FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

193 lines
5.4 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Uploads gamestats via the SteamWorks API.
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#ifndef _X360
#include "steam/isteamgamestats.h"
// Container to hold all the KeyValue stats to send only if the convar "steamworks_immediate_upload" is set to 0.
// Otherwise, the stats are uploaded as they are received.
typedef CUtlVector< KeyValues* > KeyValueStatList;
struct ClientServerSession_t
uint64 m_ServerSessionID;
RTime32 m_ConnectTime;
RTime32 m_DisconnectTime;
void Reset()
m_ServerSessionID = 0;
m_ConnectTime = 0;
m_DisconnectTime = 0;
//used to drive most of the game stat event handlers as well as track basic stats under the hood of CBaseGameStats
class CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame, public CGameEventListener
// Called before rendering
virtual void PreRender() {}
// Gets called each frame
virtual void Update( float frametime ) {}
// Called after rendering
virtual void PostRender() {}
void AddClientPerfData( KeyValues *pKV );
void SetServerSessionID( uint64 serverID );
int GetFriendCountInGame();
#ifndef NO_STEAM
STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL( CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader, Steam_OnSteamSessionInfoIssued, GameStatsSessionIssued_t, m_CallbackSteamSessionInfoIssued );
STEAM_CALLBACK_MANUAL( CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader, Steam_OnSteamSessionInfoClosed, GameStatsSessionClosed_t, m_CallbackSteamSessionInfoClosed );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
#ifndef NO_STEAM
STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader, Steam_OnSteamSessionInfoIssued, GameStatsSessionIssued_t, m_CallbackSteamSessionInfoIssued );
STEAM_GAMESERVER_CALLBACK( CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader, Steam_OnSteamSessionInfoClosed, GameStatsSessionClosed_t, m_CallbackSteamSessionInfoClosed );
// Called each frame before entities think
virtual void FrameUpdatePreEntityThink() {}
// called after entities think
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
virtual void PreClientUpdate() {}
void StartSession();
void EndSession();
void WriteSessionRow();
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void WriteHostsRow();
void ClientDisconnect();
void ClearServerSessionID() { m_ServerSessionID = 0 ;}
int GetNumServerConnects() { return m_iServerConnectCount; }
bool IsCollectingDetails() { return m_bCollectingDetails; }
bool IsCollectingAnyData() { return m_bCollectingAny; }
// Init, shutdown
// return true on success. false to abort DLL init!
virtual bool Init();
virtual void PostInit() {}
virtual void Shutdown() {}
// Level init, shutdown
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity() {}
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity() {}
virtual void LevelShutdown();
virtual void OnSave() {}
virtual void OnRestore() {}
virtual void SafeRemoveIfDesired() {}
virtual bool IsPerFrame() { return true; }
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
EResult AddStatsForUpload( KeyValues *pKV, bool bSendImmediately=true );
time_t GetTimeSinceEpoch();
void FlushStats();
uint32 GetServerIP() { return m_iServerIP; }
const char* GetHostName() { return m_pzHostName; }
bool IsPassworded() { return m_bPassword; }
RTime32 GetStartTime() { return m_StartTime; }
RTime32 GetEndTime() { return m_EndTime; }
uint64 GetServerSessionID() { return m_ServerSessionID; }
uint64 GetSessionID() { return m_SessionID; }
void ClearSessionID();
void UploadCvars();
void Reset();
bool VerifyInterface();
int GetHumanCountInGame();
EResult RequestSessionID();
bool AccessToSteamAPI();
EResult WriteIntToTable( const int value, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow );
EResult WriteInt64ToTable( const uint64 value, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow );
EResult WriteFloatToTable( const float value, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow );
EResult WriteStringToTable( const char *pzValue, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow );
EResult WriteOptionalFloatToTable( KeyValues *pKV, const char* keyName, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow);
EResult WriteOptionalIntToTable( KeyValues *pKV, const char* keyName, uint64 iTableID, const char *pzRow );
ISteamGameStats* GetInterface( void );
EResult ParseKeyValuesAndSendStats( KeyValues *pKV, bool bIncludeClientsServerSessionID = true );
void ServerAddressToInt();
ISteamGameStats* m_SteamWorksInterface;
uint64 m_UserID;
uint32 m_iAppID;
uint32 m_iServerIP;
int m_nClientJoinMethod;
char m_pzServerIP[MAX_PATH];
char m_pzMapStart[MAX_PATH];
char m_pzHostName[MAX_PATH];
RTime32 m_StartTime;
RTime32 m_EndTime;
int m_HumanCntInGame;
int m_FriendCntInGame;
bool m_bPassword;
// Session IDs
uint64 m_SessionID;
bool m_SessionIDRequestUnsent;
bool m_SessionIDRequestPending;
bool m_bCollectingAny;
bool m_bCollectingDetails;
uint64 m_ServerSessionID;
bool m_ServiceTicking;
float m_LastServiceTick;
bool m_UploadedStats;
KeyValueStatList m_StatsToSend;
ClientServerSession_t m_ActiveSession;
int m_iServerConnectCount;
CSteamWorksGameStatsUploader& GetSteamWorksSGameStatsUploader();