The problem is that we still trust the client, although now we have a good base to start with; The key difference here is that we don't need to use anymore the cs player animestate client side anymore because server side values are used There are minor bugs like fire effect but they can be fixed
472 lines
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472 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "baseentity.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "ilagcompensationmanager.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "igamemovement.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "player_command.h"
#include "movehelper_server.h"
#include "iservervehicle.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IGameMovement *g_pGameMovement;
extern CMoveData *g_pMoveData; // This is a global because it is subclassed by each game.
extern ConVar sv_noclipduringpause;
ConVar sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning( "sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning", "-1", FCVAR_NONE, "Print a warning when user commands get dropped due to insufficient usrcmd ticks allocated, number of seconds to throttle, negative disabled" );
// Purpose:
CPlayerMove::CPlayerMove( void )
// Purpose: We're about to run this usercmd for the specified player. We can set up groupinfo and masking here, etc.
// This is the time to examine the usercmd for anything extra. This call happens even if think does not.
// Input : *player -
// *cmd -
void CPlayerMove::StartCommand( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *cmd )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::StartCommand" );
#if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
player->m_pCurrentCommand = cmd;
CBaseEntity::SetPredictionRandomSeed( cmd );
CBaseEntity::SetPredictionPlayer( player );
#if defined (HL2_DLL)
// pull out backchannel data and move this out
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cmd->entitygroundcontact.Count(); i++)
int entindex = cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].entindex;
CBaseEntity *pEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance( engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( entindex) );
if (pEntity)
CBaseAnimating *pAnimating = pEntity->GetBaseAnimating();
if (pAnimating)
pAnimating->SetIKGroundContactInfo( cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].minheight, cmd->entitygroundcontact[i].maxheight );
// Purpose: We've finished running a user's command
// Input : *player -
void CPlayerMove::FinishCommand( CBasePlayer *player )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::FinishCommand" );
player->m_pCurrentCommand = NULL;
CBaseEntity::SetPredictionRandomSeed( NULL );
CBaseEntity::SetPredictionPlayer( NULL );
// Purpose: Checks if the player is standing on a moving entity and adjusts velocity and
// basevelocity appropriately
// Input : *player -
// frametime -
void CPlayerMove::CheckMovingGround( CBasePlayer *player, double frametime )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::CheckMovingGround()" );
CBaseEntity *groundentity;
if ( player->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND )
groundentity = player->GetGroundEntity();
if ( groundentity && ( groundentity->GetFlags() & FL_CONVEYOR) )
Vector vecNewVelocity;
groundentity->GetGroundVelocityToApply( vecNewVelocity );
if ( player->GetFlags() & FL_BASEVELOCITY )
vecNewVelocity += player->GetBaseVelocity();
player->SetBaseVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
player->AddFlag( FL_BASEVELOCITY );
if ( !( player->GetFlags() & FL_BASEVELOCITY ) )
// Apply momentum (add in half of the previous frame of velocity first)
player->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( (1.0 + ( frametime * 0.5 )) * player->GetBaseVelocity() );
player->SetBaseVelocity( vec3_origin );
player->RemoveFlag( FL_BASEVELOCITY );
// Purpose: Prepares for running movement
// Input : *player -
// *ucmd -
// *pHelper -
// *move -
// time -
void CPlayerMove::SetupMove( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::SetupMove" );
// Allow sound, etc. to be created by movement code
move->m_bFirstRunOfFunctions = true;
move->m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = false;
if ( player->GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin() != player->GetAbsOrigin() )
move->m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = true;
// Prepare the usercmd fields
move->m_nImpulseCommand = ucmd->impulse;
move->m_vecViewAngles = ucmd->viewangles;
CBaseEntity *pMoveParent = player->GetMoveParent();
if (!pMoveParent)
move->m_vecAbsViewAngles = move->m_vecViewAngles;
matrix3x4_t viewToParent, viewToWorld;
AngleMatrix( move->m_vecViewAngles, viewToParent );
ConcatTransforms( pMoveParent->EntityToWorldTransform(), viewToParent, viewToWorld );
MatrixAngles( viewToWorld, move->m_vecAbsViewAngles );
move->m_nButtons = ucmd->buttons;
// Ingore buttons for movement if at controls
if ( player->GetFlags() & FL_ATCONTROLS )
move->m_flForwardMove = 0;
move->m_flSideMove = 0;
move->m_flUpMove = 0;
move->m_flForwardMove = ucmd->forwardmove;
move->m_flSideMove = ucmd->sidemove;
move->m_flUpMove = ucmd->upmove;
// Prepare remaining fields
move->m_flClientMaxSpeed = player->m_flMaxspeed;
move->m_nOldButtons = player->m_Local.m_nOldButtons;
move->m_vecAngles = player->pl.v_angle;
move->m_vecVelocity = player->GetAbsVelocity();
move->m_nPlayerHandle = player;
move->SetAbsOrigin( player->GetAbsOrigin() );
// Copy constraint information
if ( player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get() )
move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get()->GetAbsOrigin();
move->m_vecConstraintCenter = player->m_vecConstraintCenter;
move->m_flConstraintRadius = player->m_flConstraintRadius;
move->m_flConstraintWidth = player->m_flConstraintWidth;
move->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor = player->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor;
// Purpose: Finishes running movement
// Input : *player -
// *move -
// *ucmd -
// time -
void CPlayerMove::FinishMove( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, CMoveData *move )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::FinishMove" );
// NOTE: Don't copy this. the movement code modifies its local copy but is not expecting to be authoritative
//player->m_flMaxspeed = move->m_flClientMaxSpeed;
player->SetAbsOrigin( move->GetAbsOrigin() );
player->SetAbsVelocity( move->m_vecVelocity );
player->SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin( move->GetAbsOrigin() );
player->m_Local.m_nOldButtons = move->m_nButtons;
// Convert final pitch to body pitch
float pitch = move->m_vecAngles[ PITCH ];
if ( pitch > 180.0f )
pitch -= 360.0f;
pitch = clamp( pitch, -90.f, 90.f );
move->m_vecAngles[ PITCH ] = pitch;
player->SetBodyPitch( pitch );
player->SetLocalAngles( move->m_vecAngles );
// The class had better not have changed during the move!!
if ( player->m_hConstraintEntity )
Assert( move->m_vecConstraintCenter == player->m_hConstraintEntity.Get()->GetAbsOrigin() );
Assert( move->m_vecConstraintCenter == player->m_vecConstraintCenter );
Assert( move->m_flConstraintRadius == player->m_flConstraintRadius );
Assert( move->m_flConstraintWidth == player->m_flConstraintWidth );
Assert( move->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor == player->m_flConstraintSpeedFactor );
// Purpose: Called before player thinks
// Input : *player -
// thinktime -
void CPlayerMove::RunPreThink( CBasePlayer *player )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::RunPreThink" );
// Run think functions on the player
VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->PhysicsRunThink()" );
if ( !player->PhysicsRunThink() )
VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "g_pGameRules->PlayerThink( player )" );
// Called every frame to let game rules do any specific think logic for the player
g_pGameRules->PlayerThink( player );
VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->PreThink()" );
// Purpose: Runs the PLAYER's thinking code if time. There is some play in the exact time the think
// function will be called, because it is called before any movement is done
// in a frame. Not used for pushmove objects, because they must be exact.
// Returns false if the entity removed itself.
// Input : *ent -
// frametime -
// clienttimebase -
// Output : void CPlayerMove::RunThink
void CPlayerMove::RunThink (CBasePlayer *player, double frametime )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::RunThink" );
int thinktick = player->GetNextThinkTick();
if ( thinktick <= 0 || thinktick > player->m_nTickBase )
//gpGlobals->curtime = thinktime;
player->SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK );
// Think
// Purpose: Called after player movement
// Input : *player -
// thinktime -
// frametime -
void CPlayerMove::RunPostThink( CBasePlayer *player )
VPROF( "CPlayerMove::RunPostThink" );
// Run post-think
void CommentarySystem_PePlayerRunCommand( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd );
// Purpose: Runs movement commands for the player
// Input : *player -
// *ucmd -
// *moveHelper -
// Output : void CPlayerMove::RunCommand
void CPlayerMove::RunCommand ( CBasePlayer *player, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper )
const float playerCurTime = player->m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL;
const float playerFrameTime = player->m_bGamePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL;
const float flTimeAllowedForProcessing = player->ConsumeMovementTimeForUserCmdProcessing( playerFrameTime );
if ( !player->IsBot() && ( flTimeAllowedForProcessing < playerFrameTime ) )
// Make sure that the activity in command is erased because player cheated or dropped too many packets
double dblWarningFrequencyThrottle = sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning.GetFloat();
if ( dblWarningFrequencyThrottle >= 0 )
static double s_dblLastWarningTime = 0;
double dblTimeNow = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( !s_dblLastWarningTime || ( dblTimeNow - s_dblLastWarningTime >= dblWarningFrequencyThrottle ) )
s_dblLastWarningTime = dblTimeNow;
Warning( "sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks_warning at server tick %u: Ignored client %s usrcmd (%.6f < %.6f)!\n", gpGlobals->tickcount, player->GetPlayerName(), flTimeAllowedForProcessing, playerFrameTime );
return; // Don't process this command
StartCommand( player, ucmd );
// Set globals appropriately
gpGlobals->curtime = playerCurTime;
gpGlobals->frametime = playerFrameTime;
extern ConVar sv_showhitboxes;
if (sv_showhitboxes.GetInt() >= 0)
lagcompensation->StartLagCompensation( player, player->GetCurrentCommand() );
lagcompensation->FinishLagCompensation( player );
// Prevent hacked clients from sending us invalid view angles to try to get leaf server code to crash
if ( !ucmd->viewangles.IsValid() || !IsEntityQAngleReasonable(ucmd->viewangles) )
ucmd->viewangles = vec3_angle;
// Add and subtract buttons we're forcing on the player
ucmd->buttons |= player->m_afButtonForced;
ucmd->buttons &= ~player->m_afButtonDisabled;
if ( player->m_bGamePaused )
// If no clipping and cheats enabled and noclipduring game enabled, then leave
// forwardmove and angles stuff in usercmd
if ( player->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP &&
sv_cheats->GetBool() &&
sv_noclipduringpause.GetBool() )
gpGlobals->frametime = TICK_INTERVAL;
// TODO: We can check whether the player is sending more commands than elapsed real time
cmdtimeremaining -= ucmd->msec;
if ( cmdtimeremaining < 0 )
// return;
g_pGameMovement->StartTrackPredictionErrors( player );
CommentarySystem_PePlayerRunCommand( player, ucmd );
// Do weapon selection
if ( ucmd->weaponselect != 0 )
CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon = dynamic_cast< CBaseCombatWeapon * >( CBaseEntity::Instance( ucmd->weaponselect ) );
if ( weapon )
VPROF( "player->SelectItem()" );
player->SelectItem( weapon->GetName(), ucmd->weaponsubtype );
IServerVehicle *pVehicle = player->GetVehicle();
// Latch in impulse.
if ( ucmd->impulse )
// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this. The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
if ( !pVehicle || player->UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle() )
player->m_nImpulse = ucmd->impulse;
// Update player input button states
VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "player->UpdateButtonState" );
player->UpdateButtonState( ucmd->buttons );
CheckMovingGround( player, TICK_INTERVAL );
g_pMoveData->m_vecOldAngles = player->pl.v_angle;
// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
if ( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_NONE )
player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
else if( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_RELATIVE )
player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;
// Call standard client pre-think
RunPreThink( player );
// Call Think if one is set
RunThink( player, TICK_INTERVAL );
// Setup input.
SetupMove( player, ucmd, moveHelper, g_pMoveData );
// Let the game do the movement.
if ( !pVehicle )
VPROF( "g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement()" );
Assert( g_pGameMovement );
g_pGameMovement->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
VPROF( "pVehicle->ProcessMovement()" );
pVehicle->ProcessMovement( player, g_pMoveData );
// Copy output
FinishMove( player, ucmd, g_pMoveData );
// Let server invoke any needed impact functions
VPROF_SCOPE_BEGIN( "moveHelper->ProcessImpacts" );
RunPostThink( player );
g_pGameMovement->FinishTrackPredictionErrors( player );
FinishCommand( player );
// Let time pass
if ( gpGlobals->frametime > 0 )