FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1670 lines
48 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_func_passtime_goal.h"
#include "c_tf_passtime_ball.h"
#include "c_tf_passtime_logic.h"
#include "tf_hud_passtime.h"
#include "tf_hud_passtime_ball_offscreen_arrow.h"
#include "tf_weapon_passtime_gun.h"
#include "passtime_convars.h"
#include "passtime_game_events.h"
#include "tf_hud_freezepanel.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "c_tf_team.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "c_tf_playerresource.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "vgui_controls/AnimationController.h"
#include "vgui_controls/CircularProgressBar.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ProgressBar.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include <algorithm>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// The team colors from g_PR are wrong for probably good reasons that I don't understand.
static Color GetTeamColor( int iTeam, byte alpha = 255 )
switch ( iTeam )
case TF_TEAM_RED: return Color( 159, 55, 34, alpha );
case TF_TEAM_BLUE: return Color( 76, 109, 128, alpha );
default: return Color( 245, 231, 222, alpha );
static const char *GetProgressBallImageForTeam( int iTeam )
switch( iTeam )
case TF_TEAM_RED: return "../passtime/hud/passtime_ballcontrol_red";
case TF_TEAM_BLUE: return "../passtime/hud/passtime_ballcontrol_blue";
default: return "../passtime/hud/passtime_ballcontrol_none";
static const char *GetProgressBallImageForTeam( C_BaseEntity *pEnt )
if ( !pEnt )
return "../passtime/hud/passtime_ball";
return GetProgressBallImageForTeam( pEnt->GetTeamNumber() );
static const char *GetPlayerProgressPortrait( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer )
if ( !pPlayer )
return "../passtime/hud/portrait_scout_red";
int iTeam = pPlayer->GetTeamNumber();
int iClass = pPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex();
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_soldier_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_soldier_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_scout_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_scout_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_sniper_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_sniper_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_demo_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_demo_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_medic_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_medic_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_heavy_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_heavy_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_pyro_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_pyro_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_spy_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_spy_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_eng_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_eng_blu";
return (iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED) ? "../passtime/hud/portrait_scout_red" : "../passtime/hud/portrait_scout_blu";
static const char *GetProgressGoalImage( const C_FuncPasstimeGoal *pGoal )
if ( !pGoal )
return "";
// NOTE: keep in mind that a goal that's on team blue is the goal where blue scores
// and should look red on the hud since it's in the red part of the map. oops.
bool bRedIcon = pGoal->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE;
if ( pGoal->GetGoalType() == C_FuncPasstimeGoal::TYPE_TOWER )
if ( pGoal->BGoalTriggerDisabled() )
return bRedIcon
? "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_red_locked"
: "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_blue_locked";
return bRedIcon
? "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_red_unlocked"
: "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_blue_unlocked";
else if ( pGoal->GetGoalType() == C_FuncPasstimeGoal::TYPE_ENDZONE )
return bRedIcon
? "../passtime/hud/passtime_endzone_red_icon"
: "../passtime/hud/passtime_endzone_blue_icon";
return bRedIcon
? "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_red_icon"
: "../passtime/hud/passtime_goal_blue_icon";
// CTFHudPasstimePanel
CTFHudPasstimePanel::CTFHudPasstimePanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char* name )
: EditablePanel( pParent, name )
bool CTFHudPasstimePanel::IsVisible()
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() )
return false;
return BaseClass::IsVisible();
// CTFHudTeamScore
CTFHudTeamScore::CTFHudTeamScore( vgui::Panel *pParent )
: CTFHudPasstimePanel( pParent, "HudTeamScore" )
, m_pPlayingToCluster( 0 )
void CTFHudTeamScore::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudPasstimeTeamScore.res", NULL, NULL, NULL );
m_pPlayingToCluster = FindControl<EditablePanel>( "PlayingToCluster" );
if ( m_pPlayingToCluster )
m_pPlayingToCluster->SetVisible( true );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
void CTFHudTeamScore::OnTick()
// I would rather not do this every tick, but i couldn't find a reliable way
// to do it from events.
