FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

693 lines
18 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Builds/merges the BSP tree of detail brushes
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "detail.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include <assert.h>
face_t *NewFaceFromFace (face_t *f);
face_t *ComputeVisibleBrushSides( bspbrush_t *list );
// Purpose: Copies a face and its winding
// Input : *pFace -
// Output : face_t
face_t *CopyFace( face_t *pFace )
face_t *f = NewFaceFromFace( pFace );
f->w = CopyWinding( pFace->w );
return f;
// Purpose: Link this brush into the list for this leaf
// Input : *node -
// *brush -
void AddBrushToLeaf( node_t *node, bspbrush_t *brush )
brush->next = node->brushlist;
node->brushlist = brush;
// Purpose: Recursively filter a brush through the tree
// Input : *node -
// *brush -
void MergeBrush_r( node_t *node, bspbrush_t *brush )
if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
if ( node->contents & CONTENTS_SOLID )
FreeBrush( brush );
AddBrushToLeaf( node, brush );
bspbrush_t *front, *back;
SplitBrush( brush, node->planenum, &front, &back );
FreeBrush( brush );
if ( front )
MergeBrush_r( node->children[0], front );
if ( back )
MergeBrush_r( node->children[1], back );
// Purpose: Recursively filter a face into the tree leaving references to the
// original face in any visible leaves that a clipped fragment falls
// into.
// Input : *node - current head of tree
// *face - clipped face fragment
// *original - unclipped original face
// Output : Returns true if any references were left
bool MergeFace_r( node_t *node, face_t *face, face_t *original )
bool referenced = false;
if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF )
if ( node->contents & CONTENTS_SOLID )
FreeFace( face );
return false;
leafface_t *plist = new leafface_t;
plist->pFace = original;
plist->pNext = node->leaffacelist;
node->leaffacelist = plist;
referenced = true;
// UNDONE: Don't copy the faces each time unless it's necessary!?!?!
plane_t *plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[node->planenum];
winding_t *frontwinding, *backwinding, *onwinding;
Vector offset;
WindingCenter( face->w, offset );
// UNDONE: Export epsilon from original face clipping code
ClassifyWindingEpsilon_Offset(face->w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0.001, &frontwinding, &backwinding, &onwinding, -offset);
if ( onwinding )
// face is in the split plane, go down the appropriate side according to the facing direction
assert( frontwinding == NULL );
assert( backwinding == NULL );
if ( DotProduct( g_MainMap->mapplanes[face->planenum].normal, g_MainMap->mapplanes[node->planenum].normal ) > 0 )
frontwinding = onwinding;
backwinding = onwinding;
if ( frontwinding )
face_t *tmp = NewFaceFromFace( face );
tmp->w = frontwinding;
referenced = MergeFace_r( node->children[0], tmp, original );
if ( backwinding )
face_t *tmp = NewFaceFromFace( face );
tmp->w = backwinding;
bool test = MergeFace_r( node->children[1], tmp, original );
referenced = referenced || test;
FreeFace( face );
return referenced;
// Purpose: Loop through each face and filter it into the tree
// Input : *out -
// *pFaces -
face_t *FilterFacesIntoTree( tree_t *out, face_t *pFaces )
face_t *pLeafFaceList = NULL;
for ( face_t *f = pFaces; f; f = f->next )
if( f->merged || f->split[0] || f->split[1] )
face_t *tmp = CopyFace( f );
face_t *original = CopyFace( f );
if ( MergeFace_r( out->headnode, tmp, original ) )
// clear out portal (comes from a different tree)
original->portal = NULL;
original->next = pLeafFaceList;
pLeafFaceList = original;
FreeFace( original );
return pLeafFaceList;
