FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

2956 lines
76 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "IHardwareConfigInternal.h"
#include "shadersystem.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderutil.h"
#include "shaderapi/ishaderapi.h"
#include "materialsystem/imesh.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "materialsystem/idebugtextureinfo.h"
#include "materialsystem/deformations.h"
// The empty mesh
class CEmptyMesh : public IMesh
CEmptyMesh( bool bIsDynamic );
virtual ~CEmptyMesh();
// FIXME: Make this work! Unsupported methods of IIndexBuffer + IVertexBuffer
virtual bool Lock( int nMaxIndexCount, bool bAppend, IndexDesc_t& desc );
virtual void Unlock( int nWrittenIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc );
virtual void ModifyBegin( bool bReadOnly, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc );
virtual void ModifyEnd( IndexDesc_t& desc );
virtual void Spew( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t & desc );
virtual void ValidateData( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t &desc );
virtual bool Lock( int nVertexCount, bool bAppend, VertexDesc_t &desc );
virtual void Unlock( int nVertexCount, VertexDesc_t &desc );
virtual void Spew( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t &desc );
virtual void ValidateData( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t & desc );
virtual bool IsDynamic() const { return m_bIsDynamic; }
virtual void BeginCastBuffer( VertexFormat_t format ) {}
virtual void BeginCastBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t format ) {}
virtual void EndCastBuffer( ) {}
virtual int GetRoomRemaining() const { return 0; }
virtual MaterialIndexFormat_t IndexFormat() const { return MATERIAL_INDEX_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; }
void LockMesh( int numVerts, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc );
void UnlockMesh( int numVerts, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc );
void ModifyBeginEx( bool bReadOnly, int firstVertex, int numVerts, int firstIndex, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc );
void ModifyBegin( int firstVertex, int numVerts, int firstIndex, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc );
void ModifyEnd( MeshDesc_t& desc );
// returns the # of vertices (static meshes only)
int VertexCount() const;
// Sets the primitive type
void SetPrimitiveType( MaterialPrimitiveType_t type );
// Draws the entire mesh
void Draw(int firstIndex, int numIndices);
void Draw(CPrimList *pPrims, int nPrims);
// Copy verts and/or indices to a mesh builder. This only works for temp meshes!
virtual void CopyToMeshBuilder(
int iStartVert, // Which vertices to copy.
int nVerts,
int iStartIndex, // Which indices to copy.
int nIndices,
int indexOffset, // This is added to each index.
CMeshBuilder &builder );
// Spews the mesh data
void Spew( int numVerts, int numIndices, const MeshDesc_t & desc );
void ValidateData( int numVerts, int numIndices, const MeshDesc_t & desc );
// gets the associated material
IMaterial* GetMaterial();
void SetColorMesh( IMesh *pColorMesh, int nVertexOffset )
virtual int IndexCount() const
return 0;
virtual void SetFlexMesh( IMesh *pMesh, int nVertexOffset ) {}
virtual void DisableFlexMesh() {}
virtual void MarkAsDrawn() {}
virtual unsigned ComputeMemoryUsed() { return 0; }
virtual VertexFormat_t GetVertexFormat() const { return VERTEX_POSITION; }
virtual IMesh *GetMesh()
return this;
VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
unsigned char* m_pVertexMemory;
bool m_bIsDynamic;
// The empty shader shadow
class CShaderShadowEmpty : public IShaderShadow
virtual ~CShaderShadowEmpty();
// Sets the default *shadow* state
void SetDefaultState();
// Methods related to depth buffering
void DepthFunc( ShaderDepthFunc_t depthFunc );
void EnableDepthWrites( bool bEnable );
void EnableDepthTest( bool bEnable );
void EnablePolyOffset( PolygonOffsetMode_t nOffsetMode );
// Suppresses/activates color writing
void EnableColorWrites( bool bEnable );
void EnableAlphaWrites( bool bEnable );
// Methods related to alpha blending
void EnableBlending( bool bEnable );
void BlendFunc( ShaderBlendFactor_t srcFactor, ShaderBlendFactor_t dstFactor );
// Alpha testing
void EnableAlphaTest( bool bEnable );
void AlphaFunc( ShaderAlphaFunc_t alphaFunc, float alphaRef /* [0-1] */ );
// Wireframe/filled polygons
void PolyMode( ShaderPolyModeFace_t face, ShaderPolyMode_t polyMode );
// Back face culling
void EnableCulling( bool bEnable );
// constant color + transparency
void EnableConstantColor( bool bEnable );
// Indicates the vertex format for use with a vertex shader
// The flags to pass in here come from the VertexFormatFlags_t enum
// If pTexCoordDimensions is *not* specified, we assume all coordinates
// are 2-dimensional
void VertexShaderVertexFormat( unsigned int nFlags,
int nTexCoordCount, int* pTexCoordDimensions, int nUserDataSize );
// Indicates we're going to light the model
void EnableLighting( bool bEnable );
void EnableSpecular( bool bEnable );
// vertex blending
void EnableVertexBlend( bool bEnable );
// per texture unit stuff
void OverbrightValue( TextureStage_t stage, float value );
void EnableTexture( Sampler_t stage, bool bEnable );
void EnableTexGen( TextureStage_t stage, bool bEnable );
void TexGen( TextureStage_t stage, ShaderTexGenParam_t param );
// alternate method of specifying per-texture unit stuff, more flexible and more complicated
// Can be used to specify different operation per channel (alpha/color)...
void EnableCustomPixelPipe( bool bEnable );
void CustomTextureStages( int stageCount );
void CustomTextureOperation( TextureStage_t stage, ShaderTexChannel_t channel,
ShaderTexOp_t op, ShaderTexArg_t arg1, ShaderTexArg_t arg2 );
// indicates what per-vertex data we're providing
void DrawFlags( unsigned int drawFlags );
// A simpler method of dealing with alpha modulation
void EnableAlphaPipe( bool bEnable );
void EnableConstantAlpha( bool bEnable );
void EnableVertexAlpha( bool bEnable );
void EnableTextureAlpha( TextureStage_t stage, bool bEnable );
// GR - Separate alpha blending
void EnableBlendingSeparateAlpha( bool bEnable );
void BlendFuncSeparateAlpha( ShaderBlendFactor_t srcFactor, ShaderBlendFactor_t dstFactor );
// Sets the vertex and pixel shaders
void SetVertexShader( const char *pFileName, int vshIndex );
void SetPixelShader( const char *pFileName, int pshIndex );
// Convert from linear to gamma color space on writes to frame buffer.
