FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Common pixel shader code
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef COMMON_PS_FXC_H_
#define COMMON_PS_FXC_H_
#include "common_fxc.h"
// Put global skip commands here. . make sure and check that the appropriate vars are defined
// so these aren't used on the wrong shaders!
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HDR should never be enabled if we don't aren't running in float or integer HDR mode.
// SKIP: defined $HDRTYPE && defined $HDRENABLED && !$HDRTYPE && $HDRENABLED
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We don't ever write water fog to dest alpha if we aren't doing water fog.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We don't need fog in the pixel shader if we aren't in float fog mode2
// NOSKIP: defined $HDRTYPE && defined $HDRENABLED && defined $PIXELFOGTYPE && $HDRTYPE != HDR_TYPE_FLOAT && $FOGTYPE != 0
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We don't do HDR and LIGHTING_PREVIEW at the same time since it's running LDR in hammer.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ditch all fastpath attempts if we are doing LIGHTING_PREVIEW.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Ditch flashlight depth when flashlight is disabled
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// System defined pixel shader constants
#if defined( _X360 )
const bool g_bHighQualityShadows : register( b0 );
// NOTE: w == 1.0f / (Dest alpha compressed depth range).
const float4 g_LinearFogColor : register( c29 );
#define OO_DESTALPHA_DEPTH_RANGE (g_LinearFogColor.w)
// Linear and gamma light scale values
const float4 cLightScale : register( c30 );
#define LINEAR_LIGHT_SCALE (cLightScale.x)
#define LIGHT_MAP_SCALE (cLightScale.y)
#define ENV_MAP_SCALE (cLightScale.z)
#define GAMMA_LIGHT_SCALE (cLightScale.w)
// Flashlight constants
#if defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0)
const float4 cFlashlightColor : register( c28 );
const float4 cFlashlightScreenScale : register( c31 ); // .zw are currently unused
#define flFlashlightNoLambertValue cFlashlightColor.w // This is either 0.0 or 2.0
#define HDR_INPUT_MAP_SCALE 16.0f
#define PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE -1 //MATERIAL_FOG_NONE is handled by PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_RANGE, this is for explicitly disabling fog in the shader
#define PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_RANGE 0 //range+none packed together in ps2b. Simply none in ps20 (instruction limits)
// If you change these, make the corresponding change in hardwareconfig.cpp
#define ATI_NOPCF 1
#define ATI_NO_PCF_FETCH4 2
float4 color : COLOR0;
float4 normal : COLOR1;
float4 position : COLOR2;
float4 flags : COLOR3;
// unused
HALF Luminance( HALF3 color )
return dot( color, HALF3( HALF_CONSTANT(0.30f), HALF_CONSTANT(0.59f), HALF_CONSTANT(0.11f) ) );
// unused
HALF LuminanceScaled( HALF3 color )
// unused
HALF AvgColor( HALF3 color )
return dot( color, HALF3( HALF_CONSTANT(0.33333f), HALF_CONSTANT(0.33333f), HALF_CONSTANT(0.33333f) ) );
// unused
HALF4 DiffuseBump( sampler lightmapSampler,
float2 lightmapTexCoord1,
float2 lightmapTexCoord2,
float2 lightmapTexCoord3,
HALF3 normal )
HALF3 lightmapColor1 = tex2D( lightmapSampler, lightmapTexCoord1 );
HALF3 lightmapColor2 = tex2D( lightmapSampler, lightmapTexCoord2 );
HALF3 lightmapColor3 = tex2D( lightmapSampler, lightmapTexCoord3 );
HALF3 diffuseLighting;
diffuseLighting = saturate( dot( normal, bumpBasis[0] ) ) * lightmapColor1 +
saturate( dot( normal, bumpBasis[1] ) ) * lightmapColor2 +
saturate( dot( normal, bumpBasis[2] ) ) * lightmapColor3;
return HALF4( diffuseLighting, LuminanceScaled( diffuseLighting ) );
// unused
HALF Fresnel( HALF3 normal,
HALF3 eye,
HALF2 scaleBias )
HALF fresnel = HALF_CONSTANT(1.0f) - dot( normal, eye );
fresnel = pow( fresnel, HALF_CONSTANT(5.0f) );
return fresnel * scaleBias.x + scaleBias.y;
// unused
HALF4 GetNormal( sampler normalSampler,
float2 normalTexCoord )
HALF4 normal = tex2D( normalSampler, normalTexCoord );
normal.rgb = HALF_CONSTANT(2.0f) * normal.rgb - HALF_CONSTANT(1.0f);
return normal;
// Needs to match NormalDecodeMode_t enum in imaterialsystem.h
float4 DecompressNormal( sampler NormalSampler, float2 tc, int nDecompressionMode, sampler AlphaSampler )
float4 normalTexel = tex2D( NormalSampler, tc );
float4 result;
if ( nDecompressionMode == NORM_DECODE_NONE )
result = float4(normalTexel.xyz * 2.0f - 1.0f, normalTexel.a );
else if ( nDecompressionMode == NORM_DECODE_ATI2N )
result.xy = normalTexel.xy * 2.0f - 1.0f;
result.z = sqrt( 1.0f - dot(result.xy, result.xy) );
result.a = 1.0f;
else // ATI2N plus ATI1N for alpha
result.xy = normalTexel.xy * 2.0f - 1.0f;
result.z = sqrt( 1.0f - dot(result.xy, result.xy) );
result.a = tex2D( AlphaSampler, tc ).x; // Note that this comes in on the X channel
return result;
float4 DecompressNormal( sampler NormalSampler, float2 tc, int nDecompressionMode )
return DecompressNormal( NormalSampler, tc, nDecompressionMode, NormalSampler );
HALF3 NormalizeWithCubemap( sampler normalizeSampler, HALF3 input )
// return texCUBE( normalizeSampler, input ) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
return texCUBE( normalizeSampler, input );
HALF4 EnvReflect( sampler envmapSampler,
sampler normalizeSampler,
HALF3 normal,
float3 eye,
HALF2 fresnelScaleBias )
HALF3 normEye = NormalizeWithCubemap( normalizeSampler, eye );
HALF fresnel = Fresnel( normal, normEye, fresnelScaleBias );
HALF3 reflect = CalcReflectionVectorUnnormalized( normal, eye );
return texCUBE( envmapSampler, reflect );
float CalcWaterFogAlpha( const float flWaterZ, const float flEyePosZ, const float flWorldPosZ, const float flProjPosZ, const float flFogOORange )
// float flDepthFromWater = flWaterZ - flWorldPosZ + 2.0f; // hackity hack . .this is for the DF_FUDGE_UP in view_scene.cpp
float flDepthFromWater = flWaterZ - flWorldPosZ;
// if flDepthFromWater < 0, then set it to 0
// This is the equivalent of moving the vert to the water surface if it's above the water surface
// We'll do this with the saturate at the end instead.
// flDepthFromWater = max( 0.0f, flDepthFromWater );
// Calculate the ratio of water fog to regular fog (ie. how much of the distance from the viewer
// to the vert is actually underwater.
float flDepthFromEye = flEyePosZ - flWorldPosZ;
float f = saturate(flDepthFromWater * (1.0/flDepthFromEye));
// $tmp.w is now the distance that we see through water.
return saturate(f * flProjPosZ * flFogOORange);
float CalcRangeFog( const float flProjPosZ, const float flFogStartOverRange, const float flFogMaxDensity, const float flFogOORange )
#if !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) //Minimum requirement of ps2b
return saturate( min( flFogMaxDensity, (flProjPosZ * flFogOORange) - flFogStartOverRange ) );
return 0.0f; //ps20 shaders will never have range fog enabled because too many ran out of slots.
