FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1385 lines
37 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#ifdef _LINUX
#include <malloc.h>
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "datamanager.h"
#include "utlrbtree.h"
#include "utlhash.h"
#include "utlmap.h"
#include "generichash.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "datacache.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Singleton
CDataCache g_DataCache;
// Data Cache class implemenations
// Console commands
ConVar developer( "developer", "0", FCVAR_INTERNAL_USE );
static ConVar mem_force_flush( "mem_force_flush", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Force cache flush of unlocked resources on every alloc" );
static int g_iDontForceFlush;
// DataCacheItem_t
DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_MT( DataCacheItem_t, 4096/sizeof(DataCacheItem_t), CUtlMemoryPool::GROW_SLOW );
void DataCacheItem_t::DestroyResource()
if ( pSection )
pSection->DiscardItemData( this, DC_AGE_DISCARD );
delete this;
// CDataCacheSection
CDataCacheSection::CDataCacheSection( CDataCache *pSharedCache, IDataCacheClient *pClient, const char *pszName )
: m_pClient( pClient ),
m_LRU( pSharedCache->m_LRU ),
m_mutex( pSharedCache->m_mutex ),
m_pSharedCache( pSharedCache ),
m_nFrameUnlockCounter( 0 ),
m_options( 0 )
memset( &m_status, 0, sizeof(m_status) );
AssertMsg1( strlen(pszName) <= DC_MAX_CLIENT_NAME, "Cache client name too long \"%s\"", pszName );
Q_strncpy( szName, pszName, sizeof(szName) );
for ( int i = 0; i < DC_MAX_THREADS_FRAMELOCKED; i++ )
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = new FrameLock_t;
pFrameLock->m_iThread = i;
m_FreeFrameLocks.Push( pFrameLock );
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock;
while ( ( pFrameLock = m_FreeFrameLocks.Pop() ) != NULL )
delete pFrameLock;
// Purpose: Controls cache size.
void CDataCacheSection::SetLimits( const DataCacheLimits_t &limits )
m_limits = limits;
AssertMsg( m_limits.nMinBytes == 0 && m_limits.nMinItems == 0, "Cache minimums not yet implemented" );
const DataCacheLimits_t &CDataCacheSection::GetLimits()
return m_limits;
// Purpose: Controls cache options.
void CDataCacheSection::SetOptions( unsigned options )
m_options = options;
// Purpose: Get the current state of the section
void CDataCacheSection::GetStatus( DataCacheStatus_t *pStatus, DataCacheLimits_t *pLimits )
if ( pStatus )
*pStatus = m_status;
if ( pLimits )
*pLimits = m_limits;
void CDataCacheSection::EnsureCapacity( unsigned nBytes, unsigned nItems )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::EnsureCapacity" );
if ( m_limits.nMaxItems != (unsigned)-1 || m_limits.nMaxBytes != (unsigned)-1 )
unsigned nNewSectionBytes = GetNumBytes() + nBytes;
if ( nNewSectionBytes > m_limits.nMaxBytes )
Purge( nNewSectionBytes - m_limits.nMaxBytes );
if ( GetNumItems() >= m_limits.nMaxItems )
PurgeItems( ( GetNumItems() - m_limits.nMaxItems ) + 1 );
m_pSharedCache->EnsureCapacity( nBytes );
// Purpose: Add an item to the cache. Purges old items if over budget, returns false if item was already in cache.
bool CDataCacheSection::Add( DataCacheClientID_t clientId, const void *pItemData, unsigned size, DataCacheHandle_t *pHandle )
return AddEx( clientId, pItemData, size, DCAF_DEFAULT, pHandle );
// Purpose: Add an item to the cache. Purges old items if over budget, returns false if item was already in cache.
