FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1175 lines
29 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "mapdoc.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "Material.h"
#include "Render2D.h"
#include "Render3D.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "ViewerSettings.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "TextureSystem.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "IStudioRender.h"
#include "GlobalFunctions.h"
#include "UtlMemory.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "bone_accessor.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "Hammer.h"
#include "HammerVGui.h"
#include <VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h>
#include "mapview2d.h"
#include "mapdefs.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "options.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // double to float
// Purpose: Monitors the filesystem for changes to model files and flushes
// any stuff in memory for the model if necessary.
class CStudioFileChangeWatcher : private CFileChangeWatcher::ICallbacks
void Init();
void Update(); // Call this periodically to update.
// CFileChangeWatcher::ICallbacks..
virtual void OnFileChange( const char *pRelativeFilename, const char *pFullFilename );
CFileChangeWatcher m_Watcher;
CUtlDict<int,int> m_ChangedModels;
static CStudioFileChangeWatcher g_StudioFileChangeWatcher;
Vector g_lightvec; // light vector in model reference frame
Vector g_blightvec[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; // light vectors in bone reference frames
int g_ambientlight; // ambient world light
float g_shadelight; // direct world light
Vector g_lightcolor;
bool g_bUpdateBones2D = true;
// Model meshes themselves are cached to avoid redundancy. There should never be
// more than one copy of a given studio model in memory at once.
ModelCache_t CStudioModelCache::m_Cache[1024];
int CStudioModelCache::m_nItems = 0;
// Purpose: Find a model in the cache. Returns null if it's not in the cache.
StudioModel *CStudioModelCache::FindModel(const char *pszModelPath)
char testPath[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( testPath, pszModelPath, sizeof( testPath ) );
V_FixSlashes( testPath );
// First look for the model in the cache. If it's there, increment the
// reference count and return a pointer to the cached model.
for (int i = 0; i < m_nItems; i++)
char testPath2[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( testPath2, m_Cache[i].pszPath, sizeof( testPath2 ) );
V_FixSlashes( testPath2 );
if (!stricmp(testPath, testPath2))
return NULL;
// Purpose: Returns an instance of a particular studio model. If the model is
// in the cache, a pointer to that model is returned. If not, a new one
// is created and added to the cache.
// Input : pszModelPath - Full path of the .MDL file.
StudioModel *CStudioModelCache::CreateModel(const char *pszModelPath)
StudioModel *pTest = FindModel( pszModelPath );
if ( pTest )
return pTest;
// If it isn't there, try to create one.
StudioModel *pModel = new StudioModel;
if (pModel != NULL)
bool bLoaded = pModel->LoadModel(pszModelPath);
if (bLoaded)
bLoaded = pModel->PostLoadModel(pszModelPath);
if (!bLoaded)
delete pModel;
pModel = NULL;
// If we successfully created it, add it to the cache.
if (pModel != NULL)
CStudioModelCache::AddModel(pModel, pszModelPath);
// Purpose: Adds the model to the cache, setting the reference count to one.
// Input : pModel - Model to add to the cache.
// pszModelPath - The full path of the .MDL file, which is used as a
// key in the model cache.
// Output : Returns TRUE if the model was successfully added, FALSE if we ran
// out of memory trying to add the model to the cache.
BOOL CStudioModelCache::AddModel(StudioModel *pModel, const char *pszModelPath)
// Copy the model pointer.
m_Cache[m_nItems].pModel = pModel;
// Allocate space for and copy the model path.
m_Cache[m_nItems].pszPath = new char [strlen(pszModelPath) + 1];
if (m_Cache[m_nItems].pszPath != NULL)
strcpy(m_Cache[m_nItems].pszPath, pszModelPath);
m_Cache[m_nItems].nRefCount = 1;
// Purpose: Advances the animation of all models in the cache for the given interval.
// Input : flInterval - delta time in seconds.
void CStudioModelCache::AdvanceAnimation(float flInterval)
for (int i = 0; i < m_nItems; i++)
// Purpose: Increments the reference count on a model in the cache. Called by
// client code when a pointer to the model is copied, making that
// reference independent.
// Input : pModel - Model for which to increment the reference count.
void CStudioModelCache::AddRef(StudioModel *pModel)
for (int i = 0; i < m_nItems; i++)
if (m_Cache[i].pModel == pModel)
// Purpose: Called by client code to release an instance of a model. If the
// model's reference count is zero, the model is freed.
// Input : pModel - Pointer to the model to release.
void CStudioModelCache::Release(StudioModel *pModel)
for (int i = 0; i < m_nItems; i++)
if (m_Cache[i].pModel == pModel)
Assert(m_Cache[i].nRefCount >= 0);
// If this model is no longer referenced, free it and remove it
// from the cache.
if (m_Cache[i].nRefCount <= 0)
// Free the path, which was allocated by AddModel.
delete [] m_Cache[i].pszPath;
delete m_Cache[i].pModel;
// Decrement the item count and copy the last element in the cache over
// this element.
m_Cache[i].pModel = m_Cache[m_nItems].pModel;
m_Cache[i].pszPath = m_Cache[m_nItems].pszPath;
m_Cache[i].nRefCount = m_Cache[m_nItems].nRefCount;
// Purpose: Watch for changes to studio models and reload them if necessary.
void CStudioFileChangeWatcher::Init()
m_Watcher.Init( this );
char searchPaths[1024 * 16];
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, searchPaths, sizeof( searchPaths ) ) > 0 )
CUtlVector<char*> searchPathList;
V_SplitString( searchPaths, ";", searchPathList );
for ( int i=0; i < searchPathList.Count(); i++ )
m_Watcher.AddDirectory( searchPathList[i], "models", true );
Warning( "Error in GetSearchPath. Hammer will not automatically reload modified models." );
void CStudioFileChangeWatcher::OnFileChange( const char *pRelativeFilename, const char *pFullFilename )
char relativeFilename[MAX_PATH];
V_ComposeFileName( "models", pRelativeFilename, relativeFilename, sizeof( relativeFilename ) );
V_FixSlashes( relativeFilename );
// Check the cache.
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( relativeFilename );
if ( !pExt )
if ( V_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) == 0 ||
V_stricmp( pExt, "vtx" ) == 0 ||
V_stricmp( pExt, "phy" ) == 0 ||
V_stricmp( pExt, "vvd" ) == 0 )
// Ok, it's at least related to a model. Flush out the model.
char tempFilename[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( tempFilename, relativeFilename, pExt - relativeFilename );
// Now it might have a "dx80" or "dx90" or some other extension. Get rid of that too.
const char *pTestFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( tempFilename );
pExt = V_GetFileExtension( pTestFilename );
char filename[MAX_PATH];
if ( pExt )
V_strncpy( filename, tempFilename, pExt - tempFilename );
V_strncpy( filename, tempFilename, sizeof( filename ) );
// Now we've got the filename with any extension or "dx80"-type stuff at the end.
V_strncat( filename, ".mdl", sizeof( filename ) );
// Queue up the list of changes because if they copied all the files for a model,
// we'd like to only reload it once.
if ( m_ChangedModels.Find( filename ) == m_ChangedModels.InvalidIndex() )
m_ChangedModels.Insert( filename );
void CStudioFileChangeWatcher::Update()
if ( !g_pMDLCache )
if ( m_ChangedModels.Count() > 0 )
// Reload whatever models were changed.
for ( int i=m_ChangedModels.First(); i != m_ChangedModels.InvalidIndex(); i=m_ChangedModels.Next( i ) )
const char *pName = m_ChangedModels.GetElementName( i );
MDLHandle_t hModel = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pName );
g_pMDLCache->Flush( hModel );
g_pMDLCache->ResetErrorModelStatus( hModel );
// If we have it in the StudioModel cache, flush its data.
StudioModel *pTest = CStudioModelCache::FindModel( pName );
if ( pTest )
pTest->LoadModel( pName );
for ( int i=0; i < CMapDoc::GetDocumentCount(); i++ )
CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetDocument( i );
pDoc->GetMapWorld()->CalcBounds( true );
// Purpose: Loads up the IStudioRender interface.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool StudioModel::Initialize()
return true;
void StudioModel::Shutdown( void )
// Purpose: Constructor.
