FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

596 lines
18 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "basefilesystem.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
unsigned ThreadStubProcessMD5Requests( void *pParam )
return ((CFileTracker2 *)pParam)->ThreadedProcessMD5Requests();
// ThreadedProcessMD5Requests
// Calculate the MD5s of all the blocks submitted to us
unsigned CFileTracker2::ThreadedProcessMD5Requests()
ThreadSetDebugName( "ProcessMD5Requests" );
while ( m_bThreadShouldRun )
StuffToMD5_t stuff;
while ( m_PendingJobs.PopItem( &stuff ) )
MD5Context_t ctx;
memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof(MD5Context_t) );
MD5Init( &ctx );
MD5Update( &ctx, stuff.m_pubBuffer, stuff.m_cubBuffer );
MD5Final( stuff.m_md5Value.bits, &ctx);
// update the FileTracker MD5 database
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
TrackedVPKFile_t &trackedVPKFile = m_treeTrackedVPKFiles[ stuff.m_idxTrackedVPKFile ];
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ trackedVPKFile.m_idxAllOpenedFiles ];
memcpy( trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_md5contents.bits, stuff.m_md5Value.bits, sizeof( trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_md5contents.bits ) );
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_crcIOSequence = stuff.m_cubBuffer;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_cbFileLen = stuff.m_cubBuffer;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_eFileHashType = FileHash_t::k_EFileHashTypeEntireFile;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_nPackFileNumber = trackedVPKFile.m_nPackFileNumber;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_PackFileID = trackedVPKFile.m_PackFileID;
m_CompletedJobs.PushItem( stuff );
tmZone( TELEMETRY_LEVEL0, TMZF_IDLE, "m_threadEventWorkToDo" );
m_threadEventWorkToDo.Wait( 1000 );
return 0;
// SubmitThreadedMD5Request
// add pubBuffer,cubBuffer to our queue of stuff to MD5
// caller promises that the memory will remain valid
// until BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete() is called
// returns: request handle
int CFileTracker2::SubmitThreadedMD5Request( uint8 *pubBuffer, int cubBuffer, int PackFileID, int nPackFileNumber, int nPackFileFraction )
int idxList;
StuffToMD5_t stuff;
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
TrackedVPKFile_t trackedVPKFileFind;
trackedVPKFileFind.m_nPackFileNumber = nPackFileNumber;
trackedVPKFileFind.m_PackFileID = PackFileID;
trackedVPKFileFind.m_nFileFraction = nPackFileFraction;
int idxTrackedVPKFile = m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.Find( trackedVPKFileFind );
if ( idxTrackedVPKFile != m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.InvalidIndex() )
// dont early out if we have already done the MD5, if the caller wants us
// to do it again - then do it again
// this is an error, we should already know about the file
return 0;
SubmittedMd5Job_t submittedjob;
submittedjob.m_bFinished = false;
idxList = m_SubmittedJobs.AddToTail( submittedjob );
stuff.m_pubBuffer = pubBuffer;
stuff.m_cubBuffer = cubBuffer;
stuff.m_idxTrackedVPKFile = idxTrackedVPKFile;
stuff.m_idxListSubmittedJobs = idxList;
// Start thread if it wasn't already active. Do this down here due to the
// return 0 above us. Ie, don't start the thread unless we actually have work
// to do.
if ( m_hWorkThread == NULL )
Assert( !m_bThreadShouldRun );
m_bThreadShouldRun = true;
m_hWorkThread = CreateSimpleThread( ThreadStubProcessMD5Requests, this );
// submit the work
m_PendingJobs.PushItem( stuff );
return idxList + 1;
// IsMD5RequestComplete
// is request identified by iRequest finished?
// ( the caller wants to free the memory, but now must wait until we finish
// calculating the MD5 )
bool CFileTracker2::IsMD5RequestComplete( int iRequest, MD5Value_t *pMd5ValueOut )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
int idxListWaiting = iRequest - 1;
// deal with all completed jobs
StuffToMD5_t stuff;
while ( m_CompletedJobs.PopItem( &stuff ) )
int idxList = stuff.m_idxListSubmittedJobs;
Q_memcpy( &m_SubmittedJobs[ idxList ].m_md5Value, &stuff.m_md5Value, sizeof( MD5Value_t ) );
m_SubmittedJobs[ idxList ].m_bFinished = true;
// did the one we wanted finish?
if ( m_SubmittedJobs[ idxListWaiting ].m_bFinished )
Q_memcpy( pMd5ValueOut, &m_SubmittedJobs[ idxListWaiting ].m_md5Value, sizeof( MD5Value_t ) );
// you can not ask again, we have removed it from the list
return true;
// not done yet
return false;
// BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete
// block until request identified by iRequest is finished
// ( the caller wants to free the memory, but now must wait until we finish
// calculating the MD5 )
bool CFileTracker2::BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete( int iRequest, MD5Value_t *pMd5ValueOut )
while ( 1 )
if ( IsMD5RequestComplete( iRequest, pMd5ValueOut ) )
return true;
m_threadEventWorkCompleted.Wait( 1 );
return false;
CFileTracker2::CFileTracker2( CBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem ):
m_treeAllOpenedFiles( TrackedFile_t::Less ),
m_treeTrackedVPKFiles( TrackedVPKFile_t::Less )
#if defined( DEDICATED )
Assert( 0 );
m_pFileSystem = pFileSystem;
m_cThreadBlocks = 0;
m_cDupMD5s = 0;
m_bThreadShouldRun = false;
m_hWorkThread = NULL;
Assert( !m_bThreadShouldRun );
Assert( m_hWorkThread == NULL );
void CFileTracker2::ShutdownAsync()
m_bThreadShouldRun = false;
// wait for it to die
if ( m_hWorkThread )
ThreadJoin( m_hWorkThread );
ReleaseThreadHandle( m_hWorkThread );
m_hWorkThread = NULL;
void CFileTracker2::MarkAllCRCsUnverified()
// AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
int CFileTracker2::GetUnverifiedFileHashes( CUnverifiedFileHash *pFiles, int nMaxFiles )
return 0;
EFileCRCStatus CFileTracker2::CheckCachedFileHash( const char *pPathID, const char *pRelativeFilename, int nFileFraction, FileHash_t *pFileHash )
Assert( ThreadInMainThread() );
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
TrackedFile_t trackedfileFind;
trackedfileFind.RebuildFileName( m_stringPool, pRelativeFilename, pPathID, nFileFraction );
int idx = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Find( trackedfileFind );
if ( idx != m_treeAllOpenedFiles.InvalidIndex() )
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idx ];
if ( trackedfile.m_bFileInVPK )
// the FileHash is not meaningful, because the file is in a VPK, we have hashed the entire VPK
// if the user is sending us a hash for this file, it means he has extracted it from the VPK and tricked the client into loading it
// instead of the version in the VPK.
return k_eFileCRCStatus_FileInVPK;
return k_eFileCRCStatus_CantOpenFile;
return k_eFileCRCStatus_CantOpenFile;
void TrackedFile_t::RebuildFileName( CStringPool &stringPool, const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int nFileFraction )
char szFixedName[ MAX_PATH ];
char szPathName[ MAX_PATH ];
V_strcpy_safe( szFixedName, pFilename );
V_RemoveDotSlashes( szFixedName );
V_FixSlashes( szFixedName );
V_strlower( szFixedName ); // !KLUDGE!
m_filename = stringPool.Allocate( szFixedName );
V_strcpy_safe( szPathName, pPathID ? pPathID : "" );
V_strupr( szPathName ); // !KLUDGE!
m_path = stringPool.Allocate( szPathName );
// CRC32_t crcFilename;
// CRC32_Init( &crcFilename );
// CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crcFilename, m_filename, Q_strlen( m_filename ) );
// CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &crcFilename, m_path, Q_strlen( m_path ) );
// CRC32_Final( &crcFilename );
// m_crcIdentifier = crcFilename;
m_nFileFraction = nFileFraction;
void CFileTracker2::NotePackFileAccess( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int iSearchPathStoreId, CPackedStoreFileHandle &VPKHandle )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( DEDICATED )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
Assert( iSearchPathStoreId > 0 );
int idxFile = IdxFileFromName( pFilename, pPathID, 0, false );
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idxFile ];
// we could use the CRC data from the VPK header - and verify it
// VPKHandle.GetFileCRCFromHeaderData();
// for now all we are going to do is track that this file came from a VPK
trackedfile.m_PackFileID = VPKHandle.m_pOwner->m_PackFileID;
trackedfile.m_nPackFileNumber = VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber; // this might be useful to send up
trackedfile.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId = iSearchPathStoreId;
trackedfile.m_bFileInVPK = true;
#endif // !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( DEDICATED )
struct FileListToUnloadForWhitelistChange : public IFileList
virtual bool IsFileInList( const char *pFilename )
char szFixedName[ MAX_PATH ];
GetFixedName( pFilename, szFixedName );
return m_dictFiles.Find( szFixedName ) >= 0;
virtual void Release()
delete this;
void AddFile( const char *pszFilename )
char szFixedName[ MAX_PATH ];
GetFixedName( pszFilename, szFixedName );
if ( m_dictFiles.Find( szFixedName ) < 0 )
m_dictFiles.Insert( szFixedName );
void GetFixedName( const char *pszFilename, char *pszFixedName )
V_strncpy( pszFixedName, pszFilename, MAX_PATH );
V_strlower( pszFixedName );
V_FixSlashes( pszFixedName );
CUtlDict<int> m_dictFiles;
IFileList *CFileTracker2::GetFilesToUnloadForWhitelistChange( IPureServerWhitelist *pNewWhiteList )
FileListToUnloadForWhitelistChange *pResult = new FileListToUnloadForWhitelistChange;
for ( int i = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.FirstInorder() ; i >= 0 ; i = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.NextInorder( i ) )
TrackedFile_t &f = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[i];
// !KLUDGE! If we ignored it at all, just reload it.
