FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

438 lines
10 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "movieobjects/dmedag.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeshape.h"
#include "datamodel/dmelementfactoryhelper.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmetransform.h"
#include "movieobjects_interfaces.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmedrawsettings.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Expose this class to the scene database
// Purpose:
CUtlStack<CDmeDag::TransformInfo_t> CDmeDag::s_TransformStack;
bool CDmeDag::s_bDrawUsingEngineCoordinates = false;
// Purpose:
void CDmeDag::OnConstruction()
m_Transform.InitAndCreate( this, "transform", GetName() );
m_Shape.Init( this, "shape" );
m_Visible.InitAndSet( this, "visible", true, FATTRIB_HAS_CALLBACK );
m_Children.Init( this, "children" );
void CDmeDag::OnDestruction()
g_pDataModel->DestroyElement( m_Transform.Get() );
// Accessors
CDmeTransform *CDmeDag::GetTransform()
return m_Transform.GetElement();
CDmeShape *CDmeDag::GetShape()
return m_Shape.GetElement();
void CDmeDag::SetShape( CDmeShape *pShape )
m_Shape = pShape;
bool CDmeDag::IsVisible() const
return m_Visible;
void CDmeDag::SetVisible( bool bVisible )
m_Visible = bVisible;
// Returns the visibility attribute for DmeRenderable support
CDmAttribute *CDmeDag::GetVisibilityAttribute()
return m_Visible.GetAttribute();
// child helpers
const CUtlVector< DmElementHandle_t > &CDmeDag::GetChildren() const
return m_Children.Get();
int CDmeDag::GetChildCount() const
return m_Children.Count();
CDmeDag *CDmeDag::GetChild( int i ) const
if ( i < 0 || i >= m_Children.Count() )
return NULL;
return m_Children.Get( i );
void CDmeDag::AddChild( CDmeDag* pDag )
m_Children.AddToTail( pDag );
void CDmeDag::RemoveChild( int i )
m_Children.FastRemove( i );
void CDmeDag::RemoveChild( const CDmeDag *pChild, bool bRecurse )
int i = FindChild( pChild );
if ( i >= 0 )
RemoveChild( i );
int CDmeDag::FindChild( const CDmeDag *pChild ) const
return m_Children.Find( pChild->GetHandle() );
// recursive
int CDmeDag::FindChild( CDmeDag *&pParent, const CDmeDag *pChild )
int index = FindChild( pChild );
if ( index >= 0 )
pParent = this;
return index;
int nChildren = m_Children.Count();
for ( int ci = 0; ci < nChildren; ++ci )
index = m_Children[ ci ]->FindChild( pParent, pChild );
if ( index >= 0 )
return index;
pParent = NULL;
return -1;
int CDmeDag::FindChild( const char *name ) const
int nChildren = m_Children.Count();
for ( int ci = 0; ci < nChildren; ++ci )
if ( V_strcmp( m_Children[ ci ]->GetName(), name ) == 0 )
return ci;
return -1;
CDmeDag *CDmeDag::FindOrAddChild( const char *name )
int i = FindChild( name );
if ( i >= 0 )
return GetChild( i );
CDmeDag *pChild = CreateElement< CDmeDag >( name, GetFileId() );
AddChild( pChild );
return pChild;
// Recursively render the Dag hierarchy
void CDmeDag::PushDagTransform()
int i = s_TransformStack.Push();
TransformInfo_t &info = s_TransformStack[i];
info.m_pTransform = GetTransform();
info.m_bComputedDagToWorld = false;
void CDmeDag::PopDagTransform()
Assert( s_TransformStack.Top().m_pTransform == GetTransform() );
// Transform from DME to engine coordinates
void CDmeDag::DmeToEngineMatrix( matrix3x4_t& dmeToEngine )
VMatrix rotation, rotationZ;
MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), 90 );
MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotationZ, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), 90 );
ConcatTransforms( rotation.As3x4(), rotationZ.As3x4(), dmeToEngine );
// Transform from engine to DME coordinates
void CDmeDag::EngineToDmeMatrix( matrix3x4_t& engineToDme )
VMatrix rotation, rotationZ;
MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), -90 );
MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotationZ, Vector( 0, 1, 0 ), -90 );
ConcatTransforms( rotationZ.As3x4(), rotation.As3x4(), engineToDme );
void CDmeDag::GetShapeToWorldTransform( matrix3x4_t &mat )
int nCount = s_TransformStack.Count();
if ( nCount == 0 )
if ( !s_bDrawUsingEngineCoordinates )
SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
DmeToEngineMatrix( mat );
if ( s_TransformStack.Top().m_bComputedDagToWorld )
MatrixCopy( s_TransformStack.Top().m_DagToWorld, mat );
// Compute all uncomputed dag to worls
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
TransformInfo_t &info = s_TransformStack[i];
if ( !info.m_bComputedDagToWorld )
// Set up the initial transform
if ( i == 0 )
if ( !s_bDrawUsingEngineCoordinates )
SetIdentityMatrix( mat );
DmeToEngineMatrix( mat );
MatrixCopy( s_TransformStack[i-1].m_DagToWorld, mat );
// Compute all transforms
for ( ; i < nCount; ++i )
matrix3x4_t localToParent;
TransformInfo_t &info = s_TransformStack[i];
info.m_pTransform->GetTransform( localToParent );
ConcatTransforms( mat, localToParent, info.m_DagToWorld );
info.m_bComputedDagToWorld = true;
MatrixCopy( info.m_DagToWorld, mat );
void CDmeDag::GetLocalMatrix( matrix3x4_t &m )
CDmeTransform *pTransform = GetTransform();
if ( pTransform )
pTransform->GetTransform( m );
SetIdentityMatrix( m );
void CDmeDag::GetWorldMatrix( matrix3x4_t &m )
GetLocalMatrix( m );
const static UtlSymId_t symChildren = g_pDataModel->GetSymbol( "children" );
CDmeDag *pParent = FindReferringElement< CDmeDag >( this, symChildren );
if ( pParent )
matrix3x4_t localMatrix;
GetLocalMatrix( localMatrix );
matrix3x4_t parentWorldMatrix;
pParent->GetWorldMatrix( parentWorldMatrix );
ConcatTransforms( parentWorldMatrix, localMatrix, m );
GetLocalMatrix( m );
void CDmeDag::GetParentWorldMatrix( matrix3x4_t &m )
const static UtlSymId_t symChildren = g_pDataModel->GetSymbol( "children" );
CDmeDag *pParent = FindReferringElement< CDmeDag >( this, symChildren );
if ( pParent )
pParent->GetWorldMatrix( m );
SetIdentityMatrix( m );
// Recursively render the Dag hierarchy
void CDmeDag::DrawUsingEngineCoordinates( bool bEnable )
s_bDrawUsingEngineCoordinates = bEnable;
// Recursively render the Dag hierarchy
void CDmeDag::Draw( CDmeDrawSettings *pDrawSettings )
if ( !m_Visible )
CDmeShape *pShape = GetShape();
if ( pShape )
matrix3x4_t shapeToWorld;
GetShapeToWorldTransform( shapeToWorld );
pShape->Draw( shapeToWorld, pDrawSettings );
uint cn = m_Children.Count();
for ( uint ci = 0; ci < cn; ++ci )
m_Children[ ci ]->Draw( pDrawSettings );
void CDmeDag::GetBoundingSphere( Vector &c0, float &r0, const matrix3x4_t &pMat ) const
matrix3x4_t lMat;
m_Transform.GetElement()->GetTransform( lMat );
matrix3x4_t wMat;
ConcatTransforms( pMat, lMat, wMat );
r0 = 0.0f;
const CDmeShape *pShape = m_Shape.GetElement();
if ( pShape )
pShape->GetBoundingSphere( c0, r0 );
// No scale in Dme! :)
Vector vTemp;
VectorTransform( c0, pMat, vTemp );
const int nChildren = m_Children.Count();
if ( nChildren > 0 )
Vector c1; // Child center
float r1; // Child radius
Vector v01; // c1 - c0
float l01; // |v01|
for ( int i = 0; i < nChildren; ++i )
m_Children[ i ]->GetBoundingSphere( c1, r1, wMat );
if ( r0 == 0.0f )
c0 = c1;
r0 = r1;
v01 = c1 - c0;
l01 = v01.NormalizeInPlace();
if ( r0 < l01 + r1 )
// Current sphere doesn't contain both spheres
if ( r1 < l01 + r0 )
// Child sphere doesn't contain both spheres
c0 = c0 + 0.5f * ( r1 + l01 - r0 ) * v01;
r0 = 0.5f * ( r0 + l01 + r1 );
// Child sphere contains both spheres
c0 = c1;
r0 = r1;