FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

704 lines
17 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003
#include "cbase.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4530 ) // STL uses exceptions, but we are not compiling with them - ignore warning
#include "bot_profile.h"
#include "shared_util.h"
#include "bot.h"
#include "bot_util.h"
#include "cs_bot.h" // BOTPORT: Remove this CS dependency
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
BotProfileManager *TheBotProfiles = NULL;
* Generates a filename-decorated skin name
static const char * GetDecoratedSkinName( const char *name, const char *filename )
const int BufLen = _MAX_PATH + 64;
static char buf[BufLen];
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%s/%s", filename, name );
return buf;
const char* BotProfile::GetWeaponPreferenceAsString( int i ) const
if ( i < 0 || i >= m_weaponPreferenceCount )
return NULL;
return WeaponIDToAlias( m_weaponPreference[ i ] );
* Return true if this profile has a primary weapon preference
bool BotProfile::HasPrimaryPreference( void ) const
for( int i=0; i<m_weaponPreferenceCount; ++i )
if (IsPrimaryWeapon( m_weaponPreference[i] ))
return true;
return false;
* Return true if this profile has a pistol weapon preference
bool BotProfile::HasPistolPreference( void ) const
for( int i=0; i<m_weaponPreferenceCount; ++i )
if (IsSecondaryWeapon( m_weaponPreference[i] ))
return true;
return false;
* Return true if this profile is valid for the specified team
bool BotProfile::IsValidForTeam( int team ) const
return ( team == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || m_teams == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || team == m_teams );
* Return true if this profile inherits from the specified template
bool BotProfile::InheritsFrom( const char *name ) const
if ( WildcardMatch( name, GetName() ) )
return true;
for ( int i=0; i<m_templates.Count(); ++i )
const BotProfile *queryTemplate = m_templates[i];
if ( queryTemplate->InheritsFrom( name ) )
return true;
return false;
* Constructor
BotProfileManager::BotProfileManager( void )
m_nextSkin = 0;
for (int i=0; i<NumCustomSkins; ++i)
m_skins[i] = NULL;
m_skinFilenames[i] = NULL;
m_skinModelnames[i] = NULL;
* Load the bot profile database
void BotProfileManager::Init( const char *filename, unsigned int *checksum )
FileHandle_t file = filesystem->Open( filename, "r" );
if (!file)
if ( true ) // UTIL_IsGame( "czero" ) )
CONSOLE_ECHO( "WARNING: Cannot access bot profile database '%s'\n", filename );
int dataLength = filesystem->Size( filename );
char *dataPointer = new char[ dataLength ];
int dataReadLength = filesystem->Read( dataPointer, dataLength, file );
filesystem->Close( file );
if ( dataReadLength > 0 )
// NULL-terminate based on the length read in, since Read() can transform \r\n to \n and
// return fewer bytes than we were expecting.
dataPointer[ dataReadLength - 1 ] = 0;
const char *dataFile = dataPointer;
// compute simple checksum
if (checksum)
*checksum = 0; // ComputeSimpleChecksum( (const unsigned char *)dataPointer, dataLength );
BotProfile defaultProfile;
// Parse the BotProfile.db into BotProfile instances
while( true )
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
char *token = SharedGetToken();
bool isDefault = (!stricmp( token, "Default" ));
bool isTemplate = (!stricmp( token, "Template" ));
bool isCustomSkin = (!stricmp( token, "Skin" ));
if ( isCustomSkin )
const int BufLen = 64;
char skinName[BufLen];
// get skin name
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected skin name\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
Q_snprintf( skinName, sizeof( skinName ), "%s", token );
// get attribute name
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected 'Model'\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
if (stricmp( "Model", token ))
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected 'Model'\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
// eat '='
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected '='\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
if (strcmp( "=", token ))
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected '='\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
// get attribute value
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected attribute value\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
const char *decoratedName = GetDecoratedSkinName( skinName, filename );
bool skinExists = GetCustomSkinIndex( decoratedName ) > 0;
if ( m_nextSkin < NumCustomSkins && !skinExists )
// decorate the name
m_skins[ m_nextSkin ] = CloneString( decoratedName );
// construct the model filename
m_skinModelnames[ m_nextSkin ] = CloneString( token );
m_skinFilenames[ m_nextSkin ] = new char[ strlen(token)*2 + strlen("models/player//.mdl") + 1 ];
Q_snprintf( m_skinFilenames[ m_nextSkin ], sizeof( m_skinFilenames[ m_nextSkin ] ), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", token, token );
// eat 'End'
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected 'End'\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
if (strcmp( "End", token ))
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected 'End'\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
continue; // it's just a custom skin - no need to do inheritance on a bot profile, etc.
