FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1114 lines
39 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_gc_client.h"
#include "tf_party.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h"
#include "vgui_controls/SectionedListPanel.h"
#include "vgui_bitmapimage.h"
#include "vgui_avatarimage.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
#include <VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include "tf_lobbypanel_mvm.h"
#include "tf_lobby_container_frame_mvm.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
extern ConVar tf_matchmaking_join_in_progress;
ConVar tf_matchmaking_ticket_help( "tf_matchmaking_ticket_help", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_DONTRECORD | FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_HIDDEN, "Saved if the player has see the ticket help screen." );
const int k_iPopIndex_Any = -1000;
const int k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted = -1001;
const int k_iPopIndex_AnyNormal = -1002;
const int k_iPopIndex_AnyIntermediate = -1003;
const int k_iPopIndex_AnyAdvanced = -1004;
const int k_iPopIndex_AnyExpert = -1005;
const int k_iPopIndex_AnyHaunted = -1006;
static void GetMvmChallengeSet( int idxChallenge, CMvMMissionSet &result )
if ( idxChallenge >= 0 )
result.SetMissionBySchemaIndex( idxChallenge, true );
bool bMannUP = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights();
int idxTour = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMannUpTourIndex();
Assert( bMannUP || idxTour < 0 );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
uint32 nNotCompletedChallenges = ~0U;
CTFParty *pParty = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetParty();
if ( pParty )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pParty->GetNumMembers() ; ++i )
nNotCompletedChallenges &= ~pParty->Obj().members( i ).completed_missions();
if ( idxTour >= 0 )
uint32 nTours = 0, nCompletedChallenge = 0;
GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxTour, &nTours, &nCompletedChallenge );
nNotCompletedChallenges = ~nCompletedChallenge;
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions().Count() ; ++i )
const MvMMission_t &chal = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions()[ i ];
// Cannot select non-MannUp missions in mann up mode
int iBadgeSlot = (idxTour < 0) ? -1 : GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissionBadgeSlotForTour( idxTour, i );
if ( bMannUP && iBadgeSlot < 0 )
#else // new mm
bool bIsChallengeInMannUp = chal.m_unMannUpPoints > 0;
if ( bMannUP && !bIsChallengeInMannUp )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
// Does this challenge fit the search criteria?
bool bSelect = false;
switch ( idxChallenge )
case k_iPopIndex_Any:
bSelect = true;
case k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted:
if ( iBadgeSlot >= 0 )
int iChallengeBit = ( 1 << iBadgeSlot );
if ( nNotCompletedChallenges & iChallengeBit )
bSelect = true;
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
case k_iPopIndex_AnyNormal:
bSelect = ( chal.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Normal );
case k_iPopIndex_AnyIntermediate:
bSelect = ( chal.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Intermediate );
case k_iPopIndex_AnyAdvanced:
bSelect = ( chal.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Advanced );
case k_iPopIndex_AnyExpert:
bSelect = ( chal.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Expert );
case k_iPopIndex_AnyHaunted:
bSelect = ( chal.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Haunted );
Assert( false );
result.SetMissionBySchemaIndex( i, bSelect );
extern Color s_colorBannedPlayerListItem;
extern Color s_colorPlayerListItem;
extern Color s_colorChatRemovedFromQueue;
extern Color s_colorChatAddedToQueue;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerJoinedParty;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerJoinedPartyName;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerLeftParty;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerLeftPartyName;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerChatName;
extern Color s_colorChatPlayerChatText;
extern Color s_colorChatDefault;
extern Color s_colorChallengeForegroundEnabled;
extern Color s_colorChallengeForegroundHaunted;
extern Color s_colorChallengeForegroundDisabled;
extern Color s_colorChallengeHeader;
static void GetPlayerNameForSteamID( wchar_t *wCharPlayerName, int nBufSizeBytes, const CSteamID &steamID )
const char *pszName = steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( steamID );
V_UTF8ToUnicode( pszName, wCharPlayerName, nBufSizeBytes );
CLobbyPanel_MvM::CLobbyPanel_MvM( vgui::Panel *pParent, CBaseLobbyContainerFrame* pLobbyContainer )
: CBaseLobbyPanel( pParent, pLobbyContainer )
m_pMvMMannVsMachineGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMvMMannUpGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMvMPracticeGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMvMTourOfDutyListGroupBox = NULL;
m_pTourList = NULL;
m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox = NULL;
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton = NULL;
m_pOpenStoreButton = NULL;
m_pOpenStoreButton2 = NULL;
m_pOpenHelpButton = NULL;
m_pMannUpNowButton = NULL;
m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox = NULL;
m_pMannUpTourLootImage = NULL;
//m_pMannUpTourLootDetailLabel = NULL;
m_pTourDifficultyWarning = NULL;
m_MvMPracticeGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel = NULL;
m_pMVMChallengeListGroupBox = NULL;
// MvM
m_pMvMMannVsMachineGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MannVsMachineGroupBox" );
m_pMvMMannUpGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MannUpGroupBox" );
m_pMvMPracticeGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "PracticeGroupBox" );
m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MvMTourOfDutyGroupBox" );
m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MvMEconItemsGroupBox" );
m_pMannUpTicketImage = new vgui::ImagePanel( m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox, "MannUpTicketImage" );
m_pSquadSurplusImage = new vgui::ImagePanel( m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox, "SquadSurplusImage" );
m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MannUpTourLootDescriptionBox" );
m_pMannUpTourLootImage = new vgui::ImagePanel( m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox, "TourLootImage" );
//m_pMannUpTourLootDetailLabel = new vgui::Label( m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox, "TourLootDetailLabel", " );
m_MvMPracticeGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MvMPracticeGroupBox" );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "MvMSelectChallengeGroupBox" );
m_pMVMChallengeListGroupBox = new vgui::EditablePanel( m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel, "ChallengeListGroupBox" );
m_pChallengeList = new ChallengeList( this, m_pMVMChallengeListGroupBox, "ChallengeList" );
m_pMvMTourOfDutyListGroupBox = new vgui::EditablePanel( m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel, "TourlistGroupBox" );
m_pTourList = new vgui::SectionedListPanel( m_pMvMTourOfDutyListGroupBox, "TourList" );
m_pTourDifficultyWarning = new vgui::Label( m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel, "TourDifficultyWarning", "" );
m_fontChallengeListHeader = 0;
m_fontChallengeListItem = 0;
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event );
const char *pszEventName = event->GetName();
if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEventName, "mm_lobby_member_join" ) )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
else if ( !Q_stricmp( pszEventName, "mm_lobby_member_leave" ) )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( FStrEq( command, "open_store_ticket" ) )
// Open the store, and show the upgrade advice
CSchemaItemDefHandle hItemDef( CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMTicketItemDefName );
EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->AddToCartAndCheckoutImmediately( hItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
else if ( FStrEq( command, "open_store_voucher" ) )
// Open the store, and show the upgrade advice
CSchemaItemDefHandle hItemDef( CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMSquadSurplusVoucherItemDefName );
EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->AddToCartAndCheckoutImmediately( hItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
else if ( FStrEq( command, "open_help" ) )
CExplanationPopup *pPopup = dynamic_cast< CExplanationPopup* >( GetParent()->FindChildByName("StartExplanation") );
if ( pPopup )
else if ( FStrEq( command, "mann_up_now" ) )
GTFGCClientSystem()->SetSearchChallenges( CMvMMissionSet() );
m_pContainer->OnCommand( "back" );
m_pContainer->OnCommand( "mannup" );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::SetMannUpTicketCount( int nCount )
m_pMannUpTicketImage->SetImage( nCount > 0 ? "pve/mvm_ticket_active" : "pve/mvm_ticket_inactive" );
char szCount[ 5 ];
V_snprintf( szCount, sizeof( szCount ), "%i", nCount );
m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox->SetDialogVariable( "ticket_count", szCount );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::SetSquadSurplusCount( int nCount )
char szCount[ 5 ];
V_snprintf( szCount, sizeof( szCount ), "%i", nCount );
m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox->SetDialogVariable( "voucher_count", szCount );
EMatchGroup CLobbyPanel_MvM::GetMatchGroup( void ) const
return GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() ? k_nMatchGroup_MvM_MannUp : k_nMatchGroup_MvM_Practice;
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::OnCheckButtonChecked( vgui::Panel *panel )
if ( m_iWritingPanel > 0 )
if ( panel == m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton )
if ( BIsPartyInUIState() && GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() )
if ( m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->IsSelected() )
if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->BLocalPlayerInventoryHasSquadSurplusVoucher() )
GTFGCClientSystem()->SetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus( true );
m_pSquadSurplusImage->SetImage( "pve/mvm_voucher_active" );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSilentMode( true );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSelected( false );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSilentMode( false );
ShowEconRequirementDialog( "#TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher_Title", "#TF_MvM_RequiresSquadSurplusVoucher", CTFItemSchema::k_rchMvMSquadSurplusVoucherItemDefName );
GTFGCClientSystem()->SetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus( false );
m_pSquadSurplusImage->SetImage( "pve/mvm_voucher_inactive" );
BaseClass::OnCheckButtonChecked( panel );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::OnItemLeftClick( vgui::Panel* panel )
if ( m_iWritingPanel > 0 )
if ( panel == m_pTourList )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
else if ( panel == m_pChallengeList )
BaseClass::OnItemLeftClick( panel );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::ApplyChatUserSettings( const LobbyPlayerInfo& player, KeyValues* pSettings ) const
if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() )
pSettings->SetInt( "has_ticket", player.m_bHasTicket ? m_iImageHasTicket : m_iImageNoTicket );
pSettings->SetInt( "squad_surplus", player.m_bSquadSurplus ? m_iImageSquadSurplus : m_iImageNoSquadSurplus );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::OnClickedOnTour()
int iSelected = m_pTourList->GetSelectedItem();
m_pTourList->SetSelectedItem( -1 );
if ( iSelected < 0 )
if ( BIsPartyLeader() && BIsPartyInUIState() )
int iTourIndex = m_pTourList->GetItemData( iSelected )->GetInt( "tour_index", -1 );
Assert( iTourIndex >= 0 );
GTFGCClientSystem()->SetSearchMannUpTourIndex( iTourIndex );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::WriteGameSettingsControls()
// Make sure we want to be in matchmaking. (If we don't, the frame should hide us pretty quickly.)
// We might get an event or something right at the transition point occasionally when the UI should
// not be visible
if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetMatchmakingUIState() == eMatchmakingUIState_Inactive )
bool bLeader = BIsPartyLeader();
bool bInUIState = BIsPartyInUIState();
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetWizardStep();
// MVM
m_pMvMMannVsMachineGroupPanel->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_PLAY_FOR_BRAGGING_RIGHTS );
m_pMvMMannUpGroupPanel->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_PLAY_FOR_BRAGGING_RIGHTS );
m_pMvMPracticeGroupPanel->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_PLAY_FOR_BRAGGING_RIGHTS );
m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_TOUR_OF_DUTY );
m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_TOUR_OF_DUTY );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetVisible( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_CHALLENGE );
bool bShowBottomPanel = ( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_CHALLENGE );
if ( !tf_matchmaking_ticket_help.GetBool() && bShowBottomPanel && GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() )
OnCommand( "open_help" );
tf_matchmaking_ticket_help.SetValue( 1 );
m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox->SetVisible( bShowBottomPanel && GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() );
m_MvMPracticeGroupPanel->SetVisible( bShowBottomPanel && !GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() );
if ( m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel->IsVisible() )
SetNavToRelay( m_pMvMTourOfDutyGroupPanel->GetName() );
else if ( m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->IsVisible() )
if ( m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->IsVisible() )
SetNavToRelay( m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->GetName() );
if ( m_MvMPracticeGroupPanel->IsVisible() )
SetNavToRelay( m_MvMPracticeGroupPanel->GetName() );
else if ( m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox->IsVisible() )
SetNavToRelay( m_MvMEconItemsGroupBox->GetName() );
m_pContainer->SetNextButtonEnabled( true );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecSearchCriteriaLabels, i )
m_vecSearchCriteriaLabels[i]->SetEnabled( bInUIState );
m_pMVMChallengeListGroupBox->SetControlVisible( "GreyOutPanel", !( bLeader && bInUIState ) );
m_pMvMTourOfDutyListGroupBox->SetControlVisible( "GreyOutPanel", !( bLeader && bInUIState ) );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
bool bPlayForBraggingRights = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights();
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetEnabled( bInUIState && bPlayForBraggingRights );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSilentMode( true );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSelected( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus() );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->SetSilentMode( false );
m_pSquadSurplusImage->SetImage( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus() ? "pve/mvm_voucher_active" : "pve/mvm_voucher_inactive" );
bool CLobbyPanel_MvM::ShouldShowLateJoin() const
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetWizardStep();
( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_TOUR_OF_DUTY ) ||
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_MVM_CHALLENGE ) ||
( ( eWizardStep == TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep_SEARCHING ) && ( GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMode() == TF_Matchmaking_MVM ) );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::WriteTourList()
if ( !GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() )
bool bLeader = BIsPartyLeader();
bool bInUIState = BIsPartyInUIState();
int idxSelectedTour = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMannUpTourIndex();
m_pTourList->SetClickable( bLeader && bInUIState );
m_pTourList->AddSection( 0, "Tour name" );
m_pTourList->SetSectionAlwaysVisible( 0, false );
m_pTourList->SetSectionFgColor( 0, s_colorChallengeHeader );
m_pTourList->SetSectionDividerColor( 0, Color(0,0,0,0) );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "new","", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, m_iNewWidth );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "check_box", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "spacer", "", 0, m_iChallengeSpacer );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "display_name", "Tour", 0, m_iTourNameWidth );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "skill", "Difficulty", 0, m_iTourSkillWidth );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "progress", "Progress", 0, m_iTourProgressWidth );
m_pTourList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "badge_level", "Tours Completed", 0, m_iTourNumberWidth );
m_pTourList->SetFontSection( 0, m_fontChallengeListHeader );
bool bCompletedOneAdvancedTour = false;
uint32 unBadgeLevel = 0, unCompletedChallengeMask = 0;
const char *pszWarningString = "#TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Warning";
// Local player has completed at least one Advanced tour?
