FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

195 lines
5 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: provides an interface for dlls to query information about players from the game dll
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
// helper class for user commands
class CBotCmd
virtual ~CBotCmd() { };
void Reset()
command_number = 0;
tick_count = 0;
forwardmove = 0.0f;
sidemove = 0.0f;
upmove = 0.0f;
buttons = 0;
impulse = 0;
weaponselect = 0;
weaponsubtype = 0;
random_seed = 0;
mousedx = 0;
mousedy = 0;
hasbeenpredicted = false;
CBotCmd& operator =( const CBotCmd& src )
if ( this == &src )
return *this;
command_number = src.command_number;
tick_count = src.tick_count;
viewangles = src.viewangles;
forwardmove = src.forwardmove;
sidemove = src.sidemove;
upmove = src.upmove;
buttons = src.buttons;
impulse = src.impulse;
weaponselect = src.weaponselect;
weaponsubtype = src.weaponsubtype;
random_seed = src.random_seed;
mousedx = src.mousedx;
mousedy = src.mousedy;
hasbeenpredicted = src.hasbeenpredicted;
return *this;
// For matching server and client commands for debugging
int command_number;
// the tick the client created this command
int tick_count;
// Player instantaneous view angles.
QAngle viewangles;
// Intended velocities
// forward velocity.
float forwardmove;
// sideways velocity.
float sidemove;
// upward velocity.
float upmove;
// Attack button states
int buttons;
// Impulse command issued.
byte impulse;
// Current weapon id
int weaponselect;
int weaponsubtype;
int random_seed; // For shared random functions
short mousedx; // mouse accum in x from create move
short mousedy; // mouse accum in y from create move
// Client only, tracks whether we've predicted this command at least once
bool hasbeenpredicted;
abstract_class IPlayerInfo
// returns the players name (UTF-8 encoded)
virtual const char *GetName() = 0;
// returns the userid (slot number)
virtual int GetUserID() = 0;
// returns the string of their network (i.e Steam) ID
virtual const char *GetNetworkIDString() = 0;
// returns the team the player is on
virtual int GetTeamIndex() = 0;
// changes the player to a new team (if the game dll logic allows it)
virtual void ChangeTeam( int iTeamNum ) = 0;
// returns the number of kills this player has (exact meaning is mod dependent)
virtual int GetFragCount() = 0;
// returns the number of deaths this player has (exact meaning is mod dependent)
virtual int GetDeathCount() = 0;
// returns if this player slot is actually valid
virtual bool IsConnected() = 0;
// returns the armor/health of the player (exact meaning is mod dependent)
virtual int GetArmorValue() = 0;
// extensions added to V2
// various player flags
virtual bool IsHLTV() = 0;
virtual bool IsPlayer() = 0;
virtual bool IsFakeClient() = 0;
virtual bool IsDead() = 0;
virtual bool IsInAVehicle() = 0;
virtual bool IsObserver() = 0;
// player position and size
virtual const Vector GetAbsOrigin() = 0;
virtual const QAngle GetAbsAngles() = 0;
virtual const Vector GetPlayerMins() = 0;
virtual const Vector GetPlayerMaxs() = 0;
// the name of the weapon currently being carried
virtual const char *GetWeaponName() = 0;
// the name of the player model in use
virtual const char *GetModelName() = 0;
// current player health
virtual const int GetHealth() = 0;
// max health value
virtual const int GetMaxHealth() = 0;
// the last user input from this player
virtual CBotCmd GetLastUserCommand() = 0;
virtual bool IsReplay() = 0;
abstract_class IPlayerInfoManager
virtual IPlayerInfo *GetPlayerInfo( edict_t *pEdict ) = 0;
virtual CGlobalVars *GetGlobalVars() = 0;
abstract_class IBotController
// change the bots position
virtual void SetAbsOrigin( Vector & vec ) = 0;
virtual void SetAbsAngles( QAngle & ang ) = 0;
virtual void SetLocalOrigin( const Vector& origin ) = 0;
virtual const Vector GetLocalOrigin( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetLocalAngles( const QAngle& angles ) = 0;
virtual const QAngle GetLocalAngles( void ) = 0;
// strip them of weapons, etc
virtual void RemoveAllItems( bool removeSuit ) = 0;
// give them a weapon
virtual void SetActiveWeapon( const char *WeaponName ) = 0;
// check various effect flags
virtual bool IsEFlagSet( int nEFlagMask ) = 0;
// fire a virtual move command to the bot
virtual void RunPlayerMove( CBotCmd *ucmd ) = 0;
abstract_class IBotManager
virtual IBotController *GetBotController( edict_t *pEdict ) = 0;
// create a new bot and spawn it into the server
virtual edict_t *CreateBot( const char *botname ) = 0;