FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

744 lines
19 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "mxtk/mx.h"
#include "mxStatusWindow.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "MDLViewer.h"
#include "mxExpressionTray.H"
#include "viewersettings.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "faceposer_models.h"
#include "expressions.h"
#include "choreoview.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "soundchars.h"
#include "sentence.h"
#include "PhonemeEditor.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "filesystem_init.h"
#include "tier2/p4helpers.h"
extern vgui::ILocalize *g_pLocalize;
StudioModel *FindAssociatedModel( CChoreoScene *scene, CChoreoActor *a );
// Purpose: Takes a full path and determines if the file exists on the disk
// Input : *filename -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool FPFullpathFileExists( const char *filename )
// Should be a full path
Assert( strchr( filename, ':' ) );
struct _stat buf;
int result = _stat( filename, &buf );
if ( result != -1 )
return true;
return false;
// Utility functions mostly
char *FacePoser_MakeWindowsSlashes( char *pname )
static char returnString[ 4096 ];
strcpy( returnString, pname );
pname = returnString;
while ( *pname )
if ( *pname == '/' )
*pname = '\\';
return returnString;
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int GetCloseCaptionLanguageId()
return g_viewerSettings.cclanguageid;
// Purpose:
// Input : id -
void SetCloseCaptionLanguageId( int id, bool force /* = false */ )
Assert( id >= 0 && id < CC_NUM_LANGUAGES );
bool changed = g_viewerSettings.cclanguageid != id;
g_viewerSettings.cclanguageid = id;
if ( changed || force )
// Switch languages
char const *suffix = CSentence::NameForLanguage( id );
if ( Q_stricmp( suffix, "unknown_language" ) )
char fn[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_snprintf( fn, sizeof( fn ), "resource/closecaption_%s.txt", suffix );
if ( Q_stricmp( suffix, "english" )&&
filesystem->FileExists( "resource/closecaption_english.txt" ) )
g_pLocalize->AddFile( "resource/closecaption_english.txt", "GAME", true );
if ( filesystem->FileExists( fn ) )
g_pLocalize->AddFile( fn, "GAME", true );
Con_ErrorPrintf( "PhonemeEditor::SetCloseCaptionLanguageId Warning, can't find localization file %s\n", fn );
// Need to redraw the choreoview at least
if ( g_pChoreoView )
if ( g_MDLViewer )
g_MDLViewer->UpdateLanguageMenu( id );
char *va( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
static char output[32][1024];
static int outbuffer = 0;
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
vsprintf( output[ outbuffer & 31 ], fmt, args );
return output[ outbuffer & 31 ];
void Con_Printf( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
static char output[1024];
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
if ( !g_pStatusWindow )
g_pStatusWindow->StatusPrint( CONSOLE_COLOR, false, output );
void Con_ColorPrintf( COLORREF rgb, const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
static char output[1024];
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
if ( !g_pStatusWindow )
g_pStatusWindow->StatusPrint( rgb, false, output );
void Con_ErrorPrintf( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
static char output[1024];
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
if ( !g_pStatusWindow )
g_pStatusWindow->StatusPrint( ERROR_COLOR, false, output );
// Purpose:
// Input : *filename -
void MakeFileWriteable( const char *filename )
Assert( filesystem );
char pFullPathBuf[ 512 ];
char *pFullPath;
if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( filename ) )
pFullPath = (char*)filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( filename, NULL, pFullPathBuf, sizeof(pFullPathBuf) );
Q_strncpy( pFullPathBuf, filename, sizeof(pFullPathBuf) );
pFullPath = pFullPathBuf;
if ( pFullPath )
Q_FixSlashes( pFullPath );
SetFileAttributes( pFullPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
// Purpose:
// Input : *filename -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool IsFileWriteable( const char *filename )
Assert( filesystem );
char pFullPathBuf[ 512 ];
char *pFullPath;
if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( filename ) )
pFullPath = (char*)filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( filename, NULL, pFullPathBuf, sizeof(pFullPathBuf) );
Q_strncpy( pFullPathBuf, filename, sizeof(pFullPathBuf) );
pFullPath = pFullPathBuf;
if ( pFullPath )
Q_FixSlashes( pFullPath );
DWORD attrib = GetFileAttributes( pFullPath );
return ( ( attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) == 0 );
// Doesn't seem to exist, so yeah, it's writable
return true;
bool MakeFileWriteablePrompt( const char *filename, char const *promptTitle )
if ( !IsFileWriteable( filename ) )
int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "File '%s' is Read-Only, make writable?", filename ),
promptTitle, MX_MB_WARNING | MX_MB_YESNO );
// Didn't pick yes, bail
if ( retval != 0 )
return false;
MakeFileWriteable( filename );
return true;
void FPCopyFile( const char *source, const char *dest, bool bCheckOut )
Assert( filesystem );
char fullpaths[ MAX_PATH ];
char fullpathd[ MAX_PATH ];
if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( source ) )
filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( source, NULL, fullpaths, sizeof(fullpaths) );