bool CDataCacheSection::AddEx( DataCacheClientID_t clientId, const void *pItemData, unsigned size, unsigned flags, DataCacheHandle_t *pHandle )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Add" );
if ( mem_force_flush.GetBool() )
if ( ( m_options & DC_VALIDATE ) && Find( clientId ) )
Error( "Duplicate add to data cache\n" );
return false;
EnsureCapacity( size );
DataCacheItemData_t itemData =
memhandle_t hMem = m_LRU.CreateResource( itemData, true );
Assert( hMem != (memhandle_t)0 && hMem != (memhandle_t)DC_INVALID_HANDLE );
AccessItem( hMem )->hLRU = hMem;
if ( pHandle )
*pHandle = (DataCacheHandle_t)hMem;
NoteAdd( size );
OnAdd( clientId, (DataCacheHandle_t)hMem );
if ( flags & DCAF_LOCK )
Lock( (DataCacheHandle_t)hMem );
// Add implies a frame lock. A no-op if not in frame lock
FrameLock( (DataCacheHandle_t)hMem );
m_LRU.UnlockResource( hMem );
return true;
// Purpose: Finds an item in the cache, returns NULL if item is not in cache.
DataCacheHandle_t CDataCacheSection::Find( DataCacheClientID_t clientId )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Find" );
DataCacheHandle_t hResult = DoFind( clientId );
if ( hResult != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
return hResult;
DataCacheHandle_t CDataCacheSection::DoFind( DataCacheClientID_t clientId )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
memhandle_t hCurrent;
hCurrent = GetFirstUnlockedItem();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
if ( AccessItem( hCurrent )->clientId == clientId )
return (DataCacheHandle_t)hCurrent;
hCurrent = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
hCurrent = GetFirstLockedItem();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
if ( AccessItem( hCurrent )->clientId == clientId )
return (DataCacheHandle_t)hCurrent;
hCurrent = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
// Purpose: Get an item out of the cache and remove it. No callbacks are executed.
DataCacheRemoveResult_t CDataCacheSection::Remove( DataCacheHandle_t handle, const void **ppItemData, unsigned *pItemSize, bool bNotify )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Remove" );
if ( handle != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
memhandle_t lruHandle = (memhandle_t)handle;
if ( m_LRU.LockCount( lruHandle ) > 0 )
return DC_LOCKED;
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = AccessItem( lruHandle );
if ( pItem )
if ( ppItemData )
*ppItemData = pItem->pItemData;
if ( pItemSize )
*pItemSize = pItem->size;
DiscardItem( lruHandle, ( bNotify ) ? DC_REMOVED : DC_NONE );
return DC_OK;
return DC_NOT_FOUND;
bool CDataCacheSection::IsPresent( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
return ( m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( (memhandle_t)handle ) != NULL );
// Purpose: Lock an item in the cache, returns NULL if item is not in the cache.
void *CDataCacheSection::Lock( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Lock" );
if ( mem_force_flush.GetBool() && !g_iDontForceFlush)
if ( handle != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.LockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( pItem )
if ( m_LRU.LockCount( (memhandle_t)handle ) == 1 )
NoteLock( pItem->size );
return const_cast<void *>(pItem->pItemData);
return NULL;
// Purpose: Unlock a previous lock.
int CDataCacheSection::Unlock( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Unlock" );
int iNewLockCount = 0;
if ( handle != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
AssertMsg( AccessItem( (memhandle_t)handle ) != NULL, "Attempted to unlock nonexistent cache entry" );
unsigned nBytesUnlocked = 0;
iNewLockCount = m_LRU.UnlockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( iNewLockCount == 0 )
nBytesUnlocked = AccessItem( (memhandle_t)handle )->size;
if ( nBytesUnlocked )
NoteUnlock( nBytesUnlocked );
EnsureCapacity( 0 );
return iNewLockCount;
// Purpose: Lock the mutex
void CDataCacheSection::LockMutex()
// Purpose: Unlock the mutex
void CDataCacheSection::UnlockMutex()
// Purpose: Get without locking
void *CDataCacheSection::Get( DataCacheHandle_t handle, bool bFrameLock )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Get" );
if ( mem_force_flush.GetBool() && !g_iDontForceFlush)
if ( handle != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
if ( bFrameLock && IsFrameLocking() )
return FrameLock( handle );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.GetResource_NoLock( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( pItem )
return const_cast<void *>( pItem->pItemData );
return NULL;
// Purpose: Get without locking
void *CDataCacheSection::GetNoTouch( DataCacheHandle_t handle, bool bFrameLock )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::GetNoTouch" );
if ( handle != DC_INVALID_HANDLE )
if ( bFrameLock && IsFrameLocking() )
return FrameLock( handle );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( pItem )
return const_cast<void *>( pItem->pItemData );
return NULL;
// Purpose: "Frame locking" (not game frame). A crude way to manage locks over relatively
// short periods. Does not affect normal locks/unlocks
int CDataCacheSection::BeginFrameLocking()
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = m_ThreadFrameLock.Get();
if ( pFrameLock )
while ( ( pFrameLock = m_FreeFrameLocks.Pop() ) == NULL )
ThreadSleep( 1 );
pFrameLock->m_iLock = 1;
pFrameLock->m_pFirst = NULL;
m_ThreadFrameLock.Set( pFrameLock );
return pFrameLock->m_iLock;
bool CDataCacheSection::IsFrameLocking()
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = m_ThreadFrameLock.Get();
return ( pFrameLock != NULL );
void *CDataCacheSection::FrameLock( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::FrameLock" );
if ( mem_force_flush.GetBool() && !g_iDontForceFlush)
void *pResult = NULL;
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = m_ThreadFrameLock.Get();
if ( pFrameLock )
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.LockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( pItem )
int iThread = pFrameLock->m_iThread;
if ( pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] == DC_NO_NEXT_LOCKED )
pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] = pFrameLock->m_pFirst;
pFrameLock->m_pFirst = pItem;
Lock( handle );
pResult = const_cast<void *>(pItem->pItemData);
m_LRU.UnlockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
return pResult;
int CDataCacheSection::EndFrameLocking()
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = m_ThreadFrameLock.Get();
Assert( pFrameLock->m_iLock > 0 );
if ( pFrameLock->m_iLock == 1 )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::EndFrameLocking" );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = pFrameLock->m_pFirst;
DataCacheItem_t *pNext;
int iThread = pFrameLock->m_iThread;
while ( pItem )
pNext = pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread];
pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] = DC_NO_NEXT_LOCKED;
Unlock( pItem->hLRU );
pItem = pNext;
m_FreeFrameLocks.Push( pFrameLock );
m_ThreadFrameLock.Set( NULL );
return 0;
return pFrameLock->m_iLock;
int *CDataCacheSection::GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr()
return &m_nFrameUnlockCounter;
// Purpose: Lock management, not for the feint of heart
int CDataCacheSection::GetLockCount( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
return m_LRU.LockCount( (memhandle_t)handle );
int CDataCacheSection::BreakLock( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
return m_LRU.BreakLock( (memhandle_t)handle );
// Purpose: Explicitly mark an item as "recently used"
bool CDataCacheSection::Touch( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
m_LRU.TouchResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
return true;
// Purpose: Explicitly mark an item as "least recently used".
