FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

278 lines
6.6 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#ifndef IN_SIXENSE_H
#define IN_SIXENSE_H
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Frame.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "vgui_video.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "in_sixense_gesture_bindings.h"
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
class C_Portal_Player;
#define CPortal_Player C_Portal_Player
class CPortal_Player;
// forward declarations
namespace sixenseUtils {
class IFPSViewAngles;
class IFPSPlayerMovement;
class IFPSEvents;
class IFPSMeleeWeapon;
class IDerivatives;
class IButtonStates;
class ILaserPointer;
class IControllerManager;
class SixenseInput : public CGameEventListener
bool LoadModules();
bool UnloadModules();
void Init();
void PostInit();
void Shutdown();
#ifdef PORTAL2
bool IsBaseWarningUp();
void PlayerPortalled( const VMatrix &PortalMatrix );
void SetOneToOneMode( bool bOnOrOff );
inline QAngle GetAnglesToRightHand() { return m_AnglesToRightHand; }
inline QAngle GetAnglesToLeftHand() { return m_AnglesToLeftHand; }
// If the right trigger is held and a melee weapon is selected, go to 1-to-1 melee mode
bool IsInOneToOneMode();
bool IsInAlwaysOneToOneMode();
void FixPortalView();
void SetPortalTweakingParameters( bool bIsTweaking );
bool IsHoldingObject();
C_BaseEntity *GetHeldObject();
bool IsEnabled();
bool IsLeftHanded();
// SixenseFrame computes the view parameters from the controllers. Should be called once per frame
bool SixenseFrame( float flFrametime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
void SixenseUpdateKeys( float flFrametime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
bool SendKeyToActiveWindow(ButtonCode_t key);
void SixenseUpdateMouseCursor();
void SixenseUpdateControllerManager();
void controllerManagerCallback( int );
inline void ResetFrameTime( float flTime ) { m_fRemainingFrameTime = flTime; }
// Set the engine's view angles
void SetView( float flInputSampleFrametime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
void SetMode( int nMode );
void ResetView( QAngle SpawnAngles );
void SetEnabled( bool bEnabled );
void LoadDefaultSettings( int nLevel );
bool InMenuMode();
QAngle GetViewAngles();
QAngle GetViewAngleOffset();
void ForceViewAngles( QAngle angles );
bool IsSixenseMap();
void CreateGUI( vgui::VPANEL parent );
void SwitchViewModes( CUserCmd *pCmd );
// playerIndex = (0 to 3), handIndex = (left = 0 or right = 1)
void Rumble( unsigned char nIndex, unsigned char nRumbleData, unsigned char nRumbleFlags );
void Rumble( unsigned char nPlayerIndex, unsigned char nHandIndex, unsigned char nRumbleData, unsigned char nRumbleFlags );
void SetFilter( float f );
void GetFOV( float *pHfov, float *pVfov );
void SetPlayerHandPositions( CUserCmd *pCmd, float flFrametime );
void SetBaseOffset();
void SetFilterLevel( float flNearRange, float flNearVal, float flFarRange, float flFarVal );
static class SixenseGUIFrame *m_SixenseFrame;
bool IsAimingForwards();
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent );
void BlendView();
void DisableFreeAimSpin( int nDisable );
void DisableGestures( int nDisable );
void PlayerSpawn();
bool AreBindingsDisabled();
void LeftPointGesture( bool start );
void RightPointGesture( bool start );
void StartRatchet();
void StopRatchet();
void CheckWeaponForScope();
SixenseGestureBindings *GetGestureBindings();
void InstallConvarCallbacks();
void UpdateValuesFromConvars();
void ConvarChanged();
bool m_bIsEnabled; // sixense.dll loaded
bool m_bIsActive; // controllers not docked
bool m_bModulesLoaded;
bool m_bWasInMenuMode;
#ifdef PORTAL2
bool m_bJustPortalled;
bool m_bIsLeftTriggerDown;
bool m_bIsRightTriggerDown;
bool m_bIsIn1to1Mode;
bool m_bIs1to1ModeLocked;
bool m_bIs1to1ModeScaling;
bool m_bIs1to1ModeRatcheting;
bool m_bExitOneWhenAimingForwards;
bool m_bScalingLockedOneToOne;
bool m_bIsTweaking;
float m_fDisableJumpUntil;
int m_nGlowIndex;
float m_fLastHorizSpeedMult;
float m_fLastVertSpeedMult;
QAngle m_AnglesToRightHand, m_AnglesToLeftHand;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimAccelBandExponent;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimAutoLevelRate;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimAccelBandSize;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimMaxSpeed;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimDeadZoneRadius;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimHeadingMultiplier;
float m_fTweakSixenseAimFreeaimPitchMultiplier;
float m_fTweakSixenseAim1to1HeadingMultiplier;
float m_fTweakSixenseAim1to1PitchMultiplier;
Vector3 m_GrabPos;
bool m_bConvarChanged;
bool m_bPlayerValid;
float m_fRemainingFrameTime;
bool m_bScopeSwitchedMode;
sixenseUtils::IFPSViewAngles::fps_mode m_nScopeSwitchedPrevMode;
int m_nScopeSwitchedPrevSpringViewEnabled;
float m_fTeleportWaitToBlendTime;
class ISixenseAPI *m_pSixenseAPI;
struct _sixenseAllControllerData *m_pACD;
class sixenseUtils::IFPSViewAngles *m_pFPSViewAngles;
class sixenseUtils::IFPSPlayerMovement *m_pFPSPlayerMovement;
class sixenseUtils::IFPSEvents *m_pFPSEvents;
class sixenseUtils::IDerivatives *m_pLeftDeriv, *m_pRightDeriv;
class sixenseUtils::IButtonStates *m_pLeftButtonStates, *m_pRightButtonStates;
class sixenseUtils::ILaserPointer *m_pLaserPointer;
class sixenseUtils::IControllerManager *m_pControllerManager;
int m_LastViewMode;
int m_nLeftIndex, m_nRightIndex;
void PlayerDroppedEntity( int entityID );
void PlayerUsedEntity( int entityID );
bool m_bMoveMouseToCenter;
int m_nFilterLevel;
unsigned char m_nLastLeftSequence, m_nLastRightSequence;
bool m_bShouldSetBaseOffset;
bool m_bJustSpawned;
class SixenseWatermarkFrame *m_WatermarkFrame;
int m_nFreeaimSpinDisabled;
int m_nGesturesDisabled;
bool m_nShouldUnduck;
SixenseGestureBindings *m_pGestureBindings;
extern SixenseInput *g_pSixenseInput;
class SixenseGUIFrame : public vgui::Frame
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( SixenseGUIFrame, vgui::Frame );
// Construction
SixenseGUIFrame( vgui::VPANEL parent, char const *pPanelName );
virtual ~SixenseGUIFrame();
void setImage( CUtlString img_name );
virtual void SetVisible( bool bState );
vgui::ImagePanel *m_ImagePanel;
#ifdef PORTAL2
class SixenseBaseWarning : public vgui::Frame
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( SixenseBaseWarning, vgui::Frame );
SixenseBaseWarning( vgui::Panel *parent, char const *name );
//virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
//virtual void PaintBackground();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
vgui::Label *_label;