This cause looping issues due to cycle, until I find a proper solution for it, it is disabled for accuracy purposes and also because we can't trust the client. This is really hard to see though with high tickrate.
1751 lines
45 KiB
1751 lines
45 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: builds an intended movement command to send to the server
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "util_shared.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "c_baseentity.h"
#include "cdll_bounded_cvars.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "cdll_util.h"
#include "dbg.h"
#include "kbutton.h"
#include "shareddefs.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "prediction.h"
#include "bitbuf.h"
#include "checksum_md5.h"
#include "touch.h"
#include "hltvcamera.h"
#include "util_shared.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replay/replaycamera.h"
#include <ctype.h> // isalnum()
#include <voice_status.h>
#include "cam_thirdperson.h"
#ifdef SIXENSE
#include "sixense/in_sixense.h"
#include "client_virtualreality.h"
#include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
// NVNT Include
#include "haptics/haptic_utils.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
extern ConVar in_joystick;
extern ConVar cam_idealpitch;
extern ConVar cam_idealyaw;
// For showing/hiding the scoreboard
#include <game/client/iviewport.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// FIXME, tie to entity state parsing for player!!!
int g_iAlive = 1;
static int s_ClearInputState = 0;
// Defined in pm_math.c
float anglemod( float a );
// FIXME void V_Init( void );
static int in_impulse = 0;
static int in_cancel = 0;
ConVar cl_anglespeedkey( "cl_anglespeedkey", "0.67", 0 );
ConVar cl_yawspeed( "cl_yawspeed", "210", FCVAR_NONE, "Client yaw speed.", true, -100000, true, 100000 );
ConVar cl_pitchspeed( "cl_pitchspeed", "225", FCVAR_NONE, "Client pitch speed.", true, -100000, true, 100000 );
ConVar cl_pitchdown( "cl_pitchdown", "89", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_pitchup( "cl_pitchup", "89", FCVAR_CHEAT );
#if defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
ConVar cl_sidespeed( "cl_sidespeed", "400", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_upspeed( "cl_upspeed", "320", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_forwardspeed( "cl_forwardspeed", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_backspeed( "cl_backspeed", "400", FCVAR_ARCHIVE|FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_sidespeed( "cl_sidespeed", "450", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_upspeed( "cl_upspeed", "320", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_forwardspeed( "cl_forwardspeed", "450", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_backspeed( "cl_backspeed", "450", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT );
#endif // CSTRIKE_DLL
ConVar lookspring( "lookspring", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar lookstrafe( "lookstrafe", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar in_joystick( "joystick","0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar thirdperson_platformer( "thirdperson_platformer", "0", 0, "Player will aim in the direction they are moving." );
ConVar thirdperson_screenspace( "thirdperson_screenspace", "0", 0, "Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left" );
ConVar sv_noclipduringpause( "sv_noclipduringpause", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT, "If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.)." );
extern ConVar cl_mouselook;
#define UsingMouselook() cl_mouselook.GetBool()
Continuous button event tracking is complicated by the fact that two different
input sources (say, mouse button 1 and the control key) can both press the
same button, but the button should only be released when both of the
pressing key have been released.
When a key event issues a button command (+forward, +attack, etc), it appends
its key number as a parameter to the command so it can be matched up with
the release.
state bit 0 is the current state of the key
state bit 1 is edge triggered on the up to down transition
state bit 2 is edge triggered on the down to up transition
kbutton_t in_speed;
kbutton_t in_walk;
kbutton_t in_jlook;
kbutton_t in_strafe;
kbutton_t in_commandermousemove;
kbutton_t in_forward;
kbutton_t in_back;
kbutton_t in_moveleft;
kbutton_t in_moveright;
// Display the netgraph
kbutton_t in_graph;
kbutton_t in_joyspeed; // auto-speed key from the joystick (only works for player movement, not vehicles)
static kbutton_t in_klook;
kbutton_t in_left;
kbutton_t in_right;
static kbutton_t in_lookup;
static kbutton_t in_lookdown;
static kbutton_t in_use;
static kbutton_t in_jump;
static kbutton_t in_attack;
static kbutton_t in_attack2;
static kbutton_t in_up;
static kbutton_t in_down;
static kbutton_t in_duck;
static kbutton_t in_reload;
static kbutton_t in_alt1;
static kbutton_t in_alt2;
static kbutton_t in_score;
static kbutton_t in_break;
static kbutton_t in_zoom;
static kbutton_t in_grenade1;
static kbutton_t in_grenade2;
static kbutton_t in_attack3;
kbutton_t in_ducktoggle;
void IN_CenterView_f (void)
QAngle viewangles;
if ( UsingMouselook() == false )
if ( !::input->CAM_InterceptingMouse() )
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
viewangles[PITCH] = 0;
engine->SetViewAngles( viewangles );
void IN_Joystick_Advanced_f (void)
Removes references to +use and replaces them with the keyname in the output string. If
a binding is unfound, then the original text is retained.
NOTE: Only works for text with +word in it.
int KB_ConvertString( char *in, char **ppout )
char sz[ 4096 ];
char binding[ 64 ];
char *p;
char *pOut;
char *pEnd;
const char *pBinding;
if ( !ppout )
return 0;
*ppout = NULL;
p = in;
pOut = sz;
while ( *p )
if ( *p == '+' )
pEnd = binding;
while ( *p && ( V_isalnum( *p ) || ( pEnd == binding ) ) && ( ( pEnd - binding ) < 63 ) )
*pEnd++ = *p++;
*pEnd = '\0';
pBinding = NULL;
if ( strlen( binding + 1 ) > 0 )
// See if there is a binding for binding?
pBinding = engine->Key_LookupBinding( binding + 1 );
if ( pBinding )
*pOut++ = '[';
pEnd = (char *)pBinding;
pEnd = binding;
while ( *pEnd )
*pOut++ = *pEnd++;
if ( pBinding )
*pOut++ = ']';
*pOut++ = *p++;
*pOut = '\0';
int maxlen = strlen( sz ) + 1;
pOut = ( char * )malloc( maxlen );
Q_strncpy( pOut, sz, maxlen );
*ppout = pOut;
return 1;
Allows the engine to request a kbutton handler by name, if the key exists.
kbutton_t *CInput::FindKey( const char *name )
CKeyboardKey *p;
p = m_pKeys;
while ( p )
if ( !Q_stricmp( name, p->name ) )
return p->pkey;
p = p->next;
return NULL;
Add a kbutton_t * to the list of pointers the engine can retrieve via KB_Find
void CInput::AddKeyButton( const char *name, kbutton_t *pkb )
CKeyboardKey *p;
kbutton_t *kb;
kb = FindKey( name );
if ( kb )
p = new CKeyboardKey;
Q_strncpy( p->name, name, sizeof( p->name ) );
p->pkey = pkb;
p->next = m_pKeys;
m_pKeys = p;
// Purpose:
CInput::CInput( void )
m_pCommands = NULL;
m_pCameraThirdData = NULL;
m_pVerifiedCommands = NULL;
// Purpose:
CInput::~CInput( void )
Add kbutton_t definitions that the engine can query if needed
void CInput::Init_Keyboard( void )
m_pKeys = NULL;
AddKeyButton( "in_graph", &in_graph );
AddKeyButton( "in_jlook", &in_jlook );
Clear kblist
void CInput::Shutdown_Keyboard( void )
CKeyboardKey *p, *n;
p = m_pKeys;
while ( p )
n = p->next;
delete p;
p = n;
m_pKeys = NULL;
void KeyDown( kbutton_t *b, const char *c )
int k = -1;
if ( c && c[0] )
k = atoi(c);
if (k == b->down[0] || k == b->down[1])
return; // repeating key
if (!b->down[0])
b->down[0] = k;
else if (!b->down[1])
b->down[1] = k;
if ( c[0] )
DevMsg( 1,"Three keys down for a button '%c' '%c' '%c'!\n", b->down[0], b->down[1], c[0]);
if (b->state & 1)
return; // still down
b->state |= 1 + 2; // down + impulse down
void KeyUp( kbutton_t *b, const char *c )
if ( !c || !c[0] )
b->down[0] = b->down[1] = 0;
b->state = 4; // impulse up
int k = atoi(c);
if (b->down[0] == k)
b->down[0] = 0;
else if (b->down[1] == k)
b->down[1] = 0;
return; // key up without coresponding down (menu pass through)
if (b->down[0] || b->down[1])
//Msg ("Keys down for button: '%c' '%c' '%c' (%d,%d,%d)!\n", b->down[0], b->down[1], c, b->down[0], b->down[1], c);
return; // some other key is still holding it down
if (!(b->state & 1))
return; // still up (this should not happen)
b->state &= ~1; // now up
b->state |= 4; // impulse up
void IN_CommanderMouseMoveDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_commandermousemove, args[1] );}
void IN_CommanderMouseMoveUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_commandermousemove, args[1] );}
void IN_BreakDown( const CCommand &args ) { KeyDown( &in_break , args[1] );}
void IN_BreakUp( const CCommand &args )
KeyUp( &in_break, args[1] );
#if defined( _DEBUG )
void IN_KLookDown ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_klook, args[1] );}
void IN_KLookUp ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_klook, args[1] );}
void IN_JLookDown ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_jlook, args[1] );}
void IN_JLookUp ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_jlook, args[1] );}
void IN_UpDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_up, args[1] );}
void IN_UpUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_up, args[1] );}
void IN_DownDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_down, args[1] );}
void IN_DownUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_down, args[1] );}
void IN_LeftDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_left, args[1] );}
void IN_LeftUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_left, args[1] );}
void IN_RightDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_right, args[1] );}
void IN_RightUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_right, args[1] );}
void IN_ForwardDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_forward, args[1] );}
void IN_ForwardUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_forward, args[1] );}
void IN_BackDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_back, args[1] );}
void IN_BackUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_back, args[1] );}
void IN_LookupDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_lookup, args[1] );}
void IN_LookupUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_lookup, args[1] );}
void IN_LookdownDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_lookdown, args[1] );}
void IN_LookdownUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_lookdown, args[1] );}
void IN_MoveleftDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_moveleft, args[1] );}
void IN_MoveleftUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_moveleft, args[1] );}
void IN_MoverightDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_moveright, args[1] );}
void IN_MoverightUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_moveright, args[1] );}
void IN_WalkDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_walk, args[1] );}
void IN_WalkUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_walk, args[1] );}
void IN_SpeedDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_speed, args[1] );}
void IN_SpeedUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_speed, args[1] );}
void IN_StrafeDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_strafe, args[1] );}
void IN_StrafeUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_strafe, args[1] );}
void IN_Attack2Down( const CCommand &args ) { KeyDown(&in_attack2, args[1] );}
void IN_Attack2Up( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_attack2, args[1] );}
void IN_UseDown ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_use, args[1] );}
void IN_UseUp ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_use, args[1] );}
void IN_JumpDown ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_jump, args[1] );}
void IN_JumpUp ( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_jump, args[1] );}
void IN_DuckDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_duck, args[1] );}
void IN_DuckUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_duck, args[1] );}
void IN_ReloadDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_reload, args[1] );}
void IN_ReloadUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_reload, args[1] );}
void IN_Alt1Down( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_alt1, args[1] );}
void IN_Alt1Up( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_alt1, args[1] );}
void IN_Alt2Down( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_alt2, args[1] );}
void IN_Alt2Up( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_alt2, args[1] );}
void IN_GraphDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_graph, args[1] );}
void IN_GraphUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_graph, args[1] );}
void IN_ZoomDown( const CCommand &args ) {KeyDown(&in_zoom, args[1] );}
void IN_ZoomUp( const CCommand &args ) {KeyUp(&in_zoom, args[1] );}
void IN_Grenade1Up( const CCommand &args ) { KeyUp( &in_grenade1, args[1] ); }
void IN_Grenade1Down( const CCommand &args ) { KeyDown( &in_grenade1, args[1] ); }
void IN_Grenade2Up( const CCommand &args ) { KeyUp( &in_grenade2, args[1] ); }
void IN_Grenade2Down( const CCommand &args ) { KeyDown( &in_grenade2, args[1] ); }
void IN_XboxStub( const CCommand &args ) { /*do nothing*/ }
void IN_Attack3Down( const CCommand &args ) { KeyDown(&in_attack3, args[1] );}
void IN_Attack3Up( const CCommand &args ) { KeyUp(&in_attack3, args[1] );}
void IN_DuckToggle( const CCommand &args )
if ( ::input->KeyState(&in_ducktoggle) )
KeyUp( &in_ducktoggle, args[1] );
KeyDown( &in_ducktoggle, args[1] );
void IN_AttackDown( const CCommand &args )
KeyDown( &in_attack, args[1] );
void IN_AttackUp( const CCommand &args )
KeyUp( &in_attack, args[1] );
in_cancel = 0;
// Special handling
void IN_Cancel( const CCommand &args )
in_cancel = 1;
void IN_Impulse( const CCommand &args )
in_impulse = atoi( args[1] );
void IN_ScoreDown( const CCommand &args )
KeyDown( &in_score, args[1] );
if ( gViewPortInterface )
gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD, true );
void IN_ScoreUp( const CCommand &args )
KeyUp( &in_score, args[1] );
if ( gViewPortInterface )
gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD, false );
Return 1 to allow engine to process the key, otherwise, act on it as needed
int CInput::KeyEvent( int down, ButtonCode_t code, const char *pszCurrentBinding )
// Deal with camera intercepting the mouse
if ( ( code == MOUSE_LEFT ) || ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT ) )
if ( m_fCameraInterceptingMouse )
return 0;
if ( g_pClientMode )
return g_pClientMode->KeyInput(down, code, pszCurrentBinding);
return 1;
Returns 0.25 if a key was pressed and released during the frame,
0.5 if it was pressed and held
0 if held then released, and
1.0 if held for the entire time
float CInput::KeyState ( kbutton_t *key )
float val = 0.0;
int impulsedown, impulseup, down;
impulsedown = key->state & 2;
impulseup = key->state & 4;
down = key->state & 1;
if ( impulsedown && !impulseup )
// pressed and held this frame?
val = down ? 0.5 : 0.0;
if ( impulseup && !impulsedown )
// released this frame?
val = down ? 0.0 : 0.0;
if ( !impulsedown && !impulseup )
// held the entire frame?
val = down ? 1.0 : 0.0;
if ( impulsedown && impulseup )
if ( down )
// released and re-pressed this frame
val = 0.75;
// pressed and released this frame
val = 0.25;
// clear impulses
key->state &= 1;
return val;
void CInput::IN_SetSampleTime( float frametime )
m_flKeyboardSampleTime = frametime;
static ConVar in_usekeyboardsampletime( "in_usekeyboardsampletime", "1", 0, "Use keyboard sample time smoothing." );
float CInput::DetermineKeySpeed( float frametime )
if ( in_usekeyboardsampletime.GetBool() )
if ( m_flKeyboardSampleTime <= 0 )
return 0.0f;
frametime = MIN( m_flKeyboardSampleTime, frametime );
m_flKeyboardSampleTime -= frametime;
float speed;
speed = frametime;
if ( in_speed.state & 1 )
speed *= cl_anglespeedkey.GetFloat();
return speed;
void CInput::AdjustYaw( float speed, QAngle& viewangles )
if ( !(in_strafe.state & 1) )
viewangles[YAW] -= speed*cl_yawspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_right);
viewangles[YAW] += speed*cl_yawspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_left);
// thirdperson platformer mode
// use movement keys to aim the player relative to the thirdperson camera
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() )
float side = KeyState(&in_moveleft) - KeyState(&in_moveright);
float forward = KeyState(&in_forward) - KeyState(&in_back);
if ( side || forward )
viewangles[YAW] = RAD2DEG(atan2(side, forward)) + g_ThirdPersonManager.GetCameraOffsetAngles()[ YAW ];
if ( side || forward || KeyState (&in_right) || KeyState (&in_left) )
cam_idealyaw.SetValue( g_ThirdPersonManager.GetCameraOffsetAngles()[ YAW ] - viewangles[ YAW ] );
void CInput::AdjustPitch( float speed, QAngle& viewangles )
// only allow keyboard looking if mouse look is disabled
if ( UsingMouselook() == false )
float up, down;
if ( in_klook.state & 1 )
view->StopPitchDrift ();
viewangles[PITCH] -= speed*cl_pitchspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_forward);
viewangles[PITCH] += speed*cl_pitchspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_back);
up = KeyState ( &in_lookup );
down = KeyState ( &in_lookdown );
viewangles[PITCH] -= speed*cl_pitchspeed.GetFloat() * up;
viewangles[PITCH] += speed*cl_pitchspeed.GetFloat() * down;
if ( up || down )
view->StopPitchDrift ();
void CInput::ClampAngles( QAngle& viewangles )
if ( viewangles[PITCH] > cl_pitchdown.GetFloat() )
viewangles[PITCH] = cl_pitchdown.GetFloat();
if ( viewangles[PITCH] < -cl_pitchup.GetFloat() )
viewangles[PITCH] = -cl_pitchup.GetFloat();
#ifndef PORTAL // Don't constrain Roll in Portal because the player can be upside down! -Jeep
if ( viewangles[ROLL] > 50 )
viewangles[ROLL] = 50;
if ( viewangles[ROLL] < -50 )
viewangles[ROLL] = -50;
Moves the local angle positions
void CInput::AdjustAngles ( float frametime )
float speed;
QAngle viewangles;
// Determine control scaling factor ( multiplies time )
speed = DetermineKeySpeed( frametime );
if ( speed <= 0.0f )
// Retrieve latest view direction from engine
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
// Adjust YAW
AdjustYaw( speed, viewangles );
// Adjust PITCH if keyboard looking
AdjustPitch( speed, viewangles );
// Make sure values are legitimate
ClampAngles( viewangles );
// Store new view angles into engine view direction
engine->SetViewAngles( viewangles );
void CInput::ComputeSideMove( CUserCmd *cmd )
// thirdperson platformer movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() )
// no sideways movement in this mode
// thirdperson screenspace movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_screenspace.GetInt() )
float ideal_yaw = cam_idealyaw.GetFloat();
float ideal_sin = sin(DEG2RAD(ideal_yaw));
float ideal_cos = cos(DEG2RAD(ideal_yaw));
float movement = ideal_cos*KeyState(&in_moveright)
+ ideal_sin*KeyState(&in_back)
+ -ideal_cos*KeyState(&in_moveleft)
+ -ideal_sin*KeyState(&in_forward);
cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * movement;
// If strafing, check left and right keys and act like moveleft and moveright keys
if ( in_strafe.state & 1 )
cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_right);
cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_left);
// Otherwise, check strafe keys
cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_moveright);
cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_moveleft);
void CInput::ComputeUpwardMove( CUserCmd *cmd )
cmd->upmove += cl_upspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_up);
cmd->upmove -= cl_upspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_down);
void CInput::ComputeForwardMove( CUserCmd *cmd )
// thirdperson platformer movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_platformer.GetInt() )
// movement is always forward in this mode
float movement = KeyState(&in_forward)
|| KeyState(&in_moveright)
|| KeyState(&in_back)
|| KeyState(&in_moveleft);
cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() * movement;
// thirdperson screenspace movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson() && thirdperson_screenspace.GetInt() )
float ideal_yaw = cam_idealyaw.GetFloat();
float ideal_sin = sin(DEG2RAD(ideal_yaw));
float ideal_cos = cos(DEG2RAD(ideal_yaw));
float movement = ideal_cos*KeyState(&in_forward)
+ ideal_sin*KeyState(&in_moveright)
+ -ideal_cos*KeyState(&in_back)
+ -ideal_sin*KeyState(&in_moveleft);
cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() * movement;
if ( !(in_klook.state & 1 ) )
cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_forward);
cmd->forwardmove -= cl_backspeed.GetFloat() * KeyState (&in_back);
void CInput::ScaleMovements( CUserCmd *cmd )
// float spd;
// clip to maxspeed
// FIXME FIXME: This doesn't work
spd = engine->GetClientMaxspeed();
if ( spd == 0.0 )
// Scale the speed so that the total velocity is not > spd
float fmov = sqrt( (cmd->forwardmove*cmd->forwardmove) + (cmd->sidemove*cmd->sidemove) + (cmd->upmove*cmd->upmove) );
if ( fmov > spd && fmov > 0.0 )
float fratio = spd / fmov;
if ( !IsNoClipping() )
cmd->forwardmove *= fratio;
cmd->sidemove *= fratio;
cmd->upmove *= fratio;
void CInput::ControllerMove( float frametime, CUserCmd *cmd )
if ( IsPC() )
if ( !m_fCameraInterceptingMouse && m_fMouseActive )
MouseMove( cmd);
JoyStickMove( frametime, cmd);
TouchMove( cmd );
// NVNT if we have a haptic device..
if(haptics && haptics->HasDevice())
if(engine->IsPaused() || engine->IsLevelMainMenuBackground() || vgui::surface()->IsCursorVisible() || !engine->IsInGame())
// NVNT send a menu process to the haptics system.
// NVNT cstrike fov grabing.
C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
// NVNT calculate move with the navigation on the haptics system.
haptics->CalculateMove(cmd->forwardmove, cmd->sidemove, frametime);
// NVNT send a game process to the haptics system.
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// NVNT update our avatar effect.
// Purpose:
// Input : *weapon -
void CInput::MakeWeaponSelection( C_BaseCombatWeapon *weapon )
m_hSelectedWeapon = weapon;
Send the intended movement message to the server
if active == 1 then we are 1) not playing back demos ( where our commands are ignored ) and
2 ) we have finished signing on to server
void CInput::ExtraMouseSample( float frametime, bool active )
CUserCmd dummy;
CUserCmd *cmd = &dummy;
QAngle viewangles;
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles;
if ( active )
// Determine view angles
AdjustAngles ( frametime );
// Determine sideways movement
ComputeSideMove( cmd );
// Determine vertical movement
ComputeUpwardMove( cmd );
// Determine forward movement
ComputeForwardMove( cmd );
// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
// speed.
ScaleMovements( cmd );
// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
ControllerMove( frametime, cmd );
#ifdef SIXENSE
g_pSixenseInput->SixenseFrame( frametime, cmd );
if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
g_pSixenseInput->SetView( frametime, cmd );
// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
// Set button and flag bits, don't blow away state
#ifdef SIXENSE
if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
cmd->buttons |= GetButtonBits( 0 );
cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 0 );
cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 0 );
// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
if ( g_iAlive )
VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd->viewangles );
VectorCopy( viewangles, m_angPreviousViewAngles );
VectorCopy( m_angPreviousViewAngles, cmd->viewangles );
// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
if ( g_pClientMode->CreateMove( frametime, cmd ) )
// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
prediction->SetLocalViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
// Let the headtracker override the view at the very end of the process so
// that vehicles and other stuff in g_pClientMode->CreateMove can override
// first
if ( active && UseVR() )
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if( pPlayer && !pPlayer->GetVehicle() )
QAngle curViewangles, newViewangles;
Vector curMotion, newMotion;
engine->GetViewAngles( curViewangles );
curMotion.Init (
cmd->upmove );
g_ClientVirtualReality.OverridePlayerMotion ( frametime, originalViewangles, curViewangles, curMotion, &newViewangles, &newMotion );
engine->SetViewAngles( newViewangles );
cmd->forwardmove = newMotion[0];
cmd->sidemove = newMotion[1];
cmd->upmove = newMotion[2];
cmd->viewangles = newViewangles;
prediction->SetLocalViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
void CInput::CreateMove ( int sequence_number, float input_sample_frametime, bool active )
CUserCmd *cmd = &m_pCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
CVerifiedUserCmd *pVerified = &m_pVerifiedCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
cmd->command_number = sequence_number;
cmd->tick_count = gpGlobals->tickcount;
QAngle viewangles;
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles;
if ( active || sv_noclipduringpause.GetInt() )
// Determine view angles
AdjustAngles ( input_sample_frametime );
// Determine sideways movement
ComputeSideMove( cmd );
// Determine vertical movement
ComputeUpwardMove( cmd );
// Determine forward movement
ComputeForwardMove( cmd );
// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
// speed.
ScaleMovements( cmd );
// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
ControllerMove( input_sample_frametime, cmd );
#ifdef SIXENSE
g_pSixenseInput->SixenseFrame( input_sample_frametime, cmd );
if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
g_pSixenseInput->SetView( input_sample_frametime, cmd );
// need to run and reset mouse input so that there is no view pop when unpausing
if ( !m_fCameraInterceptingMouse && m_fMouseActive )
float mx, my;
GetAccumulatedMouseDeltasAndResetAccumulators( &mx, &my );
// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
engine->GetViewAngles( viewangles );
// Latch and clear impulse
cmd->impulse = in_impulse;
in_impulse = 0;
// Latch and clear weapon selection
if ( m_hSelectedWeapon != NULL )
C_BaseCombatWeapon *weapon = m_hSelectedWeapon;
cmd->weaponselect = weapon->entindex();
cmd->weaponsubtype = weapon->GetSubType();
// Always clear weapon selection
m_hSelectedWeapon = NULL;
// Set button and flag bits
#ifdef SIXENSE
if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
cmd->buttons |= GetButtonBits( 1 );
cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 1 );
// Set button and flag bits
cmd->buttons = GetButtonBits( 1 );
// Using joystick?
#ifdef SIXENSE
if ( in_joystick.GetInt() || g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() || touch_enable.GetInt() )
if ( in_joystick.GetInt() || touch_enable.GetInt() )
if ( cmd->forwardmove > 0 )
cmd->buttons |= IN_FORWARD;
else if ( cmd->forwardmove < 0 )
cmd->buttons |= IN_BACK;
// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
if ( g_iAlive )
VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd->viewangles );
VectorCopy( viewangles, m_angPreviousViewAngles );
VectorCopy( m_angPreviousViewAngles, cmd->viewangles );
// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
if ( g_pClientMode->CreateMove( input_sample_frametime, cmd ) )
// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
#ifdef SIXENSE
// Only set the engine angles if sixense is not enabled. It is done in SixenseInput::SetView otherwise.
if( !g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() )
engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
if ( UseVR() )
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if( pPlayer && !pPlayer->GetVehicle() )
QAngle curViewangles, newViewangles;
Vector curMotion, newMotion;
engine->GetViewAngles( curViewangles );
curMotion.Init (
cmd->upmove );
g_ClientVirtualReality.OverridePlayerMotion ( input_sample_frametime, originalViewangles, curViewangles, curMotion, &newViewangles, &newMotion );
engine->SetViewAngles( newViewangles );
cmd->forwardmove = newMotion[0];
cmd->sidemove = newMotion[1];
cmd->upmove = newMotion[2];
cmd->viewangles = newViewangles;
Vector vPos;
g_ClientVirtualReality.GetTorsoRelativeAim( &vPos, &cmd->viewangles );
engine->SetViewAngles( cmd->viewangles );
m_flLastForwardMove = cmd->forwardmove;
cmd->random_seed = MD5_PseudoRandom( sequence_number ) & 0x7fffffff;
HLTVCamera()->CreateMove( cmd );
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
ReplayCamera()->CreateMove( cmd );
#if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// copy backchannel data
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_EntityGroundContact.Count(); i++)
cmd->entitygroundcontact.AddToTail( m_EntityGroundContact[i] );
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++)
cmd->has_simulation[i] = false;
cmd->has_animation[i] = false;
// Send interpolated simulation time for lag compensation
for (int i = 0; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++)
auto pEntity = ClientEntityList().GetEnt(i);
if (!pEntity)
cmd->has_simulation[pEntity->index] = true;
cmd->simulationtimes[pEntity->index] = pEntity->m_flInterpolatedSimulationTime;
if (pEntity->index < 1 and pEntity->index > MAX_PLAYERS)
auto pBasePlayer = ToBasePlayer(pEntity);
if (!pBasePlayer)
cmd->has_animation[pBasePlayer->index] = true;
cmd->animationdata[pBasePlayer->index].m_flAnimTime = pBasePlayer->m_flAnimTime;
pVerified->m_cmd = *cmd;
pVerified->m_crc = cmd->GetChecksum();
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
// buffersize -
// slot -
void CInput::EncodeUserCmdToBuffer( bf_write& buf, int sequence_number )
CUserCmd nullcmd;
CUserCmd *cmd = GetUserCmd( sequence_number);
WriteUsercmd( &buf, cmd, &nullcmd );
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
// buffersize -
// slot -
void CInput::DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer( bf_read& buf, int sequence_number )
CUserCmd nullcmd;
CUserCmd *cmd = &m_pCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP];
ReadUsercmd( &buf, cmd, &nullcmd );
void CInput::ValidateUserCmd( CUserCmd *usercmd, int sequence_number )
// Validate that the usercmd hasn't been changed
CRC32_t crc = usercmd->GetChecksum();
if ( crc != m_pVerifiedCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ].m_crc )
*usercmd = m_pVerifiedCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ].m_cmd;
// Purpose:
// Input : *buf -
// from -
// to -
bool CInput::WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer( bf_write *buf, int from, int to, bool isnewcommand )
Assert( m_pCommands );
CUserCmd nullcmd;
CUserCmd *f, *t;
int startbit = buf->GetNumBitsWritten();
if ( from == -1 )
f = &nullcmd;
f = GetUserCmd( from );
if ( !f )
// DevMsg( "WARNING! User command delta too old (from %i, to %i)\n", from, to );
f = &nullcmd;
ValidateUserCmd( f, from );
t = GetUserCmd( to );
if ( !t )
// DevMsg( "WARNING! User command too old (from %i, to %i)\n", from, to );
t = &nullcmd;
ValidateUserCmd( t, to );
// Write it into the buffer
WriteUsercmd( buf, t, f );
if ( buf->IsOverflowed() )
int endbit = buf->GetNumBitsWritten();
Msg( "WARNING! User command buffer overflow(%i %i), last cmd was %i bits long\n",
from, to, endbit - startbit );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : slot -
// Output : CUserCmd
CUserCmd *CInput::GetUserCmd( int sequence_number )
Assert( m_pCommands );
CUserCmd *usercmd = &m_pCommands[ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
if ( usercmd->command_number != sequence_number )
return NULL; // usercmd was overwritten by newer command
return usercmd;
// Purpose:
// Input : bits -
// in_button -
// in_ignore -
// *button -
// reset -
// Output : static void
static void CalcButtonBits( int& bits, int in_button, int in_ignore, kbutton_t *button, bool reset )
// Down or still down?
if ( button->state & 3 )
bits |= in_button;
int clearmask = ~2;
if ( in_ignore & in_button )
// This gets taken care of below in the GetButtonBits code
//bits &= ~in_button;
// Remove "still down" as well as "just down"
clearmask = ~3;
if ( reset )
button->state &= clearmask;
Returns appropriate button info for keyboard and mouse state
Set bResetState to 1 to clear old state info
int CInput::GetButtonBits( int bResetState )
int bits = 0;
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_SPEED, s_ClearInputState, &in_speed, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_WALK, s_ClearInputState, &in_walk, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ATTACK, s_ClearInputState, &in_attack, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_DUCK, s_ClearInputState, &in_duck, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_JUMP, s_ClearInputState, &in_jump, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_FORWARD, s_ClearInputState, &in_forward, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_BACK, s_ClearInputState, &in_back, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_USE, s_ClearInputState, &in_use, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_LEFT, s_ClearInputState, &in_left, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_RIGHT, s_ClearInputState, &in_right, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_MOVELEFT, s_ClearInputState, &in_moveleft, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_MOVERIGHT, s_ClearInputState, &in_moveright, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ATTACK2, s_ClearInputState, &in_attack2, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_RELOAD, s_ClearInputState, &in_reload, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ALT1, s_ClearInputState, &in_alt1, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ALT2, s_ClearInputState, &in_alt2, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_SCORE, s_ClearInputState, &in_score, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ZOOM, s_ClearInputState, &in_zoom, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_GRENADE1, s_ClearInputState, &in_grenade1, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_GRENADE2, s_ClearInputState, &in_grenade2, bResetState );
CalcButtonBits( bits, IN_ATTACK3, s_ClearInputState, &in_attack3, bResetState );
if ( KeyState(&in_ducktoggle) )
bits |= IN_DUCK;
// Cancel is a special flag
if (in_cancel)
bits |= IN_CANCEL;
if ( gHUD.m_iKeyBits & IN_WEAPON1 )
bits |= IN_WEAPON1;
if ( gHUD.m_iKeyBits & IN_WEAPON2 )
bits |= IN_WEAPON2;
// Clear out any residual
bits &= ~s_ClearInputState;
if ( bResetState )
s_ClearInputState = 0;
return bits;
// Causes an input to have to be re-pressed to become active
void CInput::ClearInputButton( int bits )
s_ClearInputState |= bits;
float CInput::GetLookSpring( void )
return lookspring.GetInt();
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CInput::GetLastForwardMove( void )
return m_flLastForwardMove;
#if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// Purpose: back channel contact info for ground contact
// Output :
void CInput::AddIKGroundContactInfo( int entindex, float minheight, float maxheight )
CEntityGroundContact data;
data.entindex = entindex;
data.minheight = minheight;
data.maxheight = maxheight;
if (m_EntityGroundContact.Count() >= MAX_EDICTS)
// some overflow here, probably bogus anyway
m_EntityGroundContact.AddToTail( data );
static ConCommand startcommandermousemove("+commandermousemove", IN_CommanderMouseMoveDown);
static ConCommand endcommandermousemove("-commandermousemove", IN_CommanderMouseMoveUp);
static ConCommand startmoveup("+moveup",IN_UpDown);
static ConCommand endmoveup("-moveup",IN_UpUp);
static ConCommand startmovedown("+movedown",IN_DownDown);
static ConCommand endmovedown("-movedown",IN_DownUp);
static ConCommand startleft("+left",IN_LeftDown);
static ConCommand endleft("-left",IN_LeftUp);
static ConCommand startright("+right",IN_RightDown);
static ConCommand endright("-right",IN_RightUp);
static ConCommand startforward("+forward",IN_ForwardDown);
static ConCommand endforward("-forward",IN_ForwardUp);
static ConCommand startback("+back",IN_BackDown);
static ConCommand endback("-back",IN_BackUp);
static ConCommand startlookup("+lookup", IN_LookupDown);
static ConCommand endlookup("-lookup", IN_LookupUp);
static ConCommand startlookdown("+lookdown", IN_LookdownDown);
static ConCommand lookdown("-lookdown", IN_LookdownUp);
static ConCommand startstrafe("+strafe", IN_StrafeDown);
static ConCommand endstrafe("-strafe", IN_StrafeUp);
static ConCommand startmoveleft("+moveleft", IN_MoveleftDown);
static ConCommand endmoveleft("-moveleft", IN_MoveleftUp);
static ConCommand startmoveright("+moveright", IN_MoverightDown);
static ConCommand endmoveright("-moveright", IN_MoverightUp);
static ConCommand startspeed("+speed", IN_SpeedDown);
static ConCommand endspeed("-speed", IN_SpeedUp);
static ConCommand startwalk("+walk", IN_WalkDown);
static ConCommand endwalk("-walk", IN_WalkUp);
static ConCommand startattack("+attack", IN_AttackDown);
static ConCommand endattack("-attack", IN_AttackUp);
static ConCommand startattack2("+attack2", IN_Attack2Down);
static ConCommand endattack2("-attack2", IN_Attack2Up);
static ConCommand startuse("+use", IN_UseDown);
static ConCommand enduse("-use", IN_UseUp);
static ConCommand startjump("+jump", IN_JumpDown);
static ConCommand endjump("-jump", IN_JumpUp);
static ConCommand impulse("impulse", IN_Impulse);
static ConCommand startklook("+klook", IN_KLookDown);
static ConCommand endklook("-klook", IN_KLookUp);
static ConCommand startjlook("+jlook", IN_JLookDown);
static ConCommand endjlook("-jlook", IN_JLookUp);
static ConCommand startduck("+duck", IN_DuckDown);
static ConCommand endduck("-duck", IN_DuckUp);
static ConCommand startreload("+reload", IN_ReloadDown);
static ConCommand endreload("-reload", IN_ReloadUp);
static ConCommand startalt1("+alt1", IN_Alt1Down);
static ConCommand endalt1("-alt1", IN_Alt1Up);
static ConCommand startalt2("+alt2", IN_Alt2Down);
static ConCommand endalt2("-alt2", IN_Alt2Up);
static ConCommand startscore("+score", IN_ScoreDown);
static ConCommand endscore("-score", IN_ScoreUp);
static ConCommand startshowscores("+showscores", IN_ScoreDown);
static ConCommand endshowscores("-showscores", IN_ScoreUp);
static ConCommand startgraph("+graph", IN_GraphDown);
static ConCommand endgraph("-graph", IN_GraphUp);
static ConCommand startbreak("+break",IN_BreakDown);
static ConCommand endbreak("-break",IN_BreakUp);
static ConCommand force_centerview("force_centerview", IN_CenterView_f);
static ConCommand joyadvancedupdate("joyadvancedupdate", IN_Joystick_Advanced_f, "", FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE);
static ConCommand startzoom("+zoom", IN_ZoomDown);
static ConCommand endzoom("-zoom", IN_ZoomUp);
static ConCommand endgrenade1( "-grenade1", IN_Grenade1Up );
static ConCommand startgrenade1( "+grenade1", IN_Grenade1Down );
static ConCommand endgrenade2( "-grenade2", IN_Grenade2Up );
static ConCommand startgrenade2( "+grenade2", IN_Grenade2Down );
static ConCommand startattack3("+attack3", IN_Attack3Down);
static ConCommand endattack3("-attack3", IN_Attack3Up);
static ConCommand toggle_duck( "toggle_duck", IN_DuckToggle );
// Xbox 360 stub commands
static ConCommand xboxmove("xmove", IN_XboxStub);
static ConCommand xboxlook("xlook", IN_XboxStub);
void CInput::Init_All (void)
Assert( !m_pCommands );
m_pCommands = new CUserCmd[ MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
m_pVerifiedCommands = new CVerifiedUserCmd[ MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ];
m_fMouseInitialized = false;
m_fRestoreSPI = false;
m_fMouseActive = false;
Q_memset( m_rgOrigMouseParms, 0, sizeof( m_rgOrigMouseParms ) );
Q_memset( m_rgNewMouseParms, 0, sizeof( m_rgNewMouseParms ) );
Q_memset( m_rgCheckMouseParam, 0, sizeof( m_rgCheckMouseParam ) );
m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = 0; // no 2x
m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = 0; // no 4x
m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = 1; // 0 = disabled, 1 = threshold 1 enabled, 2 = threshold 2 enabled
m_fMouseParmsValid = false;
m_fJoystickAdvancedInit = false;
m_fHadJoysticks = false;
m_flLastForwardMove = 0.0;
// Initialize inputs
if ( IsPC() )
Init_Mouse ();
// Initialize third person camera controls.
void CInput::Shutdown_All(void)
delete[] m_pCommands;
m_pCommands = NULL;
delete[] m_pVerifiedCommands;
m_pVerifiedCommands = NULL;
void CInput::LevelInit( void )
#if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// Remove any IK information