if( !g_pPasstimeLogic )
int iBlueScore = 0;
int iRedScore = 0;
C_TFTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTFTeam( TF_TEAM_BLUE );
if ( pTeam )
iBlueScore = pTeam->GetFlagCaptures();
pTeam = GetGlobalTFTeam( TF_TEAM_RED );
if ( pTeam )
iRedScore = pTeam->GetFlagCaptures();
if ( m_pPlayingToCluster )
m_pPlayingToCluster->SetDialogVariable( "rounds",
tf_passtime_scores_per_round.GetInt() );
SetDialogVariable( "bluescore", iBlueScore );
SetDialogVariable( "redscore", iRedScore );
int CTFHudTeamScore::GetTeamScore( int iTeam )
C_TFTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTFTeam( iTeam );
return pTeam
? pTeam->Get_Score()
: 0;
// CTFHudPasstimePassNotify
CTFHudPasstimePassNotify::CTFHudPasstimePassNotify( vgui::Panel *pParent )
: CTFHudPasstimePanel( pParent, "HudPasstimePassNotify" )
void CTFHudPasstimePassNotify::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudPasstimePassNotify.res", NULL, NULL, NULL );
m_pTextBox = FindControl<EditablePanel>( "TextBox" );
m_pTextInPassRange = m_pTextBox ? m_pTextBox->FindControl<Label>( "TextInPassRange" ) : NULL;
m_pTextLockedOn = m_pTextBox ? m_pTextBox->FindControl<Label>( "TextLockedOn" ) : NULL;
m_pTextPassIncoming = m_pTextBox ? m_pTextBox->FindControl<Label>( "TextPassIncoming" ) : NULL;
m_pTextPlayerName = m_pTextBox ? m_pTextBox->FindControl<Label>( "TextPlayerName" ) : NULL;
m_pSpeechIndicator = FindControl<ImagePanel>( "SpeechIndicator" );
m_pPassLockIndicator = FindControl<ImagePanel>( "PassLockIndicator" );
m_pTextBoxBorderNormal = pScheme->GetBorder( "TFFatLineBorder" );
m_pTextBoxBorderIncomingRed = pScheme->GetBorder( "TFFatLineBorderRedBG" );
m_pTextBoxBorderIncomingBlu = pScheme->GetBorder( "TFFatLineBorderBlueBG" );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
Assert( m_pTextInPassRange && m_pTextLockedOn && m_pTextPassIncoming && m_pTextPlayerName
&& m_pSpeechIndicator && m_pPassLockIndicator );
void CTFHudPasstimePassNotify::OnTick()
C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( !pLocalPlayer || !g_pPasstimeLogic || !g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall() )
// nothing can work
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pSpeechIndicator )
m_pSpeechIndicator->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetVisible( false );
C_PasstimeBall *pBall = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall();
CTFPlayer *pBallCarrier = pBall ? pBall->GetCarrier() : NULL;
if ( !pBallCarrier )
if ( pBall && pBall->GetHomingTarget() == pLocalPlayer )
// Incoming pass
if ( m_pSpeechIndicator )
m_pSpeechIndicator->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetVisible( true );
// this should really be GetThrower instead of PrevCarrier,
// but it doesn't exist on the client and this will have the
// desired value anyway.
C_TFPlayer *pThrower = pBall->GetPrevCarrier();
if ( pThrower )
if ( m_pTextPlayerName )
m_pTextPlayerName->SetText( pThrower->GetPlayerName() );
if ( m_pTextPlayerName )
m_pTextPlayerName->SetText( "..." );
if ( m_pTextLockedOn )
m_pTextLockedOn->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextPassIncoming )
m_pTextPassIncoming->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_pTextInPassRange )
m_pTextInPassRange->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetBorder( (pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED)
? m_pTextBoxBorderIncomingRed
: m_pTextBoxBorderIncomingBlu );
// Can't be an incoming pass at this point
if( !pBallCarrier
|| pLocalPlayer->IsObserver()
|| (pBallCarrier == pLocalPlayer)
|| (pBallCarrier->GetTeamNumber() != pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber()) )
// No carrier, or carrier is on enemy team, or carrier is local player
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pSpeechIndicator )
m_pSpeechIndicator->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetVisible( false );
// Carrier has the ball and is on our team
float flMaxPassRangeSqr = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetMaxPassRange();
flMaxPassRangeSqr *= flMaxPassRangeSqr;
bool bTargetable = pBallCarrier->EyePosition().DistToSqr( pLocalPlayer->EyePosition() ) < flMaxPassRangeSqr;
if ( bTargetable )
trace_t tr;
CTraceFilterIgnorePlayers tracefilter( pLocalPlayer, COLLISION_GROUP_PROJECTILE );
UTIL_TraceLine( pBallCarrier->EyePosition(), pLocalPlayer->EyePosition(), MASK_PLAYERSOLID, &tracefilter, &tr );
bTargetable = tr.fraction == 1;
if ( !bTargetable )
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pSpeechIndicator )
m_pSpeechIndicator->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetVisible( false );
bool bTargeted = pLocalPlayer->m_Shared.IsTargetedForPasstimePass();
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetVisible( bTargeted );
if ( m_pSpeechIndicator )
m_pSpeechIndicator->SetVisible( pLocalPlayer->m_Shared.AskForBallTime() > gpGlobals->curtime );
if ( bTargeted )
if ( m_pPassLockIndicator )
m_pPassLockIndicator->SetDrawColor( GetTeamColor( pLocalPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) );
if ( m_pTextLockedOn )
m_pTextLockedOn->SetVisible( true );
if ( m_pTextPassIncoming )
m_pTextPassIncoming->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextInPassRange )
m_pTextInPassRange->SetVisible( false );
else if ( bTargetable )
if ( m_pTextLockedOn )
m_pTextLockedOn->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextPassIncoming )
m_pTextPassIncoming->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pTextInPassRange )
m_pTextInPassRange->SetVisible( true );
//else if ( !bTargetable )
// m_pTopText->SetText( "CAN'T SEE YOU" );
if ( m_pTextPlayerName )
m_pTextPlayerName->SetText( pBallCarrier->GetPlayerName() );
if ( m_pTextBox )
m_pTextBox->SetBorder( m_pTextBoxBorderNormal );
// CTFHudPasstimeEventText
namespace HudPasstimeEventText
static const float flInSec = 0.1f;
static const float flOutSec = 0.25f;
static const float flShowSec = 3.0f;
static const float flPauseSec = 0.1f;
static const int iQueueDepthPanic = 3;
static char const * const pKeyTeam = "team";
static char const * const pKeySubject = "subject";
static char const * const pKeySource = "source";
title[0] = (wchar_t)0;
detail[0] = (wchar_t)0;
bonus[0] = (wchar_t)0;
: m_localizeKeys( "" )
m_bValid = false;
m_pTitleLabel = 0;
m_pDetailLabel = 0;
m_pBonusLabel = 0;
m_state = State::Idle;
// static
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::SetLabelText( vgui::Label *pLabel, const wchar_t *pText )
if ( pText && pText[0] )
pLabel->SetVisible( true );
pLabel->SetText( pText );
pLabel->SetVisible( false );
pLabel->SetText( L"" );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnterState( State state, float duration )
m_state = state;
// move things faster if the queue is backlogged, but State::Pause is always the same duration
if ( (state != State::Pause) && (m_queue.Count() >= HudPasstimeEventText::iQueueDepthPanic) )
duration /= 2.0f;
m_displayTimer.Start( duration );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::SetAlpha( int ia )
if ( m_pTitleLabel )
m_pTitleLabel->SetAlpha( ia );
m_pTitleLabel->SetVisible( ia != 0 );
if ( m_pDetailLabel )
m_pDetailLabel->SetAlpha( ia );
m_pDetailLabel->SetVisible( ia != 0 );
if ( m_pBonusLabel )
m_pBonusLabel->SetAlpha( ia );
m_pBonusLabel->SetVisible( ia != 0 );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::Tick()
if ( !m_bValid )
switch( m_state )
case State::Idle:
if ( !m_queue.IsEmpty() )
SetAlpha( 1 );
auto msg = m_queue.RemoveAtHead();
if ( m_pTitleLabel )
SetLabelText( m_pTitleLabel, msg.title );
if ( m_pDetailLabel )
SetLabelText( m_pDetailLabel, msg.detail );
if ( m_pBonusLabel )
SetLabelText( m_pBonusLabel, msg.bonus );
EnterState( State::In, HudPasstimeEventText::flInSec );
SetAlpha( 0 );
case State::In:
if ( m_displayTimer.IsElapsed() )
EnterState( State::Show, HudPasstimeEventText::flShowSec );
SetAlpha( 255 );
// animate alpha
// note: GetElapsedTime()
float flFrac = m_displayTimer.GetElapsedTime() / m_displayTimer.GetCountdownDuration();
SetAlpha( (int) (flFrac * flFrac * 255.0f) );
case State::Show:
if ( m_displayTimer.IsElapsed() )
EnterState( State::Out, HudPasstimeEventText::flOutSec );
case State::Out:
if ( m_displayTimer.IsElapsed() )
EnterState( State::Pause, HudPasstimeEventText::flPauseSec );
SetAlpha( 0 );
// animate alpha
// note: GetRemainingTime()
float flFrac = m_displayTimer.GetRemainingTime() / m_displayTimer.GetCountdownDuration();
SetAlpha( (int) (flFrac * flFrac * 255.0f) );
case State::Pause:
if ( m_displayTimer.IsElapsed() )
m_state = State::Idle;
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::Clear()
while( !m_queue.IsEmpty() )
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::SetControls( vgui::Label *pTitleLabel, vgui::Label *pDetailLabel, vgui::Label *pBonusLabel )
m_pTitleLabel = pTitleLabel;
m_pDetailLabel = pDetailLabel;
m_pBonusLabel = pBonusLabel;
m_bValid = pTitleLabel && pDetailLabel && pBonusLabel;
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::SetPlayerName( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer, const char *pKey )
if ( pPlayer )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), m_pwcsBuf, sizeof(m_pwcsBuf) );
m_localizeKeys->SetWString( pKey, m_pwcsBuf );
m_localizeKeys->SetWString( pKey, L"" );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::SetTeam( C_TFPlayer *pPlayer )
if ( pPlayer )
C_TFTeam *pTeam = GetGlobalTFTeam( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() );
m_localizeKeys->SetWString( "team", pTeam ? pTeam->Get_Localized_Name() : L"" );
m_localizeKeys->SetWString( "team", L"" );
template< int TArraySize >
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::ConstructNewString( const char *pLocTag, wchar_t (&out)[TArraySize] )
// FIXME calling find is redundant
