2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00

130 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Player-driven Voting System for Multiplayer Source games (currently implemented for TF2)
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "shareddefs.h"
class CBaseIssue // Abstract base class for all things-that-can-be-voted-on.
CBaseIssue(const char *typeString);
virtual ~CBaseIssue();
const char *GetTypeString( void ); // Connection between console command and specific type of issue
virtual const char *GetDetailsString();
virtual void SetIssueDetails( const char *pszDetails ); // We need to know the details part of the con command for later
virtual void OnVoteFailed( int iEntityHoldingVote ); // The moment the vote fails, also has some time for feedback before the window goes away
virtual void OnVoteStarted( void ) {} // Called as soon as the vote starts
virtual bool IsEnabled( void ) { return false; } // Query the issue to see if it's enabled
virtual bool CanTeamCallVote( int iTeam ) const; // Can someone on the given team call this vote?
virtual bool CanCallVote( int nEntIndex, const char *pszDetails, vote_create_failed_t &nFailCode, int &nTime ); // Can this guy hold a vote on this issue?
virtual bool IsAllyRestrictedVote( void ); // Can only members of the same team vote on this?
virtual const char *GetDisplayString( void ) = 0; // The string that will be passed to the client for display
virtual void ExecuteCommand( void ) = 0; // Where the magic happens. Do your thing.
virtual void ListIssueDetails( CBasePlayer *pForWhom ) = 0; // Someone would like to know all your valid details
virtual const char *GetVotePassedString( void ); // Get the string an issue would like to display when it passes.
virtual int CountPotentialVoters( void );
virtual int GetNumberVoteOptions( void ); // How many choices this vote will have. i.e. Returns 2 on a Yes/No issue (the default).
virtual bool IsYesNoVote( void );
virtual void SetYesNoVoteCount( int iNumYesVotes, int iNumNoVotes, int iNumPotentialVotes );
virtual bool GetVoteOptions( CUtlVector <const char*> &vecNames ); // We use this to generate options for voting
virtual bool BRecordVoteFailureEventForEntity( int iVoteCallingEntityIndex ) const { return iVoteCallingEntityIndex != DEDICATED_SERVER; }
static void ListStandardNoArgCommand( CBasePlayer *forWhom, const char *issueString ); // List a Yes vote command
struct FailedVote
char szFailedVoteParameter[MAX_VOTE_DETAILS_LENGTH];
float flLockoutTime;
CUtlVector<FailedVote *> m_FailedVotes;
char m_szTypeString[MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH];
char m_szDetailsString[MAX_VOTE_DETAILS_LENGTH];
int m_iNumYesVotes;
int m_iNumNoVotes;
int m_iNumPotentialVotes;
class CVoteController : public CBaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CVoteController, CBaseEntity );
virtual ~CVoteController();
enum TryCastVoteResult
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual int UpdateTransmitState( void );
bool SetupVote( int iEntIndex ); // This creates a list of issues for the UI
bool CreateVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszTypeString, const char *pszDetailString ); // This is what the UI passes in
TryCastVoteResult TryCastVote( int iEntIndex, const char *pszVoteString );
void RegisterIssue( CBaseIssue *pNewIssue );
void ListIssues( CBasePlayer *pForWhom );
bool IsValidVoter( CBasePlayer *pWhom );
bool CanTeamCastVote( int iTeam ) const;
void SendVoteFailedMessage( vote_create_failed_t nReason = VOTE_FAILED_GENERIC, CBasePlayer *pVoteCaller = NULL, int nTime = -1 );
void VoteChoice_Increment( int nVoteChoice );
void VoteChoice_Decrement( int nVoteChoice );
int GetWinningVoteOption( void );
void TrackVoteCaller( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
bool CanEntityCallVote( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int &nCooldown );
bool IsVoteActive( void ) { return m_iActiveIssueIndex != INVALID_ISSUE; }
void ResetData( void );
void VoteControllerThink( void );
void CheckForEarlyVoteClose( void ); // If everyone has voted (and changing votes is not allowed) then end early
CNetworkVar( int, m_iActiveIssueIndex ); // Type of thing being voted on
CNetworkVar( int, m_iOnlyTeamToVote ); // If an Ally restricted vote, the team number that is allowed to vote
CNetworkArray( int, m_nVoteOptionCount, MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS ); // Vote options counter
CNetworkVar( int, m_nPotentialVotes ); // How many votes could come in, so we can close ballot early
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsYesNoVote ); // Is the current issue Yes/No?
CountdownTimer m_acceptingVotesTimer; // How long from vote start until we count the ballots
CountdownTimer m_executeCommandTimer; // How long after end of vote time until we execute a passed vote
CountdownTimer m_resetVoteTimer; // when the current vote will end
int m_nVotesCast[MAX_PLAYERS + 1]; // arrays are zero-based and player indices are one-based
int m_iEntityHoldingVote;
int m_nHighestCountIndex;
CUtlVector <CBaseIssue *> m_potentialIssues;
CUtlVector <const char *> m_VoteOptions;
CUtlMap <uint64, float> m_VoteCallers; // History of SteamIDs that have tried to call votes.
friend class CVoteControllerSystem;
extern CVoteController *g_voteController;