FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1117 lines
28 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003
#include "cbase.h"
#include "cs_simple_hostage.h"
#include "cs_gamerules.h"
#include "func_breakablesurf.h"
#include "obstacle_pushaway.h"
#include "cs_bot.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
* Return the number of bots following the given player
int GetBotFollowCount( CCSPlayer *leader )
int count = 0;
for( int i=1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i )
CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if (entity == NULL)
CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( entity );
if (!player->IsBot())
if (!player->IsAlive())
CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast<CCSBot *>( player );
if (bot && bot->GetFollowLeader() == leader)
return count;
* Change movement speed to walking
void CCSBot::Walk( void )
if (m_mustRunTimer.IsElapsed())
// must run
* Return true if jump was started.
* This is extended from the base jump to disallow jumping when in a crouch area.
bool CCSBot::Jump( bool mustJump )
// prevent jumping if we're crouched, unless we're in a crouchjump area - jump wins
bool inCrouchJumpArea = (m_lastKnownArea &&
(m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_CROUCH) &&
(m_lastKnownArea->GetAttributes() & NAV_MESH_JUMP));
if ( !IsUsingLadder() && IsDucked() && !inCrouchJumpArea )
return false;
return BaseClass::Jump( mustJump );
* Invoked when injured by something
* NOTE: We dont want to directly call Attack() here, or the bots will have super-human reaction times when injured
int CCSBot::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
CBaseEntity *attacker = info.GetInflictor();
// getting hurt makes us alert
// if we were attacked by a teammate, rebuke
if (attacker->IsPlayer())
CCSPlayer *player = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( attacker );
if (InSameTeam( player ) && !player->IsBot())
if (attacker->IsPlayer() && IsEnemy( attacker ))
// Track previous attacker so we don't try to panic multiple times for a shotgun blast
CCSPlayer *lastAttacker = m_attacker;
float lastAttackedTimestamp = m_attackedTimestamp;
// keep track of our last attacker
m_attacker = reinterpret_cast<CCSPlayer *>( attacker );
m_attackedTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
// no longer safe
if ( !IsSurprised() && (m_attacker != lastAttacker || m_attackedTimestamp != lastAttackedTimestamp) )
CCSPlayer *enemy = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( attacker );
// being hurt by an enemy we can't see causes panic
if (!IsVisible( enemy, CHECK_FOV ))
// if not attacking anything, look around to try to find attacker
if (!IsAttacking())
else // we are attacking
if (!IsEnemyVisible())
// can't see our current enemy, panic to acquire new attacker
// extend
return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage( info );
* Invoked when killed
void CCSBot::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
// PrintIfWatched( "Killed( attacker = %s )\n", STRING(pevAttacker->netname) );
// increase the danger where we died
const float deathDanger = 1.0f;
const float deathDangerRadius = 500.0f;
TheNavMesh->IncreaseDangerNearby( GetTeamNumber(), deathDanger, m_lastKnownArea, GetAbsOrigin(), deathDangerRadius );
// end voice feedback
m_voiceEndTimestamp = 0.0f;
// extend
BaseClass::Event_Killed( info );
* Return true if line segment intersects rectagular volume
#define HI_X 0x01
#define LO_X 0x02
#define HI_Y 0x04
#define LO_Y 0x08
#define HI_Z 0x10
#define LO_Z 0x20
inline bool IsIntersectingBox( const Vector& start, const Vector& end, const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax )
unsigned char startFlags = 0;
unsigned char endFlags = 0;
// classify start point
if (start.x < boxMin.x)
startFlags |= LO_X;
if (start.x > boxMax.x)
startFlags |= HI_X;
if (start.y < boxMin.y)
startFlags |= LO_Y;
if (start.y > boxMax.y)
startFlags |= HI_Y;
if (start.z < boxMin.z)
startFlags |= LO_Z;
if (start.z > boxMax.z)
startFlags |= HI_Z;
// classify end point
if (end.x < boxMin.x)
endFlags |= LO_X;
if (end.x > boxMax.x)
endFlags |= HI_X;
if (end.y < boxMin.y)
endFlags |= LO_Y;
if (end.y > boxMax.y)
endFlags |= HI_Y;
if (end.z < boxMin.z)
endFlags |= LO_Z;
if (end.z > boxMax.z)
endFlags |= HI_Z;
// trivial reject
if (startFlags & endFlags)
return false;
/// @todo Do exact line/box intersection check
return true;
extern void UTIL_DrawBox( Extent *extent, int lifetime, int red, int green, int blue );
* When bot is touched by another entity.
void CCSBot::Touch( CBaseEntity *other )
BaseClass::Touch( other );
// if we have touched a higher-priority player, make way
/// @todo Need to account for reaction time, etc.
if (other->IsPlayer())
// if we are defusing a bomb, don't move
if (IsDefusingBomb())
// if we are on a ladder, don't move
if (IsUsingLadder())
CCSPlayer *player = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( other );
// get priority of other player
unsigned int otherPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority( player );
// get our priority
unsigned int myPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority( this );
// if our priority is better, don't budge
if (myPri < otherPri)
// they are higher priority - make way, unless we're already making way for someone more important
if (m_avoid != NULL)
unsigned int avoidPri = TheCSBots()->GetPlayerPriority( static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( static_cast<CBaseEntity *>( m_avoid ) ) );
if (avoidPri < otherPri)
// ignore 'other' because we're already avoiding someone better
m_avoid = other;
m_avoidTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
// Check for breakables we're actually touching
// If we're not stuck or crouched, we don't care
if ( !m_isStuck && !IsCrouching() && !IsOnLadder() )
// See if it's breakable
if ( IsBreakableEntity( other ) )
// it's breakable - try to shoot it.
SetLookAt( "Breakable", other->WorldSpaceCenter(), PRIORITY_HIGH, 0.1f, false, 5.0f, true );
* Return true if we are busy doing something important
bool CCSBot::IsBusy( void ) const
if (IsAttacking() ||
IsBuying() ||
IsDefusingBomb() ||
GetTask() == PLANT_BOMB ||
return true;
return false;
void CCSBot::BotDeathThink( void )
* Try to join the given team
void CCSBot::TryToJoinTeam( int team )
m_desiredTeam = team;
* Assign given player as our current enemy to attack
void CCSBot::SetBotEnemy( CCSPlayer *enemy )
if (m_enemy != enemy)
m_enemy = enemy;
m_currentEnemyAcquireTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
PrintIfWatched( "SetBotEnemy: %s\n", (enemy) ? enemy->GetPlayerName() : "(NULL)" );
* If we are not on the navigation mesh (m_currentArea == NULL),
* move towards last known area.
* Return false if off mesh.
bool CCSBot::StayOnNavMesh( void )
if (m_currentArea == NULL)
// move back onto the area map
// if we have no lastKnownArea, we probably started off
// of the nav mesh - find the closest nav area and use it
CNavArea *goalArea;
if (!m_currentArea && !m_lastKnownArea)
goalArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( GetCentroid( this ) );
PrintIfWatched( "Started off the nav mesh - moving to closest nav area...\n" );
goalArea = m_lastKnownArea;
PrintIfWatched( "Getting out of NULL area...\n" );
if (goalArea)
Vector pos;
goalArea->GetClosestPointOnArea( GetCentroid( this ), &pos );
// move point into area
Vector to = pos - GetCentroid( this );
const float stepInDist = 5.0f; // how far to "step into" an area - must be less than min area size
pos = pos + (stepInDist * to);
MoveTowardsPosition( pos );
// if we're stuck, try to get un-stuck
// do stuck movements last, so they override normal movement
if (m_isStuck)
return false;
return true;
* Return true if we will do scenario-related tasks
bool CCSBot::IsDoingScenario( void ) const
// if we are deferring to humans, and there is a live human on our team, don't do the scenario
if (cv_bot_defer_to_human.GetBool())
if (UTIL_HumansOnTeam( GetTeamNumber(), IS_ALIVE ))
return false;
return true;
* Return true if we noticed the bomb on the ground or on the radar (for T's only)
bool CCSBot::NoticeLooseBomb( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (ctrl->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB)
return false;
CBaseEntity *bomb = ctrl->GetLooseBomb();
if (bomb)
// T's can always see bomb on their radar
return true;
return false;
* Return true if can see the bomb lying on the ground
bool CCSBot::CanSeeLooseBomb( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (ctrl->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB)
return false;
CBaseEntity *bomb = ctrl->GetLooseBomb();
if (bomb)
if (IsVisible( bomb->GetAbsOrigin(), CHECK_FOV ))
return true;
return false;
* Return true if can see the planted bomb
bool CCSBot::CanSeePlantedBomb( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (ctrl->GetScenario() != CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB)
return false;
if (!GetGameState()->IsBombPlanted())
return false;
const Vector *bombPos = GetGameState()->GetBombPosition();
if (bombPos && IsVisible( *bombPos, CHECK_FOV ))
return true;
return false;
* Return last enemy that hurt us
CCSPlayer *CCSBot::GetAttacker( void ) const
if (m_attacker && m_attacker->IsAlive())
return m_attacker;
return NULL;
* Immediately jump off of our ladder, if we're on one
void CCSBot::GetOffLadder( void )
if (IsUsingLadder())
Jump( MUST_JUMP );
* Return time when given spot was last checked
float CCSBot::GetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp( HidingSpot *spot ) const
for( int i=0; i<m_checkedHidingSpotCount; ++i )
if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].spot->GetID() == spot->GetID())
return m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp;
return -999999.9f;
* Set the timestamp of the given spot to now.
* If the spot is not in the set, overwrite the least recently checked spot.
void CCSBot::SetHidingSpotCheckTimestamp( HidingSpot *spot )
int leastRecent = 0;
float leastRecentTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f;
for( int i=0; i<m_checkedHidingSpotCount; ++i )
// if spot is in the set, just update its timestamp
if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].spot->GetID() == spot->GetID())
m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
// keep track of least recent spot
if (m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp < leastRecentTime)
leastRecentTime = m_checkedHidingSpot[i].timestamp;
leastRecent = i;
// if there is room for more spots, append this one
if (m_checkedHidingSpotCount < MAX_CHECKED_SPOTS)
m_checkedHidingSpot[ m_checkedHidingSpotCount ].spot = spot;
m_checkedHidingSpot[ m_checkedHidingSpotCount ].timestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
// replace the least recent spot
m_checkedHidingSpot[ leastRecent ].spot = spot;
m_checkedHidingSpot[ leastRecent ].timestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
* Periodic check of hostage count in case we lost some
void CCSBot::UpdateHostageEscortCount( void )
const float updateInterval = 1.0f;
if (m_hostageEscortCount == 0 || gpGlobals->curtime - m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp < updateInterval)
m_hostageEscortCountTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;
// recount the hostages in case we lost some
m_hostageEscortCount = 0;
for( int i=0; i<g_Hostages.Count(); ++i )
CHostage *hostage = g_Hostages[i];
// skip dead or rescued hostages
if ( !hostage->IsValid() || !hostage->IsAlive() )
// check if hostage has targeted us, and is following
if ( hostage->IsFollowing( this ) )
* Return true if we are outnumbered by enemies
bool CCSBot::IsOutnumbered( void ) const
return (GetNearbyFriendCount() < GetNearbyEnemyCount()-1) ? true : false;
* Return number of enemies we are outnumbered by
int CCSBot::OutnumberedCount( void ) const
if (IsOutnumbered())
return (GetNearbyEnemyCount()-1) - GetNearbyFriendCount();
return 0;
* Return the closest "important" enemy for the given scenario (bomb carrier, VIP, hostage escorter)
CCSPlayer *CCSBot::GetImportantEnemy( bool checkVisibility ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
CCSPlayer *nearEnemy = NULL;
float nearDist = 999999999.9f;
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBaseEntity *entity = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if (entity == NULL)
// if (FNullEnt( entity->pev ))
// continue;
// if (FStrEq( STRING( entity->pev->netname ), "" ))
// continue;
// is it a player?
if (!entity->IsPlayer())
CCSPlayer *player = static_cast<CCSPlayer *>( entity );
// is it alive?
if (!player->IsAlive())
// skip friends
if (InSameTeam( player ))
// is it "important"
if (!ctrl->IsImportantPlayer( player ))
// is it closest?
Vector d = GetAbsOrigin() - player->GetAbsOrigin();
float distSq = d.x*d.x + d.y*d.y + d.z*d.z;
if (distSq < nearDist)
if (checkVisibility && !IsVisible( player, CHECK_FOV ))
nearEnemy = player;
nearDist = distSq;
return nearEnemy;
* Sets our current disposition
void CCSBot::SetDisposition( DispositionType disposition )
m_disposition = disposition;
if (m_disposition != IGNORE_ENEMIES)
* Return our current disposition
CCSBot::DispositionType CCSBot::GetDisposition( void ) const
if (!m_ignoreEnemiesTimer.IsElapsed())
return m_disposition;
* Ignore enemies for a short durationy
void CCSBot::IgnoreEnemies( float duration )
m_ignoreEnemiesTimer.Start( duration );
* Increase morale one step
void CCSBot::IncreaseMorale( void )
if (m_morale < EXCELLENT)
m_morale = static_cast<MoraleType>( m_morale + 1 );
* Decrease morale one step
void CCSBot::DecreaseMorale( void )
if (m_morale > TERRIBLE)
m_morale = static_cast<MoraleType>( m_morale - 1 );
* Return true if we are acting like a rogue (not listening to teammates, not doing scenario goals)
* @todo Account for morale
bool CCSBot::IsRogue( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (!ctrl->AllowRogues())
return false;
// periodically re-evaluate our rogue status
if (m_rogueTimer.IsElapsed())
m_rogueTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ) );
// our chance of going rogue is inversely proportional to our teamwork attribute
const float rogueChance = 100.0f * (1.0f - GetProfile()->GetTeamwork());
m_isRogue = (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < rogueChance);
return m_isRogue;
* Return true if we are in a hurry
bool CCSBot::IsHurrying( void ) const
if (!m_hurryTimer.IsElapsed())
return true;
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
// if the bomb has been planted, we are in a hurry, CT or T (they could be defusing it!)
if (ctrl->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB && ctrl->IsBombPlanted())
return true;
// if we are a T and hostages are being rescued, we are in a hurry
if (ctrl->GetScenario() == CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES &&
GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST &&
return true;
return false;
* Return true if it is the early, "safe", part of the round
bool CCSBot::IsSafe( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (ctrl->GetElapsedRoundTime() < m_safeTime)
return true;
return false;
* Return true if it is well past the early, "safe", part of the round
bool CCSBot::IsWellPastSafe( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
if (ctrl->GetElapsedRoundTime() > 2.0f * m_safeTime)
return true;
return false;
* Return true if we were in the safe time last update, but not now
bool CCSBot::IsEndOfSafeTime( void ) const
return m_wasSafe && !IsSafe();
* Return the amount of "safe time" we have left
float CCSBot::GetSafeTimeRemaining( void ) const
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
return m_safeTime - ctrl->GetElapsedRoundTime();
* Called when enemy seen to adjust safe time for this round
void CCSBot::AdjustSafeTime( void )
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
// if we spotted an enemy sooner than we thought possible, adjust our notion of "safe" time
if (ctrl->GetElapsedRoundTime() < m_safeTime)
// since right now is not safe, adjust safe time to be a few seconds ago
m_safeTime = ctrl->GetElapsedRoundTime() - 2.0f;
* Return true if we haven't seen an enemy for "a long time"
bool CCSBot::HasNotSeenEnemyForLongTime( void ) const
const float longTime = 30.0f;
return (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() > longTime);
* Pick a random zone and hide near it
bool CCSBot::GuardRandomZone( float range )
CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheCSBots() );
const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = ctrl->GetRandomZone();
if (zone)
CNavArea *rescueArea = ctrl->GetRandomAreaInZone( zone );
if (rescueArea)
Hide( rescueArea, -1.0f, range );
return true;
return false;
class CollectRetreatSpotsFunctor
CollectRetreatSpotsFunctor( CCSBot *me, float range )
m_me = me;
m_count = 0;
m_range = range;
enum { MAX_SPOTS = 256 };
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area )
// collect all the hiding spots in this area
const HidingSpotVector *pSpots = area->GetHidingSpots();
FOR_EACH_VEC( (*pSpots), it )
const HidingSpot *spot = (*pSpots)[ it ];
if (m_count >= MAX_SPOTS)
// make sure hiding spot is in range
if (m_range > 0.0f)
if ((spot->GetPosition() - GetCentroid( m_me )).IsLengthGreaterThan( m_range ))
// if a Player is using this hiding spot, don't consider it
if (IsSpotOccupied( m_me, spot->GetPosition() ))
// player is in hiding spot
/// @todo Check if player is moving or sitting still
// don't select spot if an enemy can see it
if (UTIL_IsVisibleToTeam( spot->GetPosition() + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ), OtherTeam( m_me->GetTeamNumber() ) ))
// don't select spot if it is closest to an enemy
CBasePlayer *owner = UTIL_GetClosestPlayer( spot->GetPosition() );
if (owner && !m_me->InSameTeam( owner ))
m_spot[ m_count++ ] = &spot->GetPosition();
// if we've filled up, stop searching
if (m_count == MAX_SPOTS)
return false;
return true;
CCSBot *m_me;
float m_range;
const Vector *m_spot[ MAX_SPOTS ];
int m_count;
* Do a breadth-first search to find a good retreat spot.
* Don't pick a spot that a Player is currently occupying.
const Vector *FindNearbyRetreatSpot( CCSBot *me, float maxRange )
CNavArea *area = me->GetLastKnownArea();
if (area == NULL)
return NULL;
// collect spots that enemies cannot see
CollectRetreatSpotsFunctor collector( me, maxRange );
SearchSurroundingAreas( area, GetCentroid( me ), collector, maxRange );
if (collector.m_count == 0)
return NULL;
// select a hiding spot at random
int which = RandomInt( 0, collector.m_count-1 );
return collector.m_spot[ which ];
class FarthestHostage
FarthestHostage( const CCSBot *me )
m_me = me;
m_farRange = -1.0f;
bool operator() ( CHostage *hostage )
if (hostage->IsFollowing( m_me ))
float range = (hostage->GetAbsOrigin() - m_me->GetAbsOrigin()).Length();
if (range > m_farRange)
m_farRange = range;
return true;
const CCSBot *m_me;
float m_farRange;
* Return euclidean distance to farthest escorted hostage.
* Return -1 if no hostage is following us.
float CCSBot::GetRangeToFarthestEscortedHostage( void ) const
FarthestHostage away( this );
ForEachHostage( away );
return away.m_farRange;
* Return string describing current task
* NOTE: This MUST be kept in sync with the CCSBot::TaskType enum
const char *CCSBot::GetTaskName( void ) const
static const char *name[ NUM_TASKS ] =
return name[ (int)GetTask() ];
* Return string describing current disposition
* NOTE: This MUST be kept in sync with the CCSBot::DispositionType enum
const char *CCSBot::GetDispositionName( void ) const
static const char *name[ NUM_DISPOSITIONS ] =
return name[ (int)GetDisposition() ];
* Return string describing current morale
* NOTE: This MUST be kept in sync with the CCSBot::MoraleType enum
const char *CCSBot::GetMoraleName( void ) const
static const char *name[ EXCELLENT - TERRIBLE + 1 ] =
return name[ (int)GetMorale() + 3 ];
* Fill in a CUserCmd with our data
void CCSBot::BuildUserCmd( CUserCmd& cmd, const QAngle& viewangles, float forwardmove, float sidemove, float upmove, int buttons, byte impulse )
Q_memset( &cmd, 0, sizeof( cmd ) );
if ( !RunMimicCommand( cmd ) )
// Don't walk when ducked - it's painfully slow
if ( m_Local.m_bDucked || m_Local.m_bDucking )
buttons &= ~IN_SPEED;
cmd.command_number = gpGlobals->tickcount;
cmd.forwardmove = forwardmove;
cmd.sidemove = sidemove;
cmd.upmove = upmove;
cmd.buttons = buttons;
cmd.impulse = impulse;
VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd.viewangles );
cmd.random_seed = random->RandomInt( 0, 0x7fffffff );