FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

203 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef TREEVIEW_H
#define TREEVIEW_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <utllinkedlist.h>
#include <utlvector.h>
#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
class KeyValues;
namespace vgui
class ExpandButton;
class TreeNode;
class TreeViewSubPanel;
// sorting function, should return true if node1 should be displayed before node2
typedef bool (*TreeViewSortFunc_t)(KeyValues *node1, KeyValues *node2);
class TreeView : public Panel
TreeView(Panel *parent, const char *panelName);
void SetSortFunc(TreeViewSortFunc_t pSortFunc);
virtual int AddItem(KeyValues *data, int parentItemIndex);
virtual int GetRootItemIndex();
virtual int GetNumChildren( int itemIndex );
virtual int GetChild( int iParentItemIndex, int iChild ); // between 0 and GetNumChildren( iParentItemIndex ).
virtual int GetItemCount(void);
virtual KeyValues *GetItemData(int itemIndex);
virtual void RemoveItem(int itemIndex, bool bPromoteChildren, bool bRecursivelyRemove = false );
virtual void RemoveAll();
virtual bool ModifyItem(int itemIndex, KeyValues *data);
virtual int GetItemParent(int itemIndex);
virtual void SetFont(HFont font);
virtual void SetImageList(ImageList *imageList, bool deleteImageListWhenDone);
void SetAllowMultipleSelections( bool state );
bool IsMultipleSelectionAllowed() const;
virtual void ClearSelection();
virtual void AddSelectedItem( int itemIndex, bool clearCurrentSelection, bool requestFocus = true, bool bMakeItemVisible = true );
virtual void RemoveSelectedItem( int itemIndex );
virtual void SelectAll();
virtual bool IsItemSelected( int itemIndex );
virtual void RangeSelectItems( int clickedItem );
virtual void FindNodesInRange( int startItem, int endItem, CUtlVector< int >& itemIndices );
// returns the id of the currently selected item, -1 if nothing is selected
virtual int GetSelectedItemCount() const;
virtual int GetFirstSelectedItem() const;
virtual void GetSelectedItems( CUtlVector< int >& list );
virtual void GetSelectedItemData( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& list );
// set colors for individual elments
virtual void SetItemFgColor(int itemIndex, const Color& color);
virtual void SetItemBgColor(int itemIndex, const Color& color);
virtual void SetItemSelectionTextColor( int itemIndex, const Color& clr );
virtual void SetItemSelectionBgColor( int itemIndex, const Color& clr );
virtual void SetItemSelectionUnfocusedBgColor( int itemIndex, const Color& clr );
// returns true if the itemID is valid for use
virtual bool IsItemIDValid(int itemIndex);
// item iterators
// iterate from [0..GetHighestItemID()],
// and check each with IsItemIDValid() before using
virtual int GetHighestItemID();
virtual void ExpandItem(int itemIndex, bool bExpand);
virtual bool IsItemExpanded( int itemIndex );
virtual void MakeItemVisible(int itemIndex);
// This tells which of the visible items is the top one.
virtual void GetVBarInfo( int &top, int &nItemsVisible, bool& hbarVisible );
virtual HFont GetFont();
virtual void GenerateDragDataForItem( int itemIndex, KeyValues *msg );
virtual void SetDragEnabledItems( bool state );
virtual void OnLabelChanged( int itemIndex, char const *oldString, char const *newString );
virtual bool IsLabelEditingAllowed() const;
virtual bool IsLabelBeingEdited() const;
virtual void SetAllowLabelEditing( bool state );
/* message sent
"TreeViewItemSelected" int "itemIndex"
called when the selected item changes
"TreeViewItemDeselected" int "itemIndex"
called when item is deselected
int GetRowHeight();
int GetVisibleMaxWidth();
virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code);
// By default, the tree view expands nodes on left-click. This enables/disables that feature
void EnableExpandTreeOnLeftClick( bool bEnable );
virtual void SetLabelEditingAllowed( int itemIndex, bool state );
virtual void StartEditingLabel( int itemIndex );
virtual bool IsItemDroppable( int itemIndex, CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msglist );
virtual void OnItemDropped( int itemIndex, CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msglist );
virtual bool GetItemDropContextMenu( int itemIndex, Menu *menu, CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msglist );
virtual HCursor GetItemDropCursor( int itemIndex, CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msglist );
virtual int GetPrevChildItemIndex( int itemIndex );
virtual int GetNextChildItemIndex( int itemIndex );
virtual void PerformLayout();
// Makes the scrollbar parented to some other panel...
ScrollBar *SetScrollBarExternal( bool vertical, Panel *newParent );
void GetScrollBarSize( bool vertical, int& w, int& h );
void SetMultipleItemDragEnabled( bool state ); // if this is set, then clicking on one row and dragging will select a run or items, etc.
bool IsMultipleItemDragEnabled() const;
int FindItemUnderMouse( int mx, int my );
// functions to override
// called when a node, marked as "Expand", needs to generate it's child nodes when expanded
virtual void GenerateChildrenOfNode(int itemIndex) {}
// override to open a custom context menu on a node being selected and right-clicked
virtual void GenerateContextMenu( int itemIndex, int x, int y ) {}
// overrides
virtual void OnMouseWheeled(int delta);
virtual void OnSizeChanged(int wide, int tall);
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme);
MESSAGE_FUNC_INT( OnSliderMoved, "ScrollBarSliderMoved", position );
virtual void SetBgColor( Color color );
friend class TreeNode;
friend class TreeNodeText;
TreeNode* GetItem( int itemIndex );
virtual void RemoveChildrenOfNode( int itemIndex );
void SetLabelBeingEdited( bool state );
// Clean up the image list
void CleanUpImageList( );
// to be accessed by TreeNodes
IImage* GetImage(int index);
// bools
bool m_bAllowLabelEditing : 1;
bool m_bDragEnabledItems : 1;
bool m_bDeleteImageListWhenDone : 1;
bool m_bLeftClickExpandsTree : 1;
bool m_bLabelBeingEdited : 1;
bool m_bMultipleItemDragging : 1;
bool m_bAllowMultipleSelections : 1;
// cross reference - no hierarchy ordering in this list
CUtlLinkedList<TreeNode *, int> m_NodeList;
ScrollBar *m_pHorzScrollBar, *m_pVertScrollBar;
int m_nRowHeight;
ImageList *m_pImageList;
TreeNode *m_pRootNode;
TreeViewSortFunc_t m_pSortFunc;
HFont m_Font;
CUtlVector< TreeNode * > m_SelectedItems;
TreeViewSubPanel *m_pSubPanel;
int m_nMostRecentlySelectedItem;
bool m_bScrollbarExternal[ 2 ]; // 0 = vert, 1 = horz
#endif // TREEVIEW_H