FOR_EACH_VEC( GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours(), idxTour )
GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxTour, &unBadgeLevel, &unCompletedChallengeMask );
const MvMTour_t &tourInfo = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours()[idxTour];
if ( tourInfo.m_eDifficulty >= k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Advanced && unBadgeLevel > 0 )
bCompletedOneAdvancedTour = true;
// Add a row for each tour
FOR_EACH_VEC( GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours(), idxTour )
const MvMTour_t &tour = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours()[ idxTour ];
KeyValues *kvItem = new KeyValues("item");
GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxTour, &unBadgeLevel, &unCompletedChallengeMask );
int nCompletedChallengeCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < tour.m_vecMissions.Count() ; ++i )
if ( unCompletedChallengeMask & ( 1 << tour.m_vecMissions[i].m_iBadgeSlot ) )
char cchTemp[256];
V_sprintf_safe( cchTemp, "%d / %d", nCompletedChallengeCount, tour.m_vecMissions.Count() );
kvItem->SetString( "progress", cchTemp );
uint32 iTourNumber = Max( 1U, unBadgeLevel );
V_sprintf_safe( cchTemp, "%d", iTourNumber );
kvItem->SetString( "badge_level", cchTemp );
if ( tour.m_bIsNew )
kvItem->SetInt( "new", m_iImageNew );
kvItem->SetInt( "check_box", idxSelectedTour == idxTour ? m_iImageRadioButtonYes : m_iImageRadioButtonNo );
kvItem->SetString( "display_name", tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get() );
kvItem->SetString( "skill", GetMvMChallengeDifficultyLocName( tour.m_eDifficulty ) );
kvItem->SetInt( "tour_index", idxTour );
int itemID = m_pTourList->AddItem( 0, kvItem );
m_pTourList->SetItemFont( itemID, m_fontChallengeListItem );
if ( tour.m_eDifficulty >= k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Expert && !bCompletedOneAdvancedTour )
m_pTourList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, s_colorBannedPlayerListItem );
pszWarningString = "#TF_MVM_Tour_ExpertDifficulty_Denied";
m_pTourList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, s_colorChallengeForegroundEnabled );
m_pTourList->SetSelectedItem( idxSelectedTour );
const char *pszSelectedTourLocToken = "TF_MvM_Tour_NoSelection";
const char *pszLootImage = "pve/mvm_loot_image";
bool bShowDifficultyWarning = false;
if ( idxSelectedTour >= 0 )
const MvMTour_t &tour = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours()[ idxSelectedTour ];
pszLootImage = tour.m_sLootImageName.Get();
pszSelectedTourLocToken = tour.m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get();
// Check if we should show the difficulty warning
if ( tour.m_eDifficulty >= k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Expert )
// Deny expert mode if they haven't completed at least one Advanced tour
if ( !bCompletedOneAdvancedTour )
m_pContainer->SetNextButtonEnabled( false );
// Local player hasn't completed one mission?
if ( !GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxSelectedTour, &unBadgeLevel, &unCompletedChallengeMask )
|| unBadgeLevel == 0 )
bShowDifficultyWarning = true;
// Anybody in the party hasn't completed a mission?
CTFParty *pParty = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetParty();
if ( pParty != NULL )
for ( int i = 0 ; !bShowDifficultyWarning && i < pParty->GetNumMembers() ; ++i )
if ( pParty->Obj().members( i ).badge_level() == 0 )
bShowDifficultyWarning = true;
char archTemp[ 256 ];
V_sprintf_safe( archTemp, "%s_LootDescription", pszSelectedTourLocToken );
m_pMannUpTourLootDescriptionBox->SetDialogVariable( "tour_loot_detail", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( archTemp ) );
m_pMannUpTourLootImage->SetImage( pszLootImage );
wchar_t wszLocalized[512];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszLocalized, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszWarningString ), 0 );
m_pTourDifficultyWarning->SetText( wszLocalized );
m_pTourDifficultyWarning->SetVisible( bShowDifficultyWarning );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::WriteChallengeList()
bool bLeader = BIsPartyLeader();
bool bInUIState = BIsPartyInUIState();
bool bForBraggingRights = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights();
int idxTour = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMannUpTourIndex();
char szTours[ 8 ] = "";
if ( idxTour >= 0 )
uint32 nTours, nCompletedChallenge;
GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxTour, &nTours, &nCompletedChallenge );
if ( nTours < 1 ) // if we don't have a badge, show "1"
nTours = 1;
V_snprintf( szTours, sizeof( szTours ), "%u", nTours );
m_pChallengeList->SetClickable( bLeader && bInUIState );
if ( idxTour < 0 )
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tour_name", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_MvM_Missions" ) );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tour_name", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( GetItemSchema()->GetMvmTours()[ idxTour ].m_sTourNameLocalizationToken.Get() ) );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "complete_heading", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( bForBraggingRights ? "#TF_MvM_Complete" : "#TF_MvM_Difficulty" ) );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tour_level", szTours );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetControlVisible( "TourLevelImage", idxTour >= 0 );
#else // new mm
char szTours[ 8 ] = "";
m_pChallengeList->SetClickable( bLeader && bInUIState );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tour_name", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_MvM_Missions" ) );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "complete_heading", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_MvM_Difficulty" ) );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetDialogVariable( "tour_level", szTours );
m_pMvMSelectChallengeGroupPanel->SetControlVisible( "TourLevelImage", false );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
CMvMMissionSet searchChallenges;
GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchChallenges( searchChallenges );
// int iSelectChallengeItem = -1;
int nCurrentSection = -1;
KeyValues *kvItem = NULL;
int itemID = 0;
// Top section is for special multi-select checkboxes
m_pChallengeList->AddSection( nCurrentSection, "dummy_any_section" );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionAlwaysVisible( nCurrentSection, true );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionDividerColor( nCurrentSection, Color(0,0,0,0) );
//m_pChallengeList->SetSectionFgColor( nCurrentSection, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "check_box", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "spacer", "", 0, m_iChallengeSpacer );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "display_name", "", 0, m_iChallengeNameWidth );
//m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "completed", "", 0, m_iChallengeCompletedWidth );
//m_pChallengeList->SetFontSection( nCurrentSection, m_fontChallengeListHeader );
//m_pChallengeList->SetSectionMinimumContentHeight( nCurrentSection, m_iMapImageHeight );
// List of special multi-select options
struct MissionMultiSelect_t
int m_idxChallenge;
const char *m_pszDisplayName;
bool m_bMannUp;
bool m_bBootCamp;
static const MissionMultiSelect_t arMultiSelect[] =
{ k_iPopIndex_Any, "#TF_MvM_AnyChallenge", true, false },
// { k_iPopIndex_AnyHaunted, "#TF_MvM_AnyHauntedChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyNormal, "#TF_MvM_AnyNormalChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyIntermediate, "#TF_MvM_AnyIntermediateChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyAdvanced, "#TF_MvM_AnyAdvancedChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyExpert, "#TF_MvM_AnyExpertChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted, "#TF_MvM_OnlyChallengeNotYetCompleted", true, false }
#else // new mm
{ k_iPopIndex_Any, "#TF_MvM_AnyChallenge", true, true },
// { k_iPopIndex_AnyHaunted, "#TF_MvM_AnyHauntedChallenge", false, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyNormal, "#TF_MvM_AnyNormalChallenge", true, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyIntermediate, "#TF_MvM_AnyIntermediateChallenge", true, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyAdvanced, "#TF_MvM_AnyAdvancedChallenge", true, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_AnyExpert, "#TF_MvM_AnyExpertChallenge", true, true },
{ k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted, "#TF_MvM_OnlyChallengeNotYetCompleted", false, false }
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
// Scan each potential multi-select option
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( arMultiSelect ) ; ++i )
const MissionMultiSelect_t &ms = arMultiSelect[i];
// Check if entry is applicable for this mode
if ( bForBraggingRights ? !ms.m_bMannUp : !ms.m_bBootCamp )
// Gather list of all missions that fit this mode
CMvMMissionSet msChallenges;
GetMvmChallengeSet( ms.m_idxChallenge, msChallenges );
// Any missions actually met the criteria for this multi-select?
