FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

10448 lines
246 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// studiomdl.c: generates a studio .mdl file from a .qc script
// models/<scriptname>.mdl.
#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4237 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4305 )
#include <windows.h>
#undef GetCurrentDirectory
#include <Shlwapi.h> // PathCanonicalize
#pragma comment( lib, "shlwapi" )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include "istudiorender.h"
#include "filesystem_tools.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "scriplib.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#define EXTERN
#include "studio.h"
#include "studiomdl.h"
#include "collisionmodel.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#include "byteswap.h"
#include "studiobyteswap.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "bspflags.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utlsortvector.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
#include "appframework/appframework.h"
#include "datamodel/idatamodel.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
#include "tier2/tier2.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "mdlobjects/dmeboneflexdriver.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmemdlmakefile.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmevertexdata.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmecombinationoperator.h"
#include "dmserializers/idmserializers.h"
#include "tier2/p4helpers.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#include "mdllib/mdllib.h"
#include "perfstats.h"
#include "worldsize.h"
bool g_collapse_bones = false;
bool g_collapse_bones_aggressive = false;
bool g_quiet = false;
bool g_badCollide = false;
bool g_IHVTest = false;
bool g_bCheckLengths = false;
bool g_bPrintBones = false;
bool g_bPerf = false;
bool g_bDumpGraph = false;
bool g_bMultistageGraph = false;
bool g_verbose = false;
bool g_bCreateMakefile = false;
bool g_bHasModelName = false;
bool g_bZBrush = false;
bool g_bVerifyOnly = false;
bool g_bUseBoneInBBox = true;
bool g_bLockBoneLengths = false;
bool g_bOverridePreDefinedBones = false;
int g_minLod = 0;
int g_numAllowedRootLODs = 0;
bool g_bNoWarnings = false;
int g_maxWarnings = -1;
bool g_bX360 = false;
bool g_bBuildPreview = false;
bool g_bCenterBonesOnVerts = false;
bool g_bDumpMaterials = false;
bool g_bStripLods = false;
bool g_bMakeVsi = false;
float g_flDefaultMotionRollback = 0.3f;
int g_minSectionFrameLimit = 120;
int g_sectionFrames = 30;
bool g_bNoAnimblockStall = false;
char g_path[MAX_PATH];
DmElementHandle_t g_hDmeBoneFlexDriverList = DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID;
enum RunMode
} g_eRunMode = RUN_MODE_BUILD;
bool g_bNoP4 = false;
CUtlVector< s_hitboxset > g_hitboxsets;
CUtlVector< char > g_KeyValueText;
CUtlVector<s_flexcontrollerremap_t> g_FlexControllerRemap;
CCheckUVCmd g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd;
// Parsed data from a .qc or .dmx file
struct IKLock_t
CUtlString m_Name;
float m_flPosWeight;
float m_flLocalQWeight;
struct SequenceOption_t
bool m_bSnap : 1;
bool m_bIsDelta : 1;
bool m_bIsWorldSpace : 1;
bool m_bIsPost : 1;
bool m_bIsPreDelta : 1;
bool m_bIsAutoplay : 1;
bool m_bIsRealTime : 1;
bool m_bIsHidden : 1;
float m_flFadeInTime;
float m_flFadeOutTime;
int m_nBlendWidth;
CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_AutoLayers;
CUtlVector< IKLock_t > m_IKLocks;
struct CmdSequence_t
CUtlString m_Name;
CUtlString m_FileName;
SequenceOption_t m_Options;
// Forward declarations
void AddBodyFlexData( s_source_t *pSource, int imodel );
void AddBodyAttachments( s_source_t *pSource );
void AddBodyFlexRules( s_source_t *pSource );
// Stuff for writing a makefile to build models incrementally.
CUtlVector<CUtlSymbol> m_CreateMakefileDependencies;
void CreateMakefile_AddDependency( const char *pFileName )
EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( pFileName );
if( !g_bCreateMakefile )
CUtlSymbol sym( pFileName );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < m_CreateMakefileDependencies.Count(); i++ )
if( m_CreateMakefileDependencies[i] == sym )
m_CreateMakefileDependencies.AddToTail( sym );
void EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( const char *pFileName )
// Early out: if no p4
if ( g_bNoP4 )
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH];
if ( !GetGlobalFilePath( pFileName, pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) ) )
MdlWarning( "Model dependency file '%s' is missing.\n", pFileName );
Q_FixSlashes( pFullPath );
char bufCanonicalPath[ MAX_PATH ] = {0};
PathCanonicalize( bufCanonicalPath, pFullPath );
CP4AutoAddFile p4_add_dep_file( bufCanonicalPath );
void StudioMdl_ScriptLoadedCallback( char const *pFilenameLoaded, char const *pIncludedFromFileName, int nIncludeLineNumber )
EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( pFilenameLoaded );
void CreateMakefile_OutputMakefile( void )
if( !g_bHasModelName )
MdlError( "Can't write makefile since a target mdl hasn't been specified!" );
FILE *fp = fopen( "makefile.tmp", "a" );
if( !fp )
MdlError( "can't open makefile.tmp!\n" );
char mdlname[MAX_PATH];
V_strcpy_safe( mdlname, gamedir );
// if( *g_pPlatformName )
// {
// V_strcat_safe( mdlname, "platform_" );
// V_strcat_safe( mdlname, g_pPlatformName );
// V_strcat_safe( mdlname, "/" );
// }
V_strcat_safe( mdlname, "models/" );
V_strcat_safe( mdlname, outname );
Q_StripExtension( mdlname, mdlname, sizeof( mdlname ) );
V_strcat_safe( mdlname, ".mdl" );
Q_FixSlashes( mdlname );
fprintf( fp, "%s:", mdlname );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < m_CreateMakefileDependencies.Count(); i++ )
fprintf( fp, " %s", m_CreateMakefileDependencies[i].String() );
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
char mkdirpath[MAX_PATH];
V_strcpy_safe( mkdirpath, mdlname );
Q_StripFilename( mkdirpath );
fprintf( fp, "\tmkdir \"%s\"\n", mkdirpath );
fprintf( fp, "\t%s -quiet %s\n\n", CommandLine()->GetParm( 0 ), fullpath );
fclose( fp );
static bool g_bFirstWarning = true;
void TokenError( const char *fmt, ... )
static char output[1024];
va_list args;
char *pFilename;
int iLineNumber;
if (GetTokenizerStatus( &pFilename, &iLineNumber ))
va_start( args, fmt );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
MdlError( "%s(%d): - %s", pFilename, iLineNumber, output );
va_start( args, fmt );
vsprintf( output, fmt, args );
MdlError( "%s", output );
void MdlError( const char *fmt, ... )
static char output[1024];
static char *knownExtensions[] = {".mdl", ".ani", ".phy", ".sw.vtx", ".dx80.vtx", ".dx90.vtx", ".vvd"};
char fileName[MAX_PATH];
char baseName[MAX_PATH];
va_list args;
Assert( 0 );
if (g_quiet)
if (g_bFirstWarning)
printf("%s :\n", fullpath );
g_bFirstWarning = false;
printf("ERROR: ");
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
// delete premature files
// unforunately, content is built without verification
// ensuring that targets are not available, prevents check-in
if (g_bHasModelName)
// undescriptive errors in batch processes could be anonymous
printf("ERROR: Aborted Processing on '%s'\n", outname);
V_strcpy_safe( fileName, gamedir );
V_strcat_safe( fileName, "models/" );
V_strcat_safe( fileName, outname );
Q_FixSlashes( fileName );
Q_StripExtension( fileName, baseName, sizeof( baseName ) );
for (int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(knownExtensions); i++)
V_strcpy_safe( fileName, baseName);
V_strcat_safe( fileName, knownExtensions[i] );
// really need filesystem concept here
// g_pFileSystem->RemoveFile( fileName );
unlink( fileName );
exit( -1 );
void MdlWarning( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
static char output[1024];
if (g_bNoWarnings || g_maxWarnings == 0)
WORD old = SetConsoleTextColor( 1, 1, 0, 1 );
if (g_quiet)
if (g_bFirstWarning)
printf("%s :\n", fullpath );
g_bFirstWarning = false;
Assert( 0 );
printf("WARNING: ");
va_start( args, fmt );
vprintf( fmt, args );
if (g_maxWarnings > 0)
if (g_maxWarnings == 0)
if (g_quiet)
printf("suppressing further warnings...\n");
RestoreConsoleTextColor( old );
SpewRetval_t MdlSpewOutputFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg )
if ((( type == SPEW_MESSAGE ) || (type == SPEW_LOG )) && g_quiet)
// suppress
else if (type == SPEW_WARNING)
MdlWarning( "%s", pMsg );
return CmdLib_SpewOutputFunc( type, pMsg );
#ifndef _DEBUG
void MdlHandleCrash( const char *pMessage, bool bAssert )
static LONG crashHandlerCount = 0;
if ( InterlockedIncrement( &crashHandlerCount ) == 1 )
MdlError( "'%s' (assert: %d)\n", pMessage, bAssert );
InterlockedDecrement( &crashHandlerCount );
// This is called if we crash inside our crash handler. It just terminates the process immediately.
LONG __stdcall MdlSecondExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo )
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 2 );
return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; // (never gets here anyway)
void MdlExceptionFilter( unsigned long code )
// This is called if we crash inside our crash handler. It just terminates the process immediately.
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( MdlSecondExceptionFilter );
//DWORD code = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode;
#define ERR_RECORD( name ) { name, #name }
int code;
char *pReason;
} errors[] =
int nErrors = sizeof( errors ) / sizeof( errors[0] );
int i;
for ( i=0; i < nErrors; i++ )
if ( errors[i].code == code )
MdlHandleCrash( errors[i].pReason, true );
if ( i == nErrors )
MdlHandleCrash( "Unknown reason", true );
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 1 );
int k_memtotal;
void *kalloc( int num, int size )
// printf( "calloc( %d, %d )\n", num, size );
// printf( "%d ", num * size );
int nMemSize = num * size;
k_memtotal += nMemSize;
// ensure memory alignment on maximum of ALIGN
nMemSize += 511;
void *ptr = malloc( nMemSize );
memset( ptr, 0, nMemSize );
ptr = (byte *)((int)((byte *)ptr + 511) & ~511);
return ptr;
void kmemset( void *ptr, int value, int size )
// printf( "kmemset( %x, %d, %d )\n", ptr, value, size );
memset( ptr, value, size );
int verify_atoi( const char *token )
if (token[0] != '-' && (token[0] < '0' || token[0] > '9'))
TokenError( "expecting number, got \"%s\"\n", token );
return atoi( token );
float verify_atof( const char *token )
if (token[0] != '-' && token[0] != '.' && (token[0] < '0' || token[0] > '9'))
TokenError( "expecting number, got \"%s\"\n", token );
return atof( token );
float verify_atof_with_null( const char *token )
if (strcmp( token, ".." ) == 0)
return -1;
if (token[0] != '-' && token[0] != '.' && (token[0] < '0' || token[0] > '9'))
TokenError( "expecting number, got \"%s\"\n", token );
return atof( token );
// Key value block
static void AppendKeyValueText( CUtlVector< char > *pKeyValue, const char *pString )
int nLen = strlen(pString);
int nFirst = pKeyValue->AddMultipleToTail( nLen );
memcpy( pKeyValue->Base() + nFirst, pString, nLen );
int KeyValueTextSize( CUtlVector< char > *pKeyValue )
return pKeyValue->Count();
const char *KeyValueText( CUtlVector< char > *pKeyValue )
return pKeyValue->Base();
void Option_KeyValues( CUtlVector< char > *pKeyValue );
// Read global input into common string
bool GetLineInput( void )
while (fgets( g_szLine, sizeof( g_szLine ), g_fpInput ) != NULL)
// skip comments
if (g_szLine[0] == '/' && g_szLine[1] == '/')
return true;
return false;
int lookupControl( char *string )
if (stricmp(string,"X")==0) return STUDIO_X;
if (stricmp(string,"Y")==0) return STUDIO_Y;
if (stricmp(string,"Z")==0) return STUDIO_Z;
if (stricmp(string,"XR")==0) return STUDIO_XR;
if (stricmp(string,"YR")==0) return STUDIO_YR;
if (stricmp(string,"ZR")==0) return STUDIO_ZR;
if (stricmp(string,"LX")==0) return STUDIO_LX;
if (stricmp(string,"LY")==0) return STUDIO_LY;
if (stricmp(string,"LZ")==0) return STUDIO_LZ;
if (stricmp(string,"LXR")==0) return STUDIO_LXR;
if (stricmp(string,"LYR")==0) return STUDIO_LYR;
if (stricmp(string,"LZR")==0) return STUDIO_LZR;
if (stricmp(string,"LM")==0) return STUDIO_LINEAR;
if (stricmp(string,"LQ")==0) return STUDIO_QUADRATIC_MOTION;
return -1;
int LookupPoseParameter( char *name )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numposeparameters; i++)
if (!stricmp( name, g_pose[i].name))
return i;
V_strcpy_safe( g_pose[i].name, name );
g_numposeparameters = i + 1;
if (g_numposeparameters > MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM)
TokenError( "too many pose parameters (max %d)\n", MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM );
return i;
// Stuff for writing a makefile to build models incrementally.
s_sourceanim_t *FindSourceAnim( s_source_t *pSource, const char *pAnimName )
int nCount = pSource->m_Animations.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = &pSource->m_Animations[i];
if ( !Q_stricmp( pAnimName, pAnim->animationname ) )
return pAnim;
return NULL;
const s_sourceanim_t *FindSourceAnim( const s_source_t *pSource, const char *pAnimName )
if ( !pAnimName[0] )
return NULL;
int nCount = pSource->m_Animations.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
const s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = &pSource->m_Animations[i];
if ( !Q_stricmp( pAnimName, pAnim->animationname ) )
return pAnim;
return NULL;
s_sourceanim_t *FindOrAddSourceAnim( s_source_t *pSource, const char *pAnimName )
if ( !pAnimName[0] )
return NULL;
int nCount = pSource->m_Animations.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = &pSource->m_Animations[i];
if ( !Q_stricmp( pAnimName, pAnim->animationname ) )
return pAnim;
int nIndex = pSource->m_Animations.AddToTail();
s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = &pSource->m_Animations[nIndex];
memset( pAnim, 0, sizeof(s_sourceanim_t) );
Q_strncpy( pAnim->animationname, pAnimName, sizeof(pAnim->animationname) );
return pAnim;
// Purpose: Handle the $boneflexdriver command
// QC: $boneflexdriver <bone name> <tx|ty|tz> <flex controller name> <min> <max>
void Cmd_BoneFlexDriver()
CDisableUndoScopeGuard undoDisable; // Turn of Dme undo
// Find or create the DmeBoneFlexDriverList
CDmeBoneFlexDriverList *pDmeBoneFlexDriverList = GetElement< CDmeBoneFlexDriverList >( g_hDmeBoneFlexDriverList );
if ( !pDmeBoneFlexDriverList )
pDmeBoneFlexDriverList = CreateElement< CDmeBoneFlexDriverList >( "boneDriverFlexList", DMFILEID_INVALID );
if ( pDmeBoneFlexDriverList )
g_hDmeBoneFlexDriverList = pDmeBoneFlexDriverList->GetHandle();
if ( !pDmeBoneFlexDriverList )
MdlError( "%s: Couldn't find or create DmeBoneDriverFlexList\n", "$boneflexdriver" );
// <bone name>
GetToken( false );
CDmeBoneFlexDriver *pDmeBoneFlexDriver = pDmeBoneFlexDriverList->FindOrCreateBoneFlexDriver( token );
if ( !pDmeBoneFlexDriver )
MdlError( "%s: Couldn't find or create DmeBoneFlexDriver for bone \"%s\"\n", "$boneflexdriver", token );
// <tx|ty|tz|rx|ry|rz>
GetToken( false );
const char *ppszComponentTypeList[] = { "tx", "ty", "tz" };
int nBoneComponent = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( ppszComponentTypeList ); ++i )
if ( StringHasPrefix( token, ppszComponentTypeList[i] ) )
nBoneComponent = i;
if ( nBoneComponent < STUDIO_BONE_FLEX_TX || nBoneComponent > STUDIO_BONE_FLEX_TZ )
TokenError( "%s: Invalid bone component, must be one of <tx|ty|tz>\n", "$boneflexdriver" );
// <flex controller name>
GetToken( false );
CDmeBoneFlexDriverControl *pDmeBoneFlexDriverControl = pDmeBoneFlexDriver->FindOrCreateControl( token );
if ( !pDmeBoneFlexDriverControl )
MdlError( "%s: Couldn't find or create DmeBoneFlexDriverControl for bone \"%s\"\n", "$boneflexdriver", token );
pDmeBoneFlexDriverControl->m_nBoneComponent = nBoneComponent;
// <min>
GetToken( false );
pDmeBoneFlexDriverControl->m_flMin = verify_atof( token );
// <max>
GetToken( false );
pDmeBoneFlexDriverControl->m_flMax = verify_atof( token );
// Purpose: Handle the $checkuv command
// QC: $checkuv [0to1] [overlap] [inverse] [gutter <res> <min>]
void Cmd_CheckUV()
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.ClearCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_ALL_FLAGS );
while ( TokenAvailable() && GetToken( false ) )
if ( !V_stricmp( token, "0to1" ) )
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.SetCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_FLAG_NORMALIZED );
else if ( !V_stricmp( token, "overlap" ) )
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.SetCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_FLAG_OVERLAP );
else if ( !V_stricmp( token, "inverse" ) )
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.SetCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_FLAG_INVERSE );
else if ( !V_stricmp( token, "gutter" ) )
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.SetCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_FLAG_GUTTER );
if ( TokenAvailable() && GetToken( false ) )
if ( V_isdigit( *token ) )
const int nOptRes = V_atoi( token );
if ( nOptRes <= 0 )
MdlError( "$checkuv: Invalid resolution, \"%s\", for gutter check specified, must be > 0\n", token );
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.m_nOptGutterTexWidth = nOptRes;
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.m_nOptGutterTexHeight = nOptRes;
if ( TokenAvailable() && GetToken( false ) )
if ( V_isdigit( *token ) )
const int nOptMin = V_atoi( token );
if ( nOptMin <= 0 )
MdlError( "$checkuv: Invalid minimum, \"%s\", for gutter check specified, must be > 0\n", token );
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.m_nOptGutterMin = nOptMin;
MdlError( "$checkuv: Unknown argument \"%s\", expected one of [ 0to1, overlap, inverse, gutter ]\n", token );
if ( !g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.DoAnyCheck() )
g_StudioMdlCheckUVCmd.SetCheck( CCheckUVCmd::CHECK_UV_ALL_FLAGS );
void Cmd_PoseParameter( )
if ( g_numposeparameters >= MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM )
TokenError( "too many pose parameters (max %d)\n", MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM );
int i = LookupPoseParameter( token );
// name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_pose[i].name, token );
if ( TokenAvailable() )
// min
GetToken (false);
g_pose[i].min = verify_atof (token);
if ( TokenAvailable() )
// max
GetToken (false);
g_pose[i].max = verify_atof (token);
while ( TokenAvailable() )
GetToken (false);
if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "wrap" ) )
g_pose[i].flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
g_pose[i].loop = g_pose[i].max - g_pose[i].min;
else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "loop" ) )
g_pose[i].flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
GetToken (false);
g_pose[i].loop = verify_atof( token );
int LookupTexture( const char *pTextureName, bool bRelativePath )
char pTextureNoExt[MAX_PATH];
char pTextureBase[MAX_PATH];
char pTextureBase2[MAX_PATH];
Q_StripExtension( pTextureName, pTextureNoExt, sizeof(pTextureNoExt) );
Q_FileBase( pTextureName, pTextureBase, sizeof(pTextureBase) );
int nFlags = bRelativePath ? RELATIVE_TEXTURE_PATH_SPECIFIED : 0;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++ )
if ( g_texture[i].flags == nFlags )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pTextureNoExt, g_texture[i].name ) )
return i;
// Comparing relative vs non-relative
if ( bRelativePath )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pTextureBase, g_texture[i].name ) )
return i;
// Comparing non-relative vs relative
Q_FileBase( g_texture[i].name, pTextureBase2, sizeof(pTextureBase2) );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pTextureNoExt, pTextureBase2 ) )
return i;
MdlError("Too many materials used, max %d\n", ( int )MAXSTUDIOSKINS );
Q_strncpy( g_texture[i].name, pTextureNoExt, sizeof(g_texture[i].name) );
g_texture[i].material = -1;
g_texture[i].flags = nFlags;
return i;
void Cmd_RenameMaterial( void )
char from[256];
char to[256];
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( from, token );
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( to, token );
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++)
if (stricmp( g_texture[i].name, from ) == 0)
V_strcpy_safe( g_texture[i].name, to );
MdlError( "unknown material \"%s\" in rename\n", from );
int UseTextureAsMaterial( int textureindex )
if ( g_texture[textureindex].material == -1 )
if (g_bDumpMaterials)
printf("material %d %d %s\n", textureindex, g_nummaterials, g_texture[textureindex].name );
g_material[g_nummaterials] = textureindex;
g_texture[textureindex].material = g_nummaterials++;
return g_texture[textureindex].material;
int MaterialToTexture( int material )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++)
if (g_texture[i].material == material)
return i;
return -1;
//Wrong name for the use of it.
void scale_vertex( Vector &org )
org[0] = org[0] * g_currentscale;
org[1] = org[1] * g_currentscale;
org[2] = org[2] * g_currentscale;
void SetSkinValues( )
int i, j;
int index;
// Check all textures to see if we have relative paths specified
for (i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++)
if ( g_texture[i].flags & RELATIVE_TEXTURE_PATH_SPECIFIED )
// Add an empty path to prepend if anything specifies a relative path
cdtextures[numcdtextures] = 0;
if ( numcdtextures == 0 )
char szName[MAX_PATH];
// strip down till it finds "models"
V_strcpy_safe( szName, fullpath );
while (szName[0] != '\0' && strnicmp( "models", szName, 6 ) != 0)
strcpy( &szName[0], &szName[1] );
if (szName[0] != '\0')
Q_StripFilename( szName );
V_strcat_safe( szName, "/" );
// if( *g_pPlatformName )
// {
// V_strcat_safe( szName, "platform_" );
// V_strcat_safe( szName, g_pPlatformName );
// V_strcat_safe( szName, "/" );
// }
V_strcpy_safe( szName, "models/" );
V_strcat_safe( szName, outname );
Q_StripExtension( szName, szName, sizeof( szName ) );
V_strcat_safe( szName, "/" );
cdtextures[0] = strdup( szName );
numcdtextures = 1;
for (i = 0; i < g_numtextures; i++)
char szName[256];
Q_StripExtension( g_texture[i].name, szName, sizeof( szName ) );
Q_strncpy( g_texture[i].name, szName, sizeof( g_texture[i].name ) );
// build texture groups
for (i = 0; i < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < MAXSTUDIOSKINS; j++)
g_skinref[i][j] = j;
index = 0;
for (i = 0; i < g_numtexturelayers[0]; i++)
for (j = 0; j < g_numtexturereps[0]; j++)
g_skinref[i][g_texturegroup[0][0][j]] = g_texturegroup[0][i][j];
if (i != 0)
g_numskinfamilies = i;
g_numskinfamilies = 1;
g_numskinref = g_numtextures;
// printf ("width: %i height: %i\n",width, height);
printf ("adjusted width: %i height: %i top : %i left: %i\n",
pmesh->skinwidth, pmesh->skinheight, pmesh->skintop, pmesh->skinleft );
int LookupXNode( char *name )
int i;
for ( i = 1; i <= g_numxnodes; i++)
if (stricmp( name, g_xnodename[i] ) == 0)
return i;
g_xnodename[i] = strdup( name );
g_numxnodes = i;
return i;
char g_szFilename[1024];
FILE *g_fpInput;
char g_szLine[4096];
int g_iLinecount;
void Build_Reference( s_source_t *pSource, const char *pAnimName )
int i, parent;
Vector angle;
s_sourceanim_t *pReferenceAnim = FindSourceAnim( pSource, pAnimName );
for (i = 0; i < pSource->numbones; i++)
matrix3x4_t m;
if ( pReferenceAnim )
AngleMatrix( pReferenceAnim->rawanim[0][i].rot, m );
m[0][3] = pReferenceAnim->rawanim[0][i].pos[0];
m[1][3] = pReferenceAnim->rawanim[0][i].pos[1];
m[2][3] = pReferenceAnim->rawanim[0][i].pos[2];
SetIdentityMatrix( m );
parent = pSource->localBone[i].parent;
if (parent == -1)
// scale the done pos.
