FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1668 lines
40 KiB

use strict;
no strict 'refs';
# Data Section
my(@lines) = (); # holds the input file
my(@tabs) = (); # for indentation
my(@lineToPrint) = (); # current formatted output line
#my(@configOutput) = (); # output from configuration parsing
my(%configOutput) = (); # hash of configuration-specific config options
my($currentConfig) = ""; # configuration currently being parsed
my($nameFound) = 0; # flag set when project name has been parsed
my($lineCt) = 0; # current line number in the source file
my($exclusionsFound) = 0; # an file has been 'excluded from build' for some configuration
my($projectName) = ""; # base name of the project
my($parsingFiles) = 0; # a cheap state variable
my($splitConfigs) = 0; # debug variable set from the commmand line
my($outputPath) = undef;# optional path for the vpc destination
my($spaceBeforeFolder) = 0; # tracks when to add a line before folder blocks
my($spaceBeforeFile) = 0; # tracks when to add a line before file blocks
my($tabstop) = 4; # size of tabs - 4 for visual studio
my($srcdirBackslash) = undef;# holds the value of the macro SRCDIR, with \ separators
my($srcdirForwardslash) = undef;# holds the value of the macro SRCDIR, with / separators
my($usestring) = 1; # use string values for compiler options
my($stripEmptyOptions) = 1; # remove compiler options that have empty values (strings)
if ( $ARGV[1] =~ /useindex/ )
$usestring = 0;
elsif ( $ARGV[1] =~ /allownullstrings/ )
$stripEmptyOptions = 0;
elsif ( $ARGV[1] =~ /-o/ )
$outputPath = $ARGV[2];
# Match vcproj option keywords with vpc keywords - only string or yes/no value options
# String on the left matches the option name in the VCProj.
# String on the right matches the option name in vpc
my(%configOptionsSingleValue) = (
# Configuration
"General" =>
# General
"OutputDirectory" => "OutputDirectory",
"IntermediateDirectory" => "IntermediateDirectory",
"DeleteExtensionsOnClean" => "ExtensionsToDeleteOnClean",
"BrowseInformation" => "BuildBrowserInformation",
"ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage" => "MinimizeCRTUseInATL",
"ManagedExtensions" => "UseManagedExtensions",
"WholeProgramOptimization" => "WholeProgramOptimization",
"ReferencesPath" => "ReferencesPath",
"ExcludedFromBuild" => "ExcludedFromBuild",
# Debugging
# C/C++
"VCCLCompilerTool" =>
# General
"AdditionalIncludeDirectories" => "AdditionalIncludeDirectories",
"AdditionalUsingDirectories" => "ResolveUsingReferences",
"WarningLevel" => "WarningLevel",
# Optimization
# Preprocessor
"PreprocessorDefinitions" => "PreprocessorDefinitions",
# Code Generation
# Language
# Precompiled Headers
"PrecompiledHeaderThrough" => "Create/UsePCHThroughFile",
"PrecompiledHeaderFile" => "PrecompiledHeaderFile",
# Output Files
"AssemblerListingLocation" => "ASMListLocation",
"ObjectFile" => "ObjectFileName",
"ProgramDataBaseFileName" => "ProgramDatabaseFileName",
# Browse Information
"BrowseInformationFile" => "BrowseFile",
# Advanced
"DisableSpecificWarnings" => "DisableSpecificWarnings",
"ForcedIncludeFiles" => "ForceIncludes",
"ForcedUsingFiles" => "ForceUsing",
"UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions" => "UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions",
# Command Line
"AdditionalOptions" => "AdditionalOptions",
# Librarian
"VCLibrarianTool" =>
# General
"OutputFile" => "ResourceOutputFileName",
"AdditionalDependencies" => "AdditionalDependencies",
"AdditionalLibraryDirectories" => "AdditionalLibraryDirectories",
"ModuleDefinitionFile" => "ModuleDefinitionFileName",
"IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames" => "IgnoreSpecificLibrary",
"ExportNamedFunctions" => "ExportNamedFunctions",
"ForceSymbolReferences" => "ForceSymbolReferences",
# Command LIne
"AdditionalOptions" => "AdditionalOptions",
# Linker
"VCLinkerTool" =>
# General
"OutputFile" => "OutputFile",
"Version" => "Version",
"IgnoreImportLibrary" => "IgnoreImportLibrary",
"RegisterOutput" => "RegisterOutput",
"AdditionalLibraryDirectories" => "AdditionalLibraryDirectories",
# Input
"AdditionalDependencies" => "AdditionalDependencies",
"IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames" => "IgnoreSpecificLibrary",
"ModuleDefinitionFile" => "ModuleDefinitionFile",
"AddModuleNamesToAssembly" => "AddModuleToAssembly",
"EmbedManagedResourceFile" => "EmbedManagedResourceFile",
"ForceSymbolReferences" => "ForceSymbolReferences",
"DelayLoadDLLs" => "DelayLoadedDLLs",
# Debugging
"ProgramDatabaseFile" => "GenerateProgramDatabaseFile",
"StripPrivateSymbols" => "StripPrivateSymbols",
"MapFileName" => "MapFileName",
# System
"HeapReserveSize" => "HeapReserverSize",
"HeapCommitSize" => "HeapCommitSize",
