FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

274 lines
7.3 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "replay/replaytime.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include <time.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
: m_fDate( 0 ),
m_fTime( 0 )
void CReplayTime::InitDateAndTimeToNow()
tm now;
VCRHook_LocalTime( &now );
SetDate( now.tm_mday, now.tm_mon + 1, now.tm_year + 1900 );
SetTime( now.tm_hour, now.tm_min, now.tm_sec );
void CReplayTime::SetDate( int nDay, int nMonth, int nYear )
Assert( nDay >= 1 && nDay <= 31 );
Assert( nMonth >= 1 && nMonth <= 12 );
Assert( nYear >= 2009 && nYear <= 2136 );
m_fDate = nDay - 1;
m_fDate |= ( ( nMonth - 1 ) << 5 );
m_fDate |= ( ( nYear - 2009 ) << 9 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
int nDbgDay, nDbgMonth, nDbgYear;
GetDate( nDbgDay, nDbgMonth, nDbgYear );
Assert( nDay == nDbgDay );
Assert( nMonth == nDbgMonth );
Assert( nYear == nDbgYear );
void CReplayTime::GetDate( int &nDay, int &nMonth, int &nYear ) const
nDay = 1 + ( m_fDate & 0x1F ); // Bits 0-4 for day
nMonth = 1 + ( ( m_fDate >> 5 ) & 0x0F ); // Bits 5-8 for month
nYear = 2009 + ( ( m_fDate >> 9 ) & 0x7F ); // Bits 9-15 for year
Assert( nDay >= 1 && nDay <= 31 );
Assert( nMonth >= 1 && nMonth <= 12 );
Assert( nYear >= 2009 && nYear <= 2136 );
void CReplayTime::SetTime( int nHour, int nMin, int nSec )
Assert( nHour >= 0 && nHour <= 23 );
Assert( nMin >= 0 && nMin <= 59 );
Assert( nSec >= 0 && nSec <= 59 );
m_fTime = nHour;
m_fTime |= ( ( nMin ) << 5 );
m_fTime |= ( ( nSec ) << 11 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
int nDbgHour, nDbgMin, nDbgSec;
GetTime( nDbgHour, nDbgMin, nDbgSec );
Assert( nHour == nDbgHour );
Assert( nMin == nDbgMin );
Assert( nSec == nDbgSec );
void CReplayTime::GetTime( int &nHour, int &nMin, int &nSec ) const
nHour = m_fTime & 0x1F; // Bits 0-4 for hour
nMin = ( m_fTime >> 5 ) & 0x3F; // Bits 5-10 for min
nSec = ( m_fTime >> 11 ) & 0x3F; // Bits 11-16 for sec
Assert( nHour >= 0 && nHour <= 23 );
Assert( nMin >= 0 && nMin <= 59 );
Assert( nSec >= 0 && nSec <= 59 );
void CReplayTime::Read( KeyValues *pIn )
m_fDate = pIn->GetInt( "date" );
m_fTime = pIn->GetInt( "time" );
void CReplayTime::Write( KeyValues *pOut )
pOut->SetInt( "date", m_fDate );
pOut->SetInt( "time", m_fTime );
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedMonth( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, int nMonth )
char szMonthKey[32]; // Get localized month
V_snprintf( szMonthKey, sizeof( szMonthKey ), "#Month_%i", nMonth );
wchar_t *pResult = pLocalize->Find( szMonthKey );
return pResult ? pResult : L"";
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedDay( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, int nDay )
char szDay[8]; // Convert day to wide
static wchar_t s_wDay[8];
V_snprintf( szDay, sizeof( szDay ), "%i", nDay );
pLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szDay, s_wDay, sizeof( s_wDay ) );
return s_wDay;
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedYear( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, int nYear )
char szYear[8]; // Convert year to wide
static wchar_t s_wYear[8];
V_snprintf( szYear, sizeof( szYear ), "%i", nYear );
pLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szYear, s_wYear, sizeof( s_wYear ) );
return s_wYear;
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedTime( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, int nHour, int nMin, int nSec )
char szTime[16]; // Convert time to wide
static wchar_t s_wTime[16];
V_snprintf( szTime, sizeof( szTime ), "%i:%02i %s", nHour % 12, nMin, nHour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM" );
pLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szTime, s_wTime, sizeof( s_wTime ) );
return s_wTime;
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedDate( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, const CReplayTime &t,
bool bForceFullFormat/*=false*/ )
int nHour, nMin, nSec;
int nDay, nMonth, nYear;
t.GetTime( nHour, nMin, nSec );
t.GetDate( nDay, nMonth, nYear );
return GetLocalizedDate( pLocalize, nDay, nMonth, nYear, &nHour, &nMin, &nSec, bForceFullFormat );
/*static*/ const wchar_t *CReplayTime::GetLocalizedDate( vgui::ILocalize *pLocalize, int nDay, int nMonth, int nYear,
int *pHour/*=NULL*/, int *pMin/*=NULL*/, int *pSec/*=NULL*/,
bool bForceFullFormat/*=false*/ )
static wchar_t s_wBuf[256];
// Is this collection for replays from today?
time_t today;
time( &today );
tm *pNowTime = localtime( &today );
bool bToday = ( pNowTime->tm_mday == nDay ) && ( pNowTime->tm_mon + 1 == nMonth ) && ( 1900 + pNowTime->tm_year == nYear );
// Yesterday?
time_t yesterday = today - time_t( 86400 );
tm *pYesterdayTime = localtime( &yesterday );
bool bYesterday = ( pYesterdayTime->tm_mday == nDay ) && ( pYesterdayTime->tm_mon + 1 == nMonth ) && ( 1900 + pYesterdayTime->tm_year == nYear );
const wchar_t *pMonth = GetLocalizedMonth( pLocalize, nMonth );
const wchar_t *pDay = GetLocalizedDay( pLocalize, nDay );
const wchar_t *pYear = GetLocalizedYear( pLocalize, nYear );
const wchar_t *pToday = pLocalize->Find( "#Replay_Today" );
const wchar_t *pYesterday = pLocalize->Find( "#Replay_Yesterday" );
bool bTime = pHour && pMin && pSec;
// Include time in formatted string?
if ( bTime )
const wchar_t *pTime = GetLocalizedTime( pLocalize, *pHour, *pMin, *pSec );
if ( bForceFullFormat || ( !bToday && !bYesterday ) )
sizeof( s_wBuf ),
pLocalize->Find( "#Replay_DateAndTime" ),
pMonth, pDay, pYear, pTime
sizeof( s_wBuf ),
pLocalize->Find( "#Replay_SingleWordDateAndTime" ),
bToday ? pToday : pYesterday,
if ( !bToday && !bYesterday )
sizeof( s_wBuf ),
pLocalize->Find( "#Replay_Date" ),
pMonth, pDay, pYear
V_wcsncpy( s_wBuf, bToday ? pToday : pYesterday, sizeof( s_wBuf ) );
return s_wBuf;
/*static*/ const char *CReplayTime::FormatTimeString( int nSecs )
static int nWhichStr = 0;
static const int nNumStrings = 2;
static const int nStrLen = 32;
static char s_szResult[nNumStrings][nStrLen];
char *pResult = s_szResult[ nWhichStr ];
int nSeconds = nSecs % 60;
int nMins = nSecs / 60;
int nHours = nMins / 60;
nMins %= 60;
if ( nHours > 0 )
V_snprintf( pResult, nStrLen, "%i:%02i:%02i", nHours, nMins, nSeconds );
V_snprintf( pResult, nStrLen, "%02i:%02i", nMins, nSeconds );
nWhichStr = ( nWhichStr + 1 ) % nNumStrings;
return pResult;
/*static*/ const char *CReplayTime::FormatPreciseTimeString( float flSecs )
static int nWhichStr = 0;
static const int nNumStrings = 2;
static const int nStrLen = 32;
static char s_szResult[nNumStrings][nStrLen];
char *pResult = s_szResult[ nWhichStr ];
int nSecs = (int)flSecs;
int nMins = ( nSecs % 3600 ) / 60;
int nSeconds = nSecs % 60;
int nMilliseconds = (flSecs - (float)nSecs) * 10.0f;
V_snprintf( pResult, nStrLen, "%02i:%02i:%02i", nMins, nSeconds, nMilliseconds );
nWhichStr = ( nWhichStr + 1 ) % nNumStrings;
return pResult;