float CalcPixelFogFactor( int iPIXELFOGTYPE, const float4 fogParams, const float flEyePosZ, const float flWorldPosZ, const float flProjPosZ )
float retVal;
retVal = 0.0f;
if ( iPIXELFOGTYPE == PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_RANGE ) //range fog, or no fog depending on fog parameters
retVal = CalcRangeFog( flProjPosZ, fogParams.x, fogParams.z, fogParams.w );
else if ( iPIXELFOGTYPE == PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_HEIGHT ) //height fog
retVal = CalcWaterFogAlpha( fogParams.y, flEyePosZ, flWorldPosZ, flProjPosZ, fogParams.w );
return retVal;
//g_FogParams not defined by default, but this is the same layout for every shader that does define it
#define g_FogEndOverRange g_FogParams.x
#define g_WaterZ g_FogParams.y
#define g_FogMaxDensity g_FogParams.z
#define g_FogOORange g_FogParams.w
float3 BlendPixelFog( const float3 vShaderColor, float pixelFogFactor, const float3 vFogColor, const int iPIXELFOGTYPE )
if( iPIXELFOGTYPE == PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_RANGE ) //either range fog or no fog depending on fog parameters and whether this is ps20 or ps2b
# if !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) //Minimum requirement of ps2b
pixelFogFactor = saturate( pixelFogFactor );
return lerp( vShaderColor.rgb, vFogColor.rgb, pixelFogFactor * pixelFogFactor ); //squaring the factor will get the middle range mixing closer to hardware fog
# else
return vShaderColor;
# endif
return lerp( vShaderColor.rgb, vFogColor.rgb, saturate( pixelFogFactor ) );
return vShaderColor;
#if ((defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0)) && ( CONVERT_TO_SRGB != 0 ) )
sampler1D GammaTableSampler : register( s15 );
float3 SRGBOutput( const float3 vShaderColor )
//On ps2b capable hardware we always have the linear->gamma conversion table texture in sampler s15.
float3 result;
result.r = tex1D( GammaTableSampler, vShaderColor.r ).r;
result.g = tex1D( GammaTableSampler, vShaderColor.g ).r;
result.b = tex1D( GammaTableSampler, vShaderColor.b ).r;
return result;
float3 SRGBOutput( const float3 vShaderColor )
return vShaderColor; //ps 1.1, 1.4, and 2.0 never do srgb conversion in the pixel shader
float SoftParticleDepth( float flDepth )
float DepthToDestAlpha( const float flProjZ )
#if !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) //Minimum requirement of ps2b
return SoftParticleDepth( flProjZ );
return 1.0f;
float4 FinalOutput( const float4 vShaderColor, float pixelFogFactor, const int iPIXELFOGTYPE, const int iTONEMAP_SCALE_TYPE, const bool bWriteDepthToDestAlpha = false, const float flProjZ = 1.0f )
float4 result;
result.rgb = vShaderColor.rgb * LINEAR_LIGHT_SCALE;
result.rgb = vShaderColor.rgb * GAMMA_LIGHT_SCALE;
result.rgb = vShaderColor.rgb;
if( bWriteDepthToDestAlpha )
result.a = DepthToDestAlpha( flProjZ );
result.a = vShaderColor.a;
result.rgb = BlendPixelFog( result.rgb, pixelFogFactor, g_LinearFogColor.rgb, iPIXELFOGTYPE );
#if !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) //Minimum requirement of ps2b
result.rgb = SRGBOutput( result.rgb ); //SRGB in pixel shader conversion
return result;
LPREVIEW_PS_OUT FinalOutput( const LPREVIEW_PS_OUT vShaderColor, float pixelFogFactor, const int iPIXELFOGTYPE, const int iTONEMAP_SCALE_TYPE )
result.color = FinalOutput( vShaderColor.color, pixelFogFactor, iPIXELFOGTYPE, iTONEMAP_SCALE_TYPE );
result.normal.rgb = SRGBOutput( vShaderColor.normal.rgb );
result.normal.a = vShaderColor.normal.a;
result.position.rgb = SRGBOutput( vShaderColor.position.rgb );
result.position.a = vShaderColor.position.a;
result.flags.rgb = SRGBOutput( vShaderColor.flags.rgb );
result.flags.a = vShaderColor.flags.a;
return result;
