2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00

753 lines
26 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Draws CSPort's death notices
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <game_controls/baseviewport.h>
#include "clientmode_shared.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "c_team.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "hud_basedeathnotice.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static ConVar hud_deathnotice_time( "hud_deathnotice_time", "6", 0 );
using namespace vgui;
// Purpose:
CHudBaseDeathNotice::CHudBaseDeathNotice( const char *pElementName ) :
CHudElement( pElementName ), BaseClass( NULL, "HudDeathNotice" )
vgui::Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
SetParent( pParent );
// Purpose:
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
// Purpose:
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::Init( void )
ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" );
ListenForGameEvent( "object_destroyed" );
ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_point_captured" );
ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_capture_blocked" );
ListenForGameEvent( "teamplay_flag_event" );
// Purpose:
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::VidInit( void )
// Purpose: Draw if we've got at least one death notice in the queue
bool CHudBaseDeathNotice::ShouldDraw( void )
return ( CHudElement::ShouldDraw() && ( m_DeathNotices.Count() ) );
// Purpose:
Color CHudBaseDeathNotice::GetTeamColor( int iTeamNumber, bool bLocalPlayerInvolved /* = false */ )
// By default, return the standard team color. Subclasses may override this.
return g_PR->GetTeamColor( iTeamNumber );
// Purpose:
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::Paint()
// Retire any death notices that have expired
CBaseViewport *pViewport = dynamic_cast<CBaseViewport *>( GetClientModeNormal()->GetViewport() );
int yStart = pViewport->GetDeathMessageStartHeight();
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );
int xMargin = XRES( 10 );
int xSpacing = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, L" " );
int iCount = m_DeathNotices.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[i];
CHudTexture *icon = msg.iconDeath;
CHudTexture *iconPrekiller = msg.iconPreKiller;
wchar_t victim[256]=L"";
wchar_t killer[256]=L"";
// TEMP - print the death icon name if we don't have a material for it
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( msg.Victim.szName, victim, sizeof( victim ) );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( msg.Killer.szName, killer, sizeof( killer ) );
int iVictimTextWide = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, victim ) + xSpacing;
int iDeathInfoTextWide= msg.wzInfoText[0] ? UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, msg.wzInfoText ) + xSpacing : 0;
int iDeathInfoEndTextWide= msg.wzInfoTextEnd[0] ? UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, msg.wzInfoTextEnd ) + xSpacing : 0;
int iKillerTextWide = killer[0] ? UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, killer ) + xSpacing : 0;
int iLineTall = m_flLineHeight;
int iTextTall = surface()->GetFontTall( m_hTextFont );
int iconWide = 0, iconTall = 0, iDeathInfoOffset = 0, iVictimTextOffset = 0, iconActualWide = 0;
int iPreKillerTextWide = msg.wzPreKillerText[0] ? UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, msg.wzPreKillerText ) - xSpacing : 0;
int iconPrekillerWide = 0, iconPrekillerActualWide = 0, iconPreKillerTall = 0;
// Get the local position for this notice
if ( icon )
iconActualWide = icon->EffectiveWidth( 1.0f );
iconWide = iconActualWide + xSpacing;
iconTall = icon->EffectiveHeight( 1.0f );
int iconTallDesired = iLineTall-YRES(2);
Assert( 0 != iconTallDesired );
float flScale = (float) iconTallDesired / (float) iconTall;
iconActualWide *= flScale;
iconTall *= flScale;
iconWide *= flScale;
if ( iconPrekiller )
iconPrekillerActualWide = iconPrekiller->EffectiveWidth( 1.0f );
iconPrekillerWide = iconPrekillerActualWide;
iconPreKillerTall = iconPrekiller->EffectiveHeight( 1.0f );
int iconTallDesired = iLineTall-YRES(2);
Assert( 0 != iconTallDesired );
float flScale = (float) iconTallDesired / (float) iconPreKillerTall;
iconPrekillerActualWide *= flScale;
iconPreKillerTall *= flScale;
iconPrekillerWide *= flScale;
int iTotalWide = iKillerTextWide + iconWide + iVictimTextWide + iDeathInfoTextWide + iDeathInfoEndTextWide + ( xMargin * 2 );
iTotalWide += iconPrekillerWide + iPreKillerTextWide;
int y = yStart + ( ( iLineTall + m_flLineSpacing ) * i );
int yText = y + ( ( iLineTall - iTextTall ) / 2 );
int yIcon = y + ( ( iLineTall - iconTall ) / 2 );
int x=0;
if ( m_bRightJustify )
x = GetWide() - iTotalWide;
// draw a background panel for the message
GetBackgroundPolygonVerts( x, y+1, x+iTotalWide, y+iLineTall-1, ARRAYSIZE( vert ), vert );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( -1 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( GetBackgroundColor ( i ) );
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( ARRAYSIZE( vert ), vert );
x += xMargin;
if ( killer[0] )
// Draw killer's name
DrawText( x, yText, m_hTextFont, GetTeamColor( msg.Killer.iTeam, msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved ), killer );
x += iKillerTextWide;
// prekiller text
if ( msg.wzPreKillerText[0] )
x += xSpacing;
DrawText( x + iDeathInfoOffset, yText, m_hTextFont, GetInfoTextColor( i ), msg.wzPreKillerText );
x += iPreKillerTextWide;
// Prekiller icon
if ( iconPrekiller )
int yPreIconTall = y + ( ( iLineTall - iconPreKillerTall ) / 2 );
iconPrekiller->DrawSelf( x, yPreIconTall, iconPrekillerActualWide, iconPreKillerTall, m_clrIcon );
x += iconPrekillerWide + xSpacing;
// Draw glow behind weapon icon to show it was a crit death
if ( msg.bCrit && msg.iconCritDeath )
msg.iconCritDeath->DrawSelf( x, yIcon, iconActualWide, iconTall, m_clrIcon );
// Draw death icon
if ( icon )
icon->DrawSelf( x, yIcon, iconActualWide, iconTall, m_clrIcon );
x += iconWide;
// Draw additional info text next to death icon
if ( msg.wzInfoText[0] )
if ( msg.bSelfInflicted )
iDeathInfoOffset += iVictimTextWide;
iVictimTextOffset -= iDeathInfoTextWide;
DrawText( x + iDeathInfoOffset, yText, m_hTextFont, GetInfoTextColor( i ), msg.wzInfoText );
x += iDeathInfoTextWide;
// Draw victims name
DrawText( x + iVictimTextOffset, yText, m_hTextFont, GetTeamColor( msg.Victim.iTeam, msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved ), victim );
x += iVictimTextWide;
// Draw Additional Text on the end of the victims name
if ( msg.wzInfoTextEnd[0] )
DrawText( x , yText, m_hTextFont, GetInfoTextColor( i ), msg.wzInfoTextEnd );
// Purpose: This message handler may be better off elsewhere
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::RetireExpiredDeathNotices()
// Remove any expired death notices. Loop backwards because we might remove one
int iCount = m_DeathNotices.Count();
for ( int i = iCount-1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_DeathNotices[i].GetExpiryTime() )
// Do we have too many death messages in the queue?
if ( m_DeathNotices.Count() > 0 &&
m_DeathNotices.Count() > (int)m_flMaxDeathNotices )
// First, remove any notices not involving the local player, since they are lower priority.