Q_strncpy( fullpaths, source, sizeof(fullpaths) );
Q_strncpy( fullpathd, fullpaths, MAX_PATH );
char *pSubdir = Q_stristr( fullpathd, source );
if ( pSubdir )
*pSubdir = 0;
Q_AppendSlash( fullpathd, MAX_PATH );
Q_strncat( fullpathd, dest, MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );
Q_FixSlashes( fullpaths );
Q_FixSlashes( fullpathd );
if ( bCheckOut )
CP4AutoEditAddFile checkout( fullpathd );
CopyFile( fullpaths, fullpathd, FALSE );
CopyFile( fullpaths, fullpathd, FALSE );
bool FacePoser_HasWindowStyle( mxWindow *w, int bits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE );
return ( style & bits ) ? true : false;
bool FacePoser_HasWindowExStyle( mxWindow *w, int bits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
return ( style & bits ) ? true : false;
void FacePoser_AddWindowStyle( mxWindow *w, int addbits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE );
style |= addbits;
SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE, style );
void FacePoser_AddWindowExStyle( mxWindow *w, int addbits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
style |= addbits;
SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, style );
void FacePoser_RemoveWindowStyle( mxWindow *w, int removebits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE );
style &= ~removebits;
SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_STYLE, style );
void FacePoser_RemoveWindowExStyle( mxWindow *w, int removebits )
HWND wnd = (HWND)w->getHandle();
DWORD style = GetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
style &= ~removebits;
SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, style );
// Purpose:
// Input : *w -
void FacePoser_MakeToolWindow( mxWindow *w, bool smallcaption )
if ( smallcaption )
FacePoser_AddWindowExStyle( w, WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW );
FacePoser_AddWindowExStyle( w, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW );
bool LoadViewerSettingsInt( char const *keyname, int *value );
bool SaveViewerSettingsInt ( const char *keyname, int value );
void FacePoser_LoadWindowPositions( char const *name, bool& visible, int& x, int& y, int& w, int& h, bool& locked, bool& zoomed )
char subkey[ 512 ];
int v;
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - visible", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &v );
visible = v ? true : false;
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - locked", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &v );
locked = v ? true : false;
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - zoomed", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &v );
zoomed = v ? true : false;
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - x", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &x );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - y", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &y );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - width", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &w );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - height", name );
LoadViewerSettingsInt( subkey, &h );
void FacePoser_SaveWindowPositions( char const *name, bool visible, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool locked, bool zoomed )
char subkey[ 512 ];
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - visible", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, visible );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - locked", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, locked );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - x", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, x );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - y", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, y );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - width", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, w );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - height", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, h );
Q_snprintf( subkey, sizeof( subkey ), "%s - zoomed", name );
SaveViewerSettingsInt( subkey, zoomed );
static char g_PhonemeRoot[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
void FacePoser_SetPhonemeRootDir( char const *pchRootDir )
Q_strncpy( g_PhonemeRoot, pchRootDir, sizeof( g_PhonemeRoot ) );
// Purpose:
void FacePoser_EnsurePhonemesLoaded( void )
// Don't bother unless a model is loaded, at least...
CStudioHdr *hdr = models->GetActiveStudioModel()->GetStudioHdr();
if ( !hdr )
char const *ext[] =
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAYSIZE( ext ); ++i )
char clname[ 256 ];
Q_snprintf( clname, sizeof( clname ), "%sphonemes%s", g_PhonemeRoot, ext[ i ] );
Q_FixSlashes( clname );
Q_strlower( clname );
if ( !expressions->FindClass( clname, false ) )
char clfile[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_snprintf( clfile, sizeof( clfile ), "expressions/%sphonemes%s.txt", g_PhonemeRoot, ext[ i ] );
Q_FixSlashes( clfile );
Q_strlower( clfile );
if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( clfile ) )
expressions->LoadClass( clfile );
CExpClass *cl = expressions->FindClass( clname, false );
if ( !cl )
Con_Printf( "FacePoser_EnsurePhonemesLoaded: %s missing!!!\n", clfile );
bool FacePoser_ShowFileNameDialog( bool openFile, char *relative, size_t bufsize, char const *subdir, char const *wildcard )