float RemapValClamped( float val, float A, float B, float C, float D)
float cVal = (val - A) / (B - A);
cVal = saturate( cVal );
return C + (D - C) * cVal;
// This is based on Natasha Tatarchuk's Parallax Occlusion Mapping (ATI)
// inTexCoord:
// the texcoord for the height/displacement map before parallaxing
// vParallax:
// Compute initial parallax displacement direction:
// float2 vParallaxDirection = normalize( vViewTS.xy );
// float fLength = length( vViewTS );
// float fParallaxLength = sqrt( fLength * fLength - vViewTS.z * vViewTS.z ) / vViewTS.z;
// Out.vParallax = vParallaxDirection * fParallaxLength * fProjectedBumpHeight;
// vNormal:
// tangent space normal
// vViewW:
// float3 vViewW = /*normalize*/(mul( matViewInverse, float4( 0, 0, 0, 1)) - inPosition );
// the new texcoord after parallaxing
float2 CalcParallaxedTexCoord( float2 inTexCoord, float2 vParallax, float3 vNormal,
float3 vViewW, sampler HeightMapSampler )
const int nMinSamples = 8;
const int nMaxSamples = 50;
// Normalize the incoming view vector to avoid artifacts:
// vView = normalize( vView );
vViewW = normalize( vViewW );
// vLight = normalize( vLight );
// Change the number of samples per ray depending on the viewing angle
// for the surface. Oblique angles require smaller step sizes to achieve
// more accurate precision
int nNumSteps = (int) lerp( nMaxSamples, nMinSamples, dot( vViewW, vNormal ) );
float4 cResultColor = float4( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
// Parallax occlusion mapping offset computation //
float fCurrHeight = 0.0;
float fStepSize = 1.0 / (float) nNumSteps;
float fPrevHeight = 1.0;
float fNextHeight = 0.0;
int nStepIndex = 0;
// bool bCondition = true;
float2 dx = ddx( inTexCoord );
float2 dy = ddy( inTexCoord );
float2 vTexOffsetPerStep = fStepSize * vParallax;
float2 vTexCurrentOffset = inTexCoord;
float fCurrentBound = 1.0;
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
float xh = 0;
float yh = 0;
float2 texOffset2 = 0;
bool bCondition = true;
while ( bCondition == true && nStepIndex < nNumSteps )
vTexCurrentOffset -= vTexOffsetPerStep;
fCurrHeight = tex2Dgrad( HeightMapSampler, vTexCurrentOffset, dx, dy ).r;
fCurrentBound -= fStepSize;
if ( fCurrHeight > fCurrentBound )
x = fCurrentBound;
y = fCurrentBound + fStepSize;
xh = fCurrHeight;
yh = fPrevHeight;
texOffset2 = vTexCurrentOffset - vTexOffsetPerStep;
bCondition = false;
fPrevHeight = fCurrHeight;
} // End of while ( bCondition == true && nStepIndex > -1 )#else
fCurrentBound -= fStepSize;
float fParallaxAmount;
float numerator = (x * (y - yh) - y * (x - xh));
float denomenator = ((y - yh) - (x - xh));
// avoid NaN generation
if( ( numerator == 0.0f ) && ( denomenator == 0.0f ) )
fParallaxAmount = 0.0f;
fParallaxAmount = numerator / denomenator;
float2 vParallaxOffset = vParallax * (1 - fParallaxAmount );
// Sample the height at the next possible step:
fNextHeight = tex2Dgrad( HeightMapSampler, texOffset2, dx, dy ).r;
// Original offset:
float2 texSampleBase = inTexCoord - vParallaxOffset;
return texSampleBase;
#if 0
cResultColor.rgb = ComputeDiffuseColor( texSampleBase, vLight );
float fBound = 1.0 - fStepSize * nStepIndex;
if ( fNextHeight < fCurrentBound )
// if( 0 )
//void DoIteration( in float2 vParallaxJittered, in float3 vLight, inout float4 cResultColor )
//cResultColor.rgb = float3(1,0,0);
DoIteration( vParallax + vPixelSize, vLight, fStepSize, inTexCoord, nStepIndex, dx, dy, fBound, cResultColor );
DoIteration( vParallax - vPixelSize, vLight, fStepSize, inTexCoord, nStepIndex, dx, dy, fBound, cResultColor );
DoIteration( vParallax + float2( -vPixelSize.x, vPixelSize.y ), vLight, fStepSize, inTexCoord, nStepIndex, dx, dy, fBound, cResultColor );
