Purpose: Returns true if the object needs to be saved to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess )
return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( sqlAccess, GetPObject() );
// Purpose: Reads the object from the database via its primary key. Initialize
// the primary key fields before you call this.
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BYieldingReadFromDatabase()
return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingReadFromDatabase( GetPObject() );
CColumnSet CSchemaSharedObjectBase::GetDatabaseDirtyColumnSet( const CUtlVector< int > &fields ) const
CColumnSet cs( GetPObject()->GetPRecordInfo() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( fields, i )
cs.BAddColumn( fields[i] );
return cs;
// Purpose: Writes the non-PK fields on the object to the database
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess, const CUtlVector< int > &fields )
CColumnSet csDatabaseDirty = GetDatabaseDirtyColumnSet(fields);
return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( sqlAccess, GetPObject(), csDatabaseDirty );
// Purpose: Adds the primary key for this object to the network message
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess )
if ( CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction( sqlAccess, GetPObject() ) )
return true;
return false;
#endif // GC
// Purpose: Returns true if this is less than than the object in soRHS. This
// comparison is deterministic, but it may not be pleasing to a user
// since it is just going to compare raw memory. If you need a sort
// that is user-visible you will need to do it at a higher level that
// actually knows what the data in these objects means.
bool CSchemaSharedObjectBase::BIsKeyLess( const CSharedObject & soRHS ) const
Assert( GetTypeID() == soRHS.GetTypeID() );
const CSchemaSharedObjectBase & soSchemaRHS = (const CSchemaSharedObjectBase &)soRHS;
CColumnSet csPK( GetPObject()->GetPSchema()->GetRecordInfo() );
FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( csPK, unColumnIndex )
uint8 *pubMyData, *pubTheirData;
uint32 cubMyData, cubTheirData;
int nColumn = csPK.GetColumn( unColumnIndex );
DbgVerify( GetPObject()->BGetField( nColumn, &pubMyData, &cubMyData ) );
DbgVerify( soSchemaRHS.GetPObject()->BGetField( nColumn, &pubTheirData, &cubTheirData ) );
int nCmp = Q_memcmp( pubMyData, pubTheirData, MIN( cubMyData, cubTheirData ) );
// longer chunks of memory are greater
if( nCmp == 0 )
nCmp = cubTheirData > cubMyData;
if( nCmp != 0 )
return nCmp < 0;
return false;
// Purpose: Copy the data from the specified schema shared object into this.
// Both objects must be of the same type.
void CSchemaSharedObjectBase::Copy( const CSharedObject & soRHS )
Assert( GetTypeID() == soRHS.GetTypeID() );
CSchemaSharedObjectBase & soRHSBase = (CSchemaSharedObjectBase &)soRHS;
*GetPObject() = *(soRHSBase.GetPObject());
// Purpose: Dumps diagnostic information about the shared object
void CSchemaSharedObjectBase::Dump() const
CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::Dump( GetPObject() );
// Purpose: Returns the record info object for this type of schema object
const CRecordInfo * CSchemaSharedObjectBase::GetRecordInfo() const
return GetPObject()->GetPRecordInfo();
// Purpose: Claims all memory for the object.
void CSchemaSharedObjectBase::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName )
CSharedObject::Validate( validator, pchName );
// these are INSIDE the function instead of outside so the interface
// doesn't change
} // namespace GCSDK