StudioModel::StudioModel(void) : m_pModelName(0)
int i;
m_sequence = 0;
m_cycle = 0;
m_bodynum = 0;
m_skinnum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(m_controller) / sizeof(m_controller[0]); i++)
m_controller[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(m_poseParameter) / sizeof(m_poseParameter[0]); i++)
m_poseParameter[i] = 0;
m_mouth = 0;
m_pModel = NULL;
m_pStudioHdr = NULL;
m_pPosePos = NULL;
m_pPoseAng = NULL;
// Purpose: Destructor. Frees dynamically allocated data.
if (m_pModelName)
delete[] m_pModelName;
delete m_pStudioHdr;
delete []m_pPosePos;
delete []m_pPoseAng;
// Purpose: Sets the Euler angles for the model.
// Input : fAngles - A pointer to engine PITCH, YAW, and ROLL angles.
void StudioModel::SetAngles(QAngle& pfAngles)
m_angles[PITCH] = pfAngles[PITCH];
m_angles[YAW] = pfAngles[YAW];
m_angles[ROLL] = pfAngles[ROLL];
void StudioModel::AdvanceFrame( float dt )
if (dt > 0.1)
dt = 0.1f;
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
float t = Studio_Duration( pStudioHdr, m_sequence, m_poseParameter );
if (t > 0)
m_cycle += dt / t;
// wrap
m_cycle -= (int)(m_cycle);
m_cycle = 0;
void StudioModel::SetUpBones( bool bUpdatePose, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if ( m_pPosePos == NULL )
bUpdatePose = true;
m_pPosePos = new Vector[pStudioHdr->numbones()] ;
m_pPoseAng = new Quaternion[pStudioHdr->numbones()];
if ( bUpdatePose )
IBoneSetup boneSetup( pStudioHdr, BONE_USED_BY_ANYTHING, m_poseParameter );
boneSetup.InitPose( m_pPosePos, m_pPoseAng );
boneSetup.AccumulatePose( m_pPosePos, m_pPoseAng, m_sequence, m_cycle, 1.0f, 0.0f, NULL );
mstudiobone_t *pbones = pStudioHdr->pBone( 0 );
matrix3x4_t cameraTransform;
AngleMatrix( m_angles, cameraTransform );
cameraTransform[0][3] = m_origin[0];
cameraTransform[1][3] = m_origin[1];
cameraTransform[2][3] = m_origin[2];
for (int i = 0; i < pStudioHdr->numbones(); i++)
if ( CalcProceduralBone( pStudioHdr, i, CBoneAccessor( pBoneToWorld ) ))
matrix3x4_t bonematrix;
QuaternionMatrix( m_pPoseAng[i], bonematrix );
bonematrix[0][3] = m_pPosePos[i][0];
bonematrix[1][3] = m_pPosePos[i][1];
bonematrix[2][3] = m_pPosePos[i][2];
if (pbones[i].parent == -1)
ConcatTransforms( cameraTransform, bonematrix, pBoneToWorld[ i ] );
ConcatTransforms ( pBoneToWorld[ pbones[i].parent ], bonematrix, pBoneToWorld[ i ] );
based on the body part, figure out which mesh it should be using.
void StudioModel::SetupModel ( int bodypart )
int index;
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (bodypart > pStudioHdr->numbodyparts())
// Con_DPrintf ("StudioModel::SetupModel: no such bodypart %d\n", bodypart);
bodypart = 0;
mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( bodypart );
index = m_bodynum / pbodypart->base;
index = index % pbodypart->nummodels;
m_pModel = pbodypart->pModel( index );
// Purpose:
void StudioModel::DrawModel3D( CRender3D *pRender, float flAlpha, bool bWireframe )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioRenderHdr();
if (!pStudioHdr)
if (pStudioHdr->numbodyparts == 0)
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
DrawModelInfo_t info;
info.m_pStudioHdr = pStudioHdr;
info.m_pHardwareData = GetHardwareData();
info.m_Skin = m_skinnum;
info.m_Body = m_bodynum;
info.m_HitboxSet = 0;
info.m_pClientEntity = NULL;
info.m_Lod = -1;
info.m_pColorMeshes = NULL;
if ( pRender->IsInLocalTransformMode() )
Vector orgOrigin = m_origin;
QAngle orgAngles = m_angles;
VMatrix matrix;
// baseclass rotates the origin
matrix.V3Mul( orgOrigin, m_origin );
matrix3x4_t fCurrentMatrix,fMatrixNew;
AngleMatrix(m_angles, fCurrentMatrix);
ConcatTransforms(matrix.As3x4(), fCurrentMatrix, fMatrixNew);
QAngle newAngles;
MatrixAngles(fMatrixNew, m_angles);
matrix3x4_t boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
SetUpBones( false, boneToWorld );
pRender->DrawModel( &info, boneToWorld, m_origin, flAlpha, bWireframe );
m_origin = orgOrigin;
m_angles = orgAngles;
matrix3x4_t boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
SetUpBones( true, boneToWorld );
pRender->DrawModel( &info, boneToWorld, m_origin, flAlpha, bWireframe );
if ( Options.general.bShowCollisionModels )
VMatrix mViewMatrix = SetupMatrixOrgAngles( m_origin, m_angles );
pRender->DrawCollisionModel( m_MDLHandle, mViewMatrix );
void StudioModel::DrawModel2D( CRender2D *pRender, float flAlpha, bool bWireFrame )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioRenderHdr();
if (!pStudioHdr)
if (pStudioHdr->numbodyparts == 0)
Vector orgOrigin = m_origin;
QAngle orgAngles = m_angles;
DrawModelInfo_t info;
info.m_pStudioHdr = pStudioHdr;
info.m_pHardwareData = GetHardwareData();
info.m_Skin = m_skinnum;
info.m_Body = m_bodynum;
info.m_HitboxSet = 0;
info.m_pClientEntity = NULL;
info.m_Lod = -1;
info.m_pColorMeshes = NULL;
bool bTransform = pRender->IsInLocalTransformMode();
if ( bTransform )
VMatrix matrix; pRender->GetLocalTranform(matrix);
// baseclass rotates the origin
matrix.V3Mul( orgOrigin, m_origin );
matrix3x4_t fCurrentMatrix,fMatrixNew;
AngleMatrix(m_angles, fCurrentMatrix);
ConcatTransforms(matrix.As3x4(), fCurrentMatrix, fMatrixNew);
QAngle newAngles;
MatrixAngles(fMatrixNew, m_angles);
if ( Options.general.bShowCollisionModels )
VMatrix mViewMatrix = SetupMatrixOrgAngles( orgOrigin, orgAngles );
pRender->DrawCollisionModel( m_MDLHandle, mViewMatrix );
matrix3x4_t boneToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
SetUpBones( false, boneToWorld );
pRender->DrawModel( &info, boneToWorld, m_origin, flAlpha, bWireFrame );
if ( bTransform )
// restore original position and angles
m_origin = orgOrigin;
m_angles = orgAngles;
// It's translucent if all its materials are translucent
bool StudioModel::IsTranslucent()
// garymcthack - shouldn't crack hardwaredata
studiohwdata_t *pHardwareData = GetHardwareData();
if ( pHardwareData == NULL )
return false;
int lodID;
for( lodID = pHardwareData->m_RootLOD; lodID < pHardwareData->m_NumLODs; lodID++ )
for (int i = 0; i < pHardwareData->m_pLODs[lodID].numMaterials; ++i)
if (!pHardwareData->m_pLODs[lodID].ppMaterials[i]->IsTranslucent())
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Frees the model data and releases textures from OpenGL.
void StudioModel::FreeModel(void)
/*int nRef = */g_pMDLCache->Release( m_MDLHandle );
// Assert( nRef == 0 );
m_pModel = NULL;
CStudioHdr *StudioModel::GetStudioHdr() const
// return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_MDLHandle );
if (m_pStudioHdr->IsValid())
return m_pStudioHdr;
studiohdr_t *hdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_MDLHandle );
m_pStudioHdr->Init( hdr );
return m_pStudioHdr;
studiohdr_t *StudioModel::GetStudioRenderHdr() const
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (pStudioHdr)
return (studiohdr_t *)pStudioHdr->GetRenderHdr();
return NULL;
studiohwdata_t* StudioModel::GetHardwareData()
return g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( m_MDLHandle );
bool StudioModel::LoadModel( const char *modelname )
// Load the MDL file data
Assert( m_MDLHandle == MDLHANDLE_INVALID );
// for easier fall through cleanup
if ( !g_pStudioRender || !modelname )
return false;
// In the case of restore, m_pModelName == modelname
if (m_pModelName != modelname)
// Copy over the model name; we'll need it later...
if (m_pModelName)
delete[] m_pModelName;
m_pModelName = new char[strlen(modelname) + 1];
strcpy( m_pModelName, modelname );
m_MDLHandle = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( modelname );
return false;
// Cache a bunch of stuff into memory
g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( m_MDLHandle );
g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( m_MDLHandle );
if (m_pStudioHdr)
delete m_pStudioHdr;
m_pStudioHdr = NULL;
m_pStudioHdr = new CStudioHdr;
return true;
bool StudioModel::PostLoadModel(const char *modelname)
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (pStudioHdr == NULL)
SetSequence (0);
for (int n = 0; n < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts(); n++)
if (SetBodygroup (n, 0) < 0)
return false;
SetSkin (0);
Vector mins, maxs;
ExtractBbox (mins, maxs);
if (mins[2] < 5.0f)
m_origin[2] = -mins[2];
return true;
// Purpose:
int StudioModel::GetSequenceCount( void )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
return pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq();
// Purpose:
// Input : nIndex -
// szName -
void StudioModel::GetSequenceName( int nIndex, char *szName )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (nIndex < pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq())
strcpy(szName, pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc(nIndex).pszLabel());
// Purpose: Returns the index of the current sequence.
int StudioModel::GetSequence( )
return m_sequence;
// Purpose: Sets the current sequence by index.
int StudioModel::SetSequence( int iSequence )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (iSequence > pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq())
return m_sequence;
m_sequence = iSequence;
m_cycle = 0;
return m_sequence;
// Purpose: Rotates the given bounding box by the given angles and computes the
// bounds of the rotated box. This is used to take the rotation angles
// into consideration when returning the bounding box. Note that this
// can produce a larger than optimal bounding box.
// Input : Mins -
// Maxs -
// Angles -
void StudioModel::RotateBbox(Vector &Mins, Vector &Maxs, const QAngle &Angles)
Vector Points[8];
PointsFromBox( Mins, Maxs, Points );
// Rotate the corner points by the specified angles, in the same
// order that our Render code uses.
VMatrix mMatrix;
mMatrix.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( vec3_origin, Angles );
matrix3x4_t fMatrix2 = mMatrix.As3x4();
Vector RotatedPoints[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
VectorRotate(Points[i], fMatrix2, RotatedPoints[i]);
// Calculate the new mins and maxes.
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int nDim = 0; nDim < 3; nDim++)
if ((i == 0) || (RotatedPoints[i][nDim] < Mins[nDim]))
Mins[nDim] = RotatedPoints[i][nDim];
if ((i == 0) || (RotatedPoints[i][nDim] > Maxs[nDim]))
Maxs[nDim] = RotatedPoints[i][nDim];
// Purpose:
// Input : mins -
// maxs -
void StudioModel::ExtractBbox(Vector &mins, Vector &maxs)
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( m_sequence );
mins = seqdesc.bbmin;
maxs = seqdesc.bbmax;
RotateBbox(mins, maxs, m_angles);
void StudioModel::ExtractClippingBbox( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioRenderHdr();
mins[0] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmin[0];
mins[1] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmin[1];
mins[2] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmin[2];
maxs[0] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmax[0];
maxs[1] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmax[1];
maxs[2] = pStudioHdr->view_bbmax[2];
void StudioModel::ExtractMovementBbox( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs )
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioRenderHdr();
mins[0] = pStudioHdr->hull_min[0];
mins[1] = pStudioHdr->hull_min[1];
mins[2] = pStudioHdr->hull_min[2];
maxs[0] = pStudioHdr->hull_max[0];
maxs[1] = pStudioHdr->hull_max[1];
maxs[2] = pStudioHdr->hull_max[2];
void StudioModel::GetSequenceInfo( float *pflFrameRate, float *pflGroundSpeed )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
float t = Studio_Duration( pStudioHdr, m_sequence, m_poseParameter );
if (t > 0)
*pflFrameRate = 1.0 / t;
*pflGroundSpeed = 0; // sqrt( pseqdesc->linearmovement[0]*pseqdesc->linearmovement[0]+ pseqdesc->linearmovement[1]*pseqdesc->linearmovement[1]+ pseqdesc->linearmovement[2]*pseqdesc->linearmovement[2] );
// *pflGroundSpeed = *pflGroundSpeed * pseqdesc->fps / (pseqdesc->numframes - 1);
*pflFrameRate = 1.0;
*pflGroundSpeed = 0.0;
void StudioModel::SetOrigin( float x, float y, float z )
m_origin[0] = x;
m_origin[1] = y;
m_origin[2] = z;
void StudioModel::SetOrigin( const Vector &v )
m_origin = v;
void StudioModel::GetOrigin( float &x, float &y, float &z )
x = m_origin[0];
y = m_origin[1];
z = m_origin[2];
void StudioModel::GetOrigin( Vector &v )
v = m_origin;
int StudioModel::SetBodygroup( int iGroup, int iValue )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (!pStudioHdr)
return 0;
if (iGroup > pStudioHdr->numbodyparts())
return -1;
mstudiobodyparts_t *pbodypart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( iGroup );
if ((pbodypart->base == 0) || (pbodypart->nummodels == 0))
return -1;
int iCurrent = (m_bodynum / pbodypart->base) % pbodypart->nummodels;
if (iValue >= pbodypart->nummodels)
return iCurrent;
m_bodynum = (m_bodynum - (iCurrent * pbodypart->base) + (iValue * pbodypart->base));
return iValue;
int StudioModel::SetSkin( int iValue )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetStudioHdr();
if (!pStudioHdr)
return 0;
if (iValue >= pStudioHdr->numskinfamilies())
iValue = 0;
m_skinnum = iValue;
return iValue;
// Purpose:
// Input : pRender -
/*void StudioModel::DrawModel2D(CRender2D *pRender)
studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = GetStudioRenderHdr();
CMapView2D *pView = (CMapView2D*) pRender->GetView();
DrawModelInfo_t info;
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info));
info.m_pStudioHdr = pStudioHdr;
info.m_pHardwareData = GetHardwareData();
info.m_Skin = m_skinnum;
info.m_Body = m_bodynum;
info.m_HitboxSet = 0;
info.m_pClientEntity = NULL;
info.m_Lod = -1;
info.m_ppColorMeshes = NULL;
if ( pView->m_fZoom < 3 )
info.m_Lod = 3;
matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld = SetUpBones( g_bUpdateBones2D );
GetTriangles_Output_t tris;
g_pStudioRender->GetTriangles( info, tris );
for ( int batchID = 0; batchID < tris.m_MaterialBatches.Count(); batchID++ )
GetTriangles_MaterialBatch_t &materialBatch = tris.m_MaterialBatches[batchID];
int numStrips = materialBatch.m_TriListIndices.Count() / 3;
int numVertices = materialBatch.m_Verts.Count();
POINT *points = (POINT*)_alloca( sizeof(POINT) * numVertices );
// translate all vertices
for ( int vertID = 0; vertID < numVertices; vertID++)
GetTriangles_Vertex_t &vert = materialBatch.m_Verts[vertID];
const Vector &pos = vert.m_Position;
Vector newPos(0,0,0);
for ( int k = 0; k < vert.m_NumBones; k++ )
const matrix3x4_t &poseToWorld = tris.m_PoseToWorld[ vert.m_BoneIndex[k] ];
Vector tmp;
VectorTransform( pos, poseToWorld, tmp );
newPos += vert.m_BoneWeight[k] * tmp;
pView->WorldToClient( points[vertID], newPos );
// pRender->TransformPoint3D( points[vertID], newPos );
// Send the vertices down to the hardware.
int stripIndex = 0;
for ( int strip = 0; strip < numStrips; strip++ )
int ptx[3];
int pty[3];
int numPoints = 0;
POINT lastPt; lastPt.x = lastPt.y = -99999;
for ( int i = 0; i<3; i++ )
POINT pt = points[ materialBatch.m_TriListIndices[stripIndex++] ];
if ( pt.x == lastPt.x && pt.y == lastPt.y )
ptx[numPoints] = pt.x;
pty[numPoints] = pt.y;
lastPt = pt;
// for performance sake bypass the renderer interface, buuuhhh
if ( numPoints == 2 )
g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawLine( ptx[0], pty[0], ptx[1], pty[1] );
else if ( numPoints == 3 )
g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawPolyLine( ptx, pty, 3 );
} */
void InitStudioFileChangeWatcher()
void UpdateStudioFileChangeWatcher()