if ( pLocTag && pLocTag[0] && g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pLocTag ) )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( out, pLocTag, m_localizeKeys );
out[0] = (wchar_t)0;
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::Enqueue( C_TFPlayer *pSource, C_TFPlayer *pSubject, const char *pTitle, const char *pDetail, const char *pBonus )
if ( !m_bValid || !pSubject )
SetTeam( pSubject );
SetPlayerName( pSubject, HudPasstimeEventText::pKeySubject );
SetPlayerName( pSource, HudPasstimeEventText::pKeySource );
auto *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
auto bShowBonus = (pSubject == pLocalPlayer)
|| (pLocalPlayer->IsObserver() && pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() == pLocalPlayer);
QueueElement e;
ConstructNewString( pTitle, e.title );
ConstructNewString( pDetail, e.detail );
ConstructNewString( bShowBonus ? pBonus : nullptr, e.bonus );
m_queue.Insert( e );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnqueueGeneric( const char *pTitle, const char *pDetail, const char *pBonus )
QueueElement e;
ConstructNewString( pTitle, e.title );
ConstructNewString( pDetail, e.detail );
ConstructNewString( pBonus, e.bonus );
m_queue.Insert( e );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnqueueSteal( C_TFPlayer *pVictim, C_TFPlayer *pStealer )
Enqueue( pVictim, pStealer, "#Msg_PasstimeEventStealTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventStealDetail", "#Msg_PasstimeEventStealBonus" );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnqueuePass( C_TFPlayer *pThrower, C_TFPlayer *pCatcher )
Enqueue( pThrower, pCatcher, "#Msg_PasstimeEventPassTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPassDetail", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPassBonus" );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnqueueInterception( C_TFPlayer *pThrower, C_TFPlayer *pCatcher )
Enqueue( pThrower, pCatcher, "#Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptDetail", "#Msg_PasstimeEventInterceptBonus" );
void CTFHudPasstimeEventText::EnqueueScore( C_TFPlayer *pThrower, C_TFPlayer *pAssister )
if ( pAssister )
Enqueue( pAssister, pThrower, "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_Assist", "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreBonus" );
Enqueue( pAssister, pThrower, "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreDetail_NoAssist", "#Msg_PasstimeEventScoreBonus" );
// CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus
CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus( Panel *pParent )
: CTFHudPasstimePanel( pParent, "HudPasstimeBallStatus" )
m_bInitialized = false;
m_bReset = false;
m_bGoalsFound = false;
m_iXBlueProgress = -100.0f;
m_iXRedProgress = -100.0f;
m_iYBlueProgress = -100.0f;
m_iYRedProgress = -100.0f;
memset( m_pGoalIconsBlue, 0, sizeof( m_pGoalIconsBlue ) );
memset( m_pGoalIconsRed, 0, sizeof( m_pGoalIconsRed ) );
memset( m_pPlayerIcons, 0, sizeof( m_pPlayerIcons ) );
m_pProgressBall = 0;
m_pProgressBallCarrierName = 0;
m_pProgressLevelBar = 0;
m_pSelfPlayerIcon = 0;
m_pEventText = new CTFHudPasstimeEventText();
m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer = nullptr;
m_pBallPowerMeterFill = nullptr;
m_pBallPowerMeterFrame = nullptr;
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
m_bInitialized = false;
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudPasstimeBallStatus.res", NULL, NULL, NULL );
m_pPowerCluster = FindControl<EditablePanel>( "BallPowerCluster" );
m_pProgressBall = FindControl<ImagePanel>( "ProgressBallIcon" );
m_pProgressBallCarrierName = FindControl<Label>( "ProgressBallCarrierName" );
m_pProgressLevelBar = FindControl<Panel>( "ProgressLevelBar" );
m_pSelfPlayerIcon = FindControl<ImagePanel>( "ProgressSelfPlayerIcon" );
Panel *pBallPowerRoot = FindControl<Panel>( "BallPowerCluster" );
if ( !pBallPowerRoot )
pBallPowerRoot = this;
m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer = pBallPowerRoot->FindControl<Panel>( "BallPowerMeterFillContainer", true );
m_pBallPowerMeterFill = pBallPowerRoot->FindControl<ImagePanel>( "BallPowerMeterFill", true );
m_pBallPowerMeterFrame = pBallPowerRoot->FindControl<Panel>( "BallPowerMeterFrame", true );
m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection = pBallPowerRoot->FindControl<Panel>( "BallPowerMeterFinalSectionContainer", true );
m_pEventText->SetControls( FindControl<Label>( "EventTitleLabel" ),
FindControl<Label>( "EventDetailLabel" ),
FindControl<Label>( "EventBonusLabel" ) );
m_bInitialized = m_pProgressBall
&& m_pProgressBallCarrierName
&& m_pProgressLevelBar
&& m_pSelfPlayerIcon
&& m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer
&& m_pBallPowerMeterFill
&& m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection
&& m_pBallPowerMeterFrame;
if ( !m_bInitialized )
// just bail if the res file is missing required controls
// this prevents a lot of stupid null checks in the future
// set up some ballpower stuff
m_iBallPowerMeterFillWidth = m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer ? m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer->GetWide() : 0;
int iFinalSectionWidth = (int)(m_iBallPowerMeterFillWidth * 0.2f);
if ( m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection )
m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection->SetWide( iFinalSectionWidth );
m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection->SetPos( m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection->GetXPos() + (m_iBallPowerMeterFillWidth - iFinalSectionWidth), m_pBallPowerMeterFinalSection->GetYPos() );
m_iPrevBallPower = g_pPasstimeLogic
? g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBallPower()
: 0;
// find the left/right markers in the res files
auto *pRedEnd = FindChildByName( "RedProgressEnd" );
auto *pBlueEnd = FindChildByName( "BlueProgressEnd" );
if ( pRedEnd && pBlueEnd )
pRedEnd->GetPos( m_iXRedProgress, m_iYRedProgress );
pBlueEnd->GetPos( m_iXBlueProgress, m_iYBlueProgress );
// no markers in the res file, just give it offscreen but valid coords
m_iXBlueProgress = -100.0f;
m_iXRedProgress = -100.0f;
m_iYBlueProgress = -100.0f;
m_iYRedProgress = -100.0f;
// find all the goal icon image panels
char buf[16];
for ( auto i = 0; i < NumGoalIcons; ++i )
V_sprintf_safe( buf, "GoalRed%i", i );
m_pGoalIconsRed[i] = FindControl<vgui::ImagePanel>( buf );
V_sprintf_safe( buf, "GoalBlue%i", i );
m_pGoalIconsBlue[i] = FindControl<vgui::ImagePanel>( buf );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallFree::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::Score::s_eventName );
Reset(); // this ensures players will try to guess game state for the hud if they join a game in progress
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
// find all the player icon image panels
char controlname[32];
for ( auto i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
V_sprintf_safe( controlname, "playericon%i", i ); // ugh
m_pPlayerIcons[i] = FindControl<vgui::ImagePanel>( controlname );
Assert( m_pPlayerIcons[i] );
m_pPlayerIcons[i]->SetEnabled( true );
m_pPlayerIcons[i]->SetShouldScaleImage( true );
bool CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::BShouldDraw() const
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = CBasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer || !pPlayer->IsAlive() || ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() == OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM ) )
return false;
gamerules_roundstate_t roundstate = TFGameRules()->State_Get();
return ((roundstate == GR_STATE_RND_RUNNING) || (roundstate == GR_STATE_STALEMATE))
&& !TFGameRules()->InSetup();
// FIXME copypasta with tf_passtime_logic.cpp
static float CalcProgressFrac( const Vector& vecOrigin )
Assert( g_pPasstimeLogic && (g_pPasstimeLogic->GetNumSections() > 0) );
Vector arrTrackPoints[16];
g_pPasstimeLogic->GetTrackPoints( arrTrackPoints );
float flBestDist = FLT_MAX;
float flBestLen = 0;
float flTotalLen = 1; // don't set 0 so div by zero is impossible
Vector vecThisPoint;
Vector vecPointOnLine;
Vector vecPrevPoint = arrTrackPoints[0];
float flThisFrac = 0;
float flThisLen = 0;
float flThisDist = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < ARRAYSIZE(arrTrackPoints); ++i )
vecThisPoint = arrTrackPoints[i];
if ( vecThisPoint.IsZero() )
flThisLen = (vecThisPoint - vecPrevPoint).Length();
flTotalLen += flThisLen;
CalcClosestPointOnLineSegment( vecOrigin, vecPrevPoint, vecThisPoint, vecPointOnLine, &flThisFrac );
flThisDist = (vecPointOnLine - vecOrigin).Length();
if ( flThisDist < flBestDist )
flBestDist = flThisDist;
flBestLen = flTotalLen - (flThisLen * (1.0f - flThisFrac));
vecPrevPoint = vecThisPoint;
return (float)(flBestLen / flTotalLen);
// FIXME copypasta with tf_passtime_logic.cpp
static float CalcBallProgressFrac()
Assert( g_pPasstimeLogic && g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall() && (g_pPasstimeLogic->GetNumSections() > 0) );
CPasstimeBall *pBall = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall();
CTFPlayer *pCarrier = pBall->GetCarrier();
return CalcProgressFrac( pCarrier
? pCarrier->GetNetworkOrigin()
: pBall->GetNetworkOrigin() );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::UpdateGoalIcon( vgui::ImagePanel *pIcon, C_FuncPasstimeGoal *pGoal )
Assert( m_bInitialized );
// TODO: animations on enable/disable?
if ( !pIcon )
if ( !pGoal )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
pIcon->SetVisible( true );
const auto iDisabledAlpha = 50;
const auto iEnabledAlpha = 255;
pIcon->SetAlpha( ( pGoal->BGoalTriggerDisabled() && ( pGoal->GetGoalType() != C_FuncPasstimeGoal::TYPE_TOWER ) )
? iDisabledAlpha
: iEnabledAlpha );
// TODO don't call SetImage(char*) every frame, wtf.
