FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

456 lines
15 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
//#include "steamworks_gamestats.h"
const int GAMESTATS_VERSION = 1;
enum StatSendType_t
struct StatsBufferRecord_t
float m_flFrameRate; // fps
float m_flServerPing; // client ping to server
#define STATS_WINDOW_SIZE ( 60 * 10 ) // # of records to hold
#define STATS_RECORD_INTERVAL 1 // # of seconds between data grabs. 2 * 300 = every 10 minutes
class CGameStats;
void UpdatePerfStats( void );
void SetGameStatsHandler( CGameStats *pGameStats );
class CBasePlayer;
class CPropVehicleDriveable;
class CTakeDamageInfo;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
enum GameStatsVersions_t
struct BasicGameStatsRecord_t
BasicGameStatsRecord_t() :
m_nCount( 0 ),
m_nSeconds( 0 ),
m_nCommentary( 0 ),
m_nHDR( 0 ),
m_nCaptions( 0 ),
m_bSteam( true ),
m_bCyberCafe( false ),
m_nDeaths( 0 )
Q_memset( m_nSkill, 0, sizeof( m_nSkill ) );
void Clear();
void SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf );
bool ParseFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, int iBufferStatsVersion );
// Data
int m_nCount;
int m_nSeconds;
int m_nCommentary;
int m_nHDR;
int m_nCaptions;
int m_nSkill[ 3 ];
bool m_bSteam;
bool m_bCyberCafe;
int m_nDeaths;
struct BasicGameStats_t
BasicGameStats_t() :
m_nSecondsToCompleteGame( 0 ),
m_nHL2ChaptureUnlocked( 0 ),
m_bSteam( true ),
m_bCyberCafe( false ),
m_nDXLevel( 0 )
void Clear();
void SaveToBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf );
bool ParseFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer& buf, int iBufferStatsVersion );
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *FindOrAddRecordForMap( char const *mapname );
// Data
int m_nSecondsToCompleteGame; // 0 means they haven't finished playing yet
BasicGameStatsRecord_t m_Summary; // Summary record
CUtlDict< BasicGameStatsRecord_t, unsigned short > m_MapTotals;
bool m_bSteam;
bool m_bCyberCafe;
int m_nHL2ChaptureUnlocked;
int m_nDXLevel;
#endif // GAME_DLL
class CBaseGameStats
// override this to declare what format you want to send. New products should use new format.
virtual bool UseOldFormat()
#ifdef GAME_DLL
return true; // servers by default send old format for backward compat
return false; // clients never used old format so no backward compat issues, they use new format by default
// Implement this if you support new format gamestats.
// Return true if you added data to KeyValues, false if you have no data to report
virtual bool AddDataForSend( KeyValues *pKV, StatSendType_t sendType ) { return false; }
// These methods used for new format gamestats only and control when data gets sent.
virtual bool ShouldSendDataOnLevelShutdown()
// by default, servers send data at every level change and clients don't
#ifdef GAME_DLL
return true;
return false;
virtual bool ShouldSendDataOnAppShutdown()
// by default, clients send data at app shutdown and servers don't
#ifdef GAME_DLL
return false;
return true;
virtual void Event_Init( void );
virtual void Event_Shutdown( void );
virtual void Event_MapChange( const char *szOldMapName, const char *szNewMapName );
virtual void Event_LevelInit( void );
virtual void Event_LevelShutdown( float flElapsed );
virtual void Event_SaveGame( void );
virtual void Event_LoadGame( void );
void CollectData( StatSendType_t sendType );
void SendData();
void StatsLog( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const *fmt, ... );
// This is the first call made, so that we can "subclass" the CBaseGameStats based on gamedir as needed (e.g., ep2 vs. episodic)
virtual CBaseGameStats *OnInit( CBaseGameStats *pCurrentGameStats, char const *gamedir ) { return pCurrentGameStats; }
// Frees up data from gamestats and resets it to a clean state.
virtual void Clear( void );
virtual bool StatTrackingEnabledForMod( void ) { return false; } //Override this to turn on the system. Stat tracking is disabled by default and will always be disabled at the user's request
static bool StatTrackingAllowed( void ); //query whether stat tracking is possible and warranted by the user
virtual bool HaveValidData( void ) { return true; } // whether we currently have an interesting enough data set to upload. Called at upload time; if false, data is not uploaded.
virtual bool ShouldTrackStandardStats( void ) { return true; } //exactly what was tracked for EP1 release
//Get mod specific strings used for tracking, defaults should work fine for most cases
virtual const char *GetStatSaveFileName( void );
virtual const char *GetStatUploadRegistryKeyName( void );
const char *GetUserPseudoUniqueID( void );
virtual bool UserPlayedAllTheMaps( void ) { return false; } //be sure to override this to determine user completion time
virtual void Event_AchievementProgress( int achievementID, const char* achievementName ) {}
#ifdef GAME_DLL
virtual void Event_PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_PlayerConnected( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer );
virtual void Event_PlayerDisconnected( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer );
virtual void Event_PlayerDamage( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_PlayerKilledOther( CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_PlayerSuicide( CBasePlayer* pPlayer ) {}
virtual void Event_Credits();
virtual void Event_Commentary();
virtual void Event_CrateSmashed();
virtual void Event_Punted( CBaseEntity *pObject );
virtual void Event_PlayerTraveled( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, float distanceInInches, bool bInVehicle, bool bSprinting );
virtual void Event_WeaponFired( CBasePlayer *pShooter, bool bPrimary, char const *pchWeaponName );
virtual void Event_WeaponHit( CBasePlayer *pShooter, bool bPrimary, char const *pchWeaponName, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void Event_FlippedVehicle( CBasePlayer *pDriver, CPropVehicleDriveable *pVehicle );
virtual void Event_PreSaveGameLoaded( char const *pSaveName, bool bInGame );
virtual void Event_PlayerEnteredGodMode( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer );
virtual void Event_PlayerEnteredNoClip( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer );
virtual void Event_DecrementPlayerEnteredNoClip( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer );
virtual void Event_IncrementCountedStatistic( const Vector& vecAbsOrigin, char const *pchStatisticName, float flIncrementAmount );
// [dwenger] Functions necessary for cs-specific stats
virtual void Event_WindowShattered( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
//custom data to tack onto existing stats if you're not doing a complete overhaul
virtual void AppendCustomDataToSaveBuffer( CUtlBuffer &SaveBuffer ) { } //custom data you want thrown into the default save and upload path
virtual void LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer ) { }; //when loading the saved stats file, this will point to where you started saving data to the save buffer
virtual void LoadingEvent_PlayerIDDifferentThanLoadedStats( void ); //Only called if you use the base SaveToFileNOW() and LoadFromFile() functions. Used in case you want to keep/invalidate data that was just loaded.
virtual bool LoadFromFile( void ); //called just before Event_Init()
virtual bool SaveToFileNOW( bool bForceSyncWrite = false ); //saves buffers to their respective files now, returns success or failure
virtual bool UploadStatsFileNOW( void ); //uploads data to the CSER now, returns success or failure
static bool AppendLump( int nMaxLumpCount, CUtlBuffer &SaveBuffer, unsigned short iLump, unsigned short iLumpCount, size_t nSize, void *pData );
static bool GetLumpHeader( int nMaxLumpCount, CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer, unsigned short &iLump, unsigned short &iLumpCount, bool bPermissive = false );
static void LoadLump( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer, unsigned short iLumpCount, size_t nSize, void *pData );
//default save behavior is to save on level shutdown, and game shutdown
virtual bool AutoSave_OnInit( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoSave_OnShutdown( void ) { return true; }
virtual bool AutoSave_OnMapChange( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoSave_OnLevelInit( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoSave_OnLevelShutdown( void ) { return true; }
//default upload behavior is to upload on game shutdown
virtual bool AutoUpload_OnInit( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoUpload_OnShutdown( void ) { return true; }
virtual bool AutoUpload_OnMapChange( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoUpload_OnLevelInit( void ) { return false; }
virtual bool AutoUpload_OnLevelShutdown( void ) { return false; }
// Helper for builtin stuff
void SetSteamStatistic( bool bUsingSteam );
void SetCyberCafeStatistic( bool bIsCyberCafeUser );
void SetHDRStatistic( bool bHDREnabled );
void SetCaptionsStatistic( bool bClosedCaptionsEnabled );
void SetSkillStatistic( int iSkillSetting );
void SetDXLevelStatistic( int iDXLevel );
void SetHL2UnlockedChapterStatistic( void );
#endif // GAMEDLL
#ifdef GAME_DLL
BasicGameStats_t m_BasicStats; //exposed in case you do a complete overhaul and still want to save it
bool m_bLogging : 1;
bool m_bLoggingToFile : 1;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Purpose:
// Input : &SaveBuffer -
// iLump -
// iLumpCount -
inline bool CBaseGameStats::AppendLump( int nMaxLumpCount, CUtlBuffer &SaveBuffer, unsigned short iLump, unsigned short iLumpCount, size_t nSize, void *pData )
// Verify the lump index.
Assert( ( iLump > 0 ) && ( iLump < nMaxLumpCount ) );
if ( !( ( iLump > 0 ) && ( iLump < nMaxLumpCount ) ) )
return false;
// Check to see if we have any elements to save.
if ( iLumpCount <= 0 )
return false;
// Write the lump id and element count.
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( iLump );
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( iLumpCount );
size_t nTotalSize = iLumpCount * nSize;
SaveBuffer.Put( pData, nTotalSize );
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : &LoadBuffer -
// &iLump -
// &iLumpCount -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
inline bool CBaseGameStats::GetLumpHeader( int nMaxLumpCount, CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer, unsigned short &iLump, unsigned short &iLumpCount, bool bPermissive /*= false*/ )
// Get the lump id and element count.
iLump = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort();
if ( !LoadBuffer.IsValid() )
// check for EOF
return false;
iLumpCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort();
if ( bPermissive )
return true;
// Verify the lump index.
Assert( ( iLump > 0 ) && ( iLump < nMaxLumpCount ) );
if ( !( ( iLump > 0 ) && ( iLump < nMaxLumpCount ) ) )
return false;
// Check to see if we have any elements to save.
if ( iLumpCount <= 0 )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Loads 1 or more lumps of raw data
// Input : &LoadBuffer - buffer to be read from
// iLumpCount - # of lumps to read
// nSize - size of each lump
// pData - where to store the data
inline void CBaseGameStats::LoadLump( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer, unsigned short iLumpCount, size_t nSize, void *pData )
LoadBuffer.Get( pData, iLumpCount * nSize );
#endif // GAME_DLL
// Moving the extern out of the GAME_DLL block so that the client can access it
extern CBaseGameStats *gamestats; //starts out pointing at a singleton of the class above, overriding this in any constructor should work for replacing it
//used to drive most of the game stat event handlers as well as track basic stats under the hood of CBaseGameStats
class CBaseGameStats_Driver : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame
CBaseGameStats_Driver( void );
typedef CAutoGameSystemPerFrame BaseClass;
// IGameSystem overloads
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// Level init, shutdown
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreClearSteamAPIContext();
virtual void LevelShutdown();
// Called during game save
virtual void OnSave();
// Called during game restore, after the local player has connected and entities have been fully restored
virtual void OnRestore();
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
void PossibleMapChange( void );
void CollectData( StatSendType_t sendType );
void SendData();
void ResetData();
bool AddBaseDataForSend( KeyValues *pKV, StatSendType_t sendType );
StatsBufferRecord_t m_StatsBuffer[STATS_WINDOW_SIZE];
bool m_bBufferFull;
int m_nWriteIndex;
float m_flLastRealTime;
float m_flLastSampleTime;
float m_flTotalTimeInLevels;
int m_iNumLevels;
bool m_bDidVoiceChat; // Did the player use voice chat at ALL this map?
template<class T> T AverageStat( T StatsBufferRecord_t::*field ) const
T sum = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < STATS_WINDOW_SIZE; i++ )
sum += m_StatsBuffer[i].*field;
return sum / STATS_WINDOW_SIZE;
template<class T> T MaxStat( T StatsBufferRecord_t::*field ) const
T maxsofar = -16000000;
for( int i = 0; i < STATS_WINDOW_SIZE; i++ )
maxsofar = MAX( maxsofar, m_StatsBuffer[i].*field );
return maxsofar;
template<class T> T MinStat( T StatsBufferRecord_t::*field ) const
T minsofar = 16000000;
for( int i = 0; i < STATS_WINDOW_SIZE; i++ )
minsofar = MIN( minsofar, m_StatsBuffer[i].*field );
return minsofar;
inline void AdvanceIndex( void )
if ( m_nWriteIndex == STATS_WINDOW_SIZE )
m_nWriteIndex = 0;
m_bBufferFull = true;
void UpdatePerfStats( void );
CUtlString m_PrevMapName; //used to track "OnMapChange" events
int m_iLoadedVersion;
char m_szLoadedUserID[ 17 ]; // GUID
bool m_bEnabled; //false if incapable of uploading or the user doesn't want to enable stat tracking
bool m_bShuttingDown;
bool m_bInLevel;
bool m_bFirstLevel;
time_t m_tLastUpload;
float m_flLevelStartTime;
bool m_bStationary;
float m_flLastMovementTime;
CUserCmd m_LastUserCmd;
bool m_bGamePaused;
float m_flPauseStartTime;
CGamestatsData *m_pGamestatsData;
#endif // GAMESTATS_H