FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

398 lines
12 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef DISPINFO_H
#define DISPINFO_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <assert.h>
#include "idispinfo.h"
#include "bspfile.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
#include "dispnode.h"
#include "builddisp.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "disp_helpers.h"
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
#include "dlight.h"
#include "utllinkedlist.h"
#include "zone.h"
struct model_t;
class IMesh;
class CMeshBuilder;
struct ShadowInfo_t;
class CDecalNodeSetupCache;
class CDispInfo : public IDispInfo, public CDispUtilsHelper
// IDispInfo overrides.
virtual ~CDispInfo();
virtual void GetIntersectingSurfaces( GetIntersectingSurfaces_Struct *pStruct );
virtual void RenderWireframeInLightmapPage( int pageId );
virtual void GetBoundingBox( Vector& bbMin, Vector& bbMax );
virtual void SetParent( SurfaceHandle_t surfID );
virtual SurfaceHandle_t GetParent(); // returns surfID
// add the dlights on this surface to the lightmap buffer for updload
virtual void AddDynamicLights( dlight_t *pLights, unsigned int lightMask );
// compute which dlights affect this surface
virtual unsigned int ComputeDynamicLightMask( dlight_t *pLights );
virtual DispDecalHandle_t NotifyAddDecal( decal_t *pDecal, float flSize );
virtual void NotifyRemoveDecal( DispDecalHandle_t h );
virtual DispShadowHandle_t AddShadowDecal( ShadowHandle_t shadowHandle );
virtual void RemoveShadowDecal( DispShadowHandle_t handle );
// Compute shadow fragments for a particular shadow
virtual bool ComputeShadowFragments( DispShadowHandle_t h, int& vertexCount, int& indexCount );
virtual bool GetTag();
virtual void SetTag();
// Construction/Decontruction
// Used for indexing displacements.
CDispInfo* GetDispByIndex( int index ) { return index == 0xFFFF ? 0 : &m_pDispArray->m_pDispInfos[index]; }
// Get this displacement's index into the main array.
int GetDispIndex() { return this - m_pDispArray->m_pDispInfos; }
// Flags
void SetTouched( bool bTouched );
bool IsTouched( void );
// Rendering.
void ClearLOD();
void DrawDispAxes();
bool Render( CGroupMesh *pGroup, bool bAllowDebugModes );
// Add in the contribution of a dynamic light.
void AddSingleDynamicLight( dlight_t& dl );
void AddSingleDynamicLightBumped( dlight_t& dl );
// Add in the contribution of a dynamic alpha light.
void AddSingleDynamicAlphaLight( dlight_t& dl );
// Cast a ray against this surface
bool TestRay( Ray_t const& ray, float start, float end, float& dist,
Vector2D* lightmapUV, Vector2D* texureUV );
// CDispUtilsHelper implementation.
virtual const CPowerInfo* GetPowerInfo() const;
virtual CDispNeighbor* GetEdgeNeighbor( int index );
virtual CDispCornerNeighbors* GetCornerNeighbors( int index );
virtual CDispUtilsHelper* GetDispUtilsByIndex( int index );
// Initialization functions.
// These are used to mess with indices.
int VertIndex( int x, int y ) const;
int VertIndex( CVertIndex const &vert ) const;
CVertIndex IndexToVert( int index ) const;
// Helpers to test decal intersection bit on decals.
void SetNodeIntersectsDecal( CDispDecal *pDispDecal, CVertIndex const &nodeIndex );
int GetNodeIntersectsDecal( CDispDecal *pDispDecal, CVertIndex const &nodeIndex );
// Copy data from a ddispinfo_t.
void CopyMapDispData( const ddispinfo_t *pBuildDisp );
// This is called from CreateStaticBuffers_All after the CCoreDispInfo is fully
// initialized. It just copies the data that it needs.
bool CopyCoreDispData(
model_t *pWorld,
const MaterialSystem_SortInfo_t *pSortInfos,
const CCoreDispInfo *pInfo,
bool bRestoring );
// called by CopyCoreDispData, just copies the vert data
void CopyCoreDispVertData( const CCoreDispInfo *pInfo, float bumpSTexCoordOffset );
// Checks the SURFDRAW_BUMPLIGHT flag and returns NUM_BUMP_VECTS+1 if it's set
// and 1 if not.
int NumLightMaps();
// This calculates the vertex's position on the base surface.
// (Same result as CCoreDisp::GetFlatVert).
Vector GetFlatVert( int iVertex );
// Rendering functions.
// Set m_BBoxMin and m_BBoxMax. Uses g_TempDispVerts and assumes m_LODs have been validated.
void UpdateBoundingBox();
// Number of verts per side.
int GetSideLength() const;
// Return the total number of vertices.
int NumVerts() const;
// Figure out the vector's projection in the decal's space.
void DecalProjectVert( Vector const &vPos, CDispDecalBase *pDispDecal, ShadowInfo_t const* pInfo, Vector &out );
void CullDecals(
int iNodeBit,
CDispDecal **decals,
int nDecals,
CDispDecal **childDecals,
int &nChildDecals );
void TesselateDisplacement();
// Pass all the mesh data in to the material system.
void SpecifyDynamicMesh();
void SpecifyWalkableDynamicMesh( void );
void SpecifyBuildableDynamicMesh( void );
// Clear all active verts except the corner verts.
void InitializeActiveVerts();
// Returns a particular vertex
CDispRenderVert* GetVertex( int i );
// Methods to compute lightmap coordinates, texture coordinates,
// and lightmap color based on displacement u,v
void ComputeLightmapAndTextureCoordinate( RayDispOutput_t const& output,
Vector2D* luv, Vector2D* tuv );
// This little beastie generate decal fragments
void GenerateDecalFragments( CVertIndex const &nodeIndex,
int iNodeBitIndex, unsigned short decalHandle, CDispDecalBase *pDispDecal );
// Two functions for adding decals
void TestAddDecalTri( int iIndexStart, unsigned short decalHandle, CDispDecal *pDispDecal );
void TestAddDecalTri( int iIndexStart, unsigned short decalHandle, CDispShadowDecal *pDispDecal );
// Allocates fragments...
CDispDecalFragment* AllocateDispDecalFragment( DispDecalHandle_t h, int nVerts = 6);
// Clears decal fragment lists
void ClearDecalFragments( DispDecalHandle_t h );
void ClearAllDecalFragments();
// Allocates fragments...
CDispShadowFragment* AllocateShadowDecalFragment( DispShadowHandle_t h, int nCount );
// Clears shadow decal fragment lists
void ClearShadowDecalFragments( DispShadowHandle_t h );
void ClearAllShadowDecalFragments();
// Used by GenerateDecalFragments
void GenerateDecalFragments_R( CVertIndex const &nodeIndex,
int iNodeBitIndex, unsigned short decalHandle, CDispDecalBase *pDispDecal, int iLevel );
// Used to create a bitfield to help cull decal tests
void SetupDecalNodeIntersect( CVertIndex const &nodeIndex, int iNodeBitIndex,
CDispDecalBase *pDispDecal, ShadowInfo_t const* pInfo );
// Used by SetupDecalNodeIntersect
bool SetupDecalNodeIntersect_R( CVertIndex const &nodeIndex, int iNodeBitIndex,
CDispDecalBase *pDispDecal, ShadowInfo_t const* pInfo, int iLevel, CDecalNodeSetupCache* pCache );
// Vertex/index data access.
// bounding box
Vector m_BBoxMin;
Vector m_BBoxMax;
int m_nIndices; // The actual # of indices being used (it can be less than m_Indices.Count() if
// our LOD is reducing the triangle count).
int m_iIndexOffset;
// Used to get material..
CGroupMesh *m_pMesh;
int m_iVertOffset;
float m_BumpSTexCoordOffset;
// This can be used to access the vertex data in a platform-independent way.
// XBOX will get them directly out of the static vertex buffer.
// PC gets them out of CDispRenderVerts.
CMeshReader m_MeshReader;
// List of all indices in the displacement in the current tesselation.
// These indices are straight into the static buffer (ie: they're not relative
// to m_iVertOffset).
CUtlVector<unsigned short> m_Indices;
CUtlVector<CDispRenderVert, CHunkMemory<CDispRenderVert> > m_Verts; // vectors that define the surface (size is NumVerts()).
// These bits tell which vertices and nodes are currently active.
// These start out the same as m_ErrorVerts but have verts added if
// a neighbor needs to activate some verts.
CBitVec<CCoreDispInfo::MAX_VERT_COUNT> m_ActiveVerts;
// These are set to 1 if the vert is allowed to become active.
// This is what takes care of different-sized neighbors.
CBitVec<CCoreDispInfo::MAX_VERT_COUNT> m_AllowedVerts;
int m_idLMPage; // lightmap page id
SurfaceHandle_t m_ParentSurfID; // parent surfaceID
int m_iPointStart; // starting point (orientation) on base face
int m_iLightmapAlphaStart;
int m_Contents; // surface contents
bool m_bTouched; // touched flag
int m_fSurfProp; // surface properties flag - bump-mapping, etc.
int m_Power; // surface size (sides are 2^n+1).
unsigned short *m_pTags; // property tags
// Position and texcoordinates at the four corner points
Vector m_BaseSurfacePositions[4];
Vector2D m_BaseSurfaceTexCoords[4];
// Precalculated data for displacements of this size.
const CPowerInfo *m_pPowerInfo;
// Neighbor info for each side, indexed by NEIGHBOREDGE_ enums.
// First 4 are edge neighbors, the rest are corners.
CDispNeighbor m_EdgeNeighbors[4];
CDispCornerNeighbors m_CornerNeighbors[4];
// Copied from the ddispinfo. Speciifes where in g_DispLightmapSamplePositions the (compressed)
// lightmap sample positions start.
int m_iLightmapSamplePositionStart;
// The current triangulation for visualizing tag data.
int m_nWalkIndexCount;
unsigned short *m_pWalkIndices;
int m_nBuildIndexCount;
unsigned short *m_pBuildIndices;
// This here's a bunch of per-node information
DispNodeInfo_t *m_pNodeInfo;
// Where the viewer was when we last tesselated.
// When the viewer moves out of the sphere, UpdateLOD is called.
Vector m_ViewerSphereCenter;
// Used to make sure it doesn't activate verts in the wrong dispinfos.
bool m_bInUse;
// Decals + Shadow decals
DispDecalHandle_t m_FirstDecal;
DispShadowHandle_t m_FirstShadowDecal;
unsigned short m_Index; // helps in debugging
// Current tag value.
unsigned short m_Tag;
CDispArray *m_pDispArray;
extern int g_nDispTris;
extern CCycleCount g_DispRenderTime;
extern bool DispInfoRenderDebugModes();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CDispInfo functions.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
inline int CDispInfo::GetSideLength() const
return m_pPowerInfo->m_SideLength;
inline int CDispInfo::NumVerts() const
Assert( m_Verts.Count() == m_pPowerInfo->m_MaxVerts );
return m_pPowerInfo->m_MaxVerts;
// Returns a particular vertex
inline CDispRenderVert* CDispInfo::GetVertex( int i )
Assert( i < NumVerts() );
return &m_Verts[i];
inline void CDispInfo::SetTouched( bool bTouched )
m_bTouched = bTouched;
inline bool CDispInfo::IsTouched( void )
return m_bTouched;
inline int CDispInfo::VertIndex( int x, int y ) const
Assert( x >= 0 && x < GetSideLength() && y >= 0 && y < GetSideLength() );
return y * GetSideLength() + x;
inline int CDispInfo::VertIndex( CVertIndex const &vert ) const
Assert( vert.x >= 0 && vert.x < GetSideLength() && vert.y >= 0 && vert.y < GetSideLength() );
return vert.y * GetSideLength() + vert.x;
void DispInfo_BatchDecals( CDispInfo **pVisibleDisps, int nVisibleDisps );
void DispInfo_DrawDecals( CDispInfo **pVisibleDisps, int nVisibleDisps );
#endif // DISPINFO_H