// calc rotational matrices
MatrixCopy( m, pSource->boneToPose[i] );
// calc compound rotational matrices
// FIXME : Hey, it's orthogical so inv(A) == transpose(A)
Assert( parent < i );
ConcatTransforms( pSource->boneToPose[parent], m, pSource->boneToPose[i] );
// printf("%3d %f %f %f\n", i, psource->bonefixup[i].worldorg[0], psource->bonefixup[i].worldorg[1], psource->bonefixup[i].worldorg[2] );
AngleMatrix( angle, m );
printf("%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", m[0][0], m[1][0], m[2][0] );
printf("%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", m[0][1], m[1][1], m[2][1] );
printf("%8.4f %8.4f %8.4f\n", m[0][2], m[1][2], m[2][2] );
int Grab_Nodes( s_node_t *pnodes )
int index;
char name[1024];
int parent;
int numbones = 0;
for (index = 0; index < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES; index++)
pnodes[index].parent = -1;
while (GetLineInput())
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d \"%[^\"]\" %d", &index, name, &parent ) == 3)
// check for duplicated bones
if (strlen(pnodes[index].name) != 0)
MdlError( "bone \"%s\" exists more than once\n", name );
V_strcpy_safe( pnodes[index].name, name );
pnodes[index].parent = parent;
if (index > numbones)
numbones = index;
return numbones + 1;
MdlError( "Unexpected EOF at line %d\n", g_iLinecount );
return 0;
void clip_rotations( RadianEuler& rot )
int j;
// clip everything to : -M_PI <= x < M_PI
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
while (rot[j] >= M_PI)
rot[j] -= M_PI*2;
while (rot[j] < -M_PI)
rot[j] += M_PI*2;
void clip_rotations( Vector& rot )
int j;
// clip everything to : -180 <= x < 180
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
while (rot[j] >= 180)
rot[j] -= 180*2;
while (rot[j] < -180)
rot[j] += 180*2;
void Cmd_Eyeposition (void)
// rotate points into frame of reference so g_model points down the positive x
// axis
// FIXME: these coords are bogus
GetToken (false);
eyeposition[1] = verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
eyeposition[0] = -verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
eyeposition[2] = verify_atof (token);
// Cmd_MaxEyeDeflection
void Cmd_MaxEyeDeflection()
GetToken( false );
g_flMaxEyeDeflection = cosf( verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f );
// Cmd_Illumposition
void Cmd_Illumposition( void )
GetToken( false );
illumposition[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
illumposition[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
illumposition[2] = verify_atof( token );
if ( TokenAvailable() )
GetToken( false );
Q_strncpy( g_attachment[g_numattachments].name, "__illumPosition", sizeof(g_attachment[g_numattachments].name) );
Q_strncpy( g_attachment[g_numattachments].bonename, token, sizeof(g_attachment[g_numattachments].bonename) );
AngleMatrix( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), illumposition, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
g_attachment[g_numattachments].type |= IS_RIGID;
g_illumpositionattachment = g_numattachments + 1;
g_illumpositionattachment = 0;
// rotate points into frame of reference so
// g_model points down the positive x axis
// FIXME: these coords are bogus
float flTemp = illumposition[0];
illumposition[0] = -illumposition[1];
illumposition[1] = flTemp;
illumpositionset = true;
// Process Cmd_Modelname
void ProcessModelName( const char *pModelName )
// Abort early if modelname is too big
// - actually that's okay, it's just an identifier and can be truncated
g_bHasModelName = true;
Q_strncpy( outname, pModelName, sizeof( outname ) );
// Parse Cmd_Modelname
void Cmd_Modelname (void)
GetToken (false);
if ( token[0] == '/' || token[0] == '\\' )
MdlWarning( "$modelname key has slash as first character. Removing.\n" );
ProcessModelName( &token[1] );
ProcessModelName( token );
void Cmd_Autocenter()
g_centerstaticprop = true;
// Parse the body command from a .qc file
void ProcessOptionStudio( s_model_t *pmodel, const char *pFullPath, CDmeSourceSkin *pSkin )
Q_strncpy( pmodel->filename, pFullPath, sizeof(pmodel->filename) );
if ( pSkin->m_flScale != 0.0f )
pmodel->scale = g_currentscale = pSkin->m_flScale;
pmodel->scale = g_currentscale = g_defaultscale;
// load source
pmodel->source = Load_Source( pmodel->filename, "", pSkin->m_bFlipTriangles, true );
// Reset currentscale to whatever global we currently have set
// g_defaultscale gets set in Cmd_ScaleUp everytime the $scale command is used.
g_currentscale = g_defaultscale;
// Parse the studio options from a .qc file
bool ParseOptionStudio( CDmeSourceSkin *pSkin )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
pSkin->SetRelativeFileName( token );
while ( TokenAvailable() )
if ( !Q_stricmp( "reverse", token ) )
pSkin->m_bFlipTriangles = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "scale", token ) )
pSkin->m_flScale = verify_atof( token );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "faces", token ) )
GetToken( false );
GetToken( false );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "bias", token ) )
GetToken( false );
if ( !Q_stricmp( "{", token ) )
UnGetToken( );
MdlError("unknown command \"%s\"\n", token );
return false;
return true;
// Parse + process the studio options from a .qc file
void Option_Studio( s_model_t *pmodel )
CDmeSourceSkin *pSourceSkin = CreateElement< CDmeSourceSkin >( "" );
// Set defaults
pSourceSkin->m_flScale = g_defaultscale;
if ( ParseOptionStudio( pSourceSkin ) )
ProcessOptionStudio( pmodel, pSourceSkin->GetRelativeFileName(), pSourceSkin );
DestroyElement( pSourceSkin );
int Option_Blank( )
g_model[g_nummodels] = (s_model_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_model_t ) );
g_source[g_numsources] = (s_source_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_source_t ) );
g_model[g_nummodels]->source = g_source[g_numsources];
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].pmodel[g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels] = g_model[g_nummodels];
V_strcpy_safe( g_model[g_nummodels]->name, "blank" );
return 0;
void Cmd_Bodygroup( )
int is_started = 0;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
if (g_numbodyparts == 0)
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = 1;
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].base * g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].nummodels;
V_strcpy_safe( g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].name, token );
GetToken (true);
if (endofscript)
else if (token[0] == '{')
is_started = 1;
else if (token[0] == '}')
else if (stricmp("studio", token ) == 0)
g_model[g_nummodels] = (s_model_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_model_t ) );
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].pmodel[g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels] = g_model[g_nummodels];
Option_Studio( g_model[g_nummodels] );
// Body command should add any flex commands in the source loaded
if ( g_model[g_nummodels]->source )
AddBodyFlexData( g_model[g_nummodels]->source, g_nummodels );
AddBodyAttachments( g_model[g_nummodels]->source );
else if (stricmp("blank", token ) == 0)
Option_Blank( );
MdlError("unknown bodygroup option: \"%s\"\n", token );
} while (1);
// Add A Body Flex Rule
void AddBodyFlexFetchRule(
s_source_t *pSource,
s_flexrule_t *pRule,
int rawIndex,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRawIndexToRemapSourceIndex,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRawIndexToRemapLocalIndex,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRemapSourceIndexToGlobalFlexControllerIndex )
// Lookup the various indices of the requested input to fetch
// Relative to the remapped controls in the current s_source_t
const int remapSourceIndex = pRawIndexToRemapSourceIndex[ rawIndex ];
// Relative to the specific remapped control
const int remapLocalIndex = pRawIndexToRemapLocalIndex[ rawIndex ];
// The global flex controller index that the user ultimately twiddles
const int globalFlexControllerIndex = pRemapSourceIndexToGlobalFlexControllerIndex[ remapSourceIndex ];
// Get the Remap record
s_flexcontrollerremap_t &remap = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps[ remapSourceIndex ];
switch ( remap.m_RemapType )
// Easy As!
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_FETCH1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = globalFlexControllerIndex;
if ( remapLocalIndex == 0 )
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController >= 0 ? remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController : -1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = remap.m_BlinkController >= 0 ? remap.m_BlinkController : -1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = globalFlexControllerIndex; // CloseLid
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_DME_LOWER_EYELID;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = remap.m_MultiIndex; // CloseLidV
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController >= 0 ? remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController : -1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = remap.m_BlinkController >= 0 ? remap.m_BlinkController : -1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = globalFlexControllerIndex; // CloseLid
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_DME_UPPER_EYELID;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = remap.m_MultiIndex; // CloseLidV
// A little trickier... local index 0 is on the left, local index 1 is on the right
// Left Equivalent RemapVal( -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
// Right Equivalent RemapVal( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
if ( remapLocalIndex == 0 )
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_2WAY_0;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = globalFlexControllerIndex;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_2WAY_1;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = globalFlexControllerIndex;
int nRemapCount = remap.m_RawControls.Count();
float flStep = ( nRemapCount > 2 ) ? 2.0f / ( nRemapCount - 1 ) : 0.0f;
if ( remapLocalIndex == 0 )
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = -11.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = -10.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = -1.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = -1.0f + flStep;
else if ( remapLocalIndex == nRemapCount - 1 )
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = 1.0f - flStep;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = 1.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = 10.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = 11.0f;
float flPeak = remapLocalIndex * flStep - 1.0f;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = flPeak - flStep;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = flPeak;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = flPeak;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = flPeak + flStep;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = remap.m_MultiIndex;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_NWAY;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = globalFlexControllerIndex;
Assert( 0 );
// This is an error condition
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_CONST;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.value = 1.0f;
// Add A Body Flex Rule
void AddBodyFlexRule(
s_source_t *pSource,
s_combinationrule_t &rule,
int nFlexDesc,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRawIndexToRemapSourceIndex,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRawIndexToRemapLocalIndex,
const CUtlVector< int > &pRemapSourceIndexToGlobalFlexControllerIndex )
if ( g_numflexrules >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXRULES )
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex rules, max %d",
s_flexrule_t *pRule = &g_flexrule[g_numflexrules++];
pRule->flex = nFlexDesc;
// This will multiply the combination together
const int nCombinationCount = rule.m_Combination.Count();
if ( nCombinationCount )
for ( int j = 0; j < nCombinationCount; ++j )
// Handle any controller remapping
AddBodyFlexFetchRule( pSource, pRule, rule.m_Combination[ j ],
pRawIndexToRemapSourceIndex, pRawIndexToRemapLocalIndex,
pRemapSourceIndexToGlobalFlexControllerIndex );
if ( nCombinationCount > 1 )
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_COMBO;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = nCombinationCount;
// This will multiply in the suppressors
int nDominators = rule.m_Dominators.Count();
for ( int j = 0; j < nDominators; ++j )
const int nFactorCount = rule.m_Dominators[j].Count();
if ( nFactorCount )
for ( int k = 0; k < nFactorCount; ++k )
AddBodyFlexFetchRule( pSource, pRule, rule.m_Dominators[ j ][ k ],
pRawIndexToRemapSourceIndex, pRawIndexToRemapLocalIndex,
pRemapSourceIndexToGlobalFlexControllerIndex );
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].op = STUDIO_DOMINATE;
pRule->op[ pRule->numops ].d.index = nFactorCount;
// Adds flex controller data to a particular source
void AddFlexControllers(
s_source_t *pSource )
CUtlVector< int > &r2s = pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapSourceIndex;
CUtlVector< int > &r2l = pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapLocalIndex;
CUtlVector< int > &l2i = pSource->m_leftRemapIndexToGlobalFlexControllIndex;
CUtlVector< int > &r2i = pSource->m_rightRemapIndexToGlobalFlexControllIndex;
// Number of Raw controls in this source
const int nRawControlCount = pSource->m_CombinationControls.Count();
// Initialize rawToRemapIndices
r2s.SetSize( nRawControlCount );
r2l.SetSize( nRawControlCount );
for ( int i = 0; i < nRawControlCount; ++i )
r2s[ i ] = -1;
r2l[ i ] = -1;
// Number of Remapped Controls in this source
const int nRemappedControlCount = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps.Count();
l2i.SetSize( nRemappedControlCount );
r2i.SetSize( nRemappedControlCount );
for ( int i = 0; i < nRemappedControlCount; ++i )
s_flexcontrollerremap_t &remapControl = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps[ i ];
// Number of Raw Controls In This Remapped Control
const int nRemappedRawControlCount = remapControl.m_RawControls.Count();
// Figure out the mapping from raw to remapped
for ( int j = 0; j < nRemappedRawControlCount; ++j )
for ( int k = 0; k < nRawControlCount; ++k )
if ( remapControl.m_RawControls[ j ] == pSource->m_CombinationControls[ k ].name )
Assert( r2s[ k ] == -1 );
Assert( r2l[ k ] == -1 );
r2s[ k ] = i; // The index of the remapped control
r2l[ k ] = j; // The index of which control this is in the remap
if ( remapControl.m_bIsStereo )
// The controls have to be named 'right_' and 'left_' and right has to be first for
// hlfaceposer to recognize them
// See if we can add two more flex controllers
if ( ( g_numflexcontrollers + 1 ) >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL)
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex controllers, max %d, cannot add split control %s from source %s",
g_iLinecount, MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), pSource->filename );
s_flexcontroller_t *pController;
int nLen = remapControl.m_Name.Length();
char *pTemp = (char*)_alloca( nLen + 7 ); // 'left_' && 'right_'
memcpy( pTemp + 6, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), nLen + 1 );
memcpy( pTemp, "right_", 6 );
pTemp[nLen + 6] = '\0';
remapControl.m_RightIndex = g_numflexcontrollers;
r2i[ i ] = g_numflexcontrollers;
pController = &g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers++];
Q_strncpy( pController->name, pTemp, sizeof( pController->name ) );
Q_strncpy( pController->type, pTemp, sizeof( pController->type ) );
if ( remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY || remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID )
pController->min = -1.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
pController->min = 0.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
memcpy( pTemp + 5, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), nLen + 1 );
memcpy( pTemp, "left_", 5 );
pTemp[nLen + 5] = '\0';
remapControl.m_LeftIndex = g_numflexcontrollers;
l2i[ i ] = g_numflexcontrollers;
pController = &g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers++];
Q_strncpy( pController->name, pTemp, sizeof( pController->name ) );
Q_strncpy( pController->type, pTemp, sizeof( pController->type ) );
if ( remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY || remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID )
pController->min = -1.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
pController->min = 0.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
// See if we can add one more flex controller
if ( g_numflexcontrollers >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL)
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex controllers, max %d, cannot add control %s from source %s",
g_iLinecount, MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), pSource->filename );
remapControl.m_Index = g_numflexcontrollers;
r2i[ i ] = g_numflexcontrollers;
l2i[ i ] = g_numflexcontrollers;
s_flexcontroller_t *pController = &g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers++];
Q_strncpy( pController->name, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), sizeof( pController->name ) );
Q_strncpy( pController->type, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), sizeof( pController->type ) );
if ( remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_2WAY || remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID )
pController->min = -1.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
pController->min = 0.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
if ( remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_NWAY || remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID )
if ( g_numflexcontrollers >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL)
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex controllers, max %d, cannot add value control for nWay %s from source %s",
g_iLinecount, MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), pSource->filename );
remapControl.m_MultiIndex = g_numflexcontrollers;
s_flexcontroller_t *pController = &g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers++];
const int nLen = remapControl.m_Name.Length();
char *pTemp = ( char * )_alloca( nLen + 6 + 1 ); // 'multi_' + 1 for the NULL
memcpy( pTemp, "multi_", 6 );
memcpy( pTemp + 6, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), nLen + 1 );
pTemp[nLen+6] = '\0';
Q_strncpy( pController->name, pTemp, sizeof( pController->name ) );
Q_strncpy( pController->type, pTemp, sizeof( pController->type ) );
pController->min = -1.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
if ( remapControl.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID )
// Make a blink controller
if ( g_numflexcontrollers >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL)
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex controllers, max %d, cannot add value control for nWay %s from source %s",
g_iLinecount, MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL, remapControl.m_Name.Get(), pSource->filename );
remapControl.m_BlinkController = g_numflexcontrollers;
s_flexcontroller_t *pController = &g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers++];
Q_strncpy( pController->name, "blink", sizeof( pController->name ) );
Q_strncpy( pController->type, "blink", sizeof( pController->type ) );
pController->min = 0.0f;
pController->max = 1.0f;
#ifdef _DEBUG
for ( int j = 0; j != nRawControlCount; ++j )
Assert( r2s[ j ] != -1 );
Assert( r2l[ j ] != -1 );
#endif // def _DEBUG
// Adds flex controller remappers
void AddBodyFlexRemaps( s_source_t *pSource )
int nCount = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps.Count();
for( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
int k = g_FlexControllerRemap.AddToTail();
s_flexcontrollerremap_t &remap = g_FlexControllerRemap[k];
remap = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps[i];
void AddBodyFlexRules( s_source_t *pSource )
const int nRemapCount = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nRemapCount; ++i )
s_flexcontrollerremap_t &remap = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps[ i ];
if ( remap.m_RemapType == FLEXCONTROLLER_REMAP_EYELID && !remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexName.IsEmpty() )
for ( int j = 0; j < g_numflexcontrollers; ++j )
if ( !Q_strcmp( g_flexcontroller[ j ].name, remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexName.Get() ) )
Assert( remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController == -1 );
remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController = j;
const int nCount = pSource->m_CombinationRules.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
s_combinationrule_t &rule = pSource->m_CombinationRules[i];
s_flexkey_t &flexKey = g_flexkey[ pSource->m_nKeyStartIndex + rule.m_nFlex ];
AddBodyFlexRule( pSource, rule, flexKey.flexdesc,
pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapSourceIndex, pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapLocalIndex, pSource->m_leftRemapIndexToGlobalFlexControllIndex );
if ( flexKey.flexpair != 0 )
AddBodyFlexRule( pSource, rule, flexKey.flexpair,
pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapSourceIndex, pSource->m_rawIndexToRemapLocalIndex, pSource->m_rightRemapIndexToGlobalFlexControllIndex );
// Process a body command
void AddBodyFlexData( s_source_t *pSource, int imodel )
pSource->m_nKeyStartIndex = g_numflexkeys;
// Add flex keys
int nCount = pSource->m_FlexKeys.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
s_flexkey_t &key = pSource->m_FlexKeys[i];
if ( g_numflexkeys >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXKEYS )
MdlError( "Line %d: Too many flex keys, max %d, cannot add flexKey %s from source %s",
g_iLinecount, MAXSTUDIOFLEXKEYS, key.animationname, pSource->filename );
memcpy( &g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys], &key, sizeof(s_flexkey_t) );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].imodel = imodel;
// flexpair was set up in AddFlexKey
if ( key.flexpair )
char mod[512];
Q_snprintf( mod, sizeof(mod), "%sL", key.animationname );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexdesc = Add_Flexdesc( mod );
Q_snprintf( mod, sizeof(mod), "%sR", key.animationname );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexpair = Add_Flexdesc( mod );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexdesc = Add_Flexdesc( key.animationname );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexpair = 0;
AddFlexControllers( pSource );
AddBodyFlexRemaps( pSource );
// Comparison operator for s_attachment_t
bool s_attachment_t::operator==( const s_attachment_t &rhs ) const
if ( Q_strcmp( name, rhs.name ) )
return false;
if ( Q_stricmp( bonename, rhs.bonename ) ||
bone != rhs.bone ||
type != rhs.type ||
flags != rhs.flags ||
Q_memcmp( local.Base(), rhs.local.Base(), sizeof( local ) ) )
RadianEuler iEuler, jEuler;
Vector iPos, jPos;
MatrixAngles( local, iEuler, iPos );
MatrixAngles( rhs.local, jEuler, jPos );
"Attachments with the same name but different parameters found\n"
" %s: ParentBone: %s Type: %d Flags: 0x%08x P: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f R: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n"
" %s: ParentBone: %s Type: %d Flags: 0x%08x P: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f R: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
name, bonename, type, flags,
iPos.x, iPos.y, iPos.z, RAD2DEG( iEuler.x ), RAD2DEG( iEuler.y ), RAD2DEG( iEuler.z ),
rhs.name, rhs.bonename, rhs.type, rhs.flags,
jPos.x, jPos.y, jPos.z, RAD2DEG( jEuler.x ), RAD2DEG( jEuler.y ), RAD2DEG( jEuler.z ) );
return false;
return true;
// Add attachments from the s_source_t that aren't already present in the
// global attachment list. At this point, the attachments aren't linked
// to the bone, but since that is done by string matching on the bone name
// the test for an attachment being a duplicate is still valid this early.
void AddBodyAttachments( s_source_t *pSource )
for ( int i = 0; i < pSource->m_Attachments.Count(); ++i )
const s_attachment_t &sourceAtt = pSource->m_Attachments[i];
bool bDuplicate = false;
for ( int j = 0; j < g_numattachments; ++j )
if ( sourceAtt == g_attachment[j] )
bDuplicate = true;
if ( bDuplicate )
if ( g_numattachments >= ARRAYSIZE( g_attachment ) )
MdlWarning( "Too Many Attachments (Max %d), Ignoring Attachment %s:%s\n",
ARRAYSIZE( g_attachment ), pSource->filename, pSource->m_Attachments[i].name );
memcpy( &g_attachment[g_numattachments], &( pSource->m_Attachments[i] ), sizeof( s_attachment_t ) );
// Process a body command
void ProcessCmdBody( const char *pFullPath, CDmeSourceSkin *pSkin )
if ( g_numbodyparts == 0 )
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = 1;
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].base * g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].nummodels;
Q_strncpy( g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].name, pSkin->m_SkinName.Get(), sizeof(g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].name) );
g_model[g_nummodels] = (s_model_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_model_t ) );
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].pmodel[g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels] = g_model[g_nummodels];
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels = 1;
ProcessOptionStudio( g_model[g_nummodels], pFullPath, pSkin );
// Body command should add any flex commands in the source loaded
if ( g_model[g_nummodels]->source )
AddBodyFlexData( g_model[g_nummodels]->source, g_nummodels );
AddBodyAttachments( g_model[g_nummodels]->source );
AddBodyFlexRules( g_model[ g_nummodels ]->source );
// Parse the body command from a .qc file
void Cmd_Body( )
if ( !GetToken(false) )
CDmeSourceSkin *pSourceSkin = CreateElement< CDmeSourceSkin >( "" );
// Set defaults
pSourceSkin->m_flScale = g_defaultscale;
pSourceSkin->m_SkinName = token;
if ( ParseOptionStudio( pSourceSkin ) )
ProcessCmdBody( pSourceSkin->GetRelativeFileName(), pSourceSkin );
DestroyElement( pSourceSkin );
void Grab_Animation( s_source_t *pSource, const char *pAnimName )
Vector pos;
RadianEuler rot;
char cmd[1024];
int index;
int t = -99999999;
int size;
s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = FindOrAddSourceAnim( pSource, pAnimName );
pAnim->startframe = -1;
size = pSource->numbones * sizeof( s_bone_t );
while ( GetLineInput() )
if ( sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f", &index, &pos[0], &pos[1], &pos[2], &rot[0], &rot[1], &rot[2] ) == 7 )
if ( pAnim->startframe < 0 )
MdlError( "Missing frame start(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
scale_vertex( pos );
VectorCopy( pos, pAnim->rawanim[t][index].pos );
VectorCopy( rot, pAnim->rawanim[t][index].rot );
clip_rotations( rot ); // !!!
