FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

621 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "tf_autorp.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose:
CTFAutoRP *AutoRP( void )
static CTFAutoRP *pSystem = NULL;
if ( !pSystem )
pSystem = new CTFAutoRP();
return pSystem;
// Purpose:
void CTFAutoRP::ParseDataFile( void )
Assert( !m_pDataFileKV );
// Load & parse the word files
KeyValues *pFileKV = new KeyValues( "AutoRPFile" );
if ( pFileKV->LoadFromFile( filesystem, "scripts/autorp.txt", "MOD" ) == false )
m_pDataFileKV = pFileKV->MakeCopy();
// Prepended word list
KeyValues *pKVPrepended = m_pDataFileKV->FindKey( "prepended_words" );
if ( pKVPrepended )
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVPrepended, pKVKey )
m_a_pszPrependedWords.AddToTail( pKVKey->GetName() );
// Appended word list
KeyValues *pKVAppended = m_pDataFileKV->FindKey( "appended_words" );
if ( pKVAppended )
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVAppended, pKVKey )
m_a_pszAppendedWords.AddToTail( pKVKey->GetName() );
// Word replacements
KeyValues *pKVReplacements = m_pDataFileKV->FindKey( "word_replacements" );
if ( pKVReplacements )
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVReplacements, pKVEntry )
int iIdx = m_a_Replacements.AddToTail();
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].iChance = 1;
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].iPrePendCount = 1;
const char *pszKey = pKVKey->GetName();
const char *pszValue = pKVKey->GetString();
if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"replacement") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].a_pszReplacements.AddToTail( pszValue );
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"replacement_prepend") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].a_pszPrepended.AddToTail( pszValue );
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"replacement_plural") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].a_pszPluralReplacements.AddToTail( pszValue );
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"prepend_count") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].iPrePendCount = pKVKey->GetInt();
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"chance") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].iChance = pKVKey->GetInt();
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"word") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].m_Words.AddToTail( m_pWordTable->AddString( pszValue ) );
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"word_plural") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].m_Plurals.AddToTail( m_pWordTable->AddString( pszValue ) );
else if ( FStrEq(pszKey,"prev") )
m_a_Replacements[iIdx].m_PrevWords.AddToTail( m_pWordTable->AddString( pszValue ) );
// Purpose:
void CTFAutoRP::ApplyRPTo( char *pBuf, int iBufSize )
if ( !m_pDataFileKV )
if ( !pBuf || !pBuf[0] )
// Ignore sourceMod commands
if ( pBuf[0] == '!' || pBuf[0] == '/' )
bool bDoPends = true;
char *pszIn = new char[iBufSize];
if ( pBuf[0] == '-' )
bDoPends = false;
Q_strncpy( pszIn, pBuf+1, iBufSize-1 );
Q_strncpy( pszIn, pBuf, iBufSize );
pBuf[0] = '\0';
ModifySpeech( pszIn, pBuf, iBufSize, bDoPends, false );
// Purpose:
const char *CTFAutoRP::GetRandomPre( void )
if ( RandomInt(1,4) != 1 )
return NULL;
if ( !m_a_pszPrependedWords.Count() )
return NULL;
static int iPrevPre = 0;
iPrevPre += RandomInt(1,4);
while ( iPrevPre >= m_a_pszPrependedWords.Count() )
iPrevPre -= m_a_pszPrependedWords.Count();
return m_a_pszPrependedWords[iPrevPre];
// Purpose:
const char *CTFAutoRP::GetRandomPost( void )
if ( RandomInt(1,5) != 1 )
return NULL;
if ( !m_a_pszAppendedWords.Count() )
return NULL;
static int iPrevPost = 0;
iPrevPost += RandomInt(1,3);
while ( iPrevPost >= m_a_pszAppendedWords.Count() )
iPrevPost -= m_a_pszAppendedWords.Count();
return m_a_pszAppendedWords[iPrevPost];
// Purpose:
matchresult_t CTFAutoRP::WordMatches( wordreplacement_t *pRep, replacementcheck_t *pCheck )
if ( pRep->iChance != 1 )
if ( RandomInt( 1, pRep->iChance ) > 1 )
// If it has prewords, make sure the preword matches first
if ( pRep->m_PrevWords.Count() > 0 )
if ( pCheck->iPrevLen <= 0 )
CUtlSymbol sym = m_pWordTable->Find( pCheck->szPrevWord );
if ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL == sym )
bool bMatchPrev = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( pRep->m_PrevWords, i )
if ( pRep->m_PrevWords[i] == sym )
bMatchPrev = true;
if ( !bMatchPrev )
pCheck->bUsedPrevWord = true;
CUtlSymbol sym = m_pWordTable->Find( pCheck->szWord );
FOR_EACH_VEC( pRep->m_Words, i )
if ( pRep->m_Words[i] == sym )
CUtlSymbol pluralsym = m_pWordTable->Find( pCheck->szWord );
FOR_EACH_VEC( pRep->m_Plurals, i )
if ( pRep->m_Plurals[i] == pluralsym )
pCheck->bUsedPrevWord = false;
// Purpose:
bool CTFAutoRP::ReplaceWord( replacementcheck_t *pCheck, char *szRep, int iRepSize, bool bSymbols, bool bWordListOnly )
szRep[0] = '\0';
// First, see if we have a replacement
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_a_Replacements, i )
wordreplacement_t *pRep = &m_a_Replacements[i];
matchresult_t iRes = WordMatches( pRep, pCheck );
if ( iRes == MATCHES_NOT )
if ( pRep->a_pszPrepended.Count() > 0 )
CUtlVector<int> vecUsed;
for ( int iCount = 0; iCount < pRep->iPrePendCount; iCount++ )
// Ensure we don't choose two of the same prepends
int rnd = 0;
rnd = RandomInt( 0, (int)pRep->a_pszPrepended.Count() - 1 );
} while ( vecUsed.Find(rnd) != vecUsed.InvalidIndex() );
Q_strncat( szRep, pRep->a_pszPrepended[rnd], iRepSize );
if ( (iCount+1) < pRep->iPrePendCount )
Q_strncat( szRep, ", ", iRepSize );
Q_strncat( szRep, " ", iRepSize );
int rnd = RandomInt( 0, (int)pRep->a_pszReplacements.Count() - 1 );
Q_strncat( szRep, pRep->a_pszReplacements[rnd], iRepSize );
else if ( iRes == MATCHES_PLURAL )
int rnd = RandomInt( 0, (int)pRep->a_pszPluralReplacements.Count() - 1 );
Q_strncat( szRep, pRep->a_pszPluralReplacements[rnd], iRepSize );
return true;
if ( !bSymbols && !bWordListOnly )
char fc = pCheck->szWord[0];
// Randomly replace h's at the front of words with apostrophes
if ( fc == 'h' && RandomInt(1,2) == 1 )
Q_strncpy( szRep, pCheck->szWord, MIN( iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen+1 ) );
szRep[0] = '\'';
return true;
char lc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-1 ];
if ( pCheck->iWordLen > 3 )
char slc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-2 ];
char lllc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-3 ];
// Randomly modify words ending in "ed", by replacing the "e" with an apostrophe
// i.e. "worked" -> "work'd", "waited" -> "wait'd"
if ( slc == 'e' && lc == 'd' && lllc != 'e' && RandomInt(1,4) == 1 )
Q_strncpy( szRep, pCheck->szWord, MIN( iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen+1 ) );
szRep[ pCheck->iWordLen-2 ] = '\'';
return true;
// Randomly append "th" or "st" to any word ending in "ke"
// i.e. "take" -> "taketh", "broke" -> "brokest"
if ( slc == 'k' && lc == 'e' && RandomInt(1,3) == 1 )
Q_strncpy( szRep, pCheck->szWord, MIN( iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen+1 ) );
if ( RandomInt(1,2) == 1 )
Q_strncat( szRep, "th", iRepSize );
Q_strncat( szRep, "st", iRepSize );
return true;
if ( pCheck->iWordLen >= 3 )
char slc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-2 ];
// Randomly append "eth" to words with appropriate last letters.
if ( RandomInt( 1, 5 ) == 1 &&
(lc == 't' || lc == 'p' || lc == 'k' || lc == 'g' || lc == 'b' || lc == 'w') )
Q_strncpy( szRep, pCheck->szWord, MIN( iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen+1 ) );
Q_strncat( szRep, "eth", iRepSize );
return true;
// Randomly append "est" to any word ending in "ss"
// i.e. "pass" -> "passest", "class" -> "classest"
if ( lc == 's' && slc == 's' && RandomInt(1,5) == 1 )
Q_strncpy( szRep, pCheck->szWord, MIN( iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen+1 ) );
Q_strncat( szRep, "est", iRepSize );
return true;
if ( pCheck->iWordLen > 4 )
// Randomly prepend "a-" to words ending in "ing", and randomly replace the trailing g with an apostrophe
// i.e. "coming" -> "a-comin'", "dancing" -> "a-dancing"
char slc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-2 ];
char lllc = pCheck->szWord[ pCheck->iWordLen-3 ];
if ( lllc == 'i' && slc == 'n' && lc == 'g' )
char sc = pCheck->szWord[2];
if ( sc != '-' )
Q_strncpy( szRep, "a-", iRepSize );
if ( RandomInt(1,2) == 1 )
Q_strncat( szRep, pCheck->szWord, iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen );
Q_strncat( szRep, pCheck->szWord, iRepSize, pCheck->iWordLen-1 );
Q_strncat( szRep, "'", iRepSize );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
bool CTFAutoRP::PerformReplacement( const char *pszReplacement, replacementcheck_t *pRepCheck, char *szStoredWord, int iStoredWordSize, char *pszOutText, int iOutLen )
if ( pszReplacement && pszReplacement[0] )
// Check to see if the previous word should be modified
char fc = tolower( *pszReplacement );
if ( !_strnicmp( pRepCheck->szPrevWord, "an", MAX(pRepCheck->iPrevLen,2) ) )
if ( fc != 'a' && fc != 'e' && fc != 'i' && fc != 'o' && fc != 'u' )
// Remove the trailing n
int iLen = (int)strlen( szStoredWord );
szStoredWord[iLen-1] = '\0'; // Move back 3. 1 for null, 1 for space, 1 for n.
else if ( *pRepCheck->szPrevWord == 'a' && pRepCheck->iPrevLen == 1 )
if ( fc == 'a' || fc == 'e' || fc == 'i' || fc == 'o' || fc == 'u' )
// Add a trailing n
Q_strncat( szStoredWord, "n", iStoredWordSize );
// Only append the previous word if we didn't use it in our replacement
if ( !pRepCheck->bUsedPrevWord )
// Append the previous word
Q_strncat( pszOutText, szStoredWord, iOutLen );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
void CTFAutoRP::ModifySpeech( const char *pszInText, char *pszOutText, int iOutLen, bool bGeneratePreAndPost, bool bInPrePost )
if ( bGeneratePreAndPost )
// See if we generate a pre. If we do, modify it as well so we can perform replacements on it.
const char *pszPre = GetRandomPre();
if ( pszPre && pszPre[0] )
ModifySpeech( pszPre, pszOutText, iOutLen, false, true );
Q_strncat( pszOutText, " ", iOutLen );
// Iterate through all the words and test them vs our replacement list
const char *pszPrevWord = pszInText;
const char *pszCurWord = pszInText;
const char *pszCh = pszInText;
char szStoredWord[128];
szStoredWord[0] = '\0';
char szCurrentWord[128];
szCurrentWord[0] = '\0';
replacementcheck_t repCheck;
while ( 1 )
if ( (*pszCh >= 'A' && *pszCh <= 'Z') || (*pszCh >= 'a' && *pszCh <= 'z') || *pszCh == '&' )
// Hit the end of a word/string.
int iCurLen = (int)(pszCh - pszCurWord);
int iPrevLen = MAX( 0, (int)(pszCurWord - pszPrevWord) - 1 ); // -1 for the space
bool bModifyWord = true;
bool bSkipOneLetter = false;
// Pre/Post pend blocks only modify words that start with an '&'
if ( bInPrePost )
bModifyWord = ( pszCurWord[0] == '&' );
bSkipOneLetter = bModifyWord;
if ( bSkipOneLetter )
Q_strncpy( repCheck.szWord, pszCurWord+1, iCurLen );
repCheck.iWordLen = iCurLen-1;
Q_strncpy( repCheck.szWord, pszCurWord, iCurLen+1 );
repCheck.iWordLen = iCurLen;
Q_strncpy( repCheck.szPrevWord, pszPrevWord, iPrevLen+1 );
repCheck.iPrevLen = iPrevLen;
repCheck.bUsedPrevWord = false;
if ( iCurLen > 0 )
bool bChanged = bModifyWord ? ReplaceWord( &repCheck, szCurrentWord, sizeof(szCurrentWord), false, bInPrePost ) : false;
// If the character that broke the last two words apart was an apostrophe, see if we can replace the whole word
if ( !bChanged && bModifyWord )
if ( szStoredWord[0] )
int iLen = Q_strlen(szStoredWord);
if ( szStoredWord[iLen-1] == '\'' )
Q_strncpy( repCheck.szWord, szStoredWord, MIN( sizeof(repCheck.szWord),iLen+1 ) );
Q_strncat( repCheck.szWord, pszCurWord, sizeof(repCheck.szWord), iCurLen );
repCheck.iWordLen = iLen + iCurLen;
repCheck.szPrevWord[0] = '\0';
repCheck.iPrevLen = 0;
bChanged = ReplaceWord( &repCheck, szCurrentWord, sizeof(szCurrentWord), false, bInPrePost );
if ( bChanged )
repCheck.bUsedPrevWord = true;
if ( szStoredWord[0] != '\0' )
if ( PerformReplacement( szCurrentWord, &repCheck, szStoredWord, sizeof(szStoredWord), pszOutText, iOutLen ) )
// Append a space, but not if the last character is an apostrophe
int iLen = Q_strlen(szStoredWord);
if ( szStoredWord[iLen-1] != '\'' )
Q_strncat( pszOutText, " ", iOutLen );
if ( bChanged )
Q_strncpy( szStoredWord, szCurrentWord, sizeof(szStoredWord) );
// Match case of the first letter in the word we're replacing
if ( pszCurWord[0] >= 'A' && pszCurWord[0] <= 'Z' )
szStoredWord[0] = toupper( szStoredWord[0] );
else if ( pszCurWord[0] >= 'a' && pszCurWord[0] <= 'a' )
szStoredWord[0] = tolower( szStoredWord[0] );
Q_strncpy( szStoredWord, pszCurWord, MIN( (int)sizeof(szStoredWord), (int)(pszCh - pszCurWord)+1 ) );
// Finished?
if ( *pszCh == '\0' )
repCheck.bUsedPrevWord = false;
if ( szStoredWord[0] != '\0' )
PerformReplacement( NULL, &repCheck, szStoredWord, sizeof(szStoredWord), pszOutText, iOutLen );
// If it wasn't a space that ended this word, try checking it for a symbol
if ( *pszCh != ' ' )
Q_strncpy( repCheck.szWord, pszCh, 2 );
repCheck.iWordLen = 1;
repCheck.iPrevLen = 0;
repCheck.bUsedPrevWord = false;
char szSymbolRep[128];
szSymbolRep[0] = '\0';
if ( ReplaceWord( &repCheck, szSymbolRep, sizeof(szSymbolRep), true, true ) )
Q_strncat( szStoredWord, szSymbolRep, (int)sizeof(szStoredWord) );
Q_strncat( szStoredWord, pszCh, (int)sizeof(szStoredWord), 1 );
// Move on
pszPrevWord = pszCurWord;
pszCurWord = pszCh;
if ( bGeneratePreAndPost )
int iLen = (int)strlen( pszOutText );
char pszLC = pszOutText[iLen-1];
if ( pszLC != '?' && pszLC != '!' )
// See if we generate a post. If we do, modify it as well so we can perform replacements on it.
const char *pszPost = GetRandomPost();
if ( pszPost && pszPost[0] )
if ( pszLC != '.' )
Q_strncat( pszOutText, ". ", iOutLen );
Q_strncat( pszOutText, " ", iOutLen );
ModifySpeech( pszPost, pszOutText, iOutLen, false, true );