iCount = m_DeathNotices.Count();
int iNeedToRemove = iCount - (int)m_flMaxDeathNotices;
// loop condition is iCount-1 because we won't remove the most recent death notice, otherwise
// new non-local-player-involved messages would not appear if the queue was full of messages involving the local player
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount-1 && iNeedToRemove > 0 ; i++ )
if ( !m_DeathNotices[i].bLocalPlayerInvolved )
m_DeathNotices.Remove( i );
// Now that we've culled any non-local-player-involved messages up to the amount we needed to remove, see
// if we've removed enough
iCount = m_DeathNotices.Count();
iNeedToRemove = iCount - (int)m_flMaxDeathNotices;
if ( iNeedToRemove > 0 )
// if we still have too many messages, then just remove however many we need, oldest first
for ( int i = 0; i < iNeedToRemove; i++ )
m_DeathNotices.Remove( 0 );
// Purpose:
bool CHudBaseDeathNotice::EventIsPlayerDeath( const char* eventName )
if ( FStrEq( eventName, "player_death" ) )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Server's told us that someone's died
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
if ( !g_PR )
if ( hud_deathnotice_time.GetFloat() == 0 )
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
const char *pszEventName = event->GetName();
bool bPlayerDeath = EventIsPlayerDeath( pszEventName );
bool bObjectDeath = FStrEq( pszEventName, "object_destroyed" );
bool bIsFeignDeath = event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_FEIGN_DEATH;
if ( bPlayerDeath )
if ( !ShouldShowDeathNotice( event ) )
if ( bIsFeignDeath )
// Only display fake death messages to the enemy team.
int victimid = event->GetInt( "userid" );
int victim = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( victimid );
CBasePlayer *pVictim = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( victim );
CBasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = CBasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pVictim && pLocalPlayer &&
( pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) )
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == victim )
// Add a new death message. Note we always look it up by index rather than create a reference or pointer to it;
// additional messages may get added during this function that cause the underlying array to get realloced, so don't
// ever keep a pointer to memory here.
int iMsg = -1;
if ( bPlayerDeath )
iMsg = UseExistingNotice( event );
if ( iMsg == -1 )
iMsg = AddDeathNoticeItem();
if ( bPlayerDeath || bObjectDeath )
int victim = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) );
int killer = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) );
const char *killedwith = event->GetString( "weapon" );
const char *killedwithweaponlog = event->GetString( "weapon_logclassname" );
if ( bObjectDeath && victim == 0 )
// for now, no death notices of map placed objects
m_DeathNotices.Remove( iMsg );
// Get the names of the players
const char *killer_name = ( killer > 0 ) ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( killer ) : "";
const char *victim_name = g_PR->GetPlayerName( victim );
if ( !killer_name )
killer_name = "";
if ( !victim_name )
victim_name = "";
// Make a new death notice
bool bLocalPlayerInvolved = false;
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == killer || iLocalPlayerIndex == victim )
bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
if ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_AUSTRALIUM )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bCrit= true;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconCritDeath = GetIcon( "d_australium", bLocalPlayerInvolved ? kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted : kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard );
else if ( event->GetInt( "damagebits" ) & DMG_CRITICAL )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bCrit= true;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconCritDeath = GetIcon( "d_crit", bLocalPlayerInvolved ? kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted : kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bCrit= false;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconCritDeath = NULL;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved = bLocalPlayerInvolved;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam = ( killer > 0 ) ? g_PR->GetTeam( killer ) : 0;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( victim );
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, killer_name, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName ) );
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName, victim_name, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName ) );
if ( killedwith && *killedwith )
Q_snprintf( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, sizeof(m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon), "d_%s", killedwith );
if ( !killer || killer == victim )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bSelfInflicted = true;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName[0] = 0;
if ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_PURGATORY )
// special case icon for dying in purgatory
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, "d_purgatory", ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon ) );
else if ( event->GetInt( "damagebits" ) & DMG_FALL )
// special case text for falling death
V_wcsncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#DeathMsg_Fall" ), sizeof( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText ) );
else if ( ( event->GetInt( "damagebits" ) & DMG_VEHICLE ) || ( 0 == Q_stricmp( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, "d_tracktrain" ) ) )
// special case icon for hit-by-vehicle death
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, "d_vehicle", ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon ) );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iWeaponID = event->GetInt( "weaponid" );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iKillerID = event->GetInt( "attacker" );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iVictimID = event->GetInt( "userid" );
char sDeathMsg[512];
// Record the death notice in the console
if ( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bSelfInflicted )
if ( !strcmp( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, "d_worldspawn" ) )
Q_snprintf( sDeathMsg, sizeof( sDeathMsg ), "%s died.", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName );
else // d_world
Q_snprintf( sDeathMsg, sizeof( sDeathMsg ), "%s suicided.", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName );
Q_snprintf( sDeathMsg, sizeof( sDeathMsg ), "%s killed %s", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName );
if ( killedwithweaponlog && killedwithweaponlog[0] && ( killedwithweaponlog[0] > 13 ) )
Q_strncat( sDeathMsg, VarArgs( " with %s.", killedwithweaponlog ), sizeof( sDeathMsg ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
else if ( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon[0] && ( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon[0] > 13 ) )
Q_strncat( sDeathMsg, VarArgs( " with %s.", &m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon[2] ), sizeof( sDeathMsg ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, "player_death" ) )
if ( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bCrit )
Msg( "%s (crit)\n", sDeathMsg );
Msg( "%s\n", sDeathMsg );
else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_point_captured", pszEventName ) )
GetLocalizedControlPointName( event, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName ) );
// Array of capper indices
const char *cappers = event->GetString("cappers");
char szCappers[256];
szCappers[0] = '\0';
int len = Q_strlen(cappers);
for( int i=0;i<len;i++ )
int iPlayerIndex = (int)cappers[i];
Assert( iPlayerIndex > 0 && iPlayerIndex <= gpGlobals->maxClients );
const char *pPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex );
if ( i == 0 )
// use first player as the team
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( iPlayerIndex );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
Q_strncat( szCappers, ", ", sizeof(szCappers), 2 );
Q_strncat( szCappers, pPlayerName, sizeof(szCappers), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iPlayerIndex )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, szCappers, sizeof(m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName) );
V_wcsncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( len > 1 ? "#Msg_Captured_Multiple" : "#Msg_Captured" ), sizeof( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText ) );
// print a log message
Msg( "%s captured %s for team #%d\n", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam );
else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_capture_blocked", pszEventName ) )
GetLocalizedControlPointName( event, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName ) );
V_wcsncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_Defended" ), sizeof( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText ) );
int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "blocker" );
const char *blocker_name = g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex );
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, blocker_name, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName ) );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( iPlayerIndex );
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iPlayerIndex )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
// print a log message
Msg( "%s defended %s for team #%d\n", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Victim.szName, m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam );
else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_flag_event", pszEventName ) )
const char *pszMsgKey = NULL;
int iEventType = event->GetInt( "eventtype" );
bool bIsMvM = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode();
if ( bIsMvM )
// MvM only cares about Defend notifications
if ( iEventType != TF_FLAGEVENT_DEFEND )
// unsupported, don't put anything up
m_DeathNotices.Remove( iMsg );
switch ( iEventType )
pszMsgKey = "#Msg_PickedUpFlag";
pszMsgKey = "#Msg_CapturedFlag";
pszMsgKey = bIsMvM ? "#Msg_DefendedBomb" : "#Msg_DefendedFlag";
// Add this when we can get localization for it
// pszMsgKey = "#Msg_DroppedFlag";
// break;
// unsupported, don't put anything up
m_DeathNotices.Remove( iMsg );
wchar_t *pwzEventText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszMsgKey );
Assert( pwzEventText );
if ( pwzEventText )
V_wcsncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText, pwzEventText, sizeof( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText ) );
V_memset( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText, 0, sizeof( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].wzInfoText ) );
int iPlayerIndex = event->GetInt( "player" );
