
1018 lines
41 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#pragma once
#include <limits.h>
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "tier1/interface.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_crc.h"
#include "tier1/checksum_md5.h"
#include "tier1/refcount.h"
#include <time.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
// Forward declarations
class CUtlBuffer;
class KeyValues;
class IFileList;
class IThreadPool;
class CMemoryFileBacking;
typedef void * FileHandle_t;
typedef void * FileCacheHandle_t;
typedef int FileFindHandle_t;
typedef void (*FileSystemLoggingFunc_t)( const char *fileName, const char *accessType );
typedef int WaitForResourcesHandle_t;
#ifdef _X360
typedef void* HANDLE;
// Turn on some extra pure server debug spew in certain builds.
// WARNING: This spew can be used by hackers to locate places to hack
// the code to bypas sv_pure! Be careful!
#if defined( _DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY )
/// How strict will the pure server be for a particular set of files
enum EPureServerFileClass
ePureServerFileClass_Unknown = -1, // dummy debugging value
ePureServerFileClass_Any = 0,
class IPureServerWhitelist
// Reference counting
virtual void AddRef() = 0;
virtual void Release() = 0;
// What should we do with a particular file?
virtual EPureServerFileClass GetFileClass( const char *pszFilename ) = 0;
// Access list of trusted keys which we will allow to set trusted content
virtual int GetTrustedKeyCount() const = 0;
virtual const byte *GetTrustedKey( int iKeyIndex, int *nKeySize ) const = 0;
// Enums used by the interface
enum FileSystemSeek_t
enum FileWarningLevel_t
// A problem!
// Don't print anything
// On shutdown, report names of files left unclosed
// Report number of times a file was opened, closed
// Report all open/close events to console ( !slow! )
// Report all open/close/read events to the console ( !slower! )
// Report all open/close/read/write events to the console ( !slower! )
// Report all open/close/read/write events and all async I/O file events to the console ( !slower(est)! )
// search path filtering
enum PathTypeFilter_t
FILTER_NONE = 0, // no filtering, all search path types match
FILTER_CULLPACK = 1, // pack based search paths are culled (maps and zips)
FILTER_CULLNONPACK = 2, // non-pack based search paths are culled
// search path querying (bit flags)
PATH_IS_NORMAL = 0x00, // normal path, not pack based
PATH_IS_PACKFILE = 0x01, // path is a pack file
PATH_IS_MAPPACKFILE = 0x02, // path is a map pack file
PATH_IS_REMOTE = 0x04, // path is the remote filesystem
typedef uint32 PathTypeQuery_t;
#define IS_REMOTE( n ) ( n & PATH_IS_REMOTE )
enum DVDMode_t
DVDMODE_OFF = 0, // not using dvd
DVDMODE_STRICT = 1, // dvd device only
DVDMODE_DEV = 2, // dev mode, mutiple devices ok
// In non-retail builds, enable the file blocking access tracking stuff...
#if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO )
enum FileBlockingWarning_t
// Report how long synchronous i/o took to complete
// Report how long async i/o took to complete if AsyncFileFinished caused it to load via "blocking" i/o
// Report how long async i/o took to complete
// Report how long the async "callback" took
#pragma pack(1)
class FileBlockingItem
FileBlockingItem() :
m_ItemType( (FileBlockingWarning_t)0 ),
m_flElapsed( 0.0f ),
m_nAccessType( 0 )
SetFileName( NULL );
FileBlockingItem( int type, char const *filename, float elapsed, int accessType ) :
m_ItemType( (FileBlockingWarning_t)type ),
m_flElapsed( elapsed ),
m_nAccessType( accessType )
SetFileName( filename );
void SetFileName( char const *filename )
if ( !filename )
m_szFilename[ 0 ] = 0;
int len = Q_strlen( filename );
if ( len >= sizeof( m_szFilename ) )
Q_strncpy( m_szFilename, &filename[ len - sizeof( m_szFilename ) + 1 ], sizeof( m_szFilename ) );
Q_strncpy( m_szFilename, filename, sizeof( m_szFilename ) );
char const *GetFileName() const
return m_szFilename;
FileBlockingWarning_t m_ItemType;
float m_flElapsed;
byte m_nAccessType;
char m_szFilename[ 32 ];
#pragma pack()
class IBlockingFileItemList
// You can't call any of the below calls without locking first
virtual void LockMutex() = 0;
virtual void UnlockMutex() = 0;
virtual int First() const = 0;
virtual int Next( int i ) const = 0;
virtual int InvalidIndex() const = 0;
virtual const FileBlockingItem& Get( int index ) const = 0;
virtual void Reset() = 0;
enum FilesystemMountRetval_t
enum SearchPathAdd_t
PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD, // First path searched
PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL, // Last path searched
enum FilesystemOpenExFlags_t
FSOPEN_FORCE_TRACK_CRC = (1 << 1), // This makes it calculate a CRC for the file (if the file came from disk) regardless
// of the IFileList passed to RegisterFileWhitelist.