pIcon->SetImage( GetProgressGoalImage( pGoal ) );
const float flProgressFrac = CalcProgressFrac( pGoal->GetAbsOrigin() );
const int iActualBarHalfHeight = m_pProgressLevelBar ? m_pProgressLevelBar->GetTall() / 6 : 0; // magic number because NPOT waste in image
int iX = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iXBlueProgress, m_iXRedProgress ) - ( pIcon->GetWide() / 2 );
int iY = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iYBlueProgress, m_iYRedProgress ) - iActualBarHalfHeight;
pIcon->SetPos( iX, iY );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnTickHidden()
m_bGoalsFound = false;
if ( m_pProgressBall )
m_pProgressBall->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pSelfPlayerIcon )
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pProgressLevelBar )
m_pProgressLevelBar->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_pPowerCluster )
m_pPowerCluster->SetVisible( false );
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
m_pPlayerIcons[i]->SetVisible( false );
m_iPrevBallPower = g_pPasstimeLogic
? g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBallPower()
: 0;
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnTickVisible( C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer, C_PasstimeBall *pBall)
if ( m_pProgressLevelBar )
m_pProgressLevelBar->SetVisible( true );
// Update ball icon
float flBallProgressFrac = CalcBallProgressFrac();
int iX_Ball = m_pProgressBall ? Lerp( flBallProgressFrac, m_iXBlueProgress, m_iXRedProgress ) - ( m_pProgressBall->GetWide() / 2 ) : 0;
int iY_Ball = m_pProgressBall ? Lerp( flBallProgressFrac, m_iYBlueProgress, m_iYRedProgress ) - ( m_pProgressBall->GetTall() / 2 ) : 0;
if ( m_pProgressBall )
m_pProgressBall->SetVisible( true );
m_pProgressBall->SetPos( iX_Ball, iY_Ball );
// todo setimage from event, not every frame
// todo look in to letting entities manage their own hud elements
CTFPlayer *pCarrier = pBall->GetCarrier();
int iTeam = pCarrier
? pCarrier->GetTeamNumber()
: pBall->GetTeamNumber();
if ( m_pProgressBall )
m_pProgressBall->SetImage( GetProgressBallImageForTeam( iTeam ) );
// Update ball power
if ( m_pPowerCluster )
m_pPowerCluster->SetVisible( true );
// update the power bar
int iCurPower = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBallPower();
int iThreshold = tf_passtime_powerball_threshold.GetInt();
int iAlpha = (iCurPower > iThreshold)
? FLerp( 150, 255, (1 + sin(gpGlobals->curtime*5)) / 2.0f)
: 222;
if ( m_pBallPowerMeterFill )
m_pBallPowerMeterFill->SetDrawColor( GetTeamColor( iTeam, iAlpha ) );
float flPowerFrac = (iCurPower / 100.f);
if ( m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer )
m_pBallPowerMeterFillContainer->SetWide( m_iBallPowerMeterFillWidth * flPowerFrac );
// show power up/down notifications
// this should really be done with a game event but this is a temp experimental feature for now
bool bWasAboveThreshold = m_iPrevBallPower > iThreshold;
bool bIsAboveThreshold = iCurPower > iThreshold;
m_iPrevBallPower = iCurPower;
if ( bWasAboveThreshold && !bIsAboveThreshold )
m_pEventText->Clear(); // push everything else out of the way
m_pEventText->EnqueueGeneric( "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownDetail", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerDownBonus" );
else if ( !bWasAboveThreshold && bIsAboveThreshold )
m_pEventText->Clear(); // push everything else out of the way
m_pEventText->EnqueueGeneric( "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpTitle", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpDetail", "#Msg_PasstimeEventPowerUpBonus" );
// Update player icons
// TODO make less bad
C_TFPlayer *pSpecTarget = ToTFPlayer( pLocalPlayer->GetObserverTarget() );
if ( m_pSelfPlayerIcon )
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetVisible( false );
const int iActualBarHalfHeight = m_pProgressLevelBar ? m_pProgressLevelBar->GetTall() / 7 : 0; // magic number because NPOT waste in image
for ( int iEntIndex = 1; iEntIndex <= MAX_PLAYERS; iEntIndex++ )
vgui::ImagePanel *pIcon = m_pPlayerIcons[iEntIndex - 1];
if ( !g_TF_PR->IsConnected( iEntIndex ) )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
int iEntTeam = g_TF_PR->GetTeam( iEntIndex );
if ( !g_TF_PR->IsAlive( iEntIndex ) // no dead people; not the same as IsDead
|| ( ( iEntTeam != TF_TEAM_RED ) && ( iEntTeam != TF_TEAM_BLUE) ) ) // no spectators
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
// needed for origin
// dormant means "not available on this client right now"
C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iEntIndex ) );
if ( !pPlayer || pPlayer->IsDormant() )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
// don't show cloaked spies
bool bSpy = g_TF_PR->GetPlayerClass( iEntIndex ) == TF_CLASS_SPY;
if ( bSpy )
if ( pPlayer->m_Shared.IsFullyInvisible() )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
int iDisguiseTeam = pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDisguiseTeam();
if ( iDisguiseTeam == TF_TEAM_RED || iDisguiseTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
iEntTeam = iDisguiseTeam;
const float flProgressFrac = CalcProgressFrac( pPlayer->GetNetworkOrigin() );
// Player pips
pIcon->SetVisible( true );
if ( iEntTeam == TF_TEAM_RED )
int iX = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iXBlueProgress, m_iXRedProgress ) - (pIcon->GetWide() / 2);
int iY = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iYBlueProgress, m_iYRedProgress ) - pIcon->GetTall() - iActualBarHalfHeight;
pIcon->SetPos( iX, iY );
pIcon->SetImage( "../passtime/hud/passtime_ballcontrol_team_red" );
int iX = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iXBlueProgress, m_iXRedProgress ) - (pIcon->GetWide() / 2);
int iY = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iYBlueProgress, m_iYRedProgress ) + iActualBarHalfHeight;
pIcon->SetPos( iX, iY );
pIcon->SetImage( "../passtime/hud/passtime_ballcontrol_team_blue" );
// Local player image
if ( g_TF_PR->IsLocalPlayer( iEntIndex ) || ( pLocalPlayer->IsObserver() && ( pPlayer == pSpecTarget ) ) )
if ( m_pSelfPlayerIcon )
// TODO don't call SetImage(char*) every frame, wtf.
if ( pLocalPlayer->IsObserver() && pSpecTarget )
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetImage( GetPlayerProgressPortrait( pSpecTarget ) );
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetImage( GetPlayerProgressPortrait( pLocalPlayer ) );
int iX = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iXBlueProgress, m_iXRedProgress ) - (m_pSelfPlayerIcon->GetWide() / 2);
int iY = Lerp( flProgressFrac, m_iYBlueProgress, m_iYRedProgress ) - m_pSelfPlayerIcon->GetTall() - iActualBarHalfHeight;
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetVisible( true );
m_pSelfPlayerIcon->SetPos( iX, iY );
// Refresh goal icons if necessary
bool bReadyToFindGoals = (g_pPasstimeLogic->GetNumSections() > 0);
if ( !m_bGoalsFound && bReadyToFindGoals )
// release any existing handles to goals
for ( auto i = 0; i < NumGoalIcons; ++i )
// Update the goal list and pair hud icons with actual goals
const int iMaxSortedGoals = 8; // arbitrary
const auto &goals = C_FuncPasstimeGoal::GetAutoList();
const int iNumGoals = goals.Count();
if ( ( iNumGoals > 1 ) && ( iNumGoals < iMaxSortedGoals ) )
// sort goals by position in world, from blue to red (blue progress is always 0, red is always 1))
C_FuncPasstimeGoal* sortedgoals[iMaxSortedGoals];
std::copy( goals.begin(), goals.end(), sortedgoals );
std::sort( sortedgoals, sortedgoals + iNumGoals, []( C_FuncPasstimeGoal* a, C_FuncPasstimeGoal* b )
// this is wasteful but it should only happen one frame per round
// The order of the icons in the hud res file determines which direction to sort these
// so that the iteration below visits the goals in the same order.
return CalcProgressFrac( a->GetAbsOrigin() ) < CalcProgressFrac( b->GetAbsOrigin() );
// Pair goals and icons so the tick function can update the icon state based on the actual goal state
// This should work for any number of goals and icons in any order.
// If there are more goals than icons, just ignore them, but make sure the hud shows at least
// the goals farthest from the middle of the map in a symmetrical way, so iterate from both ends
// of the array of sorted goals.
// pair first N blue goals in left-right order
// first icon in array is leftmost blue goal on hud is first goal in sorted array
int iRedIcon = 0;
int iBlueIcon = 0;
for ( int iGoal = 0; iGoal < iNumGoals; ++iGoal )
// NOTE: goal's teams are backwards: the blue-colored goals on the blue side of the map are
// on team red because that's where red scores. doh.
auto *pGoal = sortedgoals[iGoal];
if ( pGoal && ( iBlueIcon < NumGoalIcons ) && ( pGoal->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED ) )
m_hGoalsBlue[iBlueIcon++] = pGoal;
pGoal = sortedgoals[iNumGoals - iGoal - 1];
if ( pGoal && ( iRedIcon < NumGoalIcons ) && ( pGoal->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) )
m_hGoalsRed[iRedIcon++] = pGoal;
m_bGoalsFound = true;
// Update goal icons
if ( m_bGoalsFound )
for ( auto i = 0; i < NumGoalIcons; ++i )
UpdateGoalIcon( m_pGoalIconsBlue[i], m_hGoalsBlue[i].Get() );
UpdateGoalIcon( m_pGoalIconsRed[i], m_hGoalsRed[i].Get() );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::HideGoalIcons()
for ( int i = 0; i < NumGoalIcons; ++i )
auto *pIcon = m_pGoalIconsBlue[i];
if ( pIcon )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
pIcon = m_pGoalIconsRed[i];
if ( pIcon )
pIcon->SetVisible( false );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnTick()
if ( !g_pPasstimeLogic || !m_bInitialized )
// happens randomly during map load
C_TFPlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( !pLocalPlayer )
// can happen during exit
// Tick the event text regardless of the state of the rest of the hud so
// that messages can continue to display even after the round ends or whatever.
// I wish there were a reliable way to do this in an event-driven way instead of every frame
C_PasstimeBall *pBall = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall();
if ( !BShouldDraw() || !pBall )
// this is the easiest way I could find to refresh the goals when switching maps
// todo this is dumb
m_bGoalsFound = false;
OnTickVisible( pLocalPlayer, pBall );
// Try to figure out game state that's usually managed by events if hud was reloaded mid-game
// This happens at the end to ensure that the hud is fully initialized before trying to reset
// on the first frame a player joins a game in progress
if ( m_bReset )
// I don't *think* it's possible that this could accidentally end up
// running every frame.