// Purpose: Splits the face list into faces from the same plane and tries to merge
// them if possible
// Input : **pFaceList -
void TryMergeFaceList( face_t **pFaceList )
face_t **pPlaneList = NULL;
// divide the list into buckets by plane number
pPlaneList = new face_t *[g_MainMap->nummapplanes];
memset( pPlaneList, 0, sizeof(face_t *) * g_MainMap->nummapplanes );
face_t *pFaces = *pFaceList;
face_t *pOutput = NULL;
while ( pFaces )
face_t *next = pFaces->next;
// go ahead and delete the old split/merged faces
if ( pFaces->merged || pFaces->split[0] || pFaces->split[1] )
Error("Split face in merge list!");
// add to the list for this plane
pFaces->next = pPlaneList[pFaces->planenum];
pPlaneList[pFaces->planenum] = pFaces;
pFaces = next;
// now merge each plane's list of faces
int merged = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < g_MainMap->nummapplanes; i++ )
if ( pPlaneList[i] )
MergeFaceList( &pPlaneList[i] );
// move these over to the output face list
face_t *list = pPlaneList[i];
while ( list )
face_t *next = list->next;
if ( list->merged )
list->next = pOutput;
pOutput = list;
list = next;
if ( merged )
Msg("\nMerged %d detail faces...", merged );
delete[] pPlaneList;
*pFaceList = pOutput;
// Purpose: filter each brush in the list into the tree
// Input : *out -
// *brushes -
void FilterBrushesIntoTree( tree_t *out, bspbrush_t *brushes )
// Merge all of the brushes into the world tree
for ( bspbrush_t *plist = brushes; plist; plist = plist->next )
MergeBrush_r( out->headnode, CopyBrush(plist) );
// Purpose: Build faces for the detail brushes and merge them into the BSP
// Input : *worldtree -
// brush_start -
// brush_end -
face_t *MergeDetailTree( tree_t *worldtree, int brush_start, int brush_end )
int start;
bspbrush_t *detailbrushes = NULL;
face_t *pFaces = NULL;
face_t *pLeafFaceList = NULL;
// Grab the list of detail brushes
detailbrushes = MakeBspBrushList (brush_start, brush_end, g_MainMap->map_mins, g_MainMap->map_maxs, ONLY_DETAIL );
if (detailbrushes)
start = Plat_FloatTime();
Msg("Chop Details...");
// if there are detail brushes, chop them against each other
if (!nocsg)
detailbrushes = ChopBrushes (detailbrushes);
Msg("done (%d)\n", (int)(Plat_FloatTime() - start) );
// Now mark the visible sides so we can eliminate all detail brush sides
// that are covered by other detail brush sides
// NOTE: This still leaves detail brush sides that are covered by the world. (these are removed in the merge operation)
Msg("Find Visible Detail Sides...");
pFaces = ComputeVisibleBrushSides( detailbrushes );
TryMergeFaceList( &pFaces );
SubdivideFaceList( &pFaces );
Msg("done (%d)\n", (int)(Plat_FloatTime() - start) );
start = Plat_FloatTime();
Msg("Merging details...");
// Merge the detail solids and faces into the world tree
// Merge all of the faces into the world tree
pLeafFaceList = FilterFacesIntoTree( worldtree, pFaces );
FilterBrushesIntoTree( worldtree, detailbrushes );
FreeFaceList( pFaces );
Msg("done (%d)\n", (int)(Plat_FloatTime() - start) );
return pLeafFaceList;
// Purpose: Quick overlap test for brushes
// Input : *p1 -
// *p2 -
// Output : Returns false if the brushes cannot intersect
bool BrushBoxOverlap( bspbrush_t *p1, bspbrush_t *p2 )
if ( p1 == p2 )
return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( p1->mins[i] > p2->maxs[i] || p1->maxs[i] < p2->mins[i] )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : *pFace - input face to test
// *pbrush - brush to clip face against
// **pOutputList - list of faces clipped from pFace
// Output : Returns true if the brush completely clips the face
// NOTE: This assumes the brushes have already been chopped so that no solid space
// is enclosed by more than one brush!!