FSOPEN_NEVERINPACK = (1 << 2), // 360 only, hint to FS that file is not allowed to be in pack file
#define FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ( FileHandle_t )0
// Structures used by the interface
struct FileSystemStatistics
CInterlockedUInt nReads,
// File system allocation functions. Client must free on failure
typedef void *(*FSAllocFunc_t)( const char *pszFilename, unsigned nBytes );
// Used to display dirty disk error functions
typedef void (*FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t)();
// Asynchronous support types
const FSAsyncFile_t FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE = (FSAsyncFile_t)(0x0000ffff);
// Async file status
enum FSAsyncStatus_t
FSASYNC_ERR_NOT_MINE = -8, // Filename not part of the specified file system, try a different one. (Used internally to find the right filesystem)
FSASYNC_ERR_RETRY_LATER = -7, // Failure for a reason that might be temporary. You might retry, but not immediately. (E.g. Network problems)
FSASYNC_ERR_ALIGNMENT = -6, // read parameters invalid for unbuffered IO
FSASYNC_ERR_FAILURE = -5, // hard subsystem failure
FSASYNC_ERR_READING = -4, // read error on file
FSASYNC_ERR_NOMEMORY = -3, // out of memory for file read
FSASYNC_ERR_UNKNOWNID = -2, // caller's provided id is not recognized
FSASYNC_ERR_FILEOPEN = -1, // filename could not be opened (bad path, not exist, etc)
FSASYNC_OK = 0, // operation is successful
FSASYNC_STATUS_PENDING, // file is properly queued, waiting for service
FSASYNC_STATUS_INPROGRESS, // file is being accessed
FSASYNC_STATUS_ABORTED, // file was aborted by caller
FSASYNC_STATUS_UNSERVICED, // file is not yet queued
// Async request flags
enum FSAsyncFlags_t
FSASYNC_FLAGS_ALLOCNOFREE = ( 1 << 0 ), // do the allocation for dataPtr, but don't free
FSASYNC_FLAGS_FREEDATAPTR = ( 1 << 1 ), // free the memory for the dataPtr post callback
FSASYNC_FLAGS_SYNC = ( 1 << 2 ), // Actually perform the operation synchronously. Used to simplify client code paths
FSASYNC_FLAGS_NULLTERMINATE = ( 1 << 3 ), // allocate an extra byte and null terminate the buffer read in
// Return value for CheckFileCRC.
enum EFileCRCStatus
k_eFileCRCStatus_CantOpenFile, // We don't have this file.
// Used in CacheFileCRCs.