"StackReserveSize" => "StackReserveSize",
"StackCommitSize" => "StackCommitSize",
# Optimization
"FunctionOrder" => "FunctionOrder",
# Embedded IDL
"MidlCommandFile" => "MIDLCommands",
"MergedIDLBaseFileName" => "MergedIDLBaseFileName",
"TypeLibraryFile" => "TypeLibrary",
"TypeLibraryResourceID" => "TypeLibResourceID",
# Advanced
"EntryPointSymbol" => "EntryPoint",
"BaseAddress" => "BaseAddress",
"ImportLibrary" => "ImportLibrary",
"MergeSections" => "MergeSections",
# Command LIne
"AdditionalOptions" => "AdditionalOptions",
# Resources
"VCResourceCompilerTool" =>
# General
"PreprocessorDefinitions" => "PreprocessorDefinitions",
"AdditionalIncludeDirectories" => "AdditionalIncludeDirectories",
"ResourceOutputFileName" => "ResourceOutputFileName",
# Command LIne
"AdditionalOptions" => "AdditionalOptions",
# Build Events
"VCPreBuildEventTool" =>
# Pre-Build Event
"CommandLine" => "CommandLine",
"Description" => "Description",
"ExcludedFromBuild" => "ExcludedFromBuild",
"VCPreLinkEventTool" =>
# Pre-Link Event
"CommandLine" => "CommandLine",
"Description" => "Description",
"ExcludedFromBuild" => "ExcludedFromBuild",
"VCPostBuildEventTool" =>
# Post-Build Event
"CommandLine" => "CommandLine",
"Description" => "Description",
"ExcludedFromBuild" => "ExcludedFromBuild",
# Custom Build Step
"VCCustomBuildTool" =>
# Pre-Build Event
"CommandLine" => "CommandLine",
"Description" => "Description",
"Outputs" => "Outputs",
"AdditionalDependencies" => "AdditionalDependencies",
# Match vcproj option keywords with vpc keywords - only multi-value options
# String on the left matches the option name in the VCProj.
# String on the right matches the option name in vpc
my(%configOptionsMultiValue) = (
# General
"ConfigurationType" => "ConfigurationType",
"UseOfMFC" => "UseOfMFC",
"UseOfAtl" => "UseOfATL",
"CharacterSet" => "CharacterSet",
# Debugging
# C/C++
# General
"DebugInformationFormat" => "DebugInformationFormat",
"SuppressStartupBanner" => "SuppressStartupBanner",
"Detect64BitPortabilityProblems" => "Detect64BitPortabilityIssues",
"WarnAsError" => "TreatWarningsAsErrors",
# Optimization
"Optimization" => "Optimization",
"GlobalOptimizations" => "GlobalOptimizations",
"InlineFunctionExpansion" => "InlineFunctionExpansion",
"EnableIntrinsicFunctions" => "EnableIntrinsicFunctions",
"ImproveFloatingPointConsistency" => "FloatingPointConsistency",
"FavorSizeOrSpeed" => "FavorSizeOrSpeed",
"OmitFramePointers" => "OmitFramePointers",
"EnableFiberSafeOptimizations" => "EnableFiberSafeOptimizations",
"OptimizeForProcessor" => "OptimizeForProcessor",
"OptimizeForWindowsApplication" => "OptimizeForWindowsApplication",
"WholeProgramOptimization" => "WholeProgramOptimization",
# Preprocessor
"IgnoreStandardIncludePath" => "IgnoreStandardIncludePath",
"GeneratePreprocessedFile" => "GeneratePreprocessedFile",
"KeepComments" => "KeepComments",
# Code Generation
"StringPooling" => "EnableStringPooling",
"MinimalRebuild" => "EnableMinimalRebuild",
"ExceptionHandling" => "EnableC++Exceptions",
"SmallerTypeCheck" => "SmallerTypeCheck",
"BasicRuntimeChecks" => "BasicRuntimeChecks",
"RuntimeLibrary" => "RuntimeLibrary",
"StructMemberAlignment" => "StructMemberAlignement",
"BufferSecurityCheck" => "BufferSecurityCheck",
"EnableFunctionLevelLinking" => "EnableFunctionLevelLinking",
"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet" => "EnableEnhancedInstructionSet",
# Language
"DisableLanguageExtensions" => "DisableLanguageExtensions",
"DefaultCharIsUnsigned" => "DefaultCharUnsigned",
"TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType" => "TreatWchar_tAsBuiltinType",
"ForceConformanceInForLoopScope" => "ForceConformanceInForLoopScope",
"RuntimeTypeInfo" => "EnableRunTimeTypeInfo",
# Precompiled Headers
"UsePrecompiledHeader" => "Create/UsePrecompiledHeader",
# Output Files
"ExpandAttributedSource" => "ExpandAttributedSource",
"AssemblerOutput" => "AssemblerOutput",
# Browse Information
"BrowseInformation" => "EnableBrowseInformation",
# Advanced
"CallingConvention" => "CallingConvention",
"CompileAs" => "CompileAs",
"UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions" => "UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions",
# Librarian
# General
"SuppressStartupBanner" => "SuppressStartupBanner",
"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" => "IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries",
# Linker
# General
"ShowProgress" => "ShowProgress",
"LinkIncremental" => "EnableIncrementalLinking",
"SuppressStartupBanner" => "SuppressStartupBanner",
# Linker
"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" => "IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries",
# Debugging
"GenerateDebugInformation" => "GenerateDebugInfo",
"AssemblyDebug" => "DebuggableAssembly",
"GenerateMapFile" => "GenerateMapFile",
"MapExports" => "MapExports",
"MapLines" => "MapLines",
# System
"SubSystem" => "SubSystem",
"LargeAddressAware" => "EnableLargeAddresses",
"TerminalServerAware" => "TerminalServer",
"SwapRunFromCD" => "SwapRunFromCD",
"SwapRunFromNet" => "SwapRunFromNetwork",
# Optimization
"OptimizeReferences" => "References",
"EnableCOMDATFolding" => "EnableCOMDATFolding",
"OptimizeForWindows98" => "OptimizeForWindows98",
# Embedded IDL
"IgnoreEmbeddedIDL" => "IgnoreEmbeddedIDL",
# Advanced
"ResourceOnlyDLL" => "ResourceOnlyDLL",
"SetChecksum" => "SetChecksum",
"FixedBaseAddress" => "FixedBaseAddress",
"TurnOffAssemblyGeneration" => "TurnOffAssemblyGeneration",
"SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL" => "DelayLoadedDLL",
"TargetMachine" => "TargetMachine",
# Resources
# General
"Culture" => "Culture",
"IgnoreStandardIncludePath" => "IgnoreStandardIncludePath",
"ShowProgress" => "ShowProgress",
# Match user option names to their lists of possible values
my(%configOptionValues) = (
# General
"ConfigurationType" =>
"0" => "Makefile",
"1" => "Application \(\.exe\)",
"2" => "Dynamic Library \(\.dll\)",
"3" => "Static Library \(\.lib\)",
"4" => "Utility",
"UseOfMFC" =>
"0" => "Use Standard Windows Libraries",
"1" => "Use MFC In A Static Library",
"2" => "Use MFC In A Shared DLL",
"UseOfATL" =>
"0" => "Not Using ATL",
"1" => "Static Link To ATL",
"2" => "Dynamic Link To ATL",
"CharacterSet" =>
"0" => "Not Set",
"1" => "Use Unicode Character Set",
"2" => "Use Multi-Byte Character Set",
# Debugging
# C/C++
# General
"DebugInformationFormat" =>
"0" => "Disabled",
"1" => "C7 Compatible \(\/Z7\)",
"2" => "Line Numbers Only \(\/Zd\)",
"3" => "Program Database \(\/Zi\)",
"4" => "Program Database for Edit & Continue \(\/ZI\)",
"SuppressStartupBanner" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/nologo)",
"Detect64BitPortabilityProblems" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Wp64)",
"WarnAsError" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/WX)",
# Optimization
"Optimization" =>
"0" => "Disabled \(\/Od\)",
"1" => "Minimize Size \(\/O1\)",
"2" => "Maximize Speed \(\/O2\)",
"3" => "Full Optimization \(\/Ox\)",
"4" => "Custom",
"GlobalOptimizations" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Og)",
"InlineFunctionExpansion" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Only __inline \(\/Ob1\)",
"2" => "Any Suitable \(\/Ob2\)",
"EnableIntrinsicFunctions" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Oi)",
"ImproveFloatingPointConsistency" =>
"FALSE" => "Default Consistency",
"TRUE" => "Improve Consistency \(\/Op\)",
"FavorSizeOrSpeed" =>
"0" => "Neither",
"1" => "Favor Fast Code \(\/Ot\)",
"2" => "Favor Small Code \(\/Os\)",
"OmitFramePointers" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Oy)",
"EnableFiberSafeOptimizations" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/GT)",
"OptimizeForProcessor" =>
"0" => "Blended",
"1" => "Pentium \(\/G5\)",
"2" => "Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III \(\/G6\)",
"3" => "Pentium 4 and Above \(\/G7\)",
"OptimizeForWindowsApplication" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/GA)",
"WholeProgramOptimization" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Enable link-time code generation (/GL)",
# Preprocessor
"IgnoreStandardIncludePath" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/X)",
"GeneratePreprocessedFile" =>
"0" => "No",
"1" => "With Line Numbers \(\/P\)",
"2" => "Without Line Numbers \(\/EP \/P\)",
"KeepComments" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/C)",
# Code Generation
"StringPooling" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/GF)",
"MinimalRebuild" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Gm)",
"ExceptionHandling" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/EHsc)",
"SmallerTypeCheck" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/RTCc)",
"BasicRuntimeChecks" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Stack Frames \(\/RTCs\)",
"2" => "Uninitialized Variables \(\/RTCu\)",
"3" => "Both \(\/RTC1, equiv\. to \/RTCsu\)",
"RuntimeLibrary" =>
"0" => "Multi-threaded \(\/MT\)",
"1" => "Multi-threaded Debug \(\/MTd\)",
"2" => "Multi-threaded DLL \(\/MD\)",
"3" => "Multi-threaded Debug DLL \(\/MDd\)",
"4" => "Single-threaded \(\/ML\)",
"5" => "Single-threaded Debug \(\/MLd\)",
"StructMemberAlignment" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "1 Byte \(\/Zp1\)",
"2" => "2 Bytes \(\/Zp2\)",
"3" => "4 Bytes \(\/Zp4\)",
"4" => "8 Bytes \(\/Zp8\)",
"5" => "16 Bytes \(\/Zp16\)",
