FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1777 lines
64 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "cbase.h"
#include "game_item_schema.h"
#include "econ_item_interface.h"
#include "econ_item_tools.h"
#include "econ_item_constants.h"
#include "econ_dynamic_recipe.h"
#include "schemainitutils.h"
bool BStringsEqual( const char *pszA, const char *pszB )
if ( pszA == NULL )
return pszB == NULL;
if ( pszB == NULL )
return false;
return !V_strcmp( pszA, pszB );
const unsigned int g_CapabilityApplicationMap[] =
// if we have a tool that has this capability...
// ...then we check to see if the tool target has
// this capability
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_CapabilityApplicationMap ) == NUM_ITEM_CAPS );
// Purpose:
bool IEconTool::ShouldDisplayQuantity( const IEconItemInterface *pTool ) const
Assert( pTool );
const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDef = pTool->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pItemDef )
return false;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_UnlimitedQuantity( "unlimited quantity" );
if ( pTool->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_UnlimitedQuantity ) )
return false;
if ( pTool->GetQuantity() >= 0 )
if ( (pItemDef->GetCapabilities() & ITEM_CAP_USABLE_GC) != 0 )
return true;
if ( pItemDef->IsTool() )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
CEconTool_WrappedGift::CEconTool_WrappedGift( const char *pszTypeName, const char *pszUseString, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities, KeyValues *pUsageKV )
: IEconTool( pszTypeName, pszUseString, NULL, unCapabilities )
, m_pszDeliveredGiftItemDefName( NULL )
, m_pDeliveredGiftItemDef( NULL )
, m_bIsGlobalGift( false )
, m_bIsDirectGift( false )
if ( pUsageKV )
m_bIsGlobalGift = pUsageKV->GetBool( "target_type_global", false );
m_pszDeliveredGiftItemDefName = pUsageKV->GetString( "delivered_gift_item_def", NULL );
m_bIsDirectGift = pUsageKV->GetBool( "is_direct_gift", false );
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_WrappedGift::BFinishInitialization()
// Now that we've finished parsing our definitions, look for a match.
if ( m_pszDeliveredGiftItemDefName )
m_pDeliveredGiftItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( m_pszDeliveredGiftItemDefName );
// We're done with this value.
m_pszDeliveredGiftItemDefName = NULL;
return IEconTool::BFinishInitialization();
// Purpose:
CEconTool_GiftWrap::CEconTool_GiftWrap( const char *pszTypeName, const char *pszUseString, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities, KeyValues *pUsageKV )
: IEconTool( pszTypeName, NULL, NULL, unCapabilities )
, m_pszWrappedGiftItemDefName( NULL )
, m_pWrappedGiftItemDef( NULL )
if ( pUsageKV )
m_pszWrappedGiftItemDefName = pUsageKV->GetString( "wrapped_gift_item_def", NULL );
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_GiftWrap::BFinishInitialization()
// Now that we've finished parsing our definitions, look for a match.
if ( m_pszWrappedGiftItemDefName )
m_pWrappedGiftItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( m_pszWrappedGiftItemDefName );
// We're done with this value.
m_pszWrappedGiftItemDefName = NULL;
return m_pWrappedGiftItemDef != NULL
&& IEconTool::BFinishInitialization();
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_GiftWrap::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
if ( pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_SELFMADE ||
pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_COMMUNITY ||
pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_CUSTOMIZED ||
pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_NORMAL )
return false;
// If an item is currently trade restricted, other flags don't matter (I think).
if ( ( pToolSubject->GetUntradabilityFlags() & k_Untradability_Temporary ) != 0 )
return false;
// One item still has the gift wrap cap, which is the engagement ring ( Something Special For Someone Special (Tool) ).
// However, the can_gift_wrap cap shouldn't overcome temporary trade restrictions.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ToolNeedsGiftwrap( "tool needs giftwrap" );
const bool cbSubjectNeedsGiftWrap = pToolSubject->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_ToolNeedsGiftwrap );
const bool cbSubjectCanTrade = pToolSubject->IsTradable();
const bool cbSubjectCanProceed = cbSubjectNeedsGiftWrap || cbSubjectCanTrade;
if ( !cbSubjectCanProceed )
return false;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CannotGiftwrap( "cannot giftwrap" );
if ( pToolSubject->FindAttribute( pAttrDef_CannotGiftwrap ) )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
CEconTool_StrangeCountTransfer::CEconTool_StrangeCountTransfer( const char *pszTypeName, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities )
: IEconTool( pszTypeName, NULL, NULL, unCapabilities )
m_pItemSrc = NULL;
m_pItemDest = NULL;
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
bool CEconTool_StrangeCountTransfer::AreItemsEligibleForStrangeCountTransfer( const IEconItemInterface *pItem1, const IEconItemInterface *pItem2 )
if ( !pItem1 || !pItem2 )
return false;
const char *pItem1Xifier = pItem1->GetItemDefinition()->GetXifierRemapClass();
const char *pItem2Xifier = pItem2->GetItemDefinition()->GetXifierRemapClass();
// if no xifier class, check if the item defs are the same
if ( !pItem1Xifier || !pItem2Xifier )
if ( pItem1->GetItemDefinition() != pItem2->GetItemDefinition() )
return false;
else if ( V_stricmp( pItem1Xifier, pItem2Xifier ) != 0 )
return false;
// Item defs are compatabible, are there attributes? Check strange
// Check if they are both strange (have kill eater). Quality is less important
if ( !BIsItemStrange( pItem1) || !BIsItemStrange( pItem2 ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_StrangePart::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
// Abort if for some reason we don't know what type of attribute we're trying to track.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_StrangePartCounterID( "strange part new counter ID" );
float flNewScoreType;
if ( !FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pTool, pAttrDef_StrangePartCounterID, &flNewScoreType ) )
return false;
// Make sure we're "strange" in that we have at least one attribute tracking scores. We can't
// explicitly test for quality here because now we can have strange vintages, etc.
if ( GetKillEaterAttrCount() <= 0 )
return false;
if ( !pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( 0 ) ) )
return false;
// Make sure the target item doesn't already have the property this tool is trying to
// apply, unless that counter is restricted, in which case we allow a second stat to be
// added with the same value.
for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ )
float flScoreType;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pToolSubject, GetKillEaterAttr_Type( i ), &flScoreType ) && // if we have a counter in this slot...
RoundFloatToInt( flScoreType ) == RoundFloatToInt( flNewScoreType ) && // ...and it's counting the same thing...
!pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Restriction( i ) ) ) // ...and that counter isn't restricted
return false;
// Make sure we have at least one empty customizable attribute slot.
bool bFoundEmptyAttributeSlot = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ )
// Ignore non-user-customizable attributes.
if ( !GetKillEaterAttr_IsUserCustomizable( i ) )
// We expect to have both or neither of a user-customizable attribute. If this isn't the
// case the later logic will be wrong.
const bool bFoundTypeAttribute = pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Type( i ) );
Assert( bFoundTypeAttribute == pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ) ) );
if ( !bFoundTypeAttribute )
bFoundEmptyAttributeSlot = true;
if ( !bFoundEmptyAttributeSlot )
return false;
// Check to make sure the definition of the item we're trying to apply to has the tags we need
// to match and doesn't have any tags that we need to avoid. We use these to avoid tracking
// damage done for a medigun, etc.
const GameItemDefinition_t *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
#if defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
// Strange Cosmetics can take on any part
if ( pSubjectItemDef->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() == LOADOUT_POSITION_MISC )
return true;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( !pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredMissingTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredMissingTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
// Purpose:
static const char *s_pszStrangeRestrictionTypes[] =
"", // kStrangeEventRestriction_None
"victim_account_id", // kStrangeEventRestriction_VictimSteamAccount
#if defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
"map", // kStrangeEventRestriction_Map
"competitive", // kStrangeEventRestriction_Competitive
#endif // defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( s_pszStrangeRestrictionTypes ) == kStrangeEventRestrictionCount );
CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction::CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction( const char *pszTypeName, const char *pszUseString, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities, KeyValues *pUsageKV )
: IEconTool( pszTypeName, pszUseString, NULL, unCapabilities )
, m_eRestrictionType( kStrangeEventRestriction_None ) // default-initialize to failure
, m_unRestrictionValue( (unsigned int)-1 )
Assert( pUsageKV != NULL );
// Parse our restriction type from a string. Anything invalid here will be handled below in the IsValid()
// check.
const int iRestrictionType = StringFieldToInt( pUsageKV->GetString( "restriction_type", "" ), &s_pszStrangeRestrictionTypes[0], ARRAYSIZE( s_pszStrangeRestrictionTypes ) );
if ( iRestrictionType > 0 )
m_eRestrictionType = (strange_event_restriction_t)iRestrictionType;
// We'll use this value later from inside BFinishInitialization(). We may have to look at other
// values from parts of the schema that haven't been parsed yet, like map or item names.
m_pszRestrictionValue = pUsageKV->GetString( "restriction_value", NULL );
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction::BFinishInitialization()
// Run different parsers based on our restriction type.
switch ( m_eRestrictionType )
// We don't expect anything for our sub-value when dealing with Steam accounts. Asserting based on
// bad data is dumb but we don't really have any way of sending an error all the way up the tree.
case kStrangeEventRestriction_None:
case kStrangeEventRestriction_VictimSteamAccount:
if ( m_pszRestrictionValue )
return false;
m_unRestrictionValue = 0;
#if defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
case kStrangeEventRestriction_Map:
if ( !m_pszRestrictionValue )
return false;
const MapDef_t *pSchemaMap = GetItemSchema()->GetMasterMapDefByName( m_pszRestrictionValue );
if ( !pSchemaMap )
return false;
m_unRestrictionValue = pSchemaMap->m_nDefIndex;
case kStrangeEventRestriction_Competitive:
if (!m_pszRestrictionValue)
return false;
// Season string to int
m_unRestrictionValue = V_atoi(m_pszRestrictionValue);
#endif // defined( TF_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL ) || defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL )
AssertMsg1( false, "CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction() doesn't understand how to parse restriction type %i.", m_eRestrictionType );
return false;
// We're done with this value now.
m_pszRestrictionValue = NULL;
return m_eRestrictionType != kStrangeEventRestriction_None
&& m_unRestrictionValue != (unsigned int)-1
&& IEconTool::BFinishInitialization();
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pTool->GetItemDefinition() );
Assert( pToolSubject );
if ( !IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject ) )
return false;
// Abort if for some reason we don't know what type of restriction we're trying to apply.
if ( m_eRestrictionType == kStrangeEventRestriction_None )
return false;
// Abort if we don't have our tool information. We'll need this below to avoid duplicating
// scores/restrictions.
const CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction *pToolRestriction = pTool->GetItemDefinition()->GetTypedEconTool<CEconTool_StrangePartRestriction>();
if ( !pToolRestriction )
return false;
// Make sure we're "strange" in that we have at least one attribute tracking scores. We can't
// explicitly test for quality here because now we can have strange vintages, etc.
if ( GetKillEaterAttrCount() <= 0 )
return false;
if ( !pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( 0 ) ) )
return false;
// Look through all of the strange attributes on this item. We're looking for a slot that
// has a score that we're tracking where that score doesn't already have a restriction.