enum ECacheCRCType
// Optional completion callback for each async file serviced (or failed)
// call is not reentrant, async i/o guaranteed suspended until return
// Note: If you change the signature of the callback, you will have to account for it in FileSystemV12 (toml [4/18/2005] )
struct FileAsyncRequest_t;
typedef void (*FSAsyncCallbackFunc_t)(const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, int nBytesRead, FSAsyncStatus_t err);
// Description of an async request
struct FileAsyncRequest_t
FileAsyncRequest_t() { memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) ); hSpecificAsyncFile = FS_INVALID_ASYNC_FILE; }
const char * pszFilename; // file system name
void * pData; // optional, system will alloc/free if NULL
int nOffset; // optional initial seek_set, 0=beginning
int nBytes; // optional read clamp, -1=exist test, 0=full read
FSAsyncCallbackFunc_t pfnCallback; // optional completion callback
void * pContext; // caller's unique file identifier
int priority; // inter list priority, 0=lowest
unsigned flags; // behavior modifier
const char * pszPathID; // path ID (NOTE: this field is here to remain binary compatible with release HL2 filesystem interface)
FSAsyncFile_t hSpecificAsyncFile; // Optional hint obtained using AsyncBeginRead()
FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc; // custom allocator. can be null. not compatible with FSASYNC_FLAGS_FREEDATAPTR
struct FileHash_t
enum EFileHashType_t
k_EFileHashTypeUnknown = 0,
k_EFileHashTypeEntireFile = 1,
k_EFileHashTypeIncompleteFile = 2,
m_eFileHashType = FileHash_t::k_EFileHashTypeUnknown;
m_cbFileLen = 0;
m_PackFileID = 0;
m_nPackFileNumber = 0;
int m_eFileHashType;
CRC32_t m_crcIOSequence;
MD5Value_t m_md5contents;
int m_cbFileLen;
int m_PackFileID;
int m_nPackFileNumber;
bool operator==( const FileHash_t &src ) const
return m_crcIOSequence == src.m_crcIOSequence &&
m_md5contents == src.m_md5contents &&
m_eFileHashType == src.m_eFileHashType;
bool operator!=( const FileHash_t &src ) const
return m_crcIOSequence != src.m_crcIOSequence ||
m_md5contents != src.m_md5contents ||
m_eFileHashType != src.m_eFileHashType;
class CUnverifiedFileHash
char m_PathID[MAX_PATH];
char m_Filename[MAX_PATH];
int m_nFileFraction;
FileHash_t m_FileHash;
class CUnverifiedCRCFile
char m_PathID[MAX_PATH];
char m_Filename[MAX_PATH];
CRC32_t m_CRC;
class CUnverifiedMD5File
char m_PathID[MAX_PATH];
char m_Filename[MAX_PATH];
unsigned char bits[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
// Spew flags for SetWhitelistSpewFlags (set with the fs_whitelist_spew_flags cvar).
// Update the comment for the fs_whitelist_spew_flags cvar if you change these.
#define WHITELIST_SPEW_WHILE_LOADING 0x0001 // list files as they are added to the CRC tracker
#define WHITELIST_SPEW_RELOAD_FILES 0x0002 // show files the filesystem is telling the engine to reload
#define WHITELIST_SPEW_DONT_RELOAD_FILES 0x0004 // show files the filesystem is NOT telling the engine to reload
// Interface to fetch a file asynchronously from any source. This is used
// as a hook
abstract_class IAsyncFileFetch {
typedef void *Handle;
/// Initiate a request. Returns error status, or on success
/// returns an opaque handle used to terminate the job
/// Should return FSASYNC_ERR_NOT_MINE if the filename isn't
/// handled by this interface
/// The callback is required, and is the only mechanism to communicate
/// status. (No polling.) The request is automatically destroyed anytime
/// after the callback is executed.
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t Start( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, Handle *pOutHandle, IThreadPool *pThreadPool ) = 0;
/// Attempt to complete any active work, returning status. The callback WILL
/// be executed (this is necessary in case we allocated the buffer).
/// Afterwards, the request is automatically destroyed.
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t FinishSynchronous( Handle hControl ) = 0;
/// Terminate any active work and destroy all resources and bookkeeping info.
/// The callback will NOT be executed.
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t Abort( Handle hControl ) = 0;
// This interface is for VPK files to communicate with FileTracker
abstract_class IThreadedFileMD5Processor
virtual int SubmitThreadedMD5Request( uint8 *pubBuffer, int cubBuffer, int PackFileID, int nPackFileNumber, int nPackFileFraction ) = 0;
virtual bool BlockUntilMD5RequestComplete( int iRequest, MD5Value_t *pMd5ValueOut ) = 0;
virtual bool IsMD5RequestComplete( int iRequest, MD5Value_t *pMd5ValueOut ) = 0;
// Base file system interface
// This is the minimal interface that can be implemented to provide access to
// a named set of files.
abstract_class IBaseFileSystem
virtual int Read( void* pOutput, int size, FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual int Write( void const* pInput, int size, FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
// if pathID is NULL, all paths will be searched for the file
virtual FileHandle_t Open( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void Close( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual void Seek( FileHandle_t file, int pos, FileSystemSeek_t seekType ) = 0;
virtual unsigned int Tell( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual unsigned int Size( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual unsigned int Size( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void Flush( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual bool Precache( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual bool FileExists( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual bool IsFileWritable( char const *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual bool SetFileWritable( char const *pFileName, bool writable, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual time_t GetFileTime( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
// Reads/writes files to utlbuffers. Use this for optimal read performance when doing open/read/close
virtual bool ReadFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes = 0, int nStartingByte = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) = 0;
virtual bool WriteFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, CUtlBuffer &buf ) = 0;
virtual bool UnzipFile( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, const char *pDestination ) = 0;
// Main file system interface
abstract_class IFileSystem : public IAppSystem, public IBaseFileSystem
// Steam operations
virtual bool IsSteam() const = 0;
// Supplying an extra app id will mount this app in addition
// to the one specified in the environment variable "steamappid"
// If nExtraAppId is < -1, then it will mount that app ID only.
// (Was needed by the dedicated server b/c the "SteamAppId" env var only gets passed to steam.dll
// at load time, so the dedicated couldn't pass it in that way).
virtual FilesystemMountRetval_t MountSteamContent( int nExtraAppId = -1 ) = 0;
// Search path manipulation
// Add paths in priority order (mod dir, game dir, ....)
// If one or more .pak files are in the specified directory, then they are
// added after the file system path
// If the path is the relative path to a .bsp file, then any previous .bsp file
// override is cleared and the current .bsp is searched for an embedded PAK file
// and this file becomes the highest priority search path ( i.e., it's looked at first
// even before the mod's file system path ).
virtual void AddSearchPath( const char *pPath, const char *pathID, SearchPathAdd_t addType = PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL ) = 0;
virtual bool RemoveSearchPath( const char *pPath, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
// Remove all search paths (including write path?)
virtual void RemoveAllSearchPaths( void ) = 0;
// Remove search paths associated with a given pathID
virtual void RemoveSearchPaths( const char *szPathID ) = 0;
// This is for optimization. If you mark a path ID as "by request only", then files inside it
// will only be accessed if the path ID is specifically requested. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
// If there are currently no search paths with the specified path ID, then it will still
// remember it in case you add search paths with this path ID.
virtual void MarkPathIDByRequestOnly( const char *pPathID, bool bRequestOnly ) = 0;
// converts a partial path into a full path
// Prefer using the RelativePathToFullPath_safe template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual const char *RelativePathToFullPath( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars, PathTypeFilter_t pathFilter = FILTER_NONE, PathTypeQuery_t *pPathType = NULL ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> const char *RelativePathToFullPath_safe( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pDest)[maxLenInChars], PathTypeFilter_t pathFilter = FILTER_NONE, PathTypeQuery_t *pPathType = NULL )
return RelativePathToFullPath( pFileName, pPathID, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars, pathFilter, pPathType );
// Returns the search path, each path is separated by ;s. Returns the length of the string returned
// Prefer using the GetSearchPath_safe template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual int GetSearchPath( const char *pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> int GetSearchPath_safe( const char *pathID, bool bGetPackFiles, OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pDest)[maxLenInChars] )
return GetSearchPath( pathID, bGetPackFiles, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars );
// interface for custom pack files > 4Gb
virtual bool AddPackFile( const char *fullpath, const char *pathID ) = 0;
// File manipulation operations
// Deletes a file (on the WritePath)
virtual void RemoveFile( char const* pRelativePath, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
// Renames a file (on the WritePath)
virtual bool RenameFile( char const *pOldPath, char const *pNewPath, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
// create a local directory structure
virtual void CreateDirHierarchy( const char *path, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
// File I/O and info
virtual bool IsDirectory( const char *pFileName, const char *pathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void FileTimeToString( char* pStrip, int maxCharsIncludingTerminator, time_t fileTime ) = 0;
// Open file operations
virtual void SetBufferSize( FileHandle_t file, unsigned nBytes ) = 0;
virtual bool IsOk( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual bool EndOfFile( FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual char *ReadLine( char *pOutput, int maxChars, FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual int FPrintf( FileHandle_t file, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... ) = 0;
// Dynamic library operations
// load/unload modules
virtual CSysModule *LoadModule( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID = 0, bool bValidatedDllOnly = true ) = 0;
virtual void UnloadModule( CSysModule *pModule ) = 0;
// File searching operations
// FindFirst/FindNext. Also see FindFirstEx.
