
189 lines
5.8 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef CL_DEMO_H
#define CL_DEMO_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "demofile.h"
#include "cl_demoactionmanager.h"
struct DemoCommandQueue
tick = 0;
int tick;
democmdinfo_t info;
int filepos;
// When skipping forward through a replay it is important to stop
// occasionally and process the backlog of packets. Otherwise if you
// skip forward too far you will cause data structures to grow far
// beyond their intended size. This can lead to overflows and out-of-memory
// errors, and it can waste memory because some of these data structures
// never release their memory after hitting a high-water mark.
const unsigned nMaxConsecutiveSkipPackets = 100;
class CDemoPlayer : public IDemoPlayer
public: // IDemoPlayer interface implementation:
virtual CDemoFile *GetDemoFile();
virtual bool StartPlayback( const char *filename, bool bAsTimeDemo );
virtual void PausePlayback( float seconds );
virtual void SkipToTick( int tick, bool bRelative, bool bPause );
virtual void SetEndTick( int tick );
virtual void ResumePlayback( void );
virtual void StopPlayback( void );
virtual int GetPlaybackStartTick( void );
virtual int GetPlaybackTick( void );
virtual float GetPlaybackTimeScale( void );
virtual int GetTotalTicks( void );
virtual bool IsPlayingBack( void );
virtual bool IsPlaybackPaused( void );
virtual bool IsPlayingTimeDemo( void );
virtual bool IsSkipping( void );
virtual bool CanSkipBackwards( void ) { return false; }
virtual void SetPlaybackTimeScale( float timescale );
virtual void InterpolateViewpoint(); // override viewpoint
virtual netpacket_t *ReadPacket( void );
virtual void ResetDemoInterpolation( void );
virtual int GetProtocolVersion();
virtual bool ShouldLoopDemos() { return true; }
virtual void OnLastDemoInLoopPlayed() {}
virtual bool IsLoading( void );
public: // other public functions
void MarkFrame( float flFPSVariability );
void SetBenchframe( int tick, const char *filename );
void ResyncDemoClock( void );
bool CheckPausedPlayback( void );
void WriteTimeDemoResults( void );
bool ParseAheadForInterval( int curtick, int intervalticks );
void InterpolateDemoCommand( int targettick, DemoCommandQueue& prev, DemoCommandQueue& next );
bool OverrideView( democmdinfo_t& info );
virtual void OnStopCommand();
CDemoFile m_DemoFile;
int m_nStartTick; // For synchronizing playback during timedemo.
int m_nPreviousTick;
netpacket_t m_DemoPacket; // last read demo packet
bool m_bPlayingBack; // true if demo playback
bool m_bPlaybackPaused; // true if demo is paused right now
float m_flAutoResumeTime; // how long do we pause demo playback
float m_flPlaybackRateModifier;
int m_nSkipToTick; // skip to tick ASAP, -1 = off
int m_nEndTick; // if nonzero, stop playback once we reach this tick
bool m_bLoading; // true if demo is loading
unsigned m_nSkipPacketsPlayed; // Track consecutive skip packets returned to avoid excess
// view origin/angle interpolation:
CUtlVector< DemoCommandQueue > m_DestCmdInfo;
democmdinfo_t m_LastCmdInfo;
bool m_bInterpolateView;
bool m_bResetInterpolation;
// timedemo stuff:
bool m_bTimeDemo; // ture if in timedemo mode
int m_nTimeDemoStartFrame; // host_tickcount at start
double m_flTimeDemoStartTime; // Sys_FloatTime() at second frame of timedemo
float m_flTotalFPSVariability; // Frame rate variability
int m_nTimeDemoCurrentFrame; // last frame we read a packet
// benchframe stuff
int m_nSnapshotTick;
char m_SnapshotFilename[MAX_OSPATH];
class CDemoRecorder : public IDemoRecorder
CDemoRecorder() = default;
CDemoFile *GetDemoFile( void );
int GetRecordingTick( void );
void StartRecording( const char *filename, bool bContinuously );
void SetSignonState( int state );
bool IsRecording( void );
void PauseRecording( void );
void ResumeRecording( void );
void StopRecording( void );
void RecordCommand( const char *cmdstring ); // record a console command
void RecordUserInput( int cmdnumber ); // record a user input command
void RecordMessages( bf_read &data, int bits ); // add messages to current packet
void RecordPacket( void ); // packet finished, write all recorded stuff to file
void RecordServerClasses( ServerClass *pClasses ); // packet finished, write all recorded stuff to file
void RecordStringTables();
void ResetDemoInterpolation( void );
void ResyncDemoClock( void );
void StartupDemoFile( void );
void StartupDemoHeader( void );
void CloseDemoFile( void );
void GetClientCmdInfo( democmdinfo_t& info );
void WriteDemoCvars( void );
void WriteBSPDecals( void );
void WriteMessages( bf_write &message );
bool ComputeNextIncrementalDemoFilename( char *name, int namesize );
CDemoFile m_DemoFile;
// For synchronizing playback during timedemo.
int m_nStartTick; // host_tickcount when starting recoring
// Name of demo file we are appending onto.
char m_szDemoBaseName[ MAX_OSPATH ];
// For demo file handle
bool m_bIsDemoHeader; // true, if m_hDemoFile is the header file
bool m_bCloseDemoFile; // if true, demo file will be closed ASAP
bool m_bRecording; // true if recording
bool m_bContinuously; // start new record after each
int m_nDemoNumber; // demo count, increases each changelevel
int m_nFrameCount; // # of demo frames in this segment.
bf_write m_MessageData; // temp buffer for all network messages
bool m_bResetInterpolation;
extern CDemoRecorder *g_pClientDemoRecorder;
inline CDemoPlayer *ToClientDemoPlayer( IDemoPlayer *pDemoPlayer )
return static_cast< CDemoPlayer * >( pDemoPlayer );
#endif // CL_DEMO_H