FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

870 lines
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//====== Copyright ©, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Holds the CMsgBase_t class
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier1/tsmultimempool.h"
#include "gclogger.h"
#include "gcconstants.h"
#include "refcount.h"
namespace GCSDK
class CNetPacket;
// used for message types in GCSDK where we don't have the actual enum
typedef uint32 MsgType_t;
const uint32 k_EMsgProtoBufFlag = 0x80000000;
//extern ConVar g_ConVarMsgErrorDump;
extern CThreadSafeMultiMemoryPool g_MemPoolMsg;
enum EMsgFormatType
k_EMsgFormatTypeStruct = 0,
k_EMsgFormatTypeClientStruct = 1,
k_EMsgFormatTypeClientStructDeprecated = 2,
k_EMsgFormatTypeProtocolBuffer = 3
// Interface that the CNetPacket wrappers for both old/new inter-server
// message formats must implement.
class IMsgNetPacket : public CRefCount
virtual EMsgFormatType GetEMsgFormatType() const = 0;
virtual CNetPacket *GetCNetPacket() const = 0;
virtual uint8 *PubData() const = 0;
virtual uint CubData() const = 0;
// Inter-server or client messages in both old/new formats
virtual MsgType_t GetEMsg() const = 0;
virtual JobID_t GetSourceJobID() const = 0;
virtual JobID_t GetTargetJobID() const = 0;
virtual void SetTargetJobID( JobID_t ulJobID ) = 0;
// Client messages only in the old format, optional in any msg in the new format
virtual CSteamID GetSteamID() const = 0;
virtual void SetSteamID( CSteamID steamID ) = 0;
// Inter-gc messages only
virtual AppId_t GetSourceAppID() const = 0;
virtual void SetSourceAppID( AppId_t appId ) = 0;
// The name of the job type to route this message to. ProtoBuf messages only
virtual bool BHasTargetJobName() const = 0;
virtual const char *GetTargetJobName() const = 0;
// Needed due to CRefCount inheritance which makes this not a pure interface class
virtual ~IMsgNetPacket() {}
IMsgNetPacket *IMsgNetPacketFromCNetPacket( CNetPacket *pNetPacket );
// Wrapper around IMsgNetPacket which auto-releases
class CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease
CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease( CNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { m_pMsgNetPacket = IMsgNetPacketFromCNetPacket( pNetPacket ); }
~CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease() { SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMsgNetPacket ); }
void Replace( CNetPacket *pNetPacket, bool bIsClientMsg ) { SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMsgNetPacket ); m_pMsgNetPacket = IMsgNetPacketFromCNetPacket( pNetPacket ); }
IMsgNetPacket *Get() { return m_pMsgNetPacket; }
IMsgNetPacket *operator->() { return m_pMsgNetPacket; }
void operator=( const CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease &that ) { AssertMsg( false, "Not safe to copy since releases references on destruction" ); }
CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease( const CIMsgNetPacketAutoRelease &that ) { AssertMsg( false, "Not safe to copy since releases references on destruction" ); }
IMsgNetPacket *m_pMsgNetPacket;
// Purpose: Helper class for incoming and outgoing network packets.
// IMPORTANT: Note the distinction between pubData and cubData
// (which refer to the message payload), and pubMsg and cubMsg
// (which refer to the entire message, with the header).
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
class CMsgBase_t
// Send constructor
CMsgBase_t( uint32 cubStruct, uint32 cubReserve = 0 );
// copies data from pubPkt
CMsgBase_t( const uint8 *pubPkt, uint32 cubPkt );
// Receive constructor - aliases pubPkt
CMsgBase_t( uint32 cubHdr, uint32 cubStruct, uint8 *pubPkt, uint32 cubPkt/*, HCONNECTION hConnection = NULL*/ );
// set packet after using empty constructor
void SetPacket( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket );
// Destructor
virtual ~CMsgBase_t();
// Accessors
uint8 *PubVarData() { return ( m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct ); }
const uint8 *PubVarData() const { return ( m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct ); }
uint32 CubVarData() const
if ( m_cubPkt >= ( m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct ) )
return m_cubPkt - m_cubMsgHdr - m_cubStruct;
return 0;
uint8 *PubPkt() { return m_pubPkt; }
const uint8 *PubPkt() const { return m_pubPkt; }
uint32 CubPkt() const { return m_cubPkt; }
MSG_HEADER_TYPE &Hdr() { return * ( MSG_HEADER_TYPE * ) ( m_pubPkt ); }
const MSG_HEADER_TYPE &Hdr() const { return * ( MSG_HEADER_TYPE * ) ( m_pubPkt ); }
uint32 CubHdr() const { return m_cubMsgHdr; }
uint8* PubBody() { return m_pubBody; }
const uint8* PubBody() const { return m_pubBody; }
uint32 CubBody() const { return CubPkt() - CubHdr(); }
// Add additional data
int DubWriteCur() { return m_cubPkt - m_cubMsgHdr - m_cubStruct; } // Our current offset within the var data block
void AddBoolData( bool bData );
void AddUint8Data( uint8 ubData );
void AddUintData( uint32 unData );
void AddIntData( int32 nData );
void AddInt16Data( int16 sData );
void AddUint16Data( uint16 usData );
void AddUint64Data( uint64 ulData );
void AddInt64Data( int64 lData );
void AddFloatData( float lData );
void AddVariableLenData( const void *pvData, uint cubLen );
void AddStrData( const char *pchIn );
template<typename T> void AddStructure(T& structure ) ;
// Read variable-length data (can also read manually using PubVarData(), CubVarData()
void ResetReadPtr() { m_pubVarRead = PubVarData(); }
uint8 *PubReadCur() { return m_pubVarRead; }
const uint8 *PubReadCur() const { return m_pubVarRead; }
uint32 CubReadRemaining() const { return (uint32)(m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt - m_pubVarRead); }
void AdvanceReadPtr( int cubSkip ) { m_pubVarRead += cubSkip; }
bool BReadBoolData( bool *pbData );
bool BReadUint8Data( uint8 *pbData );
bool BReadUintData( uint32 *punData );
bool BReadIntData( int32 *pnData );
bool BReadInt16Data( int16 *psData );
bool BReadUint16Data( uint16 *pusData );
bool BReadUint64Data( uint64 *pulData );
bool BReadInt64Data( int64 *plData );
bool BReadFloatData( float *pflData );
bool BReadVariableLenData( void *pvBuff, uint32 cubRead );
bool BReadStr( char *pchBuff, int cchBuff );
bool BReadStr( CUtlString *pstr );
template<typename T> bool BReadStructure(T& structure) ;
// returns pointer to data (and size of data in out ptr), and NULLs out own pointer;
// caller now owns this memory and must free
uint8 * DetachPkt( int * pcubPkt )
Assert( pcubPkt );
*pcubPkt = m_cubPkt;
uint8 * pRetVal = m_pubPkt;
m_pubPkt = NULL;
m_pubBody = NULL;
m_cubPkt = 0;
return pRetVal;
void ResetWritePtr()
m_cubPkt = m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct;
uint32 GetWriteOffset() const { return m_cubPkt; }
void SetWriteOffset( uint32 nWriteOffset ) { m_cubPkt = nWriteOffset; }
// Called to set the JobID that will be expecting
// a reply to this message.
void ExpectingReply( JobID_t jobIDSource )
Hdr().m_JobIDSource = jobIDSource;
bool BIsExpectingReply() const { return Hdr().m_JobIDSource != k_GIDNil; }
// make sure the buffer can hold this extra amount of data
void EnsurePacketSize( uint32 cubNewsize );
//HCONNECTION GetHConnection() const { return m_hConnection; }
void ReportBufferOverflow();
void PacketDump(); // spews complete packet content to console
// Shared by send & receive
uint8 *m_pubPkt; // Raw packet data
uint8 *m_pubBody; // pointer to body; always equal to m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr
uint32 m_cubPkt; // Raw packet size
const uint32 m_cubMsgHdr; // Size of our message header
uint32 m_cubStruct; // Size of our message-specific struct
//HCONNECTION m_hConnection; // Connection on which we received the message
// stop people from hurting themselves
CMsgBase_t( const CMsgBase_t &rhs ) {};
CMsgBase_t &operator=( const CMsgBase_t &rhs ) {};
bool m_bAlloced; // Did we allocate this buffer or does someone else own it
// Receive only
uint8 *m_pubVarRead; // Our current read pointer in the variable-length data
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::CMsgBase_t( uint32 cubStruct, uint32 cubReserve )
: m_cubMsgHdr( sizeof( MSG_HEADER_TYPE ) )
m_cubStruct = cubStruct;
// Alloc a buffer
m_cubPkt = m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct;
m_pubPkt = (uint8 *) g_MemPoolMsg.Alloc( m_cubPkt + cubReserve );
m_pubBody = m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr;
memset(m_pubPkt, 0, m_cubPkt );
m_bAlloced = true;
m_pubVarRead = NULL;
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::CMsgBase_t( const uint8 *pubPkt, uint32 cubPkt )
: m_cubMsgHdr( 0 )
m_cubStruct = 0;
// Alloc a buffer
m_cubPkt = cubPkt;
m_pubPkt = (uint8 *) g_MemPoolMsg.Alloc( m_cubPkt );
m_pubBody = m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr;
Q_memcpy(m_pubPkt, pubPkt, cubPkt );
m_bAlloced = true;
m_pubVarRead = NULL;
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::CMsgBase_t( uint32 cubHdr, uint32 cubStruct, uint8 *pubPkt, uint32 cubPkt )
: m_cubMsgHdr( cubHdr )
Assert( cubHdr != 0 );
Assert( !cubPkt || ( cubPkt >= ( cubHdr + cubStruct ) ) );
m_cubStruct = cubStruct;
m_pubPkt = pubPkt;
m_pubBody = m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr;
m_cubPkt = cubPkt;
m_bAlloced = false;
m_pubVarRead = PubVarData();
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
// if we allocated memory, free it
if ( m_bAlloced && m_pubPkt )
g_MemPoolMsg.Free( m_pubPkt );
// Purpose: ensure the packet can contain at least this much extra data
// Input: cubExtraSize - the amount of bytes to have room for
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::SetPacket( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket )
m_pubPkt = pNetPacket->PubData();
m_pubBody = m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr;
m_cubPkt = pNetPacket->CubData();
Assert( !m_cubPkt || ( m_cubPkt >= ( m_cubMsgHdr + m_cubStruct ) ) );
m_bAlloced = false;
m_pubVarRead = PubVarData();
// Purpose: ensure the packet can contain at least this much extra data
// Input: cubExtraSize - the amount of bytes to have room for
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::EnsurePacketSize( uint32 cubExtraSize )
m_pubPkt = (uint8 *) g_MemPoolMsg.ReAlloc( m_pubPkt, m_cubPkt + cubExtraSize );
m_pubBody = m_pubPkt + m_cubMsgHdr;
// Purpose: Appends a bool to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: bData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddBoolData( bool ubData )
return AddUint8Data( static_cast< uint8 >( ubData ) );
// Purpose: Appends a uint8 to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: ubData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddUint8Data( uint8 ubData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( uint8 ) );
*( ( uint8 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = ubData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( uint8 );
// Purpose: Appends a uint to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: unData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddUintData( uint32 unData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( uint32 ) );
*( ( uint32 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = unData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( uint32 );
// Purpose: Appends an int to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: nData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddIntData( int32 nData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( int32 ) );
*( ( int32 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = nData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( int32 );
// Purpose: Appends an int16 to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: nData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddInt16Data( int16 sData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( int16 ) );
*( ( int16 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = sData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( int16 );
// Purpose: Appends an int16 to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: nData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddUint16Data( uint16 usData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( uint16 ) );
*( ( uint16 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = usData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( uint16 );
// Purpose: Appends a uint64 to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: ulData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddUint64Data( uint64 ulData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( uint64 ) );
*( ( uint64 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = ulData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( uint64 );
// Purpose: Appends an int64 to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: lData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddInt64Data( int64 lData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( int64 ) );
*( ( int64 * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = lData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( int64 );
// Purpose: Appends variable length data to this message. (Can be called
// repeatedly to append multiple data blocks.)
// Input: pvData - pointer to data to append
// cubData - size of data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddVariableLenData( const void *pvData, uint cubLen )
if ( cubLen > 0 )
EnsurePacketSize( cubLen );
memcpy( ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ), pvData, cubLen );
m_cubPkt += cubLen;
// Purpose: Appends a float to the variable length data associated with this message
// Input: nData - data to append
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddFloatData( float flData )
EnsurePacketSize( sizeof( float ) );
*( ( float * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ) ) = flData;
m_cubPkt += sizeof( float );
// Purpose: Appends a string to the variable-length portion of this message.
// Input: pchIn - String to append to the message
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddStrData( const char *pchIn )
if ( !pchIn )
Assert( pchIn ); // passing a null string here is a code bug
int cchIn = Q_strlen( pchIn );
EnsurePacketSize( cchIn + 1 );
Q_strncpy( ( char * ) ( m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt ), pchIn, cchIn + 1 );
m_cubPkt += ( cchIn + 1 );
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
template <typename T>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::AddStructure( T& structure )
EnsurePacketSize(sizeof(structure)) ;
*( reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_pubPkt+m_cubPkt)) = structure ;
m_cubPkt += sizeof(structure) ;
// Purpose: Read a bool from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pbData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadBoolData( bool *pbData )
return BReadUint8Data( ( uint8* ) pbData );
// Purpose: Read a uint8 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pbData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadUint8Data( uint8 *pbData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( uint8 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*pbData = * ( ( uint8 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( uint8 );
return true;
// Purpose: Read a uint32 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: punData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadUintData( uint32 *punData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( uint32 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*punData = * ( ( uint32 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( uint32 );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads an int32 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pnData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadIntData( int32 *pnData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( int32 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*pnData = * ( ( int32 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( int32 );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads an int16 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pnData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadInt16Data( int16 *psData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( int16 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*psData = * ( ( int16 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( int16 );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads an uint16 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pnData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadUint16Data( uint16 *pusData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( uint16 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*pusData = * ( ( uint16 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( uint16 );
return true;
// Purpose: Read a uint64 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pulData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadUint64Data( uint64 *pulData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( uint64 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*pulData = * ( ( uint64 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( uint64 );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads an int64 from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: plData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadInt64Data( int64 *plData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( int64 ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*plData = * ( ( int64 * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( int64 );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads a float from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pflData - [return] The value we read goes here
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadFloatData( float *pflData )
if ( m_pubVarRead + sizeof( float ) > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
*pflData = * ( ( float * ) m_pubVarRead );
m_pubVarRead += sizeof( float );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads a block of data from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pvBuff - [return] Buffer to copy the data into
// cubRead - Amount of data to read
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadVariableLenData( void *pvBuff, uint32 cubRead )
if ( m_pubVarRead + cubRead > m_pubPkt + m_cubPkt )
return false;
Q_memcpy( pvBuff, m_pubVarRead, cubRead );
m_pubVarRead += cubRead;
return true;
// Purpose: Reads a string from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pchBuff - [return] Buffer to copy the string into
// cchBuff - Size of the buffer
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadStr( char *pchBuff, int cchBuff )
int cchRead = 0;
int cchLeft = CubReadRemaining(); // get bytes left in message
// search for string end in rest of message
while ( cchRead < cchLeft )
// if we hit the 0, stop
if ( *(m_pubVarRead+cchRead) == 0 )
cchRead++; // add the 0
// check if string fits into buffer and was found within packet bounds
if ( ( cchRead > cchBuff ) || (cchRead > cchLeft) )
// at least return an empty string since most code doesn't check the return value
if ( cchBuff > 0 )
pchBuff[0] = 0;
return false;
// copy the string to output buffer
Q_memcpy( pchBuff, m_pubVarRead, cchRead );
m_pubVarRead += ( cchRead * sizeof( char ) );
return true;
// Purpose: Reads a string from the variable-length part of the message
// Input: pchString - [return] copied string
// Output: true if we were able to read, false if we overran the buffer
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadStr( CUtlString *pstr )
if ( pstr == NULL )
return false;
int cchRead = 0;
int cchLeft = CubReadRemaining(); // get bytes left in message
// search for string end in rest of message
while ( cchRead < cchLeft )
// if we hit the 0, stop
if ( *(m_pubVarRead+cchRead) == 0 )
cchRead++; // add the 0
// check if string was found within packet bounds
if ( cchRead > cchLeft )
return false;
// copy the string
*pstr = (const char*)m_pubVarRead;
m_pubVarRead += ( cchRead * sizeof( char ) );
return true;
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
template <typename T>
bool CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::BReadStructure( T& structure )
int cbLeft = CubReadRemaining() ;
if( cbLeft >= sizeof(structure))
structure = *( reinterpret_cast<T*>(m_pubVarRead)) ;
m_pubVarRead += sizeof(structure) ;
return true ;
return false ;
template <typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::PacketDump()
//if ( !g_ConVarMsgErrorDump.GetBool() )
// return;
EmitInfo( SPEW_NETWORK, SPEW_NEVER, LOG_ALWAYS, "Packet dump: raw size %u, header size %u, body size %u, var size %u\n", m_cubPkt, m_cubMsgHdr, m_cubStruct, CubVarData() );
EmitInfo( SPEW_NETWORK, SPEW_NEVER, LOG_ALWAYS, "Header dump: %s\n", Hdr().GetHeaderDescription().String() );
EmitInfo( SPEW_NETWORK, SPEW_NEVER, LOG_ALWAYS, "Struct dump: %u bytes\n", m_cubStruct );
char szLine[100] = "";
char szText[32] = "";
for ( uint i=0; i<m_cubStruct; i++ )
byte nValue = PubBody()[i];
uint nIndex = i%16;
Q_snprintf( szLine+3*nIndex, 8, "%02X ", nValue );
if ( nValue > 31 && nValue != '%' )
szText[nIndex] = nValue;
szText[nIndex] = '.';
if ( nIndex == 15 || i==(m_cubStruct-1))
szText[nIndex+1] = '\n';
szText[nIndex+2] = 0;
Q_strcat( szLine, "; ", sizeof(szLine) );
Q_strcat( szLine, szText, sizeof(szLine) );
uint cubVarData = MIN( CubVarData(), 1024u );
EmitInfo( SPEW_NETWORK, SPEW_NEVER, LOG_ALWAYS, "VarData dump: %u bytes\n", cubVarData );
for ( uint i=0; i<cubVarData; i++ )
byte nValue = PubVarData()[i];
uint nIndex = i%16;
Q_snprintf( szLine+3*nIndex, 8, "%02X ", nValue );
if ( nValue > 31 && nValue != '%' )
szText[nIndex] = nValue;
szText[nIndex] = '.';
if ( nIndex == 15 || i==(cubVarData-1))
szText[nIndex+1] = '\n';
szText[nIndex+2] = 0;
Q_strcat( szLine, " ; ", sizeof(szLine) );
Q_strcat( szLine, szText, sizeof(szLine) );
template<typename MSG_HEADER_TYPE>
void CMsgBase_t<MSG_HEADER_TYPE>::ReportBufferOverflow()
EmitWarning( SPEW_NETWORK, SPEW_ALWAYS, "Read buffer overflowed on incoming %s packet\n", Hdr().PchMsgName( ) );
} // namespace GCSDK
#endif // GCMSGBASE_H