virtual const char *FindFirst( const char *pWildCard, FileFindHandle_t *pHandle ) = 0;
virtual const char *FindNext( FileFindHandle_t handle ) = 0;
virtual bool FindIsDirectory( FileFindHandle_t handle ) = 0;
virtual void FindClose( FileFindHandle_t handle ) = 0;
// Same as FindFirst, but you can filter by path ID, which can make it faster.
virtual const char *FindFirstEx(
const char *pWildCard,
const char *pPathID,
FileFindHandle_t *pHandle
) = 0;
// File name and directory operations
// FIXME: This method is obsolete! Use RelativePathToFullPath instead!
// converts a partial path into a full path
// Prefer using the GetLocalPath_safe template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual const char *GetLocalPath( const char *pFileName, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> const char *GetLocalPath_safe( const char *pFileName, OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pDest)[maxLenInChars] )
return GetLocalPath( pFileName, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars );
// Returns true on success ( based on current list of search paths, otherwise false if
// it can't be resolved )
// Prefer using the FullPathToRelativePath_safe template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual bool FullPathToRelativePath( const char *pFullpath, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> bool FullPathToRelativePath_safe( const char *pFullpath, OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pDest)[maxLenInChars] )
return FullPathToRelativePath( pFullpath, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars );
// Gets the current working directory
virtual bool GetCurrentDirectory( char* pDirectory, int maxlen ) = 0;
// Filename dictionary operations
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindOrAddFileName( char const *pFileName ) = 0;
virtual bool String( const FileNameHandle_t& handle, char *buf, int buflen ) = 0;
// Asynchronous file operations
// Global operations
FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncRead( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, FSAsyncControl_t *phControl = NULL ) { return AsyncReadMultiple( &request, 1, phControl ); }
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncReadMultiple( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, FSAsyncControl_t *phControls = NULL ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAppend(const char *pFileName, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl = NULL ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAppendFile(const char *pAppendToFileName, const char *pAppendFromFileName, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void AsyncFinishAll( int iToPriority = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void AsyncFinishAllWrites() = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncFlush() = 0;
virtual bool AsyncSuspend() = 0;
virtual bool AsyncResume() = 0;
/// Add async fetcher interface. This gives apps a hook to intercept async requests and
/// pull the data from a source of their choosing. The immediate use case is to load
/// assets from the CDN via HTTP.
virtual void AsyncAddFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ) = 0;
virtual void AsyncRemoveFetcher( IAsyncFileFetch *pFetcher ) = 0;
// Functions to hold a file open if planning on doing mutiple reads. Use is optional,
// and is taken only as a hint
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncBeginRead( const char *pszFile, FSAsyncFile_t *phFile ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncEndRead( FSAsyncFile_t hFile ) = 0;
// Request management
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncFinish( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, bool wait = true ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncGetResult( FSAsyncControl_t hControl, void **ppData, int *pSize ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncAbort( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncStatus( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) = 0;
// set a new priority for a file already in the queue
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncSetPriority(FSAsyncControl_t hControl, int newPriority) = 0;
virtual void AsyncAddRef( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) = 0;
virtual void AsyncRelease( FSAsyncControl_t hControl ) = 0;
// Remote resource management
// starts waiting for resources to be available
// returns FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE if there is nothing to wait on
virtual WaitForResourcesHandle_t WaitForResources( const char *resourcelist ) = 0;
// get progress on waiting for resources; progress is a float [0, 1], complete is true on the waiting being done
// returns false if no progress is available
// any calls after complete is true or on an invalid handle will return false, 0.0f, true
virtual bool GetWaitForResourcesProgress( WaitForResourcesHandle_t handle, float *progress /* out */ , bool *complete /* out */ ) = 0;
// cancels a progress call
virtual void CancelWaitForResources( WaitForResourcesHandle_t handle ) = 0;
// hints that a set of files will be loaded in near future
// HintResourceNeed() is not to be confused with resource precaching.