if ( sscanf( g_szLine, "%1023s %d", cmd, &index ) == 0 )
MdlError( "MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "time" ) )
t = index;
if ( pAnim->startframe == -1 )
pAnim->startframe = t;
if ( t < pAnim->startframe )
MdlError( "Frame MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
if ( t > pAnim->endframe )
pAnim->endframe = t;
t -= pAnim->startframe;
if ( t >= pAnim->rawanim.Count())
s_bone_t *ptr = NULL;
pAnim->rawanim.AddMultipleToTail( t - pAnim->rawanim.Count() + 1, &ptr );
if ( pAnim->rawanim[t] != NULL )
pAnim->rawanim[t] = (s_bone_t *)kalloc( 1, size );
// duplicate previous frames keys
if ( t > 0 && pAnim->rawanim[t-1] )
for ( int j = 0; j < pSource->numbones; j++ )
VectorCopy( pAnim->rawanim[t-1][j].pos, pAnim->rawanim[t][j].pos );
VectorCopy( pAnim->rawanim[t-1][j].rot, pAnim->rawanim[t][j].rot );
if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "end" ) )
pAnim->numframes = pAnim->endframe - pAnim->startframe + 1;
for ( t = 0; t < pAnim->numframes; t++ )
if ( pAnim->rawanim[t] == NULL)
MdlError( "%s is missing frame %d\n", pSource->filename, t + pAnim->startframe );
Build_Reference( pSource, pAnimName );
MdlError( "MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
MdlError( "unexpected EOF: %s\n", pSource->filename );
int Option_Activity( s_sequence_t *psequence )
qboolean found;
found = false;
V_strcpy_safe( psequence->activityname, token );
psequence->actweight = verify_atoi(token);
if ( psequence->actweight == 0 )
TokenError( "Activity %s has a zero weight (weights must be integers > 0)\n", psequence->activityname );
return 0;
int Option_ActivityModifier( s_sequence_t *psequence )
V_strcpy_safe( psequence->activitymodifier[ psequence->numactivitymodifiers++ ].name, token );
return 0;
int Option_Event ( s_sequence_t *psequence )
if (psequence->numevents + 1 >= MAXSTUDIOEVENTS)
TokenError("too many events\n");
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( psequence->event[psequence->numevents].eventname, token );
GetToken( false );
psequence->event[psequence->numevents].frame = verify_atoi( token );
// option token
if (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '}') // opps, hit the end
return 1;
// found an option
V_strcpy_safe( psequence->event[psequence->numevents-1].options, token );
return 0;
void Option_IKRule( s_ikrule_t *pRule )
// chain
GetToken( false );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numikchains; i++)
if (stricmp( token, g_ikchain[i].name ) == 0)
if (i >= g_numikchains)
TokenError( "unknown chain \"%s\" in ikrule\n", token );
pRule->chain = i;
// default slot
pRule->slot = i;
// type
GetToken( false );
if (stricmp( token, "touch" ) == 0)
pRule->type = IK_SELF;
// bone
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( pRule->bonename, token );
else if (stricmp( token, "footstep" ) == 0)
pRule->type = IK_GROUND;
pRule->height = g_ikchain[pRule->chain].height;
pRule->floor = g_ikchain[pRule->chain].floor;
pRule->radius = g_ikchain[pRule->chain].radius;
else if (stricmp( token, "attachment" ) == 0)
pRule->type = IK_ATTACHMENT;
// name of attachment
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( pRule->attachment, token );
else if (stricmp( token, "release" ) == 0)
pRule->type = IK_RELEASE;
else if (stricmp( token, "unlatch" ) == 0)
pRule->type = IK_UNLATCH;
pRule->contact = -1;
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
if (stricmp( token, "height" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->height = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "target" ) == 0)
// slot
GetToken( false );
pRule->slot = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "range" ) == 0)
// ramp
GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '.')
pRule->start = -1;
pRule->start = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '.')
pRule->peak = -1;
pRule->peak = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '.')
pRule->tail = -1;
pRule->tail = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken( false );
if (token[0] == '.')
pRule->end = -1;
pRule->end = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "floor" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->floor = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "pad" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->radius = verify_atof( token ) / 2.0f;
else if (stricmp( token, "radius" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->radius = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "contact" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->contact = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "usesequence" ) == 0)
pRule->usesequence = true;
pRule->usesource = false;
else if (stricmp( token, "usesource" ) == 0)
pRule->usesequence = false;
pRule->usesource = true;
else if (stricmp( token, "fakeorigin" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pRule->pos.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pRule->pos.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pRule->pos.z = verify_atof( token );
pRule->bone = -1;
else if (stricmp( token, "fakerotate" ) == 0)
QAngle ang;
GetToken( false );
ang.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
ang.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
ang.z = verify_atof( token );
AngleQuaternion( ang, pRule->q );
pRule->bone = -1;
else if (stricmp( token, "bone" ) == 0)
V_strcpy_safe( pRule->bonename, token );
void Cmd_Origin (void)
GetToken (false);
g_defaultadjust.x = verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
g_defaultadjust.y = verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
g_defaultadjust.z = verify_atof (token);
if (TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
g_defaultrotation.z = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) + 90);
// Purpose: Set the default root rotation so that the Y axis is up instead of the Z axis (for Maya)
void ProcessUpAxis( const RadianEuler &angles )
g_defaultrotation = angles;
// Purpose: Set the default root rotation so that the Y axis is up instead of the Z axis (for Maya)
void Cmd_UpAxis( void )
// We want to create a rotation that rotates from the art space
// (specified by the up direction) to a z up space
// Note: x, -x, -y are untested
RadianEuler angles( 0.0f, 0.0f, M_PI / 2.0f );
GetToken (false);
if (!Q_stricmp( token, "x" ))
// rotate 90 degrees around y to move x into z
angles.x = 0.0f;
angles.y = M_PI / 2.0f;
else if (!Q_stricmp( token, "-x" ))
// untested
angles.x = 0.0f;
angles.y = -M_PI / 2.0f;
else if (!Q_stricmp( token, "y" ))
// rotate 90 degrees around x to move y into z
angles.x = M_PI / 2.0f;
angles.y = 0.0f;
else if (!Q_stricmp( token, "-y" ))
// untested
angles.x = -M_PI / 2.0f;
angles.y = 0.0f;
else if (!Q_stricmp( token, "z" ))
// there's still a built in 90 degree Z rotation :(
angles.x = 0.0f;
angles.y = 0.0f;
else if (!Q_stricmp( token, "-z" ))
// there's still a built in 90 degree Z rotation :(
angles.x = 0.0f;
angles.y = 0.0f;
TokenError( "unknown $upaxis option: \"%s\"\n", token );
ProcessUpAxis( angles );
void Cmd_ScaleUp (void)
GetToken (false);
g_defaultscale = verify_atof (token);
g_currentscale = g_defaultscale;
// Purpose: Sets how what size chunks to cut the animations into
void Cmd_AnimBlockSize( void )
GetToken( false );
g_animblocksize = verify_atoi( token );
if (g_animblocksize < 1024)
g_animblocksize *= 1024;
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
if (!Q_stricmp( token, "nostall" ))
g_bNoAnimblockStall = true;
static void FlipFacing( s_source_t *pSrc )
unsigned short tmp;
int i, j;
for( i = 0; i < pSrc->nummeshes; i++ )
s_mesh_t *pMesh = &pSrc->mesh[i];
for( j = 0; j < pMesh->numfaces; j++ )
s_face_t &f = pSrc->face[pMesh->faceoffset + j];
tmp = f.b; f.b = f.c; f.c = tmp;
// Processes source comment line and extracts information about the data file
void ProcessSourceComment( s_source_t *psource, const char *pCommentString )
if ( char const *szSceneComment = StringAfterPrefix( pCommentString, "// SCENE=" ) )
char szScene[1024];
Q_strncpy( szScene, szSceneComment, ARRAYSIZE( szScene ) );
Q_FixSlashes( szScene );
ProcessOriginalContentFile( psource->filename, szScene );
// Processes original content file "szOriginalContentFile" that was used to generate
// data file "szDataFile"
void ProcessOriginalContentFile( char const *szDataFile, char const *szOriginalContentFile )
// Early out: if no p4
if ( g_bNoP4 )
char const *szContentDirRootEnd = strstr( szDataFile, "\\content\\" );
char const *szSceneName = strstr( szOriginalContentFile, "\\content\\" );
if ( szContentDirRootEnd && szSceneName )
char chScenePath[ MAX_PATH ] = {0};
Q_snprintf( chScenePath, sizeof( chScenePath ) - 1, "%.*s%s",
szContentDirRootEnd - szDataFile, szDataFile, szSceneName );
EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( chScenePath );
else if ( szContentDirRootEnd && !szSceneName )
// Assume relative path
char chScenePath[ MAX_PATH ] = {0};
Q_snprintf( chScenePath, sizeof( chScenePath ) - 1, "%.*s%s",
max( strrchr( szDataFile, '\\' ), strrchr( szDataFile, '/' ) ) + 1 - szDataFile,
szDataFile, szOriginalContentFile );
EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( chScenePath );
MdlWarning( "ProcessOriginalContentFile for '%s' cannot detect scene source file from '%s'!\n", szDataFile, szOriginalContentFile );
// Checks to see if the model source was already loaded
static s_source_t *FindCachedSource( const char* name, const char* xext )
int i;
if( xext[0] )
// we know what extension is necessary. . look for it.
Q_snprintf( g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.%s", cddir[numdirs], name, xext );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
// we don't know what extension to use, so look for all of 'em.
Q_snprintf( g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.vrm", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
Q_snprintf (g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.smd", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
Q_snprintf (g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.dmx", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
Q_snprintf (g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.xml", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
Q_snprintf (g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.obj", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) )
return g_source[i];
sprintf (g_szFilename, "%s%s.vta", cddir[numdirs], name );
for (i = 0; i < g_numsources; i++)
if (stricmp( g_szFilename, g_source[i]->filename ) == 0)
return g_source[i];
// Not found
return 0;
// Loads an animation/model source
s_source_t *Load_Source( const char *name, const char *ext, bool reverse, bool isActiveModel )
if ( g_numsources >= MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES )
TokenError( "Load_Source( %s ) - overflowed g_numsources.", name );
int namelen = strlen(name) + 1;
char* pTempName = (char*)_alloca( namelen );
char xext[32];
int result = false;
V_strncpy( pTempName, name, namelen );
Q_ExtractFileExtension( pTempName, xext, sizeof( xext ) );
if (xext[0] == '\0')
V_strcpy_safe( xext, ext );
Q_StripExtension( pTempName, pTempName, namelen );
s_source_t* pSource = FindCachedSource( pTempName, xext );
if (pSource)
if (isActiveModel)
pSource->isActiveModel = true;
return pSource;
g_source[g_numsources] = (s_source_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_source_t ) );
V_strcpy_safe( g_source[g_numsources]->filename, g_szFilename );
if (isActiveModel)
g_source[g_numsources]->isActiveModel = true;
char const * load_extensions[] = { "vrm", "smd", "sma", "phys", "vta", "obj", "dmx", "xml" };
int ( *load_procs[] )( s_source_t * ) = { Load_VRM, Load_SMD, Load_SMD, Load_SMD, Load_VTA, Load_OBJ, Load_DMX, Load_DMX };
Assert( ARRAYSIZE(load_extensions) == ARRAYSIZE(load_procs) );
for ( int kk = 0; kk < ARRAYSIZE( load_extensions ); ++ kk )
if ( ( !result && xext[0] == '\0' ) || Q_stricmp( xext, load_extensions[kk] ) == 0)
Q_snprintf( g_szFilename, sizeof(g_szFilename), "%s%s.%s", cddir[numdirs], pTempName, load_extensions[kk] );
V_strcpy_safe( g_source[g_numsources]->filename, g_szFilename );
result = (load_procs[kk])( g_source[g_numsources] );
if ( result )
EnsureDependencyFileCheckedIn( g_source[g_numsources]->filename );
if (!g_bCreateMakefile && !result)
if (xext[0] == '\0')
TokenError( "could not load file '%s%s'\n", cddir[numdirs], pTempName );
TokenError( "could not load file '%s%s.%s'\n", cddir[numdirs], pTempName, xext );
if ( g_source[g_numsources]->numbones == 0 )
TokenError( "missing all bones in file '%s'\n", g_source[g_numsources]->filename );
// copy over default settings of when the model was loaded (since there's no actual animation for some of the systems)
VectorCopy( g_defaultadjust, g_source[g_numsources]->adjust );
g_source[g_numsources]->scale = 1.0f;
g_source[g_numsources]->rotation = g_defaultrotation;
if( reverse )
FlipFacing( g_source[g_numsources-1] );
return g_source[g_numsources-1];
s_sequence_t *LookupSequence( const char *name )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_sequence.Count(); ++i )
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_sequence[i].name, name ) )
return &g_sequence[i];
return NULL;
s_animation_t *LookupAnimation( const char *name )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numani; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( g_panimation[i]->name, name ) )
return g_panimation[i];
s_sequence_t *pseq = LookupSequence( name );
return pseq ? pseq->panim[0][0] : NULL;
// Purpose: parse order dependant s_animcmd_t token for $animations
int ParseCmdlistToken( int &numcmds, s_animcmd_t *cmds )
if (numcmds >= MAXSTUDIOCMDS)
return false;
s_animcmd_t *pcmd = &cmds[numcmds];
if (stricmp("fixuploop", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_FIXUP;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.fixuploop.start = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.fixuploop.end = verify_atoi( token );
else if (strnicmp("weightlist", token, 6 ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
int i;
for ( i = 1; i < g_numweightlist; i++)
if (stricmp( g_weightlist[i].name, token ) == 0)
if (i == g_numweightlist)
TokenError( "unknown weightlist '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->cmd = CMD_WEIGHTS;
pcmd->u.weightlist.index = i;
else if (stricmp("subtract", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_SUBTRACT;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown subtract animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.subtract.ref = extanim;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.subtract.frame = verify_atoi( token );
pcmd->u.subtract.flags |= STUDIO_POST;
else if (stricmp("presubtract", token ) == 0) // FIXME: rename this to something better
pcmd->cmd = CMD_SUBTRACT;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown presubtract animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.subtract.ref = extanim;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.subtract.frame = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( "alignto", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_AO;
pcmd->u.ao.pBonename = NULL;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown alignto animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.ao.ref = extanim;
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype = STUDIO_X | STUDIO_Y;
pcmd->u.ao.srcframe = 0;
pcmd->u.ao.destframe = 0;
else if (stricmp( "align", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_AO;
pcmd->u.ao.pBonename = NULL;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown align animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.ao.ref = extanim;
// motion type to match
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype = 0;
GetToken( false );
int ctrl;
while ((ctrl = lookupControl( token )) != -1)
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype |= ctrl;
GetToken( false );
if (pcmd->u.ao.motiontype == 0)
TokenError( "missing controls on align\n" );
// frame of reference animation to match
pcmd->u.ao.srcframe = verify_atoi( token );
// against what frame of the current animation
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.ao.destframe = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( "alignboneto", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_AO;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.ao.pBonename = strdup( token );
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown alignboneto animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.ao.ref = extanim;
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype = STUDIO_X | STUDIO_Y;
pcmd->u.ao.srcframe = 0;
pcmd->u.ao.destframe = 0;
else if (stricmp( "alignbone", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_AO;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.ao.pBonename = strdup( token );
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown alignboneto animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.ao.ref = extanim;
// motion type to match
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype = 0;
GetToken( false );
int ctrl;
while ((ctrl = lookupControl( token )) != -1)
pcmd->u.ao.motiontype |= ctrl;
GetToken( false );
if (pcmd->u.ao.motiontype == 0)
TokenError( "missing controls on align\n" );
// frame of reference animation to match
pcmd->u.ao.srcframe = verify_atoi( token );
// against what frame of the current animation
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.ao.destframe = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( "match", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_MATCH;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown match animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.match.ref = extanim;
else if (stricmp( "matchblend", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_MATCHBLEND;
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
MdlError( "unknown match animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.match.ref = extanim;
// frame of reference animation to match
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.match.srcframe = verify_atoi( token );
// against what frame of the current animation
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.match.destframe = verify_atoi( token );
// backup and starting match in here
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.match.destpre = verify_atoi( token );
// continue blending match till here
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.match.destpost = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( "worldspaceblend", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown worldspaceblend animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.world.ref = extanim;
pcmd->u.world.startframe = 0;
pcmd->u.world.loops = false;
else if (stricmp( "worldspaceblendloop", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown worldspaceblend animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.world.ref = extanim;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.world.startframe = atoi( token );
pcmd->u.world.loops = true;
else if (stricmp( "rotateto", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_ANGLE;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.angle.angle = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "ikrule", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_IKRULE;
pcmd->u.ikrule.pRule = (s_ikrule_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_ikrule_t ) );
Option_IKRule( pcmd->u.ikrule.pRule );
else if (stricmp( "ikfixup", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_IKFIXUP;
pcmd->u.ikfixup.pRule = (s_ikrule_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_ikrule_t ) );
Option_IKRule( pcmd->u.ikrule.pRule );
else if (stricmp( "walkframe", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_MOTION;
// frame
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.motion.iEndFrame = verify_atoi( token );
// motion type to match
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype = 0;
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
int ctrl = lookupControl( token );
if (ctrl != -1)
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype |= ctrl;
GetToken( false ); // X
pcmd->u.motion.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false ); // Y
pcmd->u.motion.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false ); // A
pcmd->u.motion.zr = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "walkalignto", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_REFMOTION;
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.motion.iEndFrame = verify_atoi( token );
pcmd->u.motion.iSrcFrame = pcmd->u.motion.iEndFrame;
GetToken( false ); // reference animation
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown alignto animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.motion.pRefAnim = extanim;
pcmd->u.motion.iRefFrame = 0;
// motion type to match
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype = 0;
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
int ctrl = lookupControl( token );
if (ctrl != -1)
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype |= ctrl;
GetToken( false ); // X
pcmd->u.motion.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false ); // Y
pcmd->u.motion.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false ); // A
pcmd->u.motion.zr = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "walkalign", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_REFMOTION;
// end frame to apply motion over
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.motion.iEndFrame = verify_atoi( token );
// reference animation
GetToken( false );
s_animation_t *extanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (extanim == NULL)
TokenError( "unknown alignto animation '%s\'\n", token );
pcmd->u.motion.pRefAnim = extanim;
// motion type to match
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype = 0;
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
int ctrl = lookupControl( token );
if (ctrl != -1)
pcmd->u.motion.motiontype |= ctrl;
if (pcmd->u.motion.motiontype == 0)
TokenError( "missing controls on walkalign\n" );
// frame of reference animation to match
pcmd->u.motion.iRefFrame = verify_atoi( token );
// against what frame of the current animation
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.motion.iSrcFrame = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp("derivative", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_DERIVATIVE;
// get scale
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.derivative.scale = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp("noanimation", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_NOANIMATION;
else if (stricmp("lineardelta", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_LINEARDELTA;
pcmd->u.linear.flags |= STUDIO_AL_POST;
else if (stricmp("splinedelta", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_LINEARDELTA;
pcmd->u.linear.flags |= STUDIO_AL_POST;
pcmd->u.linear.flags |= STUDIO_AL_SPLINE;
else if (stricmp("compress", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_COMPRESS;
// get frames to skip
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.compress.frames = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp("numframes", token ) == 0)
pcmd->cmd = CMD_NUMFRAMES;
// get frames to force
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.compress.frames = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp("counterrotate", token ) == 0)
// get bone name
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.counterrotate.pBonename = strdup( token );
else if (stricmp("counterrotateto", token ) == 0)
pcmd->u.counterrotate.bHasTarget = true;
// get pitch
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.counterrotate.targetAngle[0] = verify_atof( token );
// get yaw
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.counterrotate.targetAngle[1] = verify_atof( token );
// get roll
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.counterrotate.targetAngle[2] = verify_atof( token );
// get bone name
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.counterrotate.pBonename = strdup( token );
else if (stricmp("localhierarchy", token ) == 0)
// get bone name
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.pBonename = strdup( token );
// get parent name
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.pParentname = strdup( token );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.start = -1;
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.peak = -1;
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.tail = -1;
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.end = -1;
if (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
if (stricmp( token, "range" ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.start = verify_atof_with_null( token );
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.peak = verify_atof_with_null( token );
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.tail = verify_atof_with_null( token );
GetToken( false );
pcmd->u.localhierarchy.end = verify_atof_with_null( token );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: parse order independant s_animation_t token for $animations
bool ParseAnimationToken( s_animation_t *panim )
if ( !Q_stricmp( "if", token ) )
// fixme: add expression evaluation
GetToken( false );
if (atoi( token ) == 0 && stricmp( token, "true" ) != 0)
if (token[0] == '{')
int depth = 1;
while (TokenAvailable() && depth > 0)
GetToken( true );
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "fps", token ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->fps = verify_atof( token );
if ( panim->fps <= 0.0f )
TokenError( "ParseAnimationToken: fps (%f from '%s') <= 0.0\n", panim->fps, token );
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "origin", token ) )
GetToken (false);
panim->adjust.x = verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
panim->adjust.y = verify_atof (token);
GetToken (false);
panim->adjust.z = verify_atof (token);
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "rotate", token ) )
GetToken( false );
// FIXME: broken for Maya
panim->rotation.z = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) + 90 );
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "angles", token ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->rotation.x = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) );
GetToken( false );
panim->rotation.y = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) );
GetToken( false );
panim->rotation.z = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) + 90.0f);
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "scale", token ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->scale = verify_atof( token );
return true;
if ( !Q_strnicmp( "loop", token, 4 ) )
panim->flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
return true;
if ( !Q_strnicmp( "startloop", token, 5 ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->looprestart = verify_atoi( token );
panim->flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "fudgeloop", token ) )
panim->fudgeloop = true;
panim->flags |= STUDIO_LOOPING;
return true;
if ( !Q_strnicmp( "snap", token, 4 ) )
panim->flags |= STUDIO_SNAP;
return true;
if ( !Q_strnicmp( "frame", token, 5 ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->startframe = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken( false );
panim->endframe = verify_atoi( token );
// NOTE: This always affects the first source anim read in
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindSourceAnim( panim->source, panim->animationname );
if ( pSourceAnim )
if ( panim->startframe < pSourceAnim->startframe )
panim->startframe = pSourceAnim->startframe;
if ( panim->endframe > pSourceAnim->endframe )
panim->endframe = pSourceAnim->endframe;
if ( !g_bCreateMakefile && panim->endframe < panim->startframe )
TokenError( "end frame before start frame in %s", panim->name );
panim->numframes = panim->endframe - panim->startframe + 1;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "blockname", token ) )
GetToken( false );
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindSourceAnim( panim->source, token );
// NOTE: This always affects the first source anim read in
if ( pSourceAnim )
panim->startframe = pSourceAnim->startframe;
panim->endframe = pSourceAnim->endframe;
if ( !g_bCreateMakefile && panim->endframe < panim->startframe )
TokenError( "end frame before start frame in %s", panim->name );
panim->numframes = panim->endframe - panim->startframe + 1;
Q_strncpy( panim->animationname, token, sizeof(panim->animationname) );
MdlError( "Requested unknown animation block name %s\n", token );
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "post", token ) )
panim->flags |= STUDIO_POST;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "noautoik", token ) )
panim->noAutoIK = true;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "autoik", token ) )
panim->noAutoIK = false;
return true;
if ( ParseCmdlistToken( panim->numcmds, panim->cmds ) )
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "cmdlist", token ) )
GetToken( false ); // A
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numcmdlists; i++)
if (stricmp( g_cmdlist[i].name, token) == 0)
if (i == g_numcmdlists)
TokenError( "unknown cmdlist %s\n", token );
for (int j = 0; j < g_cmdlist[i].numcmds; j++)
if (panim->numcmds >= MAXSTUDIOCMDS)
TokenError("Too many cmds in %s\n", panim->name );
panim->cmds[panim->numcmds++] = g_cmdlist[i].cmds[j];
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "motionrollback", token ) )
GetToken( false );
panim->motionrollback = atof( token );
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "noanimblock", token ) )
panim->disableAnimblocks = true;
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( "noanimblockstall", token ) )
panim->isFirstSectionLocal = true;
return true;
if ( lookupControl( token ) != -1 )
panim->motiontype |= lookupControl( token );
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: create named order dependant s_animcmd_t blocks, used as replicated token list for $animations
void Cmd_Cmdlist( )
int depth = 0;
// name
V_strcpy_safe( g_cmdlist[g_numcmdlists].name, token );
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
else if (ParseCmdlistToken( g_cmdlist[g_numcmdlists].numcmds, g_cmdlist[g_numcmdlists].cmds ))
TokenError( "unknown command: %s\n", token );
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
int ParseAnimation( s_animation_t *panim, bool isAppend );
int ParseEmpty( void );
// Purpose: allocate an entry for $animation
void Cmd_Animation( )
// name
s_animation_t *panim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (panim != NULL)
if (!panim->isOverride)
TokenError( "Duplicate animation name \"%s\"\n", token );
panim->doesOverride = true;
// allocate animation entry
g_panimation[g_numani] = (s_animation_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_animation_t ) );
g_panimation[g_numani]->index = g_numani;
panim = g_panimation[g_numani];
V_strcpy_safe( panim->name, token );
// filename
V_strcpy_safe( panim->filename, token );
panim->source = Load_Source( panim->filename, "" );
if ( panim->source->m_Animations.Count() )
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = &panim->source->m_Animations[0];
panim->startframe = pSourceAnim->startframe;
panim->endframe = pSourceAnim->endframe;
Q_strncpy( panim->animationname, pSourceAnim->animationname, sizeof(panim->animationname) );
panim->startframe = 0;
panim->endframe = 0;
Q_strncpy( panim->animationname, "", sizeof(panim->animationname) );
VectorCopy( g_defaultadjust, panim->adjust );
panim->rotation = g_defaultrotation;
panim->scale = 1.0f;
panim->fps = 30.0;
panim->motionrollback = g_flDefaultMotionRollback;
ParseAnimation( panim, false );
panim->numframes = panim->endframe - panim->startframe + 1;
//CheckAutoShareAnimationGroup( panim->name );
// Purpose: wrapper for parsing $animation tokens
int ParseAnimation( s_animation_t *panim, bool isAppend )
int depth = 0;
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
return 1;
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
else if (ParseAnimationToken( panim ))
TokenError( "Unknown animation option\'%s\'\n", token );
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
return 0;
// Purpose: create a virtual $animation command from a $sequence reference
s_animation_t *Cmd_ImpliedAnimation( s_sequence_t *psequence, const char *filename )
// allocate animation entry
g_panimation[g_numani] = (s_animation_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_animation_t ) );
g_panimation[g_numani]->index = g_numani;
s_animation_t *panim = g_panimation[g_numani];
panim->isImplied = true;
panim->startframe = 0;
panim->endframe = MAXSTUDIOANIMFRAMES - 1;
V_strcpy_safe( panim->name, "@" );
V_strcat_safe( panim->name, psequence->name );
V_strcpy_safe( panim->filename, filename );
VectorCopy( g_defaultadjust, panim->adjust );
panim->scale = 1.0f;
panim->rotation = g_defaultrotation;
panim->fps = 30;
panim->motionrollback = g_flDefaultMotionRollback;
//panim->source = Load_Source( panim->filename, "smd" );
panim->source = Load_Source( panim->filename, "" );
if ( panim->source->m_Animations.Count() )
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = &panim->source->m_Animations[0];
Q_strncpy( panim->animationname, panim->source->m_Animations[0].animationname, sizeof(panim->animationname) );
if ( panim->startframe < pSourceAnim->startframe )
panim->startframe = pSourceAnim->startframe;
if ( panim->endframe > pSourceAnim->endframe )
panim->endframe = pSourceAnim->endframe;
Q_strncpy( panim->animationname, "", sizeof( panim->animationname ) );
if ( !g_bCreateMakefile && panim->endframe < panim->startframe )
TokenError( "end frame before start frame in %s", panim->name );
panim->numframes = panim->endframe - panim->startframe + 1;
//CheckAutoShareAnimationGroup( panim->name );
return panim;
// Purpose: copy globally reavent $animation options from one $animation to another
void CopyAnimationSettings( s_animation_t *pdest, s_animation_t *psrc )
pdest->fps = psrc->fps;
VectorCopy( psrc->adjust, pdest->adjust );
pdest->scale = psrc->scale;
pdest->rotation = psrc->rotation;
pdest->motiontype = psrc->motiontype;
//Adrian - Hey! Revisit me later.