void EnableSRGBWrite( bool bEnable )
void EnableSRGBRead( Sampler_t stage, bool bEnable )
virtual void FogMode( ShaderFogMode_t fogMode )
virtual void DisableFogGammaCorrection( bool bDisable )
virtual void SetDiffuseMaterialSource( ShaderMaterialSource_t materialSource )
virtual void SetMorphFormat( MorphFormat_t flags )
virtual void EnableStencil( bool bEnable )
virtual void StencilFunc( ShaderStencilFunc_t stencilFunc )
virtual void StencilPassOp( ShaderStencilOp_t stencilOp )
virtual void StencilFailOp( ShaderStencilOp_t stencilOp )
virtual void StencilDepthFailOp( ShaderStencilOp_t stencilOp )
virtual void StencilReference( int nReference )
virtual void StencilMask( int nMask )
virtual void StencilWriteMask( int nMask )
virtual void ExecuteCommandBuffer( uint8 *pBuf )
// Alpha to coverage
void EnableAlphaToCoverage( bool bEnable );
virtual void SetShadowDepthFiltering( Sampler_t stage )
virtual void BlendOp( ShaderBlendOp_t blendOp ) {}
virtual void BlendOpSeparateAlpha( ShaderBlendOp_t blendOp ) {}
bool m_IsTranslucent;
bool m_IsAlphaTested;
bool m_bIsDepthWriteEnabled;
bool m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders;
// The DX8 implementation of the shader device
class CShaderDeviceEmpty : public IShaderDevice
CShaderDeviceEmpty() : m_DynamicMesh( true ), m_Mesh( false ) {}
// Methods of IShaderDevice
virtual int GetCurrentAdapter() const { return 0; }
virtual bool IsUsingGraphics() const { return false; }
virtual void SpewDriverInfo() const;
virtual ImageFormat GetBackBufferFormat() const { return IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888; }
virtual void GetBackBufferDimensions( int& width, int& height ) const;
virtual int StencilBufferBits() const { return 0; }
virtual bool IsAAEnabled() const { return false; }
virtual void Present( ) {}
virtual void GetWindowSize( int &width, int &height ) const;
virtual bool AddView( void* hwnd );
virtual void RemoveView( void* hwnd );
virtual void SetView( void* hwnd );
virtual void ReleaseResources();
virtual void ReacquireResources();
virtual IMesh* CreateStaticMesh( VertexFormat_t fmt, const char *pTextureBudgetGroup, IMaterial * pMaterial = NULL );
virtual void DestroyStaticMesh( IMesh* mesh );
virtual IShaderBuffer* CompileShader( const char *pProgram, size_t nBufLen, const char *pShaderVersion ) { return NULL; }
virtual VertexShaderHandle_t CreateVertexShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ) { return VERTEX_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID; }
virtual void DestroyVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hShader ) {}
virtual GeometryShaderHandle_t CreateGeometryShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ) { return GEOMETRY_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID; }
virtual void DestroyGeometryShader( GeometryShaderHandle_t hShader ) {}
virtual PixelShaderHandle_t CreatePixelShader( IShaderBuffer* pShaderBuffer ) { return PIXEL_SHADER_HANDLE_INVALID; }
virtual void DestroyPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hShader ) {}
virtual IVertexBuffer *CreateVertexBuffer( ShaderBufferType_t type, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nVertexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup );
virtual void DestroyVertexBuffer( IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer );
virtual IIndexBuffer *CreateIndexBuffer( ShaderBufferType_t bufferType, MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, int nIndexCount, const char *pBudgetGroup );
virtual void DestroyIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer );
virtual IVertexBuffer *GetDynamicVertexBuffer( int streamID, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, bool bBuffered );
virtual IIndexBuffer *GetDynamicIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, bool bBuffered );
virtual void SetHardwareGammaRamp( float fGamma, float fGammaTVRangeMin, float fGammaTVRangeMax, float fGammaTVExponent, bool bTVEnabled ) {}
virtual void EnableNonInteractiveMode( MaterialNonInteractiveMode_t mode, ShaderNonInteractiveInfo_t *pInfo ) {}
virtual void RefreshFrontBufferNonInteractive( ) {}
virtual void HandleThreadEvent( uint32 threadEvent ) {}
virtual void DoStartupShaderPreloading( void ) {}
virtual char *GetDisplayDeviceName() OVERRIDE { return ""; }
CEmptyMesh m_Mesh;
CEmptyMesh m_DynamicMesh;
static CShaderDeviceEmpty s_ShaderDeviceEmpty;
// FIXME: Remove; it's for backward compat with the materialsystem only for now
// The DX8 implementation of the shader device
class CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty : public IShaderDeviceMgr
// Methods of IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// Methods of IShaderDeviceMgr
virtual int GetAdapterCount() const;
virtual void GetAdapterInfo( int adapter, MaterialAdapterInfo_t& info ) const;
virtual bool GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo( int nAdapter, int nDXLevel, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
virtual int GetModeCount( int adapter ) const;
virtual void GetModeInfo( ShaderDisplayMode_t *pInfo, int nAdapter, int mode ) const;
virtual void GetCurrentModeInfo( ShaderDisplayMode_t* pInfo, int nAdapter ) const;
virtual bool SetAdapter( int nAdapter, int nFlags );
virtual CreateInterfaceFn SetMode( void *hWnd, int nAdapter, const ShaderDeviceInfo_t& mode );
virtual void AddModeChangeCallback( ShaderModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func ) {}
virtual void RemoveModeChangeCallback( ShaderModeChangeCallbackFunc_t func ) {}
static CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty s_ShaderDeviceMgrEmpty;
// The DX8 implementation of the shader API
class CShaderAPIEmpty : public IShaderAPI, public IHardwareConfigInternal, public IDebugTextureInfo
// constructor, destructor
CShaderAPIEmpty( );
virtual ~CShaderAPIEmpty();
// IDebugTextureInfo implementation.
virtual bool IsDebugTextureListFresh( int numFramesAllowed = 1 ) { return false; }
virtual bool SetDebugTextureRendering( bool bEnable ) { return false; }
virtual void EnableDebugTextureList( bool bEnable ) {}
virtual void EnableGetAllTextures( bool bEnable ) {}
virtual KeyValues* GetDebugTextureList() { return NULL; }
virtual int GetTextureMemoryUsed( TextureMemoryType eTextureMemory ) { return 0; }
// Methods of IShaderDynamicAPI
virtual void GetBackBufferDimensions( int& width, int& height ) const
s_ShaderDeviceEmpty.GetBackBufferDimensions( width, height );
virtual void GetCurrentColorCorrection( ShaderColorCorrectionInfo_t* pInfo )
pInfo->m_bIsEnabled = false;
pInfo->m_nLookupCount = 0;
pInfo->m_flDefaultWeight = 0.0f;
// Methods of IShaderAPI
virtual void SetViewports( int nCount, const ShaderViewport_t* pViewports );
virtual int GetViewports( ShaderViewport_t* pViewports, int nMax ) const;
virtual void ClearBuffers( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth, bool bClearStencil, int renderTargetWidth, int renderTargetHeight );
virtual void ClearColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
virtual void ClearColor4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a );
virtual void BindVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hVertexShader ) {}
virtual void BindGeometryShader( GeometryShaderHandle_t hGeometryShader ) {}
virtual void BindPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hPixelShader ) {}
virtual void SetRasterState( const ShaderRasterState_t& state ) {}
virtual void MarkUnusedVertexFields( unsigned int nFlags, int nTexCoordCount, bool *pUnusedTexCoords ) {}
virtual bool OwnGPUResources( bool bEnable ) { return false; }
virtual bool DoRenderTargetsNeedSeparateDepthBuffer() const;
// Used to clear the transition table when we know it's become invalid.
void ClearSnapshots();
// Sets the mode...
bool SetMode( void* hwnd, int nAdapter, const ShaderDeviceInfo_t &info )
return true;
void ChangeVideoMode( const ShaderDeviceInfo_t &info )
// Called when the dx support level has changed
virtual void DXSupportLevelChanged() {}
virtual void EnableUserClipTransformOverride( bool bEnable ) {}
virtual void UserClipTransform( const VMatrix &worldToView ) {}
// Sets the default *dynamic* state
void SetDefaultState( );
// Returns the snapshot id for the shader state
StateSnapshot_t TakeSnapshot( );
// Returns true if the state snapshot is transparent
bool IsTranslucent( StateSnapshot_t id ) const;
bool IsAlphaTested( StateSnapshot_t id ) const;
bool UsesVertexAndPixelShaders( StateSnapshot_t id ) const;
virtual bool IsDepthWriteEnabled( StateSnapshot_t id ) const;
// Gets the vertex format for a set of snapshot ids
VertexFormat_t ComputeVertexFormat( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const;
// Gets the vertex format for a set of snapshot ids
VertexFormat_t ComputeVertexUsage( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const;
// Begins a rendering pass that uses a state snapshot
void BeginPass( StateSnapshot_t snapshot );
// Uses a state snapshot
void UseSnapshot( StateSnapshot_t snapshot );
// Use this to get the mesh builder that allows us to modify vertex data
CMeshBuilder* GetVertexModifyBuilder();
// Sets the color to modulate by
void Color3f( float r, float g, float b );
void Color3fv( float const* pColor );
void Color4f( float r, float g, float b, float a );
void Color4fv( float const* pColor );
// Faster versions of color
void Color3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
void Color3ubv( unsigned char const* rgb );
void Color4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a );
void Color4ubv( unsigned char const* rgba );
// Sets the lights
void SetLight( int lightNum, const LightDesc_t& desc );
void SetLightingOrigin( Vector vLightingOrigin );
void SetAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b );
void SetAmbientLightCube( Vector4D cube[6] );
// Get the lights
int GetMaxLights( void ) const;
const LightDesc_t& GetLight( int lightNum ) const;
// Render state for the ambient light cube (vertex shaders)
void SetVertexShaderStateAmbientLightCube();
void SetPixelShaderStateAmbientLightCube( int pshReg, bool bForceToBlack = false )
float GetAmbientLightCubeLuminance(void)
return 0.0f;
void SetSkinningMatrices();
// Lightmap texture binding
void BindLightmap( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindLightmapAlpha( TextureStage_t stage )
void BindBumpLightmap( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindFullbrightLightmap( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindWhite( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindBlack( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindGrey( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindFBTexture( TextureStage_t stage, int textureIdex );
void CopyRenderTargetToTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texID )
void CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texID, int nRenderTargetID, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect )
void CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle, Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect )
// Special system flat normal map binding.
