FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

228 lines
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//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============//
// Purpose: QWERTY keyboard text entry method for Steam controller
#include "panorama/textinput/textinput.h"
#include "panorama/controls/panel2d.h"
#include "panorama/controls/label.h"
#include "panorama/input/iuiinput.h"
#include "mathlib/beziercurve.h"
#include "tier1/utlptr.h"
#include "panorama/uischeduleddel.h"
namespace panorama
// Forward declaration
class CTextInputDualTouch;
class CTextEntry;
class ITextInputSuggest;
class CLabel;
// this weights the frequency of words typed without any possible typos above
// autocorrected words, as otherwise if you legitimately type 'test' it'll
// auto-correct into 'rest'
static const float k_flExactWordFrequencyWeight = 1.2f;
class CTextInputDualTouch : public panorama::CTextInputHandler
DECLARE_PANEL2D( CTextInputDualTouch, panorama::CPanel2D );
// Constructor
CTextInputDualTouch( panorama::IUIWindow *pParent, const CTextInputHandlerSettings &settings, ITextInputControl *pTextControl );
CTextInputDualTouch( panorama::CPanel2D *parent, const CTextInputHandlerSettings &settings, ITextInputControl *pTextControl );
// Destructor
// CTextInputHandler overrides
virtual void OpenHandler() OVERRIDE;
virtual void CloseHandlerImpl( bool bCommitText ) OVERRIDE;
virtual ETextInputHandlerType_t GetType() OVERRIDE;
virtual ITextInputControl *GetControlInterface() OVERRIDE;
virtual void SuggestWord( const wchar_t *pwch, int ich ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetYButtonAction( const char *pchLabel, IUIEvent *pEvent ) OVERRIDE;
static void GetSupportedLanguages( CUtlVector<ELanguage> &vecLangs );
static const int k_DualTouchRowCount = 4;
static const int k_DualTouchColumnCount = 11;
static const int k_SuggestionCount = 4;
enum EDualTouchModifier_t
k_EDualTouchModifierNone = 0,
k_EDualTouchModifierShift = 1,
k_EDualTouchModifierAlt = 2,
k_EDualTouchModifierCount = 3,
class CTouchPad
bool Initialize( CTextInputDualTouch *pParent, const char *pointerID, const char *padID,
IUIEngine::EHapticFeedbackPosition eHapticsPosition );
void UpdatePointerState( bool bPointersEnabled, uint32 nTextureID );
void OnTouch( void );
void OnRelease( void );
bool OnMove( float touchX, float touchY );
void OnButtonDown( void );
SteamPadPointer_t m_renderPointerState;
CPanel2D *m_pPointerPanel;
CPanel2D *m_pPadPanel;
CPanel2D *m_pHoverKey; // what key are we currently hovering over?
CPanel2D *m_pLastHoverKey; // what was the last key we were hovering over? this will either match m_pHoverKey or have the last value m_pHoverKey had if its currently nullptr
CUtlVector< IUIPanel * > m_vecTouchKeys;
bool m_bFingerOnPad;
float m_hoverX;
float m_hoverY;
CTextInputDualTouch *m_pTextInputDualTouch;
IUIEngine::EHapticFeedbackPosition m_eHapticsPosition;
void Initialize( const CTextInputHandlerSettings &settings, ITextInputControl *pTextControl );
void SetMode( ETextInputMode_t mode );
// CPanel2D overrides
virtual bool OnGamePadUp( const panorama::GamePadData_t &code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnGamePadDown( const panorama::GamePadData_t &code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnGamePadAnalog( const panorama::GamePadData_t &code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnKeyTyped( const KeyData_t &unichar ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnKeyDown( const KeyData_t &code ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnKeyUp( const KeyData_t &code ) OVERRIDE;
void UpdateSteamPadPointers( void );
bool OnPropertyTransitionEnd( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel, CStyleSymbol prop );
bool OnRemoveStyleFromLinkedKeys( CPanelPtr<CPanel2D> pPanel, const char *pszStyle );
bool TouchPadClicked( CTouchPad* pTouchPad );
// Listen for focus lost
bool HandleInputFocusLost( const panorama::CPanelPtr< panorama::IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
bool OnActiveControllerTypeChanged( EActiveControllerType eActiveControllerType );
bool BConvertNextSpaceToPeriod( void );
bool TypeWchar( uchar16 wch, const char *pUTFf8Char = NULL );
bool TypeKeyDown( panorama::KeyCode eCode );
bool SwitchLanguage( void );
bool LoadInputConfigurationFile( ELanguage language );
bool LoadInputConfigurationFile( char const *szConfigFile, const char *szConfigRootDir );
bool LoadConfigurationBuffer( char const *pszIncoming );
void SetModifierKeyState( EDualTouchModifier_t modifier, bool bIsButtonPressEvent );
EDualTouchModifier_t CalculateDesiredModifierState() const;
void ApplyCurrentModifierLayout();
void TouchKeyClicked( CPanel2D *pTouchKey, CTouchPad *pTouchPad );
// Process scheduled key repeat
void ScheduleKeyRepeats( panorama::GamePadCode eCode );
void CancelOutstandingRepeats() { ScheduleKeyRepeats( XK_NULL ); }
void ScheduledKeyRepeatFunction();
// auto-suggestion
void ClearSuggestionVisual( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < k_SuggestionCount; i++ )
m_pSuggestionLabels[i]->SetText( "" );
void ClearSuggestionState( bool bFlush = true )
// flush what we have into the buffer
if ( bFlush && m_vecPossibleWordsBeingTyped.Count() )
CStrAutoEncode s( m_vecPossibleWordsBeingTyped[0] );
m_pTextInputControl->InsertCharactersAtCursor( s.ToWString(), V_wcslen( s.ToWString() ) );
void ProcessSuggestions( void );
void ApplySuggestion( int iSuggestion );
void UpdateTextPreview( void );
bool PerformBackspace( void );
void CursorMove( const panorama::GamePadData_t &code );
void DisableCursorMode( void );
void ChangeTouchkeyStyle( CPanel2D *pTouchKey, const char *pchStyle, bool bAddStyle );
ITextInputControl *m_pTextInputControl; // control interface for moving text input between a control and daisy wheel
CPanel2D *m_pBodyContainer;
IUIEvent *m_pYbuttonAction; // the action to fire if the Y button is hit
CLabel *m_pYButtonText; // label for ybutton text
CLabel *m_pLang;
CLabel *m_pSuggestionLabels[k_SuggestionCount];
CUtlVector< CUtlString > m_vecPossibleWordsBeingTyped;
ELanguage m_language; // currently loaded language
ITextInputSuggest *m_pSuggest; // suggestion engine
CTextEntry *m_pTextPreview;
bool m_bDoubleSpaceToDotSpace;
bool m_bOnlySpacesEnteredSinceBackspace;
ETextInputMode_t m_mode;
bool m_bAutoComplete;
bool m_bDisplaySuggestions;
bool m_bHidePreviewField;
bool m_bAutoCaps;
// This controls the direct-rendered steampad crosshairs; we can only
// have them up while we're not animating around, otherwise use higher-latency
// panel crosshairs
bool m_bSteamPadPointersEnabled;
IImageSource *m_pSteamPadPointerImage;
CTouchPad m_leftTouchPad;
CTouchPad m_rightTouchPad;
CUtlVector< CTouchPad * > m_vecTouchPads;
uchar32 m_keyLayout[k_DualTouchColumnCount][k_DualTouchRowCount][k_EDualTouchModifierCount];
EDualTouchModifier_t m_currentModifier;
int m_iCharactersTypedSinceModifierStateChanged;
// Tracking key repeats
CCubicBezierCurve< Vector2D > m_repeatCurve; // Curve for key repeats
double m_repeatStartTime; // Time when the key was initially pressed
double m_repeatNextTime; // Time when the key will repeat next
panorama::GamePadCode m_repeatGamePadCode; // Which key was pressed (low level, for key-up tracking)
uint32 m_repeatCounter; // How many key repeats have happened
panorama::CUIScheduledDel m_repeatFunction; // Scheduled function triggering key repeats
bool m_bCursorMode;
CPanel2D *m_pCursorKey;
bool m_bUseTouchPads;
bool m_bModifierKeysHeld[ k_EDualTouchModifierCount ];
} // namespace panorama