// encountered a new profile
BotProfile *profile;
if (isDefault)
profile = &defaultProfile;
profile = new BotProfile;
// always inherit from Default
*profile = defaultProfile;
// do inheritance in order of appearance
if (!isTemplate && !isDefault)
const BotProfile *inherit = NULL;
// template names are separated by "+"
char *c = strchr( token, '+' );
if (c)
*c = '\000';
// find the given template name
FOR_EACH_LL( m_templateList, it )
BotProfile *profile = m_templateList[ it ];
if (!stricmp( profile->GetName(), token ))
inherit = profile;
if (inherit == NULL)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing '%s' - invalid template reference '%s'\n", filename, token );
delete [] dataPointer;
// inherit the data
profile->Inherit( inherit, &defaultProfile );
if (c == NULL)
token = c+1;
// get name of this profile
if (!isDefault)
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing '%s' - expected name\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
profile->m_name = CloneString( SharedGetToken() );
* Until we have a generalized means of storing bot preferences, we're going to hardcode the bot's
* preference towards silencers based on his name.
if ( profile->m_name[0] % 2 )
profile->m_prefersSilencer = true;
// read attributes for this profile
bool isFirstWeaponPref = true;
while( true )
// get next token
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected 'End'\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
// check for End delimiter
if (!stricmp( token, "End" ))
// found attribute name - keep it
char attributeName[64];
strcpy( attributeName, token );
// eat '='
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected '='\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
if (strcmp( "=", token ))
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected '='\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
// get attribute value
dataFile = SharedParse( dataFile );
if (!dataFile)
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - expected attribute value\n", filename );
delete [] dataPointer;
token = SharedGetToken();
// store value in appropriate attribute
if (!stricmp( "Aggression", attributeName ))
profile->m_aggression = (float)atof(token) / 100.0f;
else if (!stricmp( "Skill", attributeName ))
profile->m_skill = (float)atof(token) / 100.0f;
else if (!stricmp( "Skin", attributeName ))
profile->m_skin = atoi(token);
if ( profile->m_skin == 0 )
// atoi() failed - try to look up a custom skin by name
profile->m_skin = GetCustomSkinIndex( token, filename );
else if (!stricmp( "Teamwork", attributeName ))
profile->m_teamwork = (float)atof(token) / 100.0f;
else if (!stricmp( "Cost", attributeName ))
profile->m_cost = atoi(token);
else if (!stricmp( "VoicePitch", attributeName ))
profile->m_voicePitch = atoi(token);
else if (!stricmp( "VoiceBank", attributeName ))
profile->m_voiceBank = FindVoiceBankIndex( token );
else if (!stricmp( "WeaponPreference", attributeName ))
// weapon preferences override parent prefs
if (isFirstWeaponPref)
isFirstWeaponPref = false;
profile->m_weaponPreferenceCount = 0;
if (!stricmp( token, "none" ))
profile->m_weaponPreferenceCount = 0;
if (profile->m_weaponPreferenceCount < BotProfile::MAX_WEAPON_PREFS)
profile->m_weaponPreference[ profile->m_weaponPreferenceCount++ ] = AliasToWeaponID( token );
else if (!stricmp( "ReactionTime", attributeName ))
profile->m_reactionTime = (float)atof(token);
// subtract off latency due to "think" update rate.
// In GameUI, we don't really care.
//profile->m_reactionTime -= g_BotUpdateInterval;
else if (!stricmp( "AttackDelay", attributeName ))
profile->m_attackDelay = (float)atof(token);
else if (!stricmp( "Difficulty", attributeName ))
// override inheritance
profile->m_difficultyFlags = 0;
// parse bit flags
char *c = strchr( token, '+' );
if (c)
*c = '\000';
for( int i=0; i<NUM_DIFFICULTY_LEVELS; ++i )
if (!stricmp( BotDifficultyName[i], token ))
profile->m_difficultyFlags |= (1 << i);
if (c == NULL)
token = c+1;
else if (!stricmp( "Team", attributeName ))
if ( !stricmp( token, "T" ) )
profile->m_teams = TEAM_TERRORIST;
else if ( !stricmp( token, "CT" ) )
profile->m_teams = TEAM_CT;
profile->m_teams = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
CONSOLE_ECHO( "Error parsing %s - unknown attribute '%s'\n", filename, attributeName );
if (!isDefault)
if (isTemplate)
// add to template list
m_templateList.AddToTail( profile );
// add profile to the master list
m_profileList.AddToTail( profile );
delete [] dataPointer;
BotProfileManager::~BotProfileManager( void )
* Free all bot profiles
void BotProfileManager::Reset( void )
int i;
for (i=0; i<NumCustomSkins; ++i)
if ( m_skins[i] )
delete[] m_skins[i];
m_skins[i] = NULL;
if ( m_skinFilenames[i] )
delete[] m_skinFilenames[i];
m_skinFilenames[i] = NULL;
if ( m_skinModelnames[i] )
delete[] m_skinModelnames[i];
m_skinModelnames[i] = NULL;
for ( i=0; i<m_voiceBanks.Count(); ++i )
delete[] m_voiceBanks[i];
* Returns custom skin name at a particular index
const char * BotProfileManager::GetCustomSkin( int index )
if ( index < FirstCustomSkin || index > LastCustomSkin )
return NULL;
return m_skins[ index - FirstCustomSkin ];
* Returns custom skin filename at a particular index
const char * BotProfileManager::GetCustomSkinFname( int index )
if ( index < FirstCustomSkin || index > LastCustomSkin )
return NULL;
return m_skinFilenames[ index - FirstCustomSkin ];
* Returns custom skin modelname at a particular index
const char * BotProfileManager::GetCustomSkinModelname( int index )
if ( index < FirstCustomSkin || index > LastCustomSkin )
return NULL;
return m_skinModelnames[ index - FirstCustomSkin ];
* Looks up a custom skin index by filename-decorated name (will decorate the name if filename is given)
int BotProfileManager::GetCustomSkinIndex( const char *name, const char *filename )
const char * skinName = name;
if ( filename )
skinName = GetDecoratedSkinName( name, filename );
for (int i=0; i<NumCustomSkins; ++i)
if ( m_skins[i] )
if ( !stricmp( skinName, m_skins[i] ) )
return FirstCustomSkin + i;
return 0;
* return index of the (custom) bot phrase db, inserting it if needed
int BotProfileManager::FindVoiceBankIndex( const char *filename )
int index = 0;
for ( int i=0; i<m_voiceBanks.Count(); ++i )
if ( !stricmp( filename, m_voiceBanks[i] ) )
return index;
m_voiceBanks.AddToTail( CloneString( filename ) );
return index;
* Return random unused profile that matches the given difficulty level
const BotProfile *BotProfileManager::GetRandomProfile( BotDifficultyType difficulty, int team, CSWeaponType weaponType ) const
// count up valid profiles
CUtlVector< const BotProfile * > profiles;
FOR_EACH_LL( m_profileList, it )
const BotProfile *profile = m_profileList[ it ];
// Match difficulty
if ( !profile->IsDifficulty( difficulty ) )
// Prevent duplicate names
if ( UTIL_IsNameTaken( profile->GetName() ) )
// Match team choice
if ( !profile->IsValidForTeam( team ) )
// Match desired weapon
if ( weaponType != WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN )
if ( !profile->GetWeaponPreferenceCount() )
if ( weaponType != WeaponClassFromWeaponID( (CSWeaponID)profile->GetWeaponPreference( 0 ) ) )
profiles.AddToTail( profile );
if ( !profiles.Count() )
return NULL;
// select one at random
int which = RandomInt( 0, profiles.Count()-1 );
return profiles[which];