bool ClipFaceToBrush( face_t *pFace, bspbrush_t *pbrush, face_t **pOutputList )
int planenum = pFace->planenum & (~1);
int foundSide = -1;
CUtlVector<int> sortedSides;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < pbrush->numsides && foundSide < 0; i++ )
int bplane = pbrush->sides[i].planenum & (~1);
if ( bplane == planenum )
foundSide = i;
Vector offset = -0.5f * (pbrush->maxs + pbrush->mins);
face_t *currentface = CopyFace( pFace );
if ( foundSide >= 0 )
for ( i = 0; i < pbrush->numsides; i++ )
// don't clip to bevels
if ( pbrush->sides[i].bevel )
if ( g_MainMap->mapplanes[pbrush->sides[i].planenum].type <= PLANE_Z )
sortedSides.AddToHead( i );
sortedSides.AddToTail( i );
for ( i = 0; i < sortedSides.Size(); i++ )
int index = sortedSides[i];
if ( index == foundSide )
plane_t *plane = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[pbrush->sides[index].planenum];
winding_t *frontwinding, *backwinding;
ClipWindingEpsilon_Offset(currentface->w, plane->normal, plane->dist, 0.001, &frontwinding, &backwinding, offset);
// only clip if some part of this face is on the back side of all brush sides
if ( !backwinding || WindingIsTiny(backwinding))
FreeFaceList( *pOutputList );
*pOutputList = NULL;
if ( frontwinding && !WindingIsTiny(frontwinding) )
// add this fragment to the return list
// make a face for the fragment
face_t *f = NewFaceFromFace( pFace );
f->w = frontwinding;
// link the fragment in
f->next = *pOutputList;
*pOutputList = f;
// update the current winding to be the part behind each plane
FreeWinding( currentface->w );
currentface->w = backwinding;
// free the bit that is left in solid or not clipped (if we broke out early)
FreeFace( currentface );
// if we made it all the way through and didn't produce any fragments then the whole face was clipped away
if ( !*pOutputList && i == sortedSides.Size() )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Given an original side and chopped winding, make a face_t
// Input : *side - side of the original brush
// *winding - winding for this face (portion of the side)
// Output : face_t
face_t *MakeBrushFace( side_t *originalSide, winding_t *winding )
face_t *f = AllocFace();
f->merged = NULL;
f->split[0] = f->split[1] = NULL;
f->w = CopyWinding( winding );
f->originalface = originalSide;
// save material info
f->texinfo = originalSide->texinfo;
f->dispinfo = -1;
// save plane info
f->planenum = originalSide->planenum;
f->contents = originalSide->contents;
return f;
// Purpose: Chop away sides that are inside other brushes.
// Brushes have already been chopped up so that they do not overlap,
// they merely touch.
// Input : *list - list of brushes
// Output : face_t * - list of visible faces (some marked bad/split)
// assumes brushes were chopped!
side_t *FindOriginalSide( mapbrush_t *mb, side_t *pBspSide )
side_t *bestside = NULL;
float bestdot = 0;
plane_t *p1 = g_MainMap->mapplanes + pBspSide->planenum;
for (int i=0 ; i<mb->numsides ; i++)
side_t *side = &mb->original_sides[i];
if (side->bevel)
if (side->texinfo == TEXINFO_NODE)
continue; // non-visible
if ((side->planenum&~1) == (pBspSide->planenum&~1))
{ // exact match
return mb->original_sides + i;
// see how close the match is
plane_t *p2 = &g_MainMap->mapplanes[side->planenum&~1];
float dot = DotProduct (p1->normal, p2->normal);
if (dot > bestdot)
bestdot = dot;
bestside = side;
if ( !bestside )
Error( "Bad detail brush side\n" );
return bestside;
// Get a list of brushes from pBrushList that could cut faces on the source brush
int GetListOfCutBrushes( CUtlVector<bspbrush_t *> &out, bspbrush_t *pSourceBrush, bspbrush_t *pBrushList )
mapbrush_t *mb = pSourceBrush->original;
for ( bspbrush_t *walk = pBrushList; walk; walk = walk->next )
if ( walk == pSourceBrush )
// only clip to transparent brushes if the original brush is transparent
if ( walk->original->contents & TRANSPARENT_CONTENTS )
if ( !(mb->contents & TRANSPARENT_CONTENTS) )
// don't clip to clip brushes, etc.