virtual int HintResourceNeed( const char *hintlist, int forgetEverything ) = 0;
// returns true if a file is on disk
virtual bool IsFileImmediatelyAvailable(const char *pFileName) = 0;
// copies file out of pak/bsp/steam cache onto disk (to be accessible by third-party code)
virtual void GetLocalCopy( const char *pFileName ) = 0;
// Debugging operations
// Dump to printf/OutputDebugString the list of files that have not been closed
virtual void PrintOpenedFiles( void ) = 0;
virtual void PrintSearchPaths( void ) = 0;
// output
virtual void SetWarningFunc( void (*pfnWarning)( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ) ) = 0;
virtual void SetWarningLevel( FileWarningLevel_t level ) = 0;
virtual void AddLoggingFunc( void (*pfnLogFunc)( const char *fileName, const char *accessType ) ) = 0;
virtual void RemoveLoggingFunc( FileSystemLoggingFunc_t logFunc ) = 0;
// Returns the file system statistics retreived by the implementation. Returns NULL if not supported.
virtual const FileSystemStatistics *GetFilesystemStatistics() = 0;
// Start of new functions after Lost Coast release (7/05)
virtual FileHandle_t OpenEx( const char *pFileName, const char *pOptions, unsigned flags = 0, const char *pathID = 0, char **ppszResolvedFilename = NULL ) = 0;
// Extended version of read provides more context to allow for more optimal reading
virtual int ReadEx( void* pOutput, int sizeDest, int size, FileHandle_t file ) = 0;
virtual int ReadFileEx( const char *pFileName, const char *pPath, void **ppBuf, bool bNullTerminate = false, bool bOptimalAlloc = false, int nMaxBytes = 0, int nStartingByte = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) = 0;
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindFileName( char const *pFileName ) = 0;
#if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO )
virtual void EnableBlockingFileAccessTracking( bool state ) = 0;
virtual bool IsBlockingFileAccessEnabled() const = 0;
virtual IBlockingFileItemList *RetrieveBlockingFileAccessInfo() = 0;
virtual void SetupPreloadData() = 0;
virtual void DiscardPreloadData() = 0;
// Fixme, we could do these via a string embedded into the compiled data, etc...
enum KeyValuesPreloadType_t
virtual void LoadCompiledKeyValues( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *archiveFile ) = 0;
// If the "PreloadedData" hasn't been purged, then this'll try and instance the KeyValues using the fast path of compiled keyvalues loaded during startup.
// Otherwise, it'll just fall through to the regular KeyValues loading routines
virtual KeyValues *LoadKeyValues( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual bool LoadKeyValues( KeyValues& head, KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual bool ExtractRootKeyName( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type, char *outbuf, size_t bufsize, char const *filename, char const *pPathID = 0 ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncWrite(const char *pFileName, const void *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend = false, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl = NULL ) = 0;
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncWriteFile(const char *pFileName, const CUtlBuffer *pSrc, int nSrcBytes, bool bFreeMemory, bool bAppend = false, FSAsyncControl_t *pControl = NULL ) = 0;
// Async read functions with memory blame
FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncReadCreditAlloc( const FileAsyncRequest_t &request, const char *pszFile, int line, FSAsyncControl_t *phControl = NULL ) { return AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( &request, 1, pszFile, line, phControl ); }
virtual FSAsyncStatus_t AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( const FileAsyncRequest_t *pRequests, int nRequests, const char *pszFile, int line, FSAsyncControl_t *phControls = NULL ) = 0;
virtual bool GetFileTypeForFullPath( char const *pFullPath, OUT_Z_BYTECAP(bufSizeInBytes) wchar_t *buf, size_t bufSizeInBytes ) = 0;
virtual bool ReadToBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, CUtlBuffer &buf, int nMaxBytes = 0, FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) = 0;
// Optimal IO operations
virtual bool GetOptimalIOConstraints( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned *pOffsetAlign, unsigned *pSizeAlign, unsigned *pBufferAlign ) = 0;
inline unsigned GetOptimalReadSize( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned nLogicalSize );
virtual void *AllocOptimalReadBuffer( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned nSize = 0, unsigned nOffset = 0 ) = 0;
virtual void FreeOptimalReadBuffer( void * ) = 0;
virtual void BeginMapAccess() = 0;
virtual void EndMapAccess() = 0;
// Returns true on success, otherwise false if it can't be resolved
// Prefer using the FullPathToRelativePathEx_safe template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual bool FullPathToRelativePathEx( const char *pFullpath, const char *pPathId, OUT_Z_CAP(maxLenInChars) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> bool FullPathToRelativePathEx_safe( const char *pFullpath, OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pDest)[maxLenInChars] )
return FullPathToRelativePathEx( pFullpath, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars );
virtual int GetPathIndex( const FileNameHandle_t &handle ) = 0;
virtual time_t GetPathTime( const char *pPath, const char *pPathID ) = 0;
virtual DVDMode_t GetDVDMode() = 0;
// Whitelisting for pure servers.