// (e.g. we might not have any intermediate missions active right now).
int iCheckImage;
if ( msChallenges.IsEmpty() )
if ( ms.m_idxChallenge != k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted )
iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxDisabled;
// Determine checkbox status. "Only not yet completed" is special
if ( ms.m_idxChallenge == k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted )
if ( searchChallenges == msChallenges )
iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxYes; // all items currently selected
iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxNo; // does not exactly match, show as a "no"
// Get set of checked challenges that fall under this category
CMvMMissionSet checked( searchChallenges );
checked.Intersect( msChallenges );
if ( checked == msChallenges )
iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxYes; // all items currently selected
//else if ( !checked.IsEmpty() ) // Nope, don't ever show "mixed" state
// iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxMixed; // some items currently selected
iCheckImage = m_iImageCheckBoxNo; // no items currently selected
kvItem = new KeyValues("item");
kvItem->SetInt( "check_box", iCheckImage );
kvItem->SetString( "display_name", ms.m_pszDisplayName );
kvItem->SetInt( "pop_index", ms.m_idxChallenge );
itemID = m_pChallengeList->AddItem( nCurrentSection, kvItem );
m_pChallengeList->SetItemFont( itemID, m_fontChallengeListItem );
Color color = s_colorChallengeForegroundEnabled;
if ( ms.m_idxChallenge == k_iPopIndex_AnyHaunted )
color = s_colorChallengeForegroundHaunted;
if ( iCheckImage == m_iImageCheckBoxDisabled )
color = s_colorChallengeForegroundDisabled;
m_pChallengeList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, color );
// Now add a section for each map
int nCurrentMap = -1;
FOR_EACH_VEC( GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions(), iMissionIndex )
const MvMMission_t &mission = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions()[ iMissionIndex ];
if ( bForBraggingRights && GetItemSchema()->FindMvmMissionInTour( idxTour, iMissionIndex) < 0 ) // !KLUDGE! This is sort of crappy, we probably should iterate the tour's mission list rather than iterating the larger list with filtering
#else // new mm
if ( bForBraggingRights && !searchChallenges.GetMissionBySchemaIndex( iMissionIndex ) )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
kvItem = new KeyValues("item");
const MvMMap_t &map = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMaps()[ mission.m_iDisplayMapIndex ];
if ( mission.m_iDisplayMapIndex != nCurrentMap )
m_pChallengeList->AddSection( nCurrentSection, map.m_sDisplayName.Get() );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionAlwaysVisible( nCurrentSection, true );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionFgColor( nCurrentSection, s_colorChallengeHeader );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionDividerColor( nCurrentSection, Color(0,0,0,0) );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "check_box", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth );
#else // new mm
// for mannup, don't show check box
if ( bForBraggingRights )
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "spacer", "", 0, m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "check_box", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "spacer", "", 0, m_iChallengeSpacer );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "display_name", map.m_sDisplayName.Get(), 0, m_iChallengeNameWidth );
m_pChallengeList->AddColumnToSection( nCurrentSection, "skill", "", 0, m_iChallengeSkillWidth );
m_pChallengeList->SetFontSection( nCurrentSection, m_fontChallengeListHeader );
m_pChallengeList->SetSectionMinimumHeight( nCurrentSection, m_iMapImageHeight );
BitmapImage &img = m_pChallengeList->m_vecMapImages[ m_pChallengeList->m_vecMapImages.AddToTail() ];
CFmtStr sImageName("vgui/maps/menu_thumb_%s", map.m_sMap.Get() );
img.SetImageFile( sImageName );
nCurrentMap = mission.m_iDisplayMapIndex;
//wchar_t wszChallengeName[ 256 ];
//g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszChallengeName, L"%s1 (%s2)", 2,
// g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( mission.m_sDisplayName.Get() ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( mission.m_sMode.Get() ) );
//kvItem->SetWString( "display_name", wszChallengeName );
kvItem->SetString( "display_name", mission.m_sDisplayName.Get() );
