FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

574 lines
22 KiB

# This script is used to parse the results of the Visual C++ /analyze feature.
# See the 'usage' section for details.
# Regular expression experimentation was done at http://www.pythonregex.com/
# The buildbot warning parser that looks at this script uses the default compile warning
# parser which is documented at http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/0.8.4/Compile.html
# The regex used is '.*warning[: ].*'. This means that any instance of 'warning:' or
# 'warning ' will be flagged as a warning. The check is case sensitive so Warning will
# not be flagged as a warning. This script remaps warning to 'wrning' in some places so
# that lists of fixed warnings or old warnings will not trigger warning detection.
# Similarly it remaps error to 'eror'.
# Typical warning messages might look like this:
# 2>d:\dota\src\tier1\bitbuf.cpp(1336): warning C6001: Using uninitialized memory 'retval': Lines: 1327, 1328, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1336
import re
import sys
import os
# Grab per-project configuration information from the analyzeconfig package
import analyzeconfig
ignorePaths = analyzeconfig.ignorePaths
alwaysFatalWarnings = analyzeconfig.alwaysFatalWarnings.keys()
fatalWhenNewWarnings = analyzeconfig.fatalWhenNewWarnings.keys()
remaps = analyzeconfig.remaps
informationalWarnings = analyzeconfig.informationalWarnings
lkgFilename = "analyzelkg.txt"
# This matches 0-3 digits and an optional '>' character. Some builds prefix the output
# with '10>' or something equivalent, but some builds do not.
prefixRePattern = r"\d?\d?\d?>?"
warningWithLinesRe = re.compile(prefixRePattern + r"(.*)\((\d+)\): warning C(\d{4,5})(.*)(: Lines:.*)")
warningRe = re.compile(prefixRePattern + r"(.*)\((\d+)\): warning C(\d{4,5})(.*)")
errorRe = re.compile(prefixRePattern + r"(.*)\((\d+)\): error C(\d{4,5})(.*)")
# For reparsing the keys that we use to store the parsed log data:
# The format for keys is like this:
# key = "%s %s in %s" % (type, warningNumber, filename)
parseKeyRe = re.compile(r"(.*) (\d{4,5}) in (.*)")
warningsToText = {
2719 : "Formal parameter with __declspec(align('n')) won't be aligned",
4005 : "Macro redefinition",
4100 : "Unreferenced formal parameter",
4189 : "Local variable is initialized but not referenced",
4245 : "Signed/unsigned mismatch",
4505 : "Unreferenced local function has been removed",
4611 : "interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable",
4703 : "Potentially uninitialized local pointer variable used",
4789 : "Destination of memory copy is too small",
6001 : "Using uninitialized memory",
6029 : "Possible buffer overrun: use of unchecked value",
6053 : "Call to <function> may not zero-terminate string",
6054 : "String may not be zero-terminated",
6057 : "Buffer overrun due to number of characters/number of bytes mismatch",
6059 : "Incorrect length parameter",
6063 : "Missing string argument",
6064 : "Missing integer argument",
6066 : "Non-pointer passed as parameter when pointer is required",
6067 : "Parameter in call must be the address of the string",
6200 : "Index is out of valid index range for non-stack buffer",
6201 : "Out of range index",
6202 : "Buffer overrun for stack allocated variable in call to function",
6203 : "Buffer overrun for non-stack buffer",
6204 : "Possible buffer overrun: use of unchecked parameter",
6209 : "Using sizeof when a character count might be needed. Annotate with OUT_Z_CAP or its relatives",
6216 : "Compiler-inserted cast between semantically different integral types: a Boolean type to HRESULT",
6221 : "Implicit cast between semantically different integer types",
6219 : "Implicit cast between semantically different integer types",
6236 : "(<expression> || <non-zero constant>) is always a non-zero constant",
6244 : "Local declaration shadows declaration of same name in global scope",
6246 : "Local declaration shadows declaration of same name in outer scope",
6248 : "Setting a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR's DACL to NULL will result in an unprotected object",
6258 : "Using TerminateThread does not allow proper thread clean up",
6262 : "Excessive stack usage in function",