// This should be called ONCE at startup. Multiplayer games (gameinfo.txt does not contain singleplayer_only)
// want to enable this so sv_pure works.
virtual void EnableWhitelistFileTracking( bool bEnable, bool bCacheAllVPKHashes, bool bRecalculateAndCheckHashes ) = 0;
// This is called when the client connects to a server using a pure_server_whitelist.txt file.
virtual void RegisterFileWhitelist( IPureServerWhitelist *pWhiteList, IFileList **pFilesToReload ) = 0;
// Called when the client logs onto a server. Any files that came off disk should be marked as
// unverified because this server may have a different set of files it wants to guarantee.
virtual void MarkAllCRCsUnverified() = 0;
// As the server loads whitelists when it transitions maps, it calls this to calculate CRCs for any files marked
// with check_crc. Then it calls CheckCachedFileCRC later when it gets client requests to verify CRCs.
virtual void CacheFileCRCs( const char *pPathname, ECacheCRCType eType, IFileList *pFilter ) = 0;
virtual EFileCRCStatus CheckCachedFileHash( const char *pPathID, const char *pRelativeFilename, int nFileFraction, FileHash_t *pFileHash ) = 0;
// Fills in the list of files that have been loaded off disk and have not been verified.
// Returns the number of files filled in (between 0 and nMaxFiles).
// This also removes any files it's returning from the unverified CRC list, so they won't be
// returned from here again.
// The client sends batches of these to the server to verify.
virtual int GetUnverifiedFileHashes( CUnverifiedFileHash *pFiles, int nMaxFiles ) = 0;
// Control debug message output.
// Pass a combination of WHITELIST_SPEW_ flags.
virtual int GetWhitelistSpewFlags() = 0;
virtual void SetWhitelistSpewFlags( int flags ) = 0;
// Installs a callback used to display a dirty disk dialog
virtual void InstallDirtyDiskReportFunc( FSDirtyDiskReportFunc_t func ) = 0;
// Low-level file caching. Cached files are loaded into memory and used
// to satisfy read requests (sync and async) until the cache is destroyed.
// NOTE: this could defeat file whitelisting, if a file were loaded in
// a non-whitelisted environment and then reused. Clients should not cache
// files across moves between pure/non-pure environments.
virtual FileCacheHandle_t CreateFileCache() = 0;
virtual void AddFilesToFileCache( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId, const char **ppFileNames, int nFileNames, const char *pPathID ) = 0;
virtual bool IsFileCacheFileLoaded( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId, const char* pFileName ) = 0;
virtual bool IsFileCacheLoaded( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyFileCache( FileCacheHandle_t cacheId ) = 0;
// XXX For now, we assume that all path IDs are "GAME", never cache files
// outside of the game search path, and preferentially return those files
// whenever anyone searches for a match even if an on-disk file in another
// folder would have been found first in a traditional search. extending
// the memory cache to cover non-game files isn't necessary right now, but
// should just be a matter of defining a more complex key type. (henryg)
// Register a CMemoryFileBacking; must balance with UnregisterMemoryFile.
