FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

624 lines
16 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements a decal helper. The decal attaches itself to nearby
// solids, dynamically creating decal faces as necessary.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ClipCode.h"
#include "MapDoc.h"
#include "MapDecal.h"
#include "MapFace.h"
#include "MapSolid.h"
#include "MapWorld.h"
#include "Render3D.h"
#include "TextureSystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose: Factory function. Used for creating a CMapDecal from a set
// of string parameters from the FGD file.
// Input : pInfo - Pointer to helper info class which gives us information
// about how to create the class.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the class, NULL if an error occurs.
CMapClass *CMapDecal::CreateMapDecal(CHelperInfo *pHelperInfo, CMapEntity *pParent)
CMapDecal *pDecal = new CMapDecal;
// Purpose: Constructor. Initializes data members.
m_pTexture = NULL;
// Purpose: Destructor. Frees allocated memory.
// Delete our list of faces and each face in the list.
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Faces, pos )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = m_Faces.Element(pos);
delete pDecalFace->pFace;
delete pDecalFace;
// Purpose:
// Input : pSolid -
void CMapDecal::AddSolid(CMapSolid *pSolid)
if ( m_Solids.Find(pSolid) == -1 )
UpdateDependency(NULL, pSolid);
// Purpose:
// Input : bFullUpdate -
void CMapDecal::CalcBounds(BOOL bFullUpdate)
// Calculate the 2D render box.
Vector Mins = m_Origin - Vector(2, 2, 2);
Vector Maxs = m_Origin + Vector(2, 2, 2);
m_Render2DBox.UpdateBounds(Mins, Maxs);
// Calculate the 3D culling bounds.
if (m_Faces.Count() > 0)
Vector MinsFace;
Vector MaxsFace;
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Faces, pos )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = m_Faces.Element(pos);
if ((pDecalFace != NULL) && (pDecalFace->pFace != NULL))
pDecalFace->pFace->GetFaceBounds( MinsFace, MaxsFace );
m_CullBox.UpdateBounds( MinsFace, MaxsFace );
// Insure that the 3D bounds are at least 1 unit in all dimensions.
for (int nDim = 0; nDim < 3; nDim++)
if ((m_CullBox.bmaxs[nDim] - m_CullBox.bmins[nDim]) == 0)
m_CullBox.bmins[nDim] -= 0.5;
m_CullBox.bmaxs[nDim] += 0.5;
m_CullBox.UpdateBounds(Mins, Maxs);
m_BoundingBox = m_CullBox;
// Purpose: Determines whether we can attach to this solid by looking at the
// normal distance to the solid face. We still may not lie within the
// face; that is determined by the clipping code.
// Input : pSolid - Solid to check.
// ppFaces - Returns with pointers to the faces that are eligible.
// Output : Returns the number of faces that were eligible.
int CMapDecal::CanDecalSolid(CMapSolid *pSolid, CMapFace **ppFaces)
// Check distance from our origin to each face along the face's normal.
// If the distance is very very small, add the face.
int nDecalFaces = 0;
int nFaces = pSolid->GetFaceCount();
Assert(nFaces <= MAPSOLID_MAX_FACES);
for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
CMapFace *pFace = pSolid->GetFace(i);
float fDistance = pFace->GetNormalDistance(m_Origin);
if ((fDistance <= 16.0f) && (fDistance >= -0.0001))
if (ppFaces != NULL)
ppFaces[nDecalFaces] = pFace;
// Purpose:
// Output : CMapClass
CMapClass *CMapDecal::Copy(bool bUpdateDependencies)
CMapDecal *pCopy = new CMapDecal;
if (pCopy != NULL)
pCopy->CopyFrom(this, bUpdateDependencies);
// Purpose: Makes this object identical to the given object.
// Input : pObject - Object to copy.
// bUpdateDependencies -
CMapClass *CMapDecal::CopyFrom(CMapClass *pObject, bool bUpdateDependencies)
CMapDecal *pFrom = (CMapDecal *)pObject;
CMapClass::CopyFrom(pObject, bUpdateDependencies);
m_pTexture = pFrom->m_pTexture;
// Copy our list of solids to which we are attached.
