2022-04-16 12:05:19 +03:00

154 lines
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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "baseanimating.h"
#include "dod_control_point.h"
#define DOD_BOMB_TARGET_MODEL_ARMED "models/weapons/w_tnt.mdl"
#define DOD_BOMB_TARGET_MODEL_TARGET "models/weapons/w_tnt_red.mdl"
#define DOD_BOMB_TARGET_MODEL_UNAVAILABLE "models/weapons/w_tnt_grey.mdl"
class CDODBombTarget;
class CDODBombTargetStateInfo
BombTargetState m_iState;
const char *m_pStateName;
void (CDODBombTarget::*pfnEnterState)(); // Init and deinit the state.
void (CDODBombTarget::*pfnLeaveState)();
void (CDODBombTarget::*pfnThink)(); // Do a PreThink() in this state.
void (CDODBombTarget::*pfnUse)( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
struct DefusingPlayer
CHandle<CDODPlayer> m_pPlayer;
float m_flDefuseTimeoutTime;
float m_flDefuseCompleteTime;
class CDODBombTarget : public CBaseAnimating
DECLARE_CLASS( CDODBombTarget, CBaseAnimating );
CDODBombTarget() {}
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual void Precache( void );
// Set these flags so players can use the bomb target ( for planting or defusing )
virtual int ObjectCaps( void );
// Inputs
void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// State Functions
void State_Transition( BombTargetState newState );
void State_Enter( BombTargetState newState );
void State_Leave();
void State_Think();
void State_Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
int State_Get( void ) { return m_iState; }
CDODBombTargetStateInfo* State_LookupInfo( BombTargetState state );
// Enter
void State_Enter_INACTIVE( void );
void State_Enter_ACTIVE( void );
void State_Enter_ARMED( void );
// Leave
void State_Leave_Armed( void );
// Think
void State_Think_ARMED( void );
// Use
void State_Use_ACTIVE( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
void State_Use_ARMED( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value );
float GetBombTimerLength( void );
// Get the dod_control_point that we're linked to
CControlPoint *GetControlPoint( void );
bool CanPlantHere( CDODPlayer *pPlayer );
void CompletePlanting( CDODPlayer *pPlantingPlayer );
void DefuseBlocked( CDODPlayer *pAttacker );
void PlantBlocked( CDODPlayer *pAttacker );
int GetTimerAddSeconds( void ) { return m_iTimerAddSeconds; }
int GetBombingTeam( void ) { return m_iBombingTeam; }
DefusingPlayer *FindDefusingPlayer( CDODPlayer *pPlayer );
void Explode( void );
void BombDefused( CDODPlayer *pDefuser );
void ResetDefuse( int index );
bool CanPlayerStartDefuse( CDODPlayer *pPlayer );
bool CanPlayerContinueDefusing( CDODPlayer *pPlayer, DefusingPlayer *pDefuseRecord );
// Control Point we're linked to
string_t m_iszCapPointName;
CControlPoint *m_pControlPoint;
// Outputs
COutputEvent m_OnBecomeActive;
COutputEvent m_OnBecomeInactive;
COutputEvent m_OnBombPlanted;
COutputEvent m_OnBombExploded;
COutputEvent m_OnBombDisarmed;
// state
CNetworkVar( int, m_iState );
CDODBombTargetStateInfo *m_pCurStateInfo;
bool m_bStartDisabled;
// timers for armed state
float m_flExplodeTime;
float m_flNextAnnounce;
// player that planted this bomb
CHandle<CDODPlayer> m_pPlantingPlayer;
// The team that is allowed to plant bombs here
CNetworkVar( int, m_iBombingTeam );
// network the model indices of active bomb so we can change per-team
CNetworkVar( int, m_iTargetModel );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iUnavailableModel );
int m_iTimerAddSeconds;
// List of defusing players and time until completion
CUtlVector< DefusingPlayer > m_DefusingPlayers;
CDODBombTarget( const CDODBombTarget & );