// Returns false and outputs an ref-bumped pointer to the existing entry
// if the same file has already been registered by someone else; this must
// be Unregistered to maintain the balance.
virtual bool RegisterMemoryFile( CMemoryFileBacking *pFile, CMemoryFileBacking **ppExistingFileWithRef ) = 0;
// Unregister a CMemoryFileBacking; must balance with RegisterMemoryFile.
virtual void UnregisterMemoryFile( CMemoryFileBacking *pFile ) = 0;
virtual void CacheAllVPKFileHashes( bool bCacheAllVPKHashes, bool bRecalculateAndCheckHashes ) = 0;
virtual bool CheckVPKFileHash( int PackFileID, int nPackFileNumber, int nFileFraction, MD5Value_t &md5Value ) = 0;
// Called when we unload a file, to remove that file's info for pure server purposes.
virtual void NotifyFileUnloaded( const char *pszFilename, const char *pPathId ) = 0;
// Returns true on successfully retrieve case-sensitive full path, otherwise false
// Prefer using the GetCaseCorrectFullPath template wrapper to calling this directly
virtual bool GetCaseCorrectFullPath_Ptr( const char *pFullPath, OUT_Z_CAP( maxLenInChars ) char *pDest, int maxLenInChars ) = 0;
template <size_t maxLenInChars> bool GetCaseCorrectFullPath( const char *pFullPath, OUT_Z_ARRAY char( &pDest )[maxLenInChars] )
return GetCaseCorrectFullPath_Ptr( pFullPath, pDest, (int)maxLenInChars );
// Memory file backing, which you can use to fake out the filesystem, caching data
// in memory and have it associated with a file
class CMemoryFileBacking : public CRefCounted<CRefCountServiceMT>
// malloc and free in headers with our janky memdbg system. What could go wrong. Except everything.
// (this free can't skip memdbg if paired malloc used memdbg)
#include <memdbgon.h>
CMemoryFileBacking( IFileSystem* pFS ) : m_pFS( pFS ), m_nRegistered( 0 ), m_pFileName( NULL ), m_pData( NULL ), m_nLength( 0 ) { }
~CMemoryFileBacking() { free( (char*) m_pFileName ); if ( m_pData ) m_pFS->FreeOptimalReadBuffer( (char*) m_pData ); }
#include <memdbgoff.h>
IFileSystem* m_pFS;
int m_nRegistered;
const char* m_pFileName;
const char* m_pData;
int m_nLength;
CMemoryFileBacking( const CMemoryFileBacking& ); // not defined
CMemoryFileBacking& operator=( const CMemoryFileBacking& ); // not defined
#if defined( _X360 ) && !defined( _RETAIL )
extern char g_szXboxProfileLastFileOpened[MAX_PATH];
#define SetLastProfileFileRead( s ) Q_strncpy( g_szXboxProfileLastFileOpened, sizeof( g_szXboxProfileLastFileOpened), pFileName )
#define GetLastProfileFileRead() (&g_szXboxProfileLastFileOpened[0])
#define SetLastProfileFileRead( s ) ((void)0)
#define GetLastProfileFileRead() NULL
#if defined( _X360 ) && defined( _BASETSD_H_ )
class CXboxDiskCacheSetter
CXboxDiskCacheSetter( SIZE_T newSize )
m_oldSize = XGetFileCacheSize();
XSetFileCacheSize( newSize );
XSetFileCacheSize( m_oldSize );
SIZE_T m_oldSize;
#define DISK_INTENSIVE() CXboxDiskCacheSetter cacheSetter( 1024*1024 )
#define DISK_INTENSIVE() ((void)0)
inline unsigned IFileSystem::GetOptimalReadSize( FileHandle_t hFile, unsigned nLogicalSize )
unsigned align;
if ( GetOptimalIOConstraints( hFile, &align, NULL, NULL ) )
return AlignValue( nLogicalSize, align );
return nLogicalSize;
// We include this here so it'll catch compile errors in VMPI early.
#include "filesystem_passthru.h"
// Async memory tracking
#if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(USE_MEM_DEBUG))
#define AsyncRead( a, b ) AsyncReadCreditAlloc( a, __FILE__, __LINE__, b )
#define AsyncReadMutiple( a, b, c ) AsyncReadMultipleCreditAlloc( a, b, __FILE__, __LINE__, c )
extern IFileSystem *g_pFullFileSystem;
#endif // FILESYSTEM_H