// If we find one, we can restrict that particular slot as long as doing so wouldn't generate
// a duplicate score (ie., "soldier kills on Hightower"). We don't need to enumerate them
// here, just find existence/nonexistence of at least one valid target.
for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ )
if ( GetItemSchema()->BCanStrangeFilterApplyToStrangeSlotInItem( pToolRestriction->GetRestrictionType(), pToolRestriction->GetRestrictionValue(), pToolSubject, i, NULL ) )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe( const char *pszTypeName, const char *pszUseString, item_capabilities_t unCapabilities, KeyValues *pUsageKV )
: IEconTool( pszTypeName, pszUseString, NULL, unCapabilities )
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( attrib_value_t ) == sizeof( uint32 ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( attrib_value_t ) == sizeof( float ) );
if ( pUsageKV )
BInitFromKV( pUsageKV, &m_vecErrors );
const char* CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::m_pszUseParentNameIdentifier = "use_parents_item_def";
// Purpose: Make sure each of our components are fully formed. Return false
// if any components fail BFinishInitialization_Internal()
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::BFinishInitialization()
CBaseRecipeComponent::ComponentAttribVector_t attribVec;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecComponents, i )
m_vecComponents[i]->BFinishInitialization_Internal( &m_vecErrors, &attribVec );
// Emit any errors we've accumulated during initialization
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecErrors, i )
#ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "%s\n", m_vecErrors[i].Get() );
AssertMsg1( 0, "%s\n", m_vecErrors[i].Get() );
if( m_vecErrors.Count() > 0 )
return false;
// Make sure we have at least one item required
return IEconTool::BFinishInitialization();
// Purpose: Iterate through attributes on pTool to see if any can accept pToolSubject.
// Return true if any attributes match.
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
// Iterate through all the attributes on the tool and see if the subject item matches
// any of the recipe component attributes
CRecipeComponentMatchingIterator matchingIterator( pTool, pToolSubject );
pTool->IterateAttributes( &matchingIterator );
const CUtlVector< const CEconItemAttributeDefinition* >& vecMatchingAttribs = matchingIterator.GetMatchingComponentInputs();
// No matches, can't apply!
if( vecMatchingAttribs.Count() == 0 )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::CBaseRecipeComponent( bool bIsOutput, const CBaseRecipeComponent* pParent )
: m_bIsOutput( bIsOutput )
, m_flChanceOfApplying( 1.f )
, m_pParent( pParent )
, m_flTotalWeights( 0.f )
, m_eQuality( AE_UNDEFINED )
, m_attributesMatchingType( ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_NONE )
// Purpose:
// Purpose: Roll chance of component applying to the tool
#ifdef GC_DLL
int CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::RollCount() const
if( m_vecCountChances.Count() == 0 )
return 1;
float flRand = RandomFloat( 0.f, 1.f ) * m_flTotalWeights;
float flAccum = 0.f;
// Go through and see which counts gets rolled
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCountChances, i )
const CountChance_t& countChance = m_vecCountChances[i];
flAccum += countChance.m_flChance;
if ( flRand <= flAccum )
// Winner! Roll within its range
return RandomInt( countChance.m_nMinCount, countChance.m_nMaxCount );
AssertMsg( 0, "Failed to generate a count for recipe component. Defaulting to 1" );
return 1;
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::RollChanceOfApplying() const
// Guaranteed!
if( m_flChanceOfApplying == 1.f )
return true;
return RandomFloat() < m_flChanceOfApplying;
// Purpose: Set chance for attributes to apply.
void CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::SetChanceOfApplying( float flChance )
Assert( flChance >= 0.f && flChance <= 1.f );
clamp( flChance, 0.f, 1.f );
m_flChanceOfApplying = flChance;
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::BFinishInitialization_Internal( CUtlVector<CUtlString>* pVecErrors, ComponentAttribVector_t* pAttribVec )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAdditionalComponents, i )
SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( m_vecAdditionalComponents[i]->BFinishInitialization_Internal( pVecErrors, pAttribVec ) );
void CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::GetIsGuaranteed( int &nFlags ) const
// If we've got a 100% chance of applying, or we're the root (no parent) then we
// can mark ourselves as guaranteed and continue to check our children to see if
// any of them are guaranteed as well.
if ( m_flChanceOfApplying == 1.f || !m_pParent )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAdditionalComponents, i )
m_vecAdditionalComponents[i]->GetIsGuaranteed( nFlags );
// Purpose:
CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem::CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem( bool bIsOutput, const CBaseRecipeComponent* pParent )
: CBaseRecipeComponent( bIsOutput, pParent )
// Purpose:
// Purpose: Make sure m_strName refers to an actual item def. Return false
// if it doesn not. Child components are allowed to have "use_parents_item_def"
// as their item name.
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem::BFinishInitialization_Internal( CUtlVector<CUtlString>* pVecErrors, ComponentAttribVector_t* pAttribVec )
// Go through and make sure we have a bit of information that let's us describe an item
bool bAnyDataSet = false;
// Item def?
if ( m_pParent == NULL && GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( m_strName ) )
bAnyDataSet = true;
else if ( BStringsEqual( m_strName, m_pszUseParentNameIdentifier ) || GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( m_strName ) )
bAnyDataSet = true;
// Quality?
if ( m_eQuality != AE_UNDEFINED )
bAnyDataSet = true;
// Attributes?