"BufferSecurityCheck" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Gs)",
"EnableFunctionLevelLinking" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Gy)",
"EnableEnhancedInstructionSet" =>
"0" => "Not Set",
"1" => "Streaming SIMD Extensions \(\/arch:SSE\)",
"2" => "Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 \(\/arch:SSE2\)",
# Language
"DisableLanguageExtensions" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Za)",
"DefaultCharIsUnsigned" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/J)",
"TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Zc:wchar_t)",
"ForceConformanceInForLoopScope" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Zc:forScope)",
"RuntimeTypeInfo" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/GR)",
# Precompiled Headers
"UsePrecompiledHeader" =>
"0" => "Not Using Precompiled Headers",
"1" => "Create Precompiled Header \(\/Yc\)",
"2" => "Automatically Generate \(\/YX\)",
"3" => "Use Precompiled Header \(\/Yu\)",
# Output Files
"ExpandAttributedSource" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/Fx)",
"AssemblerOutput" =>
"0" => "No Listing",
"1" => "Assembly-Only Listing \(\/FA\)",
"2" => "Assembly, Machine Code and Source \(\/FAcs\)",
"3" => "Assembly With Machine Code \(\/FAc\)",
"4" => "Assembly With Source Code \(\/FAs\)",
# Browse Information
"BrowseInformation" =>
"0" => "None",
"1" => "Include All Browse Information \(\/FR\)",
"2" => "No Local Symbols \(\/Fr\)",
# Advanced
"CallingConvention" =>
"0" => "__cdecl \(\/Gd\)",
"1" => "__fastcall \(\/Gr\)",
"2" => "__stdcall \(\/Gz\)",
"CompileAs" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Compile as C Code \(\/TC\)",
"2" => "Compile as C\+\+ Code \(\/TP\)",
"UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/u)",
# Librarian
# General
"SuppressStartupBanner" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/NOLOGO)",
"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
# Linker
"ShowProgress" =>
"0" => "Not Set",
"1" => "Display All Progress Messages \(\/VERBOSE\)",
"2" => "Displays Some Progress Messages \(\/VERBOSE:LIB\)",
"LinkIncremental" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "No \(\/INCREMENTAL:NO\)",
"2" => "Yes \(\/INCREMENTAL\)",
"SuppressStartupBanner" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/NOLOGO)",
# Linker
"IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
# Debugging
"GenerateDebugInformation" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/DEBUG)",
"AssemblyDebug" =>
"0" => "No Debuggable attribute emitted",
"1" => "Runtime tracking and disable optimizations \(\/ASSEMBLYDEBUG\)",
"2" => "No runtime tracking and enable optimizations \(\/ASSEMBLYDEBUG:DISABLE\)",
"GenerateMapFile" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/MAP)",
"MapExports" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"MapLines" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
# System
"SubSystem" =>
"0" => "Not Set",
"1" => "Console \(\/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE\)",
"2" => "Windows \(\/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS\)",
"LargeAddressesAware" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Do Not Support Addresses Larger Than 2 Gigabytes \(\/LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO\)",
"2" => "Support Addresses Larger Than 2 Gigabytes \(\/LARGEADDRESSAWARE\)",
"TerminalServerAware" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Not Terminal Server Aware \(\/TSAWARE:NO\)",
"2" => "Application is Terminal Server Aware \(\/TSAWARE\)",
"SwapRunFromCD" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/SWAPRUN:CD)",
"SwapRunFromNet" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/SWAPRUN:NET)",
"OptimizeReferences" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Keep Unreferenced Data \(\/OPT:NOREF\)",
"2" => "Eliminate Unreferenced Data \(\/OPT:REF\)",
"EnableCOMDATFolding" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Do Not Remove Redundant COMDATs \(\/OPT:NOICF\)",
"2" => "Remove Redundant COMDATs \(\/OPT:ICF\)",
"OptimizeForWindows98" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "No \(\/OPT:NOWIN98\)",
"2" => "Yes \(\/OPT:WIN98\)",
# Embedded IDL
"IgnoreEmbeddedIDL" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/IGNOREIDL)",
"ResourceOnlyDLL" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/NOENTRY)",
"SetChecksum" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/RELEASE)",
"FixedBaseAddress" =>
"0" => "Default",
"1" => "Generate a relocation section \(\/FIXED:NO\)",
"2" => "Image must be loaded at a fixed address \(\/FIXED\)",
"TurnOffAssemblyGeneration" =>
"FALSE" => "No",
"TRUE" => "Yes (/NOASSEMBLY)",
"SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL" =>
