FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

178 lines
5.3 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef CMDLIB_H
#define CMDLIB_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
// cmdlib.h
#include "basetypes.h"
// This can go away when everything is in bin.
#if defined( CMDLIB_NODBGLIB )
void Error( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const *pMsg, ... );
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem_tools.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
// Tools should use this as the read path ID. It'll look into the paths specified by gameinfo.txt
// Tools should use this to fprintf data to files.
void CmdLib_FPrintf( FileHandle_t hFile, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... );
char* CmdLib_FGets( char *pOut, int outSize, FileHandle_t hFile );
// This can be set so Msg() sends output to hook functions (like the VMPI MySQL database),
// but doesn't actually printf the output.
extern bool g_bSuppressPrintfOutput;
extern IBaseFileSystem *g_pFileSystem;
// These call right into the functions in filesystem_tools.h
void CmdLib_InitFileSystem( const char *pFilename, int maxMemoryUsage = 0 );
void CmdLib_TermFileSystem(); // GracefulExit calls this.
CreateInterfaceFn CmdLib_GetFileSystemFactory();
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // MIPS
#pragma warning(disable : 4136) // X86
#pragma warning(disable : 4051) // ALPHA
#pragma warning(disable : 4018) // signed/unsigned mismatch
#pragma warning(disable : 4305) // truncate from double to float
#pragma warning(disable : 4389) // singned/unsigned mismatch in ==
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
// the dec offsetof macro doesnt work very well...
#define myoffsetof(type,identifier) offsetof( type, identifier )
// set these before calling CheckParm
extern int myargc;
extern char **myargv;
int Q_filelength (FileHandle_t f);
int FileTime (char *path);
void Q_mkdir( char *path );
char *ExpandArg (char *path); // expand relative to CWD
char *ExpandPath (char *path); // expand relative to gamedir
char *ExpandPathAndArchive (char *path);
// Fills in pOut with "X hours, Y minutes, Z seconds". Leaves out hours or minutes if they're zero.
void GetHourMinuteSecondsString( int nInputSeconds, char *pOut, int outLen );
int CheckParm (char *check);
FileHandle_t SafeOpenWrite ( const char *filename );
FileHandle_t SafeOpenRead ( const char *filename );
void SafeRead( FileHandle_t f, void *buffer, int count);
void SafeWrite( FileHandle_t f, void *buffer, int count);
int LoadFile ( const char *filename, void **bufferptr );
void SaveFile ( const char *filename, void *buffer, int count );
qboolean FileExists ( const char *filename );
int ParseNum (char *str);
// Do a printf in the specified color.
#define CP_ERROR stderr, 1, 0, 0, 1 // default colors..
#define CP_WARNING stderr, 1, 1, 0, 1
#define CP_STARTUP stdout, 0, 1, 1, 1
#define CP_NOTIFY stdout, 1, 1, 1, 1
void ColorPrintf( FILE *pFile, bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool intensity, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const *pFormat, ... );
// Initialize spew output.
void InstallSpewFunction();
// This registers an extra callback for spew output.
typedef void (*SpewHookFn)( const char * );
void InstallExtraSpewHook( SpewHookFn pFn );
// Install allocation hooks so we error out if an allocation can't happen.
void InstallAllocationFunctions();
// This shuts down mgrs that use threads gracefully. If you just call exit(), the threads can
// get in a state where you can't tell if they are shutdown or not, and it can stall forever.
typedef void (*CleanupFn)();
void CmdLib_AtCleanup( CleanupFn pFn ); // register a callback when Cleanup() is called.
void CmdLib_Cleanup();
void CmdLib_Exit( int exitCode ); // Use this to cleanup and call exit().
// entrypoint if chaining spew functions
SpewRetval_t CmdLib_SpewOutputFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg );
unsigned short SetConsoleTextColor( int red, int green, int blue, int intensity );
void RestoreConsoleTextColor( unsigned short color );
// Append all spew output to the specified file.
void SetSpewFunctionLogFile( char const *pFilename );
char *COM_Parse (char *data);
extern char com_token[1024];
char *copystring(const char *s);
void CreatePath( char *path );
void QCopyFile( char *from, char *to );
void SafeCreatePath( char *path );
extern qboolean archive;
extern char archivedir[1024];
extern qboolean verbose;
void qprintf( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ... );
void ExpandWildcards (int *argc, char ***argv);
void CmdLib_AddBasePath( const char *pBasePath );
bool CmdLib_HasBasePath( const char *pFileName, int &pathLength );
int CmdLib_GetNumBasePaths( void );
const char *CmdLib_GetBasePath( int i );
// Like ExpandPath but expands the path for each base path like SafeOpenRead
int CmdLib_ExpandWithBasePaths( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &expandedPathList, const char *pszPath );
extern bool g_bStopOnExit;
// for compression routines
typedef struct
byte *data;
int count;
} cblock_t;
#endif // CMDLIB_H