if ( m_vecDynamicAttributes.Count() )
bAnyDataSet = true;
// We better have one of the above
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( bAnyDataSet, "Not enough data to describe component" );
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Get next available attrib def for defining the item
CEconItemAttributeDefinition* pAttribDef = GetNextAvailableAttributeWithBaseName( GetAttributeName(), pAttribVec );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pAttribDef, "Too many potential components" );
if( pAttribDef )
pAttribVec->AddToTail( pAttribDef );
SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BaseClass::BFinishInitialization_Internal( pVecErrors, pAttribVec ) );
// Purpose: Parse out our item definition name and quality. Return false if
// either does not exist
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem::ParseKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors )
bool bNoItemDef = !!pKV->FindKey( "no_item_def" );
bool bItemName = !!pKV->FindKey( "item_name" );
// Make sure only one of the above is set
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( bNoItemDef != bItemName,
"Both \"no_item_def\" and \"item_name\" specified in component." );
// Make sure at least one of the above is set
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( bNoItemDef || bItemName,
"Neither \"no_item_def\" or \"item_name\" specified in component." );
// If they specified an item name, then we need to grab it
if ( bItemName )
m_strName = pKV->GetString( "item_name", NULL );
return BaseClass::ParseKV( pKV, pVecErrors );
// Purpose: Convert ourselves into an attribute. Return false if our encoded
// attributes exceed the allocated space for attributes
#ifdef GC_DLL
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem::AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( CEconItem *pItem, const CEconGameAccount *pGameAccount ) const
// Check if we should even apply
if( !RollChanceOfApplying() )
return true;
// Gather up all the current attributes on the item
ComponentAttribVector_t attribVec;
CRecipeComponentMatchingIterator matchingIterator( pItem, NULL );
pItem->IterateAttributes( &matchingIterator );
attribVec.AddVectorToTail( matchingIterator.GetMatchingComponentInputs() );
attribVec.AddVectorToTail( matchingIterator.GetMatchingComponentOutputs() );
// Get next available attrib def for defining the item
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition* pAttribDef = GetNextAvailableAttributeWithBaseName( GetAttributeName(), &attribVec );
if( !pAttribDef )
return false;
uint32 nFlags = 0;
CAttribute_DynamicRecipeComponent typedValue;
// Check if our item name is specified to use our parent's
const char* pszItemDefName = m_strName;
if ( m_strName && m_strName[0] )
if( BStringsEqual( m_pszUseParentNameIdentifier, pszItemDefName ) && m_pParent )
// It's only possible to have another CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem as a parent
const CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem* pParentDefinedItemComponent = dynamic_cast< const CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem* >( m_pParent );
AssertMsg( pParentDefinedItemComponent, "Parent attribute passed into defined item component is not a defined item component" );
if( !pParentDefinedItemComponent )
return false;
// Adopt our parent's item name
pszItemDefName = pParentDefinedItemComponent->m_strName;
// Make sure this item def exists
CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pszItemDefName );
AssertMsg1( pItemDef, "No item def named %s found when applying defined item component", pszItemDefName );
if( !pItemDef )
return false;
// Set the item def
typedValue.set_def_index( (uint32)pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
// Set the quality, if we're supposed to
if ( m_eQuality != AE_UNDEFINED )
typedValue.set_item_quality( (uint32)m_eQuality );
nFlags |= m_bIsOutput ? DYNAMIC_RECIPE_FLAG_IS_OUTPUT : 0;
if ( m_attributesMatchingType == ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_ALL )
else if ( m_attributesMatchingType == ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_ANY )
// Make sure any of the flags (besides the output flag) is set
if ( ( nFlags & ~DYNAMIC_RECIPE_FLAG_IS_OUTPUT ) == 0 )
AssertMsg(0, "Created component without any data flags set!" );
return false;
typedValue.set_component_flags( nFlags );
typedValue.set_num_required( RollCount() );
typedValue.set_num_fulfilled( 0 );
// Write out attribute all attribute indexes and values, separated by what we expect to be an invalid character sequence
CUtlString strAttribs;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecDynamicAttributes, i )
if( i != 0 )
strAttribs.Append( g_pszAttrEncodeSeparator );
// Convert all of our attributes into a string.
strAttribs.Append( CFmtStr( "%d", m_vecDynamicAttributes[i].m_AttrIndex ) );
strAttribs.Append( g_pszAttrEncodeSeparator );
strAttribs.Append( m_vecDynamicAttributes[i].m_strAttrData.Get() );
// Make sure we're not too long
if( strAttribs.Length() >= 1024 )
AssertMsg1( 0, "String-encoded attributes exceeds 1024 characters, when encoding component %s", m_strName.Get() );
return false;
// Set it in there!
typedValue.set_attributes_string( strAttribs.Get() );
// Check to see if we're about to create a duplicate. There's no need to spend another
// attribute to describe the same item. Let's instead just increase the count on the
// already-existing attribute.
FOR_EACH_VEC( attribVec, i )
CAttribute_DynamicRecipeComponent existingValue;
if( pItem->FindAttribute( attribVec[i], &existingValue ) )
if( typedValue.def_index() == existingValue.def_index() &&
typedValue.item_quality() == existingValue.item_quality() &&
typedValue.component_flags() == existingValue.component_flags() &&
typedValue.attributes_string() == existingValue.attributes_string() )
pAttribDef = attribVec[i];
existingValue.set_num_required( existingValue.num_required() + typedValue.num_required() );
typedValue = existingValue;
pItem->SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttribDef, typedValue );
// Go through and add any additional components that depend on this component
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAdditionalComponents, i )
CBaseRecipeComponent* pAdditionalComponent = m_vecAdditionalComponents[i];
pAdditionalComponent->AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( pItem, pGameAccount );
return true;
// Purpose:
CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList( bool bIsOutput, const CBaseRecipeComponent* pParent )
: CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent( bIsOutput, pParent )
#ifdef GC_DLL
, m_eUniqueness( UNIQUE_AMONG_NOTHING )
// Purpose: Make sure m_strName actually refers to a lootlist
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::BFinishInitialization_Internal( CUtlVector<CUtlString>* pVecErrors, ComponentAttribVector_t* pAttribVec )
// The game doesn't have all of the lootlists
#ifdef GC_DLL
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( GEconItemSchema().GetLootListByName( m_strName ),
"CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList has invalid loot list: %s", m_strName.Get() );
// Get next available attrib def for defining the item
CEconItemAttributeDefinition* pAttribDef = GetNextAvailableAttributeWithBaseName( GetAttributeName(), pAttribVec );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pAttribDef, "Too many potential recipe components!" );
if( pAttribDef )
pAttribVec->AddToTail( pAttribDef );