bool CDataCacheSection::Age( DataCacheHandle_t handle )
m_LRU.MarkAsStale( (memhandle_t)handle );
return true;
// Purpose: Empty the cache. Returns bytes released, will remove locked items if force specified
unsigned CDataCacheSection::Flush( bool bUnlockedOnly, bool bNotify )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Flush" );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
DataCacheNotificationType_t notificationType = ( bNotify )? DC_FLUSH_DISCARD : DC_NONE;
memhandle_t hCurrent;
memhandle_t hNext;
unsigned nBytesFlushed = 0;
unsigned nBytesCurrent = 0;
hCurrent = GetFirstUnlockedItem();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
hNext = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
nBytesCurrent = AccessItem( hCurrent )->size;
if ( DiscardItem( hCurrent, notificationType ) )
nBytesFlushed += nBytesCurrent;
hCurrent = hNext;
if ( !bUnlockedOnly )
hCurrent = GetFirstLockedItem();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
hNext = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
nBytesCurrent = AccessItem( hCurrent )->size;
if ( DiscardItem( hCurrent, notificationType ) )
nBytesFlushed += nBytesCurrent;
hCurrent = hNext;
return nBytesFlushed;
// Purpose: Dump the oldest items to free the specified amount of memory. Returns amount actually freed
unsigned CDataCacheSection::Purge( unsigned nBytes )
VPROF( "CDataCacheSection::Purge" );
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
unsigned nBytesPurged = 0;
unsigned nBytesCurrent = 0;
memhandle_t hCurrent = GetFirstUnlockedItem();
memhandle_t hNext;
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE && nBytes > 0 )
hNext = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
nBytesCurrent = AccessItem( hCurrent )->size;
if ( DiscardItem( hCurrent, DC_FLUSH_DISCARD ) )
nBytesPurged += nBytesCurrent;
nBytes -= min( nBytesCurrent, nBytes );
hCurrent = hNext;
return nBytesPurged;
// Purpose: Dump the oldest items to free the specified number of items. Returns number actually freed
unsigned CDataCacheSection::PurgeItems( unsigned nItems )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
unsigned nPurged = 0;
memhandle_t hCurrent = GetFirstUnlockedItem();
memhandle_t hNext;
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE && nItems )
hNext = GetNextItem( hCurrent );
if ( DiscardItem( hCurrent, DC_FLUSH_DISCARD ) )
hCurrent = hNext;
return nPurged;
// Purpose: Output the state of the section
void CDataCacheSection::OutputReport( DataCacheReportType_t reportType )
m_pSharedCache->OutputReport( reportType, GetName() );
// Purpose: Updates the size of a specific item
// Input : handle -
// newSize -
void CDataCacheSection::UpdateSize( DataCacheHandle_t handle, unsigned int nNewSize )
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.LockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
if ( !pItem )
// If it's gone from memory, size is already irrelevant
unsigned oldSize = pItem->size;
if ( oldSize != nNewSize )
// Update the size
pItem->size = nNewSize;
int bytesAdded = nNewSize - oldSize;
// If change would grow cache size, then purge items until we have room
if ( bytesAdded > 0 )
m_pSharedCache->EnsureCapacity( bytesAdded );
m_LRU.NotifySizeChanged( (memhandle_t)handle, oldSize, nNewSize );
NoteSizeChanged( oldSize, nNewSize );
m_LRU.UnlockResource( (memhandle_t)handle );
memhandle_t CDataCacheSection::GetFirstUnlockedItem()
memhandle_t hCurrent;
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetFirstUnlocked();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
if ( AccessItem( hCurrent )->pSection == this )
return hCurrent;
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetNext( hCurrent );
memhandle_t CDataCacheSection::GetFirstLockedItem()
memhandle_t hCurrent;
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetFirstLocked();
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
if ( AccessItem( hCurrent )->pSection == this )
return hCurrent;
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetNext( hCurrent );
memhandle_t CDataCacheSection::GetNextItem( memhandle_t hCurrent )
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetNext( hCurrent );
while ( hCurrent != INVALID_MEMHANDLE )
if ( AccessItem( hCurrent )->pSection == this )
return hCurrent;
hCurrent = m_LRU.GetNext( hCurrent );
bool CDataCacheSection::DiscardItem( memhandle_t hItem, DataCacheNotificationType_t type )
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = AccessItem( hItem );
if ( DiscardItemData( pItem, type ) )
if ( m_LRU.LockCount( hItem ) )
m_LRU.BreakLock( hItem );
NoteUnlock( pItem->size );
FrameLock_t *pFrameLock = m_ThreadFrameLock.Get();
if ( pFrameLock )
int iThread = pFrameLock->m_iThread;
if ( pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] != DC_NO_NEXT_LOCKED )
if ( pFrameLock->m_pFirst == pItem )
pFrameLock->m_pFirst = pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread];
DataCacheItem_t *pCurrent = pFrameLock->m_pFirst;
while ( pCurrent )
if ( pCurrent->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] == pItem )
pCurrent->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] = pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread];
pCurrent = pCurrent->pNextFrameLocked[iThread];
pItem->pNextFrameLocked[iThread] = DC_NO_NEXT_LOCKED;
#ifdef _DEBUG
for ( int i = 0; i < DC_MAX_THREADS_FRAMELOCKED; i++ )
if ( pItem->pNextFrameLocked[i] != DC_NO_NEXT_LOCKED )
DebuggerBreak(); // higher level code needs to handle better
pItem->pSection = NULL; // inhibit callbacks from lower level resource system
m_LRU.DestroyResource( hItem );
return true;
return false;
bool CDataCacheSection::DiscardItemData( DataCacheItem_t *pItem, DataCacheNotificationType_t type )
if ( pItem )
if ( type != DC_NONE )
Assert( type == DC_AGE_DISCARD || type == DC_FLUSH_DISCARD || DC_REMOVED );
if ( type == DC_AGE_DISCARD && m_pSharedCache->IsInFlush() )
DataCacheNotification_t notification =
bool bResult = m_pClient->HandleCacheNotification( notification );
AssertMsg( bResult, "Refusal of cache drop not yet implemented!" );
if ( bResult )
NoteRemove( pItem->size );
return bResult;
OnRemove( pItem->clientId );
pItem->pSection = NULL;
pItem->pItemData = NULL,
pItem->clientId = 0;
NoteRemove( pItem->size );
return true;
return false;
// CDataCacheSectionFastFind
DataCacheHandle_t CDataCacheSectionFastFind::DoFind( DataCacheClientID_t clientId )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_Handles.Find( Hash4( &clientId ) );
if( hHash != m_Handles.InvalidHandle() )
return m_Handles[hHash];
void CDataCacheSectionFastFind::OnAdd( DataCacheClientID_t clientId, DataCacheHandle_t hCacheItem )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
Assert( m_Handles.Find( Hash4( &clientId ) ) == m_Handles.InvalidHandle());
m_Handles.FastInsert( Hash4( &clientId ), hCacheItem );
void CDataCacheSectionFastFind::OnRemove( DataCacheClientID_t clientId )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_Handles.Find( Hash4( &clientId ) );
Assert( hHash != m_Handles.InvalidHandle());
if( hHash != m_Handles.InvalidHandle() )
return m_Handles.Remove( hHash );
// CDataCache
// Convar callback to change data cache
void DataCacheSize_f( IConVar *pConVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue )
ConVarRef var( pConVar );
int nOldValue = (int)flOldValue;
if ( var.GetInt() != nOldValue )
g_DataCache.SetSize( var.GetInt() * 1024 * 1024 );
ConVar datacachesize( "datacachesize", "64", FCVAR_INTERNAL_USE, "Size in MB.", true, 32, true, 512, DataCacheSize_f );
// Connect, disconnect
bool CDataCache::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) )
return false;
g_DataCache.SetSize( datacachesize.GetInt() * 1024 * 1024 );
g_pDataCache = this;
return true;
void CDataCache::Disconnect()
g_pDataCache = NULL;
// Init, Shutdown
InitReturnVal_t CDataCache::Init( void )
return BaseClass::Init();
void CDataCache::Shutdown( void )
Flush( false, false );
// Query interface
void *CDataCache::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
// Loading the datacache DLL mounts *all* interfaces
// This includes the backward-compatible interfaces + IStudioDataCache
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // This silly construction is necessary
return factory( pInterfaceName, NULL ); // to prevent the LTCG compiler from crashing.
: m_mutex( m_LRU.AccessMutex() )
memset( &m_status, 0, sizeof(m_status) );
m_bInFlush = false;
// Purpose: Controls cache size.
void CDataCache::SetSize( int nMaxBytes )
m_LRU.SetTargetSize( nMaxBytes );
nMaxBytes /= 1024 * 1024;
if ( datacachesize.GetInt() != nMaxBytes )
datacachesize.SetValue( nMaxBytes );
// Purpose: Controls cache options.
void CDataCache::SetOptions( unsigned options )
for ( int i = 0; m_Sections.Count(); i++ )
m_Sections[i]->SetOptions( options );
// Purpose: Controls cache section size.
void CDataCache::SetSectionLimits( const char *pszSectionName, const DataCacheLimits_t &limits )
IDataCacheSection *pSection = FindSection( pszSectionName );
if ( !pSection )
DevMsg( "Cannot find requested cache section \"%s\"", pszSectionName );
pSection->SetLimits( limits );
// Purpose: Get the current state of the cache
void CDataCache::GetStatus( DataCacheStatus_t *pStatus, DataCacheLimits_t *pLimits )
if ( pStatus )
*pStatus = m_status;
if ( pLimits )
Construct( pLimits );
pLimits->nMaxBytes = m_LRU.TargetSize();
// Purpose: Add a section to the cache
IDataCacheSection *CDataCache::AddSection( IDataCacheClient *pClient, const char *pszSectionName, const DataCacheLimits_t &limits, bool bSupportFastFind )
CDataCacheSection *pSection;
pSection = (CDataCacheSection *)FindSection( pszSectionName );
if ( pSection )
AssertMsg1( pSection->GetClient() == pClient, "Duplicate cache section name \"%s\"", pszSectionName );
return pSection;
if ( !bSupportFastFind )
pSection = new CDataCacheSection( this, pClient, pszSectionName );
pSection = new CDataCacheSectionFastFind( this, pClient, pszSectionName );
pSection->SetLimits( limits );
m_Sections.AddToTail( pSection );
return pSection;
// Purpose: Remove a section from the cache
void CDataCache::RemoveSection( const char *pszClientName, bool bCallFlush )
int iSection = FindSectionIndex( pszClientName );
if ( iSection != m_Sections.InvalidIndex() )
if ( bCallFlush )
m_Sections[iSection]->Flush( false );
delete m_Sections[iSection];
m_Sections.FastRemove( iSection );
// Purpose: Find a section of the cache
IDataCacheSection *CDataCache::FindSection( const char *pszClientName )
int iSection = FindSectionIndex( pszClientName );
if ( iSection != m_Sections.InvalidIndex() )
return m_Sections[iSection];
return NULL;
void CDataCache::EnsureCapacity( unsigned nBytes )
VPROF( "CDataCache::EnsureCapacity" );
m_LRU.EnsureCapacity( nBytes );
// Purpose: Dump the oldest items to free the specified amount of memory. Returns amount actually freed
unsigned CDataCache::Purge( unsigned nBytes )
VPROF( "CDataCache::Purge" );
return m_LRU.Purge( nBytes );
// Purpose: Empty the cache. Returns bytes released, will remove locked items if force specified
unsigned CDataCache::Flush( bool bUnlockedOnly, bool bNotify )
VPROF( "CDataCache::Flush" );
unsigned result;
if ( m_bInFlush )
return 0;
m_bInFlush = true;
if ( bUnlockedOnly )
result = m_LRU.FlushAllUnlocked();
result = m_LRU.FlushAll();
m_bInFlush = false;
return result;
// Purpose: Output the state of the cache
void CDataCache::OutputReport( DataCacheReportType_t reportType, const char *pszSection )
int i;
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
int bytesUsed = m_LRU.UsedSize();
int bytesTotal = m_LRU.TargetSize();
float percent = 100.0f * (float)bytesUsed / (float)bytesTotal;
CUtlVector<memhandle_t> lruList, lockedlist;
m_LRU.GetLockHandleList( lockedlist );
m_LRU.GetLRUHandleList( lruList );
CDataCacheSection *pSection = NULL;
if ( pszSection )
pSection = (CDataCacheSection *)FindSection( pszSection );
if ( !pSection )
Msg( "Unknown cache section %s\n", pszSection );
if ( reportType == DC_DETAIL_REPORT )
CUtlRBTree< memhandle_t, int > sortedbysize( 0, 0, SortMemhandlesBySizeLessFunc );
for ( i = 0; i < lockedlist.Count(); ++i )
if ( !pSection || AccessItem( lockedlist[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
sortedbysize.Insert( lockedlist[ i ] );
for ( i = 0; i < lruList.Count(); ++i )
if ( !pSection || AccessItem( lruList[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
sortedbysize.Insert( lruList[ i ] );
for ( i = sortedbysize.FirstInorder(); i != sortedbysize.InvalidIndex(); i = sortedbysize.NextInorder( i ) )
OutputItemReport( sortedbysize[ i ] );
OutputReport( DC_SUMMARY_REPORT, pszSection );
else if ( reportType == DC_DETAIL_REPORT_LRU )
for ( i = 0; i < lockedlist.Count(); ++i )
if ( !pSection || AccessItem( lockedlist[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
OutputItemReport( lockedlist[ i ] );
for ( i = 0; i < lruList.Count(); ++i )
if ( !pSection || AccessItem( lruList[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
OutputItemReport( lruList[ i ] );
OutputReport( DC_SUMMARY_REPORT, pszSection );
else if ( reportType == DC_SUMMARY_REPORT )
if ( !pszSection )
// summary for all of the sections
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); ++i )
if ( m_Sections[i]->GetName() )
OutputReport( DC_SUMMARY_REPORT, m_Sections[i]->GetName() );
Msg( "Summary: %i resources total %s, %.2f %% of capacity\n", lockedlist.Count() + lruList.Count(), Q_pretifymem( bytesUsed, 2, true ), percent );
// summary for the specified section
DataCacheItem_t *pItem;
int sectionBytes = 0;
int sectionCount = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < lockedlist.Count(); ++i )
if ( AccessItem( lockedlist[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
pItem = g_DataCache.m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( lockedlist[i] );
sectionBytes += pItem->size;
for ( i = 0; i < lruList.Count(); ++i )
if ( AccessItem( lruList[ i ] )->pSection == pSection )
pItem = g_DataCache.m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( lruList[i] );
sectionBytes += pItem->size;
int sectionSize = 1;
float sectionPercent;
if ( pSection->GetLimits().nMaxBytes == (unsigned int)-1 )
// section unrestricted, base on total size
sectionSize = bytesTotal;
else if ( pSection->GetLimits().nMaxBytes )
sectionSize = pSection->GetLimits().nMaxBytes;
sectionPercent = 100.0f * (float)sectionBytes/(float)sectionSize;
Msg( "Section [%s]: %i resources total %s, %.2f %% of limit (%s)\n", pszSection, sectionCount, Q_pretifymem( sectionBytes, 2, true ), sectionPercent, Q_pretifymem( sectionSize, 2, true ) );
void CDataCache::OutputItemReport( memhandle_t hItem )
AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem = m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( hItem );
if ( !pItem )
CDataCacheSection *pSection = pItem->pSection;
char name[DC_MAX_ITEM_NAME+1];
name[0] = 0;
pSection->GetClient()->GetItemName( pItem->clientId, pItem->pItemData, name, DC_MAX_ITEM_NAME );
Msg( "\t%16.16s : %12s : 0x%08x, 0x%p, 0x%p : %s : %s\n",
Q_pretifymem( pItem->size, 2, true ),
pItem->clientId, pItem->pItemData, hItem,
( name[0] ) ? name : "unknown",
( m_LRU.LockCount( hItem ) ) ? CFmtStr( "Locked %d", m_LRU.LockCount( hItem ) ).operator const char*() : "" );
int CDataCache::FindSectionIndex( const char *pszSection )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Sections.Count(); i++ )
if ( stricmp( m_Sections[i]->GetName(), pszSection ) == 0 )
return i;
return m_Sections.InvalidIndex();
// Sorting utility used by the data cache report
bool CDataCache::SortMemhandlesBySizeLessFunc( const memhandle_t& lhs, const memhandle_t& rhs )
DataCacheItem_t *pItem1 = g_DataCache.m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( lhs );
DataCacheItem_t *pItem2 = g_DataCache.m_LRU.GetResource_NoLockNoLRUTouch( rhs );
Assert( pItem1 );
Assert( pItem2 );
return pItem1->size < pItem2->size;