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2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

113 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef SQLUTIL_H
#define SQLUTIL_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
namespace GCSDK
typedef CFmtStrN< 4096 > TSQLCmdStr;
// Returns a long (1024 char) string of "?,?,?,?,?"... for use in IN clauses or INSERT statements
const char *GetInsertArgString();
// Returns the number of characters that should be used for the specified number of parameters
uint32 GetInsertArgStringChars( uint32 nNumParams );
// Returns the maximum number of parameters that are supported by the GetInsertArgString string
uint32 GetInsertArgStringMaxParams();
void ConvertFieldToText( EGCSQLType eFieldType, uint8 *pubRecord, int cubRecord, char *rgchField, int cchField, bool bQuoteString = true );
void ConvertFieldArrayToInText( const CColumnInfo &columnInfo, byte *pubData, int cubData, char *rgchResult, bool bForPreparedStatement );
char *SQLTypeFromField( const CColumnInfo &colInfo, char *pchBuf, int cchBuf );
void EscapeStringValue( char *rgchField, int cchField );
void AppendConstraints( const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo, const CColumnInfo *pColumnInfo, bool bForAdd, CFmtStrMax & sCmd );
void AppendTableConstraints( CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo, CFmtStrMax & sCmd );
void AppendConstraint( const char *pchTableName, const char *pchColumnName, int nColFlagConstraint, bool bForAdd, bool bClustered,
CFmtStrMax & sCmd, int nFillFactor );
void BuildTablePKConstraintText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo );
//void BuildSelectStatementText( CUtlVector<CQuery> *pVecQuery, bool bForPreparedStatement, char *pchStatement, int cchStatement );
void BuildInsertStatementText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo );
void BuildInsertAndReadStatementText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, CUtlVector<int> *pvecOutputFields, const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo ) ;
void BuildMergeStatementTextOnPKWhenMatchedUpdateWhenNotMatchedInsert( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo );
void BuildMergeStatementTextOnPKWhenNotMatchedInsert( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CRecordInfo *pRecordInfo );
void BuildSelectStatementText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CColumnSet & selectSet, const char *pchTopClause = NULL );
void BuildUpdateStatementText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CColumnSet & columnSet );
void BuildDeleteStatementText( TSQLCmdStr *psStatement, const CRecordInfo* pRecordInfo );
void AppendWhereClauseText( TSQLCmdStr *psClause, const CColumnSet & columnSet );
void BuildOutputClauseText( TSQLCmdStr *psClause, const CColumnSet & columnSet );
template< typename T >
bool CopyResultToSchVector( IGCSQLResultSet *pResultSet, const CColumnSet & readSet, CUtlVector< T > *pvecRecords )
if ( pResultSet->GetRowCount() == 0 )
return true;
FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( readSet, nColumnIndex )
EGCSQLType eRecordType = readSet.GetColumnInfo( nColumnIndex ).GetType();
EGCSQLType eResultType = pResultSet->GetColumnType( nColumnIndex );
Assert( eResultType == eRecordType );
if( eRecordType != eResultType )
return false;
for( CSQLRecord sqlRecord( 0, pResultSet ); sqlRecord.IsValid(); sqlRecord.NextRow() )
int nRecord = pvecRecords->AddToTail();
FOR_EACH_COLUMN_IN_SET( readSet, nColumnIndex )
uint8 *pubData;
uint32 cubData;
DbgVerify( sqlRecord.BGetColumnData( nColumnIndex, &pubData, (int*)&cubData ) );
DbgVerify( pvecRecords->Element( nRecord ).BSetField( readSet.GetColumn( nColumnIndex), pubData, cubData ) );
return true;
//EResult UpdateOrInsertUnique( CSQLAccess &sqlAccess, int iTable, int iField, CRecordBase *pRecordBase, int iIndexID );
//bool BIsDuplicateInsertAttempt( const CSQLErrorInfo *pErr );
#define EXIT_WITH_SQL_FAILURE( ret ) { nRet = ret; goto Exit; }
#define EXIT_ON_BOOL_FAILURE( bRet, msg ) \
{ \
if ( false == bRet ) \
{ \
SetSQLError( msg ); \
nRet = SQL_ERROR; \
goto Exit; \
} \
#define SAFE_CLOSE_STMT( x ) \
if ( NULL != (x) ) \
{ \
SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, (x) ); \
(x) = NULL; \
#define SAFE_FREE_HANDLE( x, y ) \
if ( NULL != (x) ) \
{ \
SQLFreeHandle( y, (x) ); \
(x) = NULL; \
} // namespace GCSDK
#endif // SQLUTIL_H