if ( !(walk->original->contents & ALL_VISIBLE_CONTENTS) )
// brushes overlap, test faces
if ( !BrushBoxOverlap( pSourceBrush, walk ) )
out.AddToTail( walk );
return out.Count();
// Count the number of real (unsplit) faces in the list
static int CountFaceList( face_t *f )
int count = 0;
for ( ; f; f = f->next )
if ( f->split[0] )
return count;
// Clips f to a list of potential cutting brushes
// If f clips into new faces, returns the list of new faces in pOutputList
static void ClipFaceToBrushList( face_t *f, const CUtlVector<bspbrush_t *> &cutBrushes, face_t **pOutputList )
*pOutputList = NULL;
if ( f->split[0] )
face_t *pClipList = CopyFace( f );
pClipList->next = NULL;
bool clipped = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < cutBrushes.Count(); i++ )
bspbrush_t *cut = cutBrushes[i];
for ( face_t *pCutFace = pClipList; pCutFace; pCutFace = pCutFace->next )
face_t *pClip = NULL;
// already split, no need to clip
if ( pCutFace->split[0] )
if ( ClipFaceToBrush( pCutFace, cut, &pClip ) )
clipped = true;
// mark face bad, the brush clipped it away
pCutFace->split[0] = pCutFace;
else if ( pClip )
clipped = true;
// mark this face as split
pCutFace->split[0] = pCutFace;
// insert face fragments at head of list (UNDONE: reverses order, do we care?)
while ( pClip )
face_t *next = pClip->next;
pClip->next = pClipList;
pClipList = pClip;
pClip = next;
if ( clipped )
*pOutputList = pClipList;
// didn't do any clipping, go ahead and free the copy of the face here.
FreeFaceList( pClipList );
// Compute a list of faces that are visible on the detail brush sides
face_t *ComputeVisibleBrushSides( bspbrush_t *list )
face_t *pTotalFaces = NULL;
CUtlVector<bspbrush_t *> cutBrushes;
// Go through the whole brush list
for ( bspbrush_t *pbrush = list; pbrush; pbrush = pbrush->next )
face_t *pFaces = NULL;
mapbrush_t *mb = pbrush->original;
if ( !(mb->contents & ALL_VISIBLE_CONTENTS) )
// Make a face for each brush side, then clip it by the other
// details to see if any fragments are visible
for ( int i = 0; i < pbrush->numsides; i++ )
winding_t *winding = pbrush->sides[i].winding;
if ( !winding )
if (! (pbrush->sides[i].contents & ALL_VISIBLE_CONTENTS) )
side_t *side = FindOriginalSide( mb, pbrush->sides + i );
face_t *f = MakeBrushFace( side, winding );
// link to head of face list
f->next = pFaces;
pFaces = f;
// Make a list of brushes that can cut the face list for this brush
if ( GetListOfCutBrushes( cutBrushes, pbrush, list ) )
// now cut each face to find visible fragments
for ( face_t *f = pFaces; f; f = f->next )
// this will be a new list of faces that this face cuts into
face_t *pClip = NULL;
ClipFaceToBrushList( f, cutBrushes, &pClip );
if ( pClip )
int outCount = CountFaceList(pClip);
// it cut into more faces (or it was completely cut away)
if ( outCount <= 1 )
// was removed or cut down, mark as split
f->split[0] = f;
// insert face fragments at head of list (UNDONE: reverses order, do we care?)
while ( pClip )
face_t *next = pClip->next;
pClip->next = pFaces;
pFaces = pClip;
pClip = next;
// it cut into more than one visible fragment
// Don't fragment details
// UNDONE: Build 2d convex hull of this list and swap face winding
// with that polygon? That would fix the remaining issues.
FreeFaceList( pClip );
pClip = NULL;
// move visible fragments to global face list
while ( pFaces )
face_t *next = pFaces->next;
if ( pFaces->split[0] )
FreeFace( pFaces );
pFaces->next = pTotalFaces;
pTotalFaces = pFaces;
pFaces = next;
return pTotalFaces;