// This is more conservative than we need to be, but the set of files we are ignoring is probably
// pretty small so it should be fine.
if ( f.m_bIgnoredForPureServer )
f.m_bIgnoredForPureServer = false;
Msg( "%s was ignored for pure server purposes. Queuing for reload\n", f.m_filename );
pResult->AddFile( f.m_filename );
if ( f.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId != 0 && pNewWhiteList && pNewWhiteList->GetFileClass( f.m_filename ) == ePureServerFileClass_AnyTrusted )
// Check if we loaded it from a path that no longer exists or is no longer trusted
const CBaseFileSystem::CSearchPath *pSearchPath = m_pFileSystem->FindSearchPathByStoreId( f.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId );
if ( pSearchPath == NULL )
Msg( "%s was loaded from search path that's no longer mounted. Queuing for reload\n", f.m_filename );
pResult->AddFile( f.m_filename );
else if ( !pSearchPath->m_bIsTrustedForPureServer )
Msg( "%s was loaded from search path that's not currently trusted. Queuing for reload\n", f.m_filename );
pResult->AddFile( f.m_filename );
#if defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( PURE_SERVER_DEBUG_SPEW )
Msg( "%s is OK. Keeping\n", f.m_filename );
// Do we need to reload anything?
if ( pResult->m_dictFiles.Count() > 0 )
return pResult;
// Nothing to reload, return an empty list as an optimization
return NULL;
void CFileTracker2::AddFileHashForVPKFile( int nPackFileNumber, int nFileFraction, int cbFileLen, MD5Value_t &md5, CPackedStoreFileHandle &VPKHandle )
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
char szDataFileName[MAX_PATH];
VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber = nPackFileNumber;
VPKHandle.GetPackFileName( szDataFileName, sizeof(szDataFileName) );
const char *pszFileName = V_GetFileName( szDataFileName );
TrackedVPKFile_t trackedVPKFile;
trackedVPKFile.m_nPackFileNumber = VPKHandle.m_nFileNumber;
trackedVPKFile.m_PackFileID = VPKHandle.m_pOwner->m_PackFileID;
trackedVPKFile.m_nFileFraction = nFileFraction;
trackedVPKFile.m_idxAllOpenedFiles = IdxFileFromName( pszFileName, "GAME", nFileFraction, true );
m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.Insert( trackedVPKFile );
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ trackedVPKFile.m_idxAllOpenedFiles ];
// These set in IdxFileFromName:
// trackedfile.m_crcIdentifier
// trackedfile.m_filename
// trackedfile.m_path
// trackedfile.m_bPackOrVPKFile
// trackedfile.m_nFileFraction
// Not set:
// trackedfile.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId
// trackedfile.m_bIgnoredForPureServer
trackedfile.m_bFileInVPK = false;
trackedfile.m_bPackOrVPKFile = true;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_cbFileLen = cbFileLen;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_eFileHashType = FileHash_t::k_EFileHashTypeEntireFile;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_nPackFileNumber = nPackFileNumber;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_PackFileID = VPKHandle.m_pOwner->m_PackFileID;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_crcIOSequence = cbFileLen;
Q_memcpy( trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_md5contents.bits, md5.bits, sizeof( md5.bits) );
#endif // !DEDICATED
int CFileTracker2::IdxFileFromName( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int nFileFraction, bool bPackOrVPKFile )
TrackedFile_t trackedfile;
trackedfile.RebuildFileName( m_stringPool, pFilename, pPathID, nFileFraction );
trackedfile.m_bPackOrVPKFile = bPackOrVPKFile;
int idxFile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Find( trackedfile );
if ( idxFile == m_treeAllOpenedFiles.InvalidIndex() )
idxFile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Insert( trackedfile );
return idxFile;
int CFileTracker2::NotePackFileOpened( const char *pVPKAbsPath, const char *pPathID, int64 nLength )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
int idxFile = IdxFileFromName( pVPKAbsPath, pPathID, 0, true );
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idxFile ];
// we have the real name we want to use. correct the name
trackedfile.m_bPackOrVPKFile = true;
trackedfile.m_PackFileID = idxFile + 1;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_PackFileID = trackedfile.m_PackFileID;
trackedfile.m_filehashFinal.m_nPackFileNumber = -1;
m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Reinsert( idxFile );
return idxFile + 1;
return 0;
void CFileTracker2::NoteFileIgnoredForPureServer( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int iSearchPathStoreId )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
int idxFile = IdxFileFromName( pFilename, pPathID, 0, false );
m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idxFile ].m_bIgnoredForPureServer = true;
void CFileTracker2::NoteFileLoadedFromDisk( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int iSearchPathStoreId, FILE *fp, int64 nLength )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE ) && !defined( DEDICATED )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
Assert( iSearchPathStoreId != 0 );
int idxFile = IdxFileFromName( pFilename, pPathID, 0, false );
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idxFile ];
trackedfile.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId = iSearchPathStoreId;
void CFileTracker2::NoteFileUnloaded( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID )
#if !defined( _GAMECONSOLE )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
// Locate bookeeping entry, if any
TrackedFile_t trackedfile;
trackedfile.RebuildFileName( m_stringPool, pFilename, pPathID, 0 );
int idxFile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Find( trackedfile );
if ( idxFile >= 0 )
// Clear state
TrackedFile_t &trackedfile = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ idxFile ];
trackedfile.m_iLoadedSearchPathStoreId = 0;
trackedfile.m_bIgnoredForPureServer = false;
int CFileTracker2::ListOpenedFiles( bool bAllOpened, const char *pchFilenameFind )
AUTO_LOCK( m_Mutex );
int i;
int InvalidIndex;
if ( bAllOpened )
i = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.FirstInorder();
InvalidIndex = m_treeAllOpenedFiles.InvalidIndex();
i = m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.FirstInorder();
InvalidIndex = m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.InvalidIndex();
Msg( "#, Path, FileName, (PackFileID, PackFileNumber), FileLen, FileFraction\n" );
int count = 0;
int cPackFiles = 0;
while ( i != InvalidIndex )
int index = bAllOpened ? i : m_treeTrackedVPKFiles[ i ].m_idxAllOpenedFiles;
TrackedFile_t &file = m_treeAllOpenedFiles[ index ];
if ( file.m_PackFileID )
if ( !pchFilenameFind ||
Q_strstr( file.m_filename, pchFilenameFind ) ||
Q_strstr( file.m_path, pchFilenameFind ) )
Msg( "%d %s %s ( %d, %d ) %d %d%s%s\n",
count, file.m_path, file.m_filename, file.m_PackFileID, file.m_nPackFileNumber,
file.m_filehashFinal.m_cbFileLen, file.m_nFileFraction /*, file.m_crcIdentifier*/,
file.m_bFileInVPK ? " (invpk)" : "",
file.m_bPackOrVPKFile ? " (vpk)" : "");
i = bAllOpened ? m_treeAllOpenedFiles.NextInorder( i ) : m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.NextInorder( i );
Msg( "cThreadedBlocks:%d cDupMD5s:%d\n", m_cThreadBlocks, m_cDupMD5s );
Msg( "TrackedVPKFiles:%d AllOpenedFiles:%d files VPKfiles:%d StringPoolCount:%d\n",
m_treeTrackedVPKFiles.Count(), m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Count(), cPackFiles, m_stringPool.Count() );
return m_treeAllOpenedFiles.Count();
static void CC_TrackerListAllFiles( const CCommand &args )
const char *pchFilenameFind = ( args.ArgC() >= 2 ) ? args[1] : NULL;
BaseFileSystem()->m_FileTracker2.ListOpenedFiles( true, pchFilenameFind );
static ConCommand trackerlistallfiles( "trackerlistallfiles", CC_TrackerListAllFiles, "TrackerListAllFiles" );
static void CC_TrackerListVPKFiles( const CCommand &args )
const char *pchFilenameFind = ( args.ArgC() >= 2 ) ? args[1] : NULL;
BaseFileSystem()->m_FileTracker2.ListOpenedFiles( false, pchFilenameFind );
static ConCommand trackerlistvpkfiles( "trackerlistvpkfiles", CC_TrackerListVPKFiles, "TrackerListVPKFiles" );
#endif // !DEDICATED