/*if (pdest->startframe < psrc->startframe)
pdest->startframe = psrc->startframe;
if (pdest->endframe > psrc->endframe)
pdest->endframe = psrc->endframe;
if (pdest->endframe < pdest->startframe)
TokenError( "fixedup end frame before start frame in %s", pdest->name );
pdest->numframes = pdest->endframe - pdest->startframe + 1;*/
for (int i = 0; i < psrc->numcmds; i++)
if (pdest->numcmds >= MAXSTUDIOCMDS)
TokenError("Too many cmds in %s\n", pdest->name );
pdest->cmds[pdest->numcmds++] = psrc->cmds[i];
int ParseSequence( s_sequence_t *pseq, bool isAppend );
// Purpose: allocate an entry for $sequence
s_sequence_t *ProcessCmdSequence( const char *pSequenceName )
s_animation_t *panim = LookupAnimation( pSequenceName );
// allocate sequence
if ( panim != NULL )
if ( !panim->isOverride )
TokenError( "Duplicate sequence name \"%s\"\n", pSequenceName );
panim->doesOverride = true;
return NULL;
if ( g_sequence.Count() >= MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES )
TokenError("Too many sequences (%d max)\n", MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES );
s_sequence_t *pseq = &g_sequence[ g_sequence.AddToTail() ];
memset( pseq, 0, sizeof( s_sequence_t ) );
// initialize sequence
Q_strncpy( pseq->name, pSequenceName, sizeof(pseq->name) );
pseq->actweight = 0;
pseq->activityname[0] = '\0';
pseq->activity = -1; // -1 is the default for 'no activity'
pseq->paramindex[0] = -1;
pseq->paramindex[1] = -1;
pseq->groupsize[0] = 0;
pseq->groupsize[1] = 0;
pseq->fadeintime = 0.2;
pseq->fadeouttime = 0.2;
return pseq;
// Process the sequence command
void Cmd_Sequence( )
if ( !GetToken(false) )
// Find existing sequences
const char *pSequenceName = token;
s_animation_t *panim = LookupAnimation( pSequenceName );
if ( panim != NULL && panim->isOverride )
ParseEmpty( );
s_sequence_t *pseq = ProcessCmdSequence( pSequenceName );
if ( pseq )
ParseSequence( pseq, false );
// Performs processing on a sequence
void ProcessSequence( s_sequence_t *pseq, int numblends, s_animation_t **animations, bool isAppend )
if (isAppend)
if ( numblends == 0 )
TokenError("no animations found\n");
if ( pseq->groupsize[0] == 0 )
if (numblends < 4)
pseq->groupsize[0] = numblends;
pseq->groupsize[1] = 1;
int i = sqrt( (float) numblends );
if (i * i == numblends)
pseq->groupsize[0] = i;
pseq->groupsize[1] = i;
TokenError( "non-square (%d) number of blends without \"blendwidth\" set\n", numblends );
pseq->groupsize[1] = numblends / pseq->groupsize[0];
if (pseq->groupsize[0] * pseq->groupsize[1] != numblends)
TokenError( "missing animation blends. Expected %d, found %d\n",
pseq->groupsize[0] * pseq->groupsize[1], numblends );
for (int i = 0; i < numblends; i++)
int j = i % pseq->groupsize[0];
int k = i / pseq->groupsize[0];
pseq->panim[j][k] = animations[i];
if (i > 0 && animations[i]->isImplied)
CopyAnimationSettings( animations[i], animations[0] );
animations[i]->isImplied = false; // don't copy any more commands
pseq->flags |= animations[i]->flags;
pseq->numblends = numblends;
// Purpose: parse options unique to $sequence
int ParseSequence( s_sequence_t *pseq, bool isAppend )
int depth = 0;
s_animation_t *animations[64];
int i, j, n;
int numblends = 0;
if (isAppend)
animations[0] = pseq->panim[0][0];
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
return 1;
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("deform", token ) == 0)
Option_Deform( pseq );
else if (stricmp("event", token ) == 0)
depth -= Option_Event( pseq );
else if (stricmp("activity", token ) == 0)
Option_Activity( pseq );
else if (stricmp("activitymodifier", token ) == 0)
Option_ActivityModifier( pseq );
else if (strnicmp( token, "ACT_", 4 ) == 0)
UnGetToken( );
Option_Activity( pseq );
else if (stricmp("snap", token ) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_SNAP;
else if (stricmp("blendwidth", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->groupsize[0] = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp("blend", token ) == 0)
i = 0;
if (pseq->paramindex[0] != -1)
i = 1;
GetToken( false );
j = LookupPoseParameter( token );
pseq->paramindex[i] = j;
pseq->paramattachment[i] = -1;
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramstart[i] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramend[i] = verify_atof( token );
g_pose[j].min = min( g_pose[j].min, pseq->paramstart[i] );
g_pose[j].min = min( g_pose[j].min, pseq->paramend[i] );
g_pose[j].max = max( g_pose[j].max, pseq->paramstart[i] );
g_pose[j].max = max( g_pose[j].max, pseq->paramend[i] );
else if (stricmp("calcblend", token ) == 0)
i = 0;
if (pseq->paramindex[0] != -1)
i = 1;
GetToken( false );
j = LookupPoseParameter( token );
pseq->paramindex[i] = j;
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramattachment[i] = LookupAttachment( token );
if (pseq->paramattachment[i] == -1)
TokenError( "Unknown calcblend attachment \"%s\"\n", token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramcontrol[i] = lookupControl( token );
else if (stricmp("blendref", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (pseq->paramanim == NULL)
TokenError( "Unknown blendref animation \"%s\"\n", token );
else if (stricmp("blendcomp", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramcompanim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (pseq->paramcompanim == NULL)
TokenError( "Unknown blendcomp animation \"%s\"\n", token );
else if (stricmp("blendcenter", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->paramcenter = LookupAnimation( token );
if (pseq->paramcenter == NULL)
TokenError( "Unknown blendcenter animation \"%s\"\n", token );
else if (stricmp("node", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->entrynode = pseq->exitnode = LookupXNode( token );
else if (stricmp("transition", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->entrynode = LookupXNode( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->exitnode = LookupXNode( token );
else if (stricmp("rtransition", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->entrynode = LookupXNode( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->exitnode = LookupXNode( token );
pseq->nodeflags |= 1;
else if (stricmp("exitphase", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->exitphase = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp("delta", token) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_DELTA;
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_POST;
else if (stricmp("worldspace", token) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_WORLD;
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_POST;
else if (stricmp("post", token) == 0) // remove
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_POST;
else if (stricmp("predelta", token) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_DELTA;
else if (stricmp("autoplay", token) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_AUTOPLAY;
else if (stricmp( "fadein", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->fadeintime = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "fadeout", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
pseq->fadeouttime = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "realtime", token ) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_REALTIME;
else if (stricmp( "posecycle", token ) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_CYCLEPOSE;
GetToken( false );
pseq->cycleposeindex = LookupPoseParameter( token );
else if (stricmp( "hidden", token ) == 0)
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_HIDDEN;
else if (stricmp( "addlayer", token ) == 0)
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].name, token );
else if (stricmp( "iklock", token ) == 0)
V_strcpy_safe( pseq->iklock[pseq->numiklocks].name, token );
pseq->iklock[pseq->numiklocks].flPosWeight = verify_atof( token );
pseq->iklock[pseq->numiklocks].flLocalQWeight = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "keyvalues", token ) == 0)
Option_KeyValues( &pseq->KeyValue );
else if (stricmp( "blendlayer", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags = 0;
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].name, token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].start = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].peak = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].tail = verify_atof( token );
GetToken( false );
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].end = verify_atof( token );
while (TokenAvailable( ))
GetToken( false );
if (stricmp( "xfade", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags |= STUDIO_AL_XFADE;
else if (stricmp( "spline", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags |= STUDIO_AL_SPLINE;
else if (stricmp( "noblend", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags |= STUDIO_AL_NOBLEND;
else if (stricmp( "poseparameter", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags |= STUDIO_AL_POSE;
GetToken( false );
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].pose = LookupPoseParameter( token );
else if (stricmp( "local", token ) == 0)
pseq->autolayer[pseq->numautolayers].flags |= STUDIO_AL_LOCAL;
pseq->flags |= STUDIO_LOCAL;
else if ((numblends || isAppend) && ParseAnimationToken( animations[0] ))
else if (!isAppend)
// assume it's an animation reference
// first look up an existing animation
for (n = 0; n < g_numani; n++)
if (stricmp( token, g_panimation[n]->name ) == 0)
animations[numblends++] = g_panimation[n];
if (n >= g_numani)
// assume it's an implied animation
animations[numblends++] = Cmd_ImpliedAnimation( pseq, token );
// hack to allow animation commands to refer to same sequence
if (numblends == 1)
pseq->panim[0][0] = animations[0];
TokenError( "unknown command \"%s\"\n", token );
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
ProcessSequence( pseq, numblends, animations, isAppend );
return 0;
// Purpose: throw away all the options for a specific sequence or animation
int ParseEmpty( )
int depth = 0;
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
return 1;
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
return 0;
// Purpose: append commands to either a sequence or an animation
void Cmd_Append( )
s_sequence_t *pseq = LookupSequence( token );
if (pseq)
ParseSequence( pseq, true );
s_animation_t *panim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (panim)
ParseAnimation( panim, true );
TokenError( "unknown append animation %s\n", token );
void Cmd_Prepend( )
s_sequence_t *pseq = LookupSequence( token );
int count = 0;
s_animation_t *panim = NULL;
int iRet = false;
if (pseq)
panim = pseq->panim[0][0];
count = panim->numcmds;
iRet = ParseSequence( pseq, true );
panim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (panim)
count = panim->numcmds;
iRet = ParseAnimation( panim, true );
if (panim && count != panim->numcmds)
s_animcmd_t tmp;
tmp = panim->cmds[panim->numcmds - 1];
int i;
for (i = panim->numcmds - 1; i > 0; i--)
panim->cmds[i] = panim->cmds[i-1];
panim->cmds[0] = tmp;
TokenError( "unknown prepend animation \"%s\"\n", token );
void Cmd_Continue( )
s_sequence_t *pseq = LookupSequence( token );
if (pseq)
if (token[0] != '$')
ParseSequence( pseq, true );
s_animation_t *panim = LookupAnimation( token );
if (panim)
if (token[0] != '$')
ParseAnimation( panim, true );
TokenError( "unknown continue animation %s\n", token );
// Purpose: foward declare an empty sequence
void Cmd_DeclareSequence( void )
if (g_sequence.Count() >= MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES)
TokenError("Too many sequences (%d max)\n", MAXSTUDIOSEQUENCES );
s_sequence_t *pseq = &g_sequence[ g_sequence.AddToTail() ];
memset( pseq, 0, sizeof( s_sequence_t ) );
pseq->flags = STUDIO_OVERRIDE;
// initialize sequence
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( pseq->name, token );
// Purpose: foward declare an empty sequence
void Cmd_DeclareAnimation( void )
if (g_numani >= MAXSTUDIOANIMS)
TokenError("Too many animations (%d max)\n", MAXSTUDIOANIMS );
// allocate animation entry
s_animation_t *panim = (s_animation_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_animation_t ) );
g_panimation[g_numani] = panim;
panim->index = g_numani;
panim->flags = STUDIO_OVERRIDE;
// initialize animation
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( panim->name, token );
// Purpose: create named list of boneweights
void Option_Weightlist( s_weightlist_t *pweightlist )
int depth = 0;
int i;
pweightlist->numbones = 0;
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("posweight", token ) == 0)
i = pweightlist->numbones - 1;
if (i < 0)
MdlError( "Error with specifing bone Position weight \'%s:%s\'\n", pweightlist->name, pweightlist->bonename[i] );
GetToken( false );
pweightlist->boneposweight[i] = verify_atof( token );
if (pweightlist->boneweight[i] == 0 && pweightlist->boneposweight[i] > 0)
MdlError( "Non-zero Position weight with zero Rotation weight not allowed \'%s:%s %f %f\'\n",
pweightlist->name, pweightlist->bonename[i], pweightlist->boneweight[i], pweightlist->boneposweight[i] );
i = pweightlist->numbones++;
TokenError("Too many bones (%d) in weightlist '%s'\n", i, pweightlist->name );
pweightlist->bonename[i] = strdup( token );
GetToken( false );
pweightlist->boneweight[i] = verify_atof( token );
pweightlist->boneposweight[i] = pweightlist->boneweight[i];
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
void Cmd_Weightlist( )
int i;
if (!GetToken(false))
if (g_numweightlist >= MAXWEIGHTLISTS)
TokenError( "Too many weightlist commands (%d)\n", MAXWEIGHTLISTS );
for (i = 1; i < g_numweightlist; i++)
if (stricmp( g_weightlist[i].name, token ) == 0)
TokenError( "Duplicate weightlist '%s'\n", token );
V_strcpy_safe( g_weightlist[i].name, token );
Option_Weightlist( &g_weightlist[g_numweightlist] );
void Cmd_DefaultWeightlist( )
Option_Weightlist( &g_weightlist[0] );
// Purpose:
void Option_Eyeball( s_model_t *pmodel )
Vector tmp;
int i, j;
int mesh_material;
char szMeshMaterial[256];
s_eyeball_t *eyeball = &(pmodel->eyeball[pmodel->numeyeballs++]);
// name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( eyeball->name, token );
// bone name
GetToken (false);
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->source->numbones; i++)
if ( !Q_stricmp( pmodel->source->localBone[i].name, token ) )
eyeball->bone = i;
if (!g_bCreateMakefile && i >= pmodel->source->numbones)
TokenError( "unknown eyeball bone \"%s\"\n", token );
// X
GetToken (false);
tmp[0] = verify_atof (token);
// Y
GetToken (false);
tmp[1] = verify_atof (token);
// Z
GetToken (false);
tmp[2] = verify_atof (token);
// mesh material
GetToken (false);
Q_strncpy( szMeshMaterial, token, sizeof(szMeshMaterial) );
mesh_material = UseTextureAsMaterial( LookupTexture( token ) );
// diameter
GetToken (false);
eyeball->radius = verify_atof (token) / 2.0;
// Z angle offset
GetToken (false);
eyeball->zoffset = tan( DEG2RAD( verify_atof (token) ) );
// iris material (no longer used, but we need to remove the token)
GetToken (false);
// pupil scale
GetToken (false);
eyeball->iris_scale = 1.0 / verify_atof( token );
VectorCopy( tmp, eyeball->org );
for (i = 0; i < pmodel->source->nummeshes; i++)
j = pmodel->source->meshindex[i]; // meshes are internally stored by material index
if (j == mesh_material)
eyeball->mesh = i; // FIXME: should this be pre-adjusted?
if (!g_bCreateMakefile && i >= pmodel->source->nummeshes)
TokenError("can't find eyeball texture \"%s\" on model\n", szMeshMaterial );
// translate eyeball into bone space
VectorITransform( tmp, pmodel->source->boneToPose[eyeball->bone], eyeball->org );
matrix3x4_t vtmp;
AngleMatrix( g_defaultrotation, vtmp );
VectorIRotate( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), vtmp, tmp );
VectorIRotate( tmp, pmodel->source->boneToPose[eyeball->bone], eyeball->up );
VectorIRotate( Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), vtmp, tmp );
VectorIRotate( tmp, pmodel->source->boneToPose[eyeball->bone], eyeball->forward );
// these get overwritten by "eyelid" data
eyeball->upperlidflexdesc = -1;
eyeball->lowerlidflexdesc = -1;
// Purpose:
void Option_Spherenormals( s_source_t *psource )
Vector pos;
int i, j;
int mesh_material;
char szMeshMaterial[256];
// mesh material
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( szMeshMaterial, token );
mesh_material = UseTextureAsMaterial( LookupTexture( token ) );
// X
GetToken (false);
pos[0] = verify_atof (token);
// Y
GetToken (false);
pos[1] = verify_atof (token);
// Z
GetToken (false);
pos[2] = verify_atof (token);
for (i = 0; i < psource->nummeshes; i++)
j = psource->meshindex[i]; // meshes are internally stored by material index
if (j == mesh_material)
s_vertexinfo_t *vertex = &psource->vertex[psource->mesh[i].vertexoffset];
for (int k = 0; k < psource->mesh[i].numvertices; k++)
Vector n = vertex[k].position - pos;
VectorNormalize( n );
if (DotProduct( n, vertex[k].normal ) < 0.0)
vertex[k].normal = -1 * n;
vertex[k].normal = n;
#if 0
vertex[k].normal[0] += 0.5f * ( 2.0f * ( ( float )rand() ) / ( float )VALVE_RAND_MAX ) - 1.0f;
vertex[k].normal[1] += 0.5f * ( 2.0f * ( ( float )rand() ) / ( float )VALVE_RAND_MAX ) - 1.0f;
vertex[k].normal[2] += 0.5f * ( 2.0f * ( ( float )rand() ) / ( float )VALVE_RAND_MAX ) - 1.0f;
VectorNormalize( vertex[k].normal );
if (i >= psource->nummeshes)
TokenError("can't find spherenormal texture \"%s\" on model\n", szMeshMaterial );
// Purpose:
int Add_Flexdesc( const char *name )
int flexdesc;
for ( flexdesc = 0; flexdesc < g_numflexdesc; flexdesc++)
if (stricmp( name, g_flexdesc[flexdesc].FACS ) == 0)
if (flexdesc >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXDESC)
TokenError( "Too many flex types, max %d\n", MAXSTUDIOFLEXDESC );
if (flexdesc == g_numflexdesc)
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexdesc[flexdesc].FACS, name );
return flexdesc;
// Purpose:
void Option_Flex( char *name, char *vtafile, int imodel, float pairsplit )
if (g_numflexkeys >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXKEYS)
TokenError( "Too many flexes, max %d\n", MAXSTUDIOFLEXKEYS );
int flexdesc, flexpair;
if (pairsplit != 0)
char mod[256];
sprintf( mod, "%sR", name );
flexdesc = Add_Flexdesc( mod );
sprintf( mod, "%sL", name );
flexpair = Add_Flexdesc( mod );
flexdesc = Add_Flexdesc( name );
flexpair = 0;
// initialize
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].imodel = imodel;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexdesc = flexdesc;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target0 = 0.0;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target1 = 1.0;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target2 = 10;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target3 = 11;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].split = pairsplit;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexpair = flexpair;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].decay = 1.0;
while (TokenAvailable())
if (stricmp( token, "frame") == 0)
GetToken (false);
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].frame = verify_atoi( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "position") == 0)
GetToken (false);
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target1 = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "split") == 0)
GetToken (false);
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].split = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "decay") == 0)
GetToken (false);
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].decay = verify_atof( token );
TokenError( "unknown option: %s", token );
if (g_numflexkeys > 1)
if (g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1].flexdesc == g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].flexdesc)
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1].target2 = g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1].target1;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1].target3 = g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target1;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].target0 = g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1].target1;
// link to source
s_source_t *pSource = Load_Source( vtafile, "vta" );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].source = pSource;
if ( pSource->m_Animations.Count() )
Q_strncpy( g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].animationname, pSource->m_Animations[0].animationname, sizeof( g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].animationname ) );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys].animationname[0] = 0;
// this needs to be per model.
