FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

199 lines
6.4 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..1" [ps20b][= g_pHardwareConfig->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion()] [PC]
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..1" [ps30][= g_pHardwareConfig->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion()] [PC]
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..0" [= 0] [XBOX]
// STATIC: "BUMPMAP" "0..1"
// Includes =======================================================================================
#include "common_vertexlitgeneric_dx9.h"
// Texture Samplers ===============================================================================
sampler g_tRefractionSampler : register( s0 );
sampler g_tBumpSampler : register( s1 );
sampler EnvmapSampler : register( s2 );
sampler EnvmapMaskSampler : register( s3 );
// Shaders Constants and Globals ==================================================================
const float4 g_mViewProj0 : register( c0 ); // 1st row of matrix
const float4 g_mViewProj1 : register( c1 ); // 2nd row of matrix
const float4 g_vCameraPosition : register( c5 );
const float4 g_vPackedConst6 : register( c6 );
const float4 g_vPackedConst7 : register( c7 );
const float4 g_cCloakColorTint : register( c8 );
#define g_flSheenMapMaskScaleX g_vPackedConst6.x // Default = 1.0f
#define g_flSheenMapMaskScaleY g_vPackedConst6.y // Default = 1.0f
#define g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetX g_vPackedConst6.z // Default = 0.0f
#define g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetY g_vPackedConst6.w // Default = 0.0f
#define g_flSheenDirection g_vPackedConst7.x // 0,1,2 -> XYZ
#define g_flEffectIndex g_vPackedConst7.y // W
// 8 2D Poisson offsets (designed to use .xy and .wz swizzles (not .zw)
static const float4 g_vPoissonOffset[4] = { float4 (-0.0876f, 0.9703f, 0.5651f, 0.4802f ),
float4 ( 0.1851f, 0.1580f, -0.0617f, -0.2616f ),
float4 (-0.5477f, -0.6603f, 0.0711f, -0.5325f ),
float4 (-0.0751f, -0.8954f, 0.4054f, 0.6384f ) };
// Interpolated values ============================================================================
struct PS_INPUT
float3 vWorldNormal : TEXCOORD0; // World-space normal
float3 vProjPosForRefract : TEXCOORD1;
float3 vWorldViewVector : TEXCOORD2;
float3x3 mTangentSpaceTranspose : TEXCOORD3;
// second row : TEXCOORD4;
// third row : TEXCOORD5;
float2 vTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD6;
float4 vModelSpacePos : TEXCOORD7;
// Main ===========================================================================================
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
float3 vWorldNormal = normalize( i.vWorldNormal.xyz );
float4 vBumpTexel = tex2D( g_tBumpSampler, i.vTexCoord0.xy );
float3 vTangentNormal = ( 2.0f * vBumpTexel ) - 1.0f;
vWorldNormal.xyz = mul( i.mTangentSpaceTranspose, vTangentNormal.xyz );
float4 result;
// Staging test for weapon patterns
if ( g_flEffectIndex == 2 )
float3 ppos = i.vModelSpacePos;
float2 temp = 0;
// 'Scaling' of texture to get it to map to the weapons
// No Skewing, just move left to right
if ( g_flSheenDirection == 0 )
temp.x = ppos.z;
temp.y = ppos.y;
else if ( g_flSheenDirection == 1 )
temp.x = ppos.z;
temp.y = ppos.x;
temp.x = ppos.y;
temp.y = ppos.x;
temp.x -= ( g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetX ); // offset
temp.y -= ( g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetY ); // offset
temp.x /= g_flSheenMapMaskScaleX; // scale
temp.y /= g_flSheenMapMaskScaleY;
temp.y = 1.0 - temp.y;
// Sample Texture
// Sample Mask
//float4 patternTexel = tex2D( EnvmapSampler, temp );
float4 patternTexel = tex2D( EnvmapSampler, i.vTexCoord0.xy );
float4 maskTexel = tex2D( EnvmapMaskSampler, i.vTexCoord0.xy );
//result.rgba = float4( patternTexel.xyz * 1.0, maskTexel.x * 1.0); // 0.3 is a hack to preserve rimlight
//result.rgba = float4( patternTexel.xyz, 1.0); // 0.3 is a hack to preserve rimlight
result.rgba = float4( 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); // 0.3 is a hack to preserve rimlight
// generate a hard reflection in to the cube map
float3 vEyeDir = -normalize(i.vWorldViewVector.xyz);
float3 worldSpaceNormal, tangentSpaceNormal;
tangentSpaceNormal = float3(0, 0, 1);
worldSpaceNormal = normalize( mul( i.mTangentSpaceTranspose, tangentSpaceNormal ) );
float3 vReflect = 2 * worldSpaceNormal * dot(worldSpaceNormal, vEyeDir) - vEyeDir;
float3 envMapColor = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
envMapColor = ENV_MAP_SCALE * texCUBE( EnvmapSampler, vReflect ) * g_cCloakColorTint.xyz;
envMapColor *= 10.0f;
// Sample the Mask
float4 envmapMaskTexel;
float2 temp = 0;
float3 ppos = i.vModelSpacePos;
// skew the sampling based on sheen direction
//if ( g_flSheenDirection == 0 )
// temp.x = ppos.z - ppos.y;
// temp.y = (ppos.x + ppos.y);
//else if ( g_flSheenDirection == 1 )
// temp.x = ppos.x - ppos.z;
// temp.y = (ppos.y + ppos.z);
// temp.x = ppos.y - ppos.x;
// temp.y = (ppos.z + ppos.x);
// No Skewing, just move left to right
if ( g_flSheenDirection == 0 )
temp.x = ppos.z;
temp.y = ppos.y;
else if ( g_flSheenDirection == 1 )
temp.x = ppos.z;
temp.y = ppos.x;
temp.x = ppos.y;
temp.y = ppos.x;
temp.x -= ( g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetX ); // offset
temp.y -= ( g_flSheenMapMaskOffsetY ); // offset
temp.x /= g_flSheenMapMaskScaleX; // scale
temp.y /= g_flSheenMapMaskScaleY;
temp.y = 1.0 - temp.y;
envmapMaskTexel = tex2D( EnvmapMaskSampler, temp );
// Build result, only have alpha if there was value in the mask.
// High alpha (white) will override the underlying texture while low to none will show model underneath
//float4 result;
//result.rgba = float4( envMapColor, envmapMaskTexel.x * g_cCloakColorTint.w );
if ( g_flEffectIndex == 1 )
//float alpha = max( max( envmapMaskTexel.x, envmapMaskTexel.y), envmapMaskTexel.z );
//result.rgba = float4( envMapColor.xyz * envmapMaskTexel.xyz, alpha );
float alpha = max( max( envMapColor.x, envMapColor.y), envMapColor.z );
result.rgba = float4( envMapColor.xyz * envmapMaskTexel.xyz, alpha * envmapMaskTexel.x );
result.rgba = result.rgba * 1.8f;
float alpha = max( max( envMapColor.x, envMapColor.y), envMapColor.z );
result.rgba = float4( envMapColor.xyz * envmapMaskTexel.xyz, alpha * envmapMaskTexel.x );
return FinalOutput( result, 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE );