FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

462 lines
15 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "vgui_controls/Panel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PHandle.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageDialog.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/CommandBuffer.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
class CMatchmakingBasePanel;
class CBackgroundMenuButton;
class CGameMenu;
class CAsyncCtxOnDeviceAttached;
// X360TBD: Move into a separate module when finished
class CMessageDialogHandler
void ShowMessageDialog( int nType, vgui::Panel *pOwner );
void CloseMessageDialog( const uint nType = 0 );
void CloseAllMessageDialogs();
void CreateMessageDialog( const uint nType, const char *pTitle, const char *pMsg, const char *pCmdA, const char *pCmdB, vgui::Panel *pCreator, bool bShowActivity = false );
void ActivateMessageDialog( int nStackIdx );
void PositionDialogs( int wide, int tall );
void PositionDialog( vgui::PHandle dlg, int wide, int tall );
static const int MAX_MESSAGE_DIALOGS = 3;
vgui::DHANDLE< CMessageDialog > m_hMessageDialogs[MAX_MESSAGE_DIALOGS];
int m_iDialogStackTop;
// Purpose: Panel that acts as background for button icons and help text in the UI
class CFooterPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CFooterPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
CFooterPanel( Panel *parent, const char *panelName );
virtual ~CFooterPanel();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData );
virtual void Paint( void );
virtual void PaintBackground( void );
// caller tags the current hint, used to assist in ownership
void SetHelpNameAndReset( const char *pName );
const char *GetHelpName();
void AddButtonsFromMap( vgui::Frame *pMenu );
void SetStandardDialogButtons();
void AddNewButtonLabel( const char *text, const char *icon );
void ShowButtonLabel( const char *name, bool show = true );
void SetButtonText( const char *buttonName, const char *text );
void ClearButtons();
void SetButtonGap( int nButtonGap ){ m_nButtonGap = nButtonGap; }
void UseDefaultButtonGap(){ m_nButtonGap = m_nButtonGapDefault; }
struct ButtonLabel_t
bool bVisible;
char name[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t text[MAX_PATH];
wchar_t icon[2]; // icon is a single character
CUtlVector< ButtonLabel_t* > m_ButtonLabels;
vgui::Label *m_pSizingLabel; // used to measure font sizes
bool m_bPaintBackground; // fill the background?
bool m_bCenterHorizontal; // center buttons horizontally?
int m_ButtonPinRight; // if not centered, this is the distance from the right margin that we use to start drawing buttons (right to left)
int m_nButtonGap; // space between buttons when drawing
int m_nButtonGapDefault; // space between buttons (initial value)
int m_FooterTall; // height of the footer
int m_ButtonOffsetFromTop; // how far below the top the buttons should be drawn
int m_ButtonSeparator; // space between the button icon and text
int m_TextAdjust; // extra adjustment for the text (vertically)...text is centered on the button icon and then this value is applied
char m_szTextFont[64]; // font for the button text
char m_szButtonFont[64]; // font for the button icon
char m_szFGColor[64]; // foreground color (text)
char m_szBGColor[64]; // background color (fill color)
vgui::HFont m_hButtonFont;
vgui::HFont m_hTextFont;
char *m_pHelpName;
// Purpose: EditablePanel that can replace the GameMenuButtons in CBasePanel
class CMainMenuGameLogo : public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CMainMenuGameLogo, vgui::EditablePanel );
CMainMenuGameLogo( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name );
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
int GetOffsetX(){ return m_nOffsetX; }
int GetOffsetY(){ return m_nOffsetY; }
int m_nOffsetX;
int m_nOffsetY;
// Purpose: Transparent menu item designed to sit on the background ingame
class CGameMenuItem : public vgui::MenuItem
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CGameMenuItem, vgui::MenuItem );
CGameMenuItem(vgui::Menu *parent, const char *name);
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
virtual void PaintBackground( void );
void SetRightAlignedText( bool state );
bool m_bRightAligned;
// Purpose: This is the panel at the top of the panel hierarchy for GameUI
// It handles all the menus, background images, and loading dialogs
class CBasePanel : public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CBasePanel, vgui::Panel );
virtual ~CBasePanel();
// Implementation of async jobs
// An async job is enqueued by calling "ExecuteAsync" with the proper job context.
// Job's function "ExecuteAsync" is called on a separate thread.
// After the job finishes the "Completed" function is called on the
// main thread.
class CAsyncJobContext
CAsyncJobContext( float flLeastExecuteTime = 0.0f ) : m_flLeastExecuteTime( flLeastExecuteTime ), m_hThreadHandle( NULL ) {}
virtual ~CAsyncJobContext() {}
virtual void ExecuteAsync() = 0; // Executed on the secondary thread
virtual void Completed() = 0; // Executed on the main thread
void * volatile m_hThreadHandle; // Handle to an async job thread waiting for
float m_flLeastExecuteTime; // Least amount of time this job should keep executing
CAsyncJobContext *m_pAsyncJob;
void ExecuteAsync( CAsyncJobContext *pAsync );
// notifications
void OnLevelLoadingStarted();
void OnLevelLoadingFinished();
// update the taskbar a frame
void RunFrame();
// fades to black then runs an engine command (usually to start a level)
void FadeToBlackAndRunEngineCommand( const char *engineCommand );
// sets the blinking state of a menu item
void SetMenuItemBlinkingState( const char *itemName, bool state );
// handles gameUI being shown
void OnGameUIActivated();
// game dialogs
void OnOpenNewGameDialog( const char *chapter = NULL );
void OnOpenBonusMapsDialog();
void OnOpenLoadGameDialog();
void OnOpenLoadGameDialog_Xbox();
void OnOpenSaveGameDialog();
void OnOpenSaveGameDialog_Xbox();
void OnOpenServerBrowser();
void OnOpenFriendsDialog();
void OnOpenDemoDialog();
void OnOpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog();
void OnOpenQuitConfirmationDialog();
void OnOpenDisconnectConfirmationDialog();
void OnOpenChangeGameDialog();
void OnOpenPlayerListDialog();
void OnOpenBenchmarkDialog();
void OnOpenOptionsDialog();
void OnOpenOptionsDialog_Xbox();
void OnOpenLoadCommentaryDialog();
void OpenLoadSingleplayerCommentaryDialog();
void OnOpenAchievementsDialog();
// [dwenger] Specific code for CS Achievements Display
// $TODO(HPE): Move this to a game-specific location
void OnOpenCSAchievementsDialog();
void OnOpenAchievementsDialog_Xbox();
void OnOpenControllerDialog();
// Xbox 360
CMatchmakingBasePanel* GetMatchmakingBasePanel();
void OnOpenMatchmakingBasePanel();
void SessionNotification( const int notification, const int param = 0 );
void SystemNotification( const int notification );
void ShowMessageDialog( const uint nType, vgui::Panel *pParent = NULL );
void CloseMessageDialog( const uint nType );
void UpdatePlayerInfo( uint64 nPlayerId, const char *pName, int nTeam, byte cVoiceState, int nPlayersNeeded, bool bHost );
void SessionSearchResult( int searchIdx, void *pHostData, XSESSION_SEARCHRESULT *pResult, int ping );
void OnChangeStorageDevice();
bool ValidateStorageDevice();
bool ValidateStorageDevice( int *pStorageDeviceValidated );
void OnCreditsFinished();
KeyValues *GetConsoleControlSettings( void );
// forces any changed options dialog settings to be applied immediately, if it's open
void ApplyOptionsDialogSettings();
vgui::AnimationController *GetAnimationController( void ) { return m_pConsoleAnimationController; }
void RunCloseAnimation( const char *animName );
void RunAnimationWithCallback( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *animName, KeyValues *msgFunc );
void PositionDialog( vgui::PHandle dlg );
virtual void OnSizeChanged( int newWide, int newTall );
void ArmFirstMenuItem( void );
void OnGameUIHidden();
void CloseBaseDialogs( void );
bool IsWaitingForConsoleUI( void ) { return m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle || m_bWaitingForUserSignIn || m_bXUIVisible; }
#if defined( _X360 )
CON_COMMAND_MEMBER_F( CBasePanel, "gameui_reload_resources", Reload_Resources, "Reload the Xbox 360 UI res files", 0 );
int GetMenuAlpha( void );
void SetMainMenuOverride( vgui::VPANEL panel );
virtual void PaintBackground();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
// FIXME: This should probably become a friend relationship between the classes
bool HandleSignInRequest( const char *command );
bool HandleStorageDeviceRequest( const char *command );
void ClearPostPromptCommand( const char *pCompletedCommand );
enum EBackgroundState
BACKGROUND_EXITING, // Console has started an exiting state, cannot be stopped
void SetBackgroundRenderState(EBackgroundState state);
friend class CAsyncCtxOnDeviceAttached;
void OnDeviceAttached( void );
void OnCompletedAsyncDeviceAttached( CAsyncCtxOnDeviceAttached *job );
void IssuePostPromptCommand( void );
void UpdateBackgroundState();
// sets the menu alpha [0..255]
void SetMenuAlpha(int alpha);
// menu manipulation
void CreatePlatformMenu();
void CreateGameMenu();
void CreateGameLogo();
void CheckBonusBlinkState();
void UpdateGameMenus();
CGameMenu *RecursiveLoadGameMenu(KeyValues *datafile);
void StartExitingProcess();
bool IsPromptableCommand( const char *command );
bool CommandRequiresSignIn( const char *command );
bool CommandRequiresStorageDevice( const char *command );
bool CommandRespectsSignInDenied( const char *command );
void QueueCommand( const char *pCommand );
void RunQueuedCommands();
void ClearQueuedCommands();
virtual void OnCommand(const char *command);
virtual void PerformLayout();
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnActivateModule, "ActivateModule", moduleIndex);
void UpdateRichPresenceInfo();
// menu logo
CMainMenuGameLogo *m_pGameLogo;
// menu buttons
CUtlVector< CBackgroundMenuButton * >m_pGameMenuButtons;
CGameMenu *m_pGameMenu;
bool m_bPlatformMenuInitialized;
int m_iGameMenuInset;
vgui::VPANEL m_hMainMenuOverridePanel;
struct coord {
int x;
int y;
CUtlVector< coord > m_iGameTitlePos;
coord m_iGameMenuPos;
// base dialogs
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hNewGameDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hBonusMapsDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hLoadGameDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hLoadGameDialog_Xbox;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hSaveGameDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hSaveGameDialog_Xbox;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::PropertyDialog> m_hOptionsDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hOptionsDialog_Xbox;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hCreateMultiplayerGameDialog;
//vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hDemoPlayerDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hChangeGameDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hPlayerListDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hBenchmarkDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hLoadCommentaryDialog;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hAchievementsDialog;
// Xbox 360
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hMatchmakingBasePanel;
vgui::DHANDLE<vgui::Frame> m_hControllerDialog;
EBackgroundState m_eBackgroundState;
CMessageDialogHandler m_MessageDialogHandler;
CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_CommandQueue;
vgui::AnimationController *m_pConsoleAnimationController;
KeyValues *m_pConsoleControlSettings;
void DrawBackgroundImage();
int m_iBackgroundImageID;
int m_iRenderTargetImageID;
int m_iLoadingImageID;
int m_iProductImageID;
bool m_bLevelLoading;
bool m_bEverActivated;
bool m_bCopyFrameBuffer;
bool m_bUseRenderTargetImage;
int m_ExitingFrameCount;
bool m_bXUIVisible;
bool m_bUseMatchmaking;
bool m_bRestartFromInvite;
bool m_bRestartSameGame;
// Used for internal state dealing with blades
bool m_bUserRefusedSignIn;
bool m_bUserRefusedStorageDevice;
bool m_bWaitingForUserSignIn;
bool m_bStorageBladeShown;
CUtlString m_strPostPromptCommand;
// Storage device changing vars
bool m_bWaitingForStorageDeviceHandle;
bool m_bNeedStorageDeviceHandle;
AsyncHandle_t m_hStorageDeviceChangeHandle;
uint m_iStorageID;
int *m_pStorageDeviceValidatedNotify;
// background transition
bool m_bFadingInMenus;
float m_flFadeMenuStartTime;
float m_flFadeMenuEndTime;
bool m_bRenderingBackgroundTransition;
float m_flTransitionStartTime;
float m_flTransitionEndTime;
// Used for rich presence updates on xbox360
bool m_bSinglePlayer;
uint m_iGameID; // matches context value in hl2orange.spa.h
// background fill transition
bool m_bHaveDarkenedBackground;
bool m_bHaveDarkenedTitleText;
bool m_bForceTitleTextUpdate;
float m_flFrameFadeInTime;
Color m_BackdropColor;
CPanelAnimationVar( float, m_flBackgroundFillAlpha, "m_flBackgroundFillAlpha", "0" );
// fading to game
MESSAGE_FUNC_CHARPTR( RunEngineCommand, "RunEngineCommand", command );
MESSAGE_FUNC( FinishDialogClose, "FinishDialogClose" );
MESSAGE_FUNC_CHARPTR( RunMenuCommand, "RunMenuCommand", command );
// Purpose: singleton accessor
extern CBasePanel *BasePanel();
#endif // BASEPANEL_H