// Adds combination data to the source
int FindSourceFlexKey( s_source_t *pSource, const char *pName )
int nCount = pSource->m_FlexKeys.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pSource->m_FlexKeys[i].animationname, pName ) )
return i;
return -1;
// Adds flexkey data to a particular source
void AddFlexKey( s_source_t *pSource, CDmeCombinationOperator *pComboOp, const char *pFlexKeyName )
// See if the delta state is already accounted for
if ( FindSourceFlexKey( pSource, pFlexKeyName ) >= 0 )
int i = pSource->m_FlexKeys.AddToTail();
s_flexkey_t &key = pSource->m_FlexKeys[i];
memset( &key, 0, sizeof(key) );
key.target0 = 0.0f;
key.target1 = 1.0f;
key.target2 = 10.0f;
key.target3 = 11.0f;
key.decay = 1.0f;
key.source = pSource;
Q_strncpy( key.animationname, pFlexKeyName, sizeof(key.animationname) );
key.flexpair = pComboOp->IsDeltaStateStereo( pFlexKeyName ); // Signal used by AddBodyFlexData
// Adds combination data to the source
void AddCombination( s_source_t *pSource, CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombination )
// Define the remapped controls
int nControlCount = pCombination->GetRawControlCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nControlCount; ++i )
int m = pSource->m_CombinationControls.AddToTail();
s_combinationcontrol_t &control = pSource->m_CombinationControls[m];
Q_strncpy( control.name, pCombination->GetRawControlName( i ), sizeof(control.name) );
// Define the combination + domination rules
int nTargetCount = pCombination->GetOperationTargetCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nTargetCount; ++i )
int nOpCount = pCombination->GetOperationCount( i );
for ( int j = 0; j < nOpCount; ++j )
CDmElement *pDeltaState = pCombination->GetOperationDeltaState( i, j );
if ( !pDeltaState )
int nFlex = FindSourceFlexKey( pSource, pDeltaState->GetName() );
if ( nFlex < 0 )
int k = pSource->m_CombinationRules.AddToTail();
s_combinationrule_t &rule = pSource->m_CombinationRules[k];
rule.m_nFlex = nFlex;
rule.m_Combination = pCombination->GetOperationControls( i, j );
int nDominatorCount = pCombination->GetOperationDominatorCount( i, j );
for ( int l = 0; l < nDominatorCount; ++l )
int m = rule.m_Dominators.AddToTail();
rule.m_Dominators[m] = pCombination->GetOperationDominator( i, j, l );
// Define the remapping controls
nControlCount = pCombination->GetControlCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < nControlCount; ++i )
int k = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps.AddToTail();
s_flexcontrollerremap_t &remap = pSource->m_FlexControllerRemaps[k];
remap.m_Name = pCombination->GetControlName( i );
remap.m_bIsStereo = pCombination->IsStereoControl( i );
remap.m_Index = -1; // Don't know this right now
remap.m_LeftIndex = -1; // Don't know this right now
remap.m_RightIndex = -1; // Don't know this right now
remap.m_MultiIndex = -1; // Don't know this right now
remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexController = -1;
remap.m_BlinkController = -1;
int nRemapCount = pCombination->GetRawControlCount( i );
if ( pCombination->IsEyelidControl( i ) )
// Save the eyes_updown flex for later
const char *pEyesUpDownFlexName = pCombination->GetEyesUpDownFlexName( i );
remap.m_EyesUpDownFlexName = pEyesUpDownFlexName ? pEyesUpDownFlexName : "eyes_updown";
switch( nRemapCount )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
Assert( nRemapCount != 0 );
for ( int j = 0; j < nRemapCount; ++j )
const char *pRemapName = pCombination->GetRawControlName( i, j );
remap.m_RawControls.AddToTail( pRemapName );
// Purpose:
void Option_Eyelid( int imodel )
char type[256];
char vtafile[256];
// type
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( type, token );
// source
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( vtafile, token );
int lowererframe = 0;
int neutralframe = 0;
int raiserframe = 0;
float lowerertarget = 0.0f;
float neutraltarget = 0.0f;
float raisertarget = 0.0f;
int lowererdesc = 0;
int neutraldesc = 0;
int raiserdesc = 0;
int basedesc;
float split = 0;
char szEyeball[64] = {""};
basedesc = g_numflexdesc;
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexdesc[g_numflexdesc++].FACS, type );
while (TokenAvailable())
char localdesc[256];
V_strcpy_safe( localdesc, type );
V_strcat_safe( localdesc, "_" );
V_strcat_safe( localdesc, token );
if (stricmp( token, "lowerer") == 0)
GetToken (false);
lowererframe = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken (false);
lowerertarget = verify_atof( token );
lowererdesc = g_numflexdesc;
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexdesc[g_numflexdesc++].FACS, localdesc );
else if (stricmp( token, "neutral") == 0)
GetToken (false);
neutralframe = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken (false);
neutraltarget = verify_atof( token );
neutraldesc = g_numflexdesc;
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexdesc[g_numflexdesc++].FACS, localdesc );
else if (stricmp( token, "raiser") == 0)
GetToken (false);
raiserframe = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken (false);
raisertarget = verify_atof( token );
raiserdesc = g_numflexdesc;
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexdesc[g_numflexdesc++].FACS, localdesc );
else if (stricmp( token, "split") == 0)
GetToken (false);
split = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( token, "eyeball") == 0)
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( szEyeball, token );
TokenError( "unknown option: %s", token );
s_source_t *pSource = Load_Source( vtafile, "vta" );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].source = pSource;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].frame = lowererframe;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].flexdesc = basedesc;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].imodel = imodel;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].split = split;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].target0 = -11;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].target1 = -10;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].target2 = lowerertarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].target3 = neutraltarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].decay = 0.0;
if ( pSource->m_Animations.Count() > 0 )
Q_strncpy( g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].animationname, pSource->m_Animations[0].animationname, sizeof(g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].animationname) );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].animationname[0] = 0;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].source = g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].source;
Q_strncpy( g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].animationname, g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].animationname, sizeof(g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].animationname) );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].frame = neutralframe;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].flexdesc = basedesc;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].imodel = imodel;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].split = split;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].target0 = lowerertarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].target1 = neutraltarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].target2 = neutraltarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].target3 = raisertarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+1].decay = 0.0;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].source = g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].source;
Q_strncpy( g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].animationname, g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+0].animationname, sizeof(g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].animationname) );
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].frame = raiserframe;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].flexdesc = basedesc;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].imodel = imodel;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].split = split;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].target0 = neutraltarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].target1 = raisertarget;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].target2 = 10;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].target3 = 11;
g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys+2].decay = 0.0;
g_numflexkeys += 3;
s_model_t *pmodel = g_model[imodel];
for (int i = 0; i < pmodel->numeyeballs; i++)
s_eyeball_t *peyeball = &(pmodel->eyeball[i]);
if (szEyeball[0] != '\0')
if (stricmp( peyeball->name, szEyeball ) != 0)
if (fabs( lowerertarget ) > peyeball->radius)
TokenError( "Eyelid \"%s\" lowerer out of range (+-%.1f)\n", type, peyeball->radius );
if (fabs( neutraltarget ) > peyeball->radius)
TokenError( "Eyelid \"%s\" neutral out of range (+-%.1f)\n", type, peyeball->radius );
if (fabs( raisertarget ) > peyeball->radius)
TokenError( "Eyelid \"%s\" raiser out of range (+-%.1f)\n", type, peyeball->radius );
switch( type[0] )
case 'u':
peyeball->upperlidflexdesc = basedesc;
peyeball->upperflexdesc[0] = lowererdesc;
peyeball->uppertarget[0] = lowerertarget;
peyeball->upperflexdesc[1] = neutraldesc;
peyeball->uppertarget[1] = neutraltarget;
peyeball->upperflexdesc[2] = raiserdesc;
peyeball->uppertarget[2] = raisertarget;
case 'l':
peyeball->lowerlidflexdesc = basedesc;
peyeball->lowerflexdesc[0] = lowererdesc;
peyeball->lowertarget[0] = lowerertarget;
peyeball->lowerflexdesc[1] = neutraldesc;
peyeball->lowertarget[1] = neutraltarget;
peyeball->lowerflexdesc[2] = raiserdesc;
peyeball->lowertarget[2] = raisertarget;
int Option_Mouth( s_model_t *pmodel )
// index
GetToken (false);
int index = verify_atoi( token );
if (index >= g_nummouths)
g_nummouths = index + 1;
// flex controller name
GetToken (false);
g_mouth[index].flexdesc = Add_Flexdesc( token );
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_mouth[index].bonename, token );
// vector
GetToken (false);
g_mouth[index].forward[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_mouth[index].forward[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_mouth[index].forward[2] = verify_atof( token );
return 0;
void Option_Flexcontroller( s_model_t *pmodel )
char type[256];
float range_min = 0.0f;
float range_max = 1.0f;
// g_flex
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( type, token );
while (TokenAvailable())
if (stricmp( token, "range") == 0)
range_min = verify_atof( token );
range_max = verify_atof( token );
if (g_numflexcontrollers >= MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL)
TokenError( "Too many flex controllers, max %d\n", MAXSTUDIOFLEXCTRL );
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers].name, token );
V_strcpy_safe( g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers].type, type );
g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers].min = range_min;
g_flexcontroller[g_numflexcontrollers].max = range_max;
// this needs to be per model.
void Option_Flexrule( s_model_t *pmodel, char *name )
int precedence[32];
precedence[ STUDIO_CONST ] = 0;
precedence[ STUDIO_FETCH1 ] = 0;
precedence[ STUDIO_FETCH2 ] = 0;
precedence[ STUDIO_ADD ] = 1;
precedence[ STUDIO_SUB ] = 1;
precedence[ STUDIO_MUL ] = 2;
precedence[ STUDIO_DIV ] = 2;
precedence[ STUDIO_NEG ] = 4;
precedence[ STUDIO_EXP ] = 3;
precedence[ STUDIO_OPEN ] = 0; // only used in token parsing
precedence[ STUDIO_CLOSE ] = 0;
precedence[ STUDIO_COMMA ] = 0;
precedence[ STUDIO_MAX ] = 5;
precedence[ STUDIO_MIN ] = 5;
s_flexop_t stream[MAX_OPS];
int i = 0;
s_flexop_t stack[MAX_OPS];
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
s_flexrule_t *pRule = &g_flexrule[g_numflexrules++];
if (g_numflexrules > MAXSTUDIOFLEXRULES)
TokenError( "Too many flex rules (max %d)\n", MAXSTUDIOFLEXRULES );
int flexdesc;
for ( flexdesc = 0; flexdesc < g_numflexdesc; flexdesc++)
if (stricmp( name, g_flexdesc[flexdesc].FACS ) == 0)
if (flexdesc >= g_numflexdesc)
TokenError( "Rule for unknown flex %s\n", name );
pRule->flex = flexdesc;
pRule->numops = 0;
// =
// parse all the tokens
bool linecontinue = false;
while ( linecontinue || TokenAvailable())
linecontinue = false;
if ( token[0] == '\\' )
if (!GetToken(false) || token[0] != '\\')
TokenError( "unknown expression token '\\%s\n", token );
linecontinue = true;
else if ( token[0] == '(' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_OPEN;
else if ( token[0] == ')' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_CLOSE;
else if ( token[0] == '+' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_ADD;
else if ( token[0] == '-' )
stream[i].op = STUDIO_SUB;
if (i > 0)
switch( stream[i-1].op )
// it's a unary if it's preceded by a "(+-*/,"?
stream[i].op = STUDIO_NEG;
else if ( token[0] == '*' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_MUL;
else if ( token[0] == '/' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_DIV;
else if ( V_isdigit( token[0] ))
stream[i].op = STUDIO_CONST;
stream[i++].d.value = verify_atof( token );
else if ( token[0] == ',' )
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_COMMA;
else if ( stricmp( token, "max" ) == 0)
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_MAX;
else if ( stricmp( token, "min" ) == 0)
stream[i++].op = STUDIO_MIN;
if (token[0] == '%')
for (k = 0; k < g_numflexdesc; k++)
if (stricmp( token, g_flexdesc[k].FACS ) == 0)
stream[i].op = STUDIO_FETCH2;
stream[i++].d.index = k;
if (k >= g_numflexdesc)
TokenError( "unknown flex %s\n", token );
for (k = 0; k < g_numflexcontrollers; k++)
if (stricmp( token, g_flexcontroller[k].name ) == 0)
stream[i].op = STUDIO_FETCH1;
stream[i++].d.index = k;
if (k >= g_numflexcontrollers)
TokenError( "unknown controller %s\n", token );
if (i > MAX_OPS)
TokenError("expression %s too complicated\n", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
if (0)
printf("%s = ", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
for ( k = 0; k < i; k++)
switch( stream[k].op )
case STUDIO_CONST: printf("%f ", stream[k].d.value ); break;
case STUDIO_FETCH1: printf("%s ", g_flexcontroller[stream[k].d.index].name ); break;
case STUDIO_FETCH2: printf("[%d] ", stream[k].d.index ); break;
case STUDIO_ADD: printf("+ "); break;
case STUDIO_SUB: printf("- "); break;
case STUDIO_MUL: printf("* "); break;
case STUDIO_DIV: printf("/ "); break;
case STUDIO_NEG: printf("neg "); break;
case STUDIO_MAX: printf("max "); break;
case STUDIO_MIN: printf("min "); break;
case STUDIO_COMMA: printf(", "); break; // error
case STUDIO_OPEN: printf("( " ); break; // error
case STUDIO_CLOSE: printf(") " ); break; // error
printf("err%d ", stream[k].op ); break;
// exit(1);
j = 0;
for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
if (j >= MAX_OPS)
TokenError("expression %s too complicated\n", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
switch( stream[k].op )
pRule->op[pRule->numops++] = stream[k];
stack[j++] = stream[k];
// pop all operators off of the stack until an open paren
while (j > 0 && stack[j-1].op != STUDIO_OPEN)
pRule->op[pRule->numops++] = stack[j-1];
if (j == 0)
TokenError( "unmatched closed parentheses\n" );
if (j > 0)
// pop all operators off of the stack until an open paren
while (j > 0 && stack[j-1].op != STUDIO_OPEN)
pRule->op[pRule->numops++] = stack[j-1];
// push operator onto the stack
stack[j++] = stream[k];
// pop all operators off of the stack that have equal or higher precedence
while (j > 0 && precedence[stream[k].op] <= precedence[stack[j-1].op])
pRule->op[pRule->numops++] = stack[j-1];
// push operator onto the stack
stack[j++] = stream[k];
if (stream[k+1].op == STUDIO_CONST)
// change sign of constant, skip op
stream[k+1].d.value = -stream[k+1].d.value;
// push operator onto the stack
stack[j++] = stream[k];
// push operator onto the stack
stack[j++] = stream[k];
if (pRule->numops >= MAX_OPS)
TokenError("expression for \"%s\" too complicated\n", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
// pop all operators off of the stack
while (j > 0)
pRule->op[pRule->numops++] = stack[j-1];
if (pRule->numops >= MAX_OPS)
TokenError("expression for \"%s\" too complicated\n", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
// reprocess the operands, eating commas for all functions
int numCommas = 0;
j = 0;
for (k = 0; k < pRule->numops; k++)
switch( pRule->op[k].op )
if (pRule->op[j-1].op != STUDIO_COMMA)
TokenError( "missing comma\n");
// eat the comma operator
pRule->op[j-1] = pRule->op[k];
pRule->op[j++] = pRule->op[k];
pRule->op[j++] = pRule->op[k];
pRule->numops = j;
if (numCommas != 0)
TokenError( "too many comma's\n" );
if (pRule->numops > MAX_OPS)
TokenError("expression %s too complicated\n", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
if (0)
printf("%s = ", g_flexdesc[pRule->flex].FACS );
for ( i = 0; i < pRule->numops; i++)
switch( pRule->op[i].op )
case STUDIO_CONST: printf("%f ", pRule->op[i].d.value ); break;
case STUDIO_FETCH1: printf("%s ", g_flexcontroller[pRule->op[i].d.index].name ); break;
case STUDIO_FETCH2: printf("[%d] ", pRule->op[i].d.index ); break;
case STUDIO_ADD: printf("+ "); break;
case STUDIO_SUB: printf("- "); break;
case STUDIO_MUL: printf("* "); break;
case STUDIO_DIV: printf("/ "); break;
case STUDIO_NEG: printf("neg "); break;
case STUDIO_MAX: printf("max "); break;
case STUDIO_MIN: printf("min "); break;
case STUDIO_COMMA: printf(", "); break; // error
case STUDIO_OPEN: printf("( " ); break; // error
case STUDIO_CLOSE: printf(") " ); break; // error
printf("err%d ", pRule->op[i].op ); break;
// exit(1);
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Model( )
g_model[g_nummodels] = (s_model_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_model_t ) );
// name
if (!GetToken(false))
V_strcpy_safe( g_model[g_nummodels]->name, token );
// fake g_bodypart stuff
if (g_numbodyparts == 0)
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = 1;
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].base = g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].base * g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts-1].nummodels;
V_strcpy_safe( g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].name, token );
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].pmodel[g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels] = g_model[g_nummodels];
g_bodypart[g_numbodyparts].nummodels = 1;
Option_Studio( g_model[g_nummodels] );
if ( g_model[g_nummodels]->source )
// Body command should add any flex commands in the source loaded
AddBodyFlexData( g_model[g_nummodels]->source, g_nummodels );
AddBodyAttachments( g_model[g_nummodels]->source );
int depth = 0;
while (1)
char FAC[256], vtafile[256];
if (depth > 0)
if( !GetToken(true) )
if ( !TokenAvailable() )
GetToken (false);
if ( endofscript )
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
if ( !Q_stricmp("{", token ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp("}", token ) )
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "eyeball", token ) )
Option_Eyeball( g_model[g_nummodels] );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "eyelid", token ) )
Option_Eyelid( g_nummodels );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "flex", token ) )
// g_flex
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( FAC, token );
if (depth == 0)
// file
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( vtafile, token );
Option_Flex( FAC, vtafile, g_nummodels, 0.0 ); // FIXME: this needs to point to a model used, not loaded!!!
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "flexpair", token ) )
// g_flex
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( FAC, token );
GetToken( false );
float split = atof( token );
if (depth == 0)
// file
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( vtafile, token );
Option_Flex( FAC, vtafile, g_nummodels, split ); // FIXME: this needs to point to a model used, not loaded!!!
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "defaultflex", token ) )
if (depth == 0)
// file
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( vtafile, token );
// g_flex
Option_Flex( "default", vtafile, g_nummodels, 0.0 ); // FIXME: this needs to point to a model used, not loaded!!!
g_defaultflexkey = &g_flexkey[g_numflexkeys-1];
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "flexfile", token ) )
// file
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( vtafile, token );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "localvar", token ) )
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken( false );
Add_Flexdesc( token );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "mouth", token ) )
Option_Mouth( g_model[g_nummodels] );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( "flexcontroller", token ) )
Option_Flexcontroller( g_model[g_nummodels] );
else if ( token[0] == '%' )
Option_Flexrule( g_model[g_nummodels], &token[1] );
else if ( !Q_stricmp("attachment", token ) )
// Option_Attachment( g_model[g_nummodels] );
else if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "spherenormals" ) )
Option_Spherenormals( g_model[g_nummodels]->source );
TokenError( "unknown model option \"%s\"\n", token );
if (depth < 0)
TokenError("missing {\n");
// Actually connect up the expressions between the Dme Flex Controllers & Flex Descriptors
// In case there was data added by some other eyeball command (like eyelid)
AddBodyFlexRules( g_model[ g_nummodels ]->source );
void Cmd_FakeVTA( void )
int depth = 0;
GetToken( false );
s_source_t *psource = (s_source_t *)kalloc( 1, sizeof( s_source_t ) );
g_source[g_numsources] = psource;
V_strcpy_safe( g_source[g_numsources]->filename, token );
while (1)
if (depth > 0)
if (!TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
if (stricmp("{", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("}", token ) == 0)
else if (stricmp("appendvta", token ) == 0)
char filename[256];
// file
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( filename, token );
GetToken( false );
int frame = verify_atoi( token );
AppendVTAtoOBJ( psource, filename, frame );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_IKChain( )
if (!GetToken(false))
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < g_numikchains; i++)
if (stricmp( token, g_ikchain[i].name ) == 0)
if (i < g_numikchains)
if (!g_quiet)
printf("duplicate ikchain \"%s\" ignored\n", token );
while (TokenAvailable())
V_strcpy_safe( g_ikchain[g_numikchains].name, token );
V_strcpy_safe( g_ikchain[g_numikchains].bonename, token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].axis = STUDIO_Z;
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].value = 0.0;
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].height = 18.0;
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].floor = 0.0;
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].radius = 0.0;
while (TokenAvailable())
if (lookupControl( token ) != -1)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].axis = lookupControl( token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].value = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "height", token ) == 0)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].height = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "pad", token ) == 0)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].radius = verify_atof( token ) / 2.0;
else if (stricmp( "floor", token ) == 0)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].floor = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "knee", token ) == 0)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].link[0].kneeDir.x = verify_atof( token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].link[0].kneeDir.y = verify_atof( token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].link[0].kneeDir.z = verify_atof( token );
else if (stricmp( "center", token ) == 0)
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].center.x = verify_atof( token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].center.y = verify_atof( token );
g_ikchain[g_numikchains].center.z = verify_atof( token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_IKAutoplayLock( )
V_strcpy_safe( g_ikautoplaylock[g_numikautoplaylocks].name, token );
g_ikautoplaylock[g_numikautoplaylocks].flPosWeight = verify_atof( token );
g_ikautoplaylock[g_numikautoplaylocks].flLocalQWeight = verify_atof( token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Root ()
if (GetToken (false))
V_strcpy_safe( rootname, token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Controller (void)
if (GetToken (false))
if (!stricmp("mouth",token))
g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].inputfield = 4;
g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].inputfield = verify_atoi(token);
if (GetToken(false))
V_strcpy_safe( g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].name, token );
if ((g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].type = lookupControl(token)) == -1)
MdlWarning("unknown g_bonecontroller type '%s'\n", token );
g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].start = verify_atof( token );
g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].end = verify_atof( token );
if (g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].type & (STUDIO_XR | STUDIO_YR | STUDIO_ZR))
if (((int)(g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].start + 360) % 360) == ((int)(g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].end + 360) % 360))
g_bonecontroller[g_numbonecontrollers].type |= STUDIO_RLOOP;
// Purpose:
// Debugging function that enumerate all a models bones to stdout.
static void SpewBones()
MdlWarning("g_numbones %i\n",g_numbones);
for ( int i = g_numbones; --i >= 0; )
// Purpose:
void Cmd_ScreenAlign ( void )
if (GetToken (false))
Assert( g_numscreenalignedbones < MAXSTUDIOSRCBONES );
V_strcpy_safe( g_screenalignedbone[g_numscreenalignedbones].name, token );
g_screenalignedbone[g_numscreenalignedbones].flags = BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_SPHERE;
if( GetToken( false ) )
if( !stricmp( "sphere", token ) )
g_screenalignedbone[g_numscreenalignedbones].flags = BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_SPHERE;
else if( !stricmp( "cylinder", token ) )
g_screenalignedbone[g_numscreenalignedbones].flags = BONE_SCREEN_ALIGN_CYLINDER;
} else
TokenError( "$screenalign: expected bone name\n" );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_BBox (void)
GetToken (false);
bbox[0][0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
bbox[0][1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
bbox[0][2] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
bbox[1][0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
bbox[1][1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
bbox[1][2] = verify_atof( token );
g_wrotebbox = true;
// Purpose:
void Cmd_CBox (void)
GetToken (false);
cbox[0][0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
cbox[0][1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
cbox[0][2] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
cbox[1][0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
cbox[1][1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
cbox[1][2] = verify_atof( token );
g_wrotecbox = true;
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Gamma (void)
GetToken (false);
g_gamma = verify_atof( token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_TextureGroup( )
if( g_bCreateMakefile )
int i;
int depth = 0;
int index = 0;
int group = 0;
if (!GetToken(false))
if (g_numskinref == 0)
g_numskinref = g_numtextures;
while (1)
if (endofscript)
if (depth != 0)
TokenError("missing }\n" );
if (token[0] == '{')
else if (token[0] == '}')
if (depth == 0)
index = 0;
else if (depth == 2)
i = UseTextureAsMaterial( LookupTexture( token ) );
g_texturegroup[g_numtexturegroups][group][index] = i;
if (group != 0)
g_texture[i].parent = g_texturegroup[g_numtexturegroups][0][index];
g_numtexturereps[g_numtexturegroups] = index;
g_numtexturelayers[g_numtexturegroups] = group + 1;
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Hitgroup( )
GetToken (false);
g_hitgroup[g_numhitgroups].group = verify_atoi( token );
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_hitgroup[g_numhitgroups].name, token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Hitbox( )
bool autogenerated = false;
if ( g_hitboxsets.Size() == 0 )
autogenerated = true;
// Last one
s_hitboxset *set = &g_hitboxsets[ g_hitboxsets.Size() - 1 ];
if ( autogenerated )
memset( set, 0, sizeof( *set ) );
// fill in name if it wasn't specified in the .qc
V_strcpy_safe( set->hitboxsetname, "default" );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].group = verify_atoi( token );
// Grab the bone name:
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].name, token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmin[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmin[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmin[2] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmax[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmax[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmax[2] = verify_atof( token );
//Scale hitboxes
scale_vertex( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmin );
scale_vertex( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].bmax );
// clear out the hitboxname:
memset( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].hitboxname, 0, sizeof( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].hitboxname ) );
// Grab the hit box name if present:
if( TokenAvailable() )
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( set->hitbox[set->numhitboxes].hitboxname, token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_HitboxSet( void )
// Add a new hitboxset
s_hitboxset *set = &g_hitboxsets[ g_hitboxsets.AddToTail() ];
GetToken( false );
memset( set, 0, sizeof( *set ) );
V_strcpy_safe( set->hitboxsetname, token );
// Assigns a default surface property to the entire model
struct SurfacePropName_t
char m_pJointName[128];
char m_pSurfaceProp[128];
static char s_pDefaultSurfaceProp[128] = {"default"};
static CUtlVector<SurfacePropName_t> s_JointSurfaceProp;
// Assigns a default surface property to the entire model
void Cmd_SurfaceProp ()
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( s_pDefaultSurfaceProp, token );
// Assigns a surface property to a particular joint
void Cmd_JointSurfaceProp ()
// Get joint name...
GetToken (false);
// Search for the name in our list
int i;
for ( i = s_JointSurfaceProp.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if (!stricmp(s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName, token))
// Add new entry if we haven't seen this name before
if (i < 0)
i = s_JointSurfaceProp.AddToTail();
V_strcpy_safe( s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName, token );
// surface property name
V_strcpy_safe( s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pSurfaceProp, token );
// Returns the default surface prop name
char* GetDefaultSurfaceProp ( )
return s_pDefaultSurfaceProp;
// Returns surface property for a given joint
static char* FindSurfaceProp ( const char* pJointName )
for ( int i = s_JointSurfaceProp.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if (!stricmp(s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName, pJointName))
return s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pSurfaceProp;
return 0;
// Returns surface property for a given joint
char* GetSurfaceProp ( const char* pJointName )
while( pJointName )
// First try to find this joint
char* pSurfaceProp = FindSurfaceProp( pJointName );
if (pSurfaceProp)
return pSurfaceProp;
// If we can't find the joint, then find it's parent...
if (!g_numbones)
return s_pDefaultSurfaceProp;
int i = findGlobalBone( pJointName );
if ((i >= 0) && (g_bonetable[i].parent >= 0))
pJointName = g_bonetable[g_bonetable[i].parent].name;
pJointName = 0;
// No match, return the default one
return s_pDefaultSurfaceProp;
// Returns surface property for a given joint
void ConsistencyCheckSurfaceProp ( )
for ( int i = s_JointSurfaceProp.Count(); --i >= 0; )
int j = findGlobalBone( s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName );
if (j < 0)
MdlWarning("You specified a joint surface property for joint\n"
" \"%s\" which either doesn't exist or was optimized out.\n", s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName );
// Assigns a default contents to the entire model
struct ContentsName_t
char m_pJointName[128];
int m_nContents;
static int s_nDefaultContents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
static CUtlVector<ContentsName_t> s_JointContents;
// Parse contents flags
static void ParseContents( int *pAddFlags, int *pRemoveFlags )
*pAddFlags = 0;
*pRemoveFlags = 0;
GetToken (false);
if ( !stricmp( token, "grate" ) )
*pRemoveFlags |= CONTENTS_SOLID;
else if ( !stricmp( token, "ladder" ) )
else if ( !stricmp( token, "solid" ) )
else if ( !stricmp( token, "monster" ) )
else if ( !stricmp( token, "notsolid" ) )
*pRemoveFlags |= CONTENTS_SOLID;
} while (TokenAvailable());
// Assigns a default contents to the entire model
void Cmd_Contents()
int nAddFlags, nRemoveFlags;
ParseContents( &nAddFlags, &nRemoveFlags );
s_nDefaultContents |= nAddFlags;
s_nDefaultContents &= ~nRemoveFlags;
// Assigns contents to a particular joint
void Cmd_JointContents ()
// Get joint name...