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayerIndex );
Q_strncpy( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.szName ) );
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( iPlayerIndex );
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iPlayerIndex )
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
OnGameEvent( event, iMsg );
if ( !m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconDeath && m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon )
// Try and find the death identifier in the icon list
// On consoles, we flip usage of the inverted icon to make it more visible
bool bInverted = m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved;
if ( IsConsole() )
bInverted = !bInverted;
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconDeath = GetIcon( m_DeathNotices[iMsg].szIcon, bInverted ? kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted : kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard );
if ( !m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconDeath )
// Can't find it, so use the default skull & crossbones icon
m_DeathNotices[iMsg].iconDeath = GetIcon( "d_skull_tf", m_DeathNotices[iMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved ? kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted : kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard );
// Purpose: Gets the localized name of the control point sent in the event
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::GetLocalizedControlPointName( IGameEvent *event, char *namebuf, int namelen )
// Cap point name ( MATTTODO: can't we find this from the point index ? )
const char *pName = event->GetString( "cpname", "Unnamed Control Point" );
const wchar_t *pLocalizedName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pName );
if ( pLocalizedName )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pLocalizedName, namebuf, namelen );
Q_strncpy( namebuf, pName, namelen );
// Purpose: Adds a new death notice to the queue
int CHudBaseDeathNotice::AddDeathNoticeItem()
int iMsg = m_DeathNotices.AddToTail();
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[iMsg];
msg.flCreationTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
return iMsg;
// Purpose: draw text helper
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::DrawText( int x, int y, HFont hFont, Color clr, const wchar_t *szText )
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, y );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( clr );
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( hFont ); //reset the font, draw icon can change it
surface()->DrawUnicodeString( szText, vgui::FONT_DRAW_NONADDITIVE );
// Purpose: Creates a rounded-corner polygon that fits in the specified bounds
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::GetBackgroundPolygonVerts( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int iVerts, vgui::Vertex_t vert[] )
Assert( iVerts == NUM_BACKGROUND_COORD );
// use the offsets we generated for one corner and apply those to the passed-in dimensions to create verts for the poly
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_CORNER_COORD; i++ )
int j = ( NUM_CORNER_COORD-1 ) - i;
// upper left corner
vert[i].Init( Vector2D( x0 + m_CornerCoord[i].x, y0 + m_CornerCoord[i].y ) );
// upper right corner
vert[i+NUM_CORNER_COORD].Init( Vector2D( x1 - m_CornerCoord[j].x, y0 + m_CornerCoord[j].y ) );
// lower right corner
vert[i+(NUM_CORNER_COORD*2)].Init( Vector2D( x1 - m_CornerCoord[i].x, y1 - m_CornerCoord[i].y ) );
// lower left corner
vert[i+(NUM_CORNER_COORD*3)].Init( Vector2D( x0 + m_CornerCoord[j].x, y1 - m_CornerCoord[j].y) );
// Purpose: Creates the offsets for rounded corners based on current screen res
void CHudBaseDeathNotice::CalcRoundedCorners()
// generate the offset geometry for upper left corner
int iMax = ARRAYSIZE( m_CornerCoord );
for ( int i = 0; i < iMax; i++ )
m_CornerCoord[i].x = m_flCornerRadius * ( 1 - cos( ( (float) i / (float) (iMax - 1 ) ) * ( M_PI / 2 ) ) );
m_CornerCoord[i].y = m_flCornerRadius * ( 1 - sin( ( (float) i / (float) (iMax - 1 ) ) * ( M_PI / 2 ) ) );
// Purpose: Gets specified icon
CHudTexture *CHudBaseDeathNotice::GetIcon( const char *szIcon, EDeathNoticeIconFormat eIconFormat )
// adjust the style (prefix) of the icon if requested
if ( eIconFormat != kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard && V_strncmp( "d_", szIcon, 2 ) == 0 )
Assert( eIconFormat == kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted );
const char *cszNewPrefix = "dneg_";
unsigned int iNewPrefixLen = V_strlen( cszNewPrefix );
// generate new string with correct prefix
enum { kIconTempStringLen = 256 };
char szIconTmp[kIconTempStringLen];
V_strncpy( szIconTmp, cszNewPrefix, kIconTempStringLen );
V_strncat( szIconTmp, szIcon + 2, kIconTempStringLen - iNewPrefixLen );
CHudTexture *pIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( szIconTmp );
// return inverted version if found
if ( pIcon )
return pIcon;
// we either requested the default style or we requested an alternate style but
// didn't have the art for it; either way, we can't, so fall back to our default
return gHUD.GetIcon( szIcon );
// Purpose: Gets the expiry time for this death notice item
float DeathNoticeItem::GetExpiryTime()
float flDuration = hud_deathnotice_time.GetFloat();
if ( bLocalPlayerInvolved )
// if the local player is involved, make the message last longer
flDuration *= 2;
return flCreationTime + flDuration;