"0" => "Don't Support Unload",
"1" => "Support Unload \(\/DELAY:UNLOAD\)",
"TargetMachine" =>
"0" => "Not Set",
"1" => "MachineX86 \(\/MACHINE:X86\)",
# Resources
# General
"Culture" => "Culture",
"1000" => "Default",
"1001" => "Afrikaans \(0x436\)",
"1002" => "Albanian \(0x41c\)",
"1003" => "Arabic (Saudi Arabia) \(0x401\)",
"1004" => "Arabic (Iraq) \(0x801\)",
"1005" => "Arabic (Egypt) \(0xc01\)",
"1006" => "Arabic (Libya) \(0x1001\)",
"1007" => "Arabic (Algeria) \(0x1401\)",
"1008" => "Arabic (Morocco) \(0x1801\)",
"1009" => "Arabic (Tunisia) \(0x1c01\)",
"1010" => "Arabic (Oman) \(0x2001\)",
"1011" => "Arabic (Yemen) \(0x2401\)",
"1012" => "Arabic (Syria) \(0x2801\)",
"1013" => "Arabic (Jordan) \(0x2c01\)",
"1014" => "Arabic (Lebanon) \(0x3001\)",
"1015" => "Arabic (Kuwait) \(0x3401\)",
"1016" => "Arabic (U.A.E.) \(0x3801\)",
"1017" => "Arabic (Bahrain) \(0x3c01\)",
"1018" => "Arabic (Qatar) \(0x4001\)",
"1019" => "Basque \(0x42d\)",
"1020" => "Bulgarian \(0x402\)",
"1021" => "Belarusian \(0x423\)",
"1022" => "Catalan \(0x403\)",
"1023" => "Chinese (Taiwan) \(0x404\)",
"1024" => "Chinese (PRC) \(0x804\)",
"1025" => "Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) \(0xc04\)",
"1026" => "Chinese (Singapore) \(0x1004\)",
"1027" => "Croatian \(0x41a\)",
"1028" => "Czech \(0x405\)",
"1029" => "Danish \(0x406\)",
"1030" => "Dutch (Netherlands) \(0x413\)",
"1031" => "Dutch (Belgium) \(0x813\)",
"1032" => "English (United States) \(0x409\)",
"1033" => "English (United Kingdom) \(0x809\)",
"1034" => "English (Australia) \(0xc09\)",
"1035" => "English (Canada) \(0x1009\)",
"1036" => "English (New Zealand) \(0x1409\)",
"1037" => "English (Ireland) \(0x1809\)",
"1038" => "English (South Africa) \(0x1c09\)",
"1039" => "English (Jamaica) \(0x2009\)",
"1040" => "English (Caribbean) \(0x2409\)",
"1041" => "Estonian \(0x425\)",
"1042" => "Farsi \(0x429\)",
"1043" => "Finnish \(0x40b)",
"1044" => "French (France) \(0x40c\)",
"1045" => "French (Belgium) \(0x80c\)",
"1046" => "French (Canada) \(0xc0c\)",
"1047" => "French (Switzerland) \(0x100c\)",
"1048" => "French (Luxembourg) \(0x140c\)",
"1049" => "German (Germany) \(0x407\)",
"1050" => "German (Switzerland) \(0x807\)",
"1051" => "German (Austria) \(0xc07\)",
"1052" => "German (Luxembourg) \(0x1007\)",
"1053" => "German (Liechtenstein) \(0x1407\)",
"1054" => "Greek \(0x408\)",
"1055" => "Hebrew \(0x40d\)",
"1056" => "Hungarian \(0x40e\)",
"1057" => "Icelandic \(0x40f\)",
"1058" => "Indonesian \(0x421\)",
"1059" => "Italian (Italy) \(0x410\)",
"1060" => "Italian (Switzerland) \(0x810\)",
"1061" => "Japanese \(0x411\)",
"1062" => "Korean \(0x412\)",
"1063" => "0x812",
"1064" => "Latvian \(0x426\)",
"1065" => "Lithuanian \(0x427\)",
"1066" => "Norwegian (Bokmal) \(0x414\)",
"1067" => "Norwegian (Nynorsk) \(0x814\)",
"1068" => "Polish \(0x415\)",
"1069" => "Portuguese (Brazil) \(0x416\)",
"1070" => "Portuguese (Portugal) \(0x816\)",
"1071" => "Romanian \(0x418\)",
"1072" => "Russian \(0x419\)",
"1073" => "Slovak \(0x41b\)",
"1074" => "Spanish (Traditional Sort) \(0x40a\)",
"1075" => "Spanish (Mexico) \(0x80a\)",
"1076" => "Spanish (International Sort) \(0xc0a\)",
"1077" => "Spanish (Guatemala) \(0x100a\)",
"1078" => "Spanish (Costa Rica) \(0x140a\)",
"1079" => "Spanish (Panama) \(0x180a\)",
"1080" => "Spanish (Dominican Republic) \(0x1c0a\)",
"1081" => "Spanish (Venezuela) \(0x200a\)",
"1082" => "Spanish (Colombia) \(0x240a\)",
"1083" => "Spanish (Peru) \(0x280a\)",
"1084" => "Spanish (Argentina) \(0x2c0a\)",
"1085" => "Spanish (Ecuador) \(0x300a\)",
"1086" => "Spanish (Chile) \(0x340a\)",
"1087" => "Spanish (Uruguay) \(0x380a\)",
"1088" => "Spanish (Paraguay) \(0x3c0a\)",
"1089" => "Spanish (Bolivia) \(0x400a\)",
"1090" => "Swedish \(0x41d\)",
"1091" => "Thai \(0x41e\)",
"1092" => "Turkish \(0x41f\)",
"1093" => "Ukrainian \(0x422\)",
"1094" => "Serbian (Latin) \(0x81a\)",
"1095" => "Urdu \(0x420\)",
"IgnoreStandardIncludePath" => "IgnoreStandardIncludePath",
"1" => "No",
"2" => "Yes \(\/X\)",
"ShowProgress" => "ShowProgress",
"1" => "No",
"2" => "Yes \(\/v\)",
# Hash matches vcproj configuration names with their output versions
my(%configurationNames) = ( "Base" => "base",
"DoD" => "dod",
"CounterStrike" => "cstrike",
"HL1" => "hl1",
"HL2" => "hl2",
"Episodic HL2" => "episodic",
"TF" => "tf",
"SDK" => "sdk",
"HL2MP" => "hl2mp",
"LostCoast" => "lostcoast",
"Portal" => "portal",
"Dedicated" => "dedicated",
my(@configurations) = keys %configurationNames;
my(%toolNames) = (
"VCCLCompilerTool" => "Compiler",
"VCCustomBuildTool" => "CustomBuildStep",
"VCLinkerTool" => "Linker",
"VCPostBuildEventTool" => "PostBuildEvent",
"VCPreBuildEventTool" => "PreBuildEvent",