// Inputs are not allowed to be marked UNIQUE_AMONG_OUTPUTS. Rather, mark the outputs UNIQUE_AMONG_INPUTS
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( !(m_eUniqueness == UNIQUE_AMONG_OUTPUTS && !GetIsOutput() ), "Input component marked to be unique among inputs. Not supported!" );
// Skip defined item
SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( BaseClass::BFinishInitialization_Internal( pVecErrors, pAttribVec ) );
// Purpose: Parse in our lootlist name and quality. Return false if either doesn't exist
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::ParseKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors )
const char* pszLootListName = pKV->GetString( "lootlist_name" );
"Missing lootlist name in lootlist recipe component" );
m_strName = pszLootListName;
bool bBaseResult = BaseClass::ParseKV( pKV, pVecErrors );
#ifdef GC_DLL
// By default, outputs try to avoid rolling as input, and inputs dont try to avoid anything
const char* pszUniqueness = pKV->GetString( "uniqueness" );
if ( !V_stricmp( "unique_among_inputs", pszUniqueness ) )
m_eUniqueness = UNIQUE_AMONG_INPUTS;
else if ( !V_stricmp( "unique_among_outputs", pszUniqueness ) )
else if ( !V_stricmp( "unique_among_everything", pszUniqueness ) )
return bBaseResult;
// Purpose: Roll our item definition, then call our base to convert ourselves into an attribute
#ifdef GC_DLL
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( CEconItem *pItem, const CEconGameAccount *pGameAccount ) const
// Check if we should even apply
if( !RollChanceOfApplying() )
return true;
// See if there's any item defs we should try to avoid
CRecipeComponentInputDefIndexIterator inputIterator( m_eUniqueness );
pItem->IterateAttributes( &inputIterator );
const char* pszItemDefName = NULL;
// Roll the item and any additional attributes
CUtlVector< StringEncodedAttribute_t > vecLootlistGeneratedAttributes;
if (!RollLootlistItemAndAttributes( vecLootlistGeneratedAttributes, &pszItemDefName, &inputIterator.GetMatchingComponentInputs(), pGameAccount ) )
return false;
vecLootlistGeneratedAttributes.AddVectorToTail( m_vecDynamicAttributes );
// Create a temporary defined item component based on the lootlist roll
CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem definedItem( m_bIsOutput, this );
definedItem.m_eQuality = m_eQuality;
definedItem.m_strName = pszItemDefName;
definedItem.m_attributesMatchingType = m_attributesMatchingType;
definedItem.m_vecDynamicAttributes = vecLootlistGeneratedAttributes;
definedItem.m_vecCountChances = m_vecCountChances;
definedItem.m_flTotalWeights = m_flTotalWeights;
// Write out this defined item
definedItem.AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( pItem, pGameAccount );
// Create any additional components that depend on this component existing
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAdditionalComponents, i )
CBaseRecipeComponent* pAdditionalComponent = m_vecAdditionalComponents[i];
// Update the parent to be the item we generated
pAdditionalComponent->SetParent( &definedItem );
pAdditionalComponent->AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( pItem, pGameAccount );
return true;
// Purpose: Roll our item definition, then call our base to convert ourselves into an attribute
class CAttributeToStringIterator : public IEconItemUntypedAttributeIterator
CAttributeToStringIterator( CUtlVector< CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::StringEncodedAttribute_t >& vecAdditionalAttribs, CEconItem* pItem )
: m_vecAdditionalAttribs( vecAdditionalAttribs )
, m_pItem( pItem )
virtual bool OnIterateAttributeValueUntyped( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef )
const CEconItem::attribute_t *pAttrInternalData = m_pItem->FindDynamicAttributeInternal( pAttrDef );
// Only export attributes that we have dynamic data for.
if ( pAttrInternalData )
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
// Set the definition index
auto& attrib = m_vecAdditionalAttribs[ m_vecAdditionalAttribs.AddToTail() ];
attrib.m_AttrIndex = pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex();
// Convert the value to a string
std::string sAttrValue;
pAttrType->ConvertEconAttributeValueToString( pAttrDef, pAttrInternalData->m_value, &sAttrValue );
Assert( sAttrValue.length() > 0 );
attrib.m_strAttrData.Set( sAttrValue.c_str() );
return true;
CUtlVector< CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::StringEncodedAttribute_t >& m_vecAdditionalAttribs;
CEconItem* m_pItem;
// Purpose: Roll our item definition. This will give us a list of item definition. From this list
// we take the first one and set our item def name and quality to be its. We then take any
// attributes that it may have rolled and add them to our attributes as well. Return false
// if any of these steps fail.
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList::RollLootlistItemAndAttributes( CUtlVector< StringEncodedAttribute_t >& vecAdditionalAttribs
, const char** pszDefName
, const CUtlVector< item_definition_index_t > *pVecAvoidItemDefs
, const CEconGameAccount *pGameAccount ) const
const CEconLootListDefinition* pLootList = GEconItemSchema().GetLootListByName( m_strName );
if( !pLootList )
AssertMsg1( 0, "Lootlist %s not found when adding dynamic attribute", m_strName.Get() );
return false;
CUtlVector<CEconItem *> vecRolledItems;
// Roll our items
CDefaultUniformRandomStream RandomStream;
if ( !pLootList->BGenerateSingleRollRandomItems( pGameAccount, false, &vecRolledItems ) )
AssertMsg1( 0, "Error generating item defs from lootlist \"%s\"", m_strName.Get() );
return false;
// We're just going to use the first one
CEconItem* pGeneratedItem = vecRolledItems.Head();
// Set our name and quality
(*pszDefName) = pGeneratedItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionName();
const_cast<CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList*>(this)->m_eQuality = (EEconItemQuality)pGeneratedItem->GetQuality();
// Sniff and encode the attributes
CAttributeToStringIterator attrToString( vecAdditionalAttribs, pGeneratedItem );
pGeneratedItem->IterateAttributes( &attrToString );
// Cleanup
for( auto pItem : vecRolledItems )
delete pItem;
return true;
// Purpose: Delete all the things
CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CRecipeComponentInputDefIndexIterator::CRecipeComponentInputDefIndexIterator( EItemDefUniqueness_t eUniqueness )
: m_eUniqueness( eUniqueness )
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CRecipeComponentInputDefIndexIterator::OnIterateAttributeValue( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, const CAttribute_DynamicRecipeComponent& value )
// We dont care
if ( m_eUniqueness == CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::UNIQUE_AMONG_NOTHING )
return true;
// Only check against outputs
if ( m_eUniqueness == CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::UNIQUE_AMONG_OUTPUTS && !( value.component_flags() & DYNAMIC_RECIPE_FLAG_IS_OUTPUT ) )
return true;
// Only check against inputs
if ( m_eUniqueness == CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::UNIQUE_AMONG_INPUTS && value.component_flags() & DYNAMIC_RECIPE_FLAG_IS_OUTPUT )
return true;
// Add this item def if we haven't seen it
if ( m_vecInputItemDefs.Find( value.def_index() ) == m_vecInputItemDefs.InvalidIndex() )
m_vecInputItemDefs.AddToTail( value.def_index() );
return true;
// Purpose: Parse all of our inputs then outputs
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVDef, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors )
// Parse the components blocks
SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( CBaseRecipeComponent::ParseComponentsBlock( pKVDef, m_vecComponents, pVecErrors, NULL ) );
// Sort the component vector such that inputs go first
struct RecipeComponentSorter
static int SortRecipeComponentVector( CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent* const *pComponent1, CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent* const *pComponent2 )
return (*pComponent1)->GetIsOutput() && !(*pComponent2)->GetIsOutput();
m_vecComponents.Sort( &RecipeComponentSorter::SortRecipeComponentVector );
#ifdef GC_DLL
int nFlags = 0;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecComponents, i )
m_vecComponents[i]->GetIsGuaranteed( nFlags );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( nFlags & GUARANTEED_OUTPUT, "No guaranteed outputs for dynamic recipe" );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( nFlags & GUARANTEED_INPUT, "No guaranteed inputs for dynamic recipe" );
// Purpose: Parse the component blocks, determining if this component is an input or output
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::ParseComponentsBlock( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector<CBaseRecipeComponent*>& vecComponents, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors, const CBaseRecipeComponent* pParent )
// The components block doesn't exist on the client
KeyValues *pKVComponents = pKV->FindKey( "components" );
#ifdef GC_DLL
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pKVComponents || pParent, "Failed to parse components block in dynamic recipe" );
if ( pKVComponents )
// There's duplicate code when we read in like this, but it makes the
// item defs much easier to read
// Parse all the inputs
KeyValues *pKVParameters = pKVComponents->FindKey( "input" );
if( pKVParameters )
ParseComponents( pKVParameters, vecComponents, false, pVecErrors, pParent );
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Parse all the outputs
pKVParameters = pKVComponents->FindKey( "output" );
if( pKVParameters )
ParseComponents( pKVParameters, vecComponents, true, pVecErrors, pParent );
// Purpose: Create the appropriate component types and have them parse themselves.
// Returns true if at least one of the components parsed has a 100% chance
// of applying, and we don't have a parent
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::ParseComponents( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector<CBaseRecipeComponent*>& vecComponents, bool bIsOutput, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors, const CBaseRecipeComponent* pParent )
// Go through each entry in the tool
KeyValues *pEntry = pKV->GetFirstSubKey();
while( pEntry )
// Find which type is being specified.
CBaseRecipeComponent *pComponent = NULL;
if( pEntry->FindKey( "lootlist_name" ) )
pComponent = vecComponents[vecComponents.AddToTail( new CDynamicRecipeComponentLootList( bIsOutput, pParent ) )];
else if ( pEntry->FindKey( "item_name" ) || pEntry->FindKey( "no_item_def" ) )
pComponent = vecComponents[vecComponents.AddToTail( new CDynamicRecipeComponentDefinedItem( bIsOutput, pParent ) )];
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( false, "Unrecognized recipe component type!" );
// Now that we've got the right type, parse!
if( pComponent )
pComponent->ParseKV( pEntry, pVecErrors );
pEntry = pEntry->GetNextKey();
// Purpose: Parse in all of the attributes for this component. Attributes have
// already been parsed in, so we can immediately check if the attribute exists.
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::ParseKV( KeyValues *pKV, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors )
// Get the quality string
const char* pszQuality = pKV->GetString( "quality", NULL );
if ( pszQuality )
// Convert the quality string to a item quality
m_eQuality = EconQuality_GetQualityFromString( pszQuality );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( m_eQuality != AE_UNDEFINED, "Invalid item quality \"%s\" specified for component \"%s\"", pszQuality, m_strName.Get() );
const char* pszAttributesMatchingType = pKV->GetString( "attributes_matching_type", NULL );
if ( pszAttributesMatchingType )
if ( !V_stricmp( pszAttributesMatchingType, "all" ) )
m_attributesMatchingType = ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_ALL;
else if ( !V_stricmp( pszAttributesMatchingType, "any" ) )
m_attributesMatchingType = ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_ANY;
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( 0, "Invalid attributes_matching_type \"%s\"", pszAttributesMatchingType );
// Parse all of our attributes
KeyValues* pKVAttribs = pKV->FindKey( "attributes" );
if( pKVAttribs )
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVAttribs, pKVAttribute )
static_attrib_t staticAttrib;
SCHEMA_INIT_SUBSTEP( staticAttrib.BInitFromKV_SingleLine( "attributes", pKVAttribute, pVecErrors ) );
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition * pAttrDef = staticAttrib.GetAttributeDefinition();
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( pAttrDef != NULL, "Attribute index %i not found when specifying dynamic recipe", staticAttrib.iDefIndex );
StringEncodedAttribute_t& attrib = m_vecDynamicAttributes[ m_vecDynamicAttributes.AddToTail() ];
attrib.m_AttrIndex = pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex();
attrib.m_strAttrData = pKVAttribs->GetString( pKVAttribute->GetName(), "" );
Assert( !attrib.m_strAttrData.IsEmpty() );
// Get our chance of applying. Default to 100%
float flChance = pKV->GetFloat( "chance", 1.f );
// Make sure it's in the range (0,1]
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( flChance > 0.f && flChance <= 1.f, "Recipe component chance to apply out of bounds: %f", flChance );
SetChanceOfApplying( flChance );
// Read in the "counts" block if it exists
KeyValues *pKVCounts = pKV->FindKey( "counts" );
if( pKVCounts )
// Read check count entry
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVCounts, pKVEntry )
// Split out count range of the format "#-#", or just "#"
CUtlStringList vecCount;
const char* pszCount = pKVEntry->GetName();
V_SplitString( pszCount, "-", vecCount );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( vecCount.Count() == 1 || vecCount.Count() == 2, "Malformed count value: %s", pszCount );
CountChance_t& countChance = m_vecCountChances[ m_vecCountChances.AddToTail() ];
// Add up the chances
countChance.m_flChance = (float)pKVEntry->GetInt();
m_flTotalWeights += countChance.m_flChance;
// Set the min and the max. If no max is specifid, then max is the min
countChance.m_nMinCount = V_atoi( vecCount[0] );
countChance.m_nMaxCount = vecCount.Count() > 1 ? V_atoi( vecCount[1] ) : countChance.m_nMinCount;
// Make sure max >= min and min > 0
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( countChance.m_nMaxCount >= countChance.m_nMinCount, "Recipe component count max is less than the min: %s", pszCount );
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( countChance.m_nMinCount > 0, "Recipe component count min less than 0: %s", pszCount );
// Init any components we may have in us
SCHEMA_INIT_CHECK( ParseComponentsBlock( pKV, m_vecAdditionalComponents, pVecErrors, this ), "Failed to parse nested components block in dynamic recipe" );
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Purpose: This tool will apply recipe components as attributes. Go through each
// of our attributes, roll to see if it applies, and convert it to an attribute
// and add it to the item if we do. Return false if we ever fail.
