FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

938 lines
32 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
#include "datamodel/dmattributetypes.h"
// Forward declarations:
class CDmAttribute;
class CDmElement;
class IDmeOperator;
class IElementForKeyValueCallback;
struct DmValueBase_t;
class CUtlBuffer;
class KeyValues;
class CUtlSymbolTable;
class CUtlCharConversion;
// data file format info
#define GENERIC_DMX_FORMAT "dmx"
struct DmxHeader_t
char encodingName[ DMX_MAX_FORMAT_NAME_MAX_LENGTH ];
int nEncodingVersion;
int nFormatVersion;
DmxHeader_t() : nEncodingVersion( -1 ), nFormatVersion( -1 )
encodingName[ 0 ] = formatName[ 0 ] = '\0';
// element framework phases
enum DmPhase_t
// file id - also used to refer to elements that don't have file associations
enum DmFileId_t
// Handle to an CDmAttribute
enum DmAttributeHandle_t
// Handle to an DmAttributeList_t
enum DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t
// element framework interface
abstract_class IDmElementFramework : public IAppSystem
// Methods of IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory ) = 0;
virtual void Disconnect() = 0;
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName ) = 0;
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() = 0;
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
virtual DmPhase_t GetPhase() = 0;
virtual void SetOperators( const CUtlVector< IDmeOperator* > &operators ) = 0;
virtual void BeginEdit() = 0; // ends in edit phase, forces apply/resolve if from edit phase
virtual void Operate( bool bResolve ) = 0; // ends in output phase
virtual void Resolve() = 0;
// Used only by aplpications to hook in the element framework
#define VDMELEMENTFRAMEWORK_VERSION "VDmElementFrameworkVersion001"
// Main interface
extern IDmElementFramework *g_pDmElementFramework;
// datamodel operator interface - for all elements that need to be sorted in the operator dependency graph
abstract_class IDmeOperator
virtual bool IsDirty() = 0; // ie needs to operate
virtual void Operate() = 0;
virtual void GetInputAttributes ( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs ) = 0;
virtual void GetOutputAttributes( CUtlVector< CDmAttribute * > &attrs ) = 0;
// Class factory methods:
class IDmElementFactory
// Creation, destruction
virtual CDmElement* Create( DmElementHandle_t handle, const char *pElementType, const char *pElementName, DmFileId_t fileid, const DmObjectId_t &id ) = 0;
virtual void Destroy( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
// Various serialization methods can be installed into the data model factory
enum DmConflictResolution_t
// convert files to elements and back
// current file encodings supported: binary, xml, xml_flat, keyvalues2, keyvalues2_flat, keyvalues (vmf/vmt/actbusy), text? (qc/obj)
class IDmSerializer
virtual const char *GetName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetDescription() const = 0;
virtual bool IsBinaryFormat() const = 0;
virtual bool StoresVersionInFile() const = 0;
virtual int GetCurrentVersion() const = 0;
// Write into the UtlBuffer, return true if successful
// if we decide to implement non-identity conversions between formats on write, then the source and dest format will need to be passed in here
virtual bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, CDmElement *pRoot ) = 0;
// Read from the UtlBuffer, return true if successful, and return the read-in root in ppRoot.
virtual bool Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &buf, const char *pEncodingName, int nEncodingVersion,
const char *pSourceFormatName, int nSourceFormatVersion,
DmFileId_t fileid, DmConflictResolution_t idConflictResolution, CDmElement **ppRoot ) = 0;
// convert legacy elements to non-legacy elements
// legacy formats include: sfm_vN, binary_vN, keyvalues2_v1, keyvalues2_flat_v1, xml, xml_flat
// where N is a version number (1..9 for sfm, 1..2 for binary)
class IDmLegacyUpdater
virtual const char *GetName() const = 0;
virtual bool IsLatestVersion() const = 0;
// Updates ppRoot to first non-legacy generic dmx format, returns false if the conversion fails
virtual bool Update( CDmElement **ppRoot ) = 0;
// converts old elements to new elements
// current formats include: sfm session, animset presets, particle definitions, exported maya character, etc.
class IDmFormatUpdater
virtual const char *GetName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetDescription() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetExtension() const = 0;
virtual int GetCurrentVersion() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetDefaultEncoding() const = 0;
// Converts pSourceRoot from nSourceVersion to the current version, returns false if the conversion fails
virtual bool Update( CDmElement **pRoot, int nSourceVersion ) = 0;
// Interface for callbacks to supply element types for specific keys inside keyvalues files
class IElementForKeyValueCallback
virtual const char *GetElementForKeyValue( const char *pszKeyName, int iNestingLevel ) = 0;
// Purpose: Optional helper passed in with clipboard data which is called when it's time to clean up the clipboard data in case the application
// had some dynamically allocated data attached to a KV SetPtr object...
abstract_class IClipboardCleanup
virtual void ReleaseClipboardData( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& list ) = 0;
// Purpose: Can be installed to be called back when data changes
enum DmNotifySource_t
// Sources
NOTIFY_SOURCE_FIRST_DME_CONTROL_SOURCE = 4, // Sources from dme_controls starts here
NOTIFY_SOURCE_FIRST_APPLICATION_SOURCE = 8, // Sources from applications starts here
enum DmNotifyFlags_t
// Does this dirty the document?
// are set by the Datamodel itself)
NOTIFY_CHANGE_TOPOLOGICAL = (1<<(NOTIFY_SOURCE_BITS+4)), // Element created, destroyed, element attribute or element array attribute value changed
NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = (1<<(NOTIFY_SOURCE_BITS+5)), // Non-element attribute value changed
NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY_SIZE = (1<<(NOTIFY_SOURCE_BITS+6)), // Non-element array attribute added or removed
NOTIFY_CHANGE_OTHER = (1<<(NOTIFY_SOURCE_BITS+7)), // Non attribute related change (a change in UI, for example)
abstract_class IDmNotify
// See DmNotifySource_t and DmNotifyFlags_t
virtual void NotifyDataChanged( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags ) = 0;
// Purpose: Helper for debugging undo system
struct UndoInfo_t
bool terminator;
const char *desc;
const char *undo;
const char *redo;
int numoperations;
// Interface for undo
abstract_class IUndoElement
virtual void Undo() = 0;
virtual void Redo() = 0;
virtual const char *UndoDesc() const = 0;
virtual const char *RedoDesc() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetDesc() const = 0;
virtual void Release() = 0;
virtual bool IsEndOfStream() const = 0;
virtual void SetEndOfStream( bool end ) = 0;
virtual ~IUndoElement() { }
friend class CUndoManager;
// traversal depth for copy, search, and other element/attribute traversals
enum TraversalDepth_t
TD_ALL, // traverse all attributes
TD_DEEP, // traverse attributes with FATTRIB_NEVERCOPY clear
TD_SHALLOW, // traverse attributes with FATTRIB_MUSTCOPY set
TD_NONE, // don't traverse any attributes
// Main interface for creation of all IDmeElements:
class IDataModel : public IAppSystem
// Installs factories used to instance elements
virtual void AddElementFactory( const char *pElementTypeName, IDmElementFactory *pFactory ) = 0;
// This factory will be used to instance all elements whose type name isn't found.
virtual void SetDefaultElementFactory( IDmElementFactory *pFactory ) = 0;
virtual int GetFirstFactory() const = 0;
virtual int GetNextFactory( int index ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsValidFactory( int index ) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetFactoryName( int index ) const = 0;
// create/destroy element methods - proxies to installed element factories
virtual DmElementHandle_t CreateElement( UtlSymId_t typeSymbol, const char *pElementName, DmFileId_t fileid = DMFILEID_INVALID, const DmObjectId_t *pObjectID = NULL ) = 0;
virtual DmElementHandle_t CreateElement( const char *pTypeName, const char *pElementName, DmFileId_t fileid = DMFILEID_INVALID, const DmObjectId_t *pObjectID = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyElement( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
// element handle related methods
virtual CDmElement* GetElement ( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) const = 0;
virtual UtlSymId_t GetElementType ( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) const = 0;
virtual const char* GetElementName ( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) const = 0;
virtual const DmObjectId_t& GetElementId ( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) const = 0;
virtual const char* GetAttributeNameForType( DmAttributeType_t attType ) const = 0;
virtual DmAttributeType_t GetAttributeTypeForName( const char *name ) const = 0;
// Adds various serializers and updaters
virtual void AddSerializer( IDmSerializer *pSerializer ) = 0;
virtual void AddLegacyUpdater( IDmLegacyUpdater *pUpdater ) = 0;
virtual void AddFormatUpdater( IDmFormatUpdater *pUpdater ) = 0;
// file format methods
virtual const char* GetFormatExtension( const char *pFormatName ) = 0;
virtual const char* GetFormatDescription( const char *pFormatName ) = 0;
virtual int GetFormatCount() const = 0;
virtual const char * GetFormatName( int i ) const = 0;
virtual const char * GetDefaultEncoding( const char *pFormatName ) = 0;
// file encoding methods
virtual int GetEncodingCount() const = 0;
virtual const char * GetEncodingName( int i ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsEncodingBinary( const char *pEncodingName ) const = 0;
virtual bool DoesEncodingStoreVersionInFile( const char *pEncodingName ) const = 0;
// For serialization, set the delimiter rules
// These methods are meant to be used by importer/exporters
virtual void SetSerializationDelimiter( CUtlCharConversion *pConv ) = 0;
virtual void SetSerializationArrayDelimiter( const char *pDelimiter ) = 0;
// used to skip auto-creation of child elements during unserialization
virtual bool IsUnserializing() = 0;
// Serialization of a element tree into a utlbuffer
virtual bool Serialize( CUtlBuffer &outBuf, const char *pEncodingName, const char *pFormatName, DmElementHandle_t hRoot ) = 0;
// Unserializes, returns the root of the unserialized tree in hRoot
// The file name passed in is simply for error messages and fileid creation
virtual bool Unserialize( CUtlBuffer &inBuf, const char *pEncodingName, const char *pSourceFormatName, const char *pFormatHint,
const char *pFileName, DmConflictResolution_t idConflictResolution, DmElementHandle_t &hRoot ) = 0;
// converts from elements from old file formats to elements for the current file format
virtual bool UpdateUnserializedElements( const char *pSourceFormatName, int nSourceFormatVersion,
DmFileId_t fileid, DmConflictResolution_t idConflictResolution, CDmElement **ppRoot ) = 0;
// force creation of untyped elements, ignoring type
virtual void OnlyCreateUntypedElements( bool bEnable ) = 0;
// Finds a serializer by name
virtual IDmSerializer* FindSerializer( const char *pEncodingName ) const = 0;
virtual IDmLegacyUpdater* FindLegacyUpdater( const char *pLegacyFormatName ) const = 0;
virtual IDmFormatUpdater* FindFormatUpdater( const char *pFormatName ) const = 0;
// saves element tree to a file
virtual bool SaveToFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, const char *pEncodingName, const char *pFormatName, CDmElement *pRoot ) = 0;
// restores file into an element tree
// NOTE: Format name is only used here for those formats which don't store
// the format name in the file. Use NULL for those formats which store the
// format name in the file.
virtual DmFileId_t RestoreFromFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, const char *pFormatHint, CDmElement **ppRoot, DmConflictResolution_t idConflictResolution = CR_DELETE_NEW, DmxHeader_t *pHeaderOut = NULL ) = 0;
// Sets the name of the DME element to create in keyvalues serialization
virtual void SetKeyValuesElementCallback( IElementForKeyValueCallback *pCallbackInterface ) = 0;
virtual const char *GetKeyValuesElementName( const char *pszKeyName, int iNestingLevel ) = 0;
// Global symbol table for the datamodel system
virtual UtlSymId_t GetSymbol( const char *pString ) = 0;
virtual const char * GetString( UtlSymId_t sym ) const = 0;
// Returns the total number of elements allocated at the moment
virtual int GetMaxNumberOfElements() = 0;
virtual int GetElementsAllocatedSoFar() = 0;
virtual int GetAllocatedAttributeCount() = 0;
virtual int GetAllocatedElementCount() = 0;
virtual DmElementHandle_t FirstAllocatedElement() = 0;
virtual DmElementHandle_t NextAllocatedElement( DmElementHandle_t it ) = 0;
// estimate memory usage
virtual int EstimateMemoryUsage( DmElementHandle_t hElement, TraversalDepth_t depth ) = 0;
// Undo/Redo support
virtual void SetUndoEnabled( bool enable ) = 0;
virtual bool IsUndoEnabled() const = 0;
virtual bool UndoEnabledForElement( const CDmElement *pElement ) const = 0;
virtual bool IsDirty() const = 0;
virtual bool CanUndo() const = 0;
virtual bool CanRedo() const = 0;
// If chaining ID is != 0 and the next StartUndo uses the same ID, then the operations will be chained together into a single undo operation
virtual void StartUndo( char const *undodesc, char const *redodesc, int nChainingID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void FinishUndo() = 0;
virtual void AbortUndoableOperation() = 0; // called instead of FinishUndo, essentially performs and Undo() and WipeRedo() if any undo items have been added to the stack
virtual void ClearRedo() = 0;
virtual const char *GetUndoDesc() = 0;
virtual const char *GetRedoDesc() = 0;
// From the UI, perform the Undo operation
virtual void Undo() = 0;
virtual void Redo() = 0;
virtual void TraceUndo( bool state ) = 0; // if true, undo records spew as they are added
// Wipes out all Undo data
virtual void ClearUndo() = 0;
virtual void GetUndoInfo( CUtlVector< UndoInfo_t >& list ) = 0;
virtual void AddUndoElement( IUndoElement *pElement ) = 0;
virtual UtlSymId_t GetUndoDescInternal( const char *context ) = 0;
virtual UtlSymId_t GetRedoDescInternal( const char *context ) = 0;
virtual void EmptyClipboard() = 0;
virtual void SetClipboardData( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& data, IClipboardCleanup *pfnOptionalCleanuFunction = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void AddToClipboardData( KeyValues *add ) = 0;
virtual void GetClipboardData( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& data ) = 0;
virtual bool HasClipboardData() const = 0;
// Handles to attributes
virtual CDmAttribute * GetAttribute( DmAttributeHandle_t h ) = 0;
virtual bool IsAttributeHandleValid( DmAttributeHandle_t h ) const = 0;
// file id reference methods
virtual int NumFileIds() = 0;
virtual DmFileId_t GetFileId( int i ) = 0;
virtual DmFileId_t FindOrCreateFileId( const char *pFilename ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveFileId( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual DmFileId_t GetFileId( const char *pFilename ) = 0;
virtual const char * GetFileName( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void SetFileName( DmFileId_t fileid, const char *pFileName ) = 0;
virtual const char * GetFileFormat( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void SetFileFormat( DmFileId_t fileid, const char *pFormat ) = 0;
virtual DmElementHandle_t GetFileRoot( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void SetFileRoot( DmFileId_t fileid, DmElementHandle_t hRoot ) = 0;
virtual bool IsFileLoaded( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void MarkFileLoaded( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void UnloadFile( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual int NumElementsInFile( DmFileId_t fileid ) = 0;
virtual void DontAutoDelete( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
// handle validity methods - these shouldn't really be here, but the undo system needs them...
virtual void MarkHandleInvalid( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
virtual void MarkHandleValid( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
virtual DmElementHandle_t FindElement( const DmObjectId_t &id ) = 0;
virtual DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t FirstAttributeReferencingElement( DmElementHandle_t hElement ) = 0;
virtual DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t NextAttributeReferencingElement( DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t hAttrIter ) = 0;
virtual CDmAttribute * GetAttribute( DmAttributeReferenceIterator_t hAttrIter ) = 0;
// Install, remove notify callbacks associated w/ undo contexts
virtual bool InstallNotificationCallback( IDmNotify *pNotify ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveNotificationCallback( IDmNotify *pNotify ) = 0;
virtual bool IsSuppressingNotify( ) const = 0;
virtual void SetSuppressingNotify( bool bSuppress ) = 0;
virtual void PushNotificationScope( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags ) = 0;
virtual void PopNotificationScope( bool bAbort = false ) = 0;
virtual const char *GetUndoString( UtlSymId_t sym ) = 0;
virtual bool HasElementFactory( const char *pElementType ) const = 0;
// Call before you make any undo records
virtual void SetUndoDepth( int nSize ) = 0;
// Displats memory stats to the console
virtual void DisplayMemoryStats() = 0;
// Used only by applications to hook in the data model
// Main interface accessor
extern IDataModel *g_pDataModel;
// Allows clients to implement customized undo elements
class CUndoElement : public IUndoElement
CUndoElement( const char *pDesc )
m_UndoDesc = g_pDataModel->GetUndoDescInternal( pDesc );
m_RedoDesc = g_pDataModel->GetRedoDescInternal( pDesc );
m_pDesc = pDesc;
m_bEndOfStream = false;
virtual void Release()
delete this;
virtual const char *UndoDesc() const
return g_pDataModel->GetUndoString( m_UndoDesc );
virtual const char *RedoDesc() const
return g_pDataModel->GetUndoString( m_RedoDesc );
virtual const char *GetDesc() const
return m_pDesc;
virtual bool IsEndOfStream() const
return m_bEndOfStream;
virtual void SetEndOfStream( bool end )
m_bEndOfStream = end;
const char *m_pDesc;
CUtlSymbol m_UndoDesc;
CUtlSymbol m_RedoDesc;
bool m_bEndOfStream;
friend class CUndoManager;
// Purpose: Simple helper class
class CUndoScopeGuard
explicit CUndoScopeGuard( const char *udesc, const char *rdesc = NULL )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bNotify = false;
m_pNotify = NULL;
g_pDataModel->StartUndo( udesc, rdesc ? rdesc : udesc );
explicit CUndoScopeGuard( int nChainingID, char const *udesc )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bNotify = false;
m_pNotify = NULL;
g_pDataModel->StartUndo( udesc, udesc, nChainingID );
explicit CUndoScopeGuard( int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, const char *udesc, const char *rdesc = NULL, int nChainingID = 0 )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bNotify = true;
m_pNotify = NULL;
g_pDataModel->StartUndo( udesc, rdesc ? rdesc : udesc, nChainingID );
g_pDataModel->PushNotificationScope( udesc, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags );
explicit CUndoScopeGuard( int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify, const char *udesc, const char *rdesc = NULL, int nChainingID = 0 )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bNotify = true;
m_pNotify = NULL;
g_pDataModel->StartUndo( udesc, rdesc ? rdesc : udesc, nChainingID );
if ( pNotify )
if ( g_pDataModel->InstallNotificationCallback( pNotify ) )
m_pNotify = pNotify;
g_pDataModel->PushNotificationScope( udesc, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags );
void Release()
if ( !m_bReleased )
if ( m_bNotify )
g_pDataModel->PopNotificationScope( );
m_bNotify = false;
if ( m_pNotify )
g_pDataModel->RemoveNotificationCallback( m_pNotify );
m_pNotify = NULL;
m_bReleased = true;
void Abort()
if ( !m_bReleased )
if ( m_bNotify )
g_pDataModel->PopNotificationScope( true );
m_bNotify = false;
if ( m_pNotify )
g_pDataModel->RemoveNotificationCallback( m_pNotify );
m_pNotify = NULL;
m_bReleased = true;
IDmNotify *m_pNotify;
bool m_bReleased;
bool m_bNotify;
// Purpose: Simple helper class to disable Undo/Redo operations when in scope
class CChangeUndoScopeGuard
CChangeUndoScopeGuard( bool bNewState )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bNotify = false;
m_pNotify = NULL;
m_bOldValue = g_pDataModel->IsUndoEnabled();
g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( bNewState );
CChangeUndoScopeGuard( bool bNewState, const char *pDesc, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bOldValue = g_pDataModel->IsUndoEnabled();
g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( bNewState );
m_bNotify = true;
m_pNotify = NULL;
if ( pNotify )
if ( g_pDataModel->InstallNotificationCallback( pNotify ) )
m_pNotify = pNotify;
g_pDataModel->PushNotificationScope( pDesc, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags );
void Release()
// Releases the guard...
if ( !m_bReleased )
g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( m_bOldValue );
m_bReleased = true;
if ( m_bNotify )
g_pDataModel->PopNotificationScope( );
m_bNotify = false;
if ( m_pNotify )
g_pDataModel->RemoveNotificationCallback( m_pNotify );
m_pNotify = NULL;
IDmNotify *m_pNotify;
bool m_bOldValue;
bool m_bReleased;
bool m_bNotify;
class CDisableUndoScopeGuard : public CChangeUndoScopeGuard
typedef CChangeUndoScopeGuard BaseClass;
CDisableUndoScopeGuard() : BaseClass( false ) { }
CDisableUndoScopeGuard( const char *pDesc, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL ) :
BaseClass( false, pDesc, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags, pNotify ) {}
class CEnableUndoScopeGuard : public CChangeUndoScopeGuard
typedef CChangeUndoScopeGuard BaseClass;
CEnableUndoScopeGuard( ) : BaseClass( true ) { }
CEnableUndoScopeGuard( const char *pDesc, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL ) :
BaseClass( true, pDesc, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags, pNotify ) {}
#define DEFINE_SOURCE_UNDO_SCOPE_GUARD( _classnameprefix, _source ) \
class C ## _classnameprefix ## UndoScopeGuard : public CUndoScopeGuard \
{ \
typedef CUndoScopeGuard BaseClass; \
public: \
C ## _classnameprefix ## UndoScopeGuard( int nNotifyFlags, const char *pUndoDesc, const char *pRedoDesc = NULL, int nChainingID = 0 ) : \
BaseClass( _source, nNotifyFlags, pUndoDesc, pRedoDesc, nChainingID ) \
{ \
} \
C ## _classnameprefix ## UndoScopeGuard( int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify, const char *pUndoDesc, const char *pRedoDesc = NULL, int nChainingID = 0 ) : \
BaseClass( _source, nNotifyFlags, pNotify, pUndoDesc, pRedoDesc, nChainingID ) \
{ \
} \
C ## _classnameprefix ## UndoScopeGuard( int nNotifyFlags, const char *pUndoDesc, int nChainingID ) : \
BaseClass( _source, nNotifyFlags, pUndoDesc, pUndoDesc, nChainingID ) \
{ \
} \
}; \
class C ## _classnameprefix ## DisableUndoScopeGuard : public CDisableUndoScopeGuard \
{ \
typedef CDisableUndoScopeGuard BaseClass; \
public: \
C ## _classnameprefix ## DisableUndoScopeGuard( const char *pDesc, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL ) : \
BaseClass( pDesc, _source, nNotifyFlags, pNotify ) \
{ \
} \
}; \
class C ## _classnameprefix ## EnableUndoScopeGuard : public CEnableUndoScopeGuard \
{ \
typedef CEnableUndoScopeGuard BaseClass; \
public: \
C ## _classnameprefix ## EnableUndoScopeGuard( const char *pDesc, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL ) : \
BaseClass( pDesc, _source, nNotifyFlags, pNotify ) \
{ \
} \
// Purpose: Simple helper class to disable NotifyDataChanged from current scope
class CNotifyScopeGuard
CNotifyScopeGuard( const char *pReason, int nNotifySource, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL )
m_bReleased = false;
m_pNotify = NULL;
g_pDataModel->PushNotificationScope( pReason, nNotifySource, nNotifyFlags );
if ( pNotify )
if ( g_pDataModel->InstallNotificationCallback( pNotify ) )
m_pNotify = pNotify;
void Release()
// Releases the guard...
if ( !m_bReleased )
g_pDataModel->PopNotificationScope( );
if ( m_pNotify )
g_pDataModel->RemoveNotificationCallback( m_pNotify );
m_pNotify = NULL;
m_bReleased = true;
CNotifyScopeGuard( const CNotifyScopeGuard& g );
IDmNotify *m_pNotify;
bool m_bReleased;
#define DEFINE_SOURCE_NOTIFY_SCOPE_GUARD( _classnameprefix, _source ) \
class C ## _classnameprefix ## NotifyScopeGuard : public CNotifyScopeGuard \
{ \
typedef CNotifyScopeGuard BaseClass; \
public: \
C ## _classnameprefix ## NotifyScopeGuard( const char *pReason, int nNotifyFlags, IDmNotify *pNotify = NULL ) : \
BaseClass( pReason, _source, nNotifyFlags, pNotify )\
{ \
} \
// Purpose: Simple helper class to disable notifications when in scope
class CChangeNotifyScopeGuard
CChangeNotifyScopeGuard( bool bNewState )
m_bReleased = false;
m_bOldValue = g_pDataModel->IsSuppressingNotify();
g_pDataModel->SetSuppressingNotify( bNewState );
void Release()
// Releases the guard...
if ( !m_bReleased )
g_pDataModel->SetSuppressingNotify( m_bOldValue );
m_bReleased = true;
bool m_bOldValue;
bool m_bReleased;
class CDisableNotifyScopeGuard : public CChangeNotifyScopeGuard
typedef CChangeNotifyScopeGuard BaseClass;
CDisableNotifyScopeGuard() : BaseClass( true ) { }
CDisableNotifyScopeGuard( const CDisableNotifyScopeGuard& g );
class CEnableNotifyScopeGuard : public CChangeNotifyScopeGuard
typedef CChangeNotifyScopeGuard BaseClass;
CEnableNotifyScopeGuard( ) : BaseClass( false ) { }
CEnableNotifyScopeGuard( const CEnableNotifyScopeGuard& g );
// Standard undo/notify guards for the application
#endif // IDATAMODEL_H