void BindFlatNormalMap( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindNormalizationCubeMap( TextureStage_t stage );
void BindSignedNormalizationCubeMap( TextureStage_t stage );
// Set the number of bone weights
void SetNumBoneWeights( int numBones );
void EnableHWMorphing( bool bEnable );
// Flushes any primitives that are buffered
void FlushBufferedPrimitives();
// Gets the dynamic mesh; note that you've got to render the mesh
// before calling this function a second time. Clients should *not*
// call DestroyStaticMesh on the mesh returned by this call.
IMesh* GetDynamicMesh( IMaterial* pMaterial, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool buffered, IMesh* pVertexOverride, IMesh* pIndexOverride );
IMesh* GetDynamicMeshEx( IMaterial* pMaterial, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool buffered, IMesh* pVertexOverride, IMesh* pIndexOverride );
IMesh* GetFlexMesh();
// Renders a single pass of a material
void RenderPass( int nPass, int nPassCount );
// stuff related to matrix stacks
void MatrixMode( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode );
void PushMatrix();
void PopMatrix();
void LoadMatrix( float *m );
void LoadBoneMatrix( int boneIndex, const float *m ) {}
void MultMatrix( float *m );
void MultMatrixLocal( float *m );
void GetMatrix( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode, float *dst );
void LoadIdentity( void );
void LoadCameraToWorld( void );
void Ortho( double left, double top, double right, double bottom, double zNear, double zFar );
void PerspectiveX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar );
void PerspectiveOffCenterX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, double bottom, double top, double left, double right );
void PickMatrix( int x, int y, int width, int height );
void Rotate( float angle, float x, float y, float z );
void Translate( float x, float y, float z );
void Scale( float x, float y, float z );
void ScaleXY( float x, float y );
// Fog methods...
void FogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode );
void FogStart( float fStart );
void FogEnd( float fEnd );
void SetFogZ( float fogZ );
void FogMaxDensity( float flMaxDensity );
void GetFogDistances( float *fStart, float *fEnd, float *fFogZ );
void FogColor3f( float r, float g, float b );
void FogColor3fv( float const* rgb );
void FogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
void FogColor3ubv( unsigned char const* rgb );
virtual void SceneFogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b );
virtual void SceneFogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode );
virtual void GetSceneFogColor( unsigned char *rgb );
virtual MaterialFogMode_t GetSceneFogMode( );
virtual int GetPixelFogCombo( );
void SetHeightClipZ( float z );
void SetHeightClipMode( enum MaterialHeightClipMode_t heightClipMode );
void SetClipPlane( int index, const float *pPlane );
void EnableClipPlane( int index, bool bEnable );
void SetFastClipPlane( const float *pPlane );
void EnableFastClip( bool bEnable );
// We use smaller dynamic VBs during level transitions, to free up memory
virtual int GetCurrentDynamicVBSize( void );
virtual void DestroyVertexBuffers( bool bExitingLevel = false );
// Sets the vertex and pixel shaders
void SetVertexShaderIndex( int vshIndex );
void SetPixelShaderIndex( int pshIndex );
// Sets the constant register for vertex and pixel shaders
void SetVertexShaderConstant( int var, float const* pVec, int numConst = 1, bool bForce = false );
void SetBooleanVertexShaderConstant( int var, BOOL const* pVec, int numConst = 1, bool bForce = false );
void SetIntegerVertexShaderConstant( int var, int const* pVec, int numConst = 1, bool bForce = false );
void SetPixelShaderConstant( int var, float const* pVec, int numConst = 1, bool bForce = false );
void SetBooleanPixelShaderConstant( int var, BOOL const* pVec, int numBools = 1, bool bForce = false );
void SetIntegerPixelShaderConstant( int var, int const* pVec, int numIntVecs = 1, bool bForce = false );
void InvalidateDelayedShaderConstants( void );
// Gamma<->Linear conversions according to the video hardware we're running on
float GammaToLinear_HardwareSpecific( float fGamma ) const;
float LinearToGamma_HardwareSpecific( float fLinear ) const;
//Set's the linear->gamma conversion textures to use for this hardware for both srgb writes enabled and disabled(identity)
void SetLinearToGammaConversionTextures( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hSRGBWriteEnabledTexture, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hIdentityTexture );
// Cull mode
void CullMode( MaterialCullMode_t cullMode );
// Force writes only when z matches. . . useful for stenciling things out
// by rendering the desired Z values ahead of time.
void ForceDepthFuncEquals( bool bEnable );
// Forces Z buffering on or off
void OverrideDepthEnable( bool bEnable, bool bDepthEnable );
void OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bAlphaWriteEnable );
void OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bColorWriteEnable );
// Sets the shade mode
void ShadeMode( ShaderShadeMode_t mode );
// Binds a particular material to render with
void Bind( IMaterial* pMaterial );
// Returns the nearest supported format
ImageFormat GetNearestSupportedFormat( ImageFormat fmt, bool bFilteringRequired = true ) const;
ImageFormat GetNearestRenderTargetFormat( ImageFormat fmt ) const;
// Sets the texture state
void BindTexture( Sampler_t stage, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle );
void SetRenderTarget( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t colorTextureHandle, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle )
void SetRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t colorTextureHandle, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle )
// Indicates we're going to be modifying this texture
// TexImage2D, TexSubImage2D, TexWrap, TexMinFilter, and TexMagFilter
// all use the texture specified by this function.
void ModifyTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle );
// Texture management methods
void TexImage2D( int level, int cubeFace, ImageFormat dstFormat, int zOffset, int width, int height,
ImageFormat srcFormat, bool bSrcIsTiled, void *imageData );
void TexSubImage2D( int level, int cubeFace, int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset, int width, int height,
ImageFormat srcFormat, int srcStride, bool bSrcIsTiled, void *imageData );
void TexImageFromVTF( IVTFTexture *pVTF, int iVTFFrame );
bool TexLock( int level, int cubeFaceID, int xOffset, int yOffset,
int width, int height, CPixelWriter& writer );
void TexUnlock( );
// These are bound to the texture, not the texture environment
void TexMinFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode );
void TexMagFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode );
void TexWrap( ShaderTexCoordComponent_t coord, ShaderTexWrapMode_t wrapMode );
void TexSetPriority( int priority );
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CreateTexture(
int width,
int height,
int depth,
ImageFormat dstImageFormat,
int numMipLevels,
int numCopies,
int flags,
const char *pDebugName,
const char *pTextureGroupName );
// Create a multi-frame texture (equivalent to calling "CreateTexture" multiple times, but more efficient)
void CreateTextures(
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *pHandles,
int count,
int width,
int height,
int depth,
ImageFormat dstImageFormat,
int numMipLevels,
int numCopies,
int flags,
const char *pDebugName,
const char *pTextureGroupName );
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CreateDepthTexture( ImageFormat renderFormat, int width, int height, const char *pDebugName, bool bTexture );
void DeleteTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle );
bool IsTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle );
bool IsTextureResident( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle );
// stuff that isn't to be used from within a shader
void ClearBuffersObeyStencil( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth );
void ClearBuffersObeyStencilEx( bool bClearColor, bool bClearAlpha, bool bClearDepth );
void PerformFullScreenStencilOperation( void );
void ReadPixels( int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat );
virtual void ReadPixels( Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat, int nDstStride );
// Selection mode methods
int SelectionMode( bool selectionMode );
void SelectionBuffer( unsigned int* pBuffer, int size );
void ClearSelectionNames( );
void LoadSelectionName( int name );
void PushSelectionName( int name );
void PopSelectionName();
void FlushHardware();
void ResetRenderState( bool bFullReset = true );
void SetScissorRect( const int nLeft, const int nTop, const int nRight, const int nBottom, const bool bEnableScissor );
// Can we download textures?
virtual bool CanDownloadTextures() const;
// Board-independent calls, here to unify how shaders set state
// Implementations should chain back to IShaderUtil->BindTexture(), etc.
// Use this to begin and end the frame
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
// returns current time
double CurrentTime() const;
// Get the current camera position in world space.
void GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( float * pPos ) const;
// Members of IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig
bool HasDestAlphaBuffer() const;
bool HasStencilBuffer() const;
virtual int MaxViewports() const;
virtual void OverrideStreamOffsetSupport( bool bOverrideEnabled, bool bEnableSupport ) {}
virtual int GetShadowFilterMode() const;
int StencilBufferBits() const;
int GetFrameBufferColorDepth() const;
int GetSamplerCount() const;
bool HasSetDeviceGammaRamp() const;
bool SupportsCompressedTextures() const;
VertexCompressionType_t SupportsCompressedVertices() const;
bool SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders() const;
bool SupportsPixelShaders_1_4() const;
bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_0() const;
bool SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const;
bool ActuallySupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const;
bool SupportsStaticControlFlow() const;
bool SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() const;
bool SupportsShaderModel_3_0() const;
int MaximumAnisotropicLevel() const;
int MaxTextureWidth() const;
int MaxTextureHeight() const;
int MaxTextureAspectRatio() const;
int GetDXSupportLevel() const;
const char *GetShaderDLLName() const
return "UNKNOWN";
int TextureMemorySize() const;
bool SupportsOverbright() const;
bool SupportsCubeMaps() const;
bool SupportsMipmappedCubemaps() const;
bool SupportsNonPow2Textures() const;
int GetTextureStageCount() const;
int NumVertexShaderConstants() const;
int NumBooleanVertexShaderConstants() const;
int NumIntegerVertexShaderConstants() const;
int NumPixelShaderConstants() const;
int MaxNumLights() const;
bool SupportsHardwareLighting() const;
int MaxBlendMatrices() const;
int MaxBlendMatrixIndices() const;
int MaxVertexShaderBlendMatrices() const;
int MaxUserClipPlanes() const;
bool UseFastClipping() const
return false;
bool SpecifiesFogColorInLinearSpace() const;
virtual bool SupportsSRGB() const;
virtual bool FakeSRGBWrite() const;
virtual bool CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs() const;
virtual bool SupportsGLMixedSizeTargets() const;
const char *GetHWSpecificShaderDLLName() const;
bool NeedsAAClamp() const
return false;
bool SupportsSpheremapping() const;
virtual int MaxHWMorphBatchCount() const { return 0; }
// This is the max dx support level supported by the card
virtual int GetMaxDXSupportLevel() const;
bool ReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer() const;
bool PreferDynamicTextures() const;
virtual bool PreferReducedFillrate() const;
bool HasProjectedBumpEnv() const;
void ForceHardwareSync( void );
int GetCurrentNumBones( void ) const;
bool IsHWMorphingEnabled( void ) const;
int GetCurrentLightCombo( void ) const;
void GetDX9LightState( LightState_t *state ) const;
MaterialFogMode_t GetCurrentFogType( void ) const;
void RecordString( const char *pStr );
void EvictManagedResources();
void SetTextureTransformDimension( TextureStage_t textureStage, int dimension, bool projected );
void DisableTextureTransform( TextureStage_t textureStage )
void SetBumpEnvMatrix( TextureStage_t textureStage, float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11 );
// Gets the lightmap dimensions
virtual void GetLightmapDimensions( int *w, int *h );
virtual void SyncToken( const char *pToken );
// Setup standard vertex shader constants (that don't change)
// This needs to be called anytime that overbright changes.
virtual void SetStandardVertexShaderConstants( float fOverbright )
// Level of anisotropic filtering
virtual void SetAnisotropicLevel( int nAnisotropyLevel );
bool SupportsHDR() const
return false;
HDRType_t GetHDRType() const
HDRType_t GetHardwareHDRType() const
virtual bool NeedsATICentroidHack() const
return false;
virtual bool SupportsColorOnSecondStream() const
return false;
virtual bool SupportsStaticPlusDynamicLighting() const
return false;
virtual bool SupportsStreamOffset() const
return false;
void SetDefaultDynamicState()
virtual void CommitPixelShaderLighting( int pshReg )
ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t CreateOcclusionQueryObject( void )
void DestroyOcclusionQueryObject( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t handle )
void BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t handle )
void EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t handle )
int OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t handle, bool bFlush )
return 0;
virtual void AcquireThreadOwnership() {}
virtual void ReleaseThreadOwnership() {}
virtual bool SupportsBorderColor() const { return false; }
virtual bool SupportsFetch4() const { return false; }
virtual bool CanStretchRectFromTextures( void ) const { return false; }
virtual void EnableBuffer2FramesAhead( bool bEnable ) {}
virtual void SetPSNearAndFarZ( int pshReg ) { }
virtual void SetDepthFeatheringPixelShaderConstant( int iConstant, float fDepthBlendScale ) {}
void SetPixelShaderFogParams( int reg )
virtual bool InFlashlightMode() const
return false;
virtual bool InEditorMode() const
return false;
// What fields in the morph do we actually use?
virtual MorphFormat_t ComputeMorphFormat( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const
return 0;
// Gets the bound morph's vertex format; returns 0 if no morph is bound
virtual MorphFormat_t GetBoundMorphFormat()
return 0;
// Binds a standard texture
virtual void BindStandardTexture( Sampler_t stage, StandardTextureId_t id )
virtual void BindStandardVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t stage, StandardTextureId_t id )
virtual void GetStandardTextureDimensions( int *pWidth, int *pHeight, StandardTextureId_t id )
*pWidth = *pHeight = 0;
virtual void SetFlashlightState( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture )
virtual void SetFlashlightStateEx( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture, ITexture *pFlashlightDepthTexture )
virtual const FlashlightState_t &GetFlashlightState( VMatrix &worldToTexture ) const
static FlashlightState_t blah;
return blah;
virtual const FlashlightState_t &GetFlashlightStateEx( VMatrix &worldToTexture, ITexture **pFlashlightDepthTexture ) const
static FlashlightState_t blah;
return blah;
virtual void ClearVertexAndPixelShaderRefCounts()
virtual void PurgeUnusedVertexAndPixelShaders()
virtual bool IsAAEnabled() const
return false;
virtual int GetVertexTextureCount() const
return 0;
virtual int GetMaxVertexTextureDimension() const
return 0;
virtual int MaxTextureDepth() const
return 0;
// Binds a vertex texture to a particular texture stage in the vertex pipe
virtual void BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t nSampler, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hTexture )
// Sets morph target factors
virtual void SetFlexWeights( int nFirstWeight, int nCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights )
// NOTE: Stuff after this is added after shipping HL2.
ITexture *GetRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID )
return NULL;
void SetToneMappingScaleLinear( const Vector &scale )
const Vector &GetToneMappingScaleLinear( void ) const
static Vector dummy;
return dummy;
virtual float GetLightMapScaleFactor( void ) const
return 1.0;
// For dealing with device lost in cases where SwapBuffers isn't called all the time (Hammer)
virtual void HandleDeviceLost()
virtual void EnableLinearColorSpaceFrameBuffer( bool bEnable )
// Lets the shader know about the full-screen texture so it can
virtual void SetFullScreenTextureHandle( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t h )
void SetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number, float value)
void SetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number, int value)
void SetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number, Vector const &value)
float GetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
return 0;
int GetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
return 0;
Vector GetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const
return Vector(0,0,0);
// Methods related to stencil
void SetStencilEnable(bool onoff)
void SetStencilFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op)
void SetStencilZFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op)
void SetStencilPassOperation(StencilOperation_t op)
void SetStencilCompareFunction(StencilComparisonFunction_t cmpfn)
void SetStencilReferenceValue(int ref)
void SetStencilTestMask(uint32 msk)
void SetStencilWriteMask(uint32 msk)
void ClearStencilBufferRectangle( int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax,int value)
virtual void GetDXLevelDefaults(uint &max_dxlevel,uint &recommended_dxlevel)
virtual void GetMaxToRender( IMesh *pMesh, bool bMaxUntilFlush, int *pMaxVerts, int *pMaxIndices )
*pMaxVerts = 32768;
*pMaxIndices = 32768;
// Returns the max possible vertices + indices to render in a single draw call
virtual int GetMaxVerticesToRender( IMaterial *pMaterial )
return 32768;
virtual int GetMaxIndicesToRender( )
return 32768;
virtual int CompareSnapshots( StateSnapshot_t snapshot0, StateSnapshot_t snapshot1 ) { return 0; }
virtual void DisableAllLocalLights() {}
virtual bool SupportsMSAAMode( int nMSAAMode ) { return false; }
virtual bool SupportsCSAAMode( int nNumSamples, int nQualityLevel ) { return false; }
// Hooks for firing PIX events from outside the Material System...
virtual void BeginPIXEvent( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) {}
virtual void EndPIXEvent() {}
virtual void SetPIXMarker( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) {}
virtual void ComputeVertexDescription( unsigned char* pBuffer, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, MeshDesc_t& desc ) const {}
virtual bool SupportsShadowDepthTextures() { return false; }
virtual bool SupportsFetch4() { return false; }
virtual int NeedsShaderSRGBConversion(void) const { return 0; }
virtual bool UsesSRGBCorrectBlending() const { return false; }
virtual bool HasFastVertexTextures() const { return false; }
virtual void SetShadowDepthBiasFactors( float fShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias, float fShadowDepthBias ) {}
virtual void SetDisallowAccess( bool ) {}
virtual void EnableShaderShaderMutex( bool ) {}
virtual void ShaderLock() {}
virtual void ShaderUnlock() {}
// ------------ New Vertex/Index Buffer interface ----------------------------
void BindVertexBuffer( int streamID, IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes, int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nRepetitions1 )
void BindIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes )
void Draw( MaterialPrimitiveType_t primitiveType, int firstIndex, int numIndices )
// ------------ End ----------------------------
virtual int GetVertexBufferCompression( void ) const { return 0; };
virtual bool ShouldWriteDepthToDestAlpha( void ) const { return false; };
virtual bool SupportsHDRMode( HDRType_t nHDRMode ) const { return false; };
virtual bool IsDX10Card() const { return false; };
void PushDeformation( const DeformationBase_t *pDeformation )
virtual void PopDeformation( )
int GetNumActiveDeformations( ) const
return 0;
// for shaders to set vertex shader constants. returns a packed state which can be used to set the dynamic combo
int GetPackedDeformationInformation( int nMaskOfUnderstoodDeformations,
float *pConstantValuesOut,
int nBufferSize,
int nMaximumDeformations,
int *pNumDefsOut ) const
*pNumDefsOut = 0;
return 0;
void SetStandardTextureHandle(StandardTextureId_t,ShaderAPITextureHandle_t)
virtual void ExecuteCommandBuffer( uint8 *pData )
virtual bool GetHDREnabled( void ) const { return true; }
virtual void SetHDREnabled( bool bEnable ) {}
virtual void CopyRenderTargetToScratchTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t srcRt, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t dstTex, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL )
// Allows locking and unlocking of very specific surface types.
virtual void LockRect( void** pOutBits, int* pOutPitch, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texHandle, int mipmap, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool bWrite, bool bRead )
virtual void UnlockRect( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texHandle, int mipmap )
virtual void TexLodClamp( int finest ) {}
virtual void TexLodBias( float bias ) {}
virtual void CopyTextureToTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t srcTex, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t dstTex ) {}
void PrintfVA( char *fmt, va_list vargs ) {}
void Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) {}
float Knob( char *knobname, float *setvalue = NULL ) { return 0.0f; };
CEmptyMesh m_Mesh;
void EnableAlphaToCoverage() {} ;
void DisableAlphaToCoverage() {} ;
ImageFormat GetShadowDepthTextureFormat() { return IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; };
ImageFormat GetNullTextureFormat() { return IMAGE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN; };
// Class Factory
static CShaderAPIEmpty g_ShaderAPIEmpty;
static CShaderShadowEmpty g_ShaderShadow;
// FIXME: Remove; it's for backward compat with the materialsystem only for now
EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE_GLOBALVAR( CShaderAPIEmpty, IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig,
// The main GL Shader util interface
IShaderUtil* g_pShaderUtil;
// Factory to return from SetMode
static void* ShaderInterfaceFactory( const char *pInterfaceName, int *pReturnCode )
if ( pReturnCode )
*pReturnCode = IFACE_OK;
if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, SHADER_DEVICE_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return static_cast< IShaderDevice* >( &s_ShaderDeviceEmpty );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, SHADERAPI_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return static_cast< IShaderAPI* >( &g_ShaderAPIEmpty );
if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, SHADERSHADOW_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return static_cast< IShaderShadow* >( &g_ShaderShadow );
if ( pReturnCode )
*pReturnCode = IFACE_FAILED;
return NULL;
// CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty
bool CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
// So others can access it
g_pShaderUtil = (IShaderUtil*)factory( SHADER_UTIL_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
return true;
void CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::Disconnect()
g_pShaderUtil = NULL;
void *CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
if ( !Q_stricmp( pInterfaceName, SHADER_DEVICE_MGR_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return static_cast< IShaderDeviceMgr* >( this );
return static_cast< IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* >( &g_ShaderAPIEmpty );
return NULL;
InitReturnVal_t CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::Init()
return INIT_OK;
void CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::Shutdown()
// Sets the adapter
bool CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::SetAdapter( int nAdapter, int nFlags )
return true;
// FIXME: Is this a public interface? Might only need to be private to shaderapi
CreateInterfaceFn CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::SetMode( void *hWnd, int nAdapter, const ShaderDeviceInfo_t& mode )
return ShaderInterfaceFactory;
// Gets the number of adapters...
int CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetAdapterCount() const
return 0;
bool CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo( int nAdapter, int nDXLevel, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
return true;
// Returns info about each adapter
void CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetAdapterInfo( int adapter, MaterialAdapterInfo_t& info ) const
memset( &info, 0, sizeof( info ) );
info.m_nDXSupportLevel = 90;
// Returns the number of modes
int CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetModeCount( int nAdapter ) const
return 0;
// Returns mode information..
void CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetModeInfo( ShaderDisplayMode_t *pInfo, int nAdapter, int nMode ) const
void CShaderDeviceMgrEmpty::GetCurrentModeInfo( ShaderDisplayMode_t* pInfo, int nAdapter ) const
// Shader device empty
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::GetWindowSize( int &width, int &height ) const
width = 0;
height = 0;
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::GetBackBufferDimensions( int& width, int& height ) const
width = 1024;
height = 768;
// Use this to spew information about the 3D layer
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::SpewDriverInfo() const
Warning("Empty shader\n");
// Creates/ destroys a child window
bool CShaderDeviceEmpty::AddView( void* hwnd )
return true;
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::RemoveView( void* hwnd )
// Activates a view
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::SetView( void* hwnd )
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::ReleaseResources()
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::ReacquireResources()
// Creates/destroys Mesh
IMesh* CShaderDeviceEmpty::CreateStaticMesh( VertexFormat_t fmt, const char *pTextureBudgetGroup, IMaterial * pMaterial )
return &m_Mesh;
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::DestroyStaticMesh( IMesh* mesh )
// Creates/destroys static vertex + index buffers
IVertexBuffer *CShaderDeviceEmpty::CreateVertexBuffer( ShaderBufferType_t type, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nVertexCount, const char *pTextureBudgetGroup )
return ( type == SHADER_BUFFER_TYPE_STATIC || type == SHADER_BUFFER_TYPE_STATIC_TEMP ) ? &m_Mesh : &m_DynamicMesh;
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::DestroyVertexBuffer( IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer )
IIndexBuffer *CShaderDeviceEmpty::CreateIndexBuffer( ShaderBufferType_t bufferType, MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, int nIndexCount, const char *pTextureBudgetGroup )
switch( bufferType )
return &m_Mesh;
Assert( 0 );
return &m_DynamicMesh;
void CShaderDeviceEmpty::DestroyIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer )
IVertexBuffer *CShaderDeviceEmpty::GetDynamicVertexBuffer( int streamID, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, bool bBuffered )
return &m_DynamicMesh;
IIndexBuffer *CShaderDeviceEmpty::GetDynamicIndexBuffer( MaterialIndexFormat_t fmt, bool bBuffered )
return &m_Mesh;
// The empty mesh...
CEmptyMesh::CEmptyMesh( bool bIsDynamic ) : m_bIsDynamic( bIsDynamic )
m_pVertexMemory = new unsigned char[VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE];
delete[] m_pVertexMemory;
bool CEmptyMesh::Lock( int nMaxIndexCount, bool bAppend, IndexDesc_t& desc )
static int s_BogusIndex;
desc.m_pIndices = (unsigned short*)&s_BogusIndex;
desc.m_nIndexSize = 0;
desc.m_nFirstIndex = 0;
desc.m_nOffset = 0;
return true;
void CEmptyMesh::Unlock( int nWrittenIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc )
void CEmptyMesh::ModifyBegin( bool bReadOnly, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount, IndexDesc_t& desc )
Lock( nIndexCount, false, desc );
void CEmptyMesh::ModifyEnd( IndexDesc_t& desc )
void CEmptyMesh::Spew( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t & desc )
void CEmptyMesh::ValidateData( int nIndexCount, const IndexDesc_t &desc )
bool CEmptyMesh::Lock( int nVertexCount, bool bAppend, VertexDesc_t &desc )
// Who cares about the data?
desc.m_pPosition = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pNormal = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pColor = m_pVertexMemory;
int i;
desc.m_pTexCoord[i] = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pBoneWeight = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pBoneMatrixIndex = (unsigned char*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pTangentS = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pTangentT = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_pUserData = (float*)m_pVertexMemory;
desc.m_NumBoneWeights = 2;
desc.m_VertexSize_Position = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_BoneWeight = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_BoneMatrixIndex = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_Normal = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_Color = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_TexCoord[i] = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_TangentS = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_TangentT = 0;
desc.m_VertexSize_UserData = 0;
desc.m_ActualVertexSize = 0; // Size of the vertices.. Some of the m_VertexSize_ elements above
desc.m_nFirstVertex = 0;
desc.m_nOffset = 0;
return true;
void CEmptyMesh::Unlock( int nVertexCount, VertexDesc_t &desc )
void CEmptyMesh::Spew( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t &desc )
void CEmptyMesh::ValidateData( int nVertexCount, const VertexDesc_t & desc )
void CEmptyMesh::LockMesh( int numVerts, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc )
Lock( numVerts, false, *static_cast<VertexDesc_t*>( &desc ) );
Lock( numIndices, false, *static_cast<IndexDesc_t*>( &desc ) );
void CEmptyMesh::UnlockMesh( int numVerts, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc )
void CEmptyMesh::ModifyBeginEx( bool bReadOnly, int firstVertex, int numVerts, int firstIndex, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc )
Lock( numVerts, false, *static_cast<VertexDesc_t*>( &desc ) );
Lock( numIndices, false, *static_cast<IndexDesc_t*>( &desc ) );
void CEmptyMesh::ModifyBegin( int firstVertex, int numVerts, int firstIndex, int numIndices, MeshDesc_t& desc )
ModifyBeginEx( false, firstVertex, numVerts, firstIndex, numIndices, desc );
void CEmptyMesh::ModifyEnd( MeshDesc_t& desc )
// returns the # of vertices (static meshes only)
int CEmptyMesh::VertexCount() const
return 0;
// Sets the primitive type
void CEmptyMesh::SetPrimitiveType( MaterialPrimitiveType_t type )
// Draws the entire mesh
void CEmptyMesh::Draw( int firstIndex, int numIndices )
void CEmptyMesh::Draw(CPrimList *pPrims, int nPrims)
// Copy verts and/or indices to a mesh builder. This only works for temp meshes!
void CEmptyMesh::CopyToMeshBuilder(
int iStartVert, // Which vertices to copy.
int nVerts,
int iStartIndex, // Which indices to copy.
int nIndices,
int indexOffset, // This is added to each index.
CMeshBuilder &builder )
// Spews the mesh data
void CEmptyMesh::Spew( int numVerts, int numIndices, const MeshDesc_t & desc )
void CEmptyMesh::ValidateData( int numVerts, int numIndices, const MeshDesc_t & desc )
// gets the associated material
IMaterial* CEmptyMesh::GetMaterial()
// umm. this don't work none
return 0;
// The shader shadow interface
m_IsTranslucent = false;
m_IsAlphaTested = false;
m_bIsDepthWriteEnabled = true;
m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders = false;
// Sets the default *shadow* state
void CShaderShadowEmpty::SetDefaultState()
m_IsTranslucent = false;
m_IsAlphaTested = false;
m_bIsDepthWriteEnabled = true;
m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders = false;
// Methods related to depth buffering
void CShaderShadowEmpty::DepthFunc( ShaderDepthFunc_t depthFunc )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableDepthWrites( bool bEnable )
m_bIsDepthWriteEnabled = bEnable;
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableDepthTest( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnablePolyOffset( PolygonOffsetMode_t nOffsetMode )
// Suppresses/activates color writing
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableColorWrites( bool bEnable )
// Suppresses/activates alpha writing
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableAlphaWrites( bool bEnable )
// Methods related to alpha blending
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableBlending( bool bEnable )
m_IsTranslucent = bEnable;
void CShaderShadowEmpty::BlendFunc( ShaderBlendFactor_t srcFactor, ShaderBlendFactor_t dstFactor )
// A simpler method of dealing with alpha modulation
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableAlphaPipe( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableConstantAlpha( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableVertexAlpha( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableTextureAlpha( TextureStage_t stage, bool bEnable )
// Alpha testing
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableAlphaTest( bool bEnable )
m_IsAlphaTested = bEnable;
void CShaderShadowEmpty::AlphaFunc( ShaderAlphaFunc_t alphaFunc, float alphaRef /* [0-1] */ )
// Wireframe/filled polygons
void CShaderShadowEmpty::PolyMode( ShaderPolyModeFace_t face, ShaderPolyMode_t polyMode )
// Back face culling
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableCulling( bool bEnable )
// Alpha to coverage
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableAlphaToCoverage( bool bEnable )
// constant color + transparency
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableConstantColor( bool bEnable )
// Indicates the vertex format for use with a vertex shader
// The flags to pass in here come from the VertexFormatFlags_t enum
// If pTexCoordDimensions is *not* specified, we assume all coordinates
// are 2-dimensional
void CShaderShadowEmpty::VertexShaderVertexFormat( unsigned int nFlags,
int nTexCoordCount,
int* pTexCoordDimensions,
int nUserDataSize )
// Indicates we're going to light the model
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableLighting( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableSpecular( bool bEnable )
// Activate/deactivate skinning
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableVertexBlend( bool bEnable )
// per texture unit stuff
void CShaderShadowEmpty::OverbrightValue( TextureStage_t stage, float value )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableTexture( Sampler_t stage, bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableCustomPixelPipe( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::CustomTextureStages( int stageCount )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::CustomTextureOperation( TextureStage_t stage, ShaderTexChannel_t channel,
ShaderTexOp_t op, ShaderTexArg_t arg1, ShaderTexArg_t arg2 )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableTexGen( TextureStage_t stage, bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::TexGen( TextureStage_t stage, ShaderTexGenParam_t param )
// Sets the vertex and pixel shaders
void CShaderShadowEmpty::SetVertexShader( const char *pShaderName, int vshIndex )
m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders = ( pShaderName != NULL );
void CShaderShadowEmpty::EnableBlendingSeparateAlpha( bool bEnable )
void CShaderShadowEmpty::SetPixelShader( const char *pShaderName, int pshIndex )
m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders = ( pShaderName != NULL );
void CShaderShadowEmpty::BlendFuncSeparateAlpha( ShaderBlendFactor_t srcFactor, ShaderBlendFactor_t dstFactor )
// indicates what per-vertex data we're providing
void CShaderShadowEmpty::DrawFlags( unsigned int drawFlags )
// Shader API Empty
// Constructor, destructor
CShaderAPIEmpty::CShaderAPIEmpty() : m_Mesh( false )
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::DoRenderTargetsNeedSeparateDepthBuffer() const
return false;
// Can we download textures?
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::CanDownloadTextures() const
return false;
// Used to clear the transition table when we know it's become invalid.
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearSnapshots()
// Members of IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::HasDestAlphaBuffer() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::HasStencilBuffer() const
return false;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxViewports() const
return 1;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetShadowFilterMode() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::StencilBufferBits() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetFrameBufferColorDepth() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetSamplerCount() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 60))
return 1;
if (( ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel >= 60 ) && ( ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 80 ))
return 2;
return 4;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::HasSetDeviceGammaRamp() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsCompressedTextures() const
return false;
VertexCompressionType_t CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsCompressedVertices() const
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 80))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsPixelShaders_1_4() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 81))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsPixelShaders_2_0() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 90))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 90))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::ActuallySupportsPixelShaders_2_b() const
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsShaderModel_3_0() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 95))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsStaticControlFlow() const
if ( IsOpenGL() )
return false;
return SupportsVertexShaders_2_0();
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsVertexShaders_2_0() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 90))
return false;
return true;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaximumAnisotropicLevel() const
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetAnisotropicLevel( int nAnisotropyLevel )
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxTextureWidth() const
// Should be big enough to cover all cases
return 16384;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxTextureHeight() const
// Should be big enough to cover all cases
return 16384;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxTextureAspectRatio() const
// Should be big enough to cover all cases
return 16384;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::TextureMemorySize() const
// fake it
return 64 * 1024 * 1024;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetDXSupportLevel() const
return 90;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsOverbright() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsCubeMaps() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 70))
return false;
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsNonPow2Textures() const
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsMipmappedCubemaps() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 70))
return false;
return true;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetTextureStageCount() const
return 4;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::NumVertexShaderConstants() const
return 128;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::NumBooleanVertexShaderConstants() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::NumIntegerVertexShaderConstants() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::NumPixelShaderConstants() const
return 8;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxNumLights() const
return 4;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsSpheremapping() const
return false;
// This is the max dx support level supported by the card
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetMaxDXSupportLevel() const
return 90;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsHardwareLighting() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 70))
return false;
return true;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxBlendMatrices() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 70))
return 1;
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxBlendMatrixIndices() const
if ((ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel > 0) &&
(ShaderUtil()->GetConfig().dxSupportLevel < 70))
return 1;
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxVertexShaderBlendMatrices() const
return 0;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::MaxUserClipPlanes() const
return 0;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SpecifiesFogColorInLinearSpace() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsSRGB() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::FakeSRGBWrite() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::CanDoSRGBReadFromRTs() const
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::SupportsGLMixedSizeTargets() const
return false;
const char *CShaderAPIEmpty::GetHWSpecificShaderDLLName() const
return 0;
// Sets the default *dynamic* state
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetDefaultState()
// Returns the snapshot id for the shader state
StateSnapshot_t CShaderAPIEmpty::TakeSnapshot( )
StateSnapshot_t id = 0;
if (g_ShaderShadow.m_IsTranslucent)
if (g_ShaderShadow.m_IsAlphaTested)
if (g_ShaderShadow.m_bUsesVertexAndPixelShaders)
if (g_ShaderShadow.m_bIsDepthWriteEnabled)
return id;
// Returns true if the state snapshot is transparent
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsTranslucent( StateSnapshot_t id ) const
return (id & TRANSLUCENT) != 0;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsAlphaTested( StateSnapshot_t id ) const
return (id & ALPHATESTED) != 0;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsDepthWriteEnabled( StateSnapshot_t id ) const
return (id & DEPTHWRITE) != 0;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::UsesVertexAndPixelShaders( StateSnapshot_t id ) const
return (id & VERTEX_AND_PIXEL_SHADERS) != 0;
// Gets the vertex format for a set of snapshot ids
VertexFormat_t CShaderAPIEmpty::ComputeVertexFormat( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const
return 0;
// Gets the vertex format for a set of snapshot ids
VertexFormat_t CShaderAPIEmpty::ComputeVertexUsage( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const
return 0;
// Uses a state snapshot
void CShaderAPIEmpty::UseSnapshot( StateSnapshot_t snapshot )
// Sets the color to modulate by
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color3f( float r, float g, float b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color3fv( float const* pColor )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color4f( float r, float g, float b, float a )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color4fv( float const* pColor )
// Faster versions of color
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color3ubv( unsigned char const* rgb )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Color4ubv( unsigned char const* rgba )
// The shade mode
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ShadeMode( ShaderShadeMode_t mode )
// Binds a particular material to render with
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Bind( IMaterial* pMaterial )
// Cull mode
void CShaderAPIEmpty::CullMode( MaterialCullMode_t cullMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ForceDepthFuncEquals( bool bEnable )
// Forces Z buffering on or off
void CShaderAPIEmpty::OverrideDepthEnable( bool bEnable, bool bDepthEnable )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bAlphaWriteEnable )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bColorWriteEnable )
//legacy fast clipping linkage
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetHeightClipZ( float z )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetHeightClipMode( enum MaterialHeightClipMode_t heightClipMode )
// Sets the lights
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetLight( int lightNum, const LightDesc_t& desc )
// Sets lighting origin for the current model
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetLightingOrigin( Vector vLightingOrigin )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetAmbientLightCube( Vector4D cube[6] )
// Get lights
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetMaxLights( void ) const
return 0;
const LightDesc_t& CShaderAPIEmpty::GetLight( int lightNum ) const
static LightDesc_t blah;
return blah;
// Render state for the ambient light cube (vertex shaders)
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetVertexShaderStateAmbientLightCube()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetSkinningMatrices()
// Lightmap texture binding
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindLightmap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindBumpLightmap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindFullbrightLightmap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindWhite( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindBlack( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindGrey( TextureStage_t stage )
// Gets the lightmap dimensions
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetLightmapDimensions( int *w, int *h )
g_pShaderUtil->GetLightmapDimensions( w, h );
// Special system flat normal map binding.
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindFlatNormalMap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindNormalizationCubeMap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindSignedNormalizationCubeMap( TextureStage_t stage )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindFBTexture( TextureStage_t stage, int textureIndex )
// Flushes any primitives that are buffered
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FlushBufferedPrimitives()
// Gets the dynamic mesh; note that you've got to render the mesh
// before calling this function a second time. Clients should *not*
// call DestroyStaticMesh on the mesh returned by this call.
IMesh* CShaderAPIEmpty::GetDynamicMesh( IMaterial* pMaterial, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool buffered, IMesh* pVertexOverride, IMesh* pIndexOverride )
return &m_Mesh;
IMesh* CShaderAPIEmpty::GetDynamicMeshEx( IMaterial* pMaterial, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool buffered, IMesh* pVertexOverride, IMesh* pIndexOverride )
return &m_Mesh;
IMesh* CShaderAPIEmpty::GetFlexMesh()
return &m_Mesh;
// Begins a rendering pass that uses a state snapshot
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BeginPass( StateSnapshot_t snapshot )
// Renders a single pass of a material
void CShaderAPIEmpty::RenderPass( int nPass, int nPassCount )
// stuff related to matrix stacks
void CShaderAPIEmpty::MatrixMode( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PushMatrix()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PopMatrix()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::LoadMatrix( float *m )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::MultMatrix( float *m )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::MultMatrixLocal( float *m )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetMatrix( MaterialMatrixMode_t matrixMode, float *dst )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::LoadIdentity( void )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::LoadCameraToWorld( void )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Ortho( double left, double top, double right, double bottom, double zNear, double zFar )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PerspectiveX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PerspectiveOffCenterX( double fovx, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar, double bottom, double top, double left, double right )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PickMatrix( int x, int y, int width, int height )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Rotate( float angle, float x, float y, float z )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Translate( float x, float y, float z )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::Scale( float x, float y, float z )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ScaleXY( float x, float y )
// Fog methods...
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogStart( float fStart )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogEnd( float fEnd )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetFogZ( float fogZ )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogMaxDensity( float flMaxDensity )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetFogDistances( float *fStart, float *fEnd, float *fFogZ )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SceneFogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SceneFogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetSceneFogColor( unsigned char *rgb )
MaterialFogMode_t CShaderAPIEmpty::GetSceneFogMode( )
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetPixelFogCombo( )
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogColor3f( float r, float g, float b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogColor3fv( float const* rgb )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FogColor3ubv( unsigned char const* rgb )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetViewports( int nCount, const ShaderViewport_t* pViewports )
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetViewports( ShaderViewport_t* pViewports, int nMax ) const
return 1;
// Sets the vertex and pixel shaders
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetVertexShaderIndex( int vshIndex )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetPixelShaderIndex( int pshIndex )
// Sets the constant registers for vertex and pixel shaders
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetVertexShaderConstant( int var, float const* pVec, int numConst, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetBooleanVertexShaderConstant( int var, BOOL const* pVec, int numConst, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetIntegerVertexShaderConstant( int var, int const* pVec, int numConst, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetPixelShaderConstant( int var, float const* pVec, int numConst, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetBooleanPixelShaderConstant( int var, BOOL const* pVec, int numBools, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetIntegerPixelShaderConstant( int var, int const* pVec, int numIntVecs, bool bForce )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::InvalidateDelayedShaderConstants( void )
float CShaderAPIEmpty::GammaToLinear_HardwareSpecific( float fGamma ) const
return 0.0f;
float CShaderAPIEmpty::LinearToGamma_HardwareSpecific( float fLinear ) const
return 0.0f;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetLinearToGammaConversionTextures( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hSRGBWriteEnabledTexture, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hIdentityTexture )
// Returns the nearest supported format
ImageFormat CShaderAPIEmpty::GetNearestSupportedFormat( ImageFormat fmt, bool bFilteringRequired /* = true */ ) const
return fmt;
ImageFormat CShaderAPIEmpty::GetNearestRenderTargetFormat( ImageFormat fmt ) const
return fmt;
// Sets the texture state
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BindTexture( Sampler_t stage, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearColor4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a )
// Indicates we're going to be modifying this texture
// TexImage2D, TexSubImage2D, TexWrap, TexMinFilter, and TexMagFilter
// all use the texture specified by this function.
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ModifyTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle )
// Texture management methods
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexImage2D( int level, int cubeFace, ImageFormat dstFormat, int zOffset, int width, int height,
ImageFormat srcFormat, bool bSrcIsTiled, void *imageData )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexSubImage2D( int level, int cubeFace, int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset, int width, int height,
ImageFormat srcFormat, int srcStride, bool bSrcIsTiled, void *imageData )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexImageFromVTF( IVTFTexture *pVTF, int iVTFFrame )
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::TexLock( int level, int cubeFaceID, int xOffset, int yOffset,
int width, int height, CPixelWriter& writer )
return false;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexUnlock( )
// These are bound to the texture, not the texture environment
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexMinFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexMagFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexWrap( ShaderTexCoordComponent_t coord, ShaderTexWrapMode_t wrapMode )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::TexSetPriority( int priority )
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CShaderAPIEmpty::CreateTexture(
int width,
int height,
int depth,
ImageFormat dstImageFormat,
int numMipLevels,
int numCopies,
int flags,
const char *pDebugName,
const char *pTextureGroupName )
return 0;
// Create a multi-frame texture (equivalent to calling "CreateTexture" multiple times, but more efficient)
void CShaderAPIEmpty::CreateTextures(
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *pHandles,
int count,
int width,
int height,
int depth,
ImageFormat dstImageFormat,
int numMipLevels,
int numCopies,
int flags,
const char *pDebugName,
const char *pTextureGroupName )
for ( int k = 0; k < count; ++ k )
pHandles[ k ] = 0;
ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CShaderAPIEmpty::CreateDepthTexture( ImageFormat renderFormat, int width, int height, const char *pDebugName, bool bTexture )
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::DeleteTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle )
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle )
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsTextureResident( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle )
return false;
// stuff that isn't to be used from within a shader
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearBuffers( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth, bool bClearStencil, int renderTargetWidth, int renderTargetHeight )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearBuffersObeyStencil( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearBuffersObeyStencilEx( bool bClearColor, bool bClearAlpha, bool bClearDepth )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PerformFullScreenStencilOperation( void )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetScissorRect( const int nLeft, const int nTop, const int nRight, const int nBottom, const bool bEnableScissor )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ReadPixels( int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ReadPixels( Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat, int nDstStride )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::FlushHardware()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ResetRenderState( bool bFullReset )
// Set the number of bone weights
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetNumBoneWeights( int numBones )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::EnableHWMorphing( bool bEnable )
// Selection mode methods
int CShaderAPIEmpty::SelectionMode( bool selectionMode )
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SelectionBuffer( unsigned int* pBuffer, int size )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ClearSelectionNames( )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::LoadSelectionName( int name )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PushSelectionName( int name )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::PopSelectionName()
// Use this to get the mesh builder that allows us to modify vertex data
CMeshBuilder* CShaderAPIEmpty::GetVertexModifyBuilder()
return 0;
// Board-independent calls, here to unify how shaders set state
// Implementations should chain back to IShaderUtil->BindTexture(), etc.
// Use this to begin and end the frame
void CShaderAPIEmpty::BeginFrame()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::EndFrame()
// returns the current time in seconds....
double CShaderAPIEmpty::CurrentTime() const
return Sys_FloatTime();
// Get the current camera position in world space.
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( float * pPos ) const
void CShaderAPIEmpty::ForceHardwareSync( void )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetClipPlane( int index, const float *pPlane )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::EnableClipPlane( int index, bool bEnable )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetFastClipPlane( const float *pPlane )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::EnableFastClip( bool bEnable )
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetCurrentNumBones( void ) const
return 0;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::IsHWMorphingEnabled( void ) const
return false;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetCurrentLightCombo( void ) const
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::GetDX9LightState( LightState_t *state ) const
state->m_nNumLights = 0;
state->m_bAmbientLight = false;
state->m_bStaticLightVertex = false;
state->m_bStaticLightTexel = false;
MaterialFogMode_t CShaderAPIEmpty::GetCurrentFogType( void ) const
void CShaderAPIEmpty::RecordString( const char *pStr )
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::ReadPixelsFromFrontBuffer() const
return true;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::PreferDynamicTextures() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::PreferReducedFillrate() const
return false;
bool CShaderAPIEmpty::HasProjectedBumpEnv() const
return true;
int CShaderAPIEmpty::GetCurrentDynamicVBSize( void )
return 0;
void CShaderAPIEmpty::DestroyVertexBuffers( bool bExitingLevel )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::EvictManagedResources()
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetTextureTransformDimension( TextureStage_t textureStage, int dimension, bool projected )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SetBumpEnvMatrix( TextureStage_t textureStage, float m00, float m01, float m10, float m11 )
void CShaderAPIEmpty::SyncToken( const char *pToken )