"VCPreLinkEventTool" => "PreLinkEvent",
"VCResourceCompilerTool" => "Resources",
"VCLibrarianTool" => "Librarian",
my(@tools) = values %toolNames;
my($baseConfiguration) = "Application (.exe)";
my(%baseConfigurationTypes) = (
"Dynamic Library (.dll)" => "dll",
"Application (.exe)" => "exe",
"Static Library (.lib)" => "lib",
"Utility" => "lib",
my($configurationSubsystem) = "con";
for ( @configurations )
$outputs{$_} = ();
$excludes{$_} = 0;
$filesAdded{$_} = 0;
my(%keytabs) = ( 0 => "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",
4 => "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",
8 => "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",
12 => "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t",
16 => "\t\t\t\t\t\t",
20 => "\t\t\t\t\t",
24 => "\t\t\t\t",
28 => "\t\t\t",
32 => "\t\t",
36 => "\t",
# Subroutines
sub break
sub outputToAllConfigurations
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @lineToPrint );
sub compare_arrays
my ($first, $second) = @_;
return 0 unless @$first == @$second;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$first; $i++)
if ( $first->[$i] =~ /^(Debug|Release)$/ )
return 0 if $first->[$i] ne $second->[$i];
return 1;
sub set_current_configuration
my($line) = shift;
$line =~ ( /Name="(\w+) ([\w\s]*)\|/ );
my($name1) = $1;
my($name2) = $2;
if ( $name2 =~ /Release|Debug/ )
$currentConfig = $name1;
$currentConfig = $name2;
if ( $line =~ ( /Name="(Release|Debug)\|/ ) )
# default configurations
$currentConfig = "Base";
sub processFileConfig
$spaceBeforeFile = 1;
my($splitFiles) = 0;
my($line) = $_[++$lineCt];
# Set the current configuration
set_current_configuration( $line );
push( @tabs, "\t" );
$line =~ ( /Name="([\w\s]*)\|/ );
my($configName) = ( $1 =~ /(Debug|Release)/ );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\$Configuration\t\"", $configName, "\"\n" );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\{\n" );
# Process the configuration
my($configResult) = processConfiguration( @_ );
# end if this configuration
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\}\n" );
if ( $configResult == 1 )
# Mark this file as excluded for the current configuration
$excludes{$currentConfig} = 1;
$splitFiles = 1;
elsif ( $configResult == -1 )
# Configuration is empty, so clear it
@{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} } = ();
pop( @tabs );
return $splitFiles;
sub processFile
# get the file name and path
@lineToPrint = ();
if ( $spaceBeforeFile == 1 )
$spaceBeforeFile = 0;
# push( @lineToPrint, "\n" );
$_[++$lineCt] =~ ( /RelativePath="([^"]+)"/ );
my $line = $1;
# replace ..\ and .\ in filenames
$line =~ s/^\Q$srcdirBackslash\E\\/\$SRCDIR\\/;
$line =~ s/^\Q$srcdirForwardslash\E\//\$SRCDIR\\/;
$line =~ s/^\.\\//;
push( @lineToPrint, @tabs, "\t\$File\t\"", $line, "\"\n" );
push( @tabs, "\t" );
my($splitFiles) = 0;
my($configFound) = 0;
# loop until the </File> tag
%configOutput = ();
while ( $_[++$lineCt] !~ /^\s*\<\/File\>$/ )
# Check for file specific configurations
if ( $_[$lineCt] =~ /^\s*\<FileConfiguration/ )
$configFound = 1;
$splitFiles += processFileConfig( @_ );
# Compare the configurations to see if the files should be split
if ( $configFound && !$splitFiles )
for ( @configurations )
if ( $_ eq "Base" || $_ eq "Dedicated" )
if ( !compare_arrays( \@{ $configOutput{"HL2"} }, \@{ $configOutput{$_} } ) )
$splitFiles = 1;
if ( !$splitFiles )
push( @{ $configOutput{"Base"} }, @{ $configOutput{"HL2"} } );
# Add the file and configuration to the appropriate projects
if ( !$splitFiles )
if ( @{ $configOutput{"Base"} } > 0 )
push( @{ $outputs{"Base"} }, @lineToPrint, @tabs, "\{\n" );
push( @{ $outputs{"Base"} }, @{ $configOutput{"Base"} } );
push( @{ $outputs{"Base"} }, @tabs, "\}\n\n" );
push( @{ $outputs{"Base"} }, @lineToPrint );
$filesAdded{"Base"} = 1;
$excludes{"Base"} = 1;
$exclusionsFound = 1;
for ( @configurations )
if ( !$excludes{$_} )
if ( @{ $configOutput{$_} } > 0 )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @lineToPrint, @tabs, "\{\n" );
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @{ $configOutput{$_} } );
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @tabs, "\}\n\n" );
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @lineToPrint );
$filesAdded{$_} = 1;
# reset the exclude flag
$excludes{$_} = 0;
pop( @tabs );
sub processFolder
push( @tabs, "\t" );
# Grab the folder name and add it to all configuration's outputs
$_[++$lineCt] =~ ( /Name="([^"]+)"/ );
@lineToPrint = ( @tabs, "\$Folder\t\"", $1, "\"\n", @tabs, "\{\n" );
# Loop until the </Filter> tag
while ( $_[++$lineCt] !~ /^\s*\<\/Filter\>$/ )
if ( $_[$lineCt] =~ /^\s*\<Filter$/ )
# Start of a new folder
if ( $spaceBeforeFolder == 1 )
$spaceBeforeFolder = 0;
@lineToPrint = "\n";
processFolder( @_ );
elsif ( $_[$lineCt] =~ /^\s*\<File$/ )
# Start of a new file
processFile( @_ );
$spaceBeforeFolder = 1;
# End of the folder
@lineToPrint = ( @tabs, "\}\n" );
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @lineToPrint );
pop( @tabs );
sub processConfigOption
my($line) = shift;
my($tool) = shift;
# Get the keyname and value
if ( $line !~ /(\w+)="([^"\n]*)(.*)/ )
my($keyname) = $1;
my($keyvalue) = $2;
my($lastChar) = $3;
# Lookup the keyname
if ( $outputvalue = $configOptionsSingleValue{$tool}{$keyname} )
# A single value option - outputvalue is the VPC defined keyname
# Translate TRUE/FALSE to Yes/No
$keyvalue =~ s/TRUE/Yes/;
$keyvalue =~ s/FALSE/No/;
$keyname = $outputvalue;
elsif ( $outputvalue = $configOptionValues{$keyname}{$keyvalue} )
# A multi-value option - outputvalue is the desired option setting in string form
my($translatedName) = $configOptionsMultiValue{$keyname};
# Do some bookkeeping for later
if ( $translatedName =~ /^SubSystem$/ && $outputvalue =~ /Windows/ )
$configurationSubsystem = "win";
elsif ( $translatedName =~ /^ConfigurationType$/ )
$baseConfiguration = $outputvalue;
if ( $usestring )
return $translatedName, $outputvalue;
return $translatedName, $keyvalue;
# For debugging
print( "Line ", $lineCt, ": Error, no config found for Tool: ", $tool, ", ", $keyname, "=", $keyvalue, "\n" );
# push( @tempOutput, "\/\/" );
# special handling for multi-line options
if ( !$lastChar )
my($nextline) = ( @lines[++$lineCt] =~ /([^\n]*)/ );
while( $nextline !~ /\"/ )
$keyvalue = join( '', $keyvalue, "\" \\ \"\\n\"\n", @tabs, $keytabs{0}, "\"", $nextline );
($nextline) = ( @lines[++$lineCt] =~ /([^\n]*)/ );
# replace &quot; and ..\ and .\ in option values
$keyvalue =~ s/(?<=[^\\])\Q$srcdirBackslash\E\\/\$SRCDIR\\/g;
$keyvalue =~ s/(?<=[^\/])\Q$srcdirForwardslash\E\//\$SRCDIR\\/g;
$keyvalue =~ s/^\Q$srcdirBackslash\E\\/\$SRCDIR\\/g;
$keyvalue =~ s/^\Q$srcdirForwardslash\E\//\$SRCDIR\\/g;
$keyvalue =~ s/^\.\\//g;
$keyvalue =~ s/\&quot\;/\$QUOTE/g;
return $keyname, $keyvalue;
sub processBuildTool
push( @tabs, "\t" );
# Grab the tool name
$_[++$lineCt] =~ ( /Name="([^"]+)"/ );
my($toolName) = $1;
if ( !$toolNames{$toolName} )
pop( @tabs );
while ( $_[$lineCt] !~ /\/\>$/ )
my( @tempOutput );
if ( !$parsingFiles )
push( @tempOutput, "\n" );
push( @tempOutput, @tabs, "\$", $toolNames{$toolName}, "\n" );
push( @tempOutput, @tabs, "\{\n" );
# Loop until the /> tag
my($optionsFound) = 0;
while ( $_[$lineCt] !~ /\/\>$/ )
($keyname, $keyvalue) = processConfigOption( $_[++$lineCt], $toolName );
if ( $keyname )
if ( $keyvalue || !$stripEmptyOptions )
$optionsFound = 1;
my($len) = $tabstop * int( (length( $keyname ) + $tabstop + 1) / $tabstop );
push( @tempOutput, @tabs, "\t\$", $keyname, $keytabs{$len}, "\"", $keyvalue, "\"\n" );
pop( @tabs );
# End of the tool
if ( $optionsFound )
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tempOutput, @tabs, "\t}\n" );
return 1;
return 0;
sub processConfiguration
my( $configOptionsFound ) = 0;
my( $startedGeneral ) = 0;
# Loop until the </Configuration> tag
while ( $_[++$lineCt] !~ /^\s*\<\/(File)*Configuration\>$/ )
if ( $_[$lineCt] =~ /^\s*\<Tool$/ )
if ( $startedGeneral )
# close out the faked "General" category
$startedGeneral = 0;
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\}\n" );
pop( @tabs );
# Start of a new build tool
$configOptionsFound += processBuildTool( @_ );
elsif ( $_[$lineCt] =~ /=/ )
# Process the main configuration properties
if ( !$startedGeneral && !$parsingFiles )
# start the fake "General" category
$startedGeneral = 1;
push( @tabs, "\t" );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\$General\n" );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\{\n" );
($keyname, $keyvalue) = processConfigOption( $_[$lineCt], "General" );
if ( $keyname )
# Handle some special cases
if ( $keyname =~ /^ExcludedFromBuild$/ && $keyvalue =~ /^Yes$/ )
@{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} } = ();
return 1;
my($len) = $tabstop * int( (length( $keyname ) + $tabstop + 1) / $tabstop );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, @tabs, "\t\$", $keyname, $keytabs{$len}, "\"", $keyvalue, "\"\n" );
# See if any config options were recorded
if ( !$configOptionsFound )
return -1;
return 0;
# Code section
if ( !$ARGV[0] )
print( "Error: no project name specified\n" );
# Read in the source file
my $infile = $ARGV[0];
$infile =~ s/.vcproj//;
open(INFILE, "$infile.vcproj" );
@lines = <INFILE>;
close( INFILE );
my(@pathArray) = split(/\\/, $infile );
my($vcprojname) = $pathArray[$#pathArray];
unless ( $outputPath )
$outputPath = $infile;
$outputPath =~ s/$vcprojname//;