bool CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::BGenerateDynamicAttributes( CEconItem* pItem, const CEconGameAccount *pGameAccount ) const
// Go through our inputs and write them out into attributes
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecComponents, i )
if( !m_vecComponents[i]->AddRecipeComponentAsAttribute( pItem, pGameAccount ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Scan the item for numbered attributes with the passed in base name.
// Return the attribute of the next available index or NULL if there are
// none available
CEconItemAttributeDefinition* CEconTool_ItemDynamicRecipe::CBaseRecipeComponent::GetNextAvailableAttributeWithBaseName( const char* pszBaseAttribName, ComponentAttribVector_t* pAttribVec )
Assert( pAttribVec );
if( !pAttribVec )
return NULL;
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttribDef = NULL;
int i=1;
while( pAttribDef == NULL )
const char* pszAttribName = CFmtStr( "%s %d", pszBaseAttribName, i++ );
CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pTempAttribDef = GEconItemSchema().GetAttributeDefinitionByName( pszAttribName );
// Check to see if this attribute we're talking about even exists
if( !pTempAttribDef )
return NULL;
// Check if the vector doesn't have this attribute. If not, it's available
if( pAttribVec->Find( pTempAttribDef ) == pAttribVec->InvalidIndex() )
pAttribDef = pTempAttribDef;
return pAttribDef;
bool CEconTool_Xifier::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
const CEconItemDefinition *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
// Check to make sure the definition of the item we're trying to apply to has the tags we need to match.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( !pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
// If this xifier has target restrictions, ensure our subject is one of them
if ( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions.Count() > 0 )
bool bPassed = false;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions, i )
const CEconItemDefinition *pTargetItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions[i] );
if ( ItemDefMatch( pSubjectItemDef, pTargetItemDef ) )
bPassed = true;
if ( bPassed == false )
return false;
// if rarity restriction, target needs rarity of this or lower
if ( m_ItemRarityRestriction != k_unItemRarity_Any )
uint8 unSubjectRarity = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition()->GetRarity();
if ( unSubjectRarity == k_unItemRarity_Any || unSubjectRarity == 0 || unSubjectRarity > m_ItemRarityRestriction )
return false;
// needs to be equippable
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_StatModule( "weapon_uses_stattrak_module" );
if ( !pToolSubject->FindAttribute( pAttribDef_StatModule ) )
return false;
// Check if we have a restriction as an attribute
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_ToolTargetItem( "tool target item" );
float value;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pTool, pAttribDef_ToolTargetItem, &value ) )
const CEconItemDefinition *pTargetDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( value );
// Check for a match (might have NULL here for target definition but that's safe to pass in)
if ( !ItemDefMatch( pSubjectItemDef, pTargetDef ) )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_Xifier::ItemDefMatch( const CEconItemDefinition* pTargetItemDef, const CEconItemDefinition* pSubjectItemDef ) const
if ( pTargetItemDef && pSubjectItemDef )
// Item def match counts
if ( pTargetItemDef == pSubjectItemDef )
return true;
// If these item defs have the same XifierRemapClass then they are allowed to match as well
if ( pTargetItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass() && *pTargetItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass()
&& pSubjectItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass() && *pSubjectItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass() )
if (BStringsEqual(pSubjectItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass(), pTargetItemDef->GetXifierRemapClass()))
return true;
return false;
bool CEconTool_Strangifier::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
// Do not allow for already strange items
if ( pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_STRANGE )
return false;
// Go over the attributes of the item, if it has any strange attributes the item is strange and don't apply
for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ )
if ( pToolSubject->FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( i ) ) )
return false;
// Default rules
return CEconTool_Xifier::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_KillStreakifier::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
// Make sure the item doesn't already have an effect
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_KillStreakEffect( "killstreak tier" );
float flEffectIndex = 0.0;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pToolSubject, pAttribDef_KillStreakEffect, &flEffectIndex ) )
return false;
// Default rules
return CEconTool_Xifier::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_Festivizer::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
const CEconItemDefinition *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
// Make sure the item doesn't already have an effect
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_Festivizer( "is_festivized" );
if ( FindAttribute( pToolSubject, pAttribDef_Festivizer ) )
return false;
// Default rules
return CEconTool_Xifier::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_Unusualifier::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
// don't stomp item that's already unusual
if ( pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_UNUSUAL )
return false;
// Default rules
return CEconTool_Xifier::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_ItemEaterRecharger::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
const CEconItemDefinition *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
// Check to make sure the definition of the item we're trying to apply to has the tags we need to match.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( !pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
// If this eater has target restrictions, ensure our subject is one of them
if ( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions.Count() > 0 )
bool bPassed = false;
item_definition_index_t iSubject = pSubjectItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex();
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions, i )
if ( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions[i] == iSubject )
bPassed = true;
if ( bPassed == false )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
int CEconTool_ItemEaterRecharger::GetChargesForItemDefId( item_definition_index_t defIndex ) const
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions, i )
if ( m_ItemDefTargetRestrictions[i] == defIndex )
return m_ItemDefTargetChargeValues[i];
return 0;
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_UpgradeCard::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
const CEconItemDefinition *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
// Abort if we're trying to apply to a base item.
if ( pSubjectItemDef->IsBaseItem() )
return false;
// Abort if for some reason we don't know what type of attribute we would attach.
if ( m_vecAttributes.Count() <= 0 )
return false;
// Make sure that none of the attributes we're going to try to apply already exist on the item. We don't
// allow double-stacking the same attribute partially for balance purposes, but also because the database
// back-end doesn't support two attributes of the same type on the same item.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAttributes, i )
if ( pToolSubject->FindAttribute( m_vecAttributes[i].m_pAttrDef ) )
return false;
// Make sure the item that we're thinking of applying to has enough room to have another card's
// worth of items attached. We do this in sort of a roundabout way, by having the attributes themselves
// know whether they came from a card or not.
CCountUserGeneratedAttributeIterator countIterator;
pToolSubject->IterateAttributes( &countIterator );
if ( countIterator.GetCount() >= GetMaxCardUpgradesPerItem() )
return false;
// Check to make sure the definition of the item we're trying to apply to has the tags we need
// to match.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( !pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
// Purpose:
bool CEconTool_ClassTransmogrifier::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
const GameItemDefinition_t *pSubjectItemDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pSubjectItemDef )
return false;
// Abort if we're trying to apply to a base item.
if ( pSubjectItemDef->IsBaseItem() )
return false;
// Abort if we're trying to apply to a Self-Made or Community item
if ( pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_SELFMADE ||
pToolSubject->GetQuality() == AE_COMMUNITY )
return false;
// Abort if we somehow got here before we know what class we were trying to produce items for.
if ( m_iClass <= 0 || m_iClass >= LOADOUT_COUNT )
return false;
// Check to make sure the definition of the item we're trying to apply to has the tags we need
// to match.
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList(), i )
if ( !pSubjectItemDef->HasEconTag( m_RequiredTags.GetTagsList()[i] ) )
return false;
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
bool CEconTool_DuckToken::CanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject ) const
Assert( pTool );
Assert( pToolSubject );
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_DuckBadgeLevel( "duck badge level" );
uint32 unOldBadgeLevel = 0;
if ( !FindAttribute( pToolSubject, pAttrDef_DuckBadgeLevel, &unOldBadgeLevel ) )
return false;
if ( unOldBadgeLevel >= 5 )
return false;
// Default rules
return IEconTool::CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
// Purpose: given a tool and an item to apply the tool's effects upon, return true if the
// tool is allowed to affect the subject. This is used on the client for UI and
// on the GC for actual application validity testing.
/* static */ bool CEconSharedToolSupport::ToolCanApplyTo( const IEconItemInterface *pTool, const IEconItemInterface *pToolSubject )
if ( pTool == NULL || pToolSubject == NULL )
return false;
const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolDef = pTool->GetItemDefinition();
if ( pToolDef == NULL )
return false;
// If we have a tool that's in escrow it can't be used on anything.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_ToolEscrowUntil( "tool escrow until date" );
if ( pTool->FindAttribute( pAttrib_ToolEscrowUntil ) )
return false;
if ( pToolSubject->IsTemporaryItem() )
return false;
// Cannot modify preview items. Should be caught by temporary-item check above.
Assert( pToolSubject->GetOrigin() != kEconItemOrigin_PreviewItem );
const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolSubjectDef = pToolSubject->GetItemDefinition();
if ( pToolSubjectDef == NULL )
return false;
if ( !ToolCanApplyToDefinition( pToolDef, pToolSubjectDef ) )
return false;
// If we can apply to the definition then we should be known to have valid tool data.
// If our tool has no tool metadata then we don't allow it to be applied to anything.
const IEconTool *pEconTool = pToolDef->GetEconTool();
Assert( pEconTool );
return pEconTool->CanApplyTo( pTool, pToolSubject );
/* static */ bool CEconSharedToolSupport::ToolCanApplyToDefinition( const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolDef, const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolSubjectDef )
if ( !pToolDef || !pToolSubjectDef || !pToolDef->IsTool() )
// not a tool
return false;
// If our tool has no tool metadata then we don't allow it to be applied to anything.
const IEconTool *pEconTool = pToolDef->GetEconTool();
if ( !pEconTool )
return false;
unsigned int unToolUsageCaps = 0;
if ( pEconTool->GetCapabilities() )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEM_CAPS; i++ )
if ( pEconTool->GetCapabilities() & (1 << i) )
unToolUsageCaps |= g_CapabilityApplicationMap[i];
// Check for base applicability of this tool to this object.
if ( (unToolUsageCaps & pToolSubjectDef->GetCapabilities()) == 0 )
return false;
// check to see if either the tool or the tool target have usage restriction
const IEconTool *pSubjectEconTool = pToolSubjectDef->GetEconTool();
if ( pSubjectEconTool )
// If this tool can apply to anything then we don't care about the checks below
// making sure restrictions match.
const char *pszToolRestriction = BStringsEqual( pEconTool->GetUsageRestriction(), "any" )
? pSubjectEconTool->GetUsageRestriction()
: pEconTool->GetUsageRestriction();
if ( !BStringsEqual( pszToolRestriction, pSubjectEconTool->GetUsageRestriction() ) )
return false;
return true;
// DO NOT USE THIS CODE IF YOUR TOOL HAS Attribute restrictions like "tool_target_item" or similar restriction attributes
/* static */ bool CEconSharedToolSupport::ToolCanApplyToBaseItem( const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolDef, const GameItemDefinition_t *pToolSubjectDef )
if ( !pToolSubjectDef )
return false;
// We are targetting the "Upgradeable" version of a base item and not a base item itself
if ( pToolSubjectDef->IsBaseItem() || pToolSubjectDef->IsHidden() || pToolSubjectDef->GetQuality() == AE_NORMAL || Q_strnicmp( pToolSubjectDef->GetDefinitionName(), "Upgradeable ", 12 ) )
return false;
return ToolCanApplyToDefinition( pToolDef, pToolSubjectDef );