// Copy our decal faces. We don't copy the pointers because we don't do
// reference counting yet.
FOR_EACH_OBJ( pFrom->m_Faces, pos )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = new DecalFace_t;
if (pDecalFace != NULL)
pDecalFace->pFace = new CMapFace;
if (pDecalFace->pFace != NULL)
DecalFace_t *pFromDecalFace = pFrom->m_Faces.Element(pos);
pDecalFace->pSolid = pFromDecalFace->pSolid;
// Purpose:
// Input : pSolid -
// org -
// piFacesRvl -
// Output : int
int CMapDecal::DecalSolid(CMapSolid *pSolid)
if (m_pTexture == NULL)
// Determine how many, if any, faces will accept the decal.
int nDecalFaces = 0;
int nTestFaces = CanDecalSolid(pSolid, ppFaces);
if (nTestFaces != 0)
// Apply the decal to each face that will accept it.
for (int nFace = 0; nFace < nTestFaces; nFace++)
CMapFace *pFace = ppFaces[nFace];
// Create the polygon, clipping it to this face.
vec5_t ClipPoints[MAX_CLIPVERT];
int nPointCount = CreateClippedPoly(pFace, m_pTexture, m_Origin, ClipPoints, sizeof(ClipPoints) / sizeof(ClipPoints[0]));
if (nPointCount != 0)
Vector CreatePoints[64];
for (int nPoint = 0; nPoint < nPointCount; nPoint++)
CreatePoints[nPoint][0] = ClipPoints[nPoint][0];
CreatePoints[nPoint][1] = ClipPoints[nPoint][1];
CreatePoints[nPoint][2] = ClipPoints[nPoint][2];
// Create the decal face from the polygon.
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = new DecalFace_t;
pDecalFace->pFace = new CMapFace;
pDecalFace->pFace->CreateFace(CreatePoints, nPointCount);
pDecalFace->pFace->SetRenderColor(255, 255, 255);
// Associate this decal face with the solid.
pDecalFace->pSolid = pSolid;
// Set the texture in the decal face.
for (int nPoint = 0; nPoint < nPointCount; nPoint++)
pDecalFace->pFace->SetTextureCoords(nPoint, ClipPoints[nPoint][3], ClipPoints[nPoint][4]);
// Purpose: Notifies that this object's parent entity has had a key value change.
// Input : szKey - The key that changed.
// szValue - The new value of the key.
void CMapDecal::OnParentKeyChanged(const char* szKey, const char* szValue)
// The decal texture has changed.
if (!stricmp(szKey, "texture"))
IEditorTexture *pTexNew = g_Textures.FindActiveTexture(szValue);
if (pTexNew != NULL)
m_pTexture = pTexNew;
// Rebuild all the decal faces with the new texture by pretending
// that all the solids we are attached to have changed.
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Solids, pos )
CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)m_Solids.Element(pos);
if (pSolid != NULL)
OnNotifyDependent(pSolid, Notify_Changed);
// Purpose: This function enumerates all children of the world and tries to
// apply the decal to them.
void CMapDecal::DecalAllSolids(CMapWorld *pWorld)
Assert(pWorld != NULL);
if (pWorld != NULL)
// Try to apply the decal to every solid in the world.
EnumChildrenPos_t pos;
CMapClass *pChild = pWorld->GetFirstDescendent(pos);
while (pChild != NULL)
CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast <CMapSolid *> (pChild);
if ((pSolid != NULL) && (DecalSolid(pSolid) != 0))
pChild = pWorld->GetNextDescendent(pos);
// Purpose: Notifys this decal of a change to a solid that it is attached to.
// Input : pSolid - The solid that is changing.
// bSolidDeleted - whether the solid is being deleted.
// Output : Returns true if the decal is still attached to the solid, false if not.
void CMapDecal::OnNotifyDependent(CMapClass *pObject, Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType)
CMapSolid *pSolid = dynamic_cast <CMapSolid *> (pObject);
if (pSolid != NULL)
// Delete any decal faces that are attached to this solid. They will be
// rebuilt if we can still decal the solid.
for( int pos = m_Faces.Count()-1; pos>=0; pos-- )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = m_Faces.Element(pos);
if ((pDecalFace != NULL) && (pDecalFace->pSolid == pSolid))
delete pDecalFace->pFace;
delete pDecalFace;
// Attempt to re-attach to the solid.
if (eNotifyType != Notify_Removed)
if (DecalSolid(pSolid) != 0)
// We could not re-attach to the solid because it was moved out of range or deleted. If we are
// no longer attached to any solids, remove our entity from the world.
int index = m_Solids.Find(pSolid);
if (index != -1)
UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);
// Purpose: Called after the entire map has been loaded. This allows the object
// to perform any linking with other map objects or to do other operations
// that require all world objects to be present.
// Input : pWorld - The world that we are in.
void CMapDecal::PostloadWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld)
// Apply ourselves to all solids now that the map is loaded.
// Purpose:
void CMapDecal::RebuildDecalFaces(void)
// Delete all current decal faces. They will be rebuilt below.
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Faces, pos )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = m_Faces.Element(pos);
if (pDecalFace != NULL)
delete pDecalFace->pFace;
delete pDecalFace;
// Attach to all eligible solids in the world.
CMapWorld *pWorld = (CMapWorld *)GetWorldObject(this);
// Purpose:
// Input : pRender -
void CMapDecal::Render3D(CRender3D *pRender)
// Determine whether we need to render in one or two passes. If we are selected,
// and rendering in flat or textured mode, we need to render using two passes.
int nPasses = 1;
int nStart = 1;
SelectionState_t eSelectionState = GetSelectionState();
EditorRenderMode_t eDefaultRenderMode = pRender->GetDefaultRenderMode();
if ((eSelectionState != SELECT_NONE) && (eDefaultRenderMode != RENDER_MODE_WIREFRAME))
nPasses = 2;
if ( eSelectionState == SELECT_MODIFY )
nStart = 2;
pRender->RenderEnable( RENDER_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, true );
for (int nPass = nStart; nPass <= nPasses; nPass++)
// Render the second pass in wireframe.
if ( nPass == 1 )
// use the texture instead of the lightmap coord for decals
if (eDefaultRenderMode == RENDER_MODE_LIGHTMAP_GRID)
pRender->PushRenderMode( RENDER_MODE_TEXTURED );
pRender->PushRenderMode( RENDER_MODE_CURRENT );
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Faces, pos )
DecalFace_t *pDecalFace = m_Faces.Element(pos);
if ((pDecalFace != NULL) && (pDecalFace->pFace != NULL))
pRender->RenderEnable( RENDER_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL, false );
// Purpose:
// Input : File -
// bRMF -
// Output : int
int CMapDecal::SerializeRMF(std::fstream &File, BOOL bRMF)
// Purpose:
// Input : File -
// bRMF -
// Output : int
int CMapDecal::SerializeMAP(std::fstream &File, BOOL bRMF)
// Purpose: Notifies us that a copy of ourselves was pasted.
void CMapDecal::OnPaste(CMapClass *pCopy, CMapWorld *pSourceWorld, CMapWorld *pDestWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList)
CMapClass::OnPaste(pCopy, pSourceWorld, pDestWorld, OriginalList, NewList);
// Apply the copy to all solids in the destination world.
((CMapDecal *)pCopy)->DecalAllSolids(pDestWorld);
// Purpose: Called just after this object has been removed from the world so
// that it can unlink itself from other objects in the world.
// Input : pWorld - The world that we were just removed from.
// bNotifyChildren - Whether we should forward notification to our children.
void CMapDecal::OnRemoveFromWorld(CMapWorld *pWorld, bool bNotifyChildren)
CMapClass::OnRemoveFromWorld(pWorld, bNotifyChildren);
// We're going away. Unlink ourselves from any solids that we are attached to.
FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_Solids, pos )
CMapSolid *pSolid = (CMapSolid *)m_Solids.Element(pos);
UpdateDependency(pSolid, NULL);
// Purpose:
// Input : pTransBox -
void CMapDecal::DoTransform(const VMatrix &matrix)