// Order of operations here is important, see functions for details
// todo make less bad
if ( TryForceBallGet() || TryForceBallFree() )
m_bReset = false;
bool CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::TryForceBallGet()
Assert( m_bInitialized );
// The HUD was reset during play, or possibly due to joining a game inprogroess,
// so try to get into a BallGet state if possible
if ( !g_TF_PR )
// is this even possible?
return false;
for ( int iPlayer = 1 ; iPlayer <= MAX_PLAYERS; iPlayer++ )
if ( !g_TF_PR->IsConnected( iPlayer ) )
C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iPlayer ) );
if ( !pPlayer || !pPlayer->m_Shared.HasPasstimeBall() )
if ( g_TF_PR->IsLocalPlayer( iPlayer ) )
OnBallGetSelf( iPlayer );
OnBallGetOther( iPlayer );
return true;
return false;
bool CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::TryForceBallFree()
Assert( m_bInitialized );
// The HUD was reset during play, or possibly due to joining a game inprogroess,
// so try to get into a BallGet state if possible
if ( !g_pPasstimeLogic )
return false;
C_PasstimeBall *pBall = g_pPasstimeLogic->GetBall();
if ( !m_bInitialized || !pBall )
return false;
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( false );
return true;
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallGet( int getterIndex )
Assert( m_bInitialized && g_PR );
if ( g_PR->IsLocalPlayer( getterIndex ) )
OnBallGetSelf( getterIndex );
OnBallGetOther( getterIndex );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent )
if ( !m_bInitialized || !g_TF_PR || !g_PR )
const char *pszEventName = pEvent->GetName();
if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, PasstimeGameEvents::BallFree::s_eventName ) )
PasstimeGameEvents::BallFree ev( pEvent );
C_TFPlayer *pOwner = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( ev.ownerIndex ) );
C_TFPlayer *pAttacker = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( ev.attackerIndex ) );
const bool wasMyBall = pOwner == C_TFPlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( wasMyBall )
OnBallFreeSelf( pOwner, pAttacker );
OnBallFreeOther( pOwner, pAttacker );
else if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet::s_eventName ) )
OnBallGet( PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet( pEvent ).ownerIndex );
else if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen::s_eventName ) )
PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen ballStolenEvent( pEvent );
OnBallGet( ballStolenEvent.attackerIndex );
auto *pAttacker = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(ballStolenEvent.attackerIndex) );
auto *pVictim = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(ballStolenEvent.victimIndex) );
m_pEventText->EnqueueSteal( pVictim, pAttacker );
else if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught::s_eventName ) )
PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught passCaughtEvent( pEvent );
OnBallGet( passCaughtEvent.catcherIndex );
auto *pCatcher = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( passCaughtEvent.catcherIndex ) );
auto *pThrower = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( passCaughtEvent.passerIndex ) );
if ( pCatcher && pThrower )
if ( pCatcher->GetTeamNumber() == pThrower->GetTeamNumber() )
m_pEventText->EnqueuePass( pThrower, pCatcher );
m_pEventText->EnqueueInterception( pThrower, pCatcher );
else if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, PasstimeGameEvents::Score::s_eventName ) )
PasstimeGameEvents::Score scoreEvent( pEvent );
auto *pScorer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( scoreEvent.scorerIndex ) );
auto *pAssister = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( scoreEvent.assisterIndex ) );
m_pEventText->EnqueueScore( pScorer, pAssister );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::Reset()
m_bReset = true;
// delay the actual reset for a bit because Reset is called before
// the game entities are settled into their new state (e.g. the ball
// is about to be deleted).
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallFreeOther( C_TFPlayer *pOwner,
C_TFPlayer *pAttacker )
Assert( m_bInitialized );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( false );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallFreeSelf( C_TFPlayer *pOwner,
C_TFPlayer *pAttacker )
Assert( m_bInitialized );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( false );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallGetOther( int iPlayer )
Assert( m_bInitialized );
Assert( g_PR );
wchar_t wszFinalText[128];
wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
wchar_t *pwszFormatString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Passtime_CarrierName" );
if ( !pwszFormatString )
pwszFormatString = L"%s1";
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( ( iPlayer > 0 ) ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayer ) : "", wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszFinalText, pwszFormatString, 1, wszPlayerName );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetText( wszFinalText );
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( true );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallGetSelf( int iPlayer )
Assert( m_bInitialized );
Assert( g_PR );
wchar_t wszFinalText[128];
wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
wchar_t *pwszFormatString = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Passtime_CarrierName" );
if ( !pwszFormatString )
pwszFormatString = L"%s1";
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( ( iPlayer > 0 ) ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( iPlayer ) : "", wszPlayerName, sizeof( wszPlayerName ) );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wszFinalText, pwszFormatString, 1, wszPlayerName );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetText( wszFinalText );
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( true );
void CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus::OnBallScore()
Assert( m_bInitialized );
if ( m_pProgressBallCarrierName )
m_pProgressBallCarrierName->SetVisible( false );
// CTFHudPasstime
CTFHudPasstime::CTFHudPasstime( Panel *pParent )
: CTFHudPasstimePanel( pParent, "HudPasstime" )
, m_pBallStatus( new CTFHudPasstimeBallStatus( this ) )
, m_pTeamScore( new CTFHudTeamScore( this ) )
, m_pBallOffscreenArrow( new CTFHudPasstimeBallOffscreenArrow( this ) )
, m_pPassNotify( new CTFHudPasstimePassNotify( this ) )
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
m_pPlayerArrows[i] = new CTFHudPasstimePlayerOffscreenArrow( this, i );
// this is only called when the game quits, so don't bother deleting members
void CTFHudPasstime::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudPasstime.res", NULL, NULL, NULL );
vgui::ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel() );
void CTFHudPasstime::Reset()
if ( m_pBallStatus )
void CTFHudPasstime::OnTick()
if ( m_pTeamScore )
m_pTeamScore->SetVisible( IsVisible() );