DoIteration( vParallax + float2( vPixelSize.x, -vPixelSize.y ), vLight, fStepSize, inTexCoord, nStepIndex, dx, dy, fBound, cResultColor );
cResultColor.rgb /= 5;
// cResultColor.rgb = float3( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
} // End of if ( fNextHeight < fCurrentBound )
// Soft shadow and self-occlusion computation //
// Compute the blurry shadows (note that this computation takes into
// account self-occlusion for shadow computation):
float sh0 = tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase).w;
float shA = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.88 ).w - sh0 - 0.88 ) * 1 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh9 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.77 ).w - sh0 - 0.77 ) * 2 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh8 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.66 ).w - sh0 - 0.66 ) * 4 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh7 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.55 ).w - sh0 - 0.55 ) * 6 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh6 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.44 ).w - sh0 - 0.44 ) * 8 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh5 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.33 ).w - sh0 - 0.33 ) * 10 * fShadowSoftening;
float sh4 = (tex2D( sNormalMap, texSampleBase + inXY * 0.22 ).w - sh0 - 0.22 ) * 12 * fShadowSoftening;
// Compute the actual shadow strength:
float fShadow = 1 - max( max( max( max( max( max( shA, sh9 ), sh8 ), sh7 ), sh6 ), sh5 ), sh4 );
cResultColor.rgb *= fShadow * 0.6 + 0.4;
return cResultColor;
// HSL Color space conversion routines //
#define HUE 0
#define SATURATION 1
#define LIGHTNESS 2
// Convert from RGB to HSL color space
float4 RGBtoHSL( float4 inColor )
float h, s;
float flMax = max( inColor.r, max( inColor.g, inColor.b ) );
float flMin = min( inColor.r, min( inColor.g, inColor.b ) );
float l = (flMax + flMin) / 2.0f;
if (flMax == flMin) // achromatic case
s = h = 0;
else // chromatic case
// Next, calculate the hue
float delta = flMax - flMin;
// First, calculate the saturation
if (l < 0.5f) // If we're in the lower hexcone
s = delta/(flMax + flMin);
s = delta/(2 - flMax - flMin);
if ( inColor.r == flMax )
h = (inColor.g - inColor.b)/delta; // color between yellow and magenta
else if ( inColor.g == flMax )
h = 2 + (inColor.b - inColor.r)/delta; // color between cyan and yellow
else // blue must be max
h = 4 + (inColor.r - inColor.g)/delta; // color between magenta and cyan
h *= 60.0f;
if (h < 0.0f)
h += 360.0f;
h /= 360.0f;
return float4 (h, s, l, 1.0f);
float HueToRGB( float v1, float v2, float vH )
float fResult = v1;
vH = fmod (vH + 1.0f, 1.0f);
if ( ( 6.0f * vH ) < 1.0f )
fResult = ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * 6.0f * vH );
else if ( ( 2.0f * vH ) < 1.0f )
fResult = ( v2 );
else if ( ( 3.0f * vH ) < 2.0f )
fResult = ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * ( ( 2.0f / 3.0f ) - vH ) * 6.0f );
return fResult;
// Convert from HSL to RGB color space
float4 HSLtoRGB( float4 hsl )
float r, g, b;
float h = hsl[HUE];
float s = hsl[SATURATION];
float l = hsl[LIGHTNESS];
if ( s == 0 )
r = g = b = l;
float v1, v2;
if ( l < 0.5f )
v2 = l * ( 1.0f + s );
v2 = ( l + s ) - ( s * l );
v1 = 2 * l - v2;
r = HueToRGB( v1, v2, h + ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) );
g = HueToRGB( v1, v2, h );
b = HueToRGB( v1, v2, h - ( 1.0f / 3.0f ) );
return float4( r, g, b, 1.0f );
// texture combining modes for combining base and detail/basetexture2
#define TCOMBINE_RGB_EQUALS_BASE_x_DETAILx2 0 // original mode
#define TCOMBINE_RGB_ADDITIVE 1 // base.rgb+detail.rgb*fblend
#define TCOMBINE_FADE 3 // straight fade between base and detail.
#define TCOMBINE_BASE_OVER_DETAIL 4 // use base alpha for blend over detail
#define TCOMBINE_RGB_ADDITIVE_SELFILLUM 5 // add detail color post lighting
#define TCOMBINE_MOD2X_SELECT_TWO_PATTERNS 7 // use alpha channel of base to select between mod2x channels in r+a of detail
#define TCOMBINE_MASK_BASE_BY_DETAIL_ALPHA 9 // use alpha channel of detail to mask base
#define TCOMBINE_SSBUMP_BUMP 10 // use detail to modulate lighting as an ssbump
#define TCOMBINE_SSBUMP_NOBUMP 11 // detail is an ssbump but use it as an albedo. shader does the magic here - no user needs to specify mode 11
float4 TextureCombine( float4 baseColor, float4 detailColor, int combine_mode,
float fBlendFactor )
float3 dc=lerp(detailColor.r,detailColor.a, baseColor.a);
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_RGB_EQUALS_BASE_x_DETAILx2)
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_RGB_ADDITIVE )
baseColor.rgb += fBlendFactor * detailColor.rgb;
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_DETAIL_OVER_BASE )
float fblend=fBlendFactor * detailColor.a;
baseColor.rgb = lerp( baseColor.rgb, detailColor.rgb, fblend);
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_FADE )
baseColor = lerp( baseColor, detailColor, fBlendFactor);
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_BASE_OVER_DETAIL )
float fblend=fBlendFactor * (1-baseColor.a);
baseColor.rgb = lerp( baseColor.rgb, detailColor.rgb, fblend );
baseColor.a = detailColor.a;
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_MULTIPLY )
baseColor = lerp( baseColor, baseColor*detailColor, fBlendFactor);
baseColor.a = lerp( baseColor.a, baseColor.a*detailColor.a, fBlendFactor );
if ( combine_mode == TCOMBINE_SSBUMP_NOBUMP )
baseColor.rgb = baseColor.rgb * dot( detailColor.rgb, 2.0/3.0 );
return baseColor;
float3 lerp5(float3 f1, float3 f2, float i1, float i2, float x)
return f1+(f2-f1)*(x-i1)/(i2-i1);
float3 TextureCombinePostLighting( float3 lit_baseColor, float4 detailColor, int combine_mode,
float fBlendFactor )
lit_baseColor += fBlendFactor * detailColor.rgb;
// fade in an unusual way - instead of fading out color, remap an increasing band of it from
// 0..1
//if (fBlendFactor > 0.5)
// lit_baseColor += min(1, (1.0/fBlendFactor)*max(0, detailColor.rgb-(1-fBlendFactor) ) );
// lit_baseColor += 2*fBlendFactor*2*max(0, detailColor.rgb-.5);
float f = fBlendFactor - 0.5;
float fMult = (f >= 0) ? 1.0/fBlendFactor : 4*fBlendFactor;
float fAdd = (f >= 0) ? 1.0-fMult : -0.5*fMult;
lit_baseColor += saturate(fMult * detailColor.rgb + fAdd);
return lit_baseColor;
//NOTE: On X360. fProjZ is expected to be pre-reversed for cheaper math here in the pixel shader
float DepthFeathering( sampler DepthSampler, const float2 vScreenPos, float fProjZ, float fProjW, float4 vDepthBlendConstants )
# if ( !(defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)) ) //minimum requirement of ps2b
float flFeatheredAlpha;
float2 flDepths;
#define flSceneDepth flDepths.x
#define flSpriteDepth flDepths.y
# if ( defined( _X360 ) )
//Get depth from the depth texture. Need to sample with the offset of (0.5, 0.5) to fix rounding errors
asm {
tfetch2D flDepths.x___, vScreenPos, DepthSampler, OffsetX=0.5, OffsetY=0.5, MinFilter=point, MagFilter=point, MipFilter=point
# if( !defined( REVERSE_DEPTH_ON_X360 ) )
flSceneDepth = 1.0f - flSceneDepth;
# endif
//get the sprite depth into the same range as the texture depth
flSpriteDepth = fProjZ / fProjW;
//unproject to get at the pre-projection z. This value is much more linear than depth
flDepths = vDepthBlendConstants.z / flDepths;
flDepths = vDepthBlendConstants.y - flDepths;
flFeatheredAlpha = flSceneDepth - flSpriteDepth;
flFeatheredAlpha *= vDepthBlendConstants.x;
flFeatheredAlpha = saturate( flFeatheredAlpha );
# else
flSceneDepth = tex2D( DepthSampler, vScreenPos ).a; // PC uses dest alpha of the frame buffer
flSpriteDepth = SoftParticleDepth( fProjZ );
flFeatheredAlpha = abs(flSceneDepth - flSpriteDepth) * vDepthBlendConstants.x;
flFeatheredAlpha = max( smoothstep( 0.75f, 1.0f, flSceneDepth ), flFeatheredAlpha ); //as the sprite approaches the edge of our compressed depth space, the math stops working. So as the sprite approaches the far depth, smoothly remove feathering.
flFeatheredAlpha = saturate( flFeatheredAlpha );
# endif
#undef flSceneDepth
#undef flSpriteDepth
return flFeatheredAlpha;
# else
return 1.0f;
# endif
#endif //#ifndef COMMON_PS_FXC_H_