FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

104 lines
4.5 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef MINIDUMP_H
#define MINIDUMP_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
// Set prefix to use for minidump files. If you don't set one, it is defaulted for you,
// using the current module name
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void SetMinidumpFilenamePrefix( const char *pszPrefix );
// Set comment to put into minidump file upon next call of WriteMiniDump. (Most common use is the assert text.)
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void SetMinidumpComment( const char *pszComment );
// writes out a minidump of the current stack trace with a unique filename
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void WriteMiniDump( const char *pszFilenameSuffix = NULL );
typedef void (*FnWMain)( int , tchar *[] );
typedef void (*FnVoidPtrFn)( void * );
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360)
// calls the passed in function pointer and catches any exceptions/crashes thrown by it, and writes a minidump
// use from wmain() to protect the whole program
typedef void (*FnWMain)( int , tchar *[] );
typedef int (*FnWMainIntRet)( int , tchar *[] );
typedef void (*FnVoidPtrFn)( void * );
enum ECatchAndWriteMinidumpAction
k_ECatchAndWriteMiniDumpAbort = 0,
k_ECatchAndWriteMiniDumpReThrow = 1,
k_ECatchAndWriteMiniDumpIgnore = 2,
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void CatchAndWriteMiniDump( FnWMain pfn, int argc, tchar *argv[] ); // action = Abort
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn( FnVoidPtrFn pfn, void *pv, bool bExitQuietly ); // action = abort if bExitQuietly, Rethrow otherwise
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void CatchAndWriteMiniDumpEx( FnWMain pfn, int argc, tchar *argv[], ECatchAndWriteMinidumpAction eAction );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE int CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExReturnsInt( FnWMainIntRet pfn, int argc, tchar *argv[], ECatchAndWriteMinidumpAction eAction );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void CatchAndWriteMiniDumpExForVoidPtrFn( FnVoidPtrFn pfn, void *pv, ECatchAndWriteMinidumpAction eAction );
// Let's not include this. We'll use forwards instead.
//#include <dbghelp.h>
// Replaces the current function pointer with the one passed in.
// Returns the previously-set function.
// The function is called internally by WriteMiniDump() and CatchAndWriteMiniDump()
// The default is the built-in function that uses DbgHlp.dll's MiniDumpWriteDump function
typedef void (*FnMiniDump)( unsigned int uStructuredExceptionCode, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo, const char *pszFilenameSuffix );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE FnMiniDump SetMiniDumpFunction( FnMiniDump pfn );
// Use this to write a minidump explicitly.
// Some of the tools choose to catch the minidump themselves instead of using CatchAndWriteMinidump
// so they can show their own dialog.
// ptchMinidumpFileNameBuffer if not-NULL should be a writable tchar buffer of length at
// least _MAX_PATH and on return will contain the name of the minidump file written.
// If ptchMinidumpFileNameBuffer is NULL the name of the minidump file written will not
// be available after the function returns.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool WriteMiniDumpUsingExceptionInfo(
unsigned int uStructuredExceptionCode,
int /* MINIDUMP_TYPE */ minidumpType,
const char *pszFilenameSuffix = NULL,
tchar *ptchMinidumpFileNameBuffer = NULL
// Call this to enable a handler for unhandled exceptions.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void MinidumpSetUnhandledExceptionFunction( FnMiniDump pfn );
// Call this to prevent crashes in kernel callbacks such as window procs from
// being silently swallowed. We should always call this at startup.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void EnableCrashingOnCrashes();
#endif // defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_X360)
// Minidump User Stream Info Comments.
// There currently is a single header string, and an array of 64 comment strings.
// MinidumpUserStreamInfoSetHeader() will set the single header string.
// MinidumpUserStreamInfoAppend() will round robin through and array and set the comment strings, overwriting old.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void MinidumpUserStreamInfoSetHeader( const char *pFormat, ... );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void MinidumpUserStreamInfoAppend( const char *pFormat, ... );
// Retrieve the StreamInfo strings.
// Index 0: header string
// Index 1..: comment string
// Returns NULL when you've reached the end of the comment string array
// Empty strings ("\0") can be returned if comment hasn't been set
PLATFORM_INTERFACE const char *MinidumpUserStreamInfoGet( int Index );
#endif // MINIDUMP_H