Assert( relative );
relative[ 0 ] = 0 ;
Assert( subdir );
Assert( wildcard );
char workingdir[ 256 ];
Q_getwd( workingdir, sizeof( workingdir ) );
strlwr( workingdir );
Q_FixSlashes( workingdir, '/' );
// Show file io
bool inWorkingDirectoryAlready = false;
if ( Q_stristr_slash( workingdir, va( "%s%s", GetGameDirectory(), subdir ) ) )
inWorkingDirectoryAlready = true;
// Show file io
const char *fullpath = NULL;
if ( openFile )
fullpath = mxGetOpenFileName(
inWorkingDirectoryAlready ? "." : FacePoser_MakeWindowsSlashes( va( "%s%s/", GetGameDirectory(), subdir ) ),
wildcard );
fullpath = mxGetSaveFileName(
inWorkingDirectoryAlready ? "." : FacePoser_MakeWindowsSlashes( va( "%s%s/", GetGameDirectory(), subdir ) ),
wildcard );
if ( !fullpath || !fullpath[ 0 ] )
return false;
Q_strncpy( relative, fullpath, bufsize );
return true;
bool FacePoser_ShowOpenFileNameDialog( char *relative, size_t bufsize, char const *subdir, char const *wildcard )
return FacePoser_ShowFileNameDialog( true, relative, bufsize, subdir, wildcard );
bool FacePoser_ShowSaveFileNameDialog( char *relative, size_t bufsize, char const *subdir, char const *wildcard )
return FacePoser_ShowFileNameDialog( false, relative, bufsize, subdir, wildcard );
// Purpose: converts an english string to unicode
int ConvertANSIToUnicode(const char *ansi, wchar_t *unicode, int unicodeBufferSize)
return ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ansi, -1, unicode, unicodeBufferSize);
// Purpose: converts an unicode string to an english string
int ConvertUnicodeToANSI(const wchar_t *unicode, char *ansi, int ansiBufferSize)
return ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, unicode, -1, ansi, ansiBufferSize, NULL, NULL);
// Purpose: If FPS is set and "using grid", snap to proper fractional time value
// Input : t -
// Output : float
float FacePoser_SnapTime( float t )
if ( !g_pChoreoView )
return t;
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene();
if ( !scene )
return t;
return scene->SnapTime( t );
// Purpose:
// Input : t -
// Output : char const
char const *FacePoser_DescribeSnappedTime( float t )
static char desc[ 128 ];
Q_snprintf( desc, sizeof( desc ), "%.3f", t );
if ( !g_pChoreoView )
return desc;
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene();
if ( !scene )
return desc;
t = scene->SnapTime( t );
int fps = scene->GetSceneFPS();
int ipart = (int)t;
int fracpart = (int)( ( t - (float)ipart ) * (float)fps + 0.5f );
int frame = ipart * fps + fracpart;
if ( fracpart == 0 )
Q_snprintf( desc, sizeof( desc ), "frame %i (time %i s.)", frame, ipart );
Q_snprintf( desc, sizeof( desc ), "frame %i (time %i + %i/%i s.)",
frame, ipart,fracpart, fps );
return desc;
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int FacePoser_GetSceneFPS( void )
if ( !g_pChoreoView )
return 1000;
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene();
if ( !scene )
return 1000;
return scene->GetSceneFPS();
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool FacePoser_IsSnapping( void )
if ( !g_pChoreoView )
return false;
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene();
if ( !scene )
return false;
return scene->IsUsingFrameSnap();
char const *FacePoser_TranslateSoundNameGender( char const *soundname, gender_t gender )
if ( Q_stristr( soundname, ".wav" ) )
return PSkipSoundChars( soundname );
return PSkipSoundChars( soundemitter->GetWavFileForSound( soundname, gender ) );
char const *FacePoser_TranslateSoundName( char const *soundname, StudioModel *model /*= NULL*/ )
if ( Q_stristr( soundname, ".wav" ) )
return PSkipSoundChars( soundname );
static char temp[ 256 ];
if ( model )
Q_strncpy( temp, PSkipSoundChars( soundemitter->GetWavFileForSound( soundname, model->GetFileName() ) ), sizeof( temp ) );
Q_strncpy( temp, PSkipSoundChars( soundemitter->GetWavFileForSound( soundname, NULL ) ), sizeof( temp ) );
return temp;
char const *FacePoser_TranslateSoundName( CChoreoEvent *event )
char const *soundname = event->GetParameters();
if ( Q_stristr( soundname, ".wav" ) )
return PSkipSoundChars( soundname );
// See if we can figure out the .mdl associated to this event's actor
static char temp[ 256 ];
temp[ 0 ] = 0;
StudioModel *model = NULL;
CChoreoActor *a = event->GetActor();
CChoreoScene *s = event->GetScene();
if ( a != NULL &&
s != NULL )
model = FindAssociatedModel( s, a );
Q_strncpy( temp, PSkipSoundChars( soundemitter->GetWavFileForSound( soundname, model ? model->GetFileName() : NULL ) ), sizeof( temp ) );
return temp;
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( WIN32 )
#define PATHSEPARATOR(c) ((c) == '\\' || (c) == '/')
#else //_WIN32
#define PATHSEPARATOR(c) ((c) == '/')
#endif //_WIN32
static bool charsmatch( char c1, char c2 )
if ( tolower( c1 ) == tolower( c2 ) )
return true;
return true;
return false;
char *Q_stristr_slash( char const *pStr, char const *pSearch )
if (!pStr || !pSearch)
return 0;
char const* pLetter = pStr;
// Check the entire string
while (*pLetter != 0)
// Skip over non-matches
if ( charsmatch( *pLetter, *pSearch ) )
// Check for match
char const* pMatch = pLetter + 1;
char const* pTest = pSearch + 1;
while (*pTest != 0)
// We've run off the end; don't bother.
if (*pMatch == 0)
return 0;
if ( !charsmatch( *pMatch, *pTest ) )
// Found a match!
if (*pTest == 0)
return (char *)pLetter;
return 0;
static CUniformRandomStream g_Random;
IUniformRandomStream *random = &g_Random;