GetToken (false);
// Search for the name in our list
int i;
for ( i = s_JointContents.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if (!stricmp(s_JointContents[i].m_pJointName, token))
// Add new entry if we haven't seen this name before
if (i < 0)
i = s_JointContents.AddToTail();
V_strcpy_safe( s_JointContents[i].m_pJointName, token );
int nAddFlags, nRemoveFlags;
ParseContents( &nAddFlags, &nRemoveFlags );
s_JointContents[i].m_nContents = CONTENTS_SOLID;
s_JointContents[i].m_nContents |= nAddFlags;
s_JointContents[i].m_nContents &= ~nRemoveFlags;
// Returns the default contents
int GetDefaultContents( )
return s_nDefaultContents;
// Returns contents for a given joint
static int FindContents( const char* pJointName )
for ( int i = s_JointContents.Count(); --i >= 0; )
if (!stricmp(s_JointContents[i].m_pJointName, pJointName))
return s_JointContents[i].m_nContents;
return -1;
// Returns contents for a given joint
int GetContents( const char* pJointName )
while( pJointName )
// First try to find this joint
int nContents = FindContents( pJointName );
if (nContents != -1)
return nContents;
// If we can't find the joint, then find it's parent...
if (!g_numbones)
return s_nDefaultContents;
int i = findGlobalBone( pJointName );
if ((i >= 0) && (g_bonetable[i].parent >= 0))
pJointName = g_bonetable[g_bonetable[i].parent].name;
pJointName = 0;
// No match, return the default one
return s_nDefaultContents;
// Checks specified contents
void ConsistencyCheckContents( )
for ( int i = s_JointContents.Count(); --i >= 0; )
int j = findGlobalBone( s_JointContents[i].m_pJointName );
if (j < 0)
MdlWarning("You specified a joint contents for joint\n"
" \"%s\" which either doesn't exist or was optimized out.\n", s_JointSurfaceProp[i].m_pJointName );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_BoneMerge( )
if( g_bCreateMakefile )
int nIndex = g_BoneMerge.AddToTail();
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_BoneMerge[nIndex].bonename, token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Attachment( )
if( g_bCreateMakefile )
// name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_attachment[g_numattachments].name, token );
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_attachment[g_numattachments].bonename, token );
Vector tmp;
// position
GetToken (false);
tmp.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
tmp.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
tmp.z = verify_atof( token );
scale_vertex( tmp );
// identity matrix
AngleMatrix( QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
if (stricmp(token,"absolute") == 0)
g_attachment[g_numattachments].type |= IS_ABSOLUTE;
AngleIMatrix( g_defaultrotation, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
// AngleIMatrix( Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
else if (stricmp(token,"rigid") == 0)
g_attachment[g_numattachments].type |= IS_RIGID;
else if (stricmp(token,"world_align") == 0)
g_attachment[g_numattachments].flags |= ATTACHMENT_FLAG_WORLD_ALIGN;
else if (stricmp(token,"rotate") == 0)
QAngle angles;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (!TokenAvailable())
angles[i] = verify_atof( token );
AngleMatrix( angles, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
else if (stricmp(token,"x_and_z_axes") == 0)
int i;
Vector xaxis, yaxis, zaxis;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (!TokenAvailable())
xaxis[i] = verify_atof( token );
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (!TokenAvailable())
zaxis[i] = verify_atof( token );
VectorNormalize( xaxis );
VectorMA( zaxis, -DotProduct( zaxis, xaxis ), xaxis, zaxis );
VectorNormalize( zaxis );
CrossProduct( zaxis, xaxis, yaxis );
MatrixSetColumn( xaxis, 0, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
MatrixSetColumn( yaxis, 1, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
MatrixSetColumn( zaxis, 2, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
MatrixSetColumn( vec3_origin, 3, g_attachment[g_numattachments].local );
TokenError("unknown attachment (%s) option: ", g_attachment[g_numattachments].name, token );
g_attachment[g_numattachments].local[0][3] = tmp.x;
g_attachment[g_numattachments].local[1][3] = tmp.y;
g_attachment[g_numattachments].local[2][3] = tmp.z;
// Purpose:
int LookupAttachment( char *name )
int i;
for (i = 0; i < g_numattachments; i++)
if (stricmp( g_attachment[i].name, name ) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Renamebone( )
// from
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_renamedbone[g_numrenamedbones].from, token );
// to
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_renamedbone[g_numrenamedbones].to, token );
// Purpose:
void Cmd_Skiptransition( )
int nskips = 0;
int list[10];
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
list[nskips++] = LookupXNode( token );
for (int i = 0; i < nskips; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nskips; j++)
if (list[i] != list[j])
g_xnodeskip[g_numxnodeskips][0] = list[i];
g_xnodeskip[g_numxnodeskips][1] = list[j];
// The following code is all related to LODs
// Parse replacemodel command, causes an LOD to use a new model
static void Cmd_ReplaceModel( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.modelReplacements.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newReplacement = lodData.modelReplacements[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
// Strip off extensions for the source...
char* pDot = strrchr( token, '.' );
if (pDot)
*pDot = 0;
if (!FindCachedSource( token, "" ))
// must have prior knowledge of the from
TokenError( "Unknown replace model '%s'\n", token );
newReplacement.SetSrcName( token );
// to
GetToken( false );
newReplacement.SetDstName( token );
// check for "reverse"
bool reverse = false;
if( TokenAvailable() && GetToken( false ) )
if( stricmp( "reverse", token ) == 0 )
reverse = true;
TokenError( "\"%s\" unexpected\n", token );
// If the LOD system tells us to replace "blank", let's forget
// we ever read this. Have to do it here so parsing works
if( !stricmp( newReplacement.GetSrcName(), "blank" ) )
lodData.modelReplacements.FastRemove( i );
// Load the source right here baby! That way its bones will get converted
if ( !lodData.IsStrippedFromModel() )
newReplacement.m_pSource = Load_Source( newReplacement.GetDstName(), "smd", reverse, false );
else if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "Stripped lod \"%s\" @ %.1f\n", newReplacement.GetDstName(), lodData.switchValue );
// Parse removemodel command, causes an LOD to stop using a model
static void Cmd_RemoveModel( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.modelReplacements.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newReplacement = lodData.modelReplacements[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
// Strip off extensions...
char* pDot = strrchr( token, '.' );
if (pDot)
*pDot = 0;
newReplacement.SetSrcName( token );
// to
newReplacement.SetDstName( "" );
// If the LOD system tells us to replace "blank", let's forget
// we ever read this. Have to do it here so parsing works
if( !stricmp( newReplacement.GetSrcName(), "blank" ) )
lodData.modelReplacements.FastRemove( i );
// Parse replacebone command, causes a part of an LOD model to use a different bone
static void Cmd_ReplaceBone( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.boneReplacements.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newReplacement = lodData.boneReplacements[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
newReplacement.SetSrcName( token );
// to
GetToken( false );
newReplacement.SetDstName( token );
// Parse bonetreecollapse command, causes the entire subtree to use the same bone as the node
static void Cmd_BoneTreeCollapse( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.boneTreeCollapses.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newCollapse = lodData.boneTreeCollapses[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
newCollapse.SetSrcName( token );
// Parse replacematerial command, causes a material to be used in place of another
static void Cmd_ReplaceMaterial( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.materialReplacements.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newReplacement = lodData.materialReplacements[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
newReplacement.SetSrcName( token );
// to
GetToken( false );
newReplacement.SetDstName( token );
if ( !lodData.IsStrippedFromModel() )
// make sure it goes into the master list
UseTextureAsMaterial( LookupTexture( token ) );
// Parse removemesh command, causes a mesh to not be used anymore
static void Cmd_RemoveMesh( LodScriptData_t& lodData )
int i = lodData.meshRemovals.AddToTail();
CLodScriptReplacement_t& newReplacement = lodData.meshRemovals[i];
// from
GetToken( false );
Q_FixSlashes( token );
newReplacement.SetSrcName( token );
void Cmd_LOD( const char *cmdname )
MdlError( "Model can only have one $shadowlod and it must be the last lod in the .qc (%d) : %s\n", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
int i = g_ScriptLODs.AddToTail();
LodScriptData_t& newLOD = g_ScriptLODs[i];
if( g_ScriptLODs.Count() > MAX_NUM_LODS )
MdlError( "Too many LODs (MAX_NUM_LODS==%d)\n", ( int )MAX_NUM_LODS );
// Shadow lod reserves -1 as switch value
// which uniquely identifies a shadow lod
newLOD.switchValue = -1.0f;
bool isShadowCall = ( !stricmp( cmdname, "$shadowlod" ) ) ? true : false;
if ( isShadowCall )
if ( TokenAvailable() )
GetToken( false );
MdlWarning( "(%d) : %s: Ignoring switch value on %s command line\n", g_iLinecount, cmdname, g_szLine );
// Disable facial animation by default
newLOD.EnableFacialAnimation( false );
if ( TokenAvailable() )
GetToken( false );
newLOD.switchValue = verify_atof( token );
if ( newLOD.switchValue < 0.0f )
MdlError( "Negative switch value reserved for $shadowlod (%d) : %s\n", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
MdlError( "Expected LOD switch value (%d) : %s\n", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
GetToken( true );
if( stricmp( "{", token ) != 0 )
MdlError( "\"{\" expected while processing %s (%d) : %s", cmdname, g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
// In case we are stripping all lods and it's not Lod0, strip it
if ( i && g_bStripLods )
newLOD.StripFromModel( true );
while( 1 )
GetToken( true );
if( stricmp( "replacemodel", token ) == 0 )
else if( stricmp( "removemodel", token ) == 0 )
else if( stricmp( "replacebone", token ) == 0 )
Cmd_ReplaceBone( newLOD );
else if( stricmp( "bonetreecollapse", token ) == 0 )
Cmd_BoneTreeCollapse( newLOD );
else if( stricmp( "replacematerial", token ) == 0 )
Cmd_ReplaceMaterial( newLOD );
else if( stricmp( "removemesh", token ) == 0 )
Cmd_RemoveMesh( newLOD );
else if( stricmp( "nofacial", token ) == 0 )
newLOD.EnableFacialAnimation( false );
else if( stricmp( "facial", token ) == 0 )
if (isShadowCall)
// facial animation has no reasonable purpose on a shadow lod
TokenError( "Facial animation is not allowed for $shadowlod\n" );
newLOD.EnableFacialAnimation( true );
else if ( stricmp( "use_shadowlod_materials", token ) == 0 )
if (isShadowCall)
else if( stricmp( "}", token ) == 0 )
MdlError( "invalid input while processing %s (%d) : %s", cmdname, g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
// If the LOD is stripped, then forget we saw it
if ( newLOD.IsStrippedFromModel() )
g_ScriptLODs.FastRemove( i );
void Cmd_ShadowLOD( void )
if (!g_quiet)
printf( "Processing $shadowlod\n" );
// Act like it's a regular lod entry
Cmd_LOD( "$shadowlod" );
// Mark .mdl as having shadow lod (we also check above that we have only one of these
// and that it's the last entered lod )
// A couple commands related to translucency sorting
void Cmd_Opaque( )
// Force Opaque has precedence
void Cmd_TranslucentTwoPass( )
// Force Opaque has precedence
// Indicates the model be rendered with ambient boost heuristic (first used on Alyx in Episode 1)
void Cmd_AmbientBoost()
// Indicates the model should not cast shadows (useful for first-person models as used in L4D)
void Cmd_DoNotCastShadows()
// Indicates the model should cast texutre-based shadows in vrad (NOTE: only applicable to prop_static)
void Cmd_CastTextureShadows()
// Indicates the model should not fade out even if the level or fallback settings say to
void Cmd_NoForcedFade()
// Indicates the model should not use the bone origin when calculating bboxes, sequence boxes, etc.
void Cmd_SkipBoneInBBox()
g_bUseBoneInBBox = false;
// Indicates the model will lengthen the viseme check to always include two phonemes
void Cmd_ForcePhonemeCrossfade()
// Indicates the model should keep pre-defined bone lengths regardless of animation changes
void Cmd_LockBoneLengths()
g_bLockBoneLengths = true;
// Indicates the model should replace pre-defined bone lengths and default orientations
void Cmd_UnlockDefineBones()
g_bOverridePreDefinedBones = true;
// Mark this model as obsolete so that it'll show the obsolete material in game.
void Cmd_Obsolete( )
// Force Opaque has precedence
// The bones should be moved so that they center themselves on the verts they own.
void Cmd_CenterBonesOnVerts( )
// force centering on bones
g_bCenterBonesOnVerts = true;
// How far back should simple motion extract pull back from the last frame
void Cmd_MotionExtractionRollBack( )
GetToken( false );
g_flDefaultMotionRollback = atof( token );
// rules for breaking up long animations into multiple sub anims
void Cmd_SectionFrames( )
GetToken( false );
g_sectionFrames = atof( token );
GetToken( false );
g_minSectionFrameLimit = atoi( token );
// world space clamping boundaries for animations
void Cmd_ClampWorldspace( )
GetToken (false);
g_vecMinWorldspace[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_vecMinWorldspace[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_vecMinWorldspace[2] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_vecMaxWorldspace[0] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_vecMaxWorldspace[1] = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
g_vecMaxWorldspace[2] = verify_atof( token );
// Key value block!
void Option_KeyValues( CUtlVector< char > *pKeyValue )
// Simply read in the block between { }s as text
// and plop it out unchanged into the .mdl file.
// Make sure to respect the fact that we may have nested {}s
int nLevel = 1;
if ( !GetToken( true ) )
if ( token[0] != '{' )
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, "mdlkeyvalue\n{\n" );
while ( GetToken(true) )
if ( !stricmp( token, "}" ) )
if ( nLevel <= 0 )
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, " }\n" );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "{" ) )
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, "{\n" );
// tokens inside braces are quoted
if ( nLevel > 1 )
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, "\"" );
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, token );
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, "\" " );
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, token );
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, " " );
if ( nLevel >= 1 )
TokenError( "Keyvalue block missing matching braces.\n" );
AppendKeyValueText( pKeyValue, "}\n" );
// Purpose: force a specific parent child relationship
void Cmd_ForcedHierarchy( )
// child name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedhierarchy[g_numforcedhierarchy].childname, token );
// parent name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedhierarchy[g_numforcedhierarchy].parentname, token );
// Purpose: insert a virtual bone between a child and parent (currently unsupported)
void Cmd_InsertHierarchy( )
// child name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedhierarchy[g_numforcedhierarchy].childname, token );
// subparent name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedhierarchy[g_numforcedhierarchy].subparentname, token );
// parent name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedhierarchy[g_numforcedhierarchy].parentname, token );
// Purpose: rotate a specific bone
void Cmd_ForceRealign( )
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_forcedrealign[g_numforcedrealign].name, token );
// skip
GetToken (false);
// X axis
GetToken (false);
g_forcedrealign[g_numforcedrealign].rot.x = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) );
// Y axis
GetToken (false);
g_forcedrealign[g_numforcedrealign].rot.y = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) );
// Z axis
GetToken (false);
g_forcedrealign[g_numforcedrealign].rot.z = DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) );
// Purpose: specify a bone to allow > 180 but < 360 rotation (forces a calculated "mid point" to rotation)
void Cmd_LimitRotation( )
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_limitrotation[g_numlimitrotation].name, token );
while (TokenAvailable())
// sequence name
GetToken (false);
// This was a call to strcpyn but since sequencename is an array of char*
// it was passing sizeof(char*) as the number of characters to copy, which
// makes no sense. Commenting out until a better idea comes along.
Assert( 0 );
//V_strcpy_safe( g_limitrotation[g_numlimitrotation].sequencename[g_limitrotation[g_numlimitrotation].numseq++], token );
// Purpose: specify bones to store, even if nothing references them
void Cmd_DefineBone( )
// bone name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_importbone[g_numimportbones].name, token );
// parent name
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe( g_importbone[g_numimportbones].parent, token );
Vector pos;
QAngle angles;
// default pos
GetToken (false);
pos.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
pos.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
pos.z = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.z = verify_atof( token );
AngleMatrix( angles, pos, g_importbone[g_numimportbones].rawLocal );
if (TokenAvailable())
g_importbone[g_numimportbones].bPreAligned = true;
// realign pos
GetToken (false);
pos.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
pos.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
pos.z = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.x = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.y = verify_atof( token );
GetToken (false);
angles.z = verify_atof( token );
AngleMatrix( angles, pos, g_importbone[g_numimportbones].srcRealign );
SetIdentityMatrix( g_importbone[g_numimportbones].srcRealign );
float ParseJiggleStiffness( void )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting stiffness value\n" );
return 0.0f;
float stiffness = verify_atof( token );
const float minStiffness = 0.0f;
const float maxStiffness = 1000.0f;
return clamp( stiffness, minStiffness, maxStiffness );
float ParseJiggleDamping( void )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting damping value\n" );
return 0.0f;
float damping = verify_atof( token );
const float minDamping = 0.0f;
const float maxDamping = 10.0f;
return clamp( damping, minDamping, maxDamping );
bool ParseJiggleAngleConstraint( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
jiggleInfo->data.flags |= JIGGLE_HAS_ANGLE_CONSTRAINT;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting angle value\n" );
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.angleLimit = verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f;
return true;
bool ParseJiggleYawConstraint( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
jiggleInfo->data.flags |= JIGGLE_HAS_YAW_CONSTRAINT;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting minimum yaw value\n" );
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.minYaw = verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting maximum yaw value\n" );
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.maxYaw = verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f;
return true;
bool ParseJigglePitchConstraint( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
jiggleInfo->data.flags |= JIGGLE_HAS_PITCH_CONSTRAINT;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting minimum pitch value\n" );
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.minPitch = verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f;
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: expecting maximum pitch value\n" );
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.maxPitch = verify_atof( token ) * M_PI / 180.0f;
return true;
* Parse common parameters.
* This assumes a token has already been read, and returns true if
* the token is recognized and parsed.
bool ParseCommonJiggle( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
if (!stricmp( token, "tip_mass" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.tipMass = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "length" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.length = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "angle_constraint" ))
if (ParseJiggleAngleConstraint( jiggleInfo ) == false)
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "yaw_constraint" ))
if (ParseJiggleYawConstraint( jiggleInfo ) == false)
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "yaw_friction" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.yawFriction = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "yaw_bounce" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.yawBounce = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "pitch_constraint" ))
if (ParseJigglePitchConstraint( jiggleInfo ) == false)
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "pitch_friction" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.pitchFriction = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "pitch_bounce" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.pitchBounce = verify_atof( token );
// unknown token
MdlError( "$jigglebone: invalid syntax '%s'\n", token );
return false;
return true;
* Parse parameters for is_flexible subsection
bool ParseFlexibleJiggle( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
bool gotOpenBracket = false;
while (true)
if (GetToken( true ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_flexible: parse error\n" );
return false;
if (!stricmp( token, "{" ))
gotOpenBracket = true;
else if (!gotOpenBracket)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_flexible: missing '{'\n" );
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "}" ))
// definition complete
else if (!stricmp( token, "yaw_stiffness" ))
jiggleInfo->data.yawStiffness = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "yaw_damping" ))
jiggleInfo->data.yawDamping = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "pitch_stiffness" ))
jiggleInfo->data.pitchStiffness = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "pitch_damping" ))
jiggleInfo->data.pitchDamping = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "along_stiffness" ))
jiggleInfo->data.alongStiffness = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "along_damping" ))
jiggleInfo->data.alongDamping = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "allow_length_flex" ))
jiggleInfo->data.flags &= ~JIGGLE_HAS_LENGTH_CONSTRAINT;
else if (ParseCommonJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_flexible: invalid syntax '%s'\n", token );
return false;
return true;
* Parse parameters for is_rigid subsection
bool ParseRigidJiggle( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
bool gotOpenBracket = false;
while (true)
if (GetToken( true ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_rigid: parse error\n" );
return false;
if (!stricmp( token, "{" ))
gotOpenBracket = true;
else if (!gotOpenBracket)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_rigid: missing '{'\n" );
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "}" ))
// definition complete
else if (ParseCommonJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_rigid: invalid syntax '%s'\n", token );
return false;
return true;
* Parse parameters for has_base_spring subsection
bool ParseBaseSpringJiggle( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
jiggleInfo->data.flags |= JIGGLE_HAS_BASE_SPRING;
bool gotOpenBracket = false;
while (true)
if (GetToken( true ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:has_base_spring: parse error\n" );
return false;
if (!stricmp( token, "{" ))
gotOpenBracket = true;
else if (!gotOpenBracket)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:has_base_spring: missing '{'\n" );
return false;
else if (!stricmp( token, "}" ))
// definition complete
else if (!stricmp( token, "stiffness" ))
jiggleInfo->data.baseStiffness = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "damping" ))
jiggleInfo->data.baseDamping = ParseJiggleStiffness();
else if (!stricmp( token, "left_constraint" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinLeft = verify_atof( token );
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxLeft = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "left_friction" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseLeftFriction = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "up_constraint" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinUp = verify_atof( token );
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxUp = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "up_friction" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseUpFriction = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "forward_constraint" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinForward = verify_atof( token );
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxForward = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "forward_friction" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseForwardFriction = verify_atof( token );
else if (!stricmp( token, "base_mass" ))
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMass = verify_atof( token );
else if (ParseCommonJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone:has_base_spring: invalid syntax '%s'\n", token );
return false;
return true;
* Parse parameters for is_boing subsection
bool ParseBoing( s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo )
jiggleInfo->data.flags |= JIGGLE_IS_BOING;
// default values
jiggleInfo->data.boingImpactSpeed = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.boingImpactAngle = 0.7071f;
jiggleInfo->data.boingDampingRate = 0.25f;
jiggleInfo->data.boingFrequency = 30.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.boingAmplitude = 0.35f;
bool gotOpenBracket = false;
while ( true )
if ( GetToken( true ) == false )
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_boing: parse error\n" );
return false;
if ( !stricmp( token, "{" ) )
gotOpenBracket = true;
else if ( !gotOpenBracket )
MdlError( "$jigglebone:is_boing: missing '{'\n" );
return false;
else if ( !stricmp( token, "}" ) )
// definition complete
else if ( !stricmp( token, "impact_speed" ) )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.boingImpactSpeed = verify_atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "impact_angle" ) )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.boingImpactAngle = cos( DEG2RAD( verify_atof( token ) ) );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "damping_rate" ) )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.boingDampingRate = verify_atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "frequency" ) )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.boingFrequency = verify_atof( token );
else if ( !stricmp( token, "amplitude" ) )
if ( !GetToken( false ) )
return false;
jiggleInfo->data.boingAmplitude = verify_atof( token );
return true;
* Parse $jigglebone parameters
void Cmd_JiggleBone( void )
struct s_jigglebone_t *jiggleInfo = &g_jigglebones[ g_numjigglebones ];
// bone name
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( jiggleInfo->bonename, token );
// default values
memset( &jiggleInfo->data, 0, sizeof( mstudiojigglebone_t ) );
jiggleInfo->data.length = 10.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.yawStiffness = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.pitchStiffness = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.alongStiffness = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseStiffness = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinUp = -100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxUp = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinLeft = -100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxLeft = 100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMinForward = -100.0f;
jiggleInfo->data.baseMaxForward = 100.0f;
bool gotOpenBracket = false;
while (true)
if (GetToken( true ) == false)
MdlError( "$jigglebone: parse error\n" );
if (!stricmp( token, "{" ))
gotOpenBracket = true;
else if (!gotOpenBracket)
MdlError( "$jigglebone: missing '{'\n" );
else if (!stricmp( token, "}" ))
// definition complete
else if (!stricmp( token, "is_flexible" ))
if (ParseFlexibleJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
else if (!stricmp( token, "is_rigid" ))
if (ParseRigidJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
else if (!stricmp( token, "has_base_spring" ))
if (ParseBaseSpringJiggle( jiggleInfo ) == false)
else if ( !stricmp( token, "is_boing" ) )
if ( ParseBoing( jiggleInfo ) == false )
MdlError( "$jigglebone: invalid syntax '%s'\n", token );
if (!g_quiet)
Msg( "Marking bone %s as a jiggle bone\n", jiggleInfo->bonename );
// Purpose: specify bones to store, even if nothing references them
void Cmd_IncludeModel( )
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( g_includemodel[g_numincludemodels].name, "models/" );
V_strcat_safe( g_includemodel[g_numincludemodels].name, token );
void Grab_Vertexanimation( s_source_t *psource, const char *pAnimName )
char cmd[1024];
int index;
Vector pos;
Vector normal;
int t = -1;
int count = 0;
static s_vertanim_t tmpvanim[MAXSTUDIOVERTS*4];
s_sourceanim_t *pAnim = FindSourceAnim( psource, pAnimName );
if ( !pAnim )
MdlError( "Unknown animation %s(%d) : %s\n", pAnimName, g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
while (GetLineInput())
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %f", &index, &pos[0], &pos[1], &pos[2], &normal[0], &normal[1], &normal[2] ) == 7)
if ( pAnim->startframe < 0 )
MdlError( "Missing frame start(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
if (t < 0)
MdlError( "VTA Frame Sync (%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
tmpvanim[count].vertex = index;
VectorCopy( pos, tmpvanim[count].pos );
VectorCopy( normal, tmpvanim[count].normal );
if ( index >= psource->numvertices )
psource->numvertices = index + 1;
// flush data
if (count)
pAnim->numvanims[t] = count;
pAnim->vanim[t] = (s_vertanim_t *)kalloc( count, sizeof( s_vertanim_t ) );
memcpy( pAnim->vanim[t], tmpvanim, count * sizeof( s_vertanim_t ) );
else if (t > 0)
pAnim->numvanims[t] = 0;
// next command
if (sscanf( g_szLine, "%1023s %d", cmd, &index ))
if (stricmp( cmd, "time" ) == 0)
t = index;
count = 0;
if ( t < pAnim->startframe )
MdlError( "Frame MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
if ( t > pAnim->endframe )
MdlError( "Frame MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
t -= pAnim->startframe;
else if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "end" ) )
pAnim->numframes = pAnim->endframe - pAnim->startframe + 1;
MdlError( "MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
MdlError( "MdlError(%d) : %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
MdlError( "unexpected EOF: %s\n", psource->filename );
bool GetGlobalFilePath( const char *pSrc, char *pFullPath, int nMaxLen )
char pFileName[1024];
Q_strncpy( pFileName, ExpandPath( (char*)pSrc ), sizeof(pFileName) );
// This is kinda gross. . . doing the same work in cmdlib on SafeOpenRead.