# build the fileheader
push( @fileheader, "\/\/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\/\/\t",uc($vcprojname),".VPC\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\/\/\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\/\/\tProject Script\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\/\/-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\/\/ ***** AUTO-GENERATED: PLEASE FIXUP MANUALLY BEFORE USING THIS SCRIPT! *****\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\$Macro SRCDIR\t\t\".." );
$srcdirBackslash = "..";
my($dirct) = $#pathArray - 2;
for ( my($i) = 0; $i < $dirct; ++$i )
push( @fileheader, "\\.." );
$srcdirBackslash = join( "\\", $srcdirBackslash, ".." );
$srcdirForwardslash = $srcdirBackslash;
$srcdirForwardslash =~ s/\\/\//g;
push( @fileheader, "\"\n" );
# Process the file one line at a time
my $folderOpenBrace = 0;
for( $lineCt = 0; $lineCt < @lines; ++$lineCt )
my($line) = @lines[$lineCt];
if ( !$nameFound && $line =~ ( /Name="([^"]+)"/ ) )
$projectName = $1;
# Print the project name
my $capName = $projectName;
$capName =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g;
@lineToPrint = ( "\$Project \"", $capName, "\"\n\{\n" );
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, @lineToPrint );
$nameFound = 1;
$folderOpenBrace = 1;
# Clean up the directory
# for ( @configurations )
# {
# # delete the existing files
# my($filename) = join('_', $vcprojname, $configurationNames{$_} );
# if( $outputPath )
# {
# $filename = join('/', $outputPath, $filename );
# $filename =~ s/\//\\/g;
# }
# system( "del /Q $filename.vpc" );
# }
if ( $line =~ /^\s*\<Configuration$/ )
# Start of a new configuration
# Get the configuration name and then process the configuration
my($configLine) = @lines[++$lineCt];
set_current_configuration( $configLine );
$configLine =~ ( /Name="([\w\s]*)\|/ );
my($configName) = ( $1 =~ /(Debug|Release)/ );
$currentConfig = join( '_', $currentConfig, $configName );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, "\$Configuration\t\"", $configName, "\"\n" );
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, "\{\n" );
processConfiguration( @lines );
# end if this configuration
push( @{ $configOutput{$currentConfig} }, "\}\n\n" );
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\<Files\>$/ )
# end of configurations section - write out the files
# first, finish filling in the header info
my($configtype) = $baseConfigurationTypes{$baseConfiguration};
if ( $configtype =~ /lib/ )
push( @fileheader, "\$Macro OUTLIBDIR\t\"\$SRCDIR\\lib\\XXXX\"\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\$Macro OUTBINDIR\t\"\$SRCDIR\\..\\game\\bin\"\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\$Include \"\$SRCDIR\\vpc_scripts\\source_" );
push( @fileheader, $configtype );
if ( $configtype =~ /exe/ )
push( @fileheader, "_", $configurationSubsystem );
push( @fileheader, "_win32_base.vpc\"\n" );
# push( @fileheader, "_win32_base.vpc\"\t\[\$WIN32\|\|\$LINUX\]\n" );
# push( @fileheader, "\$Include \"\$SRCDIR\\vpc_scripts\\source_" );
# push( @fileheader, $configtype );
# push( @fileheader, "_x360_base.vpc\"\t\t\[\$X360\]\n" );
push( @fileheader, "\n" );
for ( @configurations )
my $joinedname = join( '_', $_, "Debug" );
# print the configs
if ( @{ $configOutput{$joinedname} } > 0 )
my($filename) = join('_', $vcprojname, $configurationNames{$_} );
if( $outputPath )
$filename = join('/', $outputPath, $filename );
open ( OUTFILE, ">$filename.vpc" );
print OUTFILE @fileheader;
print OUTFILE @{ $configOutput{$joinedname} };
$joinedname = join( '_', $_, "Release" );
print OUTFILE @{ $configOutput{$joinedname} };
close ( OUTFILE );
$parsingFiles = 1;
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\<Filter$/ )
# Start of a new folder
if ( $spaceBeforeFolder == 1 )
$spaceBeforeFolder = 0;
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, "\n" );
processFolder( @lines );
elsif ( $line =~ /^\s*\<File$/ )
# Start of a new file
if ( $spaceBeforeFolder == 1 )
$spaceBeforeFolder = 0;
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, "\n" );
processFile( @lines );
my $projectCt = 0;
for ( @configurations )
push( @{ $outputs{$_} }, "\}\n" );
if ( $filesAdded{$_} )
# print the files
my($filename) = join('_', $vcprojname, $configurationNames{$_} );
if( $outputPath )
$filename = join('/', $outputPath, $filename );
open ( OUTFILE, ">>$filename.vpc" );
print OUTFILE @{ $outputs{$_} };
close ( OUTFILE );
if ( $projectCt == 1 )
my $oldname = join('_', $vcprojname, "base.vpc" );
my $newname = join('', $vcprojname, ".vpc" );
if( $outputPath )
$oldname = join('/', $outputPath, $oldname );
$newname = join('/', $outputPath, $newname );
rename $oldname, $newname;