bool bSelected = searchChallenges.GetMissionBySchemaIndex( iMissionIndex );
kvItem->SetInt( "check_box", bSelected ? m_iImageCheckBoxYes : m_iImageCheckBoxNo );
const char *pszDifficulty = "";
if ( !bForBraggingRights )
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
pszDifficulty = GetMvMChallengeDifficultyLocName( mission.m_eDifficulty );
kvItem->SetString( "skill", pszDifficulty );
kvItem->SetInt( "pop_index", iMissionIndex );
itemID = m_pChallengeList->AddItem( nCurrentSection, kvItem );
m_pChallengeList->SetItemFont( itemID, m_fontChallengeListItem );
Color color = s_colorChallengeForegroundEnabled;
if ( mission.m_eDifficulty == k_EMvMChallengeDifficulty_Haunted )
color = s_colorChallengeForegroundHaunted;
m_pChallengeList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, color );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
m_pOpenStoreButton = dynamic_cast<vgui::Button *>(FindChildByName( "OpenStoreButton", true )); Assert( m_pOpenStoreButton );
m_pOpenStoreButton2 = dynamic_cast<vgui::Button *>(FindChildByName( "OpenStoreButton2", true )); Assert( m_pOpenStoreButton2 );
m_pOpenHelpButton = dynamic_cast<vgui::Button *>(FindChildByName( "OpenHelpButton", true )); Assert( m_pOpenHelpButton );
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton = dynamic_cast<vgui::CheckButton *>(FindChildByName( "SquadSurplusCheckButton", true )); Assert( m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton );
m_pMannUpNowButton = dynamic_cast<vgui::Button *>(FindChildByName( "MannUpNowButton", true )); Assert( m_pMannUpNowButton );
m_iImageHasTicket = m_pImageList->AddImage( vgui::scheme()->GetImage( "pve/mvm_ticket_small", true ) );
m_pImageList->GetImage( m_iImageHasTicket )->SetSize( m_iHasTicketWidth, m_iHasTicketWidth );
m_iImageNoTicket = m_pImageList->AddImage( vgui::scheme()->GetImage( "pve/mvm_no_ticket_small", true ) );
m_pImageList->GetImage( m_iImageNoTicket )->SetSize( m_iHasTicketWidth, m_iHasTicketWidth );
m_iImageSquadSurplus = m_pImageList->AddImage( vgui::scheme()->GetImage( "pve/mvm_squad_surplus_small", true ) );
m_pImageList->GetImage( m_iImageSquadSurplus )->SetSize( m_iSquadSurplusWidth, m_iSquadSurplusWidth );
m_iImageNoSquadSurplus = m_pImageList->AddImage( vgui::scheme()->GetImage( "pve/mvm_no_squad_surplus_small", true ) );
m_pImageList->GetImage( m_iImageNoSquadSurplus )->SetSize( m_iSquadSurplusWidth, m_iSquadSurplusWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->SetImageList( m_pImageList, false );
m_pChatPlayerList->SetVisible( true );
m_pChallengeList->SetImageList( m_pImageList, false );
m_pTourList->SetImageList( m_pImageList, false );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
// Populate the challenge list
m_pChallengeList->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pTourList->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
m_pSquadSurplusCheckButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pOpenStoreButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pOpenStoreButton2->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pOpenHelpButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pMannUpNowButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pChallengeList->SetVerticalScrollbar( true );
m_pChallengeList->SetDrawHeaders( true );
m_pChallengeList->SetClickable( true );
m_pChallengeList->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
m_pChallengeList->SetBorder( NULL );
m_pTourList->SetDrawHeaders( false );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
m_fontChallengeListHeader = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallestBold", true );
m_fontChallengeListItem = pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmallest", true );
// Populate the player list
int nAvatarWidth = ( ( m_iAvatarWidth * 5 / 4 ) + 1 );
int nExtraWidth = m_pChatPlayerList->GetWide() - nAvatarWidth - m_iPlayerNameWidth - m_iBannedWidth - m_iHasTicketWidth - m_iSquadSurplusWidth - m_iBadgeLevelWidth;
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "avatar", "#TF_Players", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE, nAvatarWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "name", "", 0, m_iPlayerNameWidth + nExtraWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "is_banned", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iBannedWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "has_ticket", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iHasTicketWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "squad_surplus", "", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_IMAGE | vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iSquadSurplusWidth );
m_pChatPlayerList->AddColumnToSection( 0, "badge_level", "#TF_MvM_Tours", vgui::SectionedListPanel::COLUMN_CENTER, m_iBadgeLevelWidth );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::PerformLayout()
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::OnClickedOnChallenge()
int iSelected = m_pChallengeList->GetSelectedItem();
m_pChallengeList->SetSelectedItem( -1 );
if ( iSelected < 0 )
if ( BIsPartyLeader() && BIsPartyInUIState() )
int iChallengeIndex = m_pChallengeList->GetItemData( iSelected )->GetInt( "pop_index", -1 );
#ifndef USE_MVM_TOUR
// disallow player to select individual challenge in mannup
if ( iChallengeIndex >= 0 && GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() )
#endif // !USE_MVM_TOUR
CMvMMissionSet searchChallenges;
// Fetch current selection. Except when clicking the "only uncompleted" checkbox, which is special
if ( iChallengeIndex != k_iPopIndex_OnlyNotYetCompleted )
GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchChallenges( searchChallenges );
CMvMMissionSet setChallenges;
GetMvmChallengeSet( iChallengeIndex, setChallenges );
bool bSelect = ( m_pChallengeList->GetItemData( iSelected )->GetInt( "check_box" ) != m_iImageCheckBoxYes );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissions().Count() ; ++i )
if ( setChallenges.GetMissionBySchemaIndex( i ) )
searchChallenges.SetMissionBySchemaIndex( i, bSelect );
GTFGCClientSystem()->SetSearchChallenges( searchChallenges );
void CLobbyPanel_MvM::ChallengeList::Paint()
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMapImages, i )
int x, y, w, h;
if ( !GetSectionHeaderBounds( i + 1, x, y, w, h ) )
Assert( "MvM map mismatch" );
// Dear god. Why is VGUI such a piece of crap?
// And why is it such excruciating pain to do
// anything at all?
// Select subrectangle within image to draw
w = m_pLobbyPanel->m_iMapImageWidth;
h = m_pLobbyPanel->m_iMapImageHeight;
m_vecMapImages[i].SetViewport( true, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, (float)h / (float)w );
// Compute horiziontal position of icon
int gutter = vgui::scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue( 5 );
x -= gutter + m_pLobbyPanel->m_iMapImageWidth;
// Save clipping rectangle. We want to be able to draw off to the left,
// outside of our bounding box, but we need to keep the vertical clipping
int left, top, right, bottom;
bool bDisabled;
g_pMatSystemSurface->GetClippingRect( left, top, right, bottom, bDisabled );
// Adjust clipping rectangle
int sx = x;
int sy = y;
LocalToScreen(sx, sy);
g_pMatSystemSurface->SetClippingRect( sx, top, right, bottom );
m_vecMapImages[i].DoPaint( x, y, w, h );
// Restore clipping rectangle
g_pMatSystemSurface->SetClippingRect( left, top, right, bottom );
g_pMatSystemSurface->DisableClipping( bDisabled );
// We can only do checkmarks if we know what tour they are working towards
int idxTour = GTFGCClientSystem()->GetSearchMannUpTourIndex();
if ( idxTour >= 0 )
int nCheckSize = m_pLobbyPanel->m_iChallengeCompletedSize;
int nCompletedX0 = m_pLobbyPanel->m_iChallengeCheckBoxWidth + m_pLobbyPanel->m_iChallengeNameWidth + m_pLobbyPanel->m_iChallengeSkillWidth / 4;
uint32 nTours, nCompletedChallenge;
bool bFoundPlayerCompletedChallenges = GTFGCClientSystem()->BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( idxTour, &nTours, &nCompletedChallenge );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetItemCount() ; ++i )
// Get The Pop File Name for this item
KeyValues *pkv = GetItemData( GetItemIDFromRow( i ) );
int iMissionIndexInSchema = pkv->GetInt( "pop_index", -1 );
if ( iMissionIndexInSchema < 0 ) // special multi-select entry
int iBadgeSlot = GetItemSchema()->GetMvmMissionBadgeSlotForTour( idxTour, iMissionIndexInSchema );
if ( iBadgeSlot < 0 )
int x, y, w, h;
GetItemBounds( i, x, y, w, h );
if ( bFoundPlayerCompletedChallenges )
if ( nCompletedChallenge & (1 << iBadgeSlot) )
m_imageChallengeCompleted.SetColor( Color(255,255,255,255) );
else if ( GetSelectedItem() == i )
m_imageChallengeCompleted.SetColor( Color(0,0,0,255) );
m_imageChallengeCompleted.SetColor( Color(0,0,0,70) );
int checkX0 = nCompletedX0;
int checkY0 = y + ( h - nCheckSize ) / 2;
m_imageChallengeCompleted.DoPaint( checkX0, checkY0, nCheckSize, nCheckSize );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR