FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

153 lines
4 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "hud_minimap.h"
#include "TeamBitmapImage.h"
#include "vgui_bitmapimage.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
// FIXME: Need to put the team color somewhere...
// Get the team color...
extern int g_TeamColor[3][3];
// A base minimap panel meant to be attached to an entity.
// NOTE: paint() will never be called unless the entity is currently valid
class C_BaseEntity;
class CMinimapTracePanel : public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_GAMEROOT( CMinimapTracePanel, vgui::Panel );
CMinimapTracePanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName );
virtual ~CMinimapTracePanel();
bool Init( KeyValues* pKeyValues, MinimapInitData_t* pMinimapData );
// Causes the minimap panel to not be visible
void SetTraceVisibility( bool bVisible );
// called when we're ticked...
virtual void OnTick( void );
// Can be overridden; it's called once a frame and returns true if the
// object is visible to the minimap or not. X and Y are the position of the
// entity in minimap space
virtual bool ComputeVisibility( );
// Computes a panel alpha based on zoom level...
float ComputePanelAlpha();
// Called by derived classes before drawing to determine if the entity is visible.
// Also sets the vgui surface color based on the team.
bool BeginRender( CMinimapPanel* pPanel, float &x, float &y, int &team ) { return false; }
// Computes the entity position in minimap panel coordinates
bool GetEntityPosition( float &x, float &y );
// Sets the position of the trace in world space
void SetPosition( const Vector &vecPosition );
// Entity accessors
C_BaseEntity* GetEntity();
void SetEntity( C_BaseEntity* pEntity );
// Bitmap positional offset
int m_OffsetX;
int m_OffsetY;
int m_SizeW;
int m_SizeH;
// Indicates we should clip to the map
bool m_bClipToMap;
bool m_bCanScale;
// Indicates if we're faded out when zoomed in
bool m_bVisibleWhenZoomedIn;
// Indicates we should always draw, even if we're off the map
bool m_bClampToMap;
// Are we invisible because the entity wants us invisible?
bool m_bVisible;
// This is the entity to which we're attached
C_BaseEntity *m_pEntity;
// This is the location of the panel in world space
Vector m_vecPosition;
// lifetime of the minimap panel
float m_flDeletionTime;
// A standard minimap panel that displays a bitmap
class CMinimapTraceBitmapPanel : public CMinimapTracePanel
DECLARE_CLASS( CMinimapTraceBitmapPanel, CMinimapTracePanel );
CMinimapTraceBitmapPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass ( parent, panelName )
// Sets the bitmap and size
virtual bool Init( KeyValues* pKeyValues, MinimapInitData_t* pInitData );
// Performs the rendering...
virtual void Paint();
BitmapImage m_Image;
// A standard minimap panel that displays a bitmap based on entity team
class CMinimapTraceTeamBitmapPanel : public CMinimapTracePanel
DECLARE_CLASS( CMinimapTraceTeamBitmapPanel, CMinimapTracePanel );
CMinimapTraceTeamBitmapPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName )
: BaseClass ( parent, panelName )
// Sets the bitmap and size
virtual bool Init( KeyValues* pKeyValues, MinimapInitData_t* pInitData );
// Performs the rendering...
virtual void Paint();
CTeamBitmapImage m_TeamImage;