6263 : "Using _alloca in a loop: this can quickly overflow stack",
6269 : "Possible incorrect order of operations: dereference ignored",
6270 : "Missing float argument to varargs function",
6271 : "Extra argument passed: parameter is not used by the format string",
6272 : "Non-float passed as argument <number> when float is required",
6273 : "Non-integer passed as a parameter when integer is required",
6277 : "NULL application name with an unquoted path results in a security vulnerability if the path contains spaces",
6278 : "Buffer is allocated with array new [], but deleted with scalar delete. Destructors will not be called",
6281 : "Incorrect order of operations: relational operators have higher precedence than bitwise operators",
6282 : "Incorrect operator: assignment of constant in Boolean context",
6283 : "Buffer is allocated with array new [], but deleted with scalar delete",
6284 : "Object passed as a parameter when string is required",
6286 : "(<non-zero constant> || <expression>) is always a non-zero constant.",
6287 : "Redundant code: the left and right sub-expressions are identical",
6290 : "Bitwise operation on logical result: ! has higher precedence than &. Use && or (!(x & y)) instead",
6293 : "Ill-defined for-loop: counts down from minimum",
6294 : "Ill-defined for-loop: initial condition does not satisfy test. Loop body not executed",
6295 : "Ill-defined for-loop: Loop executed indefinitely",
6297 : "Arithmetic overflow: 32-bit value is shifted, then cast to 64-bit value",
6298 : "Using a read-only string <pointer> as a writable string argument",
6302 : "Format string mismatch: character string passed as parameter when wide character string is required",
6306 : "Incorrect call to 'fprintf*': consider using 'vfprintf*' which accepts a va_list as an argument",
6313 : "Incorrect operator: zero-valued flag cannot be tested with bitwise-and. Use an equality test to check for zero-valued flags",
6316 : "Incorrect operator: tested expression is constant and non-zero. Use bitwise-and to determine whether bits are set",
6318 : "Ill-defined __try/__except: use of the constant EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ",
6328 : "Wrong parameter type passed",
6330 : "'const char' passed as a parameter when 'unsigned char' is required",
6333 : "Invalid parameter: passing MEM_RELEASE and a non-zero dwSize parameter to 'VirtualFree' is not allowed",
6334 : "Sizeof operator applied to an expression with an operator might yield unexpected results",
6336 : "Arithmetic operator has precedence over question operator, use parentheses to clarify intent",
6385 : "Out of range read",
6386 : "Out of range write",
6522 : "Invalid size specification: expression must be of integral type",
6523 : "Invalid size specification: parameter 'size' not found",
28199 : "Using possibly uninitialized: The variable has had its address taken but no assignment to it has been discovered.",
def Cleanup(textline):
for sourcePath in remaps.keys():
if textline.startswith(sourcePath):
return textline.replace(sourcePath, remaps[sourcePath])
return textline
def ParseLog(logName):
# Create a dictionary in which to store the results
# The keys for the dictionary are "warning 6328 in c:\buildbot\..."
# This means that the count of keys is not particularly meaningful. The
# length of each data item tells you the total number of raw warnings, but
# some of those are duplicates (from the same file being compiled multiple
# times). The UniqueWarningCount function can be used to find the number of
# unique warnings in each record.
# This probably could have been designed better, perhaps by having the key
# include the line number. Probably not worth changing now.
result = {}
lines = open(logName).readlines()
# First look for compiler crashes. Joy.
if analyzeconfig.abortOnCompilerCrash:
compilerCrashes = 0
for line in lines:
# Look for signs that the compiler crashed and if it did then abort.
if line.count("Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++") > 0:
compilerCrashes += 1
# Print a message in the warning format so that we can see how many times the
# compiler crashed on the buildbot waterfall page.
print "cl.exe(1): warning : internal compiler error, the compiler has crashed. Aborting code analysis."
# If the compiler crashes one or more times then give up.
if compilerCrashes > 0:
warningCount = 0
ignoredCount = 0
namePrinted = False
for line in lines:
# Some of the paths in the output lines have slashes instead of backslashes.
line = line.replace("/", "\\")
ignored = False
for path in ignorePaths:
if line.count(path) > 0:
ignored = True
ignoredCount += 1
if ignored:
filename = ""
type = "warning"
# Look for warnings with filename and line number. The groups returned
# are:
# file name
# line number
# warning number
# warning text
# optionally (warningWithLinesRe only) the lines implicated in the warning
warningMatch = warningWithLinesRe.match(line)
if not warningMatch:
warningMatch = warningRe.match(line)
if not warningMatch:
warningMatch = errorRe.match(line)
if warningMatch:
type = "error"
# We want to record how many errors of a particular type occur in a particular source
# file so we create a dictionary with [file name, warning number, isError] as the key.
if warningMatch:
filename = warningMatch.groups()[0]
lineNumber = warningMatch.groups()[1]
warningNumber = warningMatch.groups()[2]
warningText = warningMatch.groups()[3]
key = "%s %s in %s" % (type, warningNumber, filename)
data = "%s(%s): %s C%s%s" % (filename, lineNumber, type, warningNumber, warningText)
warningCount += 1
if key in result:
result[key] += [data]
result[key] = [data]
elif line.find(": warning") >= 0:
pass # Ignore these warnings for now
elif line.find(": error ") >= 0:
if not namePrinted:
namePrinted = True
print " Unhandled errors found in '%s'" % logName
print " %s" % line.strip()
uniqueWarningCount = 0
uniqueInformationalCount = 0
for key in result.keys():
count = UniqueWarningCount(result[key])
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = match.groups()[1]
if warningNumber in informationalWarnings:
uniqueInformationalCount += count
uniqueWarningCount += count
print "%d lines of output in %s, %d issues found, %d ignored, plus %d informational." % (len(lines), logName, uniqueWarningCount, ignoredCount, uniqueInformationalCount)
print ""
return result
# The output of this script is filtered by buildbot as described at
# http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/0.8.4/Compile.html which means that the
# warning text is generated by running it through re.match(".*warning[: ].*")
# The e-mails are generated by running them through BuildAnalyze.createSummary
# in //steam/main/tools/buildbot/shared_helpers.py. The two sets of regexes
# should be kept compatible.
# The matching is case sensitive so Warning is not matched.
def PrintEntries(newEntries, prefix, sanitize):
printedAlready = {}
for newEntry in newEntries:
if not newEntry in printedAlready:
printedAlready[newEntry] = True
# When printing out the list of warnings that have been fixed
# replace ": warning" with a string that will not be
# recognized by the buildbot parser as a warning so that the
# break e-mails will only include new warnings.
# Yes, this is a hack. In the future a custom parser/filter
# for the e-mails would be better.
if sanitize:
newEntry = newEntry.replace(": warning", ": wrning")
newEntry = newEntry.replace(": error", ": eror")
print "%s%s" % (prefix, Cleanup(newEntry))
def UniqueWarningCount(warningRecord):
# Warnings may be encountered multiple times (header files included
# from many places, or source files compiled multiple times) and these
# are all added to the warning record. However, for determining
# unique warnings we want to filter out these duplicates.
alreadySeen = {}
count = 0
for warning in warningRecord:
if not warning in alreadySeen:
alreadySeen[warning] = True
count += 1
return count
def DumpNewWarnings(old, new, oldname, newname):
newWarningsFound = False
warningsFixed = False
fatalWarningsFound = False
warningCounts = {}
oldWarningCounts = {}
sampleWarnings = {}
for key in new.keys():
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = int(match.groups()[1])
if warningNumber in alwaysFatalWarnings:
fatalWarningsFound = True
if warningNumber in warningCounts:
warningCounts[warningNumber] += UniqueWarningCount(new[key])
warningCounts[warningNumber] = UniqueWarningCount(new[key])
sampleWarnings[warningNumber] = new[key][0]
if not key in old:
newWarningsFound = True
if warningNumber in fatalWhenNewWarnings:
fatalWarningsFound = True
for key in old.keys():
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = int(match.groups()[1])
if warningNumber in oldWarningCounts:
oldWarningCounts[warningNumber] += UniqueWarningCount(old[key])
oldWarningCounts[warningNumber] = UniqueWarningCount(old[key])
if not warningNumber in sampleWarnings:
sampleWarnings[warningNumber] = old[key][0]
if not key in new:
warningsFixed = True
if fatalWarningsFound:
errorCode = 10
elif newWarningsFound:
errorCode = 10
errorCode = 0
# Make three passes through the warnings so that we group fatal, fatal-when-new, and
# new warnings together, with the fatal warnings first.
# The colons at the beginning of blank lines are so that buildbot's BuildAnalyze.createSummary
# will retain those lines.
for type in ["Fatal", "Fatal-when-new", "New"]:
fixing = "required"
if type == "New":
fixing = "optional"
message = "%s warning or warnings found. Fixing these is %s:\n:" % (type, fixing)
for key in new.keys():
newEntries = new[key]
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = int(match.groups()[1])
if warningNumber in alwaysFatalWarnings:
if type == "Fatal":
print message
message = ":"
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", False)
elif not key in old:
if warningNumber in fatalWhenNewWarnings:
if type == "Fatal-when-new":
print message
message = ":"
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", False)
if type == "New":
print message
message = ":"
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", False)
# If message is short then that means it was printed and then assigned to a short
# string, which means some warnings of this type were printed, which means we should
# print a separator.
if len(message) < 2:
print ":\n:\n:\n:\n:"
if warningsFixed:
print "\n\n\n\n\nOld issues that have been fixed:"
for key in old.keys():
oldEntries = old[key]
if not key in new:
print "Warning fixed in %s:" % newname
print "%d times:" % len(oldEntries)
PrintEntries(oldEntries, " ", True)
print ""
newEntries = new[key]
# Disable printing decreased warning counts -- too much noise.
if False and len(newEntries) < len(oldEntries):
print "Decreased wrning count:"
print " Old (%s):" % oldname
print " %d times:" % len(oldEntries)
PrintEntries(oldEntries, " ", True)
print " New (%s):" % newname
print " %d times:" % len(newEntries)
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", True)
print ""
print "\n\n\n"
warningStats = []
for warningNumber in warningCounts.keys():
warningCount = warningCounts[warningNumber]
if warningNumber in oldWarningCounts:
warningDiff = warningCount - oldWarningCounts[warningNumber]
warningDiff = warningCount
warningStats.append((warningCount, warningNumber, warningDiff))
for warningNumber in oldWarningCounts.keys():
if not warningNumber in warningCounts:
warningStats.append((0, warningNumber, -oldWarningCounts[warningNumber]))
for warningStat in warningStats:
warningNumber = warningStat[1]
description = ""
if warningNumber in warningsToText:
description = ", %s" % warningsToText[warningNumber]
# Replace warning/error with wrning/eror so that these warning summaries don't trigger the
# warning detection logic.
description = ", example: %s" % sampleWarnings[warningNumber].replace("warning", "wrning").replace("error", "eror")
print "%3d occurrences of C%d, changed %d%s" % (warningStat[0], warningStat[1], warningStat[2], description)
# Print a summary of all stack related warnings in the new data, regardless of whether they were in the old.
bigStackCulprits = {}
allocaCulprits = {}
# c:\src\simplify.cpp(1840): warning C6262: : Function uses '28708' bytes of stack: exceeds /analyze:stacksize'16384'. Consider moving some data to heap
stackUsedRe = re.compile("(.*): warning C6262: Function uses '(\d*)' .*")
print "\n\n\n"
print "Stack related summary:"
print "C6263: Using _alloca in a loop: this can quickly overflow stack"
bigStackCulprits = []
for key in new.keys():
# warning C6262: Function uses '400352' bytes of stack
# warning C6263: Using _alloca in a loop
stackMatch = parseKeyRe.match(key)
if stackMatch:
warningNumber = stackMatch.groups()[1]
if warningNumber == "6262":
#print "Found warning %s in %s" % (warningNumber, stackMatch.groups()[2])
entries = new[key]
printed = {}
for entry in entries:
if not entry in printed:
match = stackUsedRe.match(entry)
if match:
location = match.groups()[0]
stackBytes = int(match.groups()[1])
printed[entry] = True
bigStackCulprits.append((stackBytes, location))
elif warningNumber == "6263":
#print "Found warning %s in %s" % (warningNumber, stackMatch.groups()[2])
entries = new[key]
printed = {}
for entry in entries:
if not entry in printed:
print Cleanup(entry[:entry.find(": ")])
printed[entry] = True
print "\n\n"
print "C6262: Functions that use many bytes of stack"
print "filename(linenumber): bytes"
# Print a sorted summary of functions using excessive stack. It would be tidier
# to print the size first (better alignment) but then the output can't be used
# in the Visual Studio output window to jump to the code in question.
# Get the lengths of all of the file names
lengths = []
for val in bigStackCulprits:
if len(lengths) > 0:
# Set the length at the 9xth percentile so that most of the sizes
# are lined up.
formatLength = lengths[int(len(lengths)*.97)]
formatString = "%%-%ds: %%7d" % formatLength
for val in bigStackCulprits:
print formatString % (Cleanup(val[1]), val[0])
# Print a list of all of the outstanding warnings
print "\n\n\n"
print "Outstanding warnings are:"
DumpWarnings(new, True)
return (errorCode, fatalWarningsFound)
def DumpWarnings(new, ignoreInformational):
filePrinted = {}
# If we just scan the dictionary then warnings will be grouped
# by warning-number-in-file, but different warning numbers from the
# same file will be scattered, and different files from the same
# directory will also be scattered.
# We really want warnings sorted by path name. To do that we scan
# through the dictionary and add all of the entries to a dictionary
# whose primary key is filename (path). Then we sort those keys.
warningsByFile = {}
for key in new.keys():
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
type, warningNumber, filename = match.groups()
if filename in warningsByFile:
warningsByFile[filename] = [key]
filenames = warningsByFile.keys()
for filename in filenames:
for key in warningsByFile[filename]:
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = match.groups()[1]
if ignoreInformational and warningNumber in informationalWarnings:
newEntries = new[key]
print "%d times:" % len(newEntries)
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", True)
print ""
if ignoreInformational:
# Print the 6244 and 6246 warnings together in a group. We print
# them here so that they are sorted by file name.
print "\n\n\nVariable shadowing warnings"
for filename in filenames:
for key in warningsByFile[filename]:
match = parseKeyRe.match(key)
warningNumber = match.groups()[1]
if warningNumber == "6244" or warningNumber == "6246":
newEntries = new[key]
PrintEntries(newEntries, " ", True)
print ""
def GetLogFileName(arg):
# Special indicator for last-known-good. This means that the script
# should look for analysislkg.txt and extract a file name from it.
# Temporarily have "2" be equivalent to "lkg" to allow for a transition
# to the lkg model.
if arg == "lkg" or arg == "2":
lines = open(lkgFilename).readlines()
if len(lines) > 0:
result = lines[0].strip()
print "LKG analysis results are in '%s'" % result
return result
print "No data found in %s" % lkgFilename
except IOError:
print "Failed to open %s" % lkgFilename
arg = 2
x = int(arg)
return arg
if x <= 0:
print "Numerical arguments must be from 1 to numlogs (%s)" % arg
basedir = r"."
dirEntries = os.listdir(basedir)
logRe = re.compile(r"analyze(.*)_cl_(\d+).txt");
logs = []
for entry in dirEntries:
if logRe.match(entry):
# This will throw an exception if there aren't enough log files
# available.
newname = os.path.join(basedir, logs[-x])
return newname
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "Usage:"
print "To get a comparison between two error log files:"
print " Syntax: parseerrors newlogfile oldlogfile"
print "To get a summary of a single log file:"
print " Syntax: parseerrors logfile"
print "To get a summary of the two most recent log files:"
print " Syntax: parseerrors 1 2"
print "Log files can also be indicated by number where '1' is the"
print "most recent, '2' is second oldest, etc."
newname = GetLogFileName(sys.argv[1])
resultnew = ParseLog(newname)
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
oldname = GetLogFileName(sys.argv[2])
resultold = ParseLog(oldname)
result = DumpNewWarnings(resultold, resultnew, oldname, newname)
errorCode = result[0]
fatalWarningsFound = result[1]
if fatalWarningsFound == 0:
if analyzeconfig.updateLastKnownGood:
print "Updating last-known-good."
lkgOutput = open(lkgFilename, "wt")
print "Updating last-known-good is disabled."
DumpWarnings(resultnew, False)