int nPathLength;
if( CmdLib_HasBasePath( pFileName, nPathLength ) )
char tmp[1024];
int i;
int nNumBasePaths = CmdLib_GetNumBasePaths();
for( i = 0; i < nNumBasePaths; i++ )
V_strcpy_safe( tmp, CmdLib_GetBasePath( i ) );
V_strcat_safe( tmp, pFileName + nPathLength );
struct _stat buf;
int rt = _stat( tmp, &buf );
if ( rt != -1 && ( buf.st_size > 0 ) && ( ( buf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR ) == 0 ) )
Q_strncpy( pFullPath, tmp, nMaxLen );
return true;
return false;
struct _stat buf;
int rt = _stat( pFileName, &buf );
if ( rt != -1 && ( buf.st_size > 0 ) && ( ( buf.st_mode & _S_IFDIR ) == 0 ) )
Q_strncpy( pFullPath, pFileName, nMaxLen );
return true;
return false;
int OpenGlobalFile( char *src )
int time1;
char filename[1024];
V_strcpy_safe( filename, ExpandPath( src ) );
int pathLength;
int numBasePaths = CmdLib_GetNumBasePaths();
// This is kinda gross. . . doing the same work in cmdlib on SafeOpenRead.
if( CmdLib_HasBasePath( filename, pathLength ) )
char tmp[1024];
int i;
for( i = 0; i < numBasePaths; i++ )
V_strcpy_safe( tmp, CmdLib_GetBasePath( i ) );
V_strcat_safe( tmp, filename + pathLength );
if( g_bCreateMakefile )
CreateMakefile_AddDependency( tmp );
return 0;
time1 = FileTime( tmp );
if( time1 != -1 )
if ((g_fpInput = fopen(tmp, "r" ) ) == 0)
MdlWarning( "reader: could not open file '%s'\n", src );
return 0;
return 1;
return 0;
time1 = FileTime (filename);
if (time1 == -1)
return 0;
if( g_bCreateMakefile )
CreateMakefile_AddDependency( filename );
return 0;
if ((g_fpInput = fopen(filename, "r" ) ) == 0)
MdlWarning( "reader: could not open file '%s'\n", src );
return 0;
return 1;
int Load_VTA( s_source_t *psource )
char cmd[1024];
int option;
if (!OpenGlobalFile( psource->filename ))
return 0;
if (!g_quiet)
printf ("VTA MODEL %s\n", psource->filename);
g_iLinecount = 0;
while (GetLineInput())
sscanf( g_szLine, "%s %d", cmd, &option );
if (stricmp( cmd, "version" ) == 0)
if (option != 1)
MdlError("bad version\n");
else if (stricmp( cmd, "nodes" ) == 0)
psource->numbones = Grab_Nodes( psource->localBone );
else if (stricmp( cmd, "skeleton" ) == 0)
Grab_Animation( psource, "VertexAnimation" );
else if (stricmp( cmd, "vertexanimation" ) == 0)
Grab_Vertexanimation( psource, "VertexAnimation" );
MdlWarning("unknown studio command \"%s\"\n", cmd );
fclose( g_fpInput );
return 1;
void Grab_AxisInterpBones( )
char cmd[1024], tmp[1025];
Vector basepos;
s_axisinterpbone_t *pAxis = NULL;
s_axisinterpbone_t *pBone = &g_axisinterpbones[g_numaxisinterpbones];
while (GetLineInput())
if (IsEnd( g_szLine ))
int i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%1023s \"%[^\"]\" \"%[^\"]\" \"%[^\"]\" \"%[^\"]\" %d", cmd, pBone->bonename, tmp, pBone->controlname, tmp, &pBone->axis );
if (i == 6 && stricmp( cmd, "bone") == 0)
// printf( "\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", cmd, pBone->bonename, tmp, pBone->controlname );
pAxis = pBone;
pBone->axis = pBone->axis - 1; // MAX uses 1..3, engine 0..2
pBone = &g_axisinterpbones[g_numaxisinterpbones];
else if (stricmp( cmd, "display" ) == 0)
// skip all display info
else if (stricmp( cmd, "type" ) == 0)
// skip all type info
else if (stricmp( cmd, "basepos" ) == 0)
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "basepos %f %f %f", &basepos.x, &basepos.y, &basepos.z );
// skip all type info
else if (stricmp( cmd, "axis" ) == 0)
Vector pos;
QAngle rot;
int j;
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "axis %d %f %f %f %f %f %f", &j, &pos[0], &pos[1], &pos[2], &rot[2], &rot[0], &rot[1] );
if (i == 7)
VectorAdd( basepos, pos, pAxis->pos[j] );
AngleQuaternion( rot, pAxis->quat[j] );
bool Grab_AimAtBones( )
s_aimatbone_t *pAimAtBone( &g_aimatbones[g_numaimatbones] );
// Already know it's <aimconstraint> in the first string, otherwise wouldn't be here
if ( sscanf( g_szLine, "%*s %127s %127s %127s", pAimAtBone->bonename, pAimAtBone->parentname, pAimAtBone->aimname ) == 3 )
char cmd[1024];
Vector vector;
while ( GetLineInput() )
if (IsEnd( g_szLine ))
return false;
if ( sscanf( g_szLine, "%1024s %f %f %f", cmd, &vector[0], &vector[1], &vector[2] ) != 4 )
// Allow blank lines to be skipped without error
bool allSpace( true );
for ( const char *pC( g_szLine ); *pC != '\0' && pC < ( g_szLine + 4096 ); ++pC )
if ( !V_isspace( *pC ) )
allSpace = false;
if ( allSpace )
return true;
if ( stricmp( cmd, "<aimvector>" ) == 0)
// Make sure these are unit length on read
VectorNormalize( vector );
pAimAtBone->aimvector = vector;
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<upvector>" ) == 0)
// Make sure these are unit length on read
VectorNormalize( vector );
pAimAtBone->upvector = vector;
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<basepos>" ) == 0)
pAimAtBone->basepos = vector;
return true;
// If we get here, we're at EOF
return false;
void Grab_QuatInterpBones( )
char cmd[1024];
Vector basepos;
RadianEuler rotateaxis( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
RadianEuler jointorient( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
s_quatinterpbone_t *pAxis = NULL;
s_quatinterpbone_t *pBone = &g_quatinterpbones[g_numquatinterpbones];
while (GetLineInput())
if (IsEnd( g_szLine ))
int i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%s %s %s %s %s", cmd, pBone->bonename, pBone->parentname, pBone->controlparentname, pBone->controlname );
while ( i == 4 && stricmp( cmd, "<aimconstraint>" ) == 0 )
// If Grab_AimAtBones() returns false, there file is at EOF
if ( !Grab_AimAtBones() )
// Grab_AimAtBones will read input into g_szLine same as here until it gets a line it doesn't understand, at which point
// it will exit leaving that line in g_szLine, so check for the end and scan the current buffer again and continue on with
// the normal QuatInterpBones process
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%s %s %s %s %s", cmd, pBone->bonename, pBone->parentname, pBone->controlparentname, pBone->controlname );
if (i == 5 && stricmp( cmd, "<helper>") == 0)
// printf( "\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", cmd, pBone->bonename, tmp, pBone->controlname );
pAxis = pBone;
pBone = &g_quatinterpbones[g_numquatinterpbones];
else if ( i > 0 )
// There was a bug before which could cause the same command to be parsed twice
// because if the sscanf above completely fails, it will return 0 and not
// change the contents of cmd, so i should be greater than 0 in order for
// any of these checks to be valid... Still kind of buggy as these checks
// do case insensitive stricmp but then the sscanf does case sensitive
// matching afterwards... Should probably change those to
// sscanf( g_szLine, "%*s %f ... ) etc...
if ( stricmp( cmd, "<display>" ) == 0)
// skip all display info
Vector size;
float distance;
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "<display> %f %f %f %f",
&size[0], &size[1], &size[2],
&distance );
if (i == 4)
pAxis->percentage = distance / 100.0;
pAxis->size = size;
MdlError( "Line %d: Unable to parse procedual <display> bone: %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<basepos>" ) == 0)
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "<basepos> %f %f %f", &basepos.x, &basepos.y, &basepos.z );
// skip all type info
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<rotateaxis>" ) == 0)
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%*s %f %f %f", &rotateaxis.x, &rotateaxis.y, &rotateaxis.z );
rotateaxis.x = DEG2RAD( rotateaxis.x );
rotateaxis.y = DEG2RAD( rotateaxis.y );
rotateaxis.z = DEG2RAD( rotateaxis.z );
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<jointorient>" ) == 0)
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "%*s %f %f %f", &jointorient.x, &jointorient.y, &jointorient.z );
jointorient.x = DEG2RAD( jointorient.x );
jointorient.y = DEG2RAD( jointorient.y );
jointorient.z = DEG2RAD( jointorient.z );
else if ( stricmp( cmd, "<trigger>" ) == 0)
float tolerance;
RadianEuler trigger;
Vector pos;
RadianEuler ang;
QAngle rot;
int j;
i = sscanf( g_szLine, "<trigger> %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f",
&trigger.x, &trigger.y, &trigger.z,
&ang.x, &ang.y, &ang.z,
&pos.x, &pos.y, &pos.z );
if (i == 10)
trigger.x = DEG2RAD( trigger.x );
trigger.y = DEG2RAD( trigger.y );
trigger.z = DEG2RAD( trigger.z );
ang.x = DEG2RAD( ang.x );
ang.y = DEG2RAD( ang.y );
ang.z = DEG2RAD( ang.z );
Quaternion q;
AngleQuaternion( ang, q );
if ( rotateaxis.x != 0.0 || rotateaxis.y != 0.0 || rotateaxis.z != 0.0 )
Quaternion q1;
Quaternion q2;
AngleQuaternion( rotateaxis, q1 );
QuaternionMult( q1, q, q2 );
q = q2;
if ( jointorient.x != 0.0 || jointorient.y != 0.0 || jointorient.z != 0.0 )
Quaternion q1;
Quaternion q2;
AngleQuaternion( jointorient, q1 );
QuaternionMult( q, q1, q2 );
q = q2;
j = pAxis->numtriggers++;
pAxis->tolerance[j] = DEG2RAD( tolerance );
AngleQuaternion( trigger, pAxis->trigger[j] );
VectorAdd( basepos, pos, pAxis->pos[j] );
pAxis->quat[j] = q;
MdlError( "Line %d: Unable to parse procedual <trigger> bone: %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
MdlError( "Line %d: Unable to parse procedual bone data: %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
// Allow blank lines to be skipped without error
bool allSpace( true );
for ( const char *pC( g_szLine ); *pC != '\0' && pC < ( g_szLine + 4096 ); ++pC )
if ( !V_isspace( *pC ) )
allSpace = false;
if ( !allSpace )
MdlError( "Line %d: Unable to parse procedual bone data: %s", g_iLinecount, g_szLine );
void Load_ProceduralBones( )
char filename[256];
char cmd[1024];
int option;
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( filename, token );
if (!OpenGlobalFile( filename ))
g_iLinecount = 0;
char ext[32];
Q_ExtractFileExtension( filename, ext, sizeof( ext ) );
if (stricmp( ext, "vrd") == 0)
Grab_QuatInterpBones( );
while (GetLineInput())
sscanf( g_szLine, "%s %d", cmd, &option );
if (stricmp( cmd, "version" ) == 0)
if (option != 1)
MdlError("bad version\n");
else if (stricmp( cmd, "proceduralbones" ) == 0)
Grab_AxisInterpBones( );
fclose( g_fpInput );
void Cmd_CD()
if (cdset)
MdlError ("Two $cd in one model");
cdset = true;
GetToken (false);
V_strcpy_safe (cddir[0], token);
V_strcat_safe (cddir[0], "/" );
numdirs = 0;
void Cmd_CDMaterials()
while (TokenAvailable())
GetToken (false);
char szPath[512];
Q_strncpy( szPath, token, sizeof( szPath ) );
int len = strlen( szPath );
if ( len > 0 && szPath[len-1] != '/' && szPath[len-1] != '\\' )
Q_strncat( szPath, "/", sizeof( szPath ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_FixSlashes( szPath );
cdtextures[numcdtextures] = strdup( szPath );
void Cmd_Pushd()
V_strcpy_safe( cddir[numdirs+1], cddir[numdirs] );
V_strcat_safe( cddir[numdirs+1], token );
V_strcat_safe( cddir[numdirs+1], "/" );
void Cmd_Popd()
if (numdirs > 0)
void Cmd_CollisionModel()
DoCollisionModel( false );
void Cmd_CollisionJoints()
DoCollisionModel( true );
void Cmd_ExternalTextures()
MdlWarning( "ignoring $externaltextures, obsolete..." );
void Cmd_ClipToTextures()
clip_texcoords = 1;
void Cmd_CollapseBones()
g_collapse_bones = true;
void Cmd_CollapseBonesAggressive()
g_collapse_bones = true;
g_collapse_bones_aggressive = true;
void Cmd_AlwaysCollapse()
g_collapse_bones = true;
g_collapse.AddToTail( strdup( token ) );
void Cmd_CalcTransitions()
g_bMultistageGraph = true;
void Cmd_StaticProp()
g_staticprop = true;
void Cmd_ZBrush()
g_bZBrush = true;
void Cmd_RealignBones()
g_realignbones = true;
void Cmd_BaseLOD()
Cmd_LOD( "$lod" );
void Cmd_KeyValues()
Option_KeyValues( &g_KeyValueText );
void Cmd_ConstDirectionalLight()
GetToken (false);
g_constdirectionalightdot = (byte)( verify_atof(token) * 255.0f );
void Cmd_MinLOD()
GetToken( false );
g_minLod = atoi( token );
// "minlod" rules over "allowrootlods"
if ( g_numAllowedRootLODs > 0 && g_numAllowedRootLODs < g_minLod )
MdlWarning( "$minlod %d overrides $allowrootlods %d, proceeding with $allowrootlods %d.\n", g_minLod, g_numAllowedRootLODs, g_minLod );
g_numAllowedRootLODs = g_minLod;
void Cmd_AllowRootLODs()
GetToken( false );
g_numAllowedRootLODs = atoi( token );
// Root LOD restriction has to obey "minlod" request
if ( g_numAllowedRootLODs > 0 && g_numAllowedRootLODs < g_minLod )
MdlWarning( "$allowrootlods %d is conflicting with $minlod %d, proceeding with $allowrootlods %d.\n", g_numAllowedRootLODs, g_minLod, g_minLod );
g_numAllowedRootLODs = g_minLod;
void Cmd_BoneSaveFrame( )
s_bonesaveframe_t tmp;
// bone name
GetToken( false );
V_strcpy_safe( tmp.name, token );
tmp.bSavePos = false;
tmp.bSaveRot = false;
while (TokenAvailable( ))
GetToken( false );
if (stricmp( "position", token ) == 0)
tmp.bSavePos = true;
else if (stricmp( "rotation", token ) == 0)
tmp.bSaveRot = true;
MdlError( "unknown option \"%s\" on $bonesaveframe : %s\n", token, tmp.name );
g_bonesaveframe.AddToTail( tmp );
// This is the master list of the commands a QC file supports.
// To add a new command to the QC files, add it here.
char *m_pName;
void (*m_pCmd)();
} g_Commands[] =
{ "$cd", Cmd_CD },
{ "$modelname", Cmd_Modelname },
{ "$cdmaterials", Cmd_CDMaterials },
{ "$pushd", Cmd_Pushd },
{ "$popd", Cmd_Popd },
{ "$scale", Cmd_ScaleUp },
{ "$root", Cmd_Root },
{ "$controller", Cmd_Controller },
{ "$screenalign", Cmd_ScreenAlign },
{ "$model", Cmd_Model },
{ "$collisionmodel", Cmd_CollisionModel },
{ "$collisionjoints", Cmd_CollisionJoints },
{ "$collisiontext", Cmd_CollisionText },
{ "$body", Cmd_Body },
{ "$bodygroup", Cmd_Bodygroup },
{ "$animation", Cmd_Animation },
{ "$autocenter", Cmd_Autocenter },
{ "$sequence", Cmd_Sequence },
{ "$append", Cmd_Append },
{ "$prepend", Cmd_Prepend },
{ "$continue", Cmd_Continue },
{ "$declaresequence", Cmd_DeclareSequence },
{ "$declareanimation", Cmd_DeclareAnimation },
{ "$cmdlist", Cmd_Cmdlist },
{ "$animblocksize", Cmd_AnimBlockSize },
{ "$weightlist", Cmd_Weightlist },
{ "$defaultweightlist", Cmd_DefaultWeightlist },
{ "$ikchain", Cmd_IKChain },
{ "$ikautoplaylock", Cmd_IKAutoplayLock },
{ "$eyeposition", Cmd_Eyeposition },
{ "$illumposition", Cmd_Illumposition },
{ "$origin", Cmd_Origin },
{ "$upaxis", Cmd_UpAxis },
{ "$bbox", Cmd_BBox },
{ "$cbox", Cmd_CBox },
{ "$gamma", Cmd_Gamma },
{ "$texturegroup", Cmd_TextureGroup },
{ "$hgroup", Cmd_Hitgroup },
{ "$hbox", Cmd_Hitbox },
{ "$hboxset", Cmd_HitboxSet },
{ "$surfaceprop", Cmd_SurfaceProp },
{ "$jointsurfaceprop", Cmd_JointSurfaceProp },
{ "$contents", Cmd_Contents },
{ "$jointcontents", Cmd_JointContents },
{ "$attachment", Cmd_Attachment },
{ "$bonemerge", Cmd_BoneMerge },
{ "$externaltextures", Cmd_ExternalTextures },
{ "$cliptotextures", Cmd_ClipToTextures },
{ "$renamebone", Cmd_Renamebone },
{ "$collapsebones", Cmd_CollapseBones },
{ "$collapsebonesaggressive", Cmd_CollapseBonesAggressive },
{ "$alwayscollapse", Cmd_AlwaysCollapse },
{ "$proceduralbones", Load_ProceduralBones },
{ "$skiptransition", Cmd_Skiptransition },
{ "$calctransitions", Cmd_CalcTransitions },
{ "$staticprop", Cmd_StaticProp },
{ "$zbrush", Cmd_ZBrush },
{ "$realignbones", Cmd_RealignBones },
{ "$forcerealign", Cmd_ForceRealign },
{ "$lod", Cmd_BaseLOD },
{ "$shadowlod", Cmd_ShadowLOD },
{ "$poseparameter", Cmd_PoseParameter },
{ "$heirarchy", Cmd_ForcedHierarchy },
{ "$hierarchy", Cmd_ForcedHierarchy },
{ "$insertbone", Cmd_InsertHierarchy },
{ "$limitrotation", Cmd_LimitRotation },
{ "$definebone", Cmd_DefineBone },
{ "$jigglebone", Cmd_JiggleBone },
{ "$includemodel", Cmd_IncludeModel },
{ "$opaque", Cmd_Opaque },
{ "$mostlyopaque", Cmd_TranslucentTwoPass },
// { "$platform", Cmd_Platform },
{ "$keyvalues", Cmd_KeyValues },
{ "$obsolete", Cmd_Obsolete },
{ "$renamematerial", Cmd_RenameMaterial },
{ "$fakevta", Cmd_FakeVTA },
{ "$noforcedfade", Cmd_NoForcedFade },
{ "$skipboneinbbox", Cmd_SkipBoneInBBox },
{ "$forcephonemecrossfade", Cmd_ForcePhonemeCrossfade },
{ "$lockbonelengths", Cmd_LockBoneLengths },
{ "$unlockdefinebones", Cmd_UnlockDefineBones },
{ "$constantdirectionallight", Cmd_ConstDirectionalLight },
{ "$minlod", Cmd_MinLOD },
{ "$allowrootlods", Cmd_AllowRootLODs },
{ "$bonesaveframe", Cmd_BoneSaveFrame },
{ "$ambientboost", Cmd_AmbientBoost },
{ "$centerbonesonverts", Cmd_CenterBonesOnVerts },
{ "$donotcastshadows", Cmd_DoNotCastShadows },
{ "$casttextureshadows", Cmd_CastTextureShadows },
{ "$motionrollback", Cmd_MotionExtractionRollBack },
{ "$sectionframes", Cmd_SectionFrames },
{ "$clampworldspace", Cmd_ClampWorldspace },
{ "$maxeyedeflection", Cmd_MaxEyeDeflection },
{ "$boneflexdriver", Cmd_BoneFlexDriver },
{ "$checkuv", Cmd_CheckUV }
void ParseScript (void)
while (1)
GetToken (true);
if (endofscript)
// Check all the commands we know about.
int i;
for ( i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_Commands ); i++ )
if ( !stricmp( g_Commands[i].m_pName, token ) )
if ( i == ARRAYSIZE( g_Commands ) )
if( !g_bCreateMakefile )
TokenError("bad command %s\n", token);
// Generate the model name
bool GenerateModelName( CDmeMDLMakefile *pMDLMakeFile )
// The model name is implicit in the makefile name
// NOTE: Model name is relative to the 'models' directory
char pOutputFullPath[MAX_PATH];
pMDLMakeFile->GetOutputName( pOutputFullPath, sizeof(pOutputFullPath) );
Q_SetExtension( pOutputFullPath, ".mdl", sizeof( pOutputFullPath) );
char pModelSubDir[MAX_PATH];
GetModSubdirectory( "models", pModelSubDir, sizeof(pModelSubDir) );
char pRelativePath[MAX_PATH];
if ( !Q_MakeRelativePath( pOutputFullPath, pModelSubDir, pRelativePath, sizeof(pRelativePath) ) )
MdlError( "Makefile \"%s\" doesn't lie under the correct vproject \"%s\"!\n",
pOutputFullPath, pModelSubDir );
return false;
ProcessModelName( pRelativePath );
return true;
// Process skins
bool GenerateSkin( CDmeMDLMakefile *pMDLMakeFile )
CUtlVector< CDmeHandle< CDmeSourceSkin > > bodies;
pMDLMakeFile->GetSources< CDmeSourceSkin >( bodies );
int nCount = bodies.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
if ( !bodies[i] )
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH];
pMDLMakeFile->GetSourceFullPath( bodies[i], pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) );
// Empty strings are ignored
if ( !pFullPath[0] )
ProcessCmdBody( pFullPath, bodies[i] );
return true;
// Process animations
bool GenerateAnimations( CDmeMDLMakefile *pMDLMakeFile )
CUtlVector< CDmeHandle< CDmeSourceAnimation > > animationFiles;
pMDLMakeFile->GetSources< CDmeSourceAnimation >( animationFiles );
int nCount = animationFiles.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
if ( !animationFiles[i] )
char pFullPath[MAX_PATH];
pMDLMakeFile->GetSourceFullPath( animationFiles[i], pFullPath, sizeof(pFullPath) );
// Empty strings are ignored
if ( !pFullPath[0] )
// Totally spoof the animation info.. not sure where to get it from yet
// assume it's an animation reference
// first look up an existing animation
s_sequence_t *pseq = ProcessCmdSequence( animationFiles[i]->m_AnimationName );
if ( !pseq )
int n;
s_animation_t *animations[64];
int numblends = 0;
for ( n = 0; n < g_numani; n++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pFullPath, g_panimation[n]->name ) )
animations[numblends++] = g_panimation[n];
if ( n >= g_numani )
// assume it's an implied animation
animations[numblends++] = Cmd_ImpliedAnimation( pseq, pFullPath );
// hack to allow animation commands to refer to same sequence
if ( numblends == 1 )
pseq->panim[0][0] = animations[0];
// Look up the source animation from the animation name
for ( int j = 0; j < numblends; ++j )
s_sourceanim_t *pSourceAnim = FindSourceAnim( animations[j]->source, animationFiles[i]->m_SourceAnimationName );
// NOTE: This always affects the first source anim read in
if ( pSourceAnim )
animations[j]->startframe = pSourceAnim->startframe;
animations[j]->endframe = pSourceAnim->endframe;
if ( !g_bCreateMakefile && animations[j]->endframe < animations[j]->startframe )
TokenError( "end frame before start frame in %s", animations[j]->name );
animations[j]->numframes = animations[j]->endframe - animations[j]->startframe + 1;
Q_strncpy( animations[j]->animationname, animationFiles[i]->m_SourceAnimationName, sizeof(animations[j]->animationname) );
MdlError( "Requested unknown animation block name %s\n", animationFiles[i]->m_SourceAnimationName.Get() );
ProcessSequence( pseq, numblends, animations, false );
return true;
// Parse the MDL makefile
void ParseMDLMakeFile( CDmeMDLMakefile *pMDLMakeFile )
if ( !GenerateModelName( pMDLMakeFile ) )
// All DMX files have Y as the up axis
RadianEuler angles( M_PI / 2.0f, 0.0f, M_PI / 2.0f );
ProcessUpAxis( angles );
// Process bodies
if ( !GenerateSkin( pMDLMakeFile ) )
// Process animations
if ( !GenerateAnimations( pMDLMakeFile ) )
// Used by the CheckSurfaceProps.py script.
// They specify the .mdl file and it prints out all the surface props that the model uses.
bool HandlePrintSurfaceProps( int &returnValue )
const char *pFilename = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-PrintSurfaceProps", (const char*)NULL );
if ( pFilename )
CUtlVector<char> buf;
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" );
if ( fp )
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
buf.SetSize( ftell( fp ) );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( buf.Base(), 1, buf.Count(), fp );
fclose( fp );
studiohdr_t *pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base();
Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pHdr );
if ( pHdr->version == STUDIO_VERSION )
for ( int i=0; i < pHdr->numbones; i++ )
mstudiobone_t *pBone = pHdr->pBone( i );
printf( "%s\n", pBone->pszSurfaceProp() );
returnValue = 0;
printf( "-PrintSurfaceProps: '%s' is wrong version (%d should be %d).\n",
pFilename, pHdr->version, STUDIO_VERSION );
returnValue = 1;
printf( "-PrintSurfaceProps: can't open '%s'\n", pFilename );
returnValue = 1;
return true;
return false;
// Used by the modelstats.pl script.
// They specify the .mdl file and it prints out perf info.
bool HandleMdlReport( int &returnValue )
const char *pFilename = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-mdlreport", (const char*)NULL );
if ( pFilename )
CUtlVector<char> buf;
FILE *fp = fopen( pFilename, "rb" );
if ( fp )
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
buf.SetSize( ftell( fp ) );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( buf.Base(), 1, buf.Count(), fp );
fclose( fp );
studiohdr_t *pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base();
Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pHdr );
if ( pHdr->version == STUDIO_VERSION )
if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-mdlreportspreadsheet", NULL ) )
SpewPerfStats( pHdr, pFilename, flags );
returnValue = 0;
printf( "-mdlreport: '%s' is wrong version (%d should be %d).\n",
pFilename, pHdr->version, STUDIO_VERSION );
returnValue = 1;
printf( "-mdlreport: can't open '%s'\n", pFilename );
returnValue = 1;
return true;
return false;
void UsageAndExit()
MdlError( "Bad or missing options\n"
"usage: studiomdl [options] <file.qc>\n"
"[-a <normal_blend_angle>]\n"
"[-d] - dump glview files\n"
"[-f] - flip all triangles\n"
"[-fullcollide] - don't truncate really big collisionmodels\n"
"[-game <gamedir>]\n"
"[-h] - dump hboxes\n"
"[-i] - ignore warnings\n"
"[-minlod <lod>] - truncate to highest detail <lod>\n"
"[-n] - tag bad normals\n"
"[-perf] report perf info upon compiling model\n"
"[-quiet] - operate silently\n"
"[-r] - tag reversed\n"
"[-t <texture>]\n"
"[-x360] - generate xbox360 output\n"
"[-nox360] - disable xbox360 output(default)\n"
"[-nowarnings] - disable warnings\n"
"[-dumpmaterials] - dump out material names\n"
"[-mdlreport] model.mdl - report perf info\n"
"[-mdlreportspreadsheet] - report perf info as a comma-delimited spreadsheet\n"
"[-striplods] - use only lod0\n"
"[-overridedefinebones] - equivalent to specifying $unlockdefinebones in .qc file\n"
"[-stripmodel] - process binary model files and strip extra lod data\n"
"[-stripvhv] - strip hardware verts to match the stripped model\n"
"[-vsi] - generate stripping information .vsi file - can be used on .mdl files too\n"
#ifndef _DEBUG
LONG __stdcall VExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo )
MdlExceptionFilter( ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode );
return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; // (never gets here anyway)
// The application object
class CStudioMDLApp : public CDefaultAppSystemGroup< CSteamAppSystemGroup >
typedef CDefaultAppSystemGroup< CSteamAppSystemGroup > BaseClass;
// Methods of IApplication
virtual bool Create();
virtual bool PreInit( );
virtual int Main();
virtual void PostShutdown();
int Main_StripModel();
int Main_StripVhv();
int Main_MakeVsi();
bool ParseArguments();
static bool CStudioMDLApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn( CFSSteamSetupInfo const *pFsSteamSetupInfo, char *pchPathBuffer, int nBufferLength, bool *pbBubbleDirectories )
const char *pProcessFileName = NULL;
int nParmCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
if ( nParmCount > 1 )
pProcessFileName = CommandLine()->GetParm( nParmCount - 1 );
if ( pProcessFileName )
Q_MakeAbsolutePath( pchPathBuffer, nBufferLength, pProcessFileName );
if ( pbBubbleDirectories )
*pbBubbleDirectories = true;
return true;
return false;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
SetSuggestGameInfoDirFn( CStudioMDLApp_SuggestGameInfoDirFn );
CStudioMDLApp s_ApplicationObject;
CSteamApplication s_SteamApplicationObject( &s_ApplicationObject );
return AppMain( argc, argv, &s_SteamApplicationObject );
// The application object
bool CStudioMDLApp::Create()
// override the default spew function
SpewOutputFunc( MdlSpewOutputFunc );
MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );
#ifndef _DEBUG
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( VExceptionFilter );
if ( CommandLine()->ParmCount() == 1 )
return false;
int nReturnValue;
if ( HandlePrintSurfaceProps( nReturnValue ) )
return false;
if ( !ParseArguments() )
return false;
AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] =
{ "materialsystem.dll", MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION },
{ "studiorender.dll", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION },
{ "", "" } // Required to terminate the list
AddSystem( g_pDmElementFramework, VDMELEMENTFRAMEWORK_VERSION );
// Add in the locally-defined studio data cache
AppModule_t studioDataCacheModule = LoadModule( Sys_GetFactoryThis() );
AddSystem( studioDataCacheModule, STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION );
// Add the P4 module separately so that if it is absent (say in the SDK) then the other system will initialize properly
if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) )
AppModule_t p4Module = LoadModule( "p4lib.dll" );
AddSystem( p4Module, P4_INTERFACE_VERSION );
bool bOk = AddSystems( appSystems );
if ( !bOk )
return false;
IMaterialSystem *pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
if ( !pMaterialSystem )
return false;
pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( "shaderapiempty.dll" );
return true;
bool CStudioMDLApp::PreInit( )
CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory();
ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );
ConnectTier3Libraries( &factory, 1 );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pDataModel || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pStudioRender )
Warning( "StudioMDL is missing a required interface!\n" );
return false;
if ( !SetupSearchPaths( g_path, false, true ) )
return false;
// NOTE: This is necessary to get the cmdlib filesystem stuff to work.
g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem;
// NOTE: This is stuff copied out of cmdlib necessary to get
// the tools in cmdlib working
FileSystem_SetupStandardDirectories( g_path, GetGameInfoPath() );
return true;
void CStudioMDLApp::PostShutdown()
// Method which parses arguments
bool CStudioMDLApp::ParseArguments()
g_currentscale = g_defaultscale = 1.0;
g_defaultrotation = RadianEuler( 0, 0, M_PI / 2 );
// skip weightlist 0
g_numweightlist = 1;
eyeposition = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
gflags = 0;
numrep = 0;
tag_reversed = 0;
tag_normals = 0;
normal_blend = cos( DEG2RAD( 2.0 ));
g_gamma = 2.2;
g_staticprop = false;
g_centerstaticprop = false;
g_realignbones = false;
g_constdirectionalightdot = 0;
g_bDumpGLViewFiles = false;
g_quiet = false;
g_illumpositionattachment = 0;
g_flMaxEyeDeflection = 0.0f;
int argc = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
int i;
for ( i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++ )
const char *pArgv = CommandLine()->GetParm( i );
if ( pArgv[0] != '-' )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-allowdebug" ) )
// Ignore, used by interface system to catch debug builds checked into release tree
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-mdlreport" ) )
// Will reparse later, ignore rest of arguments.
return true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-mdlreportspreadsheet" ) )
// Will reparse later, ignore for now.
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-ihvtest" ) )
g_IHVTest = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-overridedefinebones" ) )
g_bOverridePreDefinedBones = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-striplods" ) )
g_bStripLods = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-stripmodel" ) )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-stripvhv" ) )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-vsi" ) )
g_bMakeVsi = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-quiet" ) )
g_quiet = true;
g_verbose = false;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-verbose" ) )
g_quiet = false;
g_verbose = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-fullcollide" ) )
g_badCollide = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-checklengths" ) )
g_bCheckLengths = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-printbones" ) )
g_bPrintBones = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-perf" ) )
g_bPerf = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-printgraph" ) )
g_bDumpGraph = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-definebones" ) )
g_definebones = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-makefile" ) )
g_bCreateMakefile = true;
g_quiet = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-verify" ) )
g_bVerifyOnly = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-minlod" ) )
g_minLod = atoi( CommandLine()->GetParm( ++i ) );
if (!Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-x360"))
StudioByteSwap::ActivateByteSwapping( true ); // Set target to big endian
g_bX360 = true;
if (!Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-nox360"))
g_bX360 = false;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-nowarnings" ) )
g_bNoWarnings = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-maxwarnings" ) )
g_maxWarnings = atoi( CommandLine()->GetParm( ++i ) );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-preview" ) )
g_bBuildPreview = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pArgv, "-dumpmaterials" ) )
g_bDumpMaterials = true;
if ( pArgv[1] && pArgv[2] == '\0' )
switch( pArgv[1] )
case 't':
V_strcpy_safe( defaulttexture[numrep], pArgv );
if (i < argc - 2 && CommandLine()->GetParm(i + 1)[0] != '-')
V_strcpy_safe( sourcetexture[numrep], pArgv );
printf("Replacing %s with %s\n", sourcetexture[numrep], defaulttexture[numrep] );
printf( "Using default texture: %s\n", defaulttexture[numrep] );
case 'r':
tag_reversed = 1;
case 'n':
tag_normals = 1;
case 'a':
normal_blend = cos( DEG2RAD( verify_atof( pArgv ) ) );
case 'h':
dump_hboxes = 1;
case 'i':
ignore_warnings = 1;
case 'd':
g_bDumpGLViewFiles = true;
// case 'p':
// i++;
// V_strcpy_safe( qproject, pArgv );
// break;
if ( i >= argc )
// misformed arguments
// otherwise generating unintended results
return false;
const char *pArgv = CommandLine()->GetParm( i );
Q_strncpy( g_path, pArgv, sizeof(g_path) );
if ( Q_IsAbsolutePath( g_path ) )
// Set the working directory to be the path of the qc file
// so the relative-file fopen code works
char pQCDir[MAX_PATH];
Q_ExtractFilePath( g_path, pQCDir, sizeof(pQCDir) );
_chdir( pQCDir );
Q_StripExtension( pArgv, outname, sizeof( outname ) );
return true;
// Purpose: search through the "GamePath" key and create a mirrored version in the content path searches
void AddContentPaths( )
// look for the "content" in the path to the initial QC file
char *match = "content\\";
char *sp = strstr( qdir, match );
if (!sp)
// copy off everything before and including "content"
char pre[1024];
strncpy( pre, qdir, sp - qdir + strlen( match ) );
pre[sp - qdir + strlen( match )] = '\0';
sp = sp + strlen( match );
// copy off everything folling the word after "content"
char post[1024];
sp = strstr( sp+1, "\\" );
V_strcpy_safe( post, sp );
// get a copy of the game search paths
char paths[1024];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, paths, sizeof( paths ) );
if (!g_quiet)
printf("all paths:%s\n", paths );
// pull out the game names and insert them into a content path string
sp = strstr( paths, "game\\" );
while (sp)
char temp[1024];
sp = sp + 5;
char *sz = strstr( sp, "\\" );
if (!sz)
V_strcpy_safe( temp, pre );
strncat( temp, sp, sz - sp );
V_strcat_safe( temp, post );
sp = sz;
sp = strstr( sp, "game\\" );
CmdLib_AddBasePath( temp );
if (!g_quiet)
printf("content:%s\n", temp );
// The application object
int CStudioMDLApp::Main()
const bool bP4DLLExists = g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( "p4lib.dll", "EXECUTABLE_PATH" );
// No p4 mode if specified on the command line or no p4lib.dll found
if ( ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) ) || ( !bP4DLLExists ) )
g_bNoP4 = true;
g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( true );
// Set the named changelist
g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "StudioMDL Auto Checkout" );
// This bit of hackery allows us to access files on the harddrive
g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "", "LOCAL", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD );
MaterialSystem_Config_t config;
g_pMaterialSystem->OverrideConfig( config, false );
int nReturnValue;
if ( HandleMdlReport( nReturnValue ) )
return false;
// Don't bother with undo here
g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( false );
// look for the "content\hl2x" string in the qdir and add what should be the correct path as an alternate
// FIXME: add these to an envvar if folks are using complicated directory mappings instead of defaults
char *match = "content\\hl2x\\";
char *sp = strstr( qdir, match );
if (sp)
char temp[1024];
strncpy( temp, qdir, sp - qdir + strlen( match ) );
temp[sp - qdir + strlen( match )] = '\0';
CmdLib_AddBasePath( temp );
V_strcat_safe( temp, "..\\..\\..\\..\\main\\content\\hl2\\" );
CmdLib_AddBasePath( temp );
if (!g_quiet)
printf("qdir: \"%s\"\n", qdir );
printf("gamedir: \"%s\"\n", gamedir );
printf("g_path: \"%s\"\n", g_path );
switch ( g_eRunMode )
return Main_StripModel();
return Main_StripVhv();
const char *pExt = Q_GetFileExtension( g_path );
// Look for the presence of a .mdl file (only -vsi is currently supported for .mdl files)
if ( pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "mdl" ) )
if ( g_bMakeVsi )
return Main_MakeVsi();
printf( "ERROR: .qc or .dmx file should be specified to build.\n" );
return 1;
if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "Building binary model files...\n" );
// Look for the presence of a .dmx file of the same name
// If so, load it first
CDmeMDLMakefile *pMDLMakeFile = NULL;
if ( pExt && !Q_stricmp( pExt, "dmx" ) )
CDmElement *pRoot;
if ( g_pDataModel->RestoreFromFile( g_path, NULL, NULL, &pRoot ) != DMFILEID_INVALID )
pMDLMakeFile = CastElement<CDmeMDLMakefile>( pRoot );
Q_FileBase( g_path, g_path, sizeof( g_path ) );
Q_DefaultExtension( g_path, pMDLMakeFile ? ".dmx" : ".qc", sizeof( g_path ) );
if (!g_quiet)
printf( "Working on \"%s\"\n", g_path );
// Turn on checking for special single character tokens while parsing
SetCheckSingleCharTokens( true );
SetSingleCharTokenList( "{}()," );
// Set up script loading callback, discarding default callback
( void ) SetScriptLoadedCallback( StudioMdl_ScriptLoadedCallback );
// load the script
if ( !pMDLMakeFile )
V_strcpy_safe( fullpath, g_path );
V_strcpy_safe( fullpath, ExpandPath( fullpath ) );
V_strcpy_safe( fullpath, ExpandArg( fullpath ) );
// default to having one entry in the LOD list that doesn't do anything so
// that we don't have to do any special cases for the first LOD.
g_ScriptLODs.AddToTail(); // add an empty one
g_ScriptLODs[0].switchValue = 0.0f;
// parse it
// V_strcpy_safe( g_pPlatformName, "" );
if ( pMDLMakeFile )
ParseMDLMakeFile( pMDLMakeFile );
if ( !g_bCreateMakefile )
// ValidateSharedAnimationGroups();
if ( pMDLMakeFile )
DestroyElement( pMDLMakeFile );
pMDLMakeFile = NULL;
if ( g_bCreateMakefile )
else if ( g_bMakeVsi )
Q_snprintf( g_path, ARRAYSIZE( g_path ), "%smodels/%s", gamedir, outname );
if (!g_quiet)
printf("\nCompleted \"%s\"\n", g_path);
g_pDataModel->UnloadFile( DMFILEID_INVALID );
return 0;
// WriteFileToDisk
// Equivalent to g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pFileName, pPath, buf ), but works
// for relative paths.
bool WriteFileToDisk( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf )
// For some reason calling full filesystem will write into hl2 root dir
// return g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( pFileName, pPath, buf );
FILE *f = fopen( pFileName, "wb" );
if ( !f )
return false;
fwrite( buf.Base(), 1, buf.TellPut(), f );
fclose( f );
return true;
// WriteBufferToFile
// Helper to concatenate file base and extension.
bool WriteBufferToFile( CUtlBuffer &buf, const char *szFilebase, const char *szExt )
char szFilename[ 1024 ];
Q_snprintf( szFilename, ARRAYSIZE( szFilename ), "%s%s", szFilebase, szExt );
return WriteFileToDisk( szFilename, NULL, buf );
// LoadBufferFromFile
// Loads the buffer from file, return true on success, false otherwise.
// If bError is true prints an error upon failure.
bool LoadBufferFromFile( CUtlBuffer &buffer, char const *szFilebase, char const *szExt, bool bError = true )
char szFilename[1024];
Q_snprintf( szFilename, ARRAYSIZE( szFilename ), "%s%s", szFilebase, szExt );
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( szFilename, NULL, buffer ) )
return true;
if ( bError )
MdlError( "Failed to open '%s'!\n", szFilename );
return false;
bool Load3ModelBuffers( CUtlBuffer &bufMDL, CUtlBuffer &bufVVD, CUtlBuffer &bufVTX, char const *szFilebase )
// Load up the mdl file
if ( !LoadBufferFromFile( bufMDL, szFilebase, ".mdl" ) )
return false;
// Load up the vvd file
if ( !LoadBufferFromFile( bufVVD, szFilebase, ".vvd" ) )
return false;
// Load up the dx90.vtx file
if ( !LoadBufferFromFile( bufVTX, szFilebase, ".dx90.vtx" ) )
return false;
return true;
// Studiomdl hooks to call the stripping routines:
// Main_StripVhv
// Main_StripModel
int CStudioMDLApp::Main_StripVhv()
if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "Stripping vhv data...\n" );
if ( !mdllib )
printf( "ERROR: mdllib is not available!\n" );
return 1;
Q_StripExtension( g_path, g_path, sizeof( g_path ) );
char *pExt = g_path + strlen( g_path );
*pExt = 0;
// ====== Load files
// Load up the vhv file
CUtlBuffer bufVHV;
if ( !LoadBufferFromFile( bufVHV, g_path, ".vhv" ) )
return 1;
// Load up the info.strip file
CUtlBuffer bufRemapping;
if ( !LoadBufferFromFile( bufRemapping, g_path, ".info.strip", false ) &&
!LoadBufferFromFile( bufRemapping, g_path, ".vsi" ) )
return 1;
// ====== Process file contents
bool bResult = false;
SpewActivate( "mdllib", 3 );
IMdlStripInfo *pMdlStripInfo = NULL;
if ( mdllib->CreateNewStripInfo( &pMdlStripInfo ) )
pMdlStripInfo->UnSerialize( bufRemapping );
bResult = pMdlStripInfo->StripHardwareVertsBuffer( bufVHV );
if ( pMdlStripInfo )
if ( !bResult )
printf( "ERROR: stripping failed!\n" );
return 1;
// ====== Save out processed data
// Save vhv
if ( !WriteBufferToFile( bufVHV, g_path, ".vhv.strip" ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
return 0;
int CStudioMDLApp::Main_MakeVsi()
if ( !mdllib )
printf( "ERROR: mdllib is not available!\n" );
return 1;
Q_StripExtension( g_path, g_path, sizeof( g_path ) );
char *pExt = g_path + strlen( g_path );
*pExt = 0;
// Load up the files
CUtlBuffer bufMDL;
CUtlBuffer bufVVD;
CUtlBuffer bufVTX;
if ( !Load3ModelBuffers( bufMDL, bufVVD, bufVTX, g_path ) )
return 1;
// ====== Process file contents
CUtlBuffer bufMappingTable;
bool bResult = false;
if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "---------------------\n" );
printf( "Generating .vsi stripping information...\n" );
SpewActivate( "mdllib", 3 );
IMdlStripInfo *pMdlStripInfo = NULL;
bResult =
mdllib->StripModelBuffers( bufMDL, bufVVD, bufVTX, &pMdlStripInfo ) &&
pMdlStripInfo->Serialize( bufMappingTable );
if ( pMdlStripInfo )
if ( !bResult )
printf( "ERROR: stripping failed!\n" );
return 1;
// ====== Save out processed data
// Save remapping data using "P4 edit -> save -> P4 add" approach
sprintf( pExt, ".vsi" );
CP4AutoEditAddFile _auto_edit_vsi( g_path );
if ( !WriteFileToDisk( g_path, NULL, bufMappingTable ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
else if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "Generated .vsi stripping information.\n" );
return 0;
int CStudioMDLApp::Main_StripModel()
if ( !g_quiet )
printf( "Stripping binary model files...\n" );
if ( !mdllib )
printf( "ERROR: mdllib is not available!\n" );
return 1;
Q_FileBase( g_path, g_path, sizeof( g_path ) );
char *pExt = g_path + strlen( g_path );
*pExt = 0;
// Load up the files
CUtlBuffer bufMDL;
CUtlBuffer bufVVD;
CUtlBuffer bufVTX;
if ( !Load3ModelBuffers( bufMDL, bufVVD, bufVTX, g_path ) )
return 1;
// ====== Process file contents
CUtlBuffer bufMappingTable;
bool bResult = false;
SpewActivate( "mdllib", 3 );
IMdlStripInfo *pMdlStripInfo = NULL;
bResult =
mdllib->StripModelBuffers( bufMDL, bufVVD, bufVTX, &pMdlStripInfo ) &&
pMdlStripInfo->Serialize( bufMappingTable );
if ( pMdlStripInfo )
if ( !bResult )
printf( "ERROR: stripping failed!\n" );
return 1;
// ====== Save out processed data
// Save mdl
sprintf( pExt, ".mdl.strip" );
if ( !WriteFileToDisk( g_path, NULL, bufMDL ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
// Save vvd
sprintf( pExt, ".vvd.strip" );
if ( !WriteFileToDisk( g_path, NULL, bufVVD ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
// Save vtx
sprintf( pExt, ".vtx.strip" );
if ( !WriteFileToDisk( g_path, NULL, bufVTX ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
// Save remapping data
sprintf( pExt, ".info.strip" );
if ( !WriteFileToDisk( g_path, NULL, bufMappingTable ) )
printf( "ERROR: Failed to save '%s'!\n", g_path );
return 1;
return 0;