FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

214 lines
5.8 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Game-specific impact effect hooks
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "tempent.h"
#include "c_te_legacytempents.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "c_rope.h"
// NOTE: Always include this last!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Used for cycling so that they're sequencially ordered on each strand
int g_nHolidayLightColor = 0;
// 4 light colors
Color g_rgbaHolidayRed( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
Color g_rgbaHolidayYellow( 2, 110, 197, 255 );
Color g_rgbaHolidayGreen( 117, 193, 8, 255 );
Color g_rgbaHolidayBlue( 255, 151, 29, 255 );
Color *(rgbaHolidayLightColors[]) = { &g_rgbaHolidayRed,
&g_rgbaHolidayBlue };
struct HolidayLightData_t
Vector vOrigin;
int nID;
int nSubID;
float fScale;
void CreateHolidayLight( const HolidayLightData_t &holidayLight );
class CHolidayLightManager : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame
CHolidayLightManager( char const *name );
// Methods of IGameSystem
virtual void Update( float frametime );
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity( void );
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity();
void AddHolidayLight( const CEffectData &data );
CUtlVector< HolidayLightData_t > m_PendingLightData;
CHolidayLightManager g_CHolidayLightManager( "CHolidayLightManager" );
CHolidayLightManager::CHolidayLightManager( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( name )
// Methods of IGameSystem
void CHolidayLightManager::Update( float frametime )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_PendingLightData.Count(); ++i )
CreateHolidayLight( m_PendingLightData[ i ] );
void CHolidayLightManager::LevelInitPostEntity( void )
void CHolidayLightManager::LevelShutdownPreEntity()
void CHolidayLightManager::AddHolidayLight( const CEffectData &data )
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
// Too far away?
if ( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( data.m_vOrigin ) > 2000.0f )
// In the skybox?
sky3dparams_t *pSky = &(pPlayer->m_Local.m_skybox3d);
if ( pSky->origin->DistTo( data.m_vOrigin ) < 2000.0f )
HolidayLightData_t newData;
newData.vOrigin = data.m_vOrigin;
// HACK: Use these ints to ID the light later
newData.nID = data.m_nMaterial;
newData.nSubID = data.m_nHitBox;
// Skybox lights pass in a smaller scale
newData.fScale = data.m_flScale;
if ( m_PendingLightData.Count() < CTempEnts::MAX_TEMP_ENTITIES / 2 )
m_PendingLightData.AddToTail( newData );
void TF_HolidayLightCallback( const CEffectData &data )
g_CHolidayLightManager.AddHolidayLight( data );
void CreateHolidayLight( const HolidayLightData_t &holidayLight )
int nHolidayLightStyle = RopeManager()->GetHolidayLightStyle();
const model_t *pModel = ( nHolidayLightStyle == 0 ? engine->LoadModel( "effects/christmas_bulb.vmt" ) : engine->LoadModel( "effects/mtp_fluff.vmt" ) );
if ( !pModel )
Assert( pModel );
C_LocalTempEntity *pTemp = tempents->FindTempEntByID( holidayLight.nID, holidayLight.nSubID );
if ( !pTemp )
// Didn't find one with that ID, so make a new one!
// Randomize the angle
QAngle angOrientation = ( nHolidayLightStyle == 0 ? QAngle( 0.0f, 0.0f, RandomFloat( -180.0f, 180.0f ) ) : vec3_angle );
pTemp = tempents->SpawnTempModel( pModel, holidayLight.vOrigin, angOrientation, vec3_origin, 2.0f, FTENT_NEVERDIE );
if ( !pTemp )
pTemp->clientIndex = 0;
// HACK: Use these ints to ID the light later
pTemp->m_nSkin = holidayLight.nID;
pTemp->hitSound = holidayLight.nSubID;
// Skybox lights pass in a smaller scale
pTemp->m_flSpriteScale = holidayLight.fScale;
// Smuggle the color index here
pTemp->m_nHitboxSet = g_nHolidayLightColor;
// Set the color
pTemp->SetRenderColor( rgbaHolidayLightColors[ g_nHolidayLightColor ]->r(),
rgbaHolidayLightColors[ g_nHolidayLightColor ]->g(),
rgbaHolidayLightColors[ g_nHolidayLightColor ]->b(),
rgbaHolidayLightColors[ g_nHolidayLightColor ]->a() );
// Next color in the pattern
g_nHolidayLightColor = ( g_nHolidayLightColor + 1 ) % ARRAYSIZE( rgbaHolidayLightColors );
// Animate if needed
pTemp->m_flFrameMax = modelinfo->GetModelFrameCount( pModel ) - 1;
pTemp->m_flFrameRate = 10;
// Update the position
pTemp->SetAbsOrigin( holidayLight.vOrigin );
// Every 10 light strands have a blink cycle
if ( pTemp->m_nSkin % 5 == 0 )
// Magic! Basically this makes the on/off cycle of each color different and offsets it by the segment index.
// That way it looks like a timed pattern but is also chaotic.
int nCycle = ( pTemp->hitSound + static_cast< int >( gpGlobals->curtime * 2.0f ) ) % ( pTemp->m_nHitboxSet + ARRAYSIZE( rgbaHolidayLightColors ) + 1 );
pTemp->SetRenderColorA( nCycle < ARRAYSIZE( rgbaHolidayLightColors ) ? 255 : 64 );
// Update the scale
pTemp->m_flSpriteScale = holidayLight.fScale;
// Extend it's life
pTemp->die = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f;
DECLARE_CLIENT_EFFECT( "TF_HolidayLight", TF_HolidayLightCallback );
void RopesHolidayLightColor( const CCommand &args )
if ( args.ArgC() < 5 )
int nLight = atoi( args[ 1 ] );
if ( nLight < 0 || nLight >= ARRAYSIZE( rgbaHolidayLightColors ) )
rgbaHolidayLightColors[ nLight ]->SetColor( atoi( args[ 2 ] ), atoi( args[ 3 ] ), atoi( args[ 4 ] ) );
ConCommand r_ropes_holiday_light_color( "r_ropes_holiday_light_color", RopesHolidayLightColor, "Set each light's color: [light0-3] [r0-255] [g0-255] [b0-255]", FCVAR_NONE );