
1425 lines
44 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "BasePanel.h"
#include "SaveGameDialog.h"
#include "winlite.h" // FILETIME
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "ModInfo.h"
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "GameUI_Interface.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include <time.h>
#include "SaveGameBrowserDialog.h"
extern const char *COM_GetModDirectory( void );
// Purpose:
CGameSavePanel::CGameSavePanel( CSaveGameBrowserDialog *parent, SaveGameDescription_t *pSaveDesc, bool bCommandPanel )
: BaseClass( parent, "SaveGamePanel" )
// Store our save description internally for reference later by our parent
m_SaveInfo = (*pSaveDesc);
m_bNewSavePanel = bCommandPanel;
// Setup our main graphical elements
m_pLevelPicBorder = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "LevelPicBorder" ) );
m_pLevelPic = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "LevelPic" ) );
// Setup our various labels
m_pChapterTitle = new Label( this, "ChapterLabel", m_SaveInfo.szComment );
m_pTime = new Label( this, "TimeLabel", m_SaveInfo.szFileTime );
m_pElapsedTime = new Label( this, "ElapsedLabel", m_SaveInfo.szElapsedTime );
m_pType = new Label( this, "TypeLabel", m_SaveInfo.szType );
// Make sure we have a chapter description
char *pchChapterName = Q_stristr( m_SaveInfo.szComment, "chapter" );
if ( pchChapterName )
char szChapterImage[ 256 ];
Q_snprintf( szChapterImage, sizeof(szChapterImage), "chapters/%s", Q_strlower( pchChapterName ) );
char *ext = Q_strrchr( szChapterImage, '_' );
if ( ext )
*ext = '\0';
m_pLevelPic->SetImage( szChapterImage );
m_pLevelPic->SetImage( "ui_logo" );
// Setup our basic settings
KeyValues *pKeys = NULL;
if ( GameUI().IsConsoleUI() )
pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "SaveGamePanel.res" );
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/SaveGamePanel.res", NULL, pKeys );
int px, py;
m_pLevelPicBorder->GetPos( px, py );
SetSize( m_pLevelPicBorder->GetWide(), py + m_pLevelPicBorder->GetTall() + ( m_pType->GetTall() + 16 ) );
// Purpose:
CGameSavePanel::~CGameSavePanel( void )
if ( m_pLevelPicBorder )
delete m_pLevelPicBorder;
if ( m_pLevelPic )
delete m_pLevelPic;
if ( m_pChapterTitle )
delete m_pChapterTitle;
if ( m_pTime )
delete m_pTime;
if ( m_pElapsedTime )
delete m_pElapsedTime;
if ( m_pType )
delete m_pType;
// Purpose:
void CGameSavePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
m_TextColor = pScheme->GetColor( "NewGame.TextColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
m_FillColor = pScheme->GetColor( "NewGame.FillColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
m_DisabledColor = pScheme->GetColor( "NewGame.DisabledColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 4) );
m_SelectedColor = pScheme->GetColor( "NewGame.SelectionColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
// Turn various labels off if we're the "stubbed" panel
if ( m_bNewSavePanel )
m_pTime->SetVisible( false );
m_pElapsedTime->SetVisible( false );
m_pType->SetVisible( false );
// Setup our initial state
m_pChapterTitle->SetFgColor( m_TextColor );
m_pTime->SetFgColor( m_TextColor );
m_pElapsedTime->SetFgColor( m_TextColor );
m_pLevelPic->SetFillColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );
m_pLevelPicBorder->SetFillColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) );
if ( m_bNewSavePanel )
float flScaleAmount = m_pLevelPic->GetScaleAmount();
if ( flScaleAmount <= 0.0f )
flScaleAmount = 1.0f;
// TBD: Draw the game logo here!
int picWide = 64.0f * flScaleAmount;
int picTall = 64.0f * flScaleAmount;
int borderWide = m_pLevelPicBorder->GetWide();
int borderTall = m_pLevelPicBorder->GetTall();
int borderX, borderY;
m_pLevelPicBorder->GetPos( borderX, borderY );
m_pLevelPic->SetPos( borderX + ( ( borderWide - picWide ) / 2 ), borderY + ( ( borderTall - picTall ) / 2 ) );
m_pLevelPic->SetFillColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// Purpose: Overwrite the level description
// Input : *pDesc - Description to use
void CGameSavePanel::SetDescription( SaveGameDescription_t *pDesc )
// Store our save description internally for reference later by our parent
m_SaveInfo = (*pDesc);
// Setup our main graphical elements
m_pChapterTitle->SetText( m_SaveInfo.szComment );
m_pTime->SetText( m_SaveInfo.szFileTime );
m_pElapsedTime->SetText( m_SaveInfo.szElapsedTime );
m_pType->SetText( m_SaveInfo.szType );
// Make sure we have a chapter description
char *pchChapterName = Q_stristr( m_SaveInfo.szComment, "chapter" );
if ( pchChapterName )
char szChapterImage[ 256 ];
Q_snprintf( szChapterImage, sizeof(szChapterImage), "chapters/%s", Q_strlower( pchChapterName ) );
char *ext = Q_strrchr( szChapterImage, '_' );
if ( ext )
*ext = '\0';
m_pLevelPic->SetImage( szChapterImage );
// Purpose: new game chapter selection
CSaveGameBrowserDialog::CSaveGameBrowserDialog( vgui::Panel *parent )
: BaseClass( parent, "SaveGameDialog" ),
m_bFilterAutosaves( false ),
m_iSelectedSave( -1 ),
m_bScrolling( false ),
m_ScrollCt( 0 ),
m_ScrollSpeed( 0.0f ),
m_ButtonPressed( SCROLL_NONE ),
m_ScrollDirection( SCROLL_NONE ),
m_nDeletedPanel( INVALID_INDEX ),
m_nAddedPanel( INVALID_INDEX ),
m_nUsedStorageSpace( 0 ),
m_bControlDisabled( false )
// Setup basic attributes
SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true );
SetSizeable( false );
// Create the backer that highlights the currently selected save
m_pCenterBg = SETUP_PANEL( new Panel( this, "CenterBG" ) );
m_pCenterBg->SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
m_pCenterBg->SetVisible( true );
// Create our button footer
m_pFooter = new CFooterPanel( parent, "SaveGameFooter" );
// Load our res files from the keyvalue we're holding
KeyValues *pKeys = NULL;
if ( GameUI().IsConsoleUI() )
pKeys = BasePanel()->GetConsoleControlSettings()->FindKey( "SaveGameDialog.res" );
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/SaveGameDialog.res", NULL, pKeys );
// Destructor
CSaveGameBrowserDialog::~CSaveGameBrowserDialog( void )
// Release all elements
// Kill the footer
if ( m_pFooter )
delete m_pFooter;
m_pFooter = NULL;
if ( m_pCenterBg )
delete m_pCenterBg;
m_pCenterBg = NULL;
// Purpose: Show the "No save games to display" indication label and hide all browsing UI
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ShowNoSaveGameUI( void )
// Show the "no save games" text
vgui::Label *pNoSavesLabel = dynamic_cast<vgui::Label *>(FindChildByName( "NoSavesLabel" ));
if ( pNoSavesLabel )
if ( m_bSaveGameIsCorrupt )
pNoSavesLabel->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_pCenterBg )
m_pCenterBg->SetVisible( false );
vgui::Panel *pLeftArrow = FindChildByName( "LeftArrow" );
if ( pLeftArrow )
pLeftArrow->SetVisible( false );
vgui::Panel *pRightArrow = FindChildByName( "RightArrow" );
if ( pRightArrow )
pRightArrow->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose: Hide all "No save games" UI
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::HideNoSaveGameUI( void )
// Show the "no save games" text
vgui::Panel *pNoSavesLabel = FindChildByName( "NoSavesLabel" );
if ( pNoSavesLabel )
pNoSavesLabel->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::LayoutPanels( void )
// Setup our panels depending on the mode we're in
if ( HasActivePanels() )
// Hide any indicators about no save games
// Layout panel positions relative to the dialog center.
int panelWidth = m_SavePanels[0]->GetWide() + 16;
int dialogWidth = GetWide();
m_PanelXPos[2] = ( dialogWidth - panelWidth ) / 2 + 8;
m_PanelXPos[1] = m_PanelXPos[2] - panelWidth;
m_PanelXPos[0] = m_PanelXPos[1];
m_PanelXPos[3] = m_PanelXPos[2] + panelWidth;
m_PanelXPos[4] = m_PanelXPos[3];
m_PanelAlpha[0] = 0;
m_PanelAlpha[1] = 64;
m_PanelAlpha[2] = 255;
m_PanelAlpha[3] = 64;
m_PanelAlpha[4] = 0;
int panelHeight;
m_SavePanels[0]->GetSize( panelWidth, panelHeight );
m_pCenterBg->SetVisible( true );
m_pCenterBg->SetWide( panelWidth + 16 );
m_pCenterBg->SetPos( m_PanelXPos[2] - 8, m_PanelYPos[2] - (panelHeight - m_nCenterBgTallDefault) + 8 );
m_pCenterBg->SetBgColor( Color( 190, 115, 0, 255 ) );
// Hide anything to do with browsing the saves
// Do internal cleanup to make sure we present a correct state to the user
UpdateMenuComponents( SCROLL_NONE );
// Purpose: Do a fancy slide-out when we're first displayed
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::AnimateDialogStart( void )
const float flAnimInTime = 0.5f;
const float flOffset = 0.1f;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++ )
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] == INVALID_INDEX )
// Start us at the "opening" position
CGameSavePanel *panel = m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[i] ];
if ( panel )
panel->SetPos( m_PanelXPos[0], m_PanelYPos[0] );
panel->SetAlpha( m_PanelAlpha[0] );
panel->SetVisible( true );
panel->SetEnabled( true );
panel->SetZPos( NUM_SLOTS - i );
// Now make them slide out where they're going
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "xpos", m_PanelXPos[i], 0, flAnimInTime + (flOffset*i), vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "ypos", m_PanelYPos[i], 0, flAnimInTime + (flOffset*i), vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "alpha", m_PanelAlpha[i], 0, flAnimInTime + (flOffset*i), vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Move and fade the back label
m_pCenterBg->SetAlpha( 0 );
int nX, nY;
m_pCenterBg->GetPos( nX, nY );
m_pCenterBg->SetPos( nX-m_pCenterBg->GetWide(), nY );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "xpos", nX, 0, flAnimInTime + (flOffset*2), vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 255, 0, (flAnimInTime+ (flOffset*2))*2.0f, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
CGameSavePanel *selectedPanel = GetActivePanel();
if ( selectedPanel && selectedPanel->IsAutoSaveType() )
m_pCenterBg->SetTall( m_nCenterBgTallDefault + 20 );
m_pCenterBg->SetTall( m_nCenterBgTallDefault );
// Purpose: Do our initial layout
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::Activate( void )
// Start scanning for saved games
ScanSavedGames( m_bFilterAutosaves );
// Finish our layout depending on what the result of the scan was
// Animate the opening animation
// Purpose: Apply special properties of the menu
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
int ypos = inResourceData->GetInt( "chapterypos", 20 );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i )
m_PanelYPos[i] = ypos;
m_nCenterBgTallDefault = inResourceData->GetInt( "centerbgtall", 0 );
m_pCenterBg->SetTall( m_nCenterBgTallDefault );
m_ScrollSpeedSlow = inResourceData->GetFloat( "scrollslow", 0.0f );
m_ScrollSpeedFast = inResourceData->GetFloat( "scrollfast", 0.0f );
SetFastScroll( false );
// Purpose: Apply scheme settings
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
UpdateMenuComponents( SCROLL_NONE );
// Purpose: sets the correct properties for visible components
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::UpdateMenuComponents( EScrollDirection dir )
// This is called prior to any scrolling, so we need to look ahead to the post-scroll state
int centerIdx = SLOT_CENTER;
// Scroll given our direction of travel
if ( dir == SCROLL_LEFT )
else if ( dir == SCROLL_RIGHT )
int leftIdx = centerIdx - 1;
int rightIdx = centerIdx + 1;
// Update the state of the side arrows depending on whether or not we can scroll that direction
vgui::Panel *leftArrow = this->FindChildByName( "LeftArrow" );
vgui::Panel *rightArrow = this->FindChildByName( "RightArrow" );
if ( leftArrow )
leftArrow->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_PanelIndex[leftIdx] != INVALID_INDEX )
leftArrow->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
leftArrow->SetFgColor( Color( 128, 128, 128, 64 ) );
if ( rightArrow )
rightArrow->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_PanelIndex[rightIdx] != INVALID_INDEX )
rightArrow->SetFgColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) );
rightArrow->SetFgColor( Color( 128, 128, 128, 64 ) );
// Purpose: sets a chapter as selected
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::SetSelectedSaveIndex( int index )
m_iSelectedSave = index;
// If we have no panels, there's nothing to update
if ( HasActivePanels() == false )
// Setup panels to the left of the selected panel
int currIdx = index;
for ( int i = SLOT_CENTER; i >= 0 && currIdx >= 0; --i )
m_PanelIndex[i] = currIdx;
InitPanelIndexForDisplay( i );
// Setup panels to the right of the selected panel
currIdx = index + 1;
for ( int i = SLOT_CENTER + 1; i < NUM_SLOTS && currIdx < m_SavePanels.Count(); ++i )
m_PanelIndex[i] = currIdx;
InitPanelIndexForDisplay( i );
UpdateMenuComponents( SCROLL_NONE );
// Purpose: Remove the currently selected animation from the list with proper animations
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::RemoveActivePanel( void )
// Kill the current panel
m_nDeletedPanel = m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER];
// Start our current panel fading
CGameSavePanel *pPanel = m_SavePanels[ m_nDeletedPanel ];
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( pPanel, "alpha", 0, 0, m_ScrollSpeedFast, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_ACCEL );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 0, 0, m_ScrollSpeedFast, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_ACCEL );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "FinishDelete" ), m_ScrollSpeed );
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::CloseAfterSave( void )
OnCommand( "CloseAndSelectResume" );
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::FinishInsert( void )
CGameSavePanel *panel = m_SavePanels[ m_nAddedPanel ];
const float flScrollSpeed = 0.75f;
// Run the actual movement
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "xpos", m_PanelXPos[SLOT_RIGHT], 0, flScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "ypos", m_PanelYPos[SLOT_RIGHT], 0, flScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "alpha", 255, 0, flScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "CloseAfterSave" ), flScrollSpeed*2.0f );
// Purpose: Insert a new panel at the desired location
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::AnimateInsertNewPanel( const SaveGameDescription_t *pDesc )
// This is the panel that's going to move
CGameSavePanel *pNewPanel = SETUP_PANEL( new CGameSavePanel( this, (SaveGameDescription_t *) pDesc ) );
pNewPanel->SetVisible( false );
// Tack this onto the list
m_nAddedPanel = m_SavePanels.InsertAfter( 0, pNewPanel );
// Set it up but turn it off immediately
pNewPanel->SetPos( m_PanelXPos[SLOT_CENTER], m_PanelYPos[SLOT_CENTER] );
pNewPanel->SetVisible( true );
pNewPanel->SetEnabled( true );
pNewPanel->SetZPos( 0 );
pNewPanel->SetAlpha( 0.0f );
// Increment our indices to reflect the change
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++ )
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] == INVALID_INDEX )
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] > 0 )
// Fade the right panel away
if ( IsValidPanel( m_PanelIndex[ SLOT_RIGHT ] ) )
CGameSavePanel *panel = m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[ SLOT_RIGHT ] ];
// Run the actual movement
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "xpos", m_PanelXPos[SLOT_OFFRIGHT], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "ypos", m_PanelYPos[SLOT_OFFRIGHT], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "alpha", m_PanelAlpha[SLOT_OFFRIGHT], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "FinishInsert" ), m_ScrollSpeed );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "FinishInsert" ), 0.1f );
// Purpose: Pop in the new description
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::FinishOverwriteFadeDown( void )
const float flFadeInTime = 0.25f;
// Fade the right panel away
CGameSavePanel *pActivePanel = GetActivePanel();
if ( pActivePanel )
pActivePanel->SetDescription( &m_NewSaveGameDesc );
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( pActivePanel, "alpha", m_PanelAlpha[SLOT_CENTER], 0, flFadeInTime, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 255, 0, flFadeInTime, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "CloseAfterSave" ), flFadeInTime + 0.1f );
// Purpose: Animate an overwrite event by fading out the old panel and bringing it back with a new description
// Input : *pNewDesc - The new description to display
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::AnimateOverwriteActivePanel( const SaveGameDescription_t *pNewDesc )
// Save a copy of this description
m_NewSaveGameDesc = (*pNewDesc);
// Fade the right panel away
CGameSavePanel *pActivePanel = GetActivePanel();
if ( pActivePanel )
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( pActivePanel, "alpha", 0, 0, 0.5f, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 0, 0, 0.5f, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "FinishOverwriteFadeDown" ), 0.75f );
// Purpose: Called before a panel scroll starts.
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PreScroll( EScrollDirection dir )
int hideIdx = INVALID_INDEX;
if ( m_nDeletedPanel != INVALID_INDEX )
hideIdx = m_nDeletedPanel;
else if ( dir == SCROLL_LEFT )
hideIdx = m_PanelIndex[SLOT_LEFT];
else if ( dir == SCROLL_RIGHT )
hideIdx = m_PanelIndex[SLOT_RIGHT];
if ( hideIdx != INVALID_INDEX )
// Push back the panel that's about to be hidden
// so the next panel scrolls over the top of it.
m_SavePanels[hideIdx]->SetZPos( 0 );
// Purpose: Called after a panel scroll finishes.
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PostScroll( EScrollDirection dir )
// FIXME: Nothing to do here...
// Purpose: Initiates a panel scroll and starts the animation.
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ScrollSelectionPanels( EScrollDirection dir )
// Only initiate a scroll if panels aren't currently scrolling
if ( !m_bScrolling )
// Handle any pre-scroll setup
PreScroll( dir );
if ( dir == SCROLL_LEFT)
m_ScrollCt += SCROLL_LEFT;
else if ( dir == SCROLL_RIGHT && m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER] != 0 )
m_ScrollCt += SCROLL_RIGHT;
m_bScrolling = true;
// Update the arrow colors, help text, and buttons. Doing it here looks better than having
// the components change after the entire scroll animation has finished.
UpdateMenuComponents( m_ScrollDirection );
// Purpose: Do all slide animation work here
// Input : nPanelIndex - Panel we're currently operating on
// nNextPanelIndex - Panel we're going to be moving over
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PerformSlideAction( int nPanelIndex, int nNextPanelIndex )
CGameSavePanel *panel = m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[ nPanelIndex ] ];
// Run the actual movement
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "xpos", m_PanelXPos[nNextPanelIndex], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "ypos", m_PanelYPos[nNextPanelIndex], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Panel alpha
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( panel, "alpha", m_PanelAlpha[nNextPanelIndex], 0, m_ScrollSpeed, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Purpose: Initiates the scripted scroll and fade effects of all five slotted panels
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::AnimateSelectionPanels( void )
int idxOffset = 0;
int startIdx = SLOT_LEFT;
int endIdx = SLOT_RIGHT;
// Don't scroll outside the bounds of the panel list
if ( m_ScrollCt >= SCROLL_LEFT && m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER] < m_SavePanels.Count() - 1 )
if ( m_nDeletedPanel != INVALID_INDEX )
startIdx = SLOT_RIGHT;
idxOffset = -1;
m_ScrollDirection = SCROLL_LEFT;
else if ( m_ScrollCt <= SCROLL_RIGHT && m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER] > 0 )
idxOffset = 1;
startIdx = SLOT_OFFLEFT;
m_ScrollDirection = SCROLL_RIGHT;
if ( 0 == idxOffset )
// Kill the scroll, it's outside the bounds
m_ScrollCt = 0;
m_bScrolling = false;
m_ScrollDirection = SCROLL_NONE;
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "player/suit_denydevice.wav" );
// Should never happen
if ( startIdx > endIdx )
for ( int i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; ++i )
// Don't animate the special panel, just skip it
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] == m_nDeletedPanel )
int nNextIdx = i+idxOffset;
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] != INVALID_INDEX )
PerformSlideAction( i, nNextIdx );
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" );
// Animate the center background panel
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 0, 0, m_ScrollSpeed * 0.25f, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_SIMPLESPLINE );
// Scrolling up through chapters, offset is negative
m_iSelectedSave -= idxOffset;
PostMessage( this, new KeyValues( "FinishScroll" ), m_ScrollSpeed );
// Purpose: After a scroll, each panel slot holds the index of a panel that has
// scrolled to an adjacent slot. This function updates each slot so
// it holds the index of the panel that is actually in that slot's position.
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ShiftPanelIndices( int offset )
// Shift all the elements over one slot, then calculate what the last slot's index should be.
int lastSlot = NUM_SLOTS - 1;
// Handle the deletion case
if ( m_nDeletedPanel != INVALID_INDEX )
// Scroll panels in from the right
Q_memmove( &m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER], &m_PanelIndex[SLOT_RIGHT], 2* sizeof( m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER] ) );
if ( m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] != INVALID_INDEX )
int num = m_PanelIndex[ lastSlot ] + 1;
if ( IsValidPanel( num ) )
m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] = num;
InitPanelIndexForDisplay( lastSlot );
m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] = INVALID_INDEX;
else if ( offset > 0 )
// Hide the panel that's dropping out of the slots
if ( IsValidPanel( m_PanelIndex[0] ) )
m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[0] ]->SetVisible( false );
// Scrolled panels to the right, so shift the indices one slot to the left
Q_memmove( &m_PanelIndex[0], &m_PanelIndex[1], lastSlot * sizeof( m_PanelIndex[0] ) );
if ( m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] != INVALID_INDEX )
int num = m_PanelIndex[ lastSlot ] + 1;
if ( IsValidPanel( num ) )
m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] = num;
InitPanelIndexForDisplay( lastSlot );
m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] = INVALID_INDEX;
// Hide the panel that's dropping out of the slots
if ( IsValidPanel( m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] ) )
m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[lastSlot] ]->SetVisible( false );
// Scrolled panels to the left, so shift the indices one slot to the right
Q_memmove( &m_PanelIndex[1], &m_PanelIndex[0], lastSlot * sizeof( m_PanelIndex[0] ) );
if ( m_PanelIndex[0] != INVALID_INDEX )
int num = m_PanelIndex[0] - 1;
if ( IsValidPanel( num ) )
m_PanelIndex[0] = num;
InitPanelIndexForDisplay( 0 );
m_PanelIndex[0] = INVALID_INDEX;
// Purpose: Validates an index into the selection panels vector
bool CSaveGameBrowserDialog::IsValidPanel( const int idx )
if ( idx < 0 || idx >= m_SavePanels.Count() )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Sets up a panel's properties before it is displayed
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::InitPanelIndexForDisplay( const int idx )
CGameSavePanel *panel = m_SavePanels[ m_PanelIndex[idx] ];
if ( panel )
panel->SetPos( m_PanelXPos[idx], m_PanelYPos[idx] );
panel->SetAlpha( m_PanelAlpha[idx] );
panel->SetVisible( true );
panel->SetEnabled( true );
if ( m_PanelAlpha[idx] )
panel->SetZPos( NUM_SLOTS );
// Purpose: Sets which scroll speed should be used
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::SetFastScroll( bool fast )
m_ScrollSpeed = fast ? m_ScrollSpeedFast : m_ScrollSpeedSlow;
// Purpose: Checks if a button is being held down, and speeds up the scroll
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ContinueScrolling( void )
if ( !GameUI().IsConsoleUI() )
if ( m_PanelIndex[SLOT_CENTER-1] % 3 )
ScrollSelectionPanels( m_ScrollDirection );
if ( m_ButtonPressed == m_ScrollDirection )
SetFastScroll( true );
ScrollSelectionPanels( m_ScrollDirection );
else if ( m_ButtonPressed != SCROLL_NONE )
// The other direction has been pressed - start a slow scroll
SetFastScroll( false );
ScrollSelectionPanels( (EScrollDirection)m_ButtonPressed );
SetFastScroll( false );
// Purpose: Fade animation has finished, now slide or be done
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::FinishDelete( void )
// Catch the case where all saves are now gone!
if ( m_SavePanels.Count() == 1 )
m_nDeletedPanel = INVALID_INDEX;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++ )
m_PanelIndex[i] = INVALID_INDEX;
EScrollDirection nDirection = ( IsValidPanel( m_nDeletedPanel + 1 ) ) ? SCROLL_LEFT : SCROLL_RIGHT;
ScrollSelectionPanels( nDirection );
// Purpose: Called when a scroll distance of one slot has been completed
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::FinishScroll( void )
// Fade the center bg panel back in
GetAnimationController()->RunAnimationCommand( m_pCenterBg, "alpha", 255, 0, m_ScrollSpeed * 0.25f, vgui::AnimationController::INTERPOLATOR_LINEAR );
ShiftPanelIndices( m_ScrollDirection );
m_bScrolling = false;
m_ScrollCt = 0;
// End of scroll step
PostScroll( m_ScrollDirection );
if ( m_nDeletedPanel != INVALID_INDEX )
// Find where we're going next
int newSave = m_nDeletedPanel;
if ( m_SavePanels.IsValidIndex( m_nDeletedPanel + 1 ) == false )
newSave = m_nDeletedPanel - 1;
// Remove it from our list
CGameSavePanel *pPanel = m_SavePanels[ m_nDeletedPanel ];
m_SavePanels.Remove( m_nDeletedPanel );
delete pPanel;
// Decrement all the indices to reflect the change
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; i++ )
if ( m_PanelIndex[i] > m_nDeletedPanel )
// Clear the spot and be done with it
SetSelectedSaveIndex( newSave );
m_nDeletedPanel = INVALID_INDEX;
UpdateMenuComponents( SCROLL_NONE );
// Size the "autosave" blade if need-be
CGameSavePanel *selectedPanel = GetActivePanel();
if ( selectedPanel && selectedPanel->IsAutoSaveType() )
m_pCenterBg->SetTall( m_nCenterBgTallDefault + 20 );
m_pCenterBg->SetTall( m_nCenterBgTallDefault );
// Continue scrolling if necessary
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::OnClose( void )
SetControlDisabled( true );
BasePanel()->RunCloseAnimation( "CloseNewGameDialog_OpenMainMenu" );
// Purpose: Our save games have changed, so layout our panel again
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::RefreshSaveGames( void )
// Close any pending messages
BasePanel()->CloseMessageDialog( DIALOG_STACK_IDX_WARNING );
// Don't leave us in a locked state
SetControlDisabled( false );
// Re-scan the saved games
ScanSavedGames( m_bFilterAutosaves );
// Re-layout the panels
// Run our animation again
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PerformSelectedAction( void )
// By default, do nothing
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PerformDeletion( void )
// By default, do nothing
// Purpose: Release our key repeater
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code )
m_KeyRepeat.KeyUp( code );
BaseClass::OnKeyCodeReleased( code );
// Purpose: Update our keypress repeater
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::OnThink( void )
vgui::KeyCode code = m_KeyRepeat.KeyRepeated();
if ( code )
OnKeyCodePressed( code );
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code )
// If the console has UI up, then ignore it
if ( BasePanel()->IsWaitingForConsoleUI() )
// Inhibit key activity during transitions
if ( GetAlpha() != 255 || m_bControlDisabled )
m_KeyRepeat.KeyDown( code );
switch( code )
// Move the selection up and down
ScrollSelectionPanels( SCROLL_RIGHT );
ScrollSelectionPanels( SCROLL_LEFT );
// Purpose:
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::PaintBackground( void )
int wide, tall;
GetSize( wide, tall );
Color col = GetBgColor();
DrawBox( 0, 0, wide, tall, col, 1.0f );
int y = 32;
// draw an inset
Color darkColor;
darkColor.SetColor( 0.70f * (float)col.r(), 0.70f * (float)col.g(), 0.70f * (float)col.b(), col.a() );
vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor( darkColor );
vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect( 8, y, wide - 8, tall - 8 );
// Purpose: Parses the save game info out of the .sav file header
bool CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ParseSaveData( char const *pszFileName, char const *pszShortName, SaveGameDescription_t *save )
char szElapsedTime[SAVEGAME_ELAPSED_LEN];
if ( !pszFileName || !pszShortName )
return false;
Q_strncpy( save->szShortName, pszShortName, sizeof(save->szShortName) );
Q_strncpy( save->szFileName, pszFileName, sizeof(save->szFileName) );
FileHandle_t fh = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pszFileName, "rb", "MOD" );
return false;
save->iSize = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( fh );
int readok = SaveReadNameAndComment( fh, szMapName, sizeof(szMapName), szComment, sizeof(szComment) );
if ( !readok )
return false;
Q_strncpy( save->szMapName, szMapName, sizeof(save->szMapName) );
// Elapsed time is the last 6 characters in comment. (mmm:ss)
int i;
i = strlen( szComment );
Q_strncpy( szElapsedTime, "??", sizeof( szElapsedTime ) );
if (i >= 6)
Q_strncpy( szElapsedTime, (char *)&szComment[i - 6], 7 );
szElapsedTime[6] = '\0';
// parse out
int minutes = atoi( szElapsedTime );
int seconds = atoi( szElapsedTime + 4);
int hours = minutes / 60;
minutes %= 60;
wchar_t wzHours[6];
wchar_t wzMins[4];
wchar_t wzSecs[4];
_snwprintf( wzHours, ARRAYSIZE(wzHours), L"%d", hours );
_snwprintf( wzMins, ARRAYSIZE(wzMins), L"%d", minutes );
_snwprintf( wzSecs, ARRAYSIZE(wzSecs), L"%d", seconds );
wchar_t buf[20];
// reformat
if ( hours )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( buf, sizeof( buf ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_LoadDialog_Hr_Min" ), 2, wzHours, wzMins );
else if ( minutes )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( buf, sizeof( buf ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_LoadDialog_Min_Sec" ), 2, wzMins, wzSecs );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( buf, sizeof( buf ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#GameUI_LoadDialog_Sec" ), 1, wzSecs );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( buf, szElapsedTime, sizeof(szElapsedTime) );
// Chop elapsed out of comment.
char *pChop = Q_stristr( szComment, " " );
if ( pChop != NULL )
(*pChop) = '\0';
// calculate the file name to print
const char *pszType = "";
if (strstr(pszFileName, "quick"))
pszType = "#GameUI_QuickSave";
else if (strstr(pszFileName, "autosave"))
pszType = "#GameUI_AutoSave";
Q_strncpy( save->szType, pszType, sizeof(save->szType) );
Q_strncpy( save->szComment, szComment, sizeof(save->szComment) );
Q_strncpy( save->szElapsedTime, szElapsedTime, sizeof(save->szElapsedTime) );
// Now get file time stamp.
time_t fileTime = g_pFullFileSystem->GetFileTime(pszFileName);
char szFileTime[32];
g_pFullFileSystem->FileTimeToString(szFileTime, sizeof(szFileTime), fileTime);
char *newline = strstr(szFileTime, "\n");
if (newline)
*newline = 0;
Q_strncpy( save->szFileTime, szFileTime, sizeof(save->szFileTime) );
save->iTimestamp = fileTime;
return true;
// Purpose: Update our footer options depending on what we've selected
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::UpdateFooterOptions( void )
// Do nothing
// Purpose: Sort our games by time
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::SortSaveGames( SaveGameDescription_t *pSaves, unsigned int nNumSaves )
qsort( pSaves, nNumSaves, sizeof(SaveGameDescription_t), &CBaseSaveGameDialog::SaveGameSortFunc );
// Purpose: builds save game list from directory
void CSaveGameBrowserDialog::ScanSavedGames( bool bIgnoreAutosave )
// Start with a clean slate
m_nUsedStorageSpace = 0;
m_bSaveGameIsCorrupt = false;
// Clear all known panels I'm holding now
// Reset all indices
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SLOTS; ++i )
m_PanelIndex[i] = INVALID_INDEX;
// Clear our list
CUtlVector<SaveGameDescription_t> saveGames;
// Get the search path
char szDirectory[_MAX_PATH];
if ( IsX360() )
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "%s:/*", COM_GetModDirectory() );
Q_snprintf( szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), "save/*" );
Q_DefaultExtension( szDirectory, IsX360() ? ".360.sav" : ".sav", sizeof( szDirectory ) );
Q_FixSlashes( szDirectory );
// iterate the saved files
FileFindHandle_t handle;
const char *pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindFirst( szDirectory, &handle );
while (pFileName)
if ( !Q_strnicmp(pFileName, "HLSave", strlen( "HLSave" ) ) )
pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
char szFileName[_MAX_PATH];
if ( IsX360() )
Q_snprintf(szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "%s:/%s", COM_GetModDirectory(), pFileName );
Q_snprintf(szFileName, sizeof( szFileName ), "save/%s", pFileName);
Q_FixSlashes( szFileName );
// Only load save games from the current mod's save dir
if( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFileName, "MOD" ) )
pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
SaveGameDescription_t save;
if ( ParseSaveData( szFileName, pFileName, &save ) )
// Add on this file's size to the count
m_nUsedStorageSpace += save.iSize;
// Always ignore autosave dangerous (they're not considered safe until committed)
if ( Q_stristr( save.szShortName, "dangerous" ) )
pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
// If we're ignoring autosaves, skip it here
if ( bIgnoreAutosave )
if ( !Q_stricmp( save.szType, "#GameUI_Autosave" ) )
pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
saveGames.AddToTail( save );
pFileName = g_pFullFileSystem->FindNext( handle );
g_pFullFileSystem->FindClose( handle );
// Sort the save list
SortSaveGames( saveGames.Base(), saveGames.Count() );
// Now add them in order
for ( int i = 0; i < saveGames.Count(); i++ )
CGameSavePanel *savePanel = SETUP_PANEL( new CGameSavePanel( this, &saveGames[i] ) );
savePanel->SetVisible( false );
m_SavePanels.AddToTail( savePanel );
// Notify derived classes that save games are done being scanned
// Always start with the first panel (as we're sorted in a specific order)
SetSelectedSaveIndex( 0 );
// Purpose: Return the currently selected panel
CGameSavePanel *CSaveGameBrowserDialog::GetActivePanel( void )
if ( IsValidPanel( m_iSelectedSave ) == false )